The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 27, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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i t . - , . Usued Daily Except Monday by
215 S. Commercial St., Salem, Oregon
(Portland Office. 704 Spalding Building. Phone Main 1116)
: '
The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for repub
lication ot all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited
In this paper and., also the local news pubiisnea nerein.
R. J. Hendricks. .Manager
Stephen A. Stone. Managing Editor
Ralph Olorer ... i ... . , ........... Cashier
Frank Jaskoskl. . . ......... Manager Job Dept.
DAILY STATESMAN, serted by carrier in Salem and suburbs, 15
cents a week, 65 cents a monf'i. , .. . I
DAILY STATESMAN, by mail. adranee, IS a year, 5 for six
months, $1.50 for three months, in Marion and Polk counties;
$7 a year, $3.50 for six months, $1.75 for three months, out
' Side of these counties. When not paid in adrance, 50 cents a
year additional. - . , m
THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm paper.
wi', be rent a year to any one paying a year in advance to the
Daily Statesman.
SUNDAY STATESMAN,. $1.60 a year; 76 cents for six months;
WEEKLY STATESMAN, issued In two six-page sections, Tuesdays 0 SOon. at the present
and Fridays, $1 a year (if not paid In advance, $1.26); 60 cents j management gambled o
" for six months; 25 cents tor tnree monias.
Business. Office. 23. f
Circulation Department, 6S3,
Job Department, 583.
Society Editor 106. - .
Entered at; the Postofflce In Salem, Oregon, as second class matter.
Push it along ? .A
Accelerate the celery industry.
nut remember tiiat it takes cap
ital and a great deal of labor
And the richest land in the
world needs $150 an acre a year
of fertilizer, to make it produce
celery as it ought to be produced.
Acain. a copy of the Welcome
edition of The Statesman requires
3 cents postace. if you Fend your
own copy, which you should do.
And j'ou may buy extra copies
at the office at 20 cents each, and
the will be mailed to any ad
drosses yo'i may furniFh, without
extra charge. Or Juat send in
your addresses by mail or other
wise, and the copies you order
will be promptly forwarded.
The extra copies will all be
rate. The
on a larg?
sale, and rrinted a large number
of extra copies: ! but the indica
tions an now that the gambling
would have been safe on a much
larger number.
s s s
Tomorrow, representatives from
the Salem district, including Mrs.
". I. Lord, will appear before
the way and means committer of
the lower houf-e of congress to
present the claims for protective
tariff duties ot our flax and hemp
industries. This effort is bound
to succeed, and it will materially
Senate Committee Hears
The Arguments on
Russian Trade
WASHINGTON, Jan. 26. Arg
unicnts for and against resump
tion of trade with soviet Russia
were received 1 today by the cn
atfl foreign relations committee;
which also heard charges that the
Plate department was Maintaining
a blockade against that country,
although technically none was
supposed to exist.
Spokesmen for organized work
ers in many lines appeared to sup
port the resolution ot Senator
France, Republican of Maryland,
which would enable American
firms to accept gold of the old
imperial Russian government,
which Is being offered by the v
viet authorities in payment for
foreign goods. They said re
sumption of trade would go a
long way toward relieving the in
dustrial depression which has
tnrown more than three million
persons out of employment.
John Spargo of New York, who
has written about Russian con
ditions, expressed the opposite
opinion. In a statement which
was admitted to the record, he
declared that the renewal of
trade "might casilv prove the
means of bringing about tbe col
lapse of our entire economic sys
tem," as vast credits would have
r unfferinr from scurvy as a
.result ot undernourishmest.
The children In the schools of
the Bashkir republic are reported
to be in rags, barefooted and
TURNER, Or., Jan. 23. (Special
n Th statesman) Mr. and Mrs.
J. T. Lyle entertained during tbe I
week Frank Baker and family oft
Forest Grove, Frank Ljrie ot rori
land and Mrs. Burnett and son of
St. Johns.
A daughter, Rachel Olive, was
horn to Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Riches,
January 19.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bear moioreo.
to Portland Friday.
Richard Walker left last ween
for California points.
Miss Florence Humphrey, of Sa
lem, visited with Turner friends
Mrs. R. M. Klser, primary teach
er, was a Salem visitor Saturday.
Mrs. Pearl Kelly taught the In
termediate room Thursday for
Miss Davis who was on tbe sick
I. L. Robertson and daughter,
Miss Dell, are visiting friends in
The Methodist Episcopal Aid so
ciety will meet Thursday with Mrs.
L. SmalL
Mrs. Ed. Martin left last week
for her home in Idaho.
Justus Robertson came over
from O. A. C. to spend the week
end at home.
C. W. Hewitt was a Salem bus
iness visitor Thursday.
13U.0F O.AL
nubile .according to advices re
ceived here. Tbe cave was d.scov
ered in the Sequoia National park
near here two years ago.
The cave has been boarded np
nntil the park serTlce could ar
range for electric lighting and
guards, so Us beauties might not
be destroyed by souvenir hunters.
I Relieved of Supporters
A group of war veterans we,-,
discussing Thanksgiving. On ef
the guests was a veteran wko t,
lost both legs.':
"And what nave yon to t
thankful for? they asked.
Lots." be replied. I've tot
Five Members of Senate and
Eight Representatives
In Session
During the 1$21 season parties i legs and I can put on mr
. - iv ...ll -1 l W tfenmH l,,V.
will be escorted mruuu m iiwu .. i.arr-
under gnldsnce of rangers.
Iran Legion Weekly.
tv a1r IrwWrv i nn imnortant basic industry in the belp in bringing a great develop-
iic s,.j ---T--A f:uai tn vnnma vntlv mnt these Industries, centered
Salem district; already important, and likely to become vastly at galem And thft beflnninK of
e so., . . I new enterprises in this line is only
.. :1 -11 A 1. il,. .nmrnlininaliMI ff PnV TC. I fp-jf WPPk Off DOW.
it trie reaaer win turn iu ie wi...... y. ---1 . - - - i, x
. - . . . r 41 1 nKmh I - I ire
V,o n niiOAr nrt OUtStanainP: ETOVer UJ. Uie Lkiu I . I iwurin- hn f.niri ami
x unuu, j.vr..,. - - i i j u if,Ji,otMr I rivaling in ireianu roniuiucs, " -
Meadows district, he Will find that leader in the lnausiry I of COUr. but the casualty list is Trotxky monopolized Russian
rinnintr for and lookme forward to tne lime wnen me ceiery not yet as large as that or sun- traae, aenaior ranaegse, epuu
"sK t o AAA AAA t,t,,,o1 inHiistrv for that district day automobile accidents in this lican of Connecticut, asked how
win ..nuue-s f'-w"'" . - - countrv. ' it would bt possible to work out
plans for trade with Russia with
out dealing with them. Senator
France replied that 'British
statesmen have worked out plan
for the possession of the whole
ol Russian trade." and that he
believed American statesmen had
eqnal ability.
Charges that the state depart
ment maintained an actual block
ade against soviet Russiaa were
presented by Mrs. Harry A. Stan
ton Blatch and Miss Lucy Bran-
ham of the American women's
etnereency comn.ittee. Taey" de
clared that the department bad
prevented their organization from
send'ng clothing and foodstuffs to
needy Russian children end that
ehips loaded had been .prevented
from going to Russia.
Finally they said, the commit
tee had been forced to ssnd Us
supplies to" the American Friends
EUGENE, Jan. 24. Five mem
berg of the Oregon state senate
for 1921 and eight memDers oi
tho bouso are University of Ore
gon alumni, according to tbe Ore
gon Voter of January 1. This to
tal of 13 leads all other universe
ties and colleges represented In
the legislature; the next In line
beine Willamette with seven
members in tho house.
Seuators received their
early traininc in the university
are: Robert S. Farreil. re eiectea
for the sixth time from Multno
mah rounlY! K. II. Porter of
Portland, serving bis fifth term;
W. W. Hanks, serving In the sen
ate for bis second session; O. B
Robertson, who halls from Con
don; and Jap Upton, of Prineville.
in for their first term.
. The representatives are given
in the Voter as follows: Louis K.
Itean. fuieaker. Eurene; A. F.
Flint. Scholia: Phillip Hammond
Orecon City: Franklin F. Korell
Portland: K. K. Kubll. Portland:
H. J. Overturf. Bend; Albert S
Roberts. The Dalles; and C. E
Woouson, Heppner.
(Continued from page 1)
S. B. 175. Eberhard Constitut
ing every county a judicial dis
trict for circuit purposes.
S. B. 176. Eberhard Trans
ferrins Ptobate jurisdiction from
teucmra Joints'
Rub (Wo R(snt Out-Tn;T7uV.
ti .n..icm la "nam oniT. I uei a
in fiftT reouires in-1 time St. Jacoos on
.vui . 0
ternal treatment. wp urusbiu.
Rub soothing, penetrating .
Jacobs Oil" directly into your
tore, stiff Joints and muscles and
relief comes instantly. "St. Ja
cobs Oil" is a harmless rncuma-
tlsui cure which never disappoints
and cannot burn or discolor tbe
Umber ap! Quit complaining.
small trial bottle of old.
at any drv:
rtore and in Jutt a moment yosli
bo free from rheumatic pJi,
torcness and stiffness. Don't toT
fer!" Relief and a cure avs4j
you.' "St. Jacobs Oil" has csrei
millions of rheumatism suffertn
In the last half century, aaa is
just as good for sciatica, near!
gia, lumbago, backache, rprab,
and swellings.
. , , i i
aione . . . - , .
a V .ran, nnsorvativlv nn ts 5000 acres . ol tnat
iic j - - l rrrrnoT Tft iii i
"Kv-r Ham" land as the area that wouia maKe certain an trruni iu
industry of, that maimitude, 5 ' BILL IS FAILURE
if rAtr will follow the other articles, he will realize
. r ... . . a . f a
i,of Mr vnbtirin himsplf has been eettine more tnan siouu
an acre iross for his celery, grown on that kind of land. And, pr s-Adair)-
by the same sign, given enougngrowersoi n . r-TiVd Smate
HnerrAf tr harm. rnar mucn lanu 111 vcicxjr. icoa , v - - . - J a. 1 I a iriiKaii is iui au.ia4i&c aco
acres of the Labish weaaows iana wouia ue requireu tu
it a $2,000,000 annual industry
And verv crood celery can De raisea on neany any kuiu
w have in this district, even on our ciay sons. :
With ho etnrf that has been made, and with SO much of I county to circuit court.
f v v .... ii -ill I o T 17? 1 Ulnt ITnltn ttwA
1 1 i a. i- i.-j framd in tna urnr n aval an R I - , jumi w u
me very oest ceiery r.-Tr, . ,Wa rmin, dsration
. . A 1 A. M I . I I MAtM AVM S S-l tHA i - - "
Ihpro 15 no flUeSIlOn DUI iUariUIl tUUIltv will icmam in i .nnt- n out
fead in Oreiron in the celery industry ; ana me grow in mai is judicial district
flow being made will likely be faster, in the .future. . s. b. us. Ryan Regulating
ll -mr t-1 1 J il I y Vtj vnavLrof- rimngnri iwuauMi u oom vi !"' viwn
i air. ruKuaa savs tiiete w uu mini, w mc i.ivci. wuiouu , .
, . r , , . i f . ,i r , uuiiuo.
lor our celery ; and he means tne marxer. aemana ior tne iresq
article. "v "
I i - L . . . . . M 3
The dehydraqn punt atiem. will neea more ana more rs vM.,jo,nt- commiue rrs coon for otildres.
Celery, m supplying US expanamg traae wiurupiui. uue, , mniUrT affairs Amendine the Mrs. C. E. Schwab, 1007 14th
aiid it is conceivable that all the 5000 Labish Meadows "beav- J military code. i St.. Canton. Ohio, writes: "We
i-j m.Vif k Hnvnf oH tn rolorv OTAWinc as mncn I S. B. 181. Lathmund and Strav- use roiers uoney ana iar ior
. 7i.. m! c..i. .,.o'rtr onil ctill rtf lisvs I -r-MJIvine state land board cus- coughs and find It one of th
TJO Wie acre as w. uuu r.ltod -of note. bond,, and other - best remedies Oil the market. s
Hny lor the iresn marKet aeraanu. , M . . . , curitles covering loans from com- pecially good lur children's
,1 1 But if the reader will take his pencil and-flgure up thatlmon school and other funds. coughs, as it does not contain any
Irtarlal The followine bills were rntro- drug that is harmful." 8erlous
fuuw n.u u.m v-...v duced In the house yesterday: sickness often follows llagering
uiicictjr. f ?ii f ,if - -l H. B. 162. Ryan Requiring colds. Hard coughing racks a
f j, i it 13 Well LilAL LtlC uauioil a.4ai t o vviu j v. 1 triiiaic aiicuuauh wuciv ma mini
kanizing for their mutual protection and benefit, and for in- women are being examined on
Will maintain tne quauiy ot me jjiuuuu i-upvu w uuuki, i action 1913. Oregon laws, rals-
and its attractive appearance in tne manteis wnere it is ais nns the age of consent from 16 to
played : and all this will help to maintain remunerative prices, 1 18 years.
and to extend the markets to take care of any increased inn Placing eities
I u iiuct ji uviaiuuD ui wuiauicu a
acreage. , I tcmcensation law and referrine
: i
The Statesman hopes to report progress again next year to th-s people
fn th celerv industrv. and to be able to sav the fiTOWth has I H. U. 16o. by Korell. Hammond
been greater than in the past year.
Cut out this slip, enclose with
5c and mall It to Foley St Co..
2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago. 111.,
writing your name and address
V. 111 .ual. In
Sunken Spanish Galleon Of 1 turn a trial package containing
Foley's Honey and Tar Com
pound for ' coughs, colds and
croup; Foley Kidney iin ior
, pains in sides and back; rheuma-
tsm, backache, kidney and blad
der ailments; and Foley Cathar
l tic Tablets, a wholesome and
Doubloons is Being
MIAMI. Fla., Jan. 10. Anoth-
search for treasure trove, a
sunken Spanish galleon laden I thoroughly cleansing cathartic for
S. B. 179. Ryan Increasing ?ocieiy in tngiana ior irausyur-
aalarv nf ctst nrintr tn i 13000 I taiion.
per year. ' t
S: B. ISO; 'Joint-committee on
military jf fairs Amending the
"i: V V'.:' ; NEW YORK V.:; '
Iconard. Marsh. Johnston and
Pierce To provide for the per
petual maintenance and improve
ment of the veterans' burial plot
in Mt. Scott cemetery.
child's body and disturbs strength
giving deep, and the poisons
weaken the system so that dis
ease cannot be warded off. Take
Foley's in time. Sold every
where. !
, , ,
(Continued from page 1)
VISALIA. Cal.. Jan. 26 Crys
tal 'Cave, described by Stephen T(
Mather, dlrectbr ot national parks
tt: America. I. to be opened to the
Secretary Davis concerning the
status of international cables di
rected several questions toward
other subjects Including Japanese
165, Lynn Placing -th 3 occupation of Vladivostok and
state and all political subdivisions
under the workmen's ' compensa
tion act and submitting to the
II. 1$. 167, Hindman and Kor
ell To regulate persons doing
business under an assumed name
and repealing sections -7777 to
7792. inclusive. Oregon laws.
H. B. 168. substitute for H. B;
14. by live stock committee To
provide for punishment of per
eastern Siberia.
4 Not only are Chinese fresh frozen, and dried eggs being
received at San Francisco, Portland and Seattle in great
quantities, but the following from the Produce News of Jan
uary 17 reports big shipments pi Chinese, and Argentine eggs
arriving in New York City :
V "Announcement last week of the first arrival of sterilized
eggs from Chma nas caused considerable comment from the I sons oermtttinit live stock to run
a i m. - i 1 1 i it- .
traae. i nese eggs nave oeen reconuiuonea ana are seiung at
58 to 60c. Just what they lost on reconditioning is not
known. s During tlie week Carl Ahlers received two cars of
fresh eggs from China via San Francisco. These were not
sterilized but arrived in good condition and are giving satis
faction. - ' - :
The Tupman Thurlow Co. this week unloaded from the
with stolen doubloons, has begun
on tbe Atlantic coast -of Florida,
between Deerfleld and Beca Ba-
tone. Romance has lured ton
time a group of adventurous men
of Deerfleld and thereabouts to
dig in the ocean's bottom for the
bucaneers pirate ship which tra
dition said bad hauled too close
for the treacherous shores when
the search has begun operations
where the galleon is supposed to
have sunk in the sands
This is only one of the many
adventures off the South Florida
coast which In tbe old days be
fore tbe advent have brought up
a few ancient hulls yhich bad been
deeply buried in sand, some dat
ing back five or six centuries.
But so far no ship thus recovered
has yielded any thing except an
cient wood. One prospector Is
said to have spent two fortunes
near6tnart before quitting the ro
mantic rame.
Fulford. 11 miles north of Mi
ami, has been the scene of many
searches. Tradition has it that
a pirate ship escaped pursuers by
sailing' up a creek near Fulford
where the crew celebrated by get
ting drunk. Seminole Indians
boarded the vessel and massacred
the crew except one. the story
runs, and tbe escaped pirate suc
ceeded in rescuing the ship treas
ure chest filled with gold whicn
be buried nearby, making a dla
gram ot the spot. Unable to re
turn, tbe pirate is said to have
riven the diagram to a friend
This has been used by several
searching parties, equipped with
every kind tot a gold finder, but
they failed to locate tbe treasure
A native living nearby says tbe
spot Is haunted and that even now
the ghosts of the pirates howl and
groan when anyone nears it. He
says no one is ever going to get
the treasure as the ehosts carry
on something terrible when you
get close to it and there's no tell
In? what. -they would do If they
got their hands on It. Anything
might happen in that terrible
constipation, billlousness. head
aches, and sluggish bowels. Sold
mvsTAf. rr.VE Tn nppv
YOU know when conditions are awful
good youll hear the United States
National Bank advising caution. That's
to keep your fet on the ground.
When things seem topsey-turvey, that's,
the time we advise optimism, and &y
move right on ahead. That's to keep
your head in the air.
And of course in either case, the BANK
ACCOUNT'S the thing.
steamer Deerfield 4,000 cases of fresh eggs which were not
sterilized. These eggs, were in such condition that they will
not need recandling and they will be sold as they are. The
cat-go will not be completely unloaded until today and it is not
possible to tell just what price they will bring. The eggs
are considerably (like the American product and will average
43 to 44 pounds net to the case. '
j "These eggs were packed, in regular export cases, wire
pound, and the breakage in transit was very little. Previous
cargoes coming fronvArgentina have shown considerable
breakage and given dissatisfaction. This is the flush season
In Argentina as it is just opposite to the season in this coun
try. If these eggs do well, other shipments will be brought
ncre ana it now iooks as tnougn prices would rule sufficiently
A .i . . ,,
iu" io cause iurcner imports.
1 There is only one way. outside of a comrjlete pmhnrtw nn
foreign eggs, to prevent their imDortation intn thi mnntrv
frpm seriously injuring our great poultry industry, and that
is to imposera nigh protective tariff duty on eggs. In the
case of Chinese eggs, none of them ought to be allowed to be
sold or served in the United States without being marked or
displayed as such. -
X Kvery Oregon mart and representative ought to be deeply
interested, and ought to do his utmost in this regard, to the
end that the poultry industry be built up to many times its
rrcscnt size in this state.
hen same is forbidden
at larg
by law5.
II. B. 169. Gordon Reculatinz
disposition of mon?y earned by
H. B. 170. Allen Amendinc
section 22. Oreeon laws, nertain-
ing to levies made upon homesteads.
H. B. 171. Kubll Amending
sections 2782 and 27S3. Oregon
laws, and providing that certain
Friend's Commissioner Tells
Of Starving Children
Of Vitebsk
Frederick J. Llbby, commissioner
of tbe American Friends' Service
committee Quakers) who recent
ly returned from Reval. brought
rrinting may be obtained in the back information that many chil-
open market. J aren are starving In Russia. Mr
H. B. 172. by Childs and Fleteh- Ll&by obtained bi3 Information
i . Now Playing
With Elliott Dexter, .ililton Sills, and Mabel Julienne
. Scott
A big story that binds the Great Northwest with
the drawing rooms of London
Other Attractions
Music arranged and played by
Lillian McElroy Hunt
on our Hope-Jones organ
Starting Sunday '
Louise Glaum in "The Leopard Woman
and "Manhattan Trio" Some Singers
"Where the Big Shows Play"
1 P. I'J J.,-1 .1 . taLBLiJ '
At The Electric Sign "SHOES"
Mrs. Sims What are you doing
with that string 0ed around your
Mr. Sims you put It there to
make me remember to mall a let
ter for you.
Mrs. Sims Well, did you do it?
t Mr. Sims No. my dear, yon
forgot to give it to me.
er Providing: for a board of
censors of moving picture shows.
JsMary 2. Fridir TriancnUr InUr
tatutie debit. Silrn, fcuyw.n at
urreoa lity hU tciools rnmpctiac.
Janorr 2?. TburlT Gaild dance.
Jannarr 2 l SO Inlersiata eoaren
Uon of Y. M. C. A. in Salea.
February 3. Thundar Duroa day,
uhow and tale, atate fair cronnda.
rebraary 13. Saturday Uneola'a
February 14. Moadar Baakatba!!.
nuiameu va unianity of Idaho, at
rrbrnaar 1j aad IS, Tnaday aad
Wedneaday Basketball. WillamatU ya.
nnitroaa. at Walla WaUa.
rebmary 17. Tborsdar - Rabetbt:
Wiil.nH-ite Walla Walla T. U. C A.
at V.'ai; Walla.
Fehmary 1 and 1. Fridav and Rl.
arday Basketball, Wllianett y. Ga
aaca. at nponana.
rebruary 22. Taeaday Baaketha!U
tVillaaaette vt. Idaho, at Ra!e-n.
Febniary 22. Tueadav Wsbineti'a
birthday. r -
February 4 and 5S. Tharaday and FV1
day Umnkel ball. WUIaBetU a. Whitnaa
at Kal-n.-
Marh 4 and 5. Friday and Saturday
Basketball. Willamette a. U. ef at
April 15. Friday BaaebaO. Willametla
ra. U. of 0 at Haletn.
April 11. hatnrday Baseball. Wil.
ette . IT. f t, at Enrne.
May 2. 27 and 2d Baseball. Willam
ette . Whitoian. at Walla Walla.
Wtnher 1. Katarday (tentative)
rootnaii. wuiaaietu ts. O. A. C at
Corratha. ,
enler 11, Friday fteniative)
Football. Willamette ra. Whitm.a ei
aoet . I Walla Walla.
VtiitiCUU9Wpil J0UrnaJ, NoT,n,ber 84, Tb:r,d.T Mwtatlye)
. .qidmkithi nay loot Ml WOUorattf
Pile Sufferers
The Oregon Statesman has issued a very creditable 3G
ppge Anniversary and Welcome edition, replete with illustra
tions and matter decsriptive of the resources and industries
ot tnis section, oerhans thp hst ino nf tv. mnn s t j
iS?JLil 5at teran Publication, and one calculated to do
Etf foJ. the community in an advertising way. They
should be sent broadcast to eastern friendsCanitnl jtS!i
oaiem. - .
from Arthur J. Watts, an English
Friend, who has been engaged in
relief work in Russia. Mr. Watts
gave Mr. Llbby a translation of
tbe reports of Russian commissars
from various Russian cities. It la
upon these Mr. Llbby bases his in
formation, f .
It appears rrom the commissar's
reports that the situation of the
children varies greatly in the dif
ferent renters. In come cities
such as Vitebsk, it is reported by
the commissars that whole fami
lies are perishing from starvation.
In others such as Smolensk. Yaro-
Klav.iths children are reported to
t ontaiit'nj sufficient nourish-1
ment.. The report from Vitebsk
stated -that the bread substitutes
r've the thiliren chronic dysen
tery whlrh it is Impossible to cure.
The commissars reported that iu
sweral enters the children have
been unable to obtain bread for a
lonjr time and that 'in others no
kind of fat or mts were obtain
able and that milk was received
rarely, j
The children of Moscow were
declared to have no sugar nor fats
and , were reported to beelther
starving- or fall ins ill due. "to on
drnourlfhment. Inmates of the
children's homes In Novgorod are
starving, the" reports stated. They
receive no meat, butter, potatoes,
milk or salt, but live on a daily
portion ot sour cabbage soup, mil
let cooked in water and black
bread 'made from bad flouf. JThej ;
Don't B Ct Until Ton Try This Kaw
Ben Ca'a That Anyone Can Uae with
out Discomfort or Loas of Tlao. Sim
ply Chow Up a Fleaaant Taatlsf Tab
let Occasionally aad Kid TouraalX of
Let He Prove This Free
My internal method for tbe treatment
and permanent relief ef pilea ia the cor
met one. Tbnoaanda upon tbonaanda of
grateful lettera teatify to thia. and I want
yon to try thia method at my expenia.
No matter whether your raao ia of lone
ataadin- or recent development, whether
It ia ehroaie or aeote, whether it is em
otional or permanent, yea should aeod
Ior this ireo trtat treatment.
No matter where yo lie nt matter
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This liberal offer of free treatments
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