IPk w6m FIRST SECTION I Pages 1 to 6 FIVE SECTIONS 36 PAGES SEVENTIETH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 23, 1921 PRICE: TWENTY CENTS MIT UN ISliR PI COUNTTDLSTOI ADJUSTMENT OF TENURE LAW AIM OF RESOLUTION IXVESTHiATIOX CALLED FOR IX MEASURE BY HUME Lack of Harmony Among Teach er Would Impair Erricienry f legislation EUGENE GRAC E CORROBORATES Universal Love, Christ's Ideal, ,is Power That is Destined to Conquer Un rest, Speaker Avers. BEAUTIFUL TRIBUTE IS ACCORDED FATHER Speaker f Advises Against Violence in Assisting T Russia One of the greatest ovations ever tendered a Salem guest was that given; last night by the peo ple Of the city to their distin guished visitor, Count lilya Tol stoy.; second son of the great Russian author, Leo Tolstoy. It was'freqdently remarked through out the audience that never had the army I an dltorlum been so tared to accommodate a crowd. Though the lecture was not to begin until o'clock, at 7:30 nothing but standing- room was available, many were turned away and 1 others willingly stood throughout the program. The appearance of Count Tol stoy la strikingly like that of the pictures of his great father, and the Indelible print of bis life is given expression in the thought life of the son. Count Tolstoy ' rives the impression of one who Is a. searcher after the best and . deepest things of life. The things that. In making the inner man. controls the home and reaches out and grasps the solu tion of the brotherhood of man. Introduced by Soldier . Seated : upon the platform with Count Tolstoy were prominent members of the Rotary club and djutant ; General George A. White who introduced the speak er on behalf of the club, through whose activities the lecture was " made possible. Mr. White spoke briefly on the privilege awarded the neople of the city in bearing: so distinguished a speaker, and also gave due credit to the Rotar- lans for their part in the program of the evening. 4; Count Tolstoy made no opening remarks, but at once confined himself to the subject of his lec tor, and challeneged bis hearers with his first great truth, that, "mankind is now suffering1 the punishment of five years of war," and -"Russian freedom Is turned Into Bolshevism, which is almost as great an evil as war." Tie po)re of Bolshevism as a new kind of slavery, not born in Russia, but Id 1903 in the Socialistic confer ence In Gsneva and later in Lon don. - KoMJerV Lives Chenp' The second cause for Bolshev lra. he said, was the revolt of ihe former Russian slaves. Slavery vss supposed to have been abol ished In 1861, but it was not un til 1917; the speaker said. - "In America it is not generally wnderstood what the Russian sol dier had to contend with." the speaker said. "A soldier's life Is held cheaper than a chicken, and when Russia gave up fight er. In two and a half years sine had lost more soldiers than all the allies together in five years." Everything mustrbe national ized, according to the Bolshevists In, grain, farms, schools, busi ness, etc," he explained. The Bol- aevists bellevefirst in force. In this connection. Count Tolstoy Il lustrated the fallacy of this, with the words, "You cannot open the ttw of paradise by. violence." The doctrine of Bolshevism gave power to the lowest element of the city, which was tempted by reed and drunken with power. From 15 to $20 a month they ow made $2,000 or $3000 a day in Russian money. Many worked oat from 15 minutes to one hour day. in consequence of this, 80 Per cent of the factories were closed and the 20 per cent left r . mnoractured war ma wrlal asnd clothing for the sol ders, and these were operated at great loss." . . 1 ' , t ,47,cn Presses Used ,w,n,3r one thing is the Bol m !u.cvceMtul. Count Tolstoy aid, and that is in printing mon l.'J -1" thing standing in his !mJ .new reM have been ?hre,V?ork?m Affi6riCa t0 ha8tCD RuMiLriinf lt visit to auemnt . ni: To,8to as he attempted to board his car at Pet- erou. it .V r" were BO in llil M Im08We tor him ruble being worth llVSSK tn itidt m i ., V.1 cents i win; c' ?PC through nound of hi,tt- - .v.VV ne worth $10:Vnd;oranlZVu" ?nAA,anvmonejr' a 08 brought 8000 rubles, and everything else wag in accordflnrA tk id not attempt to carry money thJflr Wkt- but in baskets nd bags.- Money was plentiful . ut provisions scarce. : Eleven per 1 " peopiejren dying and An amicable '.adjustment of tcachtrs' tenure is the object of a concurrent resolution introduc ed yesterday by Senator liuine of Multnomah county. It calls for the postponement of the Staples tenure bill, now pending, and pro vides that a special committee of two eenate and three houso mem bers be appointed to investigate the tenure question during the ut-xt two years and report at th next session of th-? legislature. The resolution points out that certain school directors are work ing Tor the passage of the Staples bill, while certain teachers or ganizations are working for its defeat, and that this has a ten dency to destroy the confidence ami harmony that -should exist and will without question tend to seriously Impair the efficiency of the conduct of the public schools In the school district to which ihe provisions of said bill applies." The measure refers to the Portland district. Efforts of the National Educa tion association to bring about a uniform teachers' tenure of office law for all the states are called to the attention of the legislature In the Hume resolution. The resolution avers that the integrity and efficiency lot the public school system is one of the greatest responsibilities resting upon the legislative assembly, and that the assembly should consider the interests of the pupils and the teachers as 'well as those of the supervising and controlling officers and boards of directors. and that "complete harmony and perfect confidence should at all times exist, betwsen the boards of school directors and the teach ers in order to Insure efficient and proper administration of all matters pertaining to the conduct and maintenance of the public schools." Under the resolution the spec ial committee provided would have authority "to hold private and public meetings and hearings at which all interested may he heard and to seek such informa tional aid as may be obtainable from the National Education as sociation relating to the subject and to do and perform all and everything deemed necessary and proper to a complete understand ing and report to the next regu lar session of the legislature of the stat of Oregon the result of such investigation, together with such recommendations as the committee may deem requisite to safeguard the interests of the public school system so far as thev relate to employment and dismissal of teachers in such schools." i SCHWAB PLEA President of Bethlehem Steel Corporation Declares the Expenses of Schwab Not Charged to Construction. AUDIT UNCOVERS NO FURTHER EVIDENCES Photostat Copies of Vouch ers Reveal History of Transaction PROVINCE OF SIBERIA IS BECOMING BOLSHEVIZED J.UMXKSR FORMER MINISTER INTERCEDES FOR FEACE Troops Maintains! in Vladivostok for Frntet'tioii of Japanene Interests TOKIO. Jan. 21. Kiyoslil Nak karhoji. former minister 'of agri culture and commerce, continued his interpellation in the diet to day concerning the failure of Japan to obtain benefits from the war. and also concerning the situation in China and Siberia. "The whnle province," he said. ' is fat being bolsh4vised. What will the goernmenf do?" ' Premier llara answered that it was . impossible to prevent, the iiolsheviration of an alien land. Again taking the rnstnnn. Mr. Xakkashoji asked: "Does not th government intend to take steps against the bolshevik, menace even If the peace of the' Far East to seriously. Jeopardized?" Premier Mara responded that whatever the result of the bolshe vik 'predominance Uiere was no l!lrflihnrwl nf the nnra ilinar an vi.ttr vAnir t a, I ... ..... I ., ' ' .civ luuiv, van. .uf rng. as the movement wa con R. Grace, .president of the Beth-1 fined to Russian territory. Me lehem Steel corporation, appeared explained that Japanese troops inni.Kf hofn u'ot.h nnmrrso. were in Vlad i votok and vl U. S. LEADS IN MERCHANT SHIPS BUILT URE.IT RRITA IX RATES S EC- OX D IX COXSTRl TOX AmeHcaii YanU Have Facilities for ;renter Keeil Tlinn English. Nhip nuilditi Concerns Steel corporation, appeared I explained that Jai i hofnro tl.o onnfroa- Were tn VladiVO . . fc , . . , . . , . . I " ' ni v, in 'iv i in viiuuiriavv affairs of the United States ship ping board and corroborated the testimony of Charles M. Schawb that no part of the latter's per sonal expenses as aa officer of the Emergency Fleet corporation had been charged to ship construc tion. . Colonel F. H. Abadie, ' former controller-general of the board, and Perley Morse, an accountant. previously had notified the com mittee of the discovery of a vouch er lor 1269.543.53, alleged to cover personal . expenses 01 Mr. Schawb during ' October, 1918, when he was director-general of the fleet corporation. An audit of the Bethlehem shipbuilding cor poration's books, they added, dis closed that. $100,000 r ot -Vhls amount had been charged to ship construction. Mr. Morse explained however, that when he made his bolshevism a to protect' Japanese interests. He contended that Japan had a fixed policy in Si beria which h'ad n-Bver been al tered. Vlscaunt Takaaki tvato. oppo sition - leader, asserted that no government policy had ever been sc conspicuous ior want of unity rnd lack rf proper efforts for the attainment of justifiable claims as lhat of the present ministry. MEAT UATII PASSED BY SENATE NEW YORK. Jan. 24. The I'nited: States led the world In the total of gi-ot-g tons of mer chant vessels launched in 1920. according to Hgure- made public today by Lloyds register of ship ping. The total launching for all na tions, in the Fnited States yard in 1920 were r,.S61.(MiO gross tens, a decrease of almost 1.300. Ooo from the 1919 figure but an increase of more than 4 00.io over 191X. The total for the Fnited States was 2. 4;, ( tons. hile Great Britain was second with 2.$.:.i4tno tons. Japan launched 4.tf,uft0 ton last year, a decrease fhniC1 l.ooo tons in 1919. Lloyd s points out that at th beginning of 1920 the Fnited States and Creat lirita'in had on band practically the same amount of construction to be completed and credit .American yards with greater speed than those in Great Britain In that this country ex-! Ceetted England's total by 20 per cent. The decline In the total world tonnatre launched was attributed to the decline in the American shipbuilding program. American launchings being 1.600.000 tons less than in the previous year. British production showed a gain of more than 40t1.000 tns. Other countries launched " a total of al.out 1.330.000 tons during 1920 fcr about 20,000 tons Itss than in 1919. In comparison with pre-war figures, the launchings in the Fnited States were nine times as great as in 1913, and throughout th world ; there was a gain of about 75 per cent. For the first time since the beginning of the war Great Britain last year ex ceeded its 1913 figures, the gain being about 7 per cent. PROTECTION OF SCENERY Al OF BILLS Policy of Governor Express ed in Five. Bills to Go to Legislature; Follow Spec ial Message Given Yesterday. AUTHORITY EXTENDED TO HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Measures May Wot be Ac corded Easy Sledding By Members TEN NEGROES KILLED IN GASOLINE EXPLOSION EXPERTS FROM 1. ft. BUREAU TO INVESTIGATE CAUSE Frame House Along Entire Block Am Splintered and TwUtrd by Force of Explosion report concerning the voucher hej L.0ng-F0Ught Bill IS Carried By Margin of 13 Votes; Authors Hopeful PEACE IS JOB OF S DM Business Interests Anxious To Resume Relations With Late Enemies - NEW YORK, Jan. 25. -One Vr the first acts of the Incoming na tional administration, Harold Knutson, Republican representa tive from Minnesota said here to night, will be to conclude peace with .Germany and Austria. "The business interests of this country are anxious to resume re lations with our late enemies," he declared in a speech before tlm New York Lutheran society. "Congress sought to conclude for mal peace bat was prevented from doing so by presidential reto. The war is over and there can no longer be any excuse for our not doing so." ' He characterized the present foreign policy of the United States as indefensible, saying it was de nrlvlnr America of a market con taining 75.000.000. It will take years to regain ground wnicn w daily being lost, be said, adding that America's rallure to partici pate in the world wide commerce is largely responsible for the con omlc depression." Representative Knutson also advocated restrictive immigration legislation. (Continued on page 4) Hume Would Punish Robbery With Death Punishment by death will be meted out to "stick-up" men for robbery or attempted , robbery, l a bill instituted by Senator Hume passes the legislature. The Hume bill will make it an offense nunishable by hanging to assault with intent to Kin or w niac nnv nerson in jeopardy of his life by reason of disposition to kill on the part of the assail ant The senator believes the measure would have the effect of driving a big percentage of Ore gon's criminals from tne state. WEATHER did not certify and cannot now say whether this Item was not eventually allocated or charged. Mr. Grace explained that ihe payment of $269,543.53 had been made to Mr. Schwab In accordance with the regular method pursued in reimbursing Mr. Schwab for ex penditures made by him and his office organization .in connection with the company's business. In distributing this item among the various departments of the business. $100,000 of it was charged to the Bethlehem Ship building : corporation, which is a Bethlehem subsidary in charge ot shipbuilding. It was not charged. the witness said to the cost of ships as had been testified by Colonel Abadie. As a matter ot fact, Mr. Grace added, the Bethle hem company never claimed this I $100,000 was an item of cost I against government ships, but charged that amount to profit and loss. ; Mr. Grace submitted photostat copies of various vouchers and other papers purporting to show the history of this' transaction from beginning to end. V Irving N. Kulner, an account ant employed by Perley Morse and company, preceded Mr. Grace on the stand. He was identified as the man who discovered and re ported the voucher In question. Kulner testified it was a Bethle hem Steel corporation voucher drawn to C. M. Schwab and that the word "personal": was not on that voucher. The witness ex plained he did not. trace the voucher and had no knowledge of the final disposition of the Item. He admitted that a further search which was prevented by the stopping of the audit, might have disclosed a credit. He confirmed Mr. Morse's testimony that he (Kulner) had been Informed by an employe of the Bethlehem cor poration that the $100,000 bad been disallowed. George S. Burgess, a partner in the auditing firm, said he had no personal knowledge of the vouch er for $289,000 charged to per- sonal expenses of an officer of the shipbuilding corporation other than that obtained from the men who made the audit. He said he had seen the work sheet and went to Philadelphia, but when he ar. rived there the auditors of his company had been excluded from the shipyard. Burgess said he never heard that Glllen wa told that the voucher was "all right" until he read Gillen's testimony. In the newspapers. In reply to questions by Congressman Foster. Burgess ald he had dictated the statement regarding the $289,000 voucher which Mr. Morse had previously read into the testimony. SATURDAY MAD E WASHINGTON. Jan. 24. By a margin or 13 votes, ihe senate late today passed the long-fought bill for federal regulation of . the meat packers and other agencte of the livestock Industry. ; The vote was 46 to 33. The legislation now goes to the house with its supporters hopeful. A special rule. to expedite house ac tion is to be sought. Most Democrats supported the bill while a majority of the Re publicans opposed it. The party lineup was 18 Republicans and 28 Democrats for nassaee. with 23 Republicans and 10 IVmocrats against. All fundamental features of the legislation as presented by the agricultural committee as a substitute for the original Ken-yon-Kendrick bill were retained by the senate. Only two important amend ments were adopted by the sen ate before passing the bill. One by Senator Wadsworth. Repub lican. New York, would include rorses, mules and goats within the operations of .the bill. An other by Senator Pittman. Dem ocrat. Nevada, would exempt all persons whose chief business Is livestock growing -or production of agricultural products from the bill s provisions. Other amendments adopted in cluded one by Senator Borah. Re publican, Idaho, providing t that all proceedings of the livestock commission should be open to the publlci and an amendment by Senator Pomeren. Democrat, Ohio, declaring that upon enact ment of the bill all supervision of the federal trade commission over the livestock industry should be terminated and transferred to the livestock commission. IH Chaplains at State Institu tions are Subject of Eber hard's Measure Tuesday rain west, rain or snow east portion: moderate to fresh southerly winds, v .": SCHOOL TAXATION SUBJECT OF BILL Governor Olcott's policy for the preservation of scenic beaut ies along the public highways or the state, announced several months ago and In which the gov-1 ernor has had the assistance of a special committee appointed by him to devise methods of working out the program, has' formulated the policy into a definite pro gram embodied in five bills to be introduced in the legislature. The bills follow a special message irom tne governor wnicn was read -yesterday in both house and senate. The bills extend to the highway department complete authority over roads, rights of way and ad jacent strips of land, and mem bers of the roads and highways committees say the committees will not be able to agree upon the bills as they are- Because of this feeling it is apparent that the governor's policy for tourist at traction may not be accorded the easiest of sledding by Che legis lature.' The first of the. bills extends to the state highway commission complete and permanent control over state roads and highways, requires persons making any al terations in highways or rights of way to procure permits from the stat" highway engineer, and makes violations ot the act a mis demeanor. . - A portion of one section of this bill reads to the effect that "no state road orj highway shall be dug up for laying or placing pipes, conduits, sewers. . wires, railways or other objects, and no trees or shrubs in or on any state road or highway shall be planted. trimmed or removed, and no ob struction placed thereon, without written permit, as hereinbefore providd (from th state highway commission or engineer) and then only In accordance with the regu lations of such state highway commission, or the state highway engineer acting under the direc tion of such commission." The person procuring the permit would be required to file a bond guaranteeing compliance with the act. The second bill empowers the Hate highway commission to ac quire rights of way along state highways tor the maintennce and preservation of scenic beauties along the highways. The provis ion is that the commission may acquire "by purchase, donation or by proceedings In eminent do main, rignts of way, land or trees and ground necessary for the culture and support thereof on or along the course of aay state highway or any public high way within a maximum distance of 300 reet on each side of the center thereof, and In any case where the acquisition of such lights of way, land and trees will be. tor the ben?rit of the state highway or public highway In aiding the maintenance and pres ervation of the roadbed of such highway or atd In the malnte- MEMPIHS. Tenn.. Jan. 24. Ten negroes dead, approximately 1 a score Injured, some probably fatally, and property damage esti mated at $200,000, made up the known toll tonight of an explos ion or 8000 gallons of "casing bead" gasoline awaiting unload ing from a tank tar to the plant or the Colyar Reese company, here, which let go this morning with a blast that wrecked a part ot the oil plant, leveled a block of, frame dwellings and shook the entire north end of the city. Colyar Reese, president of the oil company, attributed ,the ex plosion to spontaneous combus tion due to the lack or contact with the atmosphere or vapor es caping from the tank car when the metallic cap was removed preparatory to unloading. It was said that representatives or the United States bureau of ex plosives and experts from the re finery from which the car was shipped will arrive .tomorrow to investigate the explosion. The force of the explosion splintered . a row of frame tene ment bouses along the entire block. The occupants were blown to the street or .caught under the falling timbers. When the police and firemen reached the scene. streets and alleys were covered with splintered timbers and torn and twisted household goods, with the dead and injured' caught in the tangled mass. '-- Andrew McKinley, the negro who removed the dome from the taak car when the explosion oc curred, was hurled several hund red feet. He was badly burned and died tonight. McKinley was quoted as saying that when he re moved the cap gas rose to a height of 20 feet and formed a pall or black -smoke, which ignited and exploded. - Almost simultaneous ly pools of oir on the ground caught fire and a second explos ion occurred. One report was that McKinley used a chisel In at tempts to remove the cap from, the car: This, however, could not be verified. Mr. "Reese stated that bis investigation disproved any theory other than that the ex plosion was caused by spontan eous combustion. - S. P. DEMANDS HIGHER FARES ON CITY LINES Increases Sufficient to Pay 7 Per Cent Asked; Trolley Service in Oregon Operat ed at Distinct Loss to the Company. APPLICATION PLACES DEFICIT AT $54,373 Company Serves Salem, Eugene, Springfield And West Lynn A, the request of six judges in Multnomah county. Senator Sta ples yesterday introduced a bill making Saturday afternoon ot every week a non-judicial day Inj all counties of the state or 100, 000 population or more. A full-time Protestant chaplain at a salary of $3,000 a year, and a part-time Catholic chaplain at s salary of $1,500 a year, was provided In a bill introduced by Senator Eberhard yesterday fer service at the state institutions. They would be required to appor tion their time among the insti tutions in Salem as dfrected by the state board ot control. By request Senator Thomas in troduced a bill yesterday provid ing that the county court ot Jack son county cancel out the coun ty's claims against the sheriff and county -clerk on account of county money which was held in the Bank, of Jacksonville at the time ot the failure of that Institution. Senator Lachmund introduced a bill to increase the salary of the atate tax commissioner from $25, 00 to $3000 a year. In compliance with' an announ cement made by him at the be ginning of the session. Senator Norblad introduced a bill to have the state highway commission make preliminary surveys for an interstate bridge between Oregon and Washington and report back to the legislative session of 1923. Senator Eddv introduced a bill which, if passed, would require I nanc and preservation of the II ECOi MEETS III PABIS Allied Representatives Hear Experts on Germany s Failure to Disarm PARIS, Jan. 24. The supreme council, composed of representa tives of Great Britain, Italy, France, Belgium and Japan, to day heard the military experts and later conferred regarding the rallure of Germany to disarm as provided by the treaty of. Ver sailles. The experts were asked to make recommendations to in sure the disarmament. Tomor row the council will take up the situation of Austria, instead ot reparations. Lloyd George and Aristide Briand. it is understood. desire an opportunity to talk over the repartitions question before the subject comes up before the full council, . In this connection the premiers are said 10 be considering having the German representative sit with the council before the final decision on ' reparations. The British delegates is believed to favor inviting the Germans to take part in the discussion after the allies come to an understand ing among themselves. Increases In fares n an or Its Oregon lines are demanded by the Southern Pacific company In applications filed yesterday with the public service commission. The cities where the lines are op erated are Salem. Eugene, Spring field and West Lynn. Increases sufficient to yield 7 per cent on investment are asked. At West Lynn the company's investment is given as $5713.40. For the fiscal year ending June 30. last, it is claimed the operat ing revenues we're $14,455 and operating expenses $17,154, mak- -Ing a deficit ot $2699. The investment in the Eurene and Springfield lines Is said to be $519,856 originally on which the 7 per cent return would be $36, 039. Revenues for the fiscal year ending June 30 were $67. 116. according to the company's application, while the . expenses ran up to $103,116, leaving a deficit of $36,000. In Salem the company's origin al investment was $416,110. on which a 7 per cent return would be $34,027.70. Revenues for the fiscal year ending June SO were . $103,481 and expense $119,128, leaving- a deficit of $15,674. The total deficit on all lines Is $54,373. In all the cities the company's equipment la said now to represent much more than the original investment due to in creased "roitc - -: - ' Taxation Exemptions : Wanted For Soldien Representative Frank Daver ot j Marion yesterday Introduced in me nous? a diii wnicn ii paaseq will exempt from taxation proper ty of any honorably discharged Union soldier or tailor of the Mex ican war, the War of the RebeK lion, or the Indian wars in the state ot Oregon or of the-wldow or aay such soldier or sailor pro viding she has remained unmar ried. The bill specifies exemp tion for all property not to exceed In taxable value $1000. Mr. Davey Is author ot two other bills introduced yesterday, one for the repeal ot that section of the law on the sale of oleo margarine, which requires gro cers to keep record of all sales made ot that product. The other is to make It unlaw ful to bait birds. According to Mr. Davey there are certain plac es near Portland, placea to which birds are attracted by sprinkling: grain in order to furnish sports. men with game for their shoot ing matches. ' the investigation and correction of unsanitary school buildings. Elimination of Inequalities Amonq Districts is. Purpose Death of Soviet Lenine Declared Fantastic Rumor LONDON. Jan. 24. The re ports of the death of Premier Le-: nine of soviet Russia and of a re cent attempt to assassinate him by means of a bomb are character ized in a Moscow wireless dispatch received today as "fantastic ru mors." PLUMBERS IXniCTEI). NEW, YORK, Jan. 24: Thirty one firms and Individuals in the plumbing trade indicted last Fri day on charges of violating the state anti-trust laws, pleaded not guilty today In supreme court. A county unit system ofVaxa tion for school districts is to be embraced in a bill-- not being prepared by a committee of the county superintendent's associa tion of the state. - The object Is to eliminate the J inequalities that now exist among the districts and which long hae been unsatisfactory and the tar get "of criticism. Under the proposed bill school districts would be. divided Into three classes, city district, village districts, or those having trom 500 to 1,000 pupils, and county districts. Taxation in the -city and the village districts would be left as at present, but all the smaller districts would work as Ambassador Geddes Goes To Paris For Conference LONDON. Jan. 24. Sir Auck land Geddes. the British ambassa dor to the United States who ar rived here today from New York, is expected to leave tomorrow for Paris to' confer with Premier Lloyd George and Earl Curzon. secretary of state for foreign af fairs. The ambassador will not stay abroad more than a month. The police closely guarded the movements of Sir Auckland from the ship to the train at Liverpool cn his arrival and also at the sta tion in London. Permits to the landing station at Liverpool were denied all persons except officials who went there to greet the am bassador. ST. HELEN'S MILL BURNS ST. HELENS. Ore.. Jan. 24. Fire, which apparently originated in a hot box in the upper story of the St. Helens Flour mill early tonight, destroyed the building and contents. Including about five a unit and have a uniform levy. hundred bushels of wheat and con Each of the county districts would have a local advisory committee. 1 Central supervision would be provided for the county districts. siderable flour, the loss which Is estimated at between ten and fif teen thousand dollars was only partly covered by insurance. attractions and the scenic beau ties thereof." The third measure gives to the highway commission power to ac nulre by purchase, agreement. donation cr condemnation parks' or parking places along the high ways for the convenience and ac commodation of the traveling public. The fourth bill makes It un lawful to injure or destroy trees standing on or along a public road or state highway without ihe permission of the highway "om mission and provides a pen alty Tor violation of the proposed act. The rifth bill Is similar to tha fourth, requiring permission from .hi state highway engineer, or his officers or employes to injur or destroy a tree on a state road r highway for the reason that it Is considered an obstruction. The governor's special message ?n the nubject ot preserving the scenic beauties ot highways reads as follows: "To the Speaker and Members f the House or Reoresen tat Ives, ot the Oregon Legislature: "As Indicated to y-ou In my message delivered at the opening r this session I consider the question of the preservation of scenic beauties along our high ways or .urflcler.t moment to touch upon it In a special mes sage tn your honorable body. If you will bear with me I urge up- BT 1 PRESIDENT I1E0 Lee, Multnomah, Introduces Bill to Urge Support Of Congressmen (Continue on page 4) The Oregon members of con gress are urged to support an amendment to the constitution of the United States, extending the term of office of the president to eight years in a joint memorial in troduced in the hoase yesterday afternoon by Representative Lee or Multnomah. Arguments in favor ot the amendment, as set forth by Mr. Lee are that each election causes a financial and commercial di turbance in .the country, that the granting of the franchise to th women of the country has practi cally doubled the number of votes, that It is always expected that a president will be a candidate to succeed himself, and that a roar year term U not long, enough to permit the chief executive to for mulate a. well defined and conser vative policy ot administration. American Refiners Deny Mismanagement Charges NEW YORK. Jan. 2 4 Denial ot charges of mismanagement of the affairs of the American Smelt ing and Refining com pan by the controlling Guggenheim interests, made recently by Karl Filers, for mer director and vice president. Is contained in a statement to stock holder!, signed by 21 directors and made public here today by Simon Guggenheim, president. Mr. Filers' charges were con tained in a petition In December for a writ of mandamus to permit him to exaciln the stock: books and take the nam and addresses or stockholders and the amount of their holdings. The writ later was denied in court and the peti tion was dismissed. Among the charges made by Fi lers were that the Guggenheims, as officers of the company, re ceived large salaries: that by al leged gambling In copper, losses were sustained by the company and the Guggenheims prevent! the company from acquiring? a tin property in hollvla because they, desired it themselves. The directors statement charged that Filers is seeking proxies from stockholders In order to "create an entirely new organisation, sub ject to his sole domination." Prison Inmates Favored By Senator Hare's Bill Senator Hare yesterday Intro duced a bill whereby Inmates ot the state penitentiary will be ac corded a time deduction -of 10 days monthly for good behavior after the tsrit year ot sentence. Daring the first year the allow ance will be five days a month as at present. The object ot the bill Is to make an objective for good behavior.