The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 26, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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THE dinner Lonoring .Count
Hya Tolstoy, distinguished
HE dinner
l.k TIttaafon - I. v
Mr. and Mrs. C P. BishoD Mon
day night preceding- the lecture
at the armory, must be recorded
.an the event of most interest so
cially the flrat part of the week.
,, Countess Tolstoy was unable to
come to Salem owing to physical
indisposition. I
i.. ; Those who were privileged to
. meet Count Tolstoy in this pleas
f Ant intimate way found him most
.agreeable, approachable, and
communicative concerning all
..subject that were brought up of
general Interest. He talked en
tertainingly of hia lather's life.
i , activities and aims for the better
ment of tke Russian people, and as
in his public address he was
most "optimistic in the ultimate
,HtabllHhment of normal condi
tions at the hands of the peat
an try.
. The dinner was an attractively
' appointed affair. Red candles in
candelabra centered the board.
with candles in single sticks at
either end adding to the dignity
-"Qt the scheme. dditionAal decor
ative details were also in red.
V ' Covers were laid for, vCount
Tolstoy. Judge and Mrs. George
If. Burnett, President and Mrs.
tt. Carl Gregg Doney. Mr. and Mrs.
i It. J. I lend ricks,. Mrs. W. S. Kln-
- i ney, -Paul. Wallace. C. B. Clancey
and Mr. and Mrs. Bishop. -
i Dr. and Mrs. William H. Lytle
f entertained with a ten-cover din-
ner , last
Shrine dance, their, guest list in
cluding Dr. and Mrs. C. G. Sa
bin and Mrs. Robert. N. Stanfield
of Portland, who came up for the
event, all returning home this
Dr. and Mrs.- Frank .12. Brown
left last night for a two week's
sojourn in California, expecting to
spend most . of the time in Los
Angeles and Long Beach. Var
ious other places of interest will
also be included ia their itinerary.
Scholarship Loan - Fund day.
which is the Red Letter day for
the Salem Woman's club will be
aitpropriately observed with a
silver tea this afternoon at the
residence of Mrs. Harry M. Hawk.
in. 163a State street. Mrs. WH
liam Burghardt, Jr., Mrs. John 11.
McN'ary and Mrs. Frank II. Spears
to be in charge.
Dr. and Mrs. Ov A. Olson mot
ored to Portland Sunday, accom
panying a relative. Frank Bon.
that far, the latter being on his
way tortus home in Robinson, X
D., after a 10-day visit in Salem.
He plans to return west eventual
ly, to establish his home here,
possibly in the Willamette val
ley. The members of the Auxiliary
of the Spanish War veterans will
give a tea in their rooms in the
armory tomorrow afternoon - at
2:30, to which all women are in-
sent here as manager of the Wit-
t'ti burg-King plant. During the
time he has been promoted to
producing manager in charge of
all the company's plants, and it is
th?3 fact that Is taking the fam
ily from Salem. Mr. Walker will
establish headquarters in Port
land. Mr. and Mrs. Walker and their
two children. iliss Phillis . and
Cordon, have gathered about
them a wide circle of friends dar
ing their brief residence in Salem.
Miss Walker is a Vniversity of
Oregon student, and has been ex
tremely popular with the younger
Miss Edna Sterling will be the
inspiration for the reception to be
given at the residence of Rev. and
Mrs. II. C. Powell tonight, by the
Clarion staff of the high school,
of which Miss Evangeline Powell
is a member.
Mrs. D. K. Luthy joined her
husband in Jefferson the last of
the week, going up to be with
h'm during the lerm of school.
3Jr. Luthy being an instructor..
One of the most enjoyable of
the monthly noon-day luncheons
end social get-togethers of thej
Mrs. J. A. Carr, Betty Sancerman
and the hostess.
Mrs. F. L. Snyder will enter
tain the Woman's Foreign Mis
sionary society of the Jason Lee
church this afternoon at her
home, corner of Nineteenth and
Kansas jureet. Mrs. C. M. Rob
erts and Mrs. John Barker, Jr.,
will assisU ThU meeting com
bines a tea and program. - i
The Intermediate class of the
Y. M. C. A. will entertain the
Girl Reserves witha party to
night in the association rooms.
Monday evening at the home of
Mrs. A. A. Lee. the Junior Stand
ard Bearers of the. First Metho
dist church celebrated the 20th
anniversary of their organization
(Miss Clara Cushman. founder),
with a Chinese social. The guests
numbered girls from 13 to 19
This afternoon in Epworth hall
the Mothers' ia3 of the Sunday
school of the First Methodist
church -v. f 11 meet, matters of im
portance to come up for discus
sion. .
Mrs. Charles O. Wilson was a
Five Representatives Will
Appear on Each
Side of Bill
and make other changes. Clar
rnce Gilbert, i Portland lawyer,
has requested a hearing on this
bill and this has been accorded
by Senator Moiier for Thursday
afternoon at 3 o'clock, when at
least the senate members of the
delegation and perhaps the house
members will be called.
Another of the Hume bills calls
for the drawing of a jury ana
the holding of court in Multno
mah county every month in the
year, not allowing the recess of
July and August as at present.
The fifth of the Hume meas
ures increases ; the jurisdiction of
the, district .courts to cases in
volving up to $500 instead of
Ministerial union was the one J b08tMs Friday night entertaining
vited. Mrs. Charlea O. Wilson
tbe , will be the . hostess directly . in
1 charge. . . . .
i i -.' - - I . ..
- OAizm acnooi oi expression
l!: Lulu Rosamond Walton, Director
147 N. Commercial
Phone 692 1484J
. Special Coarse In Public Speaking
Mr. and Mrs. J. IL Walker are
leaving this morning for Port
land where they are to take up
their residence at the Gordon
Court apartment. The family
came to Salem three and a half
years ago, when Mr. Walker was
' Established 1863
General Banking Businesi
. . - - -
Office Honrs from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m.
held Monday in the parlors of the
First Baptist church, the follow
'ng grou of church women act
ing as . hostesses: Mrs. Mark
Skiff, Mr-.. Ixwe!l Tweedale. Miss
Nina McNarv. Mrs. F. Willis. Mrs.
Spencer Wortman. Mrs. J. Ed
monton and Mrs. Oglesby.
A most attractive setting for
the affair had been arranged,
giving as, nearly as possible the
semblance of a summer garden.
Potted plants lent their color and
freshness, while Pinging canaries
told of the approaching spring
- I .
TTerhert L. Stiff will be a host
for a dinner tonight st the Hotel
Marion, which is to be given for
the employees of the H.jL. Stifi
Furniture company's store.
The 61st birthdav of W. W.
Cory was appropriately celebrated
Sunday with a ramny reunion.
Relatives from a A' stance -who
were present were two oT Mrs.
rvrv brothers. Finley and Hnd-
rn Carr of Lebanon. Ind., whoj
will leave for their home in about
a fortnight. '
, A dinner featured the occas
ion, a large birthday cake trimmed
in red and white adding to the
decorative scheme which -was
carried out in these colors. Cov
ers wer arranged for Mr. Cory.
Mrs. C C. Cory and Miss Florence
Cory of Portland: F. M. Huddle
son of Eugene; Finley Carr. Hud-
rnn Carr. Mr. and Mrs. F. K.
Vance. Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Cory.
the boys of the "Boster Brigade"
Class 01 me r irsi rreujicnu
church, and their teacher, Mrs. S.
E. Purvine. The following were
present: Ralph Purvine, Charles
Bier, Ralph Filsinger, Curtis
Woolev. Chester Robertson,, Ken
neth Morris. Fred Smith. Hobart
Wilson and Donald Wilson.
Gordon Would Have Instruc
tors Examined Every
i Five Years
To forestall confusion and
chaos at a public hearing to be
accorded by the Multnomah dele
gation on the Staples teacher ten
ure of office bill, set by the dele
gation yesterday for next Mon
day night at 8 o'clock in the hall
of representatives, it was voted
to limit speakers to five repre
sentatives each of the propon
ents and opponents of the bill
Members of the delegation, how
ever, will be allowed to speak.
All members of the delegation
were agreed that the speakers
snouia D9 limned. There was
some effort to limit attendance
but this was not insisted upon
and Representative Lynn made
the prevailing motion that any
-a p. 1 11 , 1 one wno wisnea oe aiiowea i ai-
lne OlOry W nOneyOOOni tend, but that the speakers be
limited to five on each side.
Representative Gordon was
anxious to know what disposition
would be made of amendments
to the bill offered at the public
meeting. The delegation agreed
without dissension to have the
amendments read and -explained
at the meeting and acted upon by
the delegation at later delegation
meetings. Senators Moser and
Joseph and Representative Kubli
and other members were agreed
to this.
One of the amendments to be
1 Wonderful Romance of Married
Life Wostderfnllj Told by .
Three Fourths of World's
Population Belong to
Yearling Organization
NEW YORK. Jan. 17. The
league of nations will be one year
$300 as at present, and provides old today. Its memnersnip now
for an increase in the salaries 01 (comprises 49 nations, re preseni
le district Judges from- 13000 ling-it Is estimated. i.zbu.uuu.v'j
to $4000 a year. people, or tnree-iounns 01 iu
worlds DODUiaiion 01 i,m.v.-
AAA V-.. - ' . J JUI...I , . (
1 iuvu. eleven luuiiiuun --
European commercial WitD a tout population ot 44.000.-
OraaniZatlOnS WanteO 000 have formally appuea ior
w u mission, while it is known that
BERLIN. Jan.: 12. There is a Germany with It. .00-000-Io;
sponUneous demand from com- g,Ten m chanee. This leave
mercial organizations of Europe aDoUt 300,000,000 ot the world's
and the American . continent for inhabitants completely outside
simpler passport regulations, says the league.
Fred W. King acting president oil The league negan iu n wn-
a moriz-m Phimiwr of com-1 thii council met for the first time
merce ot th;s city. The matter al- In PaHs at the summons of PrejU-
ready has been brought to the at-1 dent W ilson on January i.
tentlon of a number of govern- with 23 members. By the time
ments and protests have been the first meeung ox me
made to Washington against the wa held a few months ago. the
American system of Issuing short- membership had increaaea xo .
time passports, it is stated.. The tigm nave .wee -
protest is based on the ground , At thetlme of it. birth the
that there Is mnch delay and dif- league had no QMrrer. of IU own
flculty in having these short per- M a7 l nT.V. .n
lod passports renewed when they I manent at at Gneva where an
have expired.
V Prices Speak
: Bargains in
Season's Biggest Reductions
Will Soon Gome to an End
It has been the most important and best
sale we ever put on.
Lillian's face was even more
sober than her voice. . Intuitive-1 read, is proposed by Gordon, and
ly I knew mat wnue fine aamirea i requires mat teachers be re-
the wonuerful 'bravery, the bril-1 quired to take examinations every
liant achievements and the ster-lfive years of the period they are
lin character of the young army i employed in the public schools.
officer, in Impersonal lasnion, i He declared ibis ; necessary to
she strongly disapproved of the I prevent the teachers from grow
school&irlish hero worship of I ing stale in their method, ot in
which my altitude toward mm i struction. Another amendment
had savored in the day. following I by Gordon will be devised to re-
hls specucuiar saving oi my me move nolitics from the activities
ana routing or me gang oi enemy i 0f teachers and school boards
conspirators ai me inn. i s The Multnomah deleratlon i
"Captain Hugh Grantland on I dnhimta . in ih. n,.oi..Kim
hA Vtiftnal" f Hntltul nnITl ... n . ' -. . ...
w m"; l71 . "' oi me uvenuru nui, introduced
enough, bnt In truth Lillians an-1 b-th- Mntr-i n.nn ,nlftn
nouncement of his name had come the t of w p Woodward,
so closely upon the heels I flmK,
ot my shame-faced retrospective 17,, J"-"V;." .".
the semblance of poise. ;i lttlM. hft,,np. -rt ' rVT
Von " nil a rein moil M11 r- I ! i---o "
- " . - i mi.. . . h a amawaI MlM.fM.
garding me with the same grave. , k., 7 ' .v
r . . , .t ... voted to refer the bill to the
juuumi; cuuiuiiiice ui ioc nouse
without recommendation. The
wished . to convey a warning to
me. but fore bore to do so for
some unexplained reason.
old hotel has been transionnea
L '. . . ! in. PiUm of NaUons. The
Jiepreseniauves oi wimm rm, , r . . nnir Rlr Erie
Commerce of many nations are to "LreVj!' lt S mSZ
hold a conference, the time and P"mo0nd' hM USt l mOTt
i -vi.i. v.. -A Kn man sww.
j.t i n. .v. nnm nt t. I There have been 11 meeting, of
;;ioprngaPa.;pon pliat will the council of the leagn. ,n6 1 ett
be at once satisfactory to tne gov. '"i.rTYJi T Vr
ernments and meet the need, of pendent bodhes contemplated by
eTmmercUl and other traveler,. JcUd. f?e
DaLhoorud;UBfss?inrfor nXrSKnirconrt'ot S5& iK
?nfa .'.h.'ultom1 o"t yiilni in! the reViatraUo?' of international
'iS .,.mTnVtloM It treatle.: eommisaion. to deal with
.potion and long examtaatlons at dIurmiment mnu, economic
1ZtrZ Y UufJ rlrSlelilt blockade measures, public health,
the delays iufr internaUonal ataUstlce and the in-
regnlatlons have been ""'"V ternational Ubor office,
most aggravating extent by lome Preparation, have been made
Europe. ' ;
"Business men have told rae of
losing hundred, of thousands ot
dollar, be being nnable to keep
appointment, and close contract,
because of delay. In receiving cre
dential, to cross the frontiers."
said Mr. King. "The present sys
tem Is absolutely hopeless from a
business viewpoint. What 1. need
ed is a simple method which will
do away with all the red tape and
permit people to move about as
quickly a. affair, require. Thi. Is
entirely Dossible."
The movement toward greater j
simplicity Is : understood to have
originated wnn tne unamoer oi
Commerce of Buenos Aires, Ar
gentina, and South American
countries are particularly anxious
to simplify passport .custom, in
view ot the increasing business
they are doing with the European
nations. Th'er chamber, of com
merce are conducting an active
campaign to this end. .
for bodies to deal with Interna
tional communications and tu
suppression of the white sla
traffic and the creation has be.
gun of permament machinery far
the regulation ot. international
credit, and the economic rehabil
itation ot countries ruined by the
war. Friend, of the league point
to its Intercession in the Polana-
Litbuanian . and Swedlsh-rinaiik
disputes, the latter over the Alio 4
islands, a. among its achieve
ments, although both cases await
final settlement. They iUm
enumerate as standing 1 to the
league's credit the repatriation of
more than 200.000 war prisoners
and a campaign against typhus ia
Poland. They say It has furnished
a government for the Saar dis
trict, formerly German, and that
It has helped Dan tig to assume in
position a. a free city under tl
league's special protection.
Fiume Aviators Spread
Propaganda Over Rome
ROME. Dec. 21. Avlatori
from Flume have been repeatedly
allowed recently to iiy over tie
Italian town, dropping propagan
da leaflets. They have gons so
far a. to use an Italian aerodrome
for refurnishing their fuel.
One Flume aviator flew over
parliament buildings and dropped
an Insulting message calling for
the conclusion of the Itallaa-isr.-oslav
treaty at Rapallo. after,
ward, obtaining a supply ot gu
oline for the return Journey to
On the Journey home the avl.
tor encountered engine tronb:
and was forced to land in So
Marino, the little republic wtu
about 7.000 population, witkla
the boundaries of Italy.
The San Marino government.
seeing that he was a military avi
ator, cor Jdered ' the landtag a
violation of their boundaries, con
fiscated the machine and Interned
the aviator.
Sam I aaw you sitting betweea
two fat men on the trolley car tlla
morning. Weren't yon aott
squeezed, to death? .
Elemr Oh. 1 hadn't naca
room for complainL Boy. Lift.
Teacher Jimmy, give an ex
ample ot minority ruling.
Jimmy When there Is a btly
in the family. Boy. Life.
Leviced P races
same aisposuion was made or a
companion bill to . extend the
terms ot incumbent, until 'the
next general election. The bills
apply only to the Portland. dis-
Salts, Dresses, Waists, Skirts, Petticoats Woolen Dress
Goods, Dress Silks, Ginghams, Cotton Goods, Sheetings,
Shoes, Underwear, Outing Night Gowns, Corsets, Silk Un
derwear, Sweaters, Umbrellas, etc, etc
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday are the last
days of the greatest of all sales. N
are arriving daily and put on display immediately. Visit
the store daily and look around all you want Form the
habit of meeting your friends here.
Ul I l hjiUi .
Mail orders. We pay
postage or express on all
- mail orders r 466 State Street
Phone 877
' Satisfaction guaranteed
or your money
"I Shall Not See Him.
With Kiirirfen decision T voiced
a ronninHnn which had mm to I trict. The first Is offered ras an
rae during the second, following amendment of the general elec
her announcement: f i. There was sentiment
"You need not worry. Lillian. to the effect that if the bills re
I said soberly. "I shall -not see celved consideration at all It
him." should be In the form of an am-
Her face cleared a. if by mag"-1 endment to the school law and
lc. As I passed her on my way I simply place the school election
to the telephone she swung me j on the same date a. the general
around and kissed me warmly, i election
"Much better so. , dear girl. An Important action of the del
was her only comment, but the legation vai to fix next Tuesday
wnisperea approval xoriiiiea me i anernoon at 4 o'clock for a hear
for the difficult few moment. I ling on several bill. Introduced by
saw in front ot me. I Senator Hume iA which Multno-
For I had a vivia recollection i mah county judge, are interested
o me last time i naa seen nuja i There are five of these. One
uranuana. or me mianigui wai i would abolish circuit court de
through the wild. , rose-scented partments f6r purpose, of elec
woouiana pain, wwen inj eu- t,on which .imply mean, that
iorrea mp wong m uijkj candidate, for the office of cir
nari compeuen me to laae wun cuIt iadg9 would not run f an
him, and of the dramatic, almost Dartlcnlar dnaptm.n inlv
impassioned farewell he bad nt
. j . i . i..r -
IZLVt. 'ZrXSZZT lTt "ease the fee. of litigant, for the
me nsuu ui hit I benefit Of th law lihrarv An
sUtlon. I fancied I could feel rfn"" ot45e la,w "brary-. An
vet the burning touch of hi. lips IL A1?
upon my bands, could hear W Z "SZi f .1 i.Ba
h1p mne- teiHn m that he 5our of domestic relations, giv-
mMR ee me nnc more before he lB circuit courts concurrent
left for the other Mde. - Jurisdiction, provide for appeals
Swept by the power of his emo
tion, and an ans-verinr one in my regret this exceedingly, but nn
own soul which I didn't dare fortunately I am called away
ornbe. I had given him Lillian's sooner than t expected. There
address, had tacitly consentea 101 is a ravor I wish to ask of yon,
he "'ewell interview he evident- however. May I?"
ly wished. And now, with the "Of course. Captain Grantland."
searchlight of common sense and J returned a. smoothly as I could
duty illuminating the Inmost re- "provided it is anything In my
cesses 01 my own boui, 1 reamcu 1 power 10 grant.
inai 1 rausi xo use, upuu n iB eniireiy within Tour
wora. musi aeny mis min wuui power," ne saia. "Upon several
naa aarea ana aone so raura mi 1 occasions 1 nave gathered, not
me. tne tning- ne naa asaea. 1 irom anything yon have con
The teiepnone receiver wav.
Klously wild, but otherwise, that
you are cherishing in your soul
a ramer narsh judgment of the
one nearest to yon. If I have any
Claim UOOn TOUT forbearan mm
nately I managed to control my you have assured me, I want to
voice, and I flatter myself not a ask you to withhold that ludr-
ered in my unsteady fingers, and
my shaking knees wereglad of
the chair by the side of Lillian's
pretty telephone stand, but fortu
tremor marred the tones with
wh'rh I greeted him.
Tv)tain Grantland?'
"Mrs. Graham?" he insistently
1 responded, and the deep tones of
hia voice were anything but calm.
And then for a long: instant that
seemed an hour there was silence.
I ruegsed that he was endeav
oring to rind words for something
he wished to ssy. and for my own
part 1 could not have uttered a
sound. '.
And yet I realized with a little
hroh of rratltni that my nerv
ous tension was due only to the!
distaste I naiurallv felt to break
ing rav word and wounding the
nsibllit? of a man to whom I
was so Indebted. The glamour
which had surrounded my hero
worship of the gallant army offi
cer was gone withered by the hot
blast of mv jealousy of my bus-
Dana ana Edith Fairfax.
"I find that It will
be impossible for me
lo see yon before I
go." he said at last with little
panses between the words. !
you to withhold that luda
ment until yon are sure it Is de
What Did lie Mean?
I am sure I aasned andlhlv
at any rate Captain Grantland
went on a. it I had answered him
n words.
"I know I have surnri"
he said, "know also that I am
perhaps unpardonable for thus
meddling. Bnt your wel
fare : your happiness is
of . great moment to
me, and I could not refrain
from saying this to you. nd now
I must not delay another minute.
Good-by, and God bless you!
The receiver clicked at the
other end. but I sat with mine In
my hand dumblr until recalled
by the voice of the central oper
ator Inquiring If I had finished.
Mechanically I put it up. mechan.
ically I made my way back to the
What In the world did the man
(To be continued)
Is Not Much To Pay
For a Suit
especially when it is tail
ored to your Individual
measure, just as you
want it and in addition
An Extra Pair
Our system of purchas
ing and tailoring makes
it possible for us to be
always L
Right now yon can have
suit with extra pants,
tailored to measure at tL
lower price than others
ask for a single suit.
. - ! -
You select your own
woolens.! The style that
suits you best and be as
sured of a perfect f it.
Scotch VooIen
Mills Store
426 Slate SL, Salem, Or.
We are in receipt of Aurice, that LOWER PRICES
are to preyail on our entire stock of
Royal Worcester
These new prices are in effect now, and the en
tire stock is facin j marked down on the "new rpo-
A new shipment just ii
Bandeau Brassieres '
This is that popular mesh model in white and pick,
in front and back fastening
Special 50c
Ladies' Jersey
That smart Tuxedo model, which has been a won
derful seller all oyer the country. They were sold
dose at $11.50, but new factory quotations make
it possible to now sell them at
. This is exceptional value