r THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON WELCOME AND ANNIVERSARY EDITION, JANUARY 1921 1 SPIRIT Welcome is a fine TO CREATE FOR NEW COMERS tat Mr. PiilhamTU Thinks the Old Resident Is a Greater Asset Than the, New one, ana we snoaia lock out lor nun and Stand Up 'or Our Rights in This Whole Northwest. .1m fi. statesman, patou : Gentlemen: I BELIEVE your policy In Is suing an Edition of Welcome is a line spirit to create In tehalt of the new resident, but 1 have an old fashioned t&ntht the OLD RESIDENT Is a GREAT ER ASSET than the NEW RESI LENT. la my Judgment the west de totes too much energy in behalf of the resident that is to com USERS OF PAPER STOCK Kay you enjoy a great er volume of business in 1921 than ever be fore. It will mean more sales for us and thus a greater volume of busi ness for the , RODGERS PAPER CO. Greetings SALEM Oregon land does not give as much con sideration as should be extended to the resident who is now here. What we need In the Northwest are the beet possible conditions for ther esident that we now hare. If ,he makes good, we will hate a prosperous country. , Bv dividing tip our energies in be half of the new settlers, we are very liable to lose our Tision of the present pettier. What the Northwest particu larly needs is a market for what 1 we can produce better than can be produced elsewhere. In other words, as the logan berry acreage of the Willamette valley increases, we must find markets for the increased volume or the grower will not make any profit out of his crop. Most farmers study only one end of their business that of produc tion. Suppose, for example, a farmer has the best land that is available, and that he under stands farming from a scientific standpoint; that he has sufficient funds to purchase all of the fer tilizer that he can use to good advantage, this would mean that his crops would be bountiful. But suppose that hij crops are of the best? What is he going to do with them after they are produced un less ne devotes as much energy, to the marketing end as to the growing end? ' It is a 50-50 proposition. There is only one method by which the marketing can be done successfully and that is by co operative marketing. The great trouble with marketing in thin manner .is usually found in bad management or disloyalty on th part of the members! either on of which will wreck' any orga nizalion. , i We people of the Northwest must ascertain what we need most and then make a concerted drive for what we want. It is my judgment that all of the states of the Northwest are not selecting with as much cars as they should their senators and congressmen. We too frequent ly support a candidate who does not have many qualifications in addition to being a good fellow, We should tend to congress the 1 best business men of our. com munity for the reason that to a very Urge degree our entire busi ness fabric is dominated at Wash ington, D. C. : We have just had an example of this- In the transportation question. When it became neces sary to raise more money to re habilitate the transportation lines we all admitted that it was nec essary for an increase in .trans portation rates. But we people of the North west sit around on store boxes, spit on the stove, . criticize th rovernment. and rrmit the Northwest to be put out ot busi-l ness by . the present method of increasing the transportation rates on a percentage basis. 1 When an increase of rates was necessary it listened good when some wise (or unwise) individual advised that the way to raise the rates was to make a flat increase of 25 per cent on everybody. Of course, this listens fair to the average citizen, but, when you digest It, we find that the shipper that is now paying the largest rate because he is farther from the markets will be. increased by the 25 per cent advance very much more than his competitor at some other point whose rate is much lower. " We citizens of Oregon, Wash ington and Idaho must realize that we have a real problem and that It will be necessary for us to diagnose this problem and work it out in a manner that will permit us to live. Instead of be ing spasmodically- prosperous, we are doing fairly well some of the time, exceedingly well a part of the time and mighty rotten the balance of the time, with nobody to blame but ourselves on account of the lack of constructive vision I am pleased to congratulate The Statesman on its Be vent y flrst birthday. When I become 71 years of age, 1 am sure that my usefulness will be greatly de preciated, but I am sure that The Statesman is very much like ''Old Taylor," which, some of us un derstand, improves with age. with kind personal regards, W. II. Paulhamus. President. Puyallup. Wash., Dec. 23, 920. ST AYTON THE SUBSTANTIAL (Hon. W. II. Paulhamus. who wrote the above, is the biggest man in the fruit industry in our neighboring state of Washington. The eastern readers will recoe- nize him as the man who puts up Faurs- jams and Jellies and other good things, so widely sold 1 In the American markets, for he is president of the Puyallup & Sumner Fruit Growers Canning Co., with headquarters at Puyal- up. Wash, and with a plant also M Sumner. Wash. This concern also operates extensively In the Salem district, having a large cannery and shipping plant at Al ga nr. Ore. v Mr. Paulhamus was asked to write on the fruits and vegetables most needed by the canneries of the Salem district. This matter Is pretty well covered by other writers in this edition. Men engaged in the frnit Indus try, and in all other industries of the Pacific Northwest, will generally agree with Mr. Paul hamus that we ought to have more concert ot action in goinz after and getting what we want and need in this whole section Ed.) r-j-HE city of Stayton is one of the substantial cities sur rounded by one of the sub stantial communities ot Marion county, with a rich section of Linn county just across the river. At Stayton is taken out of the Santiam river the water power in Mill creek that is divided at the eastern limits of Salem and be comes North and South M il creek in Salem, furnishing all the direct water power that is used to run a number of the factories of Sa lem. There is a great deal of unde veloped power at Stayton in this creek or mill race, and in the main river from which it .s taken. When the paved county market road is extended to Stayton, as it Is ex pected to be ibis year, connecting that city with all the main paved roads of Oregon, that city will be come, more of an ideal manufac turing po.nt than it is now, and In many other ways will be able to offer splendid opportunities to newcomers. The people of the country sur rounding Stayton, both the old timers and those who hav coriie i in the past tew years, are a thrifty 4 Salem Is the City Beautiful. It has the making of the most beau tiful city in the world. OEEGON y;rf-- - .::V . ! ...'', .'i'V mm llvilil.!. -y yRI Vil ;; !! viv; i ., , ' .1. , .. . . .. A Typal Stayton ReiIeacc, WILL E. PURDY ACTIVE CITIZEN White, Cloud Tea House' A Chinese restaurant for ladies and gentlemen, where they will find the best of Chinese dishes, such, as: NOODLES CHOW BIIN CHOP SUEY CHOW FAN RICE and PORK FOO YOUNG, etc Well conducted, neat and clean, courteous treatment. N. L. CHUNG, Proprietor Upstairs, 110 Va N. Commercial 1891 We Welcomed You Then . YEARS 30 Practical Experience in the Leather Goods Business 1921 We Welcome You Now The Willamette Val ley is the Land of Opportunity MMMMMM Ullillliilll IWUM Willi II' -tfi&flfc-- i i "I'litl i ; . y--.. i !i I - ! vi ( i " s I M. t ! W i i Salem is a City of Hospitality V. E. SlIAPEll - May 1921 Be Your Mcst Prosperous Year t SHAFER H ARNESS GO . Headquarters for Spartan Leather Belting, Best Made Harness, Gloves, Auto mobile Robes, Leather Goods of Quality, Bags, Brief Cases, Suit Cases, Puttees 1.70? South Commercial Street - ' -n - r SALEM, OREGON 5 j :-.2. --.'.V'-iJ I 1 i,- i-t and neighborly lot. industrious. ii l to date and enterprising, and wilh the Irue spirit of welcome points that will be appreciated by all who seek homes and opportun ities in this great land of diversity j and country of opportunity. I i I I I. 1 il JL j ,v vn: . : - - ' ;' ; -VV v , .'....-.' w- . ' ; ; ,r J I , - :' 1 ' ". ' . '- V 1 ' ( Stayton Fire Department. Present Building of the Fanners and Merchants Bank of Stayton. (A fine new brick bank building is in process of construction and will be ready for occupancy rery soon. It is on. the corner opposite the present building.) ' I N printing this Annual of the Statesman, it is our endeaTor to reach out among the busi ness and professional men ot Sa lem, after any and all information which would be ot general Interest to the public. Mr, Will E. Purdy. the object of this sketch, has ex erted considerable influence la Salem, and for that matter, in the state "of Oregon, in the up building of those communities in most worthy business enterprises by jway of a public bath house has been Installed at a consider' able expense by Mr. Purdy. and this bath house, which consists ot Turkish, Russian and shower baths ' and a sw!mming pool, would. accommodate S9 men and women at the same, time. It Is up-to-date in - every respect and has no equal in the state ot Oregon. This bath house is.be- which he has lired. Mr. Purdy! ing patronlred-by Salem's most TT Ti- TTL' TCI THE SECRET Uf use unerro.Tiuur good bread :: is not an old resident of this city. but for the few years he has re sided in Salem, he has been Tery active in modernising and renov ating' old structures into much needed apartments and residenc es. During the time he has re sided here he has Worked over on an average of one building each two months. One of the respected citizens, and great pains and care is taken by the management to make It a place worthy of such patronage. ' . Mr. Purdy Is president of the Oregon Realty Exchange Invest ment Co.. Incorporated, and In this capacity he Is doing much to advance the real estate inter ests ot Salem. STAYTON WELCOMES There are unequalled opportunities for the newcomer to Stayton and vicinity. Agricultural lands are of the best. We offer inducements to farmers, dairymen and those in terested in fruit raising. ') Manufacturers looking for plant sites ' would do well to investigate JStayton, the source ot cheap water power. We already have a large woolen mill, excelsior mill, two flour mills, a saw mill, electric light, water and power company. The swift-running . Santiam River contains the potential power. , Good highway construction furnishes communication with Salem, 18 miles away. Bates Station on the Corvallis and Eastern railroad is one and one-half miles distant. We have four churches, high school, fire company, banks, and a weekly paper, telephone, express service and daily mail. Come and look us over; you'll want to stay. Stayton is the home of prosperity, pep, friendliness and opportunity. This space made possible by:th following public-spirited business concers of Stayton: Farmers & Merchants B4nk. Stayton Flour Mills. : Bnrwn-Pctxel Lumber Co. Stayton Light & Power Co. t ii se Cherro F lour The SECRET o GOOD BREAD t r r T r t