: i . .if " TIIK WEATHER The Statesman receives the leased wire report of tire Associated Press, the greatest and most re liable press association la the world. Rata west, rain , or snow east portion; strong southerly winds. SEVENTIETH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 1, 1921 PRICE: FIVE CENTS TARIFF WALL FOII EMBARGO U SHAKE PROHIBITIONISTS TO TIGHTEN VOLSTEAD ACT A--ADERS AUK PLANNING FOR NEW LEGISLATION. Suggestion From Enrorrmt Officers Awaited to Make Law Bullet -proof Senator Underwood Vigor ously Denounces Cloture Proposal as Gagging and Throttling senate BILL TAXES BREAKFAST TABLE OF WORKINGMAN Measure Will Probably Be Laid To One Side ''Temporarily WASHINGTON, Jan. 31.; Sen Its Republican leaders,' in ac cordance .with their program for nroccdare witb the Fordney era ertency tariff bill, - today asked nnanlmoiu consent' for a vote February 15 and, on objection, presented their j petition for clo ture. . f;-! Senator 'Pomerene, Democrat OLio, objected to the proposal for a rote February 15, denouncing the bill as "taxing about every thing that goes on the breakfast table of the worklngman." ; Pearo Presents. Cloture. The cloture petition presented by Senator Penrose, in charge of the bill, bore names of 34 Re publicans, and will be voted on at 1 o'clock Wednesday, it re quires a two-thirds vote for adop . tion and its defeat was conceded by both Republican and Demo crats. ' i , Bcnator McCumber, North Da kota and Senator Borah. Idaho, Republicans, served notice they would - attempt to hold the bill before the senate to get - a vote. This notice was regarded as like ly to change plans tor laying aside the bill in event of failure of clo ture. It was said that Instead of sidetracking the bill formally, it probably would be laid aside. temporarily" from day to day to . give consideration, to appro priation bills. Private predict ions were general, however, that . there was little prospect ot en actment. - . , . ' : '.' Senator Simmons ot North. Car olina, senior Democrat: of the fin ance committee, announced Jhis support of the proposal to vote Ftbruary 15 and Senator Under ,vood of Alabama, minority lead er, offered no objection. The lat ter, however, denounced , vigor ously the proposal for cloture, de claring it contemplated "gagging and throttling" the senate. i "It is the first time," said Mr. Underwood, "that the Republican leadership has faced the country 'With theidlrect proposal to erect a tariff wall, not for revenue, but to establish an embargo in time of peace," The sugar tariff,' Senator Un derwood asserted, would cost consumers - about J400.000.000 ;nd would Increase retail prices from 1? to 13 cents a pound. Duties on wool, which were considered today by the house ' ways and means committee fram- Ing permanent tariff legislation, also canned a lively senate tilt. Senator Borah said it was a "mys tery" how it could help wool growers when two years supply oi wool now are on hand. Sena tor Bmoot. Republican. Utah, how :evir,i contended that - passage would raise this price of raw wool. WASHINGTON. Jan 21 red hibition leaders in congress are hoping to tighten up the Volstead iaw. They are nlanninr lation to provide a flat jail sen tence for the first offense of selling liquor without giving the court tn& optional right of im posing a fine. OUier changes beins discussed relate to the search and seizure clause, so as to reach the home brew and make more nnroonlhc' , me law nnder vrhlch- a person Duymsr liquor may be punished equauy with the person celling It. Confiscation of all Honor held by citizens is also beintr ureetT. This would legalize seizure of all private siocks. Objections . to that, however, has been made by some ary leaders on the ground mat little such liquor finds its way Into the channels of bootleg trade, and that It won't be lone before all such liquor will be gone. s .1 nless a pending bill, which would permit federal commission ers to try minor liquor- cases. Is passed, a proposed amendment to the Volstead lar would take care of this. Federal court dockets are now congested with Volstead violations and government offic ials have-reported a change of proceed are neceessary. The big fight for amendments will start with the opening of the new ses sion In April, according to dry leaders. Meanwhile Chairman Volstead of the house judiciary committee awaiting word from prohibition enforcement officers as to - sag gestions for making the law bul let proof. lie has expressed sat lsfactlon with the law, believing it was born with teeth, but talks with members, he has ex pressed the belief that others might be added. Reports showing heavy trans portation of liquor and wholesale smuggling, prompted the move ment to put persons transporting and selling It in jail. In the effort to stop home brew ing and distilling, prohibition leaders admit they will run Into a storm ot opposition. . re5eg Supreme Court Decides To Grant Socialist Editor and Accomplices New Trials After Investigating Affi davits. ELIGIBILITY OF JUDGE LANDIS IS QUESTIONED McReyonlds Says Intense Dislike Docs Not In capacitate Judge SALEM WATER COMPANY GETS MINTO ISLAND $1K,MM IS SI M DEMANDED IX PAYMENT Trial Attiucts Attention Because of Effects of Outcome On City G. N. AND S. P. S. TO USE UNION TERMINAL SETTLEMENT IS REACHED II Y 'PRESIDENTS 1 d 1GB CONFESS TO KII5PP1RG .;(" ;.; , ; I . . ; . . i . . Relatives Lure Mrs. Wither- f all Away and Hold " For Ransom . CHI 1 SUE "DAMAGES Ellis Would Extend Power of Intervention to Third Person ; U)S ANGELES, Cal., Jan. 31 Arthur W. Carr and Floyd U . varr, cousins, confessed kidnap pers of Mrs. Gladys Wltherell. lte of O. Wltherell. Invest ment company president, pleaded rultty to a charge of kidnapping the superior court today. Sen tence waa deferred until next Wednesday morning. I .! A plan to have the men sen tenced at once was abandoned ben the prisoners asked for .tonnseL saying they wished to V"uce evidence. In "mitigation" i "their offense. i Carr made a .confession t today, according to. the police ' which he said he planned the ; Wdnapping and lured Mm With f0li from her heme last Tuesday . Uht. i. Senator Hume's bill extending to children of a parent killed while in industrial employ the right to sue -for damages if the other parent die before having op portunity -to bring suit, vas pas sed in the senate. It is reme dial legislation, suggested by a member of the supreme court, and makes the state law confirm to too federal '.act. : . .., r" A bill by Senator Ellis extend ing to third persons Interested In litigation further rights to Inter vene and protect their rights, waa passed yesterday In the senate. House bill No. 2 4, providing that veterans of the world war be accorded the same privileges of relief when indigent as are ac corded the veterans of other ware. passed the senate pesterday. Governor Olcott yesterday signed the following senate bills: , S. B. 2. Eberhard Extending to specially appointed district at torneys a statutory right to re ceive pay for their services. S. B. 31, Moser Giving Incor porated cemetery associations to nse their Irreducible funds for Improvements." S. R. 53. Ellis Relieving cir cuit Judges, when instructing grand Juries, of necessity of ex plaining law relating to prize fighting is not nvolved In cases under investigation. S. B. 54, Ellis Relieving cir cuit Judges, when Instructing grand juries, of necessity of ex plaining criminal libel law when libel is now Involved in cases un der investigation. Pacific Aviation Base Recommended to Senate Hume Fails to Get Parole : Board Bill Reconsidered ; , -L .: ; senator Home yesterday moved ' fe:ommndatlon , of his i parole lj)6ard bill which was defeated In he senate Friday, but on motion of Senator Joseph the motion was tabled. The bill weald prohibit 'awyurs or court officers from servlng-oa the state parolo board, WASHINGTON, Jan. 31. Recommendations for extensive naval development" of the Pacific coast were presented to the? senate and house today by the joint com mittee Investigating naval and air dofennA of the weet coast. Tne committee, after an exhaustive tudr of all existing establish ments and after personal Inspec tion, unanimously reported in fav or Of an aviation base in the Puget Sound region, to be located at Sand Point. Wash and not to ex ceed 11,500.00 In cost; retention of Ediz Hook. Wash., for -future development in case of emerg ency." as an operating station for a tnnall unit of aircraft, destroy ers - and submarines; cstablish mcnt.ot a submarine base not to cost more than $4,000,000 at San Pedro, on Los Angeles harbor and the creation of a lighter than air naval aviation base at Camp Kearney, near San Diego, WASHINGTON. Jan. 31. Vic tor L. Bergcr. socialist editor of Milwaukee and, four co-defendants who were sentenced to terms ransing.frora 10 to 20 years for violation of the espionage act, will be given new trials, under a de cision foday by the supreme court. ' Judge Landis loeligible. Dividing six to three, the court held that Judge Land is or Chicago was ineligible to conduct the trial and should have retired on the filing, of an affidavit by the de fendants charging him with "per sonal bias and prejudice," because ot the nativity of certain of them. Berger and his co-defendants are Adolpho Germcr, national sec retary ot the socialist party, a na titve of Prussia; William Kruse, editor of the Toung Socialist Magazine, . whose parents w.ere Germans; J. Louis Engdahl and Irwin St John Tucker, writers, and lecturers, natives of the Unit ed States and claiming to be not of immediate German descent. The sole question before the su preme court was whether Judge Landis had erred In continuing to sit in the case after defense coun sel had filed a properly drawn affidavit of prejudice. Six mem bers ot the court, including Chief Justice White, held he did. Three other members. Justices Day. Pit ney and McReynodls, held he did not. and filed opinions dissenting from that of the majortiy. Bergcr Files Affidavits. ' Justice McKenna. departing from his written opinion, said it should be of no importance to a judge whether he sat in any par tlcular case. ' He added that the section of the judicial code under which the affidavit was filed, was drawn to assure that the court not only would be impartial hut could be free from even a sus picion ot partiality. "We are of the opinion there fore," he continued, "that an af fidavit upon formation and be lief, satisfies the section and that upon its filing, if it shows the ob jectionable inclination ot disposi tion ot the judge, it is his duty to 'proceed no further. "The facts and reasons the af fidavit states are plot frivolous and fanciful, but substantial and formidable and they have relation to the attitude of Judge Landis' mind toward the defendants." The affidavit filed by Berger and the other defendants set forth as alleged proof of Judge Landis' "personal bias and prejudice" re marks he made In passing sen tence on August Wcissenel, a Ger man American on November 1, 1918, Judge Landis was alleged to have said : j "One must have a very judicial mind. Indeed, not to be prejudiced against the German Americans In this country. Their hearts are reeking with disloyalty. This de fendant is the kind of a man that spreads this kind ot propaganda and it had spread until it has af fected practically all the Germans in this country." McHcynolds Give Opinion. Justice McReynolds In his dis senting opinion, said ijhat "a pub lic . officer , who entertained no aversion towards disloyal German immigrants was simply unfit for his place." "And," he added, "wnue an 'overspeaking judge Is no well- tnned cymbal neither is an amor phous dummy unspotted by hu man emotions a becoming recep tacle for Judicial power. "The indicated jrejudice was toward certain malevolent mn from Germany, a country then en- naced In Hunnish warfare, ana notoriously encouraged by many of its natives who, unhappily, naa obtained citizenship here. An in tense dislike for a class, does not render a Judgo incapable of ad ministering complete Justice to one ot its members." Protest of Officials nnl Tommcr- rial Organization Heeded What is known as jthe Minto island will, become the property of the Salem Water. Lieht ic Power company upon the payment of fls.OOO to D. C. and Jeanette Minto, and the further sum, of $ 9"0 attorneys' Tees, according to the decision rendered yesterday by the jury; in the case. Tho trial t ccupied a greater part or three days in department No. I of the circuit court, and considerable in terest has ' been shown by the people of the city in the outcome, because of the possible results to the Salm water supply. The finding of the jury follows: Tb" jury impaneled to try Sa lem Water, Light & Power com pany vs. D C. Minto and Jeanette Mmto cause and do assess dam ages which defendants will bus lain by reason of the appropri ation by th-j plaintiff, for the purpose drsrribd in the com plaint containing iri.!7 acres of land, rind the whole or land ne cessary for use of the plaintiff in carrying out the purposes and objects for which it was organ ised, and it is necessary for th plaintiff to appropriate ths whole premises jtd protect the purity of its wa'tetj supply to public and private consumers, and to prevent the same froni becoming impure, and for the present and future successful operation and protec tion of the water pystem and that the use which plaintiff intends to niake of said premises is a public and beneficial use. Damages the defendant will sustain by reason ot the appropriation of said lands including the value thereof and the erfect of the appropriation of said lands, upon the value cf the remainder of defen dants' lands and th damages of every kind and character, which result from the condemnation and appropriation of said lands and damage to remainder of defend ants' lands of every kind in the sum of $18,000; that defendant have and recover off from plain tiff th" sum of $900 attorneys' fees. Signed by J. M. Watson, L. Mickelsonv' IL. C. Maguren, E. E. Tanner, A; Leikem, Elmer White, O. L. Martin. R. N. Hoover, Frank Ricket and Thunton Yergen. PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan 31 Trains of the Great Northern, and Spokane. Portland and Seattle railroads will use permanently the union station facilities here as the result of a conference con cluded today among presidents of me two systems named and of the Northern Pacific. Union PacHic and Southern Pacific companies. These three roads own the stock in the North Pacific terminal com pany which operates the Union" terminal. Recently it was an nounced that an arrangement made during the period of govern ment operation ot the roads. whereby the other two roads also used the Union terminal, would be terminated January 1. Protest was made by city orricials and commercial organizations ito the interstate commerce commission which requested that the order be suspended pending hearing of the 1 case. The companies then called H . ASKS FOR ABROGATION F AGREEMENTS Atterbury Brings to Focus What Railroad Executives Declare is Critical Situa tion Faced by Roads. UNION LEADERS ASK FOR TRUTH OF ULTIMATUM Wilson Askecto Start Rem edial Legislation by Unions CHICAGO, Jan. 51. American a conference of presidents here railroads, through Brigadier Gen and after five days of deliberation today a announcement resulted, PIEER S F 1 MS NEGOTIATIONS WITH JAPAN ARE CONCEALED SENATOR JOHNSON' ASKS FOR PUBLICATION Secretary Colby IWlarea That There In no Secret I venr Of Department MM! f DEBS IS REFUSED Harrison Jones One of Best Known Of The Early Residents Passes Wilson Refuses Appeals Of The Socialists and I Unionists WASHINGTON. Jan. 31. Recommendatiou by the depart ment or justice that the ten year sentence of Eugene V. Debs, long a prominent socialist leader, and now serving a ten year sentence at Atlanta for violation of the war-time espionage laws, be com muted, effective February 12, waa J rejecieu louay oj i resuieiu yu son and commutation refused. The president's decision came as no surprise because of his prev ious refusals to interveno on tho ground that Debs had sought to handicap (he government through opposition to the selective service act and that the granting of clem ency might encourage similar tactics by others In the event of another war. The case was reviewed by a special board and their findings were endorsed by Attorney Gen eral Palmer. The findings are understood to have pointed that Debs would be eligible for parole August 11, 1922. and that his sentence, in case of good lehavior, would expire December 28, 1925. The recommendation is under stood to have suggested that Debs had been adequately punished. He was imprisoned June 15. 1919. Petitions were presented sev-. eral months aKO by union labor and socialist leaders asking fer th? release of the man. now 66 years old. who tour times has been a candidate for president. The case has been consistently and bitterly fought' both in and out of the courts sever since Debs was indicted and then convicted by a federal Jury at Cleveland. September 12. 1918. The case was appealed to the supreme court which sustained the lower court on March 10. 1919. Injuries received last Tuesday when for more than hour be was pinned under a tree which he had felled, resulted last night in the death of Harrison Jones of Brooks, one of the best known pioneers of Marion county. Mr. Jones was 59 years of age. Mr. Jones is a native ot Marion county having been born near his present home. His father S. W. R. Jones, came to Oregon and settled near Gervais In 1854. Harrison Jones was one ot 14 .Lchlldren, seven boys and seven girls. Surviving Mr. Jones are his widow. Mrs. Agnes Jones, and the following children, W. Howard Ramp, George Ramp, Malcolm S. J Ramp. Loy A. Jones. Inez J. May. Earl T. Jones, Wasco, Or.; Ever ett N. Jones, Ralph R. Jones: three brothers. M. L. Jones. S. W. Jones and Scott Jones; and three Mrs. Emma Simmons. Woodburn. and Mrs. Sarah Clark. Portland. Deceased was a member of Fi delity lodge No. 5 A. F. & A. M.. Gervais. and of AI Kader temple of Shriners, Portland Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 p. in. from the Pioneer church and interment In the rioneer cemetery near Brooks. nPllMFJT IS PREVALENT Conditions in East Improve But Situation Acute In West eral W. W. Atterbury, vice presi dent of the Pennsylvania lines, before the railroad labor board today urged immediate abrogation of the national agreements be tween the roads and their em ployes, bringing to a focus what rail executives declared was a critical situation threatening ,a number of roads with bankruptcy. No wage reductions would be asked If the agreements were an nulled, Mr. Atterbury said. Vigorous lrotest Made. Vigorous protest, charging the railroads with violation of the transportation act. was made by J. G. Lubrsen. president of the American Train Dispatchers' as sociation in n?ply. Notice that a reply soon would be forthcoming from the sixteen brotherhoods was ' also given by B. M. Jewell, president of the Railway Employes' department of the American ; Federation of Labor. Tonight Mr. Jewell wired President Wilson protesting against interruption, ot the board's proceedings. General Atterbury declared that the railroad situation was so urg env that tie could entertain no proposal of conferences with em ployes as they could not agree. He added that "even a few days delay" might throw the situation into chaos and flood the board with petitions from railroads for wage reductions. lUmds Face Bankruptcy. General Atterbury, who Is chairman of the American associ ation of the Railway Executives' labor commission, declared that unless operating expenses are im mediately reduced marry roads faced bankruptcy. Suggestions by members ot the board that further conferences be held between the roads and em ployes were rejected by General Atterbury. Judge R. M. Barton, chairman ot the board, said that he considered some basis neces sary for railroad operation and questioned the wisdom of wiping out agreements. Rebuttal by the employes would be heard immedi ately, however, he said, and the n:atter taken up at once. Unions Ak Investigation. -President Wilson was asked to- WASHINGTON, Jan. 31. Sen ator Johnson ot California asked Secretary Colby today to make public the negotiations between the United States and Japan on the California land question. Mr. Colby replied that "If Senator Johnson expects to do a ghost dance on this subject he's got to it without me as a partner." Senator Johnson in a statement reiterated his declaration that Ro land S. Morris, ambassador to Ja pan, and Baron Shidehara. Jap anese ambassador in the negotia tions concluded tentatively. agreed on a treaty "which in ef fect repealed the California alien land law." Pointing to Secretary Colby's reply of Saturday that the California senator was progress ing on an erroneous assumption Senator Johnson asked that the report of Ambassador Morria be made public, asserting that "the people of the west are. en titled to know what that report contains'. Secretary Colby who replied In formally today asserted that "there is no indirection of con cealment here , (at the state de partment) and no secret! veness. The secretary Intimated that the negotiations would be made public at "the proper time. . IS BHD I EDWARDS AND RYAN SUBMIT: UNIQUE BILL Bill Would Require Schools And Municipalities To Submit Bonds First to the State Commission. FORTUNETELLERS ARE TARGET OF MR. HALL Norblad of Clatsop Is Out To Exterminate Seals And Sealions S S 1 I Salem Resident Since 1900 Dies After Long Illness Mrs. Ella Richey Burghardt, 79 years old. died at her home, 629 North Winter street, Sunday after a long illnesa. Mrs. Burghardt has been a resident ot Salem for 21 rears. She was born at Cay- son, 111.. February S 1842. and was married in Quincy. 111., on June 15. 1869. to William H Burghardt. - She came to Oregon from Lawrence. Kansas, in Ang- ust, 1893. In 1900 the family moved to Salem. . Mrs. Burghardt is survived . by her husband and one son, W II. Burghardt Jr., of Salem: one brother. F. W- Richey of Chicago, 111., and one niece, Mrs. M. J Flier of Portland, Or. bhe was a member of the Eastern Star lodge and of the Congregational church. The 'funeral services will be held this afternoon under the auspices of Webb & Clough at the family residence. 629 North Winter street, at 2:30 o'clock. Rev. W. C. Kantner and Rev. James Elvln will officiate. Mrs. Brady of Oregon City will sing. The Eastern Star chapter will as sist In the services. Interment will be in City . View cemetery. TRIAL POSTPONED. HAMILTON. Ala., Jan. 31. The trial of Sergeant Robert L. Lancaster, held with eight other national guardsmen of tbis state on an indictment charging murder ' n, tha lrnrhtn, nf Willi. m Ttalrrf Kht by representatives of seven . .. , . - - . .. . .u ! coai miner, utar .lupcr, un wu Woman is Burned When Oil Used as Kindling Explodes 1 . j - PORTLAND. Or.. Jan. 31. Mrs. Myra Hollisler is in a local hospital tonight in critical condi tion as the result of the explos ion of a mixture of oil and gaso line which sho used to kindle a fire at her home this morning. After the explosion the woman ran screaming to the porch of her home, and Mrs. F. Orthchild. who lives on the second floor of the hoase. went to her rescue. She tore the clothing rrrom Mrs. Hol Uster'ii body, but not until after the flames had burned deep Into the l5?n- Mayor Baker Again Takes Up Duties at City Hall PORTLAND. Or., Jan. .31v Mayor George L. Baker was back at the city hall today arter three weeks time devoted to the police situation. Outlining the future policy of the administration to ward the police department the mayor said: "From now on. the police de partment ! going to stand abso lutely on its own feet, without outside aid or Interference. "When certain members of tho department fail to mako good they will be replaced. When nth er members rilslinguiHh them selves, they will be promoted But the department from now on rill be sufficient to Itself, di vorced entirely from political ar Washington. Jan. 31. in dustrial operations have not in creased sufficiently to effect a material reduction in the wide spread unemployment prevalent a month ago, according to the re view for January, issued tonight by the federal reserve board. A slight increase in the activity of leading New England indus tries probably has brought some relief then, the review said", but In the south and west the situation has become more acute. In the San Krancisco district, previously affected, the board reported un employment to bo abnormally great. Wage reductions have contin ued, the board said, and the cur tailment has spread to sections where wage rates have been main tained at high levels. Prices of certain staples, nota bly grains, cotton and other agri cultural products rose early In January, the board reported, but later declined. Other leading commodities, howeyer., such as crude and refined oils and bitum inous coal not greatly affected in earlier months were increasingly weak and iron and cteel continued to decline. Portland unemployment was twice the normal figure and in Sookane. nearly twice the normal. Wage reductions from 10, to 2" per cent have occurred In various parts of the district, the board add(. Seme litcreas in the demand for labor in Massachusetts was noted in January, but the Boston employment office Informed the hoard that the number of appli cants was the greatest on record durinr the first days of the month. Unemployment in the New York district Increased by about 4 per cent in January, the review said In the Philadelphia district unemployment Is prevalent, the filiations at the -city, hall. board reported. statement or Brig. Gen. W. W. Atterbury of the Pennsylvania lines that the roads must have wage readjustments or be in dan ger of bankruptcy, and if the btatement were found true, to place the matter before congress and ask that body to enact reme dial legislation immediately. The union leaders, however. In a message to the president, de clared they did. not believe the road.i to be In the financial con dition outlined by General Atter bury. They rharced that he had, by deliveriiiK what they termed "an ultimatum" to the labor board, "violaled all lcrnt proper ties, disregarded the transporta tion act and flouted existing 8Rfn cies such as the interstate com merce commission and even con gress Itself." ' General Atterbury obvlons policy, the telegram said, was "to. disrupt labor unions, turn public opinion against the employes and place wages on' a pre-war basis so that railway profits may be enhanced when prosperity re turned." The shipper would have to pay increased rates and the laborer would M exploited, if General Atterbury had his way, the union men declared. The message was'figned bv It. M. Jewell, president of Ih? Rail way Tmpioyes' department of the American Federation of Labor; J. J. Hine, international presi dent of the Amalgamated Sheet M?tal Workers" International Al liance: M. F. Ryan, general pres ident or the BrotherhM4 of Rail way Carmen of: America; d. P. Noonan. International president of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers; J. W. Kline, prrsid-nt of the Interna tional Brotherhood of Black smiths. rp Forcors and Help ers of America; J. A. Franklin, f resident of the International Urotherhood ot Boilermakers. Iron Shipbuilders and Helpers of America, and J. F. Anderson, vice i president of the International As sociation st Machinists. uary 13. was postponed today Several Important bills were Included among the 13 Introduced In the senate yesterday. Senators Ryan and Edwards in troduced a measure to create a state bond commission, differing 0 from another bill now pending to create a commission to supervise ' the selling of the state's securi ties. The Ryan-Edwards bill would have the commission com posed ot the governor, state treas urer, attorney general and super intendent of banks. The other measure, introduced br Senator Joseph, would make the same of ficials except the attorney general the members of .the commission. The Ryan-Edwards measure goes further in that it require cute, county, municipality and school district officer having bonds for , sale to offer them first to the state bond commis sion. The commission would be required within 10 days either to agree to the parr base ot all or a part of the issue at par and ac crued Interest, or at the market value or to reject them. Banklag Bills Introdaceo! Senator Hare submitted ' a measure to amend the law against secreting the will of any de ceased person by making it 'un lawful for "any person In posses sion or control ot any record, file or paper containing Information relating to the estate of a de ceased person or any any interest therein and who falls, neglects or refuses to exhibit the same upon the request of the state treasurer or his representative." The capital requirement of banks in cities of 20.000 or mort would be increased to a minimum of J250.000. Instead of 8100,000, by a measure introduced by Sen ator Hall. It would not apply to Incorporated state banks now ex isting. An exception Is that la cit ies having a population of 50.000 or more may be organited with a minimum capital of $50,000 if the bank Is located at least two miles from the central postofflce. Another bill by Hall provides the same requirements for trust com panies. Trt Companies Curbed . Hall has another measure pro viding that trust companies doing a commercial banking business may not loan to exceed 25 per cent of their capital, surplus and commercial deposits upon notes secured by mortgages or other forms of real estate security. This is an amendment substitut ing 25 per cent for the &0 per cent allowed by the present law. (Continued on page 3) y. W. C. A; IS TROUBLES OF GIRLS; BIG SISTER 1 HOUSE IUAI TO NEEDY MOLLY BICUNK There are folk who look npon the Y. W. C. A. as a sort of place where a high-brow type of young business woman makes her head quarters; - thepe are others to whom the association means noth ing more than a place to get a cafeteria lunch, or catch a mo ments rest during an arduous shopping tour. Others. know it for something nearer what it is. but few there are who realize the big vital part that it plays as a clear ing bouse for the troubles ot women and Klrls, who. more often than flot, are strangers in the city. Talk fifteen minutes with the matron and you will learn some thing of this work. She will tell yon that hardly a week passes but that some girl, st randed In the city without friends, relatives or fundi. Is brought to, or Is directed to the Y. W. C. A. for temporary help. Very frequently these girls are deserving and self respecting, accepting aid only until they are located in some good home need ing competent- help or In a busi ness position. Uut oitentlmes cases upon investigation are shown to be otherwise, but in all instances those-etitioning assist ance are treated kindly, consider ately, girls and young women be ing made to feci that the associa tion is at all times a big sister, anxious to play a big sister part. Last July three small mother' less children were brought to the association by an officer, who stated that the little group had alighted from an evening train ex pecting to meet the father, who. for some reason or another had failed to rill his part. The child ren were kept at. the Y. W. for seveil days, the endeavor to get In touch with the parent proving successful at the end ot that time. Sometimes a widowed mother, making a losing fight to keep her children together, looks for temp orary help from the association help that Is not denied her. In this way children have been kept amid proper, wholesome sur roundings during a period that had It not been for the Y. W. would have been far btberwise. There Is an almost constant coming and going ot similar cases, many ot the folk so aided.' carry ing through life a grateful place in their hearts for the organiza tion that stretched, forth a help ing hand when ' 'a helping hand was most needed. Salem women will be out this week on a campaign to rais money to carry on the association for another year. When they come to yoa. before yon open your mouth to make excuse, think of the young girls and Instances like the above, who by support such as yoa can give are enabled to bo kept self respecting, and with, faith unshaken in their fellow; BCD, .