The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 27, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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10 Paget
- ? aits I to 6
nority Report of Bell Was
Deleaieq oy Majority 01
Revision of Laws Com
mittee; Takes Away Val
uable Men.
."V: ' .-
Legislation is Reflection on
If rhnipmnn I nnan tn
Resign -
An effort to kill by indefinite
postponement the; Hume; parole
board bill was defeated in 'the sen
ate yesterday when a minority re
port against it failed to be substi
tuted tor the majority report
recommending that It pass. - The
bill will go to third reading.
Senatqr Bell' alone signed '.the
minority Teport." The majority re
port was signed, by alt the other
members' of the revision of laws
committee, Senators Eddy. Hume,
Ellis. Strater, Joseph and Thomas.
Senator Bell.-who signed the
minority report, gave as his reason
for opposing the bill that it would
denrive the board or the represen
tatlves of a class ot men whose are valuable on the
board. - j ; ' '" - :
Senator Hume said he had con
fejredwith the governor who is
'satisfied with the bill. He mrtner
said that a lawyer sitting on the
board has an opportunity to use
the position for his private busi
ness In soliciting clients in nam-
erous cases because oi ine muu
enc'e he mar hare toward obtain
ing their parole In event they are
seat to the penitentiary.
i ", Bill Reflection cm Bar.
Senator Banks said be was sur
I prised that the MU tad been ye-
i oorted out as It was tneunaer
standing of himself . and Senator
I Hare that the bill was to oe neta
in .abeyance until they had been
.consulted. He declared that when
Governor Olcott became state ex
' motive. John F. Logan. Portland
lawyer, vuo i cuuidmu
botTd.' submitted his resignation
and bad remained only at the re
quest ot the governor. Banks de
clared the bill a reflection not
only on Mr. Logan, whom It would
oust, but also reflection on all
members ot the bar. He cited a
letter from M"- Logan In which he
baa stated that he intends to re
sign on or aboufc March 1.
Senator' Eddy' denied that the
mlsion ot laws committee had
been precipitate In reporting out
the bill after it had been re-referred.
"" . ;.?'
1 "If we can't legislate because
some man is in oKlce," said Sen
ator Eddy, "then we never can
legislate. 1 , 7'' '
genator Eddy emphasized the
danger ot suspicion . against the
parole board , because of the pres
ence of an attorney on the board,
however innocent he might be.
who might be charged: .with, at-;
tractlng criminal clients because
of possible influence he might
have for leniency should a client
be sent to the state prison.
Unfair to Legal Profession
Senator Hare declared hotly. In
speaking against the bill, that It
would not be fair If John P. Lo
gan were not on the board. He ob
jected to the bill aa a discrimina
tion against i one profession and
asserted that a member 'with le
gal knowledge Is always an asset
to' the boards
Senator Banks read a letter
from' Mr. Logan who declared the
bill ill-advised and asserted that a
lawyer member is necessary on the
board as a legal advisor. Mr. Lo-
ra.n In Ma latter aM that In fha
, ten years of his service he had
never permitted any prisoner tor
wnom be had been attorney to ap
pear before the board while he
IaFolIett Oppose Lawyers.
Senator LaFollett spoke for the
tnajortty report but aald he want
ed to amend the bill so 'It would
wt out lawyers from membership
In the senate.
Senator Joseph' said the" bill
" ho reflection against Mr. Lo
ga. .
Mr. Logan should not enter Into
consideration of the bill. Senator
wrayer asserted. He drew an an
oiairy from the- ball bond law
which prohibits lawyers supplying
"en bonds. He reiterated a state-
-Ilii01 waatoncddy that the bill
could not possibly be a reflection
UPOn Mr. Lor in K. a n.iM
com8 effective as a law un
"1 Mr. Lficin 4 .i.t m
senator Rti
thi- lm f1be,D Walr in handling
TtJnv- i-.n comftUtee. Senator
rnection lo re-
th km "a m.i Bell opposed
the bill as a ,
i'j! ,n,rodced in the senate
icruay were:
," ' amitn itegniating
inti ,tw'e, tnl legating am
tBuIsnce chasing.
T B-'B. 174. Smith hv ran no t
. v t
(Continued on Page 2.)
Aif f rnmcTDiinT nun .
muu, vyiioinuui uhui
Dam Will CoMt ft.,O0.O0O and
Will Furnish Water for
538100 Acres
rENDLETON. Ore Jan. 26.
The Umatilla Rapids power site
association was organized at Uma
tilla this afternoon.
Delegates from Pendleton., Ar
lington. Boardman, Echo, Stan
field, Hermiston and Umatilla
were present. t The association
proposes to build a hydro-electric
plant at Umatilla Rapids in the
Columbia river by building a dam
at a cost or about I2S.000.000 and
it is estimated that 558.300 acres
of land in Umatilla. Morris and
Gilliam counties, Oregon, and that
part of the Columbia basin lying
just across the river in Washing
ton wm be irrigated by the 300
foot pump head that can be se
D. C. Brownell of Umatilla
heads the preliminary organiza
tion. K. B. Aid rich of Pendleton
is secretary, and Pat'Lonergan of
Pendleton is treasurer. The asso
ciation decided to meet again in
Pendleton February 5 to effect
permanent organization and start
operations oa a preliminary sur
vey. -
Dr. R. E. Lee Steiner Host
To 15 Newspaper
Probably to get the greatest
contrast with his regular and per
manent guests. Dr. R. E. Lee
Steiner, superintendent of the
state hospital, was host last night
to 15 of the newspaper men who
are reporting the proceedings of
the present session, who are
members of either house, who are
employed In some official capac
ity in connection with the session
or located more or less perma
nently under - the big dome, or
who are genuine ex-newspapermen
not employed in one of these
capacities The inviting was done
by the newspaper men them
selves. Dr. Steiner being too wise
a man to take chances on oifend
ing some one who might be unin
tentionally overlooked. He leaves
the blame for any oversight upon
the shoulders of "the boys" them
selves, who are so entirely capa
ble- of, carrying It. The tables
were beautitully decorated witn
flowers' and greens' said to have
been plucked from outdoors.
- It was a carefree and rather
noisy hour but there was a mo
ment of quiet tribute when Don
II. Upjohn, proposed a toast to
the memory or the late Col. John
II. Cradlebaugh. veteran newspa
perman and poet, whose death
has taken place since the 1919
session. Colonel Cradlebaugh was
always a guest at the biennial
dinners given by Mr. Steiner to
the newspapermen at each session
of the legislature.
Elbert Bede acted as toastmas-
ter and brief talks were made by
Representative - Ben . Sheldon.
Representative Frank Davey, Dr.
Btetner. Senator Bruce Dennis, D.
H. Upjohn, secretary to the gov
ernor, and Ralph Watson of the
Oregon Journal. The following
were .in attendance: Senator
Bruce Dennis. La Grande Observ
er; S. A. Stone, Oregon Statesman;
D. H. Upjohn, secretary to the
governor Raipn vvatson, uregon
Journal; ! Representative Benja
min C. Sheldon; E. w, urpny,
Portland Telegram: W. J. Clark,
former an Independence editor;
E. L. Terrill, Oregon Voter; Louis
Havermale, Oregon Journal, El
bert Bede. Cottage urove senti
nel; J. T. Beamish. Baker Herald:
Representative Frank Davey; Will
TrKIrk, state industrial accident
commission: S. Dorris, Murray
"Wade, Oregon Magazine: Jonn
Coffey, Portland; Dr. Lee sterner.
Dr. Grlf nth and ur. r-vans en
Joyed the feast with the quill
drivers. . - - - -
Lachmund-Strayer Bill .
Gives Land Board Custody
With the sanction of the state
land board. Senators Lachmuna
and Strayer have introduced a dhi
giving the land board insteaa oi
tn state treasurer enstody of all
notes, bonds and other securities
coverin g loans made by U from
the common school, conege, uni
versity or other funds. If the bill
passes It Is provided that the clerk
of the land board shall Immediate
ly make a complete audit of all
loans heretofore made from the
several funds to ascertain if all
payments, both principal and In
terest, have been accounted ior.
Senator Rvan Introduced a bill
yesterday to increase the salary of
the state printer from $2400 to
$3000 a' year.
On behalf of Dr. Owens-Adalr,
Senator Smith Introduced a meas
ure reoulrlng mental and physical
certificates of fitness for t both
male and female applicants for
marriage licenses. The bill is
stringent and provides that It
either is physically or mentally
subnormal a license to marry shall
ot be issued unless one or both
shall have been sterilized. .
Republican Suggestion Of
A Democratic Filibuster
Brings on Fight Over the
Emergency Bill.
Senator Penrose Declares
He Will Press Bill
Until Passed
. I
WASHINGTON-. Jan. 26. Re-1
.... . . - . .
bhcn and Democratic senate
leaders met .in head-on collision
today mhen the former started a
drive to put through the Fordney
emergency tariff bill.
Filibuster Prophecjed
Republican . suggestions of a
Democratic filibuster brought on
the clash. Senator Underwood of
Alabama, minority leader, and
other, pr minent Democrats de
nying that filibustering was in
progress, or contemplated. The
Democrats expressed willingness
to vote after "proper and legiti
mate" debate and charged that
the Republicans did not expect
the bill- to pass and sought' to
place .the blame on Democratic
Senator Underwood added that
the measure even if passed, would
be vetoed by President Wilson,
the cause he said, it was "repug
nant"" to Democratic tariff princi
ples. He disdained having' re
ceived any direct Information
from the president, however.
. 1 Republican Force Recess -
Senator Penrose ' presented a
proposal for a vote Tuesday morn
ing, but it went down under ob
jections from Mr. Underwood and
Senator Simmons of North Caro
lina. Senator Penrose said his
suggestions were made , to "test
the good faith of certain' gentle
men" and the Democratic leaders
retorted . Senator Penrose's , move
was an effort to eharge the' Dem
ocrats with Impeding the bill.
After hours of verbal scuffling.
Interspersed with some actual dis
cussion of tariff, the Republicans
scored a point by forcing a recess
until tomorrow instead of ad
journment, a move which oper
ates to keep the bill before the
senate. During today's partisan
clashes. Senator Penrose an
nounced that he intended to press
the bill. When unable to secure
an agreement for voting Tuesday,
be asked tor co-operation from
the Democrats toward securing
tinal action by February 15.
Senator ' linderwood and other
Democrats protested against the
effort to fix a vote Tuesday con
sidering that debate had begun
only yesterday. Senator Penrose's
proposal, Mr. Underwood charged,
"was a clear indication that the
majority has raised the white
Joker Ctiarged In Wood Schedule
Senator Underwood added that
he would agree to a vote after a
.week or ten days' discussion.
Senator Harrison, Democrat,
Mississippi, characterized the fil
ibustering as "utterly without
foundation" but Senator McCum
ber. Republican, North DakoU,
said he had "a mere suspicion'"
that a filibuster was planned and
Senator Kenyont Republican,
Iowa, added: that "apparently" a
filibuster would prevent passage.
During the brief discussion;
Senator Harrison charged that
there; was a "joker" Jn the wool
schedules by which most Import
ed wool would h eharged a tar
iff of 30 per cent instead of the
1 5 per cent rate In the bill.
This, he declared, would be ef
fected by a provision placing the
higher , rate on wools which are
sorted. ...
The proposed sugar duties also
were discussed by Senator Harrl-f
son. who ' declared that, despite
Republican campaign pledges to
reduce the cost of living, the pro
posed sugar tariff of about two
cents a pound would add that
much to the cost.
Senators Smoot. Republican,
Utah and Ransdell, Democrat,
Louisiana, conceded that the su
gar prices would be Increased to
the extent of the tariff on Cuban
sugar and also the domestic crop.
Both, however, argued that the
raise was necessary to aid Amer
ican Rugar producers whom Sena
tor moot said were being forced
to sell at two cents a pound be
low orod notion costs. Senator
Simmons expressed the belief
that the nronosed tariff Immed
iately would raise the price of
Cuban sugar to eight cents, as
compared with the present prices
ot about 4 3-8 cents
PORTLAND, Jan. 26. Angelo
Rossi, found guilty of dealing In
altered war savings stamps. , was
sentenced to serve 18 months in
McNeil's Island prison by Judge
C. E. Wolverton, In the federal
court today. Rossi was given a
60-day stay ot execution to allow
his attorney to perfect an appeal
to the United States circuit court
of appeals.
Real Oregon Welcome 1 Aim of
Committee In Charge
of Welcome.
Eugene Or.. Jan. 2C. (Special
to The Statesman. I Faculty and
student; body of the University of
Oregon; are awaiting expectantly
the opportunity to entertain their,
guests, the members of the Ore-:
gun state legislature, on the cam
pus here Saturday, in accordance
with acceptance of 'the invitation
giien jointly by. the Eugene
Chamber of Commerce and Presi
dent .Campbell of the unuersity.
: Tour of inspection of build
ings, old and new; special assem
bly, with a program, of. addresses
ami music in Vlllard hall; a
lunch to be served, by the young
women of the, university in Hen
dricks hall, the women's hall ot
residence, in the early afternoon.
are among the details ot the en
tertainment, the arrangements
for which are In the hands of a
committee of students and
faculty, headed by Colin V. Dy-
nirnt. dean of th colleee of liter-
ature. science and the arts. The
sort of hospitality to which the
legislators are accustomed on
their trip .to the. university will
be the aim ot the students and
tacnlty, who will make special
efforts to point out what has been
add is being accomplished for the
university, in buildings and. other
ways, by the moneys provided by
the raillagc tax bilL -
Dr. John Straub, the veteran
dean of men of tb? university,
who will go to Salem Friday, will
return Saturday morning with the
lawmakers', delegation in tow.
They will be accompanied also, it
is expected, by representatives- of
the Eugene Chamber , of Com
merce. Preparations already
under way appear to assure a real
Oregon welcome.
Headof Artisans Will Give
' Address; to Marion
- Organization . . : . .
' Real estate dealers or Marlon
county, who. (ecently organized
under the name of the 'Marion
Real Estate Dealers' association,
are to meet today at the lunch
hour at the Marion hotel to hear
Mr. ' Hudson, large real estate
owner and bead of tbe United Ar
tisans. A large, attendance is de
sired, for, according to reports
sent .ahead, Mr. Hudson Is a very
able Speaker.
Fred O. Brockman. secretary
of the Interstate Realty associa
tion, which is sending Mr. Hudson
out to speak, has wired L. G. Hay
ford, president of the local asso
ciation, concerning the ability ot
Mr. Hudson. This, is the first
meeting of this kind since the or
ganization ot the Marion body.
Location for Statue on Cap
itol Grounds to
Be Fixed
In compliance with the provis
ions of house joint resolution
No. 4, which has passed . both
houses of the legislature and
which provides that the governor
shall appoint a committee to de
termine on a suitable and conven
ient place on tbe state capital
grounds at Salem for tbe location
of the statue, "The Circuit Rider"
presented to. the state by Senator
R. A, Booth of Eugene, and ac
cepted by the resolution of the
legislature. Governor Olcott yes
terday appointed the following
George H. Burnett, chief Jus
tice ot tbe Oregon supreme court:
Roy W. RItner, president of the
senate: L. E. Bean, speaker of
the house of representatives; Ram
A. Kozer, secretary of state; Mrs.
William S. Kinney, member , of
the house from Clatsop county.
. At the Tequest of Mr. Booth
the governor will serve as chair
man of this committee and will
call a meeting of the committee
at. en early date to go over, the
capital grounds and determine
npon the prosoecTrve location of
the statue, j The statue is In the
course ot prenaratloji under the
hands of A. Phimister Proctor,
whose sculptural designes of west
ern subjects are already found In
Oregon. , The model for the statue
of the circuit rider has met with
the approval of all who have seen
It and will be a very distinctive
addition to the beautiful grounds
which surround the capitol build
ing. . ij
Oreron: Thursday forecast-
Rain In west;-rain or snow east
portion; strong southerly winds.
Characterize! as "Super-govern-ment"
by Belknap
of Benton
Passage or house bill No. 101.
by Representative McFarland.
creating a state game commission
was effected yesterday in the
hou&ft after a heated debate in
which a majority of members or
the house participated. The bill
was taken up after having been
laid on the table the- previous
Other bills passed upon at the
same. ession were houne bill No.
92. relating to the furnishing of
registration lifts to county clerks.
asseHors. and police officers: No.
9J. by Mr, Sloan, creating a state
gam? bird reservation in Umatil
la', and No. 105. providing that
Keepers or. day nurseries register
themselves with the Oregon state
roar a of health to allow Investi
gation of these nlaces.
Hubbard of Baker, opposed the
creation of the game commission
because of the) open and closed
streams . and big limit sections.
which, according to the bill, were
left to the commission for decis
ion at any time. Belknap of Ben
ton characterized the proposed
commission as a "super govern
ment." He also, objected to the
cost it would incur and to the sec
tion providing for the searching
of any man suspected ot going be
yond the limits of the game law.
House Committee Satisfied
That Personal Charges
Were Not Proven
the approval of Chairman Walsh,
members of the house committee
investigating the shipping board,
declared In a statement today that
thny "were satisfied" that the
charge that Charles M. Schwab re
ceived money from the govern
ment for his personal - expenses
wb&e serving as wartime director
of the emergency fleet corporation
"was not proven, and further that
It was not true."
. The statement was issued by
Representative Steele. Democrat,
of Pennsylvania, Rafter discussion
with the other members who
heard the testimony relating to
the $200,000 voucher. Its Issu
ance in advance of tbe full report
of the' committee was unusual,
but members explained that it
had been decided to take such
action on the grounds of fairness
to one uniustly accused.
When the final report on the
whole inquiry is submitted to con
gress if was said that the com
mittee would reiterate in more
formal form Its belief that tbe
charge was without justification.
Mr. Steele's statement was is
sued after it had been read by
Chairman Walsh, who announced
he had no objection to its publi
It was explained by Mr. Steele
that there might have been some
impropriety in an utterance of
thi? kind from the chairman of
an investigating. committee, in ad
vance of an official finding, but
that there was urgent demand for
an . expression in view of Mr
Schwab's public service.
SEATTLE. Wash.. Jan. 26. H.
S. Bennett, deputy state bank ex
aminer. who today closed tbe
North Side State bank at Fremont
a suburb, declared his action was
taken for the protection ot depos
Itors after, his department bad
learned there had been misraanag
ment of funds and irregularities
In accounting in the bank's af
fairs. '
Tbe bank was organized in 1914
and at the last .official call of the
comptroller had deposits of $91,
175 with capital and surplus of
$17,620. It was not a member of
the federal reserve system, the Se
attle clearing house or the state
guaranty fund. Mr. Bennett said.
Jacob' Schaefer is president of
the bank, W. D. Lane, vice-president
and C. L. Schaefer. cashier.
I SEATTLE, Jan. 26. John
Scbmltt, whose trial on a charge
of first degree murder In connec
tion with the killing of three Se
attle police officers in gun bat
tles last Friday, Is scheduled for
tomorrow, was today removed
from tHe city jail and taken to
Tacoma for safe keeping, it was
learned tonight.
Police said the move was made
as a precautionary agsinst pos-.
sibie mob violence, but stated'
that there had been no demon
CORVALLIS, Or.. Jan. 26. A
farm bureau drive for 1000 mem
bers is on' in Benton county, 33
men having agreed to underwrite
the' $12110 expanse involved. The
drive1 Is 'also on in Linn county,
some of the Benton county men
helping with activities there.
Drafting of New American
Japanese Treaties and
Commercial! Agreements
To Occupy Colby.
Secretary Colby Expects to
Make - Immediate
velopments in the Japanese situa
tion today, following tbe attention
given that subject by members ot
the senate foreign relations -com
mittee yesterday i in questioning
Under-Secretary of State Davis on
the cable situation, were pointed
to tonight as indicating that tbe
re-deNning of policy between the!
two countries would for a time at
least overshadow In importance all
other questions.
Investigation Promised
A note from Japan late today
promising "a thorough Investiga
tion of the killing of Lieutenant
W. H. Langdon, was interpreted In
connection with earlier, expres
sions of regret by Japanese offi
cials as meaning, that the inci
dent, notwithstanding Its gravity.
will finally be adjusted so as not
to delay solution . of other prob
lems between' tbe two countries.
The note which was in reply to
one sent two weeks ago by the
American government, was said
at tbe state department not to
meet the points raised by this
government but , to constitute
merely an .acknowledgement of
the communication from the Unm
ed States. Admiral Gleavea re
ported to the navy department to
day that his inquiry had devel
oped that Langdon ' was the vie
tlm of an "unwarranted . attack.'
The Japanese ave not completed
their court, manlal ot the sentry,
England's Attitude Watched.
The Japanese question. It Is an
derstood, will be tbe first to claim
the attention of Secretary Colby
when he returns to the state de
partment tomorrow after his South i
American trip, but notwithstand
ing reports of satisfactory pro
gress made and the evident desire
ot the two countries to approach
the problems in a mutual spirit
of good feeling. It was felt to
night final solution must be de
ferred until the next administra
In this connection it was point
ed out that only a few weeks re
main under the present adminis
tration, and it ws also Indicated
In some quarters that tbe progress
to be made by the international
communications congress on Its re
convening and the far eastern pol
icy to be adopted by Great Brit
ain in the next few months must
Inevitably be taken Into account
before the United States can de
termine Its program In the Pacific
along broad lines id the light of
post-war conditions.
The mission of Sir Auckland
Geddes, British ambassador, to
confer with officials in London,
it has been said, has prominently
as one object discussion of Amer
ican public opinion on relations
with Japan in connection with the
proposed renewal ( of the Arfglo
Japanese alliance which expires
by limitation la July and any In
fluence In shaping the British for
eign policy by tbe colonies partici
pating In the Imperial conference
In tbe spring.
' Immediate Progress Expected
Immediate progress is expected
to be made by Secretary
taking up the question of amend
ing commercial treaties with Ja
pan or the drafting ot new American-Japanese
treaties as result of
the conversations that have just
been concluded concerning the
rights of Japanese nationals In
th's country by Roland S. Morris.
American ambassador to Japan,
and Baron Shidehara, Japanese
A report of these conversations
which dealt particularly with
claims by the Japanese of racial
discrimination through anti-alien
land legislation enacted by Cali
fornia, was submitted to Under
Secretary Davis today and will be
transmitted by him to Secretary
Colby tomorrow.
But even should satisfactory
disposition be made soon ot the
rights of Japanese nationals. It
was declared international ques
tions involved In disposition of
Pacific cables. In view of Japan's
holding the island of Tap. would
perhaps not be decided at once and
at least not until the International
communication conference recon
Possibility also that the discus
sion of Far Eastern policy might
enter a broader scope was indi
cated to some when Senator Knox,
whose term as secretary of state,
was marked by activity In that
field, and other members of the
senate foreign relations commit
tee yesterday In hearing Under
(Continued on Page 2.)
Representative Burdick. of
Grant. Crook. Deschutes.
Jefrerson. . Klamath and
Lake, has a double It nee nut.
at leant, he's so nearly like
the very enterprising repre
sentative from the eastern
part or the state that' Mr.
Burdick'a own small son did
not know the difference.
The representative's boy
entered the lobby and ap
proaching the man whom be
thought to be his father in
sisted with great force that
he be given money with
which to buy gum. So con
fident was the child that he
refused to be satisfied until
he had been given the desir
ed money, t
The other man is George
L. Myers of Portland.
Timber Workers Oppose Box
Factory at State
Institution "
. In protest to the bill now
pending before the, legislature In
regard to the erection and oper
ation of a box factory, at the
state penitentiary at Salem the
International Union or -Timber-Workers.
Local No. 174, has pre
pared a resolution which will be
read before both bodies of legis
lators. The resolution follows: . 1
, "Whereas, a bill is now pending
before the legislature of the state
of Oregon, designed for the pur
pose of erecting and operating a
box factory In connection, with
the Oregon state penitentiary, and
"Whereas, the enactment of
such a law would be manifestly
uhfair, in that It would pit free
labor against convict labor, and
tend generally to disrupt ' labor
conditions. -
, "Now therefore be It resolved,
that the International Union 'of
Timber Workers. Local No. 17 4.
does hereby protest against , the
passage of. said bill, or any bill
designed for tbe purpose ot oper
ating a box factory or any plant
similar In character la connection
with the Oregon state penitentiary
or any . Dlaee within the - state
wherein convict labor is employed.
. "Be it further resolved, that
tbe secretary be and he la hereby
directed to forthwith mall a copy
of this resolution to the governor
of the state of Oregon, to the
president of the senate., to. the
speaker, of the house, and to. each
member iof the senate, to- the
speaker of the house, and to each
member of the senate and house
of representatives from Marion
county, Oregon, and to the city
Committee Will Not Report
Measure in Form It
Passed House
senate immigration committee to
day concluded Its hearings on the
Johnson bill to practically sus
pend immigration for one year,
after hearing the views' of Anth
ony Caminettl. commissioner gen
eral of immigration.-
Committee members Indicated
that the measure would not be
reported to the senate in the form
In which it was pasted by the
house and Chairman Colt pre
dicted . new features probably
would be Incorporated.
Chairman Colt expressed, the
opinion that the committee would
look with favor on provisions ot
a bill introduced by Senate Dil
lingbam. Republican. Vermont,
which would restrict immigration
on a percentage system, based on
the number of aliens from vari
ous countries already admitted.
Members of tbe committee also
were said to favor features of
tbe Sterling bill restricting Immi
gration and providing for ap
pointment ot a board to study Im
migration problems.
Todsy's sessions were marked
by clashes; between Commissioner
Caminettl and committee mem
bers. The senators attempted to
ascertain whether the com mis-
loner favored suspension ot lm
migration but be refused to com
mlt himself. .
Unless steps are taken to re
strict admission of alien. Mr.
Caminettl asserted. . the influx
will break previous records be
fore July 1. He urged congress
to strengthen the barriers arainst
After Commissioner Caminettl
had declared Lenlne's power In
Russia was stronger than a year
ago and that bolshevlsm . was a
greater menace than ever. Sena
tor Colt said Immigration should
not be' suspended" because of a
feaf ot bolshevik propaganda:
La Grande Man's Measure
Provides For Each Coun
ty to be Separate Circuit
Court District.
Big Attendant Salary In
creas May Cause
The number ot circuit judges
In Oregon would be, Increased
from 26 to 44 and the' number ot
circuit Judicial districts would
be Increased from 20 to 36 by
the passage of a bill Introduced
yesterday by Senator. Eber hard.
Tbe big increase in salary pay-
menu that would be necessary
naer the proposed : law ' may
cause it to break down before it
runs the gauntlet of the two
bouses. At present the 26 eir-
cult Judgea draw salaries of $4600
each or a total of $104,000 a year.
it is new judges are Added the
total In annual salaries would be
Increased to $176,000. More
over, another bill. Introduced by
a. large number of senators Joint
ly is now pending which would In
crease the. salaries of the circuit
Judges from $4000 to .$5000 a
year. Should both bills pass the
annual salary payment for circuit
judges would be $220,000, aa in
crease of $116,000 a year over
the total now,
Marion Gets Two Judgea
The Eberhard till, won Id make
each county a separate district,
each to have a circuit judge, ex
cept that Marion county would
be allowed two judges and Mult
nomah county eight. At preseat
Marion and Linn counties - com
Prisa a single district . with two
Judges. . For . Multnomah county -the.
Eberhard bill would lucre a
the number of Judges from six te
eighty and doubtless afford muck
of the relief "needed la the county
due to the congestion of court
work, and .which makes. It eon. -tiaaoasly
necessary for Mnltno
man to call in judgea from out
side counties to assist the home
' The terms of the Judges would
remafn at six years. . It la provid
ed that At the general election of '
1922 and every six years thereaf
ter the Judge or Judges shall be
elected In etch ot the counties. '
except that this provision would '
not apply to circuit judges now
In office and whose terms to not
expire on the first Monday In
January' .1923. . Such circuit
judges would continue In office
during; tbe terms for which they
have been elected aad until their
respective successors were elect
ed and. qualified, which' would be
at the next succeeding general
Jury Terms Provided
Should the bill pass It would
be incumbent upon the governor
to fill by appointment all the va
cancies created, by the formation
of new districts, including one for
Marion and two for Multnomah
There would be no particular
terms for the courts as at present.
except Jury terms, and the courts
would be required to be open on
all Judicial days for the disposi
tion of judicial business. . '
Another bill was Introduced by
Eberhard yesterday to transfer
all . probate work to the county
courts. Otherwise It would leave
the county courts as they are.
Including their jurisdiction over
juvenile cases. The salaries and
tenure of county judges would re
main as at present.
Members Join In Bill
Following a recommendation
made before the ways and means
committee by Judge J. W. '
Knowles ot tbe Union-Wallowa
county judicial district, the Joint
house and senate delegations of
those two counties yesterday In
troduced a measure to create the
21st judicial district, which would
be Wallowa county, ." The " two
counties now comprise tbe 10th
district. This bill would be
unnecessary should the senate
pass the bill to make every conn-.
ty a separate district.
Prompt Report of Accidents
Is Demand , of Commission'
For some time It has been the
practice of the Southern Pari fie
Railroad company and the Oregon
Washington Railroad Naviga
tion company to neglect reporting
grade crossing-accidents to the
public service commission unless
persons have been Injured or
killed. The public ' service com
mission cites Instances In which
automobiles have been destroyed
and other property damaged. Knt
the companies have failed 'to re
port to the commission because
no persons happened to be hurt.
Fred A. Williams, chairman of the
commission, has addressed a sharp
letter to these two companies de
manding that prompt reports be
made of all accidents. " V