THURSDAY MORNING. JANUARY 27. 1921 8 Labish Meadows, District Alone Is Headed Towards a Two Million Dollar Annual Celery Crop, and Some Progress Is Being Made Each Year THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. OREGON CELERY WHm ID B What Prof. Bouquet Has to Say About it in the Bulletin Of the Oregon Agricultural College on the Subject. (following fs Circular 13, Ore gon Agricultural College Exten sion Service, department of vege table gardening, written under ' date of April. 1917. Its author Is I a. G. B. Bouquet, of the college, well known to be one of the best authorities In bis line on the Pa I clfie coast:) i i There is no doubt that Oregon Is able to produce celery of the finest size and quality. Crops of this vegetable grown indifferent part of the state prove this to be to. The acreage in celery has been growing - steadily in accordance with. the grad ual increases in cities in Tar Ions districts. Many people have bad their attention turned to the possibilities of making 'money from the growing and marketing of celery. A large number of let ters recelTed at the experiment station show that there is a rery decided tendency toward the planting of quite a large area to this erop; that is. should a ma jority of the inquiries for informa tion materialize into attempts to grow the crop. I would offer at this time a rpeelal word of precaution to -'those in particular who hare had but little experience in growing celery or even have done but lit- ing a great deal of trouble in ev ery way. . Sandy loams, well fertilized. produce good celery. They are loose, somewhat too porous. In fact, for retaining moisture, and must be Irrigated more often than the muck lands. - Volcanic ash soils or fine silt loams, if containing -organic mat ter In abundance, are acceptable. Fertilization V ' Heavy feeding is necessary for good celery. Stable manure from 25 to 30 tons per acre is recom mended. It- must be cut up fine and thoroughly mixed with the soil. Preferably use fine will composted manure to that which is straw and fresh. Commercial fertilizers should not be used as a substitute for the above but they may some times -be useful in supplementing the manure. , Mot of the muck for development; 2 by 2 Inches is the usual distance.. The soil in. the frames should be rich. The young plants should be sprayed with Bordeaux mixture when in the frames in order to keep oft the fungus blight. Transplanting to the Field Operate preferably in cloudy weather or Just after a rain. Set plants in freshly stirred soil. Plants should be stocky and about six inches high. They should be watered down well eight to 12 hours before lifting. Organize setting gang. Keep the plants protected from the sun. The soil should be loose and marked off with marker proper distances of setting.. Sets plants level and straight. Do not dig any trench es. See ' that - the roots are straight and the . plants well primed. Water after setting if possible. Cultivation Do not stir the soli when plants or soil are wet. Cultivate regularly every 10 to 14 days. Hoe frequently. Don't throw any soil up to the plants. Especially cultivate after irrigation Irrigation Both overhead sprinkling and ditch irrigation are used. Natur al sub-irrigation, where possible. is best. Overhead system has tendency to increase celery blight due to wetting of . the leaves. Plants should be sprayed when young if one is going to sprinkle. On most organic soils Irrigation should not be frequent, out should give sufficient amount of or black lands are deficient in po tash and 200 to 300 pounds ?r I water to .thoroughly wet the muriate oi puiHD may. posaiuij deeDe8 rOOtS be applied to advantage. All fer tilizer work should be checked up by using part of the same ground for celery upon which no fertiliz er Is used. Also various amounts of manure and commercial fertl lizers should be used for giving field tests as to the economy of tie farm work. The production f eacn of celery is very intensive farm-1 The commercial fertilizer may inc. and the business cannot oe I be applied broadcast before trans learned in the growing ot the I piantng or along the row after first crop. I would especially i tne Diants are set recommend that one proceed Nitrate of soda acts quickly as slowly and start with a sunicieni- a ieaf stimulant, ana two or ly small acreage so as to warrant three light applications of this good care and proper attention, fertilizer may be applied, care be Then if market conditions are ing taken not to allow the nitrate favorable one can very readily fn- to fall on the plant to prevent crease one's acreage, and with ex-1 burning One-hundred pounds to perience one can put out a super ior article. :, ' - Market 'Tor Celerr Celery is a vegetable that will stand up well under transporta tion, but it must be nancuea ngm BlU HI TIE LEADING CEIM COW III OREGON The Start Already Made, and the Increase of Acreage That is Certain in the Labish Meadows District, Ren- der Sure the Maintenance of This Leadership, With a $2,000,000 Annual Crop at No Very Distant Day in The Future. " sist with bis advice any new grow er will be worth a great deal to the industry, to Salem and to this whole country. For his advice will be the advice ot an expert, not a theorist only. (The reader will notice that Mr. Fukuda, in his communica tion In this Issue, gives It as 5000 acres Ed.) THE EARLY BIRD (Continued from page 1) 1. FUKUDA IS Mli FOR A S2.000.000 IB Spraying If the plants hare been sprayed In the seed bed jt hey will probably need only one or two sprayings in the field after set ting. For details concerning spraying send to Department of Plant Pathology, Q,.A; CJ, Corval- lis, Ore. Blanching1 In western Oregon boards are used for blanching; 1 by 12 inch es are placed on each side of the row and held at the top by cleats or stakes against the outside. Board only a certain amount or celery at one time enough to market for a week or so, as the case may be. Don't let the eel at fTft rZnds e-T stand in the boards long at hundred and fifty pounds! niant. The Lake Labish district, north of Salem, in the Quinaby, Che- mawa and lirooas section, pro duced last year about 9000 crates of celery, selling at $7 a crate, and bringing in 163,0.00. In that district a crate Is 10 dozen bunch es, and the crate weighs about 130 pounds. There are now about SO acres in celery in the Lake Labish dis trict, an increase' of some "15 acres in a year, and there are 13 grow ers; which is also an increase, from the seven growers ot 119. , The total amount shipped last year should have been at least 2000 more crates. The shortage was occasioned by the scarcity of laborers at the critical times dur ing the growing season. There will likely be at least 11.000 crates grown in that dis trict this year; possibly a good many more than that. . . ' The growers there are mostly Japanese; but the American and Japanese growers of that district work together. They are now forming an association, which they propose to call the Labish Meadows Celery association. In this way they hope to co operate in marketing and in all other ways to work together in mutual helpfulness. They hope. also, to encourage the planting of a larger acreage. ' They expect, some day, to see 5000 acres of celery in that dls one per acre Is a normal application, a two-weeks' interval elapsing un til the next application. Lime Is usually) beneficial on organic soils and the Kalamazoo ter being blanched. '. The plants should be 12 to 14 Inches nign when the boards are used. Six teen to 24 days will be necessary to blanch the celery. Dirt is sometimes used for late Not a great deal ot Oregon celery growers use 600 to 800 pounds of r "i" " TLl Tthere is not is exported. Local market Jtarn- aau annualy per acre, spread cd7 i0,,,? J much rain. Drain tile or paper on a small scale are suitable. Harvesting .'! The color will determine the time of diggtngLift wltb a fork. strio off poor outer leaves and I trim the root to a four-elded cone. w - "v. v " 1 . . . ,., 1 I V. ish most of the business. There broadcast and harrowed in lightly, is no market for dirty, ungraded, it is claimed that it assists the wilted celery. Nor does the trade quality of the celery and makes want pithy, blighted, or wemisnea the stalks more brittle , and ten stalks. Rather, It ts aesireo. u der. they be medium to large size, wen l Plant Production graded, thoroughly cleaned, neat ly blanched, free irom Q1"UM 10.000 plants, , one will have to I Take to tne pacning snea, waso. or blemish ot any una ana n if . ver 30.000 for one I rinse ana graae. ine ceiery trict, which would mean a $2, 000.000 annual crop. (See the communication In this issue of Roy K. Fukuda, the pioneer and outstanding celery grower of the Lake Labish district.) The 9000 crates of Lake Labish celery sent lo. market last year went mostly to Butte and Hillings and .Great Falls. Mont., and to Grand Forks, X. D., and other I points in the 'Dakotas and Mon tana. There is every reason to be lieve that the Lake Labish district will steadily Increase its celery acreage, year after year. On ac count of the importance of that celery district. Marion county la now the leading celery growing county rfn Oregon, and it is bound to maintain that lead, for celery in a small or large way ia grown all over the county, on many dlf ferent kinds of soils, and there will' also be a constant increase in the Industry outside of the Lake Labish district. By the way. let'a all quit call ing it' Lake Labish. for there Is no longer any lake there, and there has not been any lake there for a long, long time. Let's call it the Labish Meadows district, for that is what it is and the richest meadow district In all the world, for celery growing, and onion growing, and spinach, and hemp, and mint, and a long list ot other products requiring a very deep, rich soil. not to interfere with the com panion crop. Lettuce, a cool weather plant, must be sown as early as the soil can be worked to get a crop, par ticularly of the nead or cabbage varieties. These should be start ed in boxes in the house or in frames and transplanted six inch es apart for best results. The transplanting strengthens the plant, makes it sturdier and surer to head. Lettuce will grow In partial shade, but It must have at- leant four hours' sun. and Is better In full exposure In the cooler months. There are many varieties of head lettuce and any seedsman can in dicate a successful variety. It 1? hard to go wrong in the Im proved varieties, and it is only necessary to pick types desired in point of season, heat resistance and shape of leaves. The Cos let tuces are gaining favor rapidly, and often succeed where the head varieties do not do welL They have a long incurving leaf, dif ferent in aha ( from the common types, and the 'quality is flrst cUss. The nature of its growth blances the heart. That Is, Two Million Dollars a Year, and That For the Labish Meadows District AIore He Is the Outstand- ing r-igure in inai Locamy. . . , it a good color typicar oi m var i acre 8ettmg at the usual dls leiy ana quuiy i. i tance of 6 x 30 or 36 Inches. weet and crisp. - There are two kinds ot celery I mention these things because U8ually grown the medium early of the fact that there is uuaiv and the late. To grow plants for much more 'of the former the former some form of heat Is than the latter, and there is ai .. l.tta. nn . ur.aoa. - UK ,K3 a W B U U hwb- . . rood market for high class pro- neat is "reqwired, the plants be- Ing Is very .Important; attractive duce. . . ine started outdoors. I sanitary appearance of bunches branding or tne i - ... should be graded for size and color. They are tied In bunches of 12. with string at the top around the leaves, and red or blue or white tape Ground the stalks. The culls may be used as hearts. neatness in dubcu- wouia urge a orauuunt, I , ..: j . . .. . i iiMllif nn I or cuuiiuum ui uuuv-iiuii octu reiery . i ; '-"' r, mair hA ,own -t reenlar Intervals the market by ine cnaracw -,-;V " . " " - t. the goods, and by their superior- ---? -;;,-'ln, :r" 7.Tinhnr first Sreekj of March.. Green land by the public, , are mucn gurIor to hot. IZrr..- i- thai beds for starting plants. The 1 extrenie .rapu..."- 8eedbe1 .hou,d be composed of juesiion ot "'"ft- To sifted muck and sand, and the eheaTln th hAi utr&lns. Sorout some narlv In the sarins to test the germination and vigor of seed linrs. Purchase only from rella- hi. iMd honi. Ask for the best they have. Extra expendl tare for superior seed is money well spent. From three to four ounces of seed ehould be suffi cient for one acre Varieties Two kinds are popular in Ore- smooth before sowing. The seed is broadcasted and covered wltn finely sifted soil one-eighth of an inch deep. Cover with buflap and water with tepid water through the burlap which I s re moved at first signs of germina tion. Seed may be sown as early as the first of March Manure hotbeds may be start ed about this time and the tem- nerature kept at 70 degrees or ron. cuts a biz figure. V Various crates are used. .All should be lined with paper. Crates with a 22 by 24 Inch base and holding five to seven dozen stand in e unriKht are common. Some use a square box holding four dozen. Each dozen bunches should be wrapped in paper. Marketing Everything should be done to keep the celery clean ' until It reaches the consumer. Celery averages in price 50 to 60 cents per dozln bunches.. Prices often reach 80 cents to 90 . cents, but sometimes there is a drag on the market even of good stuff. Hearts sell at 5 cents or two for S cents. The' cost of production varies from S 175 to $250 fertilizer. harvesting and marketing being expensive items, Helpful Literature . Bulletin 281. Celery Culture Department of Agriculture, Wash ington. D. C. Celery Culture Seattle Or anre Judd Company, N. Y. Crop Pest Bulletin Oregon Agricultural college. 1912-1913. Correspondence regarding pro blems In production of celery so licited by A. G. B. Bouquet, sec tion vegetable gardening, division ot horticulture. Oregon Agricul tural college, Corvallts, Ore. 4 White" Plumend .Gold., thereabouts. No , seeding BfoUle Pelf-Blanchlng. The rormer 1 maae in in Ibe white, and the latter the gold- perature decreased to 80 de en yellow. The j majority of trees or 8 . ,ffr growers plant yellow; Plant Celery to be .arVeated after what the market demands. . 5etemirJ" Jl?rl,dcondL Celery KoiU doors in beds as soon as con a i- For commercial growing, soils tlons become warmer in the containing much decomposed PrIng. April 1 to Mar 101 being vegetable matter are hest. phy- the average time ,8' slcally and chemically. Muck sowmsi .uuu,u i tnw them lands, tide land.: swale lands, plenty of plants XteriaS "bUek bottoms", beaver dams, coming alonj at various intervals te, represent the above class of that ce lery W f f erQ oils. Ths soil must have a ent sizes in l?n loose texture and be fertile. Clay your market demands -J'oSJ lands pack around the plants too plant sro5l1ns;1, ?ht?Jl ,2 .ftir readUy unless there la a lot of not rtand the Jd lo"TKhei Uble manure added. Drainage the tlancKhnfnish ,netsian of I. . i- . t i& advisable to.nave plants "l u iur urKsuic sous is mui -i . , , . u.4 nn a portant. -Moist soils- does not various ages in the flsld at once.! necessarily mean "wet soils." rrkking wt Open ditches or drain tiles must The plants of the early crop properly laid out so that the are usually pricked out into tne celery will not be on wet land, frames before field setting in or- onstng possible diseases or glv- der to give them plenty of room DATES OF SLOGANS IN DAILY STATESMAN (la Twice--Week Statesman FoDowiu Day) KIT IT COSTS TO i . . CELERY Ifl LABISH U1IS The Figures Given Last Year by Roy K. Fukuda, the Pioneer and Outstanding Grower in That District They Show That There is a Profit For Capital, Hard Work and Brains. Lomberrtes, Oct, 7. rTHUM. oct. 14. Dairying. Oct. 21. Kkx, Oct. 28. .rilkeru. Nor. 4. alnnu, Nov. 11. Strawberries. Nov. 18. -Apples, Nov. 25. "Prtes. Dec. 2. Mint. Dec i. Sf' eow. Dec. 15. Blackberrtea, Dec. 23. Cherries, Dec. 30. Pears. Jan. f, 1921. . Coowberrles and Currants, 'an. 13. Corn. Jia. so. ! Celery, Jan. 27. Spinach. Feb. 3. , Onions. Veb. 10. Potatons. Feb. 17. . Bees. Feb.' 24. , Mining. March 2. " Coats, March 9. , B8. March 18. Tavcd highways. March 23. Broccoli. March 30. v. Kilos. April . U Rnmes,. April 12. paragni. April 20. "crirturAirriiT: - t-fV ad Drus garden. May 4. Sugar beets. May li. Sorghum, May 18. Cabbage, May 25. . Poultry and Pet Stock. June 1 Land, June 8. ... . r Dehydration. June 15. Hops. June 22. Wholesale and Jobbing. June 23. . ' Cucumbers, July e. Hogs, July 13. City beautiful, flowers and bulbs. July 20. t. - Schools. July xt. Sheep, Aug. 3. National Advertising, Aug. 10.. Reeds. Aug. 17. Livestock, Aug. 24. Automotive Industry, Aug. 21. Grain and Grain Products. Sept. 7. . xt aniifaetiirfne. Sept. 14. Woodworking and otber things, Sept. 21. I'aper nui, wjn. k (Back copJPt Pt.SllVB.SlW?? editions of The Daily Oregon Statesman are on, bandW Teyr fr- sale at loc eacn, maueu io ;s.dJiesa;j; (The following was printed in the Salem Slogan issue of last year. Mr. Vukuda said, over the phqne yesterday, that the informa tion will stand, approximately, for this year:) The pioneer celery grower on a commercial scale in the Salem district is Roy K. Fukuda. He commenced In the now fa mous Lake La his h celery district in 1809. He rented hi land from Hon . M. I. Jones, and has conunuea in the industry, increasing the aiae nf tii cron from year to year. His place is between Quinaby and Chemewa, about a mue irom atatinn and between two rail roads, the Southern Pacific and Oregon Electric. His postotflce address Is Salem TTnntA 8 The first year Mr. Fukuda had nnma ten rows ot celery, between 2000 and 3000 plants. He was fonllntr h! VST. His celerr beds have gradually spread out until he will this year have perhaps 400,000 plants. Last year he had irom eigui iu n.rA acres in celery. He puts In about 30.ouu piams ia h ao.ri. There are. oi. course. always some missing hills, and he expects to get about 2000 dozens of celery plants to mc acre. They go into craies tor smy nnr s to 10 dozen to the crate. That makes about 250 crates of colery to the acre, which he says Is an average yield; which any nnA who wilt work with hand and brain. In this district, may expect to produce each year. (He intimates .that he does little better himself, with his long experience.) - '. s What It Costs Mr Fukuda figures the cost o district (cost per acre) something like this: Plowing twice, 18. Discing and harrowing, $10. Fertilizer, 1150. He uses stable manure to a con siderable extent, also some com mercial fertilizers containing ni trates; also blood meal and fish guano. He considers the fertiliz ing of prime importance. Rent. $30. Plants. $90. He produces his own plants; the $90 is what it would cost a beginner. t Planting. 10 days ai tuc cems an hour, $40. Watering before ana auer planting. $10. He uses a sprinaier wim me iun off. and gives the plants a good shower; , Hoeing twice. $8. Cultivating with one horse each lft days to two weeks, $20. 'Lumber. $60. it a ii rp 1x10 clanks. The cost u now S3 8 a thousand. They will iot Kit vpam. The initial cosi would be. of course, siximes or $360 an acre. This clanking Is ditierent irom ih roiifnrnla way. There tney 4Miitrvata the rows four feet apart. Here the rows are put irom J w 36 inches apart, and six mcnes apart in the rows. Cutting ana Duncning. auer eluding missing and unmarketable plants, counting 2000 dozen per acre, at 15 cents per dozen. $300. Crates and crating. 10 cents a dozen. $200. The reader will note that the above costs will total $926 per which is a good average price, or $1500 an acre, there is left. $300 an acre net for the grower". If the grower gets more than 2000 dozens to the acre, he will of course, make more. Also, if he gets a higher price. Ia General. Mr. Fukuda uses a Ford truck and a Ford runabout In his busi ness. ; ; In the busy season . he employs about ten' laborers: not confining himself to his countrymen, but taking good hands from the neigh borhood. He was himself born In Japan; but he has been in America a long time, and attended school in this country and acquired an English education. He Is glad to tell any one Inter ested all he can about celery grow ing and this reporter, will say that he knows about all there Is to know, He hopes to see the velop to very large proportions, as it will insure wider markets and nrere profits for all engaged in it. Some .Americans are already preparing v to engage In celery growing In Uhe Lake Labish dis trict on a commercial scale, It is expected that at least 60 more acres will before Jong be de voted to celery in that district; though the Increase will probably not be that much this year. And in time, no doubt, a goodly portion of the Lake Labbish "bea ver dam" land will be devoted to celery growing and the total of this land is 2000 to 30.00 acres. The reader will readily see that this would make an. Immense ton nage; that it will be a great in dustry. Hon. M. L. Jones alone has on his farms orer 300 acres of the "beaver dam" land. There ere- now six growers of celery in the district where Mr. Fukuda has his celery gardens: six besides himself. . They are all natires of Japan excepting one, who was born in Korea. Where the Celery Goes. Celery goes out from Quinaby and Cbemawa on the Oregon Elec Inherited It. Vincent was altogether too gar rulous in school to ' please his teachers. Such punishments as the institution allowed to be meted out were tried without any apparent effect upon the boy. un til at last the j headmaster de cided to mention the lad's fault upon his monthly report. So the next report to his fath er had these words: "Vincent talks a great deal." ' Dack came the report by mall duly signed, but with this writ ten in red ink i under the com ment: "You ought to hear his mother." Chicago Dally News. Editor Statesman: ; Tour favor dated Jan. 21. 1921. Is in hand, and very glad to be asked by you of my humble in formation regarding celery- I am not quite prepared to give my view on this subject this year ex cept the possibility of the vicin ity ot Salem ever becoming a cen ter or celery production In this country. From my observation it can be estimated that there are. in this district where I am' living now, 5000 acres or moie of the fertile laud most suited for the cultiva tion of this vegetable. If this Urge tract of neglected land was prcperly taken of and used for that purpose there would L: approximately $2,000,000 of erop, which will be a part ot the business la halem. The market Is constantly in demand of cel ery, while the supply is limited The order from eastern cities Is boundless aid high prices is al ways offered. Thf-n why not raise celery In this district? That' Is. in those 5000 acres, and make Salem pros perous ? This could, be answered from the fact that Its cultivation la un usually difficult and the profit is con para lively small, beitdes. there is a grave danger o: ex poring the plants to freezing weather thafwill destroy the val uable crop over night. , Most of the owners of the bearerdam land say that they would lease tin land t? somebody. "else Hhan to ralfj anything en it themselves and run the lisk of losing the whole crop Cut some i-hrewd truck garden ers are tali nr. splendid celery on their own land, with many years of experience, and earning, bl; profit each jear. I am running this leased .faini. for the past t'.n years and obtained much experi ence which money can not get. Even thou ah I cculd not save much wealth during these Un ' years, but I could pay all expen ses and bnild up a little house after the first one was burned down, and, thanks to the Lord. I am happy, healthy, content and willing to work hard with a hope In future for my noble wlfs and sweet children. It is my belief, therefore, that my celery garden will be Improv ed each year and I may be able to raise handsome profits, be sides new experience. If any one who want to raise celery in the Salem district, with prospect of this district ever becoming a renter of celery pro duction and also want to know of my method, do not hesitate to. call on me for Information. I am ready to teach as much as 1 know and assist, anyone who Is; eager to enter into this work. There fs no secret in uy experi ence. Your ainierely. ROY K. FUKUDA. Quinaby, Or.. Jan. 24. 1921. (The above la printed absolste ly as written, and It was written In a very near approach to a. Spencer ian hand. Mr. Fukuda la a natire of Japan, but he has be come a very progresaive Ameri can, and he wants to be helpful -to all his neighbors, including both Japanese and 'Americana. In the article in this Issue, copied .. from the Salem slogan. issue ot last year, there are some further facts concerning the operations ot Mr. Fukuda. and concerning the man himself. Ed.) . The Life-Giving Nightshades The nightshades, planta seldom. mentioned 'without the prefix of "deadly." although none ot them are known to-be to very deadly, strangely enough, considering their bad reputation, furnish a great bulk of Edible vegetables of the garden. ( Only to mention potatoes and tomatoes, the two vegetables in most general use today, one can i see what useful plants to humanity are the nlght tthadee. To botanists they are known as the solannmt. Betides the potato and toma to, the pepperst egg pints and husk tomatoes, sometimes called ground cherries, also belong to the same tribe. Three of these nightshades are requisites In every emvl carden. i he tomato, perper and egg plant. planta need th aame period to get ready for outdoor planting eight weeks or until the weather is warm and settled. This eight weeks la ..the ;tlme. necessary If the earliest crop Is desired. It steala two months, time from winter and annexes It to spring from a gardening standpoint. A dozen egg plants are suffic ient tor the ordinary garden, and I 25 peppera will furnish a suffic ient crop to use iresn ana 10 em ploy In the making ot pickles, chow-chow, and other, condiments for winter use. n?7P a WHtN SCCDUNCS ABC ItNt HlCH TBA.MlPva.MT MOT CLOSER. THAN t IMS. AAAJTt AS TMEY GET CGOWOED. TOAHS- PLANT AGAIN INTO POTX 1 3 Jlaht SHDUNC ToamjpvXnT. Soiue may not care for the egg plants, and not have so nncb use for the ia its grrcn or red. hci or sweet . forms, but every body wants tcaratoes. Kvt-n in til .balmy sections of THE rXnCEXTACE A certain regiment was almost entirely officered by Hebrews. The ; men, however, were Ameri can. ( : " "Now. I rant' you to listen to me. said one' officer who- had been detailed to lecture si' com pany. "1 1 have In my hand a r-rifle, which is ust the finest Tr-rlfle that American brains can pr-ro-duce. or American . money . can buy." He paused: And from, the back ot the drill hall came a Toice: ' "An ow much rill you gift me for this r-rifle?" ' . ttlA xralitti ea 1 1 f f 1 A tntltftt Ka trie and Southern PneHU : to Mon- Uken to pro(ect tDe tom4t5 fr0 Dakota: and to the Portland and other markets. Some goes by automobile truck routes. . Mr. Fukuda raises only the Gol den Heart, variety. It is the same aa Prof, Bouquet calls the Golden Self Bleaching, in bis article print ed In this issue. He says the Whfte Plume vari ety is easier to grow, and It is the only variety wanted in the Seattle market; but in all other markets reached from here the Golden Heart (or Golden Self Bleaching) is preferred. So it is the kind for our growers to plant. Mr. Fukuda thinks the Golden Heart is the best celery grown In point of quality. And he says this is without doubt the i best celery district in Oregon, and as good as any, any where. Also, Marlon county has already become the greatest celery grow- I ing county of this state; and its leaa is oouna to oe increasea very fast from now on. A good deat of celery Is raised in the Milwaukee. Oregon, district, and aroqnd ' "troutdale, and In Hood River county even th lightest frosts. Tom a toes should be started about eight weeks before they are put in their permansnt garden quarters. It is customary to start them in window boxes or in frames. If only a few pfants, say not more than 50. are teeded. a cigar box in the kitchen : window whers it will hare the sun and be kept fairly warm is the cheapest and easiest way. The one fault to be guarded against in house-raised tomatoes. Is legginess. They are apt to spin up to tall rail stems unless they are watched. It is ao lutely necessary for bet results to transplant them when they are an Inch and a half to two inches tall. This checks the growth tem porarily, thickens thenr up, de velops a - better root system and mak them sturdy. When they are transplanted they should stand not closer than two inches and when they begin to crowd again it is a good plan to transplant again Into straw- terry boxes, tin cans, or any con venient receptacles, paper or Light Your Farm Buildings with the ' Fairbanks Morse J ' mr - f . ala-a4s 40U$DlTPiant Lot L. Pearce & Son . 238 North Commercial Street - acre. Mr. Fukuda thinks the Inciden tals, such as trucking, paper and ribbons for tleing. and maoy little items ot expense, will make the total cost about $1200 an acTe for producing celery in his district But Marion county Is the com-earthen flower pots being best. ing celery county that will make the whole country sit up and take notice. Mr. Fukuda says that, two years ago. the expressage on celery out of Quinaby alone had grown to $8000. .And it was at least $10. 000 last year. . and It will grow faster In the future. The writer will say that he found Mr. Fukuda a.plcasant. af- tl-Ai, I V-i- dozen-io.tafattcietttlaaan.- HI. J offer to as- E. L. King and Dorsey B. Smith, experienced automobile and transportation men, under the incorporated firm name ot The King-Smith Co. have established a permanent high-class auto bus Uae between SALEHIand PORTLAND j on the following temporary schedule, which will be increased just as soon as other equipment is finished in about ten dan: They can then be transplanted into final quarters at the garden er's convenience and a few days more or less will make little dif ference in their progress. Peppers and egg plants need much the same treatment, but they arc not such rampant grow ers as the tomato, not running to vine, so there need not be the haste in transplanting them. But It Improves the planta to give Lr. Salem . 8:30 a. m. Lr. Portland 11:00 a. m. Lv. Salem 2:00 p. m. Lv. Portland 5:00 p. m. Ar. Portland 10:45 a.m. Ar. Salem 1:15 p.m. Ar. Portland 4:15 p.m. Ar. Salem 7: IS p.m. High-class service will be maintained with special twelve passenger Cadillacs. Cars arc heated and have the rear seat partitioned' of r lor the benefit ot smokers. Start from Hotel Marion; arrive and leave Portland from The Journal building. Rates: $1.75 Each Way For information and seat reservation, telephone the Tele phone Operator at notel Marlon. 2010. We guarantee high-class service to the ladles. (Sea special ad. In this- paper for name for tfcla New Auto Bus Line). V