THE OttEGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY MORNING.- JANUARY. 2S, 1921 CFPY NEWS IN BRIEF AntomobUc ColHde An automobile,, owned by r hrbr Blag11 was somewhat Vrij.ged while traveling west tm Key street yesterday Jess C v..ra of Waconda, driving: east on the tame street, ia said to have i caused a collision, woen. ne cui the comer in turning on to Com ,.rMal street. No one was in- I lured by the accident and Mr. Sav age agreed to pay all damages. " To Loan (2500 on real estate security. jTaa O. Martin, Masonic Temple. (Adr.) iulo and Wcycle Collldiv j while riding his bicycle east on Court street yesterday, Albert Santo run into by a Dodge automobile, driven by a woman, scording to a report given the po lice department by Mr. Santo. He claimed the driver did not signal a Urn, when, she turned west on ' liberty street. The records give the license number as belonging to Mrs. Hattie Jackson, 406 North High street. Every Bolt at Moaner's Reduced. See oar patterns. (Adr.) : i . . filrl's lUcrtle Mlsing lAirs. T. D. Robinson, of 1917 Market street, reports the loss of a little girl's bicycle which was taken from their garage sometime Wednesday night or Thursday morning. lUcyde Reported Stolen i Donald Brooks. 390 South Twenty-fourth street, had his bi cycle taken yesterday afternoon from the alley near the Midget market. land and Aionzo B. Willson of fcalem. Funeral services will be held from the Rigdon chapel Sat urday afternoon at 1 o'clock. In terment will b? in Lee Mission cemetery. Legal Blanks Get them at The Statesman of fice. Catalog on application. (Ad) Dunrei-H Disturb Patients Dancers in the Moose hall cause sueh a disturbance, that it is un nerving the patients of Dr. C. II. Sebenk.of tba , Derby building. Dr. Schenk is endeavoring to find relief from the situation. Would llemnve f.rarel Tax The county commissioners of Clackamas county. W. A. Proctor and W. F. Harris, were in the city yesterday visiting the legisla ture. They are interested in the removal of the ten cent tax placed by the state on gravel. Kelly Brigman of Alberta, Can.', two nieces. Mrs. J. M. Beck ana Mrs. A. C. O'Neil of Portland and one nephew, Claude Beck of Port land. The funeral services will be conducted from tho Rigdon parlors this afternoon at 2 o'clock and interment will be in City View cemetery. Licence to We Rena Schott of Salem, and Charles Nathan Cross of Elgin, were granted a license yesterday by U. G. Boyer, county clerk. Body Sent to Portland Yert Hiram Jacobsoa, age 2o, died at a local hospital Thurs day. The body will be sent today to Portland for funeral services and interment by Rigdon & Son. Story Honr at Library Children attending the story hour Saturday morning- at 9:30. at the public library, will have the pleasure of listening to Miss Flora M. Case, who will tell the story. I j j Constance Binney 1 1! 7 Different. . ' "Striking Models'' " II uuuu iuiuic . II Estate Is Settled A decree settling the final ac count and directing the distribu tion of the estate of Clara Gnlss, deceased, was filed yester day in the county- court. J. M. Poorman and Mark. Pember were the executors, of the estate. The Woman' Alliance OI the Unitarian church will meet with Mrs. Agnes Dinsmore, ISat State street, this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. limlerly Comlnct Charge C. T. Phernelton and, L. E. Ko ,ler have bem arrested on a charge of disorderly conduct, and will be given a bearing today. They are accused of having insulted Mrs. C. K. Eelow. 33Q South Commer cial street, on Sunday night in the Oregon Electric depot. Phernel ton pleaded not guilty to the charge and furnished $50 ball. Koler. who was with Phernelton at the time, was released after de positing $25 bail. The cases are called for 3 o'clock. Stiffler Funeral Saturday The funeral service of Aratus Stiffler will be held from the Webb & Clough funeral parlors Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. H. C. Stover will officiate. The remains will be Interred in City View cemetery. I: BODIES HOUSE BILLS Committees Appear Before Marion and Douglas Representatives Burh Funeral Today Funeial services tor the late William Buch will be held from the Terwilliger borne today at 2 p. m. Rev. C. H. Powell will officiate and the burial will be In I. O. O. F. home. Gymnasium Exhibit Tonight- The eighth grade girls at Wash ington junior high are giving the second program in the series of physical education exhibitions at X o'clock tonight. It is hoped that all interested in' school mat ters will attend. The proceeds are to go to the music fund. Committees from the Women's Relief Corps, Daughters of Veter ans, and Sons of Veterans met yes terday afternoon at the state house with house members from Marion and Douglas counties and the Jolnti legislative ways and means committee. - About 35 rep resentatives from the three patri otic organizations were present. The importance of making an appropriation for the Old Soldiers Home and the necessity of an In creased appropriation for the bur ial of indigent civil war veterans was urged upon the legislators. The movement "before the legisla ture to admit soldiers of the world war to the Soldiers Home was In dorsed, also the bill for the exten sion of taxes on property belong ing to veterans up to $1000. Lighting Apparatus Stolen From Community Tree About $30 worth of lighting ap paratus used by the Cherrlans to decorate the v community Christ mas tree on the court house lawn was stolen from the tree this year. According to members of the or ganization, which takes charge of the tree each year, some of the equipment has been stolen every year but nothing has ever been done, in regard to it before. Any persons knowing' anything con cerning the i disappearance or present whereabouts of the stolen goods are asked to communicate with Elmo S, White, secretary, or Charles Knowland, King Blng. FOR HEME RULE Milk Prices To take, effect. Feb, 1, 1J921: 1 pt'milk per day, per month 2.10 1 qt milk per day,per,month 4.00 Z pts milk p-r day per month 5.9-0 2 qts. milk per day , per mo. 7.7. 5 pts roilfc 'per day per mo. 9.40 3 qt mllk per tao.clO.7 a :ti ' . a f A qvs mucptr aay per mo. jj.ov Milk per pt 7c; per .qt. 13c; cream, table,1 pt., lc: snip ping cream, pt. 20e. Wholesale In bottles, 43C per gal; In bulk, 40e per gat ; ; 3 ; gal?, or less in bulk, 35c per .gal. 3 gals, or more. Meadow. Lawn Dairy, Salem. Sanitary Milk Co, Fairmount Dairy. Adv. Traffic Violator Arretted Charged with breaking the traffic rules of the city in cutting a corner at union ana lmeriy streets, Henry Staples deposited $5 bail and was cited to appear at 10 o'clock yesterday to answer to the charge. He failed to put in an appearance and bis bail -was forfeited. A bench warrant has been issued for his arrest. flow Do You Spend Your Evenings? A good way is to I put in 'your evenings attending night school. A new class Is be ing organized at the Capital Bus- I lness college, to begin Monday, January 31," 1921. Adr. Robbery at Oregon City- Two negroes are said to have robbed a dwelling in Oregon City Wednesday night, taking a bine serge suit and some Jewelry. They were traced as far as Woodburn, but lost track of there. In a telephone message from the sher iff of Clackamas county to the police of the city they are de scribed as being young and both wearing bine overalls. 10 tara af-Cryttal WhiU Soap; 1 h.n at Crrmm Oil SoaD. ona lare park If 8foam waihins powder- 1-00 14 ban ef Oram Oil Soap 100 BMid Criao ., .. , 1 25 ti bar Lauadrr Boan -..... 1.00 HirWand Arenac. Phoa 40C CARL frBOWERSOX I Jessi Wilson Die ' Bessie Kathryn Wilson. a?ed 23, died Thursday at the home of her mother, Mrs. Fred J. Willson of 1291 North Fourth street. She leaves besides her mother, one f Ister. Mrs. Maude E- Street of Alberta, Canada, and two broth ers. Clarence A. Willson of Port- Infant Son Dies- Hubert Donald Hamfer, the in lant son of Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hamfer. disd Thursday at the family home at 340 Division street. The funeral services will be held from the Rigdon parlors Saturday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Rev. W. C. Kantner in charge. - Interment will be in City View cemetery. Would Evade Board Bill Warrants are out for the arrest of 'Amy and Gladys Lucas of Buena Vista, who were reported yesterday as having bought tick ets for San Francisco. They are charged with leaving a ten weeks board bill behind them. Tho. sheriff at Dallas sent word to Ashland for officials to meet the train and take the: young women in custody. i torney and was attending to legal business while here. Custer Rom. an attorney, was among the Silverton visitors in Salem Thursday. W. L. . Jones, a merchant of Jefferson, was here yesterday. F. E. Chambers, connected with the First National bank of Eu gene, was a guest of his brother, Charles Chambers and family. efterday. Mayor George E. Halvorsen Is confined to his home on account of Illness. Charles C. Cooder of Concom ley was a visitor in the city yes terday. t wxes nr iAixM, oxeoo , . ' - ep .. IUOH HOTEL A Horn Avar from Boa StrtrtlT Modern $1.00 por day lOt Kooma f Solid Comfort Only Hotel ia Bmsiaeea Dittriet Urigman Dies ... Andrew C. Brigman. age b died at a local hospital. Thurs- day. He is survived by one son. Andrew A. Brigman of Vernol. I Utah, and two brothers. John and Copies of lecture Come The splendid lectures which were given recently In the city by Dr. Charles Barker were of such value that many requests were made for copies and, accordingly, orders were taken to be delivered later. Rev. James Elvln of-the Y. M. C. A. gives out the infor nation that copies of the lectures Lave arrived, and those who left an. order imay secure them by calling at the Y. M. C. A. Groceries 583 Court Street Phone 409 SALEM CLEANERS AND ! DYERS . ' ..Repairing and AlteraUona ulk a. Com! St. Phone 1888 Ht Vacuum Cups haTe ar- rWed at .'I A. Ho MOORE'S W. W. M00RE f Furniture Btore ' Tua Bom of th Yltrol tou tt ore for your money at 1 It Pay to Trade TM fARMERS CASH STORE C Bartow Dmrdall t4T. Korto CosamTcisl- tl " WOOD WOOD CWl O. n. Tracy Wood Co. , i for all klndi of dry wood rromDt deUvery Phone 820 ELECTRIC MACHINE & : ENGINEERING CO. for Thor Washing Machlnea and Electric Work and Supplies. 1ST Court St. f Phone 488 ( HARTLIAN BROS. CO. Tor Tint Jewelry - Jewelers and OpUcianl Ask your grocer for DIXIE DOUGHNIJTS 23c' dozen - -SALEM B.KIXG COMPAXT 43D Court St. ' Phone 931 Your Car Needs Service A heavy, well equipped tow car and well equipped shop always at l4 juur uio Great Western Garage Phone 44. , Opposite Court House WE NEVER SLEEP I PERSONAL MENT10N TREES Tor Spring riantioa; Order From THE SALEM XCRSEUY - COMPANY ' OrerDB. Boildiae Jl t. EM OBKOOS Phono 1763 Sales and Service VALLEY MOTOR CO. Talking Machines and Becordi Player PUnoa ana riayer xi : Do ypu take ' TURKISH BATHS - ; " ;'Knot, why not? Xo other baths or treatments can produce the permanent re lief to the person suffering from disagreeable cold or ali ments of the flesh or body like the Turkish Baths will. , Open 8 a. m. until 9 p. m. OREGON BATH HOUSE Lady and Gentlemen attendants E. M. Perleet of Albany was ia the city yesterday. William Gunning and George P. Zimmerman of " Yamhill county were Salem visitors Thursday 4 Ralph Gilbert of Hazel Green was- hQe yesterday attending to business at the court house. Gordon McCall of Silverton was In the; city yesterday In the ia terest of a new armory for that place. t E. P. Morcom was among the guests in the city yesterday from Woodburn. Mr. Morcom is an at- YfOODRY - conduct sales anywnert fa. Marlon or Polk: couatlee. Store located 270 N. ConVL AUCTIONEER HIGHEST P2ICS PAID .. For - '; SECOND HAND PUKNITUKB i stovea. Carpel ana iw Capital nardwareAtoCo. 28 N. commerciu ow DREAMLAND RINie Dance Every Wednes j day and Saturday; Dreamland Orcbwlra Kids Kidlets Children FREE 3LTIXEE' Saturday, 11a.m. To Sco "THE LOST CITY Bligb Theatre Commissioner Opposed To Road Tax Measure C.A. Harlow, county commis sioner of Lane county, who ia at the state house for a few days, is opposed to bills before the legis lature providing that 70 per cent of all county road taxes revert to the 'road district from which they came. Such action. In his opin ion would retard the road build ing program. According to Mr. Harlow, It vrould be Impossible to operate the road machinery of Lane county, which has the best road building equipment in the state. In some of the outlying dis tricts because of lack of funds. Mission to London Asks For Reforms in the Administration . introduction of Immigration. Ui to prevent the Influx of undesir-, able aliens to UiitUh West Africa. Remember when you 123.80 for a hundred-pound of sugar? paid sack REAL ESTATE DEALERS LUNCH (Continued from page 1) Dallas Advertises For Pavement Bids DALLAS, Or.. Jan. 2. (Spe cial to the Statesman) The Dal las city council at a meeting held this week Instructed the auditor to advertise for L!ds for the con struction of about IS blocks of hard surface pavement in the city limits of Dallas, the work to be done during the coming summer. Three types of pavement were named by the council to secure bids upon i fclx-ineh concrete pave ment, two Inch black top dress ing on a four Inch concrete base. and a five-Inch bitullthle pave ment. The bid will be op-ned February 8. j rlca is the latest country to seek home rule. A mission, represen tative of educated opinion In Brit ish West Africa, has arrived here to urge upon the Colonial office a number of reforms In the Internal administration of the four West African Colonies and protectorates Sierra Leone, the Gold Coast.' Ni geria and the Gambia, says the London Tlme3. The mission has been ttnt to this country by the National Con gress of British West Africa, and seeks in the rrtt place the crea tion of a legislative council which will be composed one-half of mem bers chosen by the crown and one half of members elected by the people, and for a house of assem bly which would have complete control of the revenue and expen diture. At to local government, the mis sion urges that municipal corpor ations should be established In each of the principal towns of the colonies. The Judicial system of British West Africa, In particular Nigeria. 1 criticized by the mission which states that at present "It Is the practice to appoint to Judicial of fices Europeans who nave noi re ceived any legal training and who are not" competent to exercise Ju dicial functions." Amony other suggested reforms they seek: The establishment of a West African university; the re moval of the color bar la the West African medical service and the In III v I IS 111 t 1 1 BP- UR eight la -the God- guide that helps ' us pick our way through the tangled time-trails. Let the experience xf others guide yon wisely when yon feel your need of glasses. Have our trustworthy opto metrist test your eyes aad the glasses we will furnish ro'j at reasonable cost will ause you to see the wisdom 3f coming here. chairman. A. L. Seamster, Paul Hendricks; dairying. Air. Sawyer chairman. Walter McLaren. Mr. Powell; market and transporta tion, Arthur Peterson chairman, Mrs. Gertrude Page. A. J. Mills; welcoming. Mrs. Winnie Petty- John chairman. S. R. Faudy. Mrs. Gertrude Page. Reports of committee and other work of organization will be before the association at a special meeting called for. Tuesday night ia the Commercial club rooms. Ar rangements are being made by Mrs. Pettyjohn, chairman of the entertainment - committee, for prominent speakers to address each regular meeting of the asso ciation at their Thursday noonday luncheon. r - 1 Strawberry Plants Require Inspection The strawberry root weevil sit uation in Marion county is such that it requires very close Inspec tion of strawberry plants in order to certify to. freedom from Infes tation . that Bhloment Into Cali fornia may be, made, according to S. If. Van Trump, county Horti culture Inspector, yesterday, upon bis return from inspection of the strawberry fields In various parts of the county. Mr. Van Trump I says that not more than 50 per cent. of the strawberry, tracts are free rrom tne pesi. LADD & BUSH BANKERS Oeseral B&nHsff Sarin rn. Office Horm froa 10 a, ix'to 3 p. n. 1921 "will be a big year for Busicks FOR BARGAINS of all kinds such as furniture, stoves, ranges, machinery, of all kinds see the CAPITOL JUNK & BARGAIN HOUSE 215 Center ' Phone lit 4 LV Voice Opposition : To. Box Factory Bill District Number Two of the Lo ral Legion of Loggers and Lum berman has prepared a resolution remonstrating against the bill-be fore the legislature to create and operate a box factory at the state penitentiary. 1 The resolution follows: Whereas, the legislature of the State of Oregon Is now consider-1 ing the passage of a bill for the purpose of erecting, and operating a box factory in connection with the Oregon state penitentiary and Whereas, the erection and op eration of such a factory -would place free labor in competition with convict labor and would dis rupt labor conditions to a large ex teat: ' Now therefore, be it resoivea. that the Loyal'Leglon or Loggers and Lumberman. District Number Two. Local Number 30. hereby re? monstrate against passage ot any bill designed for the purpose ot nneratinsr a box factory, mm or other lumber plant in connection with said penitentiary or at-any other place within the state oi Oregon, where convict labor is em Dloved. , Be it farther resoivea. tnai me secretary is hereby -instructed, to fnail a copy of this resolstion to the governor of the State of Ore- ron. to the president of tne senate. to the speaker ot the house and to each member of the senate and house of representatives for Mar- Ion county. Oregon, and to the city presses. CHAS. W. MUUllti. Pres. DIst. No. 2. Local 30, LLLL. F. M. BOZELL, Secy. t ... STARTING . SUNDAY LOUISE GLAUM la - "THE LEOPARD WOMAN" Most Elaborate Production She ever made Also "MaiAatton Trio" 3 Clever Boys G R AND Where the Bijc Shows Play : AIiIERIGAH LEGION SlaOM;: 30 Rounds Gooil Bong ; : - ' FRANKIE IiIURPHY-oL DcnTtr r "V;' - -A' ZU ZU KID--10 roenfjj ;i JOHNNIE FISKE ef Rock Island - - AD MACKIE BABE HERMAN, Saarkmeiito OIARLEY CURDY -; Help' the boys that helped you and fought for yon. - Salem Armory, Tuesday, February 1, 8 p. n. . Admission $1.50 ' Balcony $1.C3 , Rmrside $2.00; . : "WALLFELT'T Takes the place oH sloth at about one! third i r4i MAX 0. BUREN IT I N. Commercial St. BAIX2I AU5A1TY I am prepared with a big stock and LOWER PRICES MAX 0. BUREN 179 No. Commercial St. ! $.00 M 167; Korth Commercial St. ftttheEectrie Sign "SHOES DOWN A WEEK Will Buy a ' ONE MINUTE ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE WM. GAHLSD0RF The Store ot HOUSEWARES 1921 HAND LUGGAGE 'JlTHl Have Yon? we Inr, sell and exchange new and second-hand fuml tnre, stoves, ranges, rugs, tools, ste. We will bay you sat. ' col. w. p. wnianx ' : . " Aartioneer 111 N. Com'l SU Salem, Or, c List yonr sales with ns Pcsple'i Fcnatcri- ri. t r f)c io i t pji'wisTi 4 HIGHEST PRICES raid for . Walnuts and White : i Beans AT Our business probity has been demonstrated up on numberless oc casions. We con duct our business In a straight for ward, fair man ner. Our services are of tho high est character and meet with the ap proval of alL 1916 PRICES i rSTBTSrSTS j Christian Endeavor Union Meeting Sunday Night The Christian Endeavor socle- ties of the churches of tnis cuy ill hold a union meeting Sunday afternoon at 5:43 at tne rnrsi Presbyterian church. TMS is tne first of a series of rallies planned for the year. Miss Gertrude mk In. county Christian, Endeayor Union adtlsor, will lead the meet- in and have charge of a very in teresting Christian Endeavor day Miss Lnclle Ross is in ebareft of the program and bas been giving very much of her time n xi to eive the Endeavorers something worth while. There will be special music, short, anap nv tlk on "Past Forty Years of Christian Endeavor," rousing booster talks on the coming state convention at CorvalHs. February 11 to 13. and the Paul Hrown ral i vr . Kaiem February 10. Tho rountv union has arranged in'hrinr Pftnl Brown, one of the chief sneakers on the convention program and national wirnnt-u nt Christian Endeavor siiperin tendent here on that date for a ..ra..nnvcntIon rally. TW will give all the Endeavorers of the n ' onDortunlty. even though, they cannot eo to the state .Mniinn. of retting ar tasto of invention and of bertng .1 n tio la m universal am .rW a amnntv YOUTH? DcoDle ana i routes with a message you should The First i . . . . Hint of Spiring is apparent in both the higher quality and the more distinctive fash' ions of the new Suits Shown Here Straight tailored lines and box coat effects are noticed Jn the new suits which show plainly the higher quality of material and workmanshiD of this season's garments. Materials are serges, tricotmes and are finished with touches of braid and button trimming. These suits are lined with silk which also reached the new higher standard of quality. And the Prices! $22.48 to $85,00. 1 The t'ay as You Gor plan makes, shopping a pleasure t i 1 i 9 PEOPLE'S CASH aear. ' MAX. O. BUREN; : STORE Rca'S tlie IdaielJv AiL&r'l! 173 If, Coal CtrccV i