The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 28, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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The Statesman receives tbe leased
wire report of the Associated
Press, the greatest and moat re
liable press association la the
Friday: Cleariug we?t;r rain or
now ft portion; fresh
southwesterly winds.
- -
given support
Senator Borah Declares the
II L I fM-1
people 01 unnea aiaies,
Great Britain and Japan
Favor Reduced Navies.
Whole. Southern Portion of Tac
oina Kliaken by Force of
I'nknoun Explosion
Capital Ships Have Lost in
( : Value is Belief of
I Hiah Officers
TACOMA. I Wash., Jan. 27.
Mrs. Cora K.' Castner, widow,
years old, la dead and her son.
Hlvin Sastner. 26. ia dying as the
result of an explosion of unknown
cause which demolished the Cast
tier home here tonight. Mrs.
Ca3lner was found with her cloth
ins on fire and lying near the
kitchen stove. She is known to
have been calling during the af
ternoon and to have Just returned
to her home a few minutes prior
to the explosion. She died a few
minutes after the arrival of the
first of the neighbors, i
Melvin Castner was found a1out j f
z leei irom me scene 01 nis
mother's death and was clear of
the debris from the house. His
right leg was broken, in two
places, according to those who
assisted in the rescue, and his
h?ad , was badly cut, indicating a
fracture of the skull. Castner is
an electrician's helper.
The whole southern portion of
Former Friend or Acquaintance
lirblge Oyer Columbia '
I WASHINGTOX, Jan. 27". By
partisan support for the naval dis
armament movement was given in the city was shaken by the force
the senate today during discussion !of the explosion and dishes and
jot Senator Borahs disarmament I windows 12 blocks from the seen
i . .. were DroKen. it was nrsi tnougni
Senator Hare's measure ex
tending to inmates of the penU
teutiary ihe privilege of a five-
day time credit monthly for the
tirst year of sentence and 10
days monthly after the first year
fur good behavior, was passed by
ihe e;iate. Under the pronent
lav the allowance is five days,
n gardl rss of the leiifrlli of time
Ihe prisoner has served. The bill
has the approval of Wuideii Comp
ton of the prison and of the state
parole board.
Upon motion of Senator Joseph,
seconded by Senator Moser, the
port of Portland consolidation
Lilis vfre yesterday made a spe
cial order of . business for ,11
o'clock next Monday.
Too senate yesterday passed a
bill of the Washington county
' ty court of that county to com
PARlS, Jan. 27. The question ! pensate Frances WiUard Taylor
of German reparations is ugaiu for Injuries received while In the
in ihe bauds oi committee of . ex.- county employ. .He is to be paid
Committee of Experts Again
Consider Question of the
German Reparation and
Its Collection.
f . . :
Germany Must Pay Indemn
ity, But How .faxes
Former Friend r Acquaintance
Relieved to lie Instrumental
In Disapprarance
; resolutions.
! Senator' Borah's plan for an of-1
t i t lnntn Af Mia fntlira
licim ar in uniuiiiuii vs. imc uu v
value of big ships in the American
naval program was. endorsed. Sen
ator Borah spoke in behalf of his
The' disarmament discussion
was Interjected in the tariff de
bate. Tbe house naval committee
today postponed Indefinitely the
hearl&e of General Pershing on
disarmament scheduled for tomor-
f - . . 1 1 11 k An i. 9
row. Decs use ui iuo uiuc v
Chairman Butler.
Senator Borah declared that if
the DeoDle of the United States.
ureal urnam ana japan tuum
voice their opinions, he felt "Con
fident, they would sneak' for an
agreement to reduce naval build
i "There are two ways to de
feat disarmament," he declared
One is to oDoose it conscientious
It. Another is that adopted by
others in public life who are will
Inc to rive liD service to disarms
ment but conjure up all conceiT
able methods to secure delay."
He said his other resolution,
calling, on the senate naval com
mittee lor - an, opinion as to
whether the American naval build
ing program could be suspended
for six months until the value of
capital ships had been determined,
was designed to evelop "as defi
nitely as can be known what will
bring us an efficient navy."
Many high naval officers, he
ait believe that capital ships
here lost their value, because oi
the development of submarine and
- atrial warfare, but were unable.
e said, to state their real opinion.
Notice was served by the sena
tor that if the naval committee
thould not act on his resolution
of inquiry he would Introduce an
other resolution calling for a
thorough Investigation of,thena-
val program.
that gas had been the cause, but
it was later stated that while a
gas mairt ran to the house, it
was not connected. The police
tonight are attempting to learn
the true cause.
Two Women Jurors Weep
When Verdict Is
SEATTLE. Trash.; Jan. 27
John Scb mitt, alleged bandit, was
found guilty of murder In the first
degree with a recommendation for
hanging, by the jury which neara
his trial in superior court here to
day on the charge of killing Police
Detective James O'Brien In a gun
battle last Friday. The jury, in
eluding four women, was out 54
On. hearing the verdict the de
fendant smiled and said: "Let
go." , Schmitt had pleaded . guilty
to the charge of first degree mur
der. The trial opened at 9:30
o'clock this morning before Judge
v. A. Frater and at 4:0 p. m
the case was grven to the jury
The. formal sentence that
Schmitt be hanged, which is man
datory under the jury's verdict
was deferred by Judge rater
when Schmitfs attorneys, appoint
ed by the court, filed motions for
a new trial and for arrest of judg
ment. Prosecuting Attorney Malcolm
and Deputy Prosecutor John D.
Carmody urged the death penalty
Senator King also urged an "ex-1 In their closing arguments to the
haustlve investigation" to deter-"jury, scnmiu. s attorney eu i.
mine what units would make a
modern navy. He cited that the
present building program was
adopted five years ago, before the
United States entered the war and
before the changes wrought by the
Provisions Made in Army
Appropriations For
life imprisonment for his client
Schmitt was impassive during
the trial. While awaiting the jury
verdict, he remarked: j
"OrdinarilyI don't believe In
capital punishment but in my case
I do. It's the only way out. I'd
rather be banged than go to pris
on for life. Some people could
stand imprisonment, but not I."
. Cordons of police kept hundreds
from crowding into the courtroom
during the trial and when the jury
reported its verdict.
Scbmitt's speedy trial and ver
dict established a record in local
coutrs. He was arrested last Fri
day after killing Patrolmen Wr. T.
Angle and Tsell iicMiman ana in
fective James O'Brien in two gun
battles, arraigned Monday, when
he pleaded guilty and bis trial set
for today.
Two of the four women Jurors
were weeping when the Jury filed
into the court room to submit its
Peru, which committee is to con
smer cerium details and report
to the council betore a final decis
ion is taksn.
Doumer'n Demands Lmnostdble
Tbe discussion on reparations
was taken, up in uu atmosphere
made unfavorable by a position
assumed yesterday by M. Doumer,
trench minister or finance, who
named 212,00.000.ou gold
marks as the total indemnity
Germany should pay. M., Douin
er's attitude caused embarrass?
ment when the subject was re
sumed. I
Tbe British premier is under
stood to have indicated that the
radical demands made by M.
Doumer were impossible of realization.
The committee is -composed of
M. LouchQur and Doumer for
France: Baron D'Abernon and
Sir Laming Worthington-Evans
for Great Britain; . Colonel
Theunys for Belgium; Signor Gi
annini for Italy and Kengo Mori
tor Japan. The committee is
meeting tonight.
Lloyd George took up the
question of reparations at the
opening session of the council. He
declared there was no difference
of opinion regarding- the merits
of tbe problem.
Utmost Indemnity Wanted
"Germany must pay to her ut
most capacity." he asserted. "To
assure this the allies -must stand i
together. It is useless to try to
get more than Germany can pay,
lor her interests are . Identical
with tbe interests of the allies. It
Is to Great Britain's interest as
well as to the interests of Bel
gium and France that, Germany
pay !o the last farthing. But the
question 13 how to get It.
"Germany could easily pay tn-
side the limits of her own terri
tory but ehe cannot export her
forests nor her railways. If tbe
allies took possession of her rail
ways and doubled the passenger
and freight rates, they would be
paid only in paper marks. It was
generally recognized ranee naa
sustained the greatest human loss
and endured the greatest surfer
ing, he said, but on the other
hand Great Britain -haa oeen
Senator Smith's bill No. 150,
extending authority tJ localities
to develop certain materials for
fertilizer purposes, was passed.
The senate yesterday passed,
without opposition, the Norblad
bill calling for a survey and es
timate of cost for the proposed
construction of an interstate
bridge across the Columbia river
near the mouth of the river. The
hill calls for a survey -by the state
highway commission and a report
to the legislature of 1923.
Yesterday was a desultory day
in the state senate. . The. upper
body was in session only about
20 minutes in the forenoon and
only 1 minutes after noon.
IX)3 ANGELES. Cal.. Jan. 27.
The disappearance Tuesday of
Mrs. Gladys Witherall. wife of O.
S. Witherall, president of a loan
and investment company, followed
by demands for ransom money,
was attributed tonight by detec
tives, investigating the case to
"someone completely familar with
the habits of the Witherell house
hold." This statement followed a
day of clues which led 100 mile
outside of Los Angeles.
Neighbors of the Witherells re
ported Mrs. Witherell left home in
an, automobile. Today It was stat
ed, a demand for ransom had been
made and that Mrs. Witherell had
made a personal appeal for suc
cor. Later private detectives
working on the case said they dis
covered a typewritten demand for
J 50.000 ransom had been slipped
under the door of the Witherell
At the police detective bureau
tonight it was said investigation
was beisg made of the possibility
ot some former friend or acquain
tance, of the Wltherell's having
been involved in the disappear
ance. The second note slipped under
the door read:
'Mr. Witherell your wife Is
safe. Don't worry until you hear
further from me. Have 150,000
cash ready for me as you will
hear from me airain soon. Don't
notify police or detectives or all
will be lost."
The police declined to give de
tails of the first communication.
vitherell today offered a re
ward of 500 for information as
to his wife's whereabouts.
Ke. Venuble . ItetUre Wilson's
. Figure Will Htand Forth
Among Worhrs Create
Ceremonial is the Greatest
Since Founding of New
Organization of Klan and
Incorporation in 1915.
Imperial Wizard Relates the
Purpose and Membership
. Of Klan Organization
BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Jan. 27
More than ".00 candidates waded
knee-deep in water and slush to-
ight into the mystic cave of tbe
Bill Will Empower Municip
alities to Build Com
munity Houses .
More Than Thirty Members
Hear.H. S. Hudson
A bill will be introduced befora
the legislature by Senator Hare
which in effect would be a sweep
ing amendment to all city char
tern In the state, not to providing
already that the cities would be
empowered to build community
houses for the benefit of service
men without the expense and in
convenience of amending tbe
charters themselves.
It is provided in the proposed
bill that any incorporated city or
town is authorized to purchase
the necessary site within its boun
daries and to build a community
bousf for the benefit of soldiers,
sailors and marines who served in
the World war, and for that pur
pose to levy taxes or issue bond3
when empowered to do so by the
legal! voters at any. general or
special election. At such an elec-
forced to incur the greatest fl-tion the oters would designate
nsncial expenditure. Her naval I the maximum amount of money
to oe expenueu tor tne purpose
and specify whether the funds be
.WASHINGTON. Jan. 27. Pro
vision has been made in the annti
al army appropriation for an army
of only 150.000 at the suggestion
of President-elect Harding, Repre
sentative Anthony, of Kansas,
chairman of the bouse appropri
ations iub-committee, said tonight
in announcing that the bill was
ready to be reported.
The proposed army of 150.000
hlch cocrpares with the present
army of abort 213,000 and with
tne army of lt,000 men fixed in
a resolution a4opted by congress,
ested by Mr. Harding as
proper maximum. Chairman An
tony said. Mr. Harding, accord
ing to Mr. Anthony, expressed the
netlef that an i en nnn in.
I. J wlth th reserves, national
Irtit and otner forces. , should
f..wd "umcient military estab-
meni curing peace.
army appropriation bllL
wniCu BrohaM win v. ..Knliiul
io tne house tomorrow, carries ap
propriations or $328,000,000 which
represent a tiinHn r to nnn .
000 front the appropriation for
w 7ear and a cut of more than
wr in the war department estl
fitates of $60.000,000.
The drastic nit P1ialrni9ii An.
thony said, resulted from the con-
icuon ; of committee members
v, 5l he rmy h teen living too
Appointment of Ambassador
lojtussia is uppuseu
By Congressmen
WASHINGTON. Jan. 27. The
house voted down tonight a pro
posal to pave the way for appoint
ment of an ambassador to Russia
and struck out ot the diplomatic
appropriation bill a provision tor
raising tne American tegauon i
Peklncr to an embassy.
Then finding Its feet entangiea
in diplomatic problems. It Qait
with &n agreement to continue
consideration tomorrow.
After brief debate the house re
jected an amendment by Repre
tative Mason. Republican, Illi
nois, to set aside $17,500 as the
salary of an ambassaaor so mat
Mr. Harding as president might
be prepared to establish diplomat
(Continued on pace 4)
effort alone cost ten billions of
Collection Pozt lew. Nations
Germany, he continued, can
pay only in exports. If she ex
ported too much to tne aines. n
would mean the ruin of allied in
dustries; if she exported too much
to the neutrals It would mean tne
loss to the allle of the neutral
markets. Consequently the ques
tion of effectively securing pay
ments of reparations . must be
taken up with doe account for
these facts.
He insisted on the necessity oi
real progress at the conference.
This could be accomplished it
France would accept the uoui
ogne suggestion as a basis of dis
cussion, that is to eay. six billion
pounds In SO or 35 annuities, with
interest. .
Certain things must be Insisted
on. he said the determination of
Germany's capacity to pay, me
renovation of Germany's "fantas
tic budget" and the Imposition on
her people of taxes as neavy as
procured by taxation or tbe issue
of bonds.
Redisricting of State to Be
Considered by Special
Speaker Bean of the house and
President Vinton of tbe senate
yesterday completed the joint
committee on reapportionment
which will consider all legislation
I intrruliir-orl Infn the legislature
those paid by the allied peoples. J dealing with redisricting the
Germany must make her people state for representation In the
economize as the allies have done.
the total or the debt must oe
fixed and the mode of payment
established. Then, at a meeting
similar to that at Spa, the antes
should meet Germany and finally
discuss a settlement.
M. Doumer said Lloyd George s
speceh did not change his opinion.
Count Sfona. Italian roreign min
ister, strongly favored tne expert
program or the Belgians.
Premier Brian asserted France
was not asking ror the impossi
ble. French public opinion was
readv to accent what might rea-
caiioMv ho eollected. but would i .
not accept before investigating: a J
one-sided theory that Germany is
nnable to pay. ,
Lloyd George Insisted It was
essential that something be done
now. for neither the allies nor the
world generally could bear fur
ther delay.
Ritner announced the follow
ing senators to serve on the com
mittee: Dennis or Union county,
StaDles of Multnomah, Patterson
of Polk. Hall of Coos, and RoT-
edUon of Wheeler.
The house members are Bur
dick. Carter, Hurd, Gordon and
Senator Upton, who introduced
the resolution providing for the
committee, requested that he not
be named a member.
This was a result of controver
sy that arose in the senate early
in the session over the proposal
to name a ' special committee,
some of the senators holding that
the standing committee on elec
tions and privileges should have
the consideration of legislation
relative to redisricting.
MOSCOW, Idaho. Jan. 2T. The
University of Idaho won from
Whitman college. Walla W'alla.
at basket ball here tonight, 23
to 17.
GLENS FALLS. N. Y.. Jan. 27.
Villages in this section were
shaken today for the third time
in less than two weeks by what
was lvelieved to have been an
earthquake. Large carcks appear
in the ground at several places.
The first weekly noonday
luncheon of the Marion County
Real Estate association, organized
last week, was held yesterday at
the Marion hotel. More than 30
prominent real estate dealers,
members of the association and
several invited guests were in at
tendance. H. S. Hndson, president of the
United Artisans', representing the
Interstate Real Estate association,
addressed the gathering. The key
note of the address was ror the
development ot Oregon's Indus- j
tries, the advocacy or keeping
within our own country, money
available ror loaning purposes and
lor an active co-operation among
the members or the association.
That the people or Oregon advo
cate the support or home indus
tries, and forget to "carry on."
was the firm conviction or Mr.
Hudson, and in the course or his
remarks he called attention to the
immense sale in this state, of Can
ad 'an bonds, which go to build up
the Canadian industries In place
or the industries or our own coun
During the year 191. $200,-
000.000 were expended by the
state tor outside industries, and
$500.0"00 within the state. This
would mean that ror every dollar
Invested. 99V cents went outside
the state, the speaker -said. The
result is apparent. To protect
home industries, provide tor an ex
change in business, and establish
a form or ethics should be con
sidered by the association or most
importance, in the opinion or the
L. A. Hayford. president of the
association, named members of
the 10 committees provided tor by
the constitution: Valuation com
mittee, W. H. Liston chairman.
W. H. Grabenhorst. H. S. Belle;
membership. Charles Nelmeyer
chairman. George Hubt? or Sil
verton. W. E. Moses or Jefferson;
publfcity, E. Grabenhorst chair
man. Hugh Magee. jKarl Beck;
municipal ordinances, Albert Cop
ley chairman. K. Pearcy. W. L.
Cummings; legislative. John Scott
chairman. W. H. Grabenhorst,
Karl Beck; ethics. A. J .Mills
chairman. G. Grabenhorst. A. C.
Bohmstedt; city planing. Chester
L. Smith chairman. M. W. Rowley.
Mrs. George Patterson; arbitra
tion. G. Grabenhorst chairman.
John Scott, H. S. Radclifr; taxa
tion. J. M. Rupert, chairman, G.
Tr Molsen. Charles Sweegle; legal
forms. John Scott chairman, A.
C. Bohmstedt. Mr. Wilkinson.
The formation of eight new
committees to perfect the work of
the organization was advised by
the president, and appointments
made to serve as special commit
tees, until such time as they are
made permanent. The commit
tees include: Industrial. D. D.
Socolofsky chairman. Mr. Emmett.
Arthur Peterson ; entertainment.
Mrs. Winnie Pettyjohn chairman.
Mrs. Gertrude Page. W. L. War
ing; horticulture. K. Pearcy
J chairman. O. K. DeWStte. Albert
Copley; agriculture, weorge
Swegle chairman. II. -F. Brown.
Mr. Compton; timber. Mr. Liston
Knights of the Kit Klux Klan and
mounted to the heights of super
ior knighthood, where they may
now it among the gods or the
empire Invisible.
- Ceremonial I Decribel
The ceremonial, described as
the greatest since tbe rounding of
the new organization of the klan,
was held the 54tb anniversary or
the taking or the oath as Imper
ial wizard by General Bedford
Forrest, when the original invisi
ble empire or the Ku Klux Klan
was founded on January 27, 186
In the bills of Tennessee.
Half the Alabama state fair
grounds, where the ceremony was
held was flooded knee deep in wa
ter. The candidates were not per
mitted to pick dry spots, but were
forced to splash forward to the
strains of wierd music. '
The initiates took the oath
about the fiery emblem of the or
der, on tbe Inside of a great
quadrate, formed by hordes of
white-robed, hooded rignres. The
outer walls or the great square
were guarded by Klaniiish horse
men, that none might enter but
those wbo were conversant with
secrets or the order.
Wizard Relates Purpose
The Klansmen. shrouded in
white, formed a living cross in
the center or the race track; each
held a cross aloft, the standard
being white tbe cross-arm red.
Two great searchlights played up
on them. In front was the
throne ot the imperial wizard,
surrounded by a thousand Klans
men. The Klanamen were marched
forward in four, passing the
throne and thn cross, and there,
in front of the living emblem, the
oath was administered.
This was the first time in his
tory the public has been permit
ted to witness tbe conclave. News
papermen were permitted to stand
on a house-top inside the fair
grounds enclosure, with guards
on all sides to see that they kept
the places assigned to them.
W. J. Simons of Atlanta, im-j
perlal wizard. In a statement to
newspapermen, said the new or
der stood for: 1
"One hundred per cent Ameri
canism and reconsecratlon to bed
rock principles.
"White supremacy.
"To keep forever separate
church and state.
"To protect woman's honor and
the sanctity oT the home."
Mr. Simons cited the followrng
f inures on the membership of the
Ku Klux Klan:
The order has 30.000 members
above the Maon ar.d Dixon line:
it has 7000 In Chicago. Seven
hundred inquiries have been re
ceived rrom Los Angeles regard
ing the organization or a Klan on
the Pacific coait. A mlddlewest
domain orflce ia to be established
either at Chicago or Cincinnati.
The present organization was
Ineornorated In 1915. It Includes
in its rank a few survivors of
the original Klan.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 27. His
tory will write the name of Presi
dent Wilson among the great men
of the country and his figure will
.stand forth amone the rreat.
Representative Venable, Demo
crat. Mississippi, declared in tbe
house today in dixenssing achieve
ments of eight years of Democrat
Ic rule.
Ieelaring.he admitted there
had been waste and stealing in
the big work of conducting the
war. Mr. Venable said:
"It is the height or Injustice to
hold Mr. Wilson responsible for
he is -no more at fault than con
gress, which made appropriations
from which the thieves had
chance to steal. Punish the guil
ty but don t lose sight of the
achievements of the people."
Ieclaring that it had been
charged that Mr. Wilson was cold
and aloof. Mr. Venable said it
came as a surprise to those who
knew the president.
"But what does history care
ror that?" he asked. "History
will measure him ty his service to
the world. -
"When bit body and health
were broken, when his voice was
stilled and be- could not derend
himseir. It seemed that the Tlrn
lance or attacks waa redoublde,
when decency should have de
manded human sympathy.
87 Per Cent of 1,000,000
Tons of Shipping Subject
To Foreign Requisition in
Case of War.
Franklin, President of Inter
national Mercantile
Company Explains
Twenty-First Annual Inter-
State Y. M; Convention
About ISO eelegates from all
parts of Idaho and Oreron will
arrive in the city todav to attend
the 21st Interstate convention ot
the Young Men's Christian asso
ciation which starts today and
closes Sunday night. The ses
sions will t held in the First
Prerbyterlan church, the opening
session convening at 10:30 this
morning. Rev. James Elvin, sec
retary of the local association and
bis corps of workers .have been
untiring in their efforts to make
the convention one ot mutual In
spiration and far-reaching bene
fit; The program for today follows:
10:30 a. m. Opening song ser
vice, Walter Jenkins, executive
secretary community service.
Portland, leader.
- 10: 4i. Devotional period.
I'.lalne Kirkpatrick. pastor First
Methodist church. Salem. 4
11:10. Organization of conven
tion. 11:30. Keynote address. Geo.
Irving, secretary religious work
department, international com
mittee. Nw York.
12:15. Luncheon. -
2 p. m. Song and devotional
service, Walter Jenkins and
Klaine Kirkpatrick.
2:30. General topic. "The As
sociation's Field and Opportunity
in Health and Recreation.' Dr.
John Frown. Jr.. senior secretary
Physical department. Internation
al committee. New YoTk.
1. "Survey of Typical Field.'
L. - E. Elam. chairman phyaieal
committee. Y M. C. A., Boise,
and A. R. Hodges, physical direc
tor. Y. M. C. A.. Boise.
ficials 61 the International Mer
cantile Marine company, headed
by P. A. S. Franklin, president,
today gave the shipping board
their story of their twenty-year
agreement with the British gov
ernment stipulating that they
"pursue no policy Injurious to
the Interests of the British mer
cantile marine or of British .
trade". The agreement was
brought to the notice of the
hoard through an address by Sen
ator Jones ot Washington.
Com pair's History Reviewed
President Franklin reviewed
the history of his company and
defended Its policies, which he
characterized as being "100 per
cent American at all times." He
presented a list of. shareholders
to substantiate bis statement that
94 per cent of his company was
owned by Americans "ia the Unit
ed States.! and offered other pa
pers to show "the Americanism"
of his managing offlcUU. none of
whom he declared was a foreign
Q sett Ions -developed that S7
per cent of the rcore than 1.000.
000 tons of shipping operated by
the comany was . registered
abroad and was subject to requi
sition by those foreign , govern- "
ments In case of war. Attention
also was directed to the clause ot
the agreement specifying that a .
majority of the directors ef sub
sidiary companies -In England
mast be British snbjects.
Statements made on these
points by International Mercan
tile 31 a ripe officials caused Chair
man Benson to say that although
Americans owned the Teasels, ac
tual control rested with the for
eign directors of the subsidiary
companies. Mr. Franklin de
clared, however, that the stock
was "locked up in New York,
owned by Americans." and for
eign control could not s fleet op
erations of hlps br his company.
The next step in tbe Inquiry will
be taken by the board in execu
tive session after tbe testimony
has been digested by the commis
sioners. The board will also consider an
"Invitation" extended today by
Mr. Franklin and his legal advis
or, J. Parker Kirlin. to tell the
International Mercantile Marine
what It can do to "establish the
American merchant marine ia the
most desirable and effective
Mr. Franklin described his
company as an "outcast", despite
the fact, he said, it had attempt
ed to sell Us British- tonnage to
"get money to boy American ves
sels, flying the American flag
and would have done so but for
the objection of President Wilson.
He said that tbe British fleet at
first regarded the International
z. Symposium on outstanding
features of program. Tom Gawley. Marine as an "American trust In
I'liJBicm director T . M. fj. A.. I rntl.nil mrtA mm an "Inritlnn nf
Portland; E. A. White, nhvaieal I Am-i rnnit- it. rtrituh
director, i. m.-u. a.. Astoria: I trad"
Cash Wood, secretary. Y. M. C. A.
Jackson county. Med ford.
3.. Address. "Physical Fitness
and Character." Dr. John Brown
6 p. m. Dinner. War Workers.
utner groups as arranged.
R. Song service, Walter Jenkins.
Greetings For- the stale. Dr.
The feeling in England was so
strong, he said, that the British
government was compelled to
"take measures for self-protect
tion. .
Reviewing tbe operations of his
vessels since tbe agreement was
made. Mr. Franklin declared the
British had never Invoked any
part of it and experience had
R. E. Lee Steiner; for the city, I proved that they would not. nn
Domestic Companies May
Act as Trustees of
(Continued on page 3)
Unexpected controversy arose
yesterday afternoon in the lower
house over the bill authorizing
lire Insurance companies to act as
trustees or the proceeds ot certain
insurance policies. This measure
was one or rour introduced by the
committee on insurance. The oth
er three were, upon third reading
yesterday, reierred to the commit
tee to permit of a public hearing
and investigation concerning cer
tain propaganda raised against the
insurance committee. The hear
ing has been set tor Monday after
Representative Gallagher of
Malheur and Harney raised the
principal objection to the bill on
the point thut upon death ot the
holder or tha policy no protection
was offered In the bill which In
sured the payment or the policy to
(Continued on page 4)
Dr. V. L. Utter
Response: W. J. Kerr, presi
dent Oregon Agricultural college
Address. "War Time Experien
ces and Their Bearing Upon the
Present Day Work ot the Y. M.
C. A.. Dr. John Brown. Jr.-
less another emergency snch as
the world war should cause them
to requisition ships flying the
British flag. He said the agree
ment did not aHect the vessels
operated by the international
mercantile marine under tbe Am
erican Dag.
UKJAII. CaL. Jan. 27.- Pat
rick Healey. 119 years of age and
believed to have been tbe oldest
man In California, died here to
day after a short illness. Healey.
who was born in Ireland March
1. 1802, came to America "in
1840. He resided in California
during the past C9 years. Rev.
Father Sebastian of this city, on
visiting Ireland recently, verified
Healeys birth record. Healey
boasted of never .having; been
sick. His' mind was keen and ac
tive until death.
OSSINING, N. Y.. Jan. 27.
Augustln L. Sanchez and Henry
Garcia. Mexicans, convicted ot
murder, were put tn death tonight
In the electric chair in Sing Sing
prison after an eleventh-hour at
tempt to ' gain a reprieve from
Gorernor Miller tad failed.
President-Elect Avoids
. Popular Demonstrations
PALM BEACH. Fla.. Jan. 27.
President-elect Harding visited
tbe tashlonable colony here today.
He did not board his houseboat
Victoria until late in tbe evening
for tbe last lan of his journey to
Miami. The Victoria is expected
to reach Miami Saturday..
Eluding a crowd at the docks.
Mr. Harding went ashore early in
the afternoon. After a private
luncheon at the cottage of Joseph
Rltter he played golf and was a.
guest at a dinner at the Ever
glades. Plans for an official reception
to the president-elect were aban
doned when his personal repre
sentatives stated be wanted no
formalities to attend his visit.
A committee from Miami also
was told Mr. Harding would pre
fer to carry out his vacation pro
gram without devoting attention
to popular demonitratlona.