7 . THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON - " . ' J-.:'' r- ,,i ii ' - - mamaammmw a maw-sv as v. w a a w a as Aw u ill 6a A. - a j M a. 1 lata Tit Wm4 tnssrtlen $ sj-vraa x nftiH Sa OmV (sis U.rtii).... M One mestk, ?. a7 Maths' straet, W..1S . y gimlet any sdvsrtasaaaal S6 KOBWICH UNION- ITKI INSCBANCE SOCIETY . Vetera, Roland Bnrghanlt Strident Agpnt 871 SUU Bt. MONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate ' T. K. FORD (Orer Ladd & BuEh Bank) FARM LOANS HAWKINS & ROBERTS 204-207 Oregon Building OUR OFFERINGS of homes Including some of the ft sett in the city. Oar list of farms and acreage is complete. . LAFLAR A LAFLAR 401-7 Oregon Bldg. Phone 1C44 NEW TODAY FOB REST ONE ROOM COTTAGE, hasted with hot water, lavatory with Sol aad cold water; 1030 Chemeketa street. Phone 1280. Telephone S07J BOOK s MiDOHOUOH Wood Bayer and Shippers 642 Stat Street SALEM. OREGON Carload Shipments a Specialty i LIST TOUR WOOD WITH US TREBLA STRAWBERRY PLANTS. OR ders should be booked now for Febru ary delivery, M weather permit dig ging. Write Louis Weiss. Route 7. bos USA, Balem, .Ore. , FOR SALE CYPHERS IXCVBATOR 2&6-gg oie, good as new. Priee 120. l'koae ltlSJ or call at 1805 Market St. BABY CTHCKS NOW BOOKING OR der for soring elivery, C, N. Need ham, CSS State at ret t. r ? . FURNISHED HOUSB FOR RENT: FOCB room close in; 897 a. 14th street. STRICTLY MODERN HOME 131 PORT , lead to avrhange 'tor Salem. Address "C89," care Statesman. AT ANY HOUR OF THE DAY OR NIGHT complete rain may Derail your property throng fire. Are yon wisely and safe ly protected againat-auea a calamity f Year fatar welfare may depend. upon a vise selection of a reliable insurance poliry. We represent the Oregon Fir Relief asseriln. the leading company in the state. Sound protection at low eost. fitsnd'ey a Foley, agent, room 3 Bash Bank bldg. Phone 847. Salem. Oregon. . - $50 FIVE THOI BAND BARRED OIL well: 5 acres. Five ere sew leas completely surrouodcr by production eud wells drilling. An opportunity to buy cheap - acreage in the wonder oil fool of the world. Aa investment of 50 may mean riches. Reference First National Bank. O.. J..Greea a Co. Pv i eo. Texas. v i ( ,' fOR SALE 19 CORDS SECOND growth fir, also 8 heifers. 2 now fresh. Fiiire-0,- tk- MWe' -ranrb. Phono C5F5. Foul KENT TWO .FURNISHED BOOMS. f JQ N. Front. WILL HAVE YOUR SKIRT MADE TO irdr free of eharr if you will order ur woolen maieriais fro mo wuhin tae nekt two eeks. Make ppoiistmcnt to se aamplcs by phoning 521M. 817 ACBHS. 90 CLEAR. BALANCE TIM ber and pasture: fair building aad ,feace, good prun land. 2 mile from Delias. Priro 8C5 per aere. ay terms. BECKE A HENDRICKS 205 U. S. Natl Bank Bids. EVILMNG LOANS -AND LOAN'S ON residence properties closed promptly. Kepayshl like rent. Money to loan on centrally located business properties. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 401 Masonic Temple. Salem. Or. We Want Stock of Merchandise Fin PO acre farm on paved highway. AH good land and some very fine laad: escellentlv located near station and high school. This place has an excellent future. - Will take a slock of -good aa prt payment. Price only "815.000. 128-ACRE GENERAL FARM Located . in Linn county; about 90 acre . cultivated, balance in fir and oak tint ' ber. About 25 acres fine river bottom ' with 5. under cultivation; balance of plar is second river bottom land. Land pay nice; no buildings. Price $80 per 'SCT. r' Will axchsnge either plae for good stock - of merchandise. i KINNEY & SMITH 4$J State Street. Ground Floor. L A. HAYFORD I Real Estate and Fire Insurance 305 State Street Be this nlr modern bouse, bungalow style, basement, furnace, double garage, end in a fin location. Thia is nnua- uslly good for the priee of $5400 term. . i A good home of 8 room in fin' condition ' with gn4 garage, fruit, lot 50x110; 2 Salem. Price 84200; cash $1000. 7-room bouae. plastered, basement, bath, 'toilet, elect rie lirhts. garage: one block to street car. Price $4500; rash $1000. 7-reom house plastered, basement, and 4 lots, bam and kite of fruit. Will con sider into a part payment. Price ; $3600; cash $1250. ! 7-roeni house, plastered,; All basement; ederu except furnace, on psved street sad street cr; good lot. If sold soon, st only, price $4500; terms. r,7 PlMtred.. year old.' hot and eld water with stationary tabs: fruit 2 d shade: on block to street cat; Pne $4000; cash $1000. I I r",.lstered house, bsth. toilet, eleei ' lJ UrW Urge lot. chicken . aad good yard; lots of fruit, etcj "u thU today for Price $550J - with terms, ; i vrnom hcase, plastered, bsth. toilet, elec ne lights, born. woodshed, chicken f?""f: rtos kinds of fruit: one .block to street csr. Price- $3500. term. seres, miles from Salein nd a 4- new house; 6 acree cleared. 4 P1"" with small timber, place ' . !? ovn wire, about 4 acres is ' rJl a" IH -re trwber: I log for family : oe row. Ii f "ith place; garage, and w: well and spring of od water. p,i,, $42S0: cash $1500. 8,m l.r I""1 "ighwyj 10 acre In beer 1" ?BI eherrie. etc. 2 "a " aIT . 7oag prune. 2 cre togans ' Im 7 berries; 3 room huse. ' Jlb.fetertt1' P0,"P- PrlCe 6tlZ5i 8.,?1 Ble: " l.Zn. Pssture and timber. lit iUi "Mivate; all-ieneed and " I! 'st and hay. 2 acre mostly Phases, bearing. 6 to 10 year old: 7 ws, 3 heifer. -2 gMd horse. 2 wg oss and 1 truck, binder, mower and e, 8 plow and cultivator: -rom ' i? n1 rW water, good barn. i 8 "ege, well, spring and running '-. jear round. Cheap at $i,000 trai. ; . .. V L A, HAYFORD -jnMate Street. ; '' THE OREGON STATESMAN. EMPLOYMENT FOIALB 1 HAVE TWO WOMEN WHO WOULD work for the hoar or day and I bav aeveral small families who want respec table women by tho month for house keepers. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 4!2 North Cottage Street. Phone 1188 MALE A GENTLEMAN' DESIROUS OP HOME comfort. Can pay board, take tare of furnace, lawn and garden. Beat of reference. Address "Stranger.' car Ktateaman. MISCELLANEOUS WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO . take farm paper subscription. A rood - proposition to tho right people. Addrea the Pacific Homestead, Btatesmaa Bids. Salem, Ore. PERSONAL GET MARRIED BEST MATRIMONIAL paper published. Free for stamp. Cor- respondent, Toledo. Ohio. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL WALL. TINTS. MANY w eolora 10 pouad and up. Max O. Baroa. 179 N. Com '1 St. BUSINESS OPIORTUXlTIES CLOSING OCT BALE OF NT. SELIG'S store at Fails City now going on. If you want a good busineaa location in vestigate this opportanity. For farther particular inquire 1115 Marion street r phone 1556K. CANARY BIRDS. FOR SALE CANARY BIRDS. Night ' eingere. Phone 1280, 1030 Cnemek '" eta. - 4 FINANCIAL LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT AND BOLD. Hawkina Roberta. 205 Oregon Lldg. Kl HAVE SOME GOOD FARM laORT gagea to sell. HAWKINS ROBERTS ! 10 Oregon Bldg. Balem. FARM PAPER IF YOU WANT TO GET THB BEST farm paper, send 15o- to Tho Paeifi Honioatead, Salem, Oregon, for a thro watka trial subecription. Mention tkia ad POULTRY 8. C. BROWN LEGHORN COCKERELS that will make good. Price right. Hatching eggs. Ev IL Boaenkranx, Colfax. Va,h. . fHB ' NORTHWEST tXKTLTKt 10UB. aL the biggest and beet U tho w Tae uve magaitne tor live ooultrymea. 75 year. 1.00 in Balem. Send & cent a7 samole iodar. Addroen The Northwest Poultry Jxma4. Salem, Oro Ksv Mention tan LIVE STOCK. FOR SALE 6 HEAD HORSES FROM 4 to 7 year old. weight from 1300 td 1530. A. P. Nye. Brooke, Oregon. 3HSCELLANEOUS WINTER APPLES FOR SALE PHONE 8F5. ; FRESH CIDER, ming. 94F13. DELIVERED. CUM I t APPLES $1 PER BOX. DELIVERED. Spotted apples for rooking. 25 cents box. Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Front. Phone 494. . FOR 8ALTV-WASHBURN GUITAR. VIO i din and how and talking machine. Phone 1411M. WANTED . SECOND HAND BIRD cage in good repair. Phone 1280; ... J oau-Chemeketa street. 'WALFELT YOUR HOUSE: IT'S uperior to doth, at about half price. Max a Bsren, 179 N. Coa l Bt. MISCELIANKOUS WALLBOARD" CAN BK USED OVER lata or atudding. Can bo tinted or papered. Max O. ' Commercial street. Barea, 179 North STANDARD EXCHANGE, 843 NORTH - Commercial street, diamonds, watch. musical instruments UTons. clothing. . shoe, ate. Both ew aad BSed good bought, sold or oxekaagetf. SACKS. SACKS FOB SAX.1S - 100.000 5 rain, oats and potato sack. Capital auk and Bargain Hon, 215 Center street. Phono 898. WALL PASTX." NO COOKING KB quired. Sticks everything. Max O. Baron. 179 N. Commercial stne. CAPTIVITT OF THE O ATM AS GIRLS This true story of western Immigra- tlon has bees carefully revised, making a handsome little book. It toll ia a-rathio terms of the massacre of tho Oatanaa family, of tho eacape of Lo re so, and tho captivity of Mary aad Olive. Mary d starvatioa aad , Olive was purchased from tae ladiaas five rears later. Tho priee is 20 coats. postpaid. Address Ortgom Teachers Monthly, Balasn. Oracoa. - FOB BALE TRUCK CHAINS ALL SIZES. CAPITAL JUKK BAB GAIN HOUSE, SIS CENTER ST. PHONE $98. WOOD CALL THE SALEM FUKf, TARDS FOI your wood aad coal; efxiea 103 araa atreet Phono 829. FOR RENT HOUSES FOR RENT 5 ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 754 N. High. F. U WOOD. S81 6TATB ST, REA.L oetato. rental. FOR RENT A FURNISHED 8 ROOM bouse until June firet. Can be eea at 260 8. 23rd, Thursday atternoon. FOR RENT 7 ROOM HOUSE. MODERN, full basement, furnace, gas. lights, fire place; located at 444 N. 14th aU Villi give lease for , 6 months. L. A. Hay- ford. 305 State Street. Boom JO KENT ONE SEPARATE ROOM, fnruiahed. $15 per month; 553 Marion. Phone 1524. - FOR RENT LARGE, LIGHT, FURN ished rooma for business men. Newly equipped; furnace ' heated, bath. One r,.ck irom tHtoirico. rmit LOST AND FOUND LOST. LOST-OOLD BAR PIN ON STATE OR Liberty atreeta. or in aeportment store Reward for return. Phone 1304. FOUND FOUND 4 KEYS O W.ING. OWNER rasy aecure aame at thia office by prov nj proerty and paying j''lL WANTED MISCELLANEOUS GOOSEBEERRY AND CURRANT CUT- ting wanted. rraJUsaa arsry. Phon 1140M. . WANTED FIRST CLASS LOGANBER- ry Up plant for later delivery. Cannot as suckers. Joint plants aor spindling tip. State quantity and price wsatea Ward K. Richardson. Phone 494. SALEM. OREGON BUSINESS CARDS Automobile Directory OLESON MOTOR CAR CO. 349 N. Commercial Si. Pbona 666 Used Car Center. Quick Changes 1SI6 Ro . . $ 00 mo Cleveland 1250 1919 Ford Touring 325 1915 Chandler, a snap ; 325 1920 Internationa! 1 ton truck.... 1100 1919 Chandler. 7 passenger ...... 1200 Many Other Good Bays BEAUTY PARLORS. ORKGONIAN BEAUTY SHOP. 187 8. Commercial St. Marcel waving, hair dres&ins. manieoring. switches made. evenioga. Phone 477. CHINESE PHYSICIAN Dili II. HUM CURES AST DIOWN disease. 153 8. High Bt. Pkotv 188. BRESSMAKINO. WANTED. SEWING, hour. Call 180-R. WILL WORK BY HAT SHOPS. HAT 8HOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'S hat renovated and blocked 495 Court tree. LA UN DRIES Rlt.FU T. 1 nennv miroirr . e . mrmm a. v. mM 0. liberty street. Phono 25. Oldest ijargeat Beat. EitabUahed 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Quality work, prompt Berviea, lied Broadway. Paono 165. NURSERY STOCK. CHOICE LOGANBERRY PLANTS FOR spring delivery; any quantity. Ward K. Richardson. 2395 Front. CHOICE STRAWBERRY PLANTS, ANY quantity; all leading varieties. Price interesting. Ward K. Richardson, 2395 Front si Phono 494. ' F-R V I T L A Sf D NURSERY NOW HAS a ales yard corner High and Ferry sts.. . Salem. Pleas call and aee our stock; ' 6 and 8-foot Italian prune and smaller grades, also other nursery stock Phone 1140M. PAINTEfO AND P AFERH A NOTNG I hav gone esat on aa emended vis.t and I recommend A. li. Clark (phone 139&J) as a competent workman. Glenn U Adini. PLUXBIXG. PLUMBING. REPAIRING AND COIL work. Phono 1517 J. Shop 127 Union treet. A. L. Godfrey. PRIVATE HOSPITALS. WANTED CONFINEMENT CASES AT privat hoapital. I have beat of equip ment, t-none iw.-. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS KATHERINK 6CHLXEF. M. D PHY iciau and Burgeon. Ollice Oregon building, rooms 411-1$. Phoaa (40, iw. ww urefeii eiectrte depot. SECOND HAND FURNITURE WANTED SECOND-HAND FURNI- tnre, rags, earpets, - stoves, machinery aad tooU. Best prices paid. The Cap ital Hardware A Faruiture Oe 885 N. Com 'I St. Phono 947. REPAIRING AND SHARPENING CUTLERY GRINDING; LAWN MOW- or, safety raters, ate. Stewart's Uo pair Shop. S47 Court street. BEN WHEELER EVERYTHING im paired. General sharpening, chimney sweep, iaa . nta st Phone 1418W. bTOE REPAIRING STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years experieace; Depot National fence, sixes 26 to 68 laches high. Paiat oil aad varniahea, ote- mgaaherry and bop hooks. Salem Fence and Stove Works, 2 SO Court Street. Phone It SECOND HAND GOODS WH BUT AND SELL SECOND HAND good of aU kinds, pipe fitting, har ness, ooQars. collar pads, tools, aad chain. Fred Schindlar, 258 Oeato etreet. vK . TRANSFER HAULING CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. J 16 Stat 8t, phoao 988. Distribatiag, forwarding aad storsgs our spocislty. Get our rate. WALL PAPER, PAINT " WALL PAPER AND CEILING PAPKS SO aad up double rolL Max O. Ie rea, 179 . Commercial St, 8EK PORTER FOR PAINTS. WALL Paper and Picture Framing. Good WTkraen. 455 Court St. Phoaa 465. WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT POWER - Ca. office 801 South Oeta'l street. Tea per coat dtseaaat oa demesti flat rates paid ia advance. N d daetwaa for absence or aay cauae ax leas water is shut off your premise. CHIROPRACTORS. DR. O. L. 8COTT. P. 8. C- CHIROPRAC- tor, 309-1 z U. b. Baak Blix. Phon 97: Re. 824R. PROFESSIONAL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICLiNf DBS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, H. 8. Natioaal Bank Bidx. SOS DR. W. U MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Physiciaa aad Surgooa. . xUrsaviUe graduate, 404 aad 405 U. S. NatrBank building. Phone OUiee 319. residence 14. DR. JOHN L. LYNCH. OSTEOPATHIO Phyaieiaa xt Burfwaa, 408-404 Oregea Bldg. Pboaee: Ofttoa 1894; Rea. 68F5. REAL ESTATE TWO HOUSES FOR SALE OR REST. One a snodern D room bungalow, 1118 and 11 Norway street. ONE OF 'THE BEST 7 ROOM BUXGA tows: aJl modern, in superb . location; $55O0, some terms. i MAG EE Room 29, Corner State and Commercial Over Busick'a FOR SALE 5-ROOM COTTAGE. WELL a rranzed. modern conveniences, lot 117 feet frant. bearing fruit, price $2100; g-od tnna 5 room taodcrn bungalow, fireplace, full cement basement; practically new. price $3000. MRS. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 275 State Street. Phone 515 FOR SALE GOOD OLD HOUSE. PLA8 tered and with modern conveniences, fine corner lot. paved on both sides, close in: will be sold for just what the lot is worth. Price $3SOO. MRS. WlXNIJi PETTYJOHN 275 State Street. Phone SIS BEST BUYS 150 acres. IS cleared. 200 cord cut wood; 7 mile from Salem, on county road. $50 per acre. Terms. 180 acres, to exchange for city property, or ; acreage, , mile from town; $40 per - acre. - 116 acre Howell prairie land: 5-room bouse, barn. 0 mile from Salem, $160 per acre. Terma. . ,' 7-room strictly modern, one block of post office. 87500. 6-room. new modern bungalow, $3200 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 6 ROOM BUNGALOW. FUR- nace, garage, corner lot. -good location. Price 84250. MRS. WINNIE PETTTJOHS 275 Stat Street. Phone 515 Reasonably Priced Properties V bare a limited number town house and suggest you consult us. You will bo satisfied. We mean what we say. The FLEMING REALTY Co 341 State Street 40 ACRES. 22 CULTIVATED, GOOD road, good terms, 1600. MAG EE Room 29. Corner State and Commercial Over Busick's FOR SALE 7-ROOM PLA8TERK.D house, garage, 1 lot. Price $2300; $dU0 cash; balance $20 per month. HART k ML'LLEU 20S Oregon Buiding FOR SALE One of (he finest home in Salem. l',4 story, 7 rooms. Modern, full basement, east front and paved street. $0800. Dandy 10 acres of land. 5 miles from town on good road. $1300. LOOSE & PATT0N 370 Vi State Street. STRICTLY MODERN HOME OX COURT street. Price $6300. An excellent buy with good teem on State street home. Price $tnoo. MRS. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 275 State Street. Phone 515 RADICAL REDUCTION Owner of a 10 acre orchard ha a fine ' business opening and will make aa ac tual sacrifice of his place to enable him to accept. The price ia open; 15 minute from town; deairable place. See me for detaiL WM. FLEMING 341 State Street GOOD BUYS 10 seres all cultivated, bouse, ham and chicken house, cloe to station on Oregon Electric. Price $2200. 10 sere close to Salem, gnod builjinis, 8 seres bearing prunes, good road, close to car line. Pi ire $8500. Well improved 15 seres, 4I3 -mile out, good buildings, family orchard. 1 sere strawberries, good soiL Price $6000. 20 acre of fine prairie soil, all cultivat ed; 4 -room plastered house, barn. Price $5350. Term oa part. 21 acre. Id acres of prunes. 3 acres of Ligan. fair building, good road, good dryer, farm machinery. Price $12.0OO. 6 acre of brush and timber land. '4 mile from S. Commercial street csr tioe. beautiful view. Price $1800. $500 down 200 acre farm, close to Salem, boildings. 100 acres cultivated, lots of good tim ber, good road. Price $100 per acre. 44-acre farm. 5 miles out. buildings, good prairie soil. Price $175 per acre. Good 6-room plastered house and three lots dose to ear line; electric lights. Price $2100. $1100 down. If yon are looking to buy. trade or sell, come in and see us. we may have Just what yon are looking for. W. H. Grabenborst & Co. 275 SUt Street. ONE STORY 5 ROOM HOUSE AND TWO lots, city water, near car line., $1850; 8350 will handle, balance like rent. A number of a-ood city residence well lo cated. See aa before you purchase. We car. help you locate. 20 acre tract, of timber. 8 miles out ad joining Howell Prairie, $3000. 40 acres 7 miles north oa county read: 10 acre ia cultivation, balance in timber, 1000 cord of wood. A snap at S4000. 320 acres near railroad. Tine timber ex cept .10 acre cleared, fair house, and barn at $25 Her acre.- ''-..; We have number of home tracts near Ss4 320-acre grain fans in Canada near tluH Lake on C. P. K.K, to trade for, Una near Salem. For good buys come aee ns. If yen want to urll list with us. If you want to trade we have it. . OREGON LAND CO. 442 Bute St. FRUIT and STOCK RANCH Of 233 acres of -tillsbla land. located S miles from Salem,, oa paved road, SO acre in fall art a in., a fin 7-reat-old. 20- acre prune orchard (produced 17 ton of dried fruit last year). 20 bead of cattle. 6 bead - of horse. 70 goats. about 900 bushel of eats. 40 tone of hay and 70 -tons of silage. fuUy equipped with all kind of machinery and tools, and aa eight- eomed fully modern house with furnace. bath, electric lights, etc.. full cement basement. Barn and out building ia first class condition. Price, everything included $180 'per acre. A' small pay ment down, your own time oa the bal ance. Thia farm could bo cut ia two very nicely. v LAFLAR & LAFLAR 408 407 Oregon Bldg.' Salem. Or- FOUR ACRES JUST OUTSIDE CITY limits with good baiidmgs and half is fruit. - 10 acres nearly all la fruit, aear city, at a bargain. 20 -acre aearly all In fruit' with good son on ana a good any. SQUARE DEAL CO. . Phoaa 470. CONVENIENTLY LOCATED FIVE-ROOM modern, house for aale. Price reasonable if taken at once; good terma. . Move in today. For appointment to I see it, call owner. Phone 494 or evenings 631M. A GOOD 8ETZN KOOM HOUSE FOB $1500; part term if sold at our; recently remodeled and ia good con ditio. Corner lot. Owner will show it by appointment. Phone Mr. White 494 or evening 80CJ. TO EXCHANGE 5 ACRE8 CLOSE IN, Bom Improvements; for hous ia Eal lem. W. E. Compton, 822 State street, room 7. FOR SALE 7-ROOM HOUSE. NICE shrubbery, ' some fruit, paved stroet. Price $1700. HART k MULLEB 208 Oregon Buiding v ' FARM FOR HOUSE TRADE 20 ACRES 5 miles from Salem; best of soil. 14 acre ia cutivatioa ready to set to fruit - fl acre first class fir timber, good -well, ae building, aear highway. Priee $3500; terms or trade for Salem resi de ace. , ." t. We have others, improved, to trade. List it with as . BARBER & PEARSON i 200 Bray Building. ar Commercial Cmb FOR SALE A BEVEX-room furnished house, garar. two large lota with all kind of fruit. A six-room furnished cottag oa pavsd atreet at $2500. Have a splendid buy of s home oa Chem eketa street. A large apartment house. Brings splendid income on money invested. Seven-room house nd garage on South Commercial street at $450(1. A 15-acre farm close to Salem, I a splen did borne. Can l-e bought by making a payment of $2000 down. A 5 acre tract. Beautiful homo for $4750. Many -ther farm are oa my list to choose from. GERTRUDE J. M. PAGE 493 North Cottage Street. , Phono 1186 FOR BALE 80 ACRES EXCEPTION ally fine second growth fir timber. 8 mile from Salem. 4 mil to TaciXie - bighwar. Price $75 per sera. ... HART A MLLLEK 4 208 Ore go Buidiag . , EASY TERMS. 5-ROOM HOUSE PLA8 terrd. city water, newly painted inside and out; 3 lot, fruit to sell, at a bar gaia. Price $1850; term $350 down, baUaea like reat. Immediate posses- BARBER & PEARSON 1 200 Brsy Baildiaf, asr CoanBercfsl Ctub REAL ESTATE WOOD'S BARGAINS Eight-room modern kus. 13500. or will exchange for smaller house. 40 acres prt in fruit, om timber; good loca tion, f.l, building; take house part Py. Six room modem house, $2650 Jour-room house. $1300. Five room 12th Ilsre a three-room house for rem or sale, easx tenor. $850 F. L WOOD ' I State Street. FOit f VLE 33 ACRES. . i MILK WF.ST v. iiwsviiie. Oreenn Ktl. ...a ctioerv. Write f .r terms. Henry Fen e!l, Aamsville, Oregon. FOR S ILK 8 ROOM MODERN HOME - i i 1 .lr,'e"- furnace, firei.lace. MRS. WtVVtV PlTTrTnm- . . iae street. ISone 515 WORTH WHILE . . . j room Douse with basement. 3'J blocks lT-irnnJnh.",r "J1 'TeJ Price fJ"50; $1250 cash. uoii b-room plastered house line. Price $2500. t , V "'l, out. 4 room house, bcken booses. 100 chickens, cow and ran. auto sot 20 cords of rwiH n-i.. including personal property $2200 T rssil. 13 acre 5 mile out; all in cultivation running water, near highway. Priee $2580; P1750 cash. ' 1 20 Vi acres mile fro:n west side electric. in tru'uvaiiou. l-rice sioo per acre term. res 6 mile from SVm. 1.10 acres in cultivation. b acre in good timber, une spring, building fair. Prire $J0 per acre, MILLS & COPLEY '. mate btreet. Phone 175 BARBER & PEARSON Ben city and country property. List it with us and it will receive special at tention, we will find you a trarte if .r'crci:?200 WHOLE MILK AND PRODUCE WANTED MArion Creamery & Prodace.Ce Salem, Oregon. Phone 2483 1 SALEM MARKETS RUYING PRICE Eggs and Poultry , Eggs, 40c. Hens, heavy, 22-2 4c. Hens, light, 18-20c. Old roosters, 8-1 Oc. Broilers, 22-2 4c. Potk, Mutton and TWf Pork, on foot. $11.50-$11.75. Lambs, 7 -8c. . Dressed hogs. 14 c. Beef steers, 7 1-2 8c. Cows. 2-$c. Top veal, 16c. ' nay Clover hay, $20-$ 2 2. Oat and vetch hav. ner ton S2l-$23. Cheet hay, $2 1-123. Groin Wheat. $1.20-$ 1.3 5. Oats, 45c. . Mill Feeds, Retail Mill run. $38. . Wholesale to DeAlora Creamery butter, 61-52c. Uutterfat, 44c. Fn.lt Orange. $3.75-$4.50. Bananas, 13 l-2c. Lemons; $3.75. Grape fruit. Cal.. $4: Ariz- $5.50; Florida, $8. Cranberries. $5.25 box; $20 tbL egetables Cabbate. 2c. Onions. Oregon. $1.25. -e j".j''r',t7c - '' - - wmm )- i $- ShdtO-tfr J lftMe fpwf fes j Oregon Statesman Salem, Oregon Enclosed please find $. Name. jnonths for. Prim-Lady Rubberized . IZZTT: V are II fiiUl' I s 1 I el J 87 v v " 1 1 I Sh5rSJa." -afea.e-l 1 WCJW. J . owe ' Tss" ilHsetsiiiisLI 1 'aeooataf-Jr 1 StMH..e- I - fc- J f-Sr--k4- J kt.es- AV ..uaiilT tttiX '. 1. Ill It Onions. California, $2. Turn i pi. 2. j .. Carrots. 1 1.50 Back. Oreen peppers.' &c - Cauliflower. $1.85 do. Da'es. 22 l-2c lb. Lettuce. $3 crt. Spuds, 1 cwti Sweet potatoes, $3. 75-16.50. Grape, 25c lb.t Comb honey, case, $8. Celery, J 1.2 5 doi. bunches. Parsley. 60c doz. bunches. Beets, 75c doz. bunches. Tomatoes. $3.23 crt. Honey, extracted 20c lb. Retail Creamery butter, 4 5-5 5c. Egfs. 47c. Flcvir. hard wheat, $2.75-$2.95, Flour. Yalley. $2.50. Sugar. $10. .MA WON NOTES. MARION. Or.,; Jan. 26. (Spc- clal to The ! Statesman.) A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Palmer, Jr.. on Janu ary 17. She in to be railed Irene. The basket social given by the V. O. W. In the hall on Kriday evening was a great success, both socially and financial!. The bas kets brought about $75. John Palmer.! Jr., is on the sick list. He Is Improving. IJttle Zona Hlgbee has been TIME TABLES SOUTHERN PACOTO CO. Effective Sunday, November 14, 1920 and thereafter. Vcrthbouna No. 54 Oregon! an ............ S:0oam No. 16 Oregon Express :S8 Na. 28 Willamette Limited 9:90 am J Portland Passenger 2:00 pm .5?,?i - ?iTV.::: 5S 1 ' aw. a tine naaata;. 8;04 pa aauDthAnnil No. 58 Oregoaiaa No. 2S For Eageae ......... No. 15 California Express . . ., . . 9 rOd am . .10:C. am ..10:8 am .. 4:0$ pa 5:49 pm 45:48 pj .. 9:34 ps ro. ii nofteDurg Faeager . Train No. 11 (The hastai No. 27 WiHametta Limited . o. 18 baa Fraaeisco Pass... aVALEM-OEAW T.TVst No. 7$ Arrive at Salem 9:10 as. 4:00 pa ao. 74 Leave Salem : SAXEML FAXXS CITY s WESTEBJf 181 Lieave Salem, xoo'er...... 7:45 aa 1M Leave Salem, motor 9:35 aa 185 Leaves Salem, mctor 1 :55 pa TBrough car to Monmouth nnd ArlU 171 Leaves Salem for Dallas... 5:10pm IBS Arrives at Salem 9:10 aa 1M Arrives at Salem 11 :00 a 168 Arrives at Salem 8:20 pa 173 Arrives at Salem 7:40 a OREGON EXEC TRIO South bo and Loav Portland 1 .... 6:80 am 5 Ltd. 8.30 am T ....10:45am 9 .... 3:05 pm IS Ltd. 4:45 pm ! Arriv Arrive Salem Eageae ! 8:80 am 10:50 aa 10:15am 12.23 pS 111 :50 pmCor.3 :20 pa :izpm a:4L 8:40 tm it e:23 pm 19 9:80pm 8:25 pa Fa'emonM 11:25 pm Salem onlf North Bank 8UBon (leave Jafiamat street 1$ aad 20 minute later). Northbound Leave Arrive Arrive Port lant 9:25 M 11:85 a Eageaa 10 Ltd. T:30sa 12 14 ...,11:15am 15 Ltd. 1:55 pm SA ... Salem Baiem 7:15 am 9:45 am 11:15 am 1:20 pa 8:45 pa 4:45 pa .7:40 p 1:89pm 4:Mia 8 ;0 pus 7:55 am 32 - .... S:35pm --oa pa Ncrth Bank 8tatioa (arrive Jefferuos street IS minutes earUor). Lev C vallis 4:10. i ,,.. COEYALLeJ CONNXCnONS VerUbeud Leave CerraTIia Arrtve BeJea S :20 am 3:40 pm 9:45 am 4:00 pm S :80 am :io pm ; 8:22 pm Leave Salem . S:S5am 10:15 am 13:66 pm 4:13 pm l!4sa ' 1:55 pm feataewama Arrtv CervaCk , 9:55 pm ll:35m . i ' - 3:20pm v, :48pm :flita v:i"" TJ lpf fT V' UIM-LADY APRONS are the pride and happiness of aU the better class of housekeepers who hare them, .They the time and work Barer of These aprons are neat, attractive .and tremendously aa xatJ' ejrVw. a M xa '" T ' oopuiar as a preventative ox inc msn iosi oi UTing in regard to clothing they are uneumparable be-. cause they not only save the laundry bill but the wearing apparel as welL ' - These garments are over-garments, which require no laundry ing. Are xnade of the best quality of gingham, thoroughly rubberized and printed in cheery-looking pat terns, jin blue and wfcjte checks. ' The Retail Value Is v ! $1.50 ' ' For A Household Necessity and all you have to do to get onev of i these attractive,' ser- -viceable and time-saving gar ments is to get us two new Daily Subscribers for three.) months, or one new subscriber for 12 months. 50c a month by mail in Marlon and Folk counties. 60c a month outside of these counties. 65c a month by cify carrier. . . i for which send at your irgular subscription Apron to v. - FHINGS THAT NEVER HAPPEli mmmm ARE Y0R out of school for some time on ac coont of the la grippe, but 1 now ablw to return to school again. . The Cressy family. have all been sick with la grippe, '; - H. Dual bad the muiortuaie is lose one of his horaea last week.- Walter Thoma$ and 1 family have moved to Mill City where Mr. Thomas la teachrn Ktvbol.-- Jdm. C, Haines aaji .daughter Jeannet of Lebanon are-tUylng at the home of John-Palmer, Jr. Marlon has a flight, telegraph operator at the' depot again. , Alrro Neal Is golnt; to Pendle- on to -work. Mrs. N. Cook, who .has been 111 for po long, is much Improved In health. Mrs. J. D. Smith had the mis fortune -to fall and strikw hi band on the stove, burning it quite badly. ... . .The members and friends of the Presbyterian church are plar nlng a jollification in the near future, the occasion being 'the burning of the note which lias been over the church for soIout- AMERICANS r OXFORD ; 4 If we walk through the streets of Oxford today we shall notice UUle that is hew -except that Ox ford la mora full than aha lias ever been. New buildings are be- ingr constructed, rooms, are. being shared, the lecture lists are crowd' ed out. An . American' i would b specially Interested In the throngs of eager young American students who have come over. In many cas es by way .of France, to study for a year or so . at the oldest of uni- J versifies. The new '"world has certainly been called . In ' here to redress the balance of the Old. A prosperous American Cfmb has been started, comprising a membership of several ' hundreds.'- where Eng- our thriftiest women. - cleanable waterproof the Daily Oregon Statesman. to Address. I'TiHtitI f 1 1 lift fill 0 i: Pi I'Ul'llil'i'l i; i ri h . : y ;iifev v-:' f -n't ' 1 I t price in according to rates above and please send The Addrcsl. w - . V.'HO MP 0 TbOTII PIE(7 WITH fftIN j llshmen and Americans may meet . together and dlacnss International affairs over their own newspapers. American aocleties- are sprlnjdng ep .all over. Oxford, and for the first time in her life Oxford is reallxlsg the meaning of -Americas democracy. Beverley. Nichols In Weekly Review. . , ; . ' Large 'flocks of Old' Crow are still flylns across the Canadian border, t l - r- THE FINANCIAL OUTLOOK FOR 1921 SEVENTH YXAJt Not aa Aaaaal Review, bat a enmprehensive, coneervativ aad valuable book oa what the mas ter mist's of America believe 1921 will enfold. Aa indispens able guide te the basiaco maa aad financier alike. ? Partial Sammary ef Cos tents Opportunity The 121 Outlook A , Con no lite Picter of finan cial and Be ii a ess-, laser- e see through the' eyeo ed 25 American Leader oi Iadastry. Stock Market Average for 1920. ,- Tea Year Price Bag of Lead- tag Stock. w-. - Ebb aad Flow ef Price Wave .rtae 95 Year. ' t .("; Trend of Stevk Price Duriag . . d .After the War. .. J Thirty Seasoned lavestssent aad Speculative trportuuitiee. 5 wrdMatianteeord et N. T. Curb Market for 19?. in Copy ire "poo reawast - Editlsa Umltsd ' '- a . McCaDttS: Riley Co., IncK? 36 BROAD STXrXT. YEW Y0SX ' 1(26 Walaat auet, TkUadaipkia Harriet rg. Pa. - , Lancaster. Pa. J '"' Privat Wire CensecUar, Omco 's' t ; m; J F- r In terms. 6 room strictly modern, elo la; $5250; term. D. D. S0C0L0FSKY 341 Ststa gtitef. Name. Read the Clanificd Ads. ? I'se fcutmnaq ClaTslflea At 1