The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 26, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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The Statesman receives tbe leased
wire report of the Associated
Press, the greatest and most re
liable press association in the
Wednesday, rain west; rin or
snow easi portion: Btrong
easterly winas.
Trnvrr. cum rTfw
ill. KES
Long and Hot Argument is
Heard on Both Sides of
Question; Vote Stands 30
For and 29 Against; Many
Take Part.'
Legislation Would Increase
Number in House to
80; Senate, 40
' The two weeks of comparative
quiet in tbe house of representa
tives was broken yesterday when
the committee on resolutions re
turned the Joint resolution on re
apportionment of seats in the
bodies of th state' legislature for
the consideration of the house.'
' After a long and not argument
on both sides of the question, in
Which the majority of members in
the, house took part, the vote
stood "30 for the resolution and
29 against. -
The resolution found its par
ticular support from Multnomah
; county, eastern and central Ore-:
gon delegations. Marion county
stood firm against the resolution,
i The resolution provides for an
increase In the number of senators
to 40 and representatives to 80.
1 Representative T. B. Kay of
. Marion, one of the first to speak
on . the subject, opposed the res
olution on the grounds ; that the
appointment of a special commit
tee to look into the matter was a
reflection on the ability of the
house and that the adoption, of
such a resolution would disturb
the harmony of the session and
detract attention from the other
bills to be presented later. This
was the argument of practically
all who opposed it.
"I hate to see any representa
tive take the position that there
has been no development in east
ern Oregon in the past ten years,
said Burdlck of Crook, Deschutes,
Grant, Jefferson, Klamath, and
Lake, and a leader for adoption,
as he pictured the growth and im
provement of the eastern part of
the state, and pointed out the in
justice of the representation from
that section.
Here Representative Kay sug
gested that the bill be referred to
tbe election and privilege commit
tee rather than to a special com
mittee. To this Representative Galla
gher of Harney and Malheur sug
gested that the personnel of the
committee be Investigated to as-
' certain it it were a fairly, repre
sentative committee of the entire
' state. .
Carter of Jackson expressed
himself as being against the bill
because of the Influence it would
have on subsequent measures; al
so he considered it wrong to bring
. up this particular measure at the
middle of the session. ,
. -Lynn of Multnomah, who Intro-
, duced the resolution in the house,
stated that he hoped that in con
sidering the reappointment meas
ure the state would be considered
as a whole aad not In sections.
"One of the essential things in
the government of this. state is
: equality," said .Mr. Lynn. "Mult
i nomah does not ask for much.
Her plan Is to give all the other
counties all they can have legally
and give Multnomah what Is left"
According to Mr. Lynn this would
j increase the Multnomah, delega
tion .la the house by three mem
bers and leave the senate dele-
, Ration Just the tame as at pres-
-: ent. ( , . ..
Davey of Marlon said that he
aw no reason Why there should
' be a bomb put into the house
,i when half of the session had
passed , and endanger the har
4 mony of the remainder of the
.. period. He did not consider that
;,' the question of progress was at
take, as did tbe advocates of the
measure,' for the state had not
yet returned to peace and quiet
wter, the war, or that it would
Y inhibition on the next leg
JMattre to leave the definite Ret
irement of such legislation until
. that time.
: Belknap of Benton failed to see
logic of Mr. Davey's argu
ment and. was opposed to trane
k.11 t0 successors "something
mat we are afraid to meet."
, Representative Hubbard of Ba
fr. Uoe opinion that such
; Vh.! tloa W0Qld take more lme
Ihu i ."7. "committee would be
adrift er.v0! hl e98,on
..SlSS. appointment of a
vTtrH 10 mk thorough in-
m tn -"tnorize them
o resort mt iv."
uo bcxi regular sea-
r.?Prw!eiltU,re BurdicW at this
Point asked lir iMK,r- tt i
Zti I m that th population of
i .T-i-- aoty al decreased 1000
Zl, is tlDe Past 10 years, to
Sir Jth" U nad "decreased 145,
-"vu wM 855 1CBg tnaQ 1000."
epreentatlTii iTn Martin
moved tha rinn. .ntinn
taat further consideration of it
uHgcneed with.
Would Throw Open Ioor for Any
One to be Known as IVxv
ter. Says Smith.
s A fight was precipitated in the
senate yesterday afternoon when
majority and minority reports
were brought out by the commit
tee on medicine, dentistry and
pharmacy on the Staples-Farrell-Hume
bill to regulate drugless
therapeutics. After a- bitter de
bate the bill was allowed to pro
ceed on its way to ) third read
ing. " ' - -
Senator' Hume moved adoption
of the majority report in favor of
the bill and Senator Smith, phy
sician by profession, moved that
the minority report be accepted
for the majority report, which
would ' mean indefinite postpone
ment. -
The bill Is in the Interests of
the naturopaths.
Senator Smith averred that the
measure throws open the door for
anyone to be known as a doctor.
"There Is no such thing- as drug
less therapeutics." he said.
; Senator Hume declared the
drugless doctors are curing oer-
sons whom the' medical ' doctors
cannot 'heal. 'He excoriated the
use of drugs and surgical knives
and said the bill calls for a care
ful regulation and - standardiza
tion of the naturopathic school
: Senator 'Ellis opposed the bill
standing for the minority report.
sills and Farreil engaged In a de
bate on the question.
: Moser interpreted the bill " to
mean a raising of the standard of
the drugless physicians and sup
ported the bill." -
T Lachmund of Marlon supported
the measure In a vigorous speech.
Senator Eddy discovered what
he said was . an oversight in the
MIL , He asserted - that medical
doctors frequently use drugless
methods and that under the bill
ther could not do. so without ap
plying to the board created by the
bllL Eddy asserted that the bill
contained no guarantee that the
drugless , school operating under
it would have a thorough knowl
edge of anatomy and that unless
the bill could be re-referred so as
not. to Infringe on the rights of
the medical doctors and so that
it would guarantee scientific
knowledge by the school It Is
framed to benefit he could not
sunnort it. '
'Hume read parts of the bill to
show that It would not Interfere
With the regular -medical -profession.
Senator Joseph sided with
Eddy and asked unanimous con
sent . to have the bill amended.
This , was accorded and two
amendments were made. 'One
makes the bill not applicable to
medical doctors or surgeons. The
other.-instead of extending: the
drugless physicians the same le
gal standing as the regularly li
censed physicians, extends simply
legal standing as drugless pny-
sk-lans." -: 'j '
Dr. Smith In his closing speech
excoriated the naturopathic
They know nothing about
anatomy, said Smith. "The
barber from Grants Pass who or
ganized the naturopaths, and
who is out here In the peniten
tiary knows nothing about anat
omy or anything else relating: to
this subject."
The minority report failed to
pass and the bill will go to the
third reading.
Secretary Wilson's -Plan Of
Avoiding Tragedy
' Is Approved
WASHIXGTOX. Jan. 25. Sec
retary Wilson's suggestion that
the ; admissibility of immigrants
be considered at the source to
avoid; the "tragedy; 7of : aliens
breaking up their homes and com
ing to America only to be exclud
ed; has met with the instant ap
proval of European governments
and American diplomatic and con
sular officers, Anthony Camlnetti,
commissioner general of immigra
tion . today told the senate Immi
gration committee.
Mr. Camlnetti described his
trip through Europe to obtain In
formation of : the Immigration
problem and told of the extensive
preparations beingmade- by
steamship lines, foreign govern
ments and various organizations
for handling the expected j flood
of Immigrants. I "
Mr. Camlnetti said there was a
general impression among the
peoples of Europe that the Am
erican government, through var
ious organisations operating to as
sist .Immigrants on their way to
this country was Inviting aliens
to come here He. declared this
was not the Intention of the or
ganizer. He pointed out that
while American laws prohibited
nersons or associations engaged
In trnsportlngliens to or within
the United States from soliciting.
Inviting or encouraging any alien
i come to the. United States,
there was nothing In the lawsto
prohibit persons or associations
not engaged In transporting aliens
from inviting: cr encouraging
S Sp mm
them to come.- ,
With Tear-Filled Eves He
' Denies the Charges That
$100,000 of Voucher was
Charged to Building.
Rep. Foster Expresses Ap
preciation of Schwab's
War Service
J NEW YORK. Jan. 25. Over
come by hia emotions, Charles M.
Schwab temporarily broke -down
on the witness stand today before
tte Walsh congressional commit
tee investigating affairs of the
shipping board. With tear-filled
eyes, he denied r charges of wit
nesses that $100,000 of a $269,-
count In the office of the Bethle
hem Shipbuilding corporation had
been allocated to expense of con
struction of government ships.
Schwab Admits Conference.'
Mr. Schwab had been 'recalled
to give testimony regarding ship
construction matters while he
was director general of the em
ergency fleet corporation. After
his testimony, his attention was
called by; Representative P. M,
Foster ; to testimony that since
making his denial last Friday of
the charges he had conferred with
Perley Morse of" Perley Morse &
company, auditors, who found the
alleged voucher. "
Mr. Schwab : admitted he , had
talked with" Mr. Morse. ' staling
that a Mr. Wildman, whom' he
had' known several years, came
to him with - the statement I that
Mr. Morse 'was a" man of i the
highest repute."
' I listened," Mr. Schwab said,
"and said that if what you say
Is true,' and " what I 'assure you 1
can prove Is true, that I received
none-of this money, should ; not
Mr. Morso be willing to make a
statement" that he' has made a
mistake?' Mr. Wildman said he
thought he would "do so."'
As a result of this conference,
a meeting between Mr." Schwab
and Mr. Morse was arranged
later and the witness said he . re
peated to Morse what he had said
to V3Idman "that I was now at
the end ' of a 40-year business
career, and that it was a matter
so indescribably deep in my heart
to be charged with something of
that kind, that I hoped' he would
correct it. "
Voice Ibriaks by Sobs.
"He .'would 'not do it." Mr.
Schwab' continued. "He said
there were explanations and rea
sons "? r i
f Here the steel -man's voice be
came husky-and his frame shook
with suppressed sobs. ,
' r hope", you will1 excuse me.
Mr. Chairman and gentlemen' of
the committee," he started to
continue, "but ," and here
bis voice broke again.
Tor a moment 'he endeavored
jto control himself. He gave up
in attempt ana irom nis eyes
rolled great tears, which he then
wiped away. . ..
The committee room was filled
and It . was evident that he had
the sympathy of all by-the sil
ence that prevailed a silence
broken by Representative Foster,
who said; -
"I cannot help making this re
flection. . I want to express on
the record my appreciation of the
manner Mr, Schwab, in which
you have Introduced evidence
concerning this , voucher. -. Aside
from my membership on this com-
mlttee. I want to express my ap
preciation as .an American citt-
xen for the services you. have
rendered our country.
l Services Appreciated.
'There is no Jury to be affect
ed.' or court to be influenced,-but
I say, that out of an appreciation
of the situation I feel I am com
pelled to give expression to it."
This statement was greeted Dy
"I thank you very much," Mr.
Schwab replied. "That was the
substance, of . my , conversations
with Mr, Morse."
- He had ' regained -' control of
himself and In answer to the
chairman's Question; said he had
never instituted any steps to have
any' audit stopped 'He said such
matters were never brought to
bis attention. , ', . .
' He again'- thanked' the commit
tee and asked them to excuse him
for hfs; display of emotion and
arising, walked from the room,
passing close to where Mr. Morse
f -'PULLMAN. Wash., Jan. 25.
Although" outplayed on the floor.
University of Oregon's basketball
five was superior .at shooting and
won. from Washington State) col
lege hre tonight by a score of
27 to 23. The state college play
ers' seemed5 unable to put the ball
In the basket with accuracy. The
twoi teams will, play, again J to
morrow" night, " ; '
Tardy , or Absent Messenger Lowe
- Allowance and Are Liable To
S104K) Fine Each
WASHINGTON. Jan. 2 :. Ex
cept Maryland, the cases of all of
the six states; whose electoral
votes were reported lasf night as
having failed to reach Washing
ton within the! time limit, have
been arranged f satisfactorily, It
vas s'lid tonight -at the office of
Vice President Marshall. , r
Tbe messenger bearing North
Carolina's 12 electoral votes tor
Cox and Roosevelt barely got in
under the wire the votes having
been received late last night, it
was Raid. The Maryland votes
arrived today. ;
Messengers from Indiana, Utah
Nevada and Oreson failed to. ar
rive within the time limit, which,
under the law, j expired last mid
night, but certificates of their
votes have been teceived by mall
and will be accepted. Messengers
from these state, however, will
lone their allowances of 25 cents
a mile,-golns and, coming. They als liable to a $1,000 fine
each, but this penalty has rarely
been Imposed." !
Senator McNary. of Oregon, to
day telegraphed the messenger
from his Ftate. who was reported
as not having as yet started, that
tt would be- useless for mm to
make the transcontinental trip.
1IAGE Bill
Joseph's Measure to Repeal
; Examination? Law -is
Frowned Upon
Several ' women's cjubs of the
State , have . arisen in protest
against Senator Joseph's bill to
repeal the law requiring, a medi
cal examination for men before
they are granted marriage licens
es, and want to . strengthen the
protection afforded under the
law by the passage of Dr. Owen
flair's biir requiring examinations
for. both the male and female ap
plicant. - '
i A communication to this effect
was read' in the renate yesterday
from Etta IL Keggens of Port
land, reoresentlng the women's
clubs. The same communication
protested against the - bill to
merge the child welfare commis
sion and the board of Inspectors
of child labor with the state labor
i Upon' " motion of Senator
Strayer the senate voted to recall
from the-house for reconsidera
tion Senator Bell's bllt to prohltH
It the printing offices used as
Journalistic laboratories " at the
University of Oregon and Oregon
Agricultural college from doing a
commercial business. Tbe bill
carried in the senate yesterday.
Senator Jones, Bell s colleague
from '"Lane county, protested
against the bill In that it would
prevent the printing shop at the
university from doine any of the
printing for the Oregon Emerald.
the university publication, or or
Organa, tbe annual publication oi
tbe Junior, class- -
The senate passed senate - bill
29. which makes a slight amend-'
ment to the kindergarten law In
Multnomah county.
Supreme Council Considers
i Measures to Disarm
PARIS. Jan. 25. The' allied
supreme council today disposed of
for the moment the Greek and
Turkish questions and made prog
ress ; toward" (an agreement on
measures to be taken for German
disarmament. The! question will
be finally settled j probably to
morrow afternoon, j the morning
session being: devoted to repar
ations. I -!
The conference 1$ about a day
behind its schedule!. Some prob
lems may. go over until the pro
posed allied conference at Lon
don, which the supreme council
today decided to call at an early
date to settle affairs in the Near
Kast. to be attended by repre
sentatives of Greece and Turkey.
Great significance is attached
to the decision to Invite the
Creeks and Turks to meet the
allies, as indicating that tbe aIII?3
do not reject the idea of the re
vision .of the Serves treaty even
if "all of them do, not favor modi
fications: , : ,
Although not specifically stated
that the adherents of Mustapah
Kemal. Tnrkleh nationalist leader,
will be asked to i-en! representa
Uves, It 'Is" assumed snch will 1
the care, a the conflict now is
between the Kemallsts and
Greeks. Whether the Armenians
will be Invited does. not appear.
It is pointed out. however, that
such a course would Involve com
plications with the bolshcvlkl.
IS HEIR TO $40,000
Martia ItecLtres, "You Can Trace
Mo Back to a Royal Family",
la Hp a Soofee?
Charles Leroy Martin, scenic
artist, writes from Chicago, under
date of January 20. to his friend.
Harry M. Styles, of 130 South Lib
erty street, Salem, in part as fol
lows: "
"I was married January 2. 1921
to Mrs. Ruth Dean of above ad
dress, our future home. The lady
in mention is a prosperous busi
ness woman of great ability aad
possesses a large fortune; inter
ested in a mall order merchandise
business and gets an abundance of
orders all over the U. S. For In
stance, 2500 orders were filled
Just yesterday; one day's sales,
and several of the orders were for
Salem, Oregon, people one on
Twelfth street, dear old Salem;
several on State and South Com
mercial. Later we intend to run
this business ourselves, alone. I
think $150,000 will buy out the
other members . of tbe firm.' At
present, I am at my old game, on
scenic painting of the beautiful
scenes of the great northwest, get
ting $2 per hour, eight hour day.
So I am appreciated in Chicago, if
not in Salem."
Mr. .Martin also confides. In
Strictest secret, to his Salem friend
that be is the missing direct heir
to the "Jennings estate." in the
court of chancery. London, En
gland and that, he Is worth $40,
000,000. But be says he Is keeping' that
fact dark, for he does not love
money; that he would rather be a
working man; that poor people
are happy and: contented." while
the rich are always being annoyed
by relatives and beggars; so he
has escaped the torture by keeping
dark; but "you can trace me back
to a royal family, as good as the
best." as Ttch as the richest."
Perhaps some Salem people will
remember ' Charles Leroy Martin,
when the was in Salem, poor and
And perhaps they will congratu-
late him. now that he has a pros
perous business woman of great
ability and possessing a large for
tune, as his wife
And perhaps some of them will
be glad to know that he is worth
If they do not reflect that there
have, been a number of sueh es
tates in chancery in - London. England,-
In the imaginative minds of
blackleg ged Americans - working
the sucker crop
'And it' may be that some one is
spoofing Charles Leroy Martin,
formerly of Salem, Oregon, where
he was not appreciated; and in
that case his friends here will be
very sorry that he is the spoofee;
if the reader will kindly allow the
coining of that word for this tear
ful occasion; 'if. Indeed this Is
such an occasion.'
qiiestii is OP
Conference, Will be Held in
- London in February
Says Premier
PARIS.' Jan. 25. The; confer
ence in London on the-t-Greco-Turklsh
question will be held
late In February, beginning pro
bably February 21. Premier Bri
and . will ; send telegrams to the
governments at Athens and Con
stantinople notifying them the
decision of the council, it Is un
derstood that the Constantinople
government Is left free to ar
range with the government at
Angora '. for the despatch of a
joint delegation. Before reach
ing this decision the supreme
Council discussed the Greek situ
ation, and " agreed not to modify
the policy decided npon at the
last conference. Consequently the
allied ministers at Athens will
deal with the Greek government,
but abstain from all official rela
tions with King Constantine. and
financial assistance to Greece will
continue suspended. The idea of
an Orient conference was put for
ward by Lord Curxon of Great
The basis of the London discus
sion will b? the treaty of Sevres,
which of course will have to be
revised. According to the pres
ent understanding the proposal is
to assimilate the Greek xone oi
occupation with the economic
jone where the Snltan's sov
ereignity is retained and where
there is no Greek force of occupa
tion. The military experts re
port on disarmament enumerates
the clauses of th treaty of delay
five months for the application of
the conditions.: The Substitution
of this system for fixing a maxi
mum period for the execution 6t
a treaty as a whole, it Is believed,
will satisfy all views and lead to
Its rapid (adoption".
, Aratus Stiffler died Tuesday at
his home 1577 Chemeketa street,
at the age-of 56 years. His death
wan due to apoplexy. Besides his
wife he leaves two aons. The re
mains are at the Webb & Clough
funeral parlors. Funeral an
nouncement will be made later.
; The deceased Is the father of
Lloyd E. Stiffler, Statesman press
man. J " ' " . . : -'
Activities of Sinn Feiners in
World War Necessitated
Diversion of Vessels From
Convoy of Troops.
Power of Sentiment is Force
Which Will Hold Peoples
. In i Harmony
BOSTON. Jan. 2 5. Rear Ad
miral W. S. Sims at a mass meet
ing arranged by the Loyal Coal
ition tonight, said that to him it
was inconceivable that American
citizens of Irish nationality could
support the Sinn Fein, "knowing
what they do about them."
"How any American of Irish
descent can support a party that
was our implacable enemy during
cur war passes, my understand
ing." he said.
Sinn Fein activities, he assert-
I ed, necessitated the diversion of
vessels from the convoy of troops
and of merchant ships,
i "And you ; people bere In Am
erica," he continued, "have a
great many of your sons at the
bottom of the sea today because
we were- obliged to divert those
vessels and could not give ade
quate protection.
"We were fighting against the
Germans and the Central powers,
but they were - fighting In the
open. They fought with the sub
marine under the water, but that
is the way to use the submarine.
Tbe Sinn Fein were fighting us
just as bitterly and behind our
Characterising many of the
difficulties between the United
States and Great Britain as "pin
pricks," Admiral Sims said that
although pin pricks usually were
of little consequence- com at lines
they caused-"blood poisoning
the poison being supplied skilfully
by propaganda."
"Enough pin pricks." he add
ed. "will make a dangerous sit
uation. The world will not stand
for another) great War. Even
were the world so disposed, it
could not stand- another great
war. The nations must find a
way to compose their differences.
The only sure basis is a spiritual
one; it' is through the power .of
sentiment." :
Admiral ' Sims expressed the
opinion that the promotion of the
spirit of. the allies in fighting
side by side in the war depended
chiefly on Great Britain and this
country. taking the Initiative. A
permanent : understanding be
tween them, he said, "will Inevi
tably result i In peace and good
will throughout the world."
New York Attorney Charged
, with Acting in Interests
Of Germany
torney General Palmer tonight
charged Samuel Untermyer, New
York attorney with acting "in
German Interest" and "with simp
ly serving his old clients" in the
criticisms of Mr. Palmer's con
duct'of tbe offices of alien proper.
tr custodian and attorney gener
al. ! .
The attorney general presented
his charges In a statement with
quotations from a report taken
from Captain Boy-Ed. former
naval attache of the German em
bassy here, one his capture .by
the British In Palestine and from
the diary of 11. L. Albert, former
chief privy councillor of the Ger
man embassy. The report of
Captain Boy-Ed. as made public
by Mr. Palmer, referred to Mr.
Lntermyer as "the unpaid Judic
lal and legal political adviser of
the German embassy," while Dr
Albert is quoted as describing
meeting brought about "for busi
ness reasons'' at Mr. Untermyer's
estate at Greystone along the Hud
son river. Mr. Palmer said that
Mr. Untermyer, desires to undo
significant parts of the wars
Continuing1. Mr. Palmer said
"lie was vigorously opposed to
the government's policy in regard
to enemy-owned property. He re
fers to enemy-owned concerns as
'properties of these unfortunate
people whose sad pllsht be al
wars souxht to alleviate."
"His eact status, despite his
equivocation and denials with
respcrt to thrm unfortunate peo
ple the Germans hs best shown
by an official report by Captain
Boy-Ed 1 addressed to the
r k(Contlnued pa gage 5J.-.
Memorial Urges Congress to Give
Aid to Suffering Peoples
of the Far East.
The state legislature has Toted
to accept Hon. R. A. Booth's gift
to the state of the statue to be
known as "The Circuit Rider."
and to accord it a place on the
state capital grounds. This was
done yesterday when the senate
adopted Representative rBean's
joint resolution to accept the
Senator Hare yesterday intro
duced a joint - memorial to con
gress urging that the government,
through congressional enactment,
turn over to the suffering people
of Europe the supplies of food
and clothing now being advertised
for sal by the government at
prices below ordinary retail fig
ures ana oeiow ineir cost to the
The resolution urges that the
materials be delivered to the Eu
ropean sufferers .through tha Eu
ropean relief council, of which
Herbert Hoover Is chairman. The
urgent need of haste for contri-
Dutions to keep the sufferers alive
until after the harvest season, la
mentioned In the resolution. -
U. S Supreme Court Decision
. Sustained in Heit-
kemper Case
Because the. United States su
preme court In the case of the
Duplex Printing Press company
against Deerlng et al handed
down an opinion following the
same line of reasoning as that
previously nsed by the Oregon su
preme ourt last October in Jus
tice. Johns, opinion in the Port
land picketing case of Heltkemp
er vs. Portland - Central Labor
"ouncll et al, the latter court yes
terday denied by oral opinion a
petition for rehearinr in the Heit
kemper ease. - - -
- -Tn-ThU caM the UhrUTpTc
et the Heitkemper Jewelry estab
lishment was denied striking em
ployes on grounds that the pick
etlng law does not cover the
question of recognition of & lab
or union.
In a companion case, that of
Crenefield vs. Portland Central
Labor council et al the right to
picket) was upheld on grounds
that the question of wages and
conditions of labor 'validly came
under the act. Petition for re
hearing Is pending with the Ore
. gon court in - this case, but will
not be passed upon '. until the
United States supreme court
hands down an opinion on a sim
ilar case from Ariiona and which
was argued January C.
Wong Wen Toung. Portland
Chinese, who was convicted of
murder in the second degree and
sentenced to life in the state pris
on for killing Joseph Gue March
27. 1917. must pay. the penalty.
The supreme court today affirmed
Judge Gaten's court In this case.
The killing was the outcome of
tong troubles.
, Levi 8, West fa 11 of Portland
was today admitted to the bar on
probation on a certificate from
South Dakota, and Wlnfield R.
Gaylord of Medford was admitted
on probation on a certificate from
Other opinions handed down by
the court, were:
State vs. Adolph Steldel. appel
lant; appeal from Clatsop coun-
y; appeal from conviction on
charge of assault and battery.
Opinion by Chief Justice Burnett
Judge James A. Eakln reversed
and case remanded
State vs. J. D. Swank, appel
lant: appeal from Multnomah
county; appeal for conviction of
forgery and sentence to state
prison. Opinion by Justice Johns.
Judge Robert Tucker affirmed.
A. Maud Rorvik vs. North Pa
cific Lumber company, et al. ap
pellant: action to collect dam
ages for Injuries received in
death of. Captain C. P. Rorvik.
Opinion by Justice Harris. For
mer opinion sustained and Judge
Robert Tucker affirmed. -
Petition for rehearing denied
In Heitkemper vs. Portland Labor
France Asks of , Germany
Fixed Treaty Indemnity
PARIS. Jan. 25. France will
InBlftt that the German Indemnity
be fixed by the, reparations com
missions, as -provided in the
treaty, instead of by. the confer
ence of .the allied premiers, it
was asserted on good authority
today. This decision, it is fore
cast, will be opposed vigorously
by the Belgians. The attitude of
the British . delegation is not
The derision of France applies
only , to the reparations commis
sion fixing the total amounts. The
method of payment and the am
onnt. France hold, may be set
lied by "the premier The Bel
glans are opposing that solution
as they desire that the Boulogne
agreement be carried out. which
provides a tentative amount of
I5.00d.000.000 and- grants Bel-
rlum nrlorltr on the first pay
pxent. '
Father 0'Hara Wrings Hand
Of President Doney at the
, Conclusion ' of Committee
Session.' ;
One Hume Proposal 'Agreed
Upon Minority Re
ports to be Made
Tears were In the eyes of Fa
ther O'Hara, leader among Cath
olic clergymen and educators of
Oregon, as he grasped the hand
of Carl Gregg Doney, president of
Willamette university, when the
two met for the rirst time yes
terday, and the Catholic educator
thanked the Methodist educator
for the stand he had taken rela
tive to the rights of normal
schools operated by the Catholic
Senator Hume's bill, which
would cause to be stricken from
the list of standardized schools In
the state the two Catholic norm-
al schools at Oswego and Mount
AngeL was under consideration.
While tbe bill reaches all schools
of the kind maintained by any
church it happens that these two
are the only ones now affected,
and It proved to be a case where
Methodist and Presbyterian and
Baptist went to bat for Catholic,
and Catholic went to bat for his
Protestant brother.
llama To Report Minority
As a result of the conference
the senate committee on edc ca
tion, meeting later in executive
session, voted to recommend that
two of Senator Hume's bills, rro
vlding for the regulation of priv
ate, sectarian or parochial
schools, be not passed. Senator
HumawwUl.brina; iuiiuritr
report- Another measure, pro
viding that schools of this k!al
must meet the same require
ments of the stats department of
education that are met by the
public schools, and placing them
under supervision of the school
superintendent, was agreed upon
by all who were heard by tbe
committee,7 and Its passage will
be recommended.
The Hume standardization Mil
to be reported on adversely By
the committee, provides that the
representative of the Independent
College Presidents' association,
the representative of the Catho
lic Educational association aad
the superintendent of the Port
land schools be removed from tbe
state standardization board, leav
ing on the board only tbe presi
dent of the state university, the
president of the state agricultur
al college, the president of the
state normal school and the stats
superintendent of schools. Fur
ther. It provides that no private,
denominational or parochial nor
mal school be standardized an 1
that those already standardized
be stricken from the list.
Preetdent Doraey Fpeak
F. J. Lonergan of Portland,
who, with Father O'Hara. repre
sented the Catholics, maintained
that the two Catholic normals la
the state are kept fully up to
standard requirements and that
the bill was an attempt to dis
criminate against them.
Dr. Doney. stalwart among Ore
gon Methodists, arose.
"Has anyone complained.'" he
asked, "of the Independent col
lege member of tbe Catholic mem
ber of the standardization board
failing to do bis duty, or using un
due coercion? We were pioneers
In educstion In this state and I
think we have our rights to be
heard. I recall a meeting of eol
lere presidents not long ago at
which the only member who ob
jected that the standards we set
were too high was the represen
tative of a state educational in
stitution. Now, as to the normal
schools. I am a' believer In fair
play. In West Virginia I was
connected with a church educa
tional ' association maintaining
normal schools snd legislation.
was about to be directed against
us. We simply asked that any
standard be set and we would
meet IL"
Church XormaU Endorsed
This was the attitude that hai
been taken by Father O'Hara rel
ative to the Catholic schools.
"Let us increase the number of
normal schools, even though they
be church schools," urged Presi
dent Williams of Albany coll ere.
Presbyterian Institution. "The
shortage of teachers. is serious.
Let us draw the young people
into the teaching profession. We
are for separation of church and
state, but let us not discriminate
against the church.
Rev. W. T. Mllllken of the Sa
lem Baptist church, speaking In'
behalf of McMinnvIlle college, en
dorsed, the remarks of President
Doney and .President Williams..
Garb BUI Attacked
Senator Hume moved that the
bill be reported out favorable, but
.JCntJnued: on page S.X