f-iasinZP AOVXXTXSCSCZJrTS J S-t Pr Wars a taaartioa -- ....... ta 6 aaSstaV eeWeei,pr ; i iwatas -. Vr - y JU ft any ndrerU.eat NORWICH UXIOX rmi LNSUUXCE SOCIETY iJSde.t Agent S?JBtU8t. MONEY TO LOAN On Real Eitt i T. K FORD- w. (Oref Udd P Dank) FARM LOANS HAWKINS & ROBERTS 204-207 Oregon Building OUR OFFERINGS fif homei Including some of the fl it., m tha city. Our list ot farm and acres 1 complete, t v an. Aft A LAFLAR 7 nrion Bldg. Phone 1C44 NEW TODAY irTTD SALESMEN. EXPERIENCED ee kieiperieaccd. -u :iu High. 1 LOST CAMEO PIS. 'WILL THE PAR Tk sailed at Hartroan Bros, with tiik et with t reari whirh fo'oiid, kindly call Miss I'sllrlch at n. i FOR BEST T-KOOM HOUSE, MODERM. -ii k..i.t jfarnsre. ess. lights, fire. aiaee- fcfated at 441 N. lltb at. Will lee for months. L. A. Uay- lord. Stale etrcet. . WHO HAS WORK EOlt MIDDLE AOKD wan at SI day, and board. F IV trnavtead, Uout 4, Bo 63, care 1. A. - IWH, ? V ' ' ' - '" ' - ' ' FOH SALE HMK K 2. IAJT 2, SALEM llri'hta Price a0: god term a on part. Phona or fall 1C49 3th al. BLLK AtSTRALIAX SHEPHERD PUPS W E. B. Flake. Phone 1040J ; JUOS 17th ttt WILL SELL OR TRADE 320 -ACHES Or , f.na land- Wt"l ! Orand Cwulee. h Partly unproved, value aoout t:tUW ViU ta .martgare or terms. I'Uone 117i or call at 34tt S. Front at. lost WHITE BULL PUPPT. BRIS die face sad -k.TT tail.; Oar play mate. ' fhoae Jimmy. 5iK). IA8t TERMS. 5-ROOM HOUSE PLAS--trrad. city water, newly painted nwide ; and ea'5 3 Mi. fmit ta aelL at a l.ar ( tup Prc I850; t-rm 330 down, balance like rent. Immediate pot- BARBER & PEARSON 500 B-ay JJaildiaj. aear Commercial Club BAKCAIX FIVE ROOM MODERN COT f. fo'l eemcot baxemcnt. cemrat walks, Nilf ia kite, buffet in din tut room and keok ctvea la livias room, chicken heire and fruit. Priced to aeil 2 !. HK block fi car. BECKE HEXDU1CKS i J03 U. . litnt lldi.- . Phone ml PATROVI2E , UUM E' IS8T1TITIOSS and home inJutrie aa mach aa Ii b!e. keetiag our aioney at home, pro rwiuy the prwxperitv aad general wel- fare of nr home state and community. l si wil im tmr to r-llee hoine de prrsiRi The rer" Hre Keli' eswn riatlofi it a home inotitntion worthy oi tir patren? and mivport. bTA.NDLKV FOLEY Hoom 2 Cu.U Kank Bldz. ,-..- balcm. Ott. Phone 317 FiliM TOR HOUSE TRADE 30 ACRES & uiU, (ram Halem: beat of soil. 14 arret in catiTatWn ready to t to fruit ft crea fiiit cla fir timber, lod wett, no buildinci. near- hicliway. Price 3iO0; teroia er trade for alem reii nra . Wt har other, improved, to trade. List it with av BARBER & PEARSON t'0 llnv Ruildinz. near Commercial Club mPLOYMENT PE3IALR iXI'EKlKNCtD KTESOOKVPHER AXD oiikeper d-ire ,. jK:tion. Address cbj, rare ntateamau. W.IXTEI 1 SEAT YOUNO WOMAN to vah diwtea in ktnall retaurat. ti was, and no Sunday work. 12d H. Liberty. Vasttd htexot.baphic rosmox kr ileuegrapker bo haa had two Tar riHne, - tiood - rrfereccet. Phone I'.l'iM. LLE VTAT:i UtiHT WORK BY MAN OF so el'je-i. Phone 704. IfLSCELLANEOUS WASTED MEN AXD WOMEN TO take, far paper subscriptions. A rood hropatitma t the right people. Address e ractiie Uamestead, SiaUiaaa Bldg Ska. Qt. ??T?BBMaasBmBBBBaBBBBBHnBBBm CATHOLICS. WISHING TO MARRY articalar, Addrea Home Clab, L-le S3. Grand Rapid. Mich. CtT MAERIED BF.SV MATRIMONIAL MPer paWuiid. Free for alamo. Cor tmninl. Teled.. t,i. ' FORjALE """,WALL TINTS. MANY ag ltjZ caxauy unTik. 9a oa a " " I'OK BALE -CAKlBV mtrrwu v-i-k. 'Sera, phene llad tnjn P1XAM1AL L Hkl A"? BOl'"T AND tWD. ' ' Roberta. 20.1 i u. --- --w-Bj"esj sy aa-. 5.Hlf1, 0wOD 'ARM -OBT 222 8S?," Ja6""8 rOCLTRY lt';t VE PI YMOt Til WH.K - oVrs!T,V'rk M-. V- Blwr9,'.Sa- ' BROVt-v . 1 '"t ,tl . "wl'OKX -4KKEICEf "'hi.. - . Price risht. Coif., u-. V. . . llM-uk ran. ejrtnrnY JOOR- T5 ysrsi 'r oonltrymea hl,7. V B-l reaa . Salem. Oro - i1e.V,R.,l?J Tha Tamfje "iAs trial iuK.,J ' w Noacrtptwp. M,.iw,a Ul. VESTOCK I . "Ii1 Aire,.. IX' SALE, 100 THE OBSGOIS STATESMAN. ftALfcAL OREGON. LIVE STOCK FOK KALK THKEK J1KKT CLASS Jeraer milk -oe. Plinue B17J. L. U Buljriu. uju mil -street. MISCELLAXEOUS WINTKtt AfiLES KOU HALE PHOXK vTALrELT" YOCR HOrSE; ITS lnvr iv ruin. IB, a: about half brie. 179 N. Coos' 1 81. Mas U. Bur, 'WALLBOARD" CAS BE C8ED OVER lata or studding. Can be tiated or papered. Max O. Bursa, 179 North Commercial street, - STANDARD EXCHANGE. S2 NORTH Commercial street, diamond, watches, nusital instraaeats .gnaa. clothing, shoes, ate. Both new and seed gosus bought, sold or sxebsnged. SACKS, SACKS FOR BALE 100.000 Jraia. ata aod potato aacka. Capital ask and Barfata. Iloaaa. SIS Camtar llrwt. faoae as. "WALL PASTE." KO COOKING RR- qaired. Sticks OTerythang. Mix O. oarco, ji n. uoamarciai atnat. CAPXITITT OF THE OATMA9 0IRL6 tat trna story af weatdra lnai- oo aa oea earcfally raaiaod. aaakiag a haadaoma little book, it tails ia graphic terms af the saaasaera af tha Oaimaa family, at tha aaeape af La tvdm, Bd tha captivity af Mary aad lia. Mary dial af starvation aad Olive was parehaa4 frcm taa ladiaaa five years later. Tha price ia SO eeata, poatpaid. Addreaa Orcgoa Tsachata MeaUly, Baiasm. Oragwav FOR BALI TRUCK CHAINS ALL SIZES. CAPITAL JCSK BAB OAIS BOUSE. US CEKTEB ST. PHOSB S9S. WOOD CALL TUB SALEM FVatt. TARDS FOb year wood aad coal; office 7 S3 Trade street, mene rOR SALE LAROE SECOND GROWTH FIR, 4 FEET AXD IS INCHES. FRED TWELLS BOS S. CHURCH ST. THOSE 1342 FOR RENT APART31KXTS FOR 11EXT PURXISHED APARTMENT - of 3 rooota and bath. Six block from male house: nt children. lgl Marion, TTT T I- , i iT HOUSTES F. L. WOOD, til dSTATB ST, REAL aetata, realaJa ... . ., . ,, . .. i , , ,. ., V ItOUMUS NICELY FURNISHED SLEEPIXO ROOM for rent; t79 X. Hijh. - FOR KENT LAROE. LIGHT, FVttX. iahed rooma for huaineaa ia n. Newly equipped; furnace . heated." bath. One Work from po!office. I'hone a-d. IUKJM AXD 1JOAHD. FOR RKNT-i-WELL FURNISHED I"UR- r asca heated room in private home with good home cooked meals; VS0 Mill atreee or phone 47J. LOST AND FOUND LOST. LOT PAIR OF GLASSES IS CASE. Phone B7F23. LOST GOLD BAR PIS ON STATE OR Liberty etreet. or in dpartment store. Reward for return. Phona 1304. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS OOOSEBEERRY AND CURRANT CTJT- ting wanted. FruiUand Karscry. Phona 1140M. WANTED FIRST CLASS LOGANBER- - ry tip plants for later delivery. Cannot - m aurkers; joint pisots nor spindling tip. State quantity and price wanted. Ward K. Ri-hardMn. Phone 494. Automobile Directory FOR SALE BUICK ROADSTER: Ml eclL leaving town. Bargain at eaah; 194 S. Cottage. . OLESON MOTOR CAR CO. 349 X. Commercial St. Phono C68 Uaed Car Center. Quick Changes 1917 Sason Sis ................ ,9 475 1018 Chalmers His ........ 525 117 Ford Touring 523 1020 International 1 t n truck, ... 1100 1919 Chandler, 7 pssaenger ...... . 1200 Many Other Good Buys BUSINESS CARDS CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. Ib ML. HUM CUBES ANY KNOWN dlaeaae. 159 8. Hih St. Phew 999 DRESSMAKING. WANTED, SEWING, -hoar. Call 18H-R. WILL WORK BY HAT SHOPS. HAT SHOP MEN'S AND WOMEN'S hats rsaovated and blocked 49 5 Court IXSIILXCE. AUTOMOBILE COLLISIONS ARE Y.i coming frenent. Protect yoarelf a;aint lo for damae by injuring in Amerea' largest Judemoity company. Kate are lower than last year. A. C. BOHRXSTEDT 401 Maaonie Temple Salem, Ore. LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPAST, IIS S. liberty street. PHor-e SJ. Oldest Lwgest Be.4. Established 1999. CAPITAL CITY STEAM LAUNDRY (..in, work. tromtt service, xaoc Rrwadwer. Phone 15. MONEY TO LOAN $;.ro TO IAN ON FARM SECURITY; 71 North Commercial. I NURSERY ISTOCK: ' ODrc1S:I.oJANBEi:RTf PLANTS ni.riot delivery; any-,lnHty. K, Uirhardson, 23 1 Fraot, . FOK Ward ClHKt E STB WVBERRY .PLANTS. ANY ..-ntitj". all leading """JT": inu-ra-ting. Ward. K. Kichardaoa. Z tVi Front sL ' I'hone 4'J1. - - r n r; i t l a n i sitiseky now has ' tvs yjrd corner Kig" nnd Ferry ats., , Ksletri. Ph ae c-U snd aea our tm-k ; i and 8 f Italian prune and swtlr grades also ether aury stock Thone 1I4M. - ; - PAINTINO AKjrABHn?LL' rveltooa"aat oa aa eslend-d visit Bad I remmcad A. H. lark (ph-ae t34 aa a competeal workman, tlleaa U Adams. l'LUSlRLNCJ. PLUMBING. REPAIRING AND COIL work. tn.e I5I7J. Shop 127 Uain ktfct,t. A. L. Ovdirej. " PRn'ATE HOSPITALS. WASTED COS PIN EM EXT CASES AT pnvata' haapital. 1 bt beat af Maip- - nt. Phona PHV81C1AXS A.l SURGEONS KATHEBiSB RCHLEEP, M. D PHT W" 4 Sargaaa. Offi Orcgoa bclldant rtmata 411 11. Paaaa 640. OTr Orf oa Elactria dopat. SECOND HAM) KITRMTURH WANTED 8ICOSD HASD PURM Ura, rc, rarpcta, atea, aiaehiaary and tool.. Beat prieea paid. Tha Cap Hardwara ft Fornitara Co- 815 W. Coa l St. Phoaa 847. REPAIRING AXD gHARPKSIXQ CUTLERY OaiXDISO: LAWN MOW era. aafaty raaara. ate. Stawart's Ra pair SUop. 47 Court atraat. BES WHEELER EVERTTHISO RE pairro. ueoeral sharpening, ehinia "Mp, 14a'N. 17th at Phon- 1418W. tTOVE REPAIR1XG STOYES REBUILT AXD REPAIRED years experience; Depot Naltoaal fence, alios 26 t 58 inches high. Palats all aad varaishea. atc.r loganberry aad hop hooka. Salens Feme aad Steve erfca. 8S0ortstreet Phoaa H SECX)XD H.1XD GOODS WF BUT AND SELL SECOND HAND goods af ail kinds, pipe fittings, har as. awUars. collar pads, tools, aad chain. Fred Schisdlar, SSi Oealar street. TRAXSFER HAULING CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. Hi Stats St, phoaa 3I. Diatributlag. forwarding aad storage aur specialty. Get nt rates. WALL PAPER, PAINT WALL PAPER AXD CEILINO FAFFS 20a aad np deubU roll. Max O. Ko rea, 179 N. Commercial St. SER PORTER FOR PAINTS. WALL Paper aad Picture Framing. Oaad vrcvkmesu 454 Court St. Phoaa 485. WATER BALKjC WATER. LIORT POWER va, elJiea SOI, Boat Cvm'l street. TO per east otacoaat - aa domestic flat rates paid ta advamea. tie da dactiona for abaeaaa or any eanae aa leas water la akut off year premlaec PROFESSIONAL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DBS. WHITE AND M At SHALL, n. g. Natiaaal Bank Bldg. oa SB, W. U MERCER. OSTEOPATKI0 Physidsa aad Barg-on, Kiraavia gradaatSL 404 sad 405 D. 8. Natl Bank buUding. Phosa Off ice 119, gasldaaas la. , . ' DB JOHN L. LYXCfl. OSTEOPATH! 0 Phyaieiaa Saruaa, 4 03-404 Oregoa Bldg. Phoaes: Of flea 1994: Baa. 6s If 5. CHIROI'RACTORS. DR. O. U SCOTT, P. S. O. CHIROPRAC tor, 809-12 U. B. Beak Bllg. I'hona 87; Rev 82R. REAL ESTATE BARBER & PEARSON Sells city aad country property. List It - with as snd it will rcqayve special st- tealion. We will find oa a trade U that is what Joa want.200 Grag Bldg, near Commercial dub. FOIt SALE 80 ACRES EXCEPTION ally fine aernnd grawth fir timber, 8 miles from Salem, mile to Pacific . highway. Price $75 per sera. HART ft MULLEU 208 Oregoa Buiding - - FOR SALE OR TRADE A beautiful rooorn homo . with bread frontage on paved street near state houae, for sale st ,0iK; on eaay terms, or will rent after Jan. 12, .1921. A number of modern homes: some on Court St.. alo Capital rt snd various local it ica, and some good buaincua pro perty paying inveatmenta. Also a . larce liating of farms in both Marion and " Polk county. Garden tracts, prone orchards and suburban" home. We are glad to show the properties to any interested parties.- OREGON LAND CO. 442 State St. NICE COTTAGE ON NORTH COMMEU- cial street at 1 2500. Good homo at iiizhland with '2 rood i- lots and plenty of fruit at 92000. M' I0-a-re tract touta of City in fruit St 940OO. . SQUARE DEAL CO. L. 3, Nstt Bsnk Bldg. . Phone 470 HOUSES 3 room plsatered hoaao e,cert kifrhea. water, toilet, etc . lot 50x120. Cheap at 91U"0. , S room plaatereJ - tuogalow. toilet, etc Price 81600 with $5oo down. 6-roont plaatered bungalow bath. toiW, lights, garage, rte: large lot, half block to car. Price $2230, terms. 3 rvoia plastered boogslow, sis block from tne center of the city. Strictly modern ia every wsy Price $4000 terr. 3-mom houte, clone in, full baaement. toi let, bath, Pghta, ge, water, gootd lot snd garag in bavement of house. Pries $300u cssh. $to;o. FARMS . 10 seres on psved road. 3 miles from Sa lem; all in cultivation snd fenced with woven wire; family orchard, bearing: C room plastered houae, good barn aad other at buildings. Price $8300, good terms. 10 acres bearing logans aad evergreens Price $7000; terms. 10 sere. I1,, milea from Salem; all it cultivation; family orchard, some 1 gsns snd strswberri s : pie terd house, hot and cold water, bath toilet, etc; good bara and other nl buildinge. Price $7300; terms. 10 seres, 'i mile from Salem, good sol and all aaJer caltivatioa rnce 3w, terms. -25 acre). Hi mile from Salem, s from paved rosd. sll elesred and in cut tivation; family orchard: 3 r'om houae good barn. ate. Price SfiOOO. terms. LA.HAYFORD -:; Real Estate and Fire lnssraaco i 903 Male St, BEST BUYS G-sere rbirken and berry ranch, close le nation, $2700. tO acres . tou, 5 blackberries; build- i5: $7300. 6 screw. 2i 1'ssqs modern hoiase; at car, 400, Si aoo, cash. 7 room. tretlr nid-rn, one block from pofcloffice, $7 50O. C roott. modern, state street; lot 50220 fUGOO. 4 rm, plastered, 2 lots, $1275. $775 b roctm, modera. lot 50275; $250o, $oooand by rirlue of the. power of sale 1 f I., ...... 1 . . mt 1. n , 1. A csn. 5 roouiK. 1 acre lot, in loganWrries, at tar: 2ti, f 1 i" cao. D. D. S0C0L0FSKY- 341 State Street. FRUIT and STOCK RANCH Of 23n ((m of tillable land. lo-a"d miles from Salem, in paed road. Stl" acre in fall g'ain. a fine 7-j ear-eld. 2 acre pn:ue orchard (produced 17 tons of dried fruit laM ?ear. 2" brad of . ralllej . head of home. 70 goata, ' about I""' bnhcla of oala. 41 tons of hr and 70 tii -of aiWse. fullr einipped with all kinds of marhinerv and - IwK aud an eislt- mrd fullv modern boue with furnace, bath, electric lisht. etc.. full cement basements Barn snd it buildings ie firM class comlllion. Price, everything iiM-luded 918W er acre. A small pay ment dowu, vour own time on the bal ance. This farm ronld be est is two very nicety, I AFI.AR Rr I AFI.AR 4,0 40. W. tM Or..lcl WllU thO liUC bvlwvCB bCCtiOUa REAL ESTATE COSVKNIElilLY LOCATED FIVE-ROOM modern houxe for ale. Price rraoonable if ttkrn at once; a.d tenaa. Move in today. Fer appoiutapnt to ore it. call vaner. 1'bonc t'J4 or evening 631M. A OOOD SEVEN ROOM HOUSE FOR liiKi: part t-rma if sold at once; rretctly TcmoUelrd sud in gvd con . Union, tjprtier lot. Virnrr will ftlivw it by a4in!ment. I'uoue Mr. While 494 or efening autiJ. TO EXCHANGE 5 AltiES CLOSE IS. aouie iinprovemrnt; for boae iu fca lem. E. Cotufton, U-2 S:ata atrect. room 7. ! FOR SALE 7 ROOM HOUSE. NICE abrnbber-, tvmt fruit, paved ktrect. Price IVU0. HART A- MILLER 208 Oregon Dunlin; WORTHWHILE I'i acre. 1 ' mile out. 4 ruv m bonae. 'Uj11 i a '!, rbickra huues 20 rurd wixio leuti: irrh jersey raw and au auto. Price '.'UOO; half rakh. MILLS & COPLEY .331i State Street. Reasonably Priced Properties We have .a limited number Iowa biuns and auggeat you consult . Yea t!l be satiHtied. We mean what we nr. The FLEMING REALTY Co 1 341 Stats Street GOOD BUYS 2 acre tract oa carHne aonth of Salem, amall barn, bearing eherrlev Pi ice 15lK. 93UU down, balance 20l per year, 6 per cent interrat. Well improved 20-bto tract, two good :houaea, 8 acre beaming prune: aVa acrea of logana, good road. Win eon aider good houae and lot up to SSOVO aa part payment. Price 916.3000. 10-acre tract, nearly all cultivated, two acres logana, good road. Price S30UO. 20-a ere tract, small houte and barn, U- . gaaberriea, strawberries and prtirie. good road. 4 miles out. Will cencder ity property up to 9400U. . Prie 9700. i 320-arre farm, 80 aerea cultivated, bal ance timber, kouee and barn. Will eon aider city property up to ?10,0iK), Irice 5 per acre. 15 acr tract, all enttivated, good bunga low, ibarn, well, 2 acre logaat, ; some runes, 4 milea south. Price filutrU. 3 acresi of good berry soil, eloae to ear line south of Salem. Price $500; 11000 down, belanra term. HOUSES Good 5 mem modern houte ia South Sa ! lem. Price 13230. 3-room house, bath, tailet, Vaaement. ; Price Sieoo; half ca.h. Fine fht front lot oa South Commercial li street. Price SlUlO, Juo down, Lai 1 anre terms. If yea are looking to buy, trade or ec!!, ere j ... s W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. " - : 7 Bute Street. FOR SALE 7-ROOM PLASTERED houe. garage. 1 let." Price $2300; 9800 caah; balance 920 per month. . HART MULLEH 208 Oregon Bsiding for sale; One of the finest homes ' la ' Salem. 1 11 atory. 7 room. ! Modern, full basement, east front snd paved street. $0800. Dsndy 10 seres of tsnd. 5 mile from town oa good road. $1300. LOOSE & PATT0N 370V, State Street. RADICAL REDUCTION Owoer of a 10 acre orchard has a fine buaines opening and will make aa ac tual sacrifice of his place to enable bin! to accept. - r - The price ia open ; 13 mjnates from "town ; aesirartie place. ce me for drtaiL WRL FLEMING S41 State Street FOR SALE A MODERN HOME. TERMS I'hona 62F2. Small Tract Bargains With Fine Improvements 10 acre pf fine land and nearly all cul tivated. Nice little creek of water all vesr. Fine spring water pipe4 into house. iA daiidr new bungarow with Lath and toilet, fair barn. And we can sell yea this for $3000. "Is iocstcd on good grsveled road 1. mile. from school and storey en mail route' and cream route. This, is j a . real snap.. You caa b iy more land with this if you wsnt a larger place. ANOTHER GENUINE BARGAIN 11 acres of the fimtt kind of river bot tom land, A bolt 6 itm in bearing fruit and the balanen ia aader niiva tion. Thia land doea not overflow, Lo gana grew to. perfection here.- A fiae large bungalow with full baacni.nt, barn, rbiefcea honie. etc.- Lot'4 oa good gravel rosd. Did you know that place-liko this can- be bought for $4200 with a paymeat of half canhf Where esa you beat thiat If 'you are interested in realy good itnall tracts, sea us sbout theaa b for it 1 ,v HNNEY & SMITH 469 State Street Ground Floor WOOD'S BARGAINS Eight-room modern houe. $3500. or will exchange for amaller houae.-40 aerea .: i.J:i . ...!..'.... ..m! pay. Sis room modern houe. $2C50. ronrpsomnouje. fiw houae. 91600. Want to boy s home north of Center street snd and wet of 12ih. Have a three-room houae for rent or ale, easy term. $830. F. L WOOD 311 Stat Street. 160 ACRES. PRICZ $050 OR ABOUT $4 per sere. 20 sere. 13 rnltivsted. Price 3H; lo cated within 3 miles of Salem. Al tnot your owa terms. 42 seres, sll cultivated, good bnildinga; will take some city property or stusller acreage. MAGEE Rooaa 29. Corner Stste and Commercial (Tr Ra.irV'a PUBLIC NOTICES. EXECUTOR'S SALE OP HEAL i PROPERTY Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned executor of the last will and testament, and estate of Carolina Daberco. deceased, under vested In said executor by tne terms of said will, from and after Monday, the 7th day ot February, 1921. at the law oUitvs of C. M. Inman in the Breyman Block at Salem. Oregon, will proceed to sell at private sale to the highest bid der for cosh, nubjrct to confirma tion of the County Court of the State or Oregon for the County of Mar.oii. the following descrioed real properly, to-wit: Beciiinins ;tt a point n tne sec tion liu-between tw-ctlons 33 and 3!. 14.0 chains Hth from the corner to sections 27. 2". 33 and 34 In townahlp south, range 2 west of tbo Willamette meridian, in Marion County. Oregon, and running tltr-nce north 1.9 n chains on the line betwecu sections 33 and. 34, '.thence west 1 chain, thenc; south 5.t9Vs chains paral- 27 and 28; thence north 75 de grees eat 1.02 rbaint to the place of beginning, containing v. SO of an acre. Dated at Salem, Oregon, this 8th day ot January, 1921. . . . . FRANK O. JOHNSON. Executor of ald last will and tes tament and estate. C. M. loman. Attorney for Estate. WHOLE MILK AND PRODUCE WANTED Marion Cre&serj & Produce C Salem, Oregon. Phone 2488 SALEM MARKETS I . IlUYlXa PRICE Kgc and Poultry Eggs, 40c. tis, heavy. 22-24c. Hens. lUht. 18-20C Old roosters, 8-1 (rc. liroilers. 22.24c. I'utk, MuUon and Pork, on foot. $11.00 iwr -111.75. bJlBM, Yt'oC. Dtesaed hogs. 14 He. liter steerg, 7 l2r-8c " Cows. S-6c. Top Teal, 16c. Hay Qover hay $u-$22. Oat and vetch bay, per ton $21-123. Cheet hay, $21-$23. (nua Wheat. $1.20-$ 1.35. Oats, 4 Sc. 31111 Feeds, Retail Mill run. $38. Wholesale to Dealer) Creamery butter, S 1-5 2c. Dutterfat. 4 4c. Frnlt Oranges, $3.75-$4.50. Bananas, 13 l-2c. Lemons. $3.72. Grape fruit, Cal., $; Arlt., $;.&0; Florida. $8.- Cranherriea. $5.23 box; $20 l. Vegetables Cabbage. 2c. Onlpns, Oregon. $1.25. Onions. California, $2. Turnips. $2. Carrots. $1. SO sack. Green peppers, 20c. - Cauliflower. $1.83 doz. Dates. 22 l-2c lb. i Lettuce. $3 crt. . Spuds, $1 wt. Sweet potatoes, $3.75-$6.50. Orare, 23 lb.' Comb honey, case, $8. . Celery, $1.23 doz. bunches. Parsley. CQc doz. bunches. , Beets, 7Se doz. bunches. Tomatoes, $3.23 crt. Honey, extracted 20c lb. ; Retail ( Creamery butter, 4 3-3 3c. Egcs. 4"e. Plonr. hard wheat. $2.73-$2.93. Klonr, valley. $2.C0. Sugar. $10. REAL ESTATE MEN TOGETHER .s m The New Association for ! Marion County Ready : , for Active Work ' The real' estate men of Marion county are getting their new as sociation into fu'l organization and action. They expect through close as sociation, along co-operative lines, o b able not only to standard ize the legitimate business of real estate brokerage for this section, but also in the same way to build tip a powerful work in the gen eral development of the country, thus directly and Indirectly aid- ' ing every line of business and ev ery worthy enterprise. At a "get-together" banquet at the Gray-Belle on Wednesday evening, attended by real estate men- from different sections of Marlon county, Frank McCrUlia. vice president of the Portland Realty board and chairman of. the Interstate Realty cssoclation, was th principal speaker of the eve ning. He urged close co-operation among realtors of Marion county, and a strict adherence to the "Code of Ethics." which, he explained . was nothing more than beins; .open and above board in all dealings. J. D. Ijee. member of the legis lature. HarTey Wells, ex-tnsUr-ance commissioner, and Fred ,W. ureman, ei-presmeni-oi tne t on land lloaltv rwtarH alan tno!ia in 1 behalf x Of . close CO-operatlon. i Captain C. A. Barber, state Insur- J z . ri... I 1 a- minute talk, while J. T. Beamish of Baker discussed the movements of the Baker County Realty asso ciation. C. f. Johnson, manager of ha real estate deoartmefit of 1 the state-of Oregon, presided the banquet hstnnuet. ' Adjournment was made while the realtors went to the Commer cial Club rooms and adopted the constitution and by-law's which will govern the. actions of the new organization. After this wa done election of officers took place. L. G. Ilayfoyd was unanimous ly Hecti'd president: Chester Smith, first vice pres'den: George Htibb of Silvf'rtnn.W. E. Moses of Jefferson and Marshall "War ring were elet-ted feeond. third and fourth vice nresidents. re spectively: Karl O. Becke. secre tary and Mm. Gertrude ' Page, treasurer. John 'I. Scott. George Grabenhorst and-.L A. Mills were 'ected t serve as members' of the executive committee. . Othr charter liir-mbcrs of the organization arc: Mrs. Wlnnl Pnt ioljp. (looree Sweglc, M. W. Rowlev. G.' T. Morrison. A.-.C. Itohmtedt. U. S. RHI. Albert Copley, I). D. SoeolofFkr, S. F. Tandv of Jofferson. - A. L. Seam uter. A..K. Peterson. II. K. Brown. Httfh MrOee, ChtrlcM Swegle and Benjamin R. Perkins. It is expwted that the new -nociatlon will hold frrqucnt meet ings, that its committer will be active, and hat It will keep rlelit mi the job all the tiinn in making Salem a blcgvr and better city and the whole tributary territory a more prosperous and prjgressive country. Read the Gaiiificd Adi.'Rcad the Classified Ads. SATURDAY MORNING, REVELATIONS OFifeSf.. AYIFE The Story ol a Honeymoon k WmtderfttJ Rossaimco of Married Life WoBderfmllj Told by AD ELK CLUiniSON CHAPTER esoa WHY LILLIAN SAID. "IT MAY HE HEST TO L-4.Y THE CARDS PACE UPWARD ON THE TA - DLEAFTER ALL." I caught my under Hp between my teeth In grim determination not to betray by tone or phrase how the words of the girl at thejlow- the Crimson eleven to go to other end of the telephone had ' . rr .... . . .a M. Edith Fairfax just returned from a Journey. : All the suspic ions which bad ; been bedeviling me redoubled. I knew that at any cost I must know once for all the truth concerning my hus band a friendship tor this girl. "Well!" .The mice at tha oth er end of the telephone held an impatient note. I mentally clas sified the voice I had its own er upon the single occasion of my seeing her, as distinctly under bred, . ; j "Will you please convey to IIss Fa'rfax" I adopted my roost formal manner "Mrs. Richard Graham's regrets that she is fa tigued, and ! I got no farther. . . . "Is this Mrs. Graham?" the other woman exclaimed rather than questioned. "Walt a mo ment, please." I I beard the quick tattoo of her high heels as ahe hurried away from the telephone, and a min ute or two later Edith Fairfax's soft, well-bred southern Intona tions sounded in ray ears. And to my heated imagination there was tremulous fright, In the girl's ac cepts. . j "Yes? Mrs. I Graham?- she aid hurriedlr. "Is Ls there any thing wrong?" Again I bad to wait a moment to control the tremnlo note of my own voice, "Oh. no. Indeed." I finally aald. i'Misjuiij, uui i i irvaiint ilia I wc I hadn't vet had thit little visit we o romped each oher when we last met at the Fle'ur do Lis res taurant. Do you remember?" "Oh. yes. I remember," Edith Fairfax replied wib a little catch pr her breath, and I guessed that any memory of Dicky was cher ished by her. i - ..'.., L' 11 Ian Interrupts. "I have been.! vrry busy, and Mr. Graham has been - out of town." I wnt on smoothly, therefore haven'! telephoned ; be fore. But I'm going to be in the city for some day, and I particu larly wish to fee you. ; Will yon not. -therefore, waive ceremany and come to ee- me - tomorrow, here at Mrs. Underwood's home, where I am staying?" A firm hand. Ultian's.'took the recejver frqmray hand puthcr own llps'to'the mouthpiece. "Come over to luncheon. Edith" she said heartily. "Bring -Leila with you." . ' I didn't hear the girl's response. but Lillian's answer was crisp and to H olnt. .Thlfs all right, then. Well cxpct you it 1; Goodby." She hune up. the receiver ab- ruptlr and turned to me grimly. "It you bad to do this mad thing, why didn't yon tell me so that we could have arranged it smoothly? Ten to one- novr If she comes rhe'Il be go frightened you ran hardly talk with her intelll gently.". 1 "Then you think?" I queried breathlessly, ignoring her very ev ident displeasure. "I think that you're a very foolistt, imoetuotts girl," she re turned, and then ber voice soft ened. . i . - - i Telegram for Katherine. : "But I can't blame you," she west on. "I know, Madge, that you've had' enough to upset you completely. But I can't help thinking; you're' on the wrong track about thfs. However,- it may be best to lay the cards up ward on the table, after all." Lillian made no further refer ence to the matter, nor did I. but I knew Intuitively that it was the subject uppermost In her thoughts the rest of the day. ' 1 But in the early evening my thoughts and hers were effectual ly direrted from Dicky and bis mysterious misdeeds. , Betty appeared at the door, her face solemn and important, sure sign of a telegram or a-cable- at!Er"V ' ' ,l" ere am a telegram for miss Katherine." she -aid. "I do hope t am no terrible newa for that blessed lamb, and her jest mar Tiedl" , I Lillian took the envelope and tore It open. Before Katherine went ahe had asked us to open anr letter or telegram that should come after she was gone. " "I have no correspondence which you aren't perfectly wel come to see."' she had said, "and there may-come something to which you ought to attend." Lillian read the telegram throush. then trrs-wd It to me. "Here's a problem." she said worriedly. To be continued) CUT THIS OUT IT IS -WORTH MONEY. Cut out this'hllp. rncurre whit and mail It to Foley c Co.. 2S33 Sheffield Ave.. Chicago. Ill writing your iianie and address clearly. Yon will r-cive in' re ttirn a trial package contacting Foley's, llont-y. aha Tar Com pound for coughs, coldi and croup; Foley -Kidney l'ilt.t fr" pains in hid'-s and bark; thcuma Uni. Itarkarhe, , kidney and blad der ailment?; and Foi?y Cathar tic Tablets, a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic for constipation. bil!iounes. head aches, and sluggish bowels. SoUl everywhere.' JANUARY 22, 1921 CAMDniDGE, Mass.. Jan. 20. A rutsrstlon that it . mlftht ba r.ell for college ;c agree to lim it the expenditures for equipping athletic teams that rrpreAMu thesn ia nter-co!lj:iate compeil tioin tv a made In Ibe annual re tort of the Harvard athletic con. tn litre today. lm LeParon ft. Hrigas. who wrote the report as committee chairman, said he wus far from denying (hat the enor- moae popularity and unuleasaut publicity of college athletes have led to excessive expenditures. Remarklnr that to some IX r- nn Ih. thniirkt rt tenitlnv atn-i dents across the continent to play football is dlszusting. the. chair man mentioned several factors that Induced the committee to a'- Pasadena. Calif., a year ago to plav the University of Oregon. "The committee was Inflnenced alsot." he said. -"by the opportun ity of showing that Harvard stu dents are not such affected weak lings aa many persons In the weat have been taught to -think them. but- simple and courageous ronth." Harvard's victory In that game. Dean Briggs . said, gave R so claim to any championship till?. "Far from claiming a champion ship of the world, a team that barely tied Princeton wonld b-s 'mpudent in claiming the cham pionship of the east if such thing existed. Oregoa had a good team In the west: Harvard had a good team ka the east. It was Interesting to see how two teams ro far apart would com pare. Reporters did the rest," 4 - AIilERIGA NEEDS STRONG MARINE Direct and Implied Criti ' ci$m Hurled at Great Brit- ain for Her Attitude WASHINGTON. Jan. 20. Di rect and implied criticism of the attrtude of British and other for eign shipping interests toward the newly created American Merchant Mar.ne permeated today'a session of the second-annual convention of the National Merchant Marine association Senator Ransdell of Louisiana. as president, opened the conven Hon with a plea for "an American merchant marine built, owned and operated by Americans without the faintest suspicion In their makeup of foreign sympathy," and Homer L- Ferjguson. Newport News shipbuilder, concluded the day's program with the declara tion 'that the United States, if . - - Spray Material Whenever the weather ia risht it will. be time to spray your trees. . - - - ... - . -' . ' - . - We have all the different kinds that are used here, includinj: the famous Sherwin-Williams Dry Lime-Sul- phur Spray, that Oil Spray that rave such irood results ; last year, Stolz Solution,. Bordo Spray, also, Sulphur, Lime, Bluestone, etc. You will find our prices as low as can be made on first class material, . : BEET PULP Just received a car of that Hijfh Grade Beet Pulp and are able to sell at greatly reduced prices. Special prices in large lots. D. A. White & Sons Phone 100 Light Your Farm Buildings with the Fairbanks Morse eV 40UwTnaTtt Lot L. Pearce & Son 230 North Crnincrcial Elreet necessary, should adopt discrimi natory legislation to hold its place oa toe seas. The bombshell however, waf act off by Senator Jones of Wahi fig ton, chairman of the senate cons- uerre CO rum sfion and author of the merchant marine act who de clared that the International Mer- eantile Marine company .was bound by an agreement with the British, admiralty to condact Its business "in the interest ot tha British govern meat and British . trade." To support his statemen. the senator read the text ot an agreegent. which he said the In ternational Mercantile Marine had entered Into in 1903 for ?l) year and followed this with charpra of attempt by British intrta atded be aid, by certain American la tennts "to destroy the American merchant marine." He alsa de clared that despite th!s agreement the shipping board bad leased 4$ ships to the International Mercan tile Marine. Senator Jones' declaration brought an Immediate reply from P. A. S. Frankl n. president of the International Mercantile Marine, who accused the senator of being "unfair" and added: "All of these agreements to which he refers, have been before the shlpplnc board nd have been approved. Judge Fayne when be was chairman, passed upon them and said they were quite satis factory." ' ' ITS GOOD FOR CHILDREN. Mrs. C. E. Schwab. l$0714th St. Canton. Ohio, writes: "We use Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs and find it one of the best remedies on the market, es pecially good, for children' coughs, as It does net contain any drug that Is barmfuL" Serious aicknesa often follows lingering colds. Hard erur.h!ng. racks a child's body and disturbs strength giving -sleep, and the poUoas weaken the "system stf that dis ease cannot be warded Dtt. Take' Foley's la time. Sold every where. . Tariff on Imported . Eggt Urged in Memorial . . A house joint uemortal direct ed to the ways and means com mittee' of eongrets and urging a tariff on imported eggs, passed the state senate yerterday. The measure Is directed particularly at the Importation of oriental eggs. CHICHESTER S PILLS ;i t-ut. aa Btr4 --t Y . m e -i i a. V TiWMHtHi P.e m r e w hiiaat SiBLaka riLO-a. so. "3 Universal Light and Power Plant Licht your house anff bsroelef trically. No - more: lanterns vat lajnps to, earry gbQuL ancleanj. ' Iron your clothes electrically. . IV more hot fires on hot days to hc, your irons. Pump yorir water electrically. K3 more work on lhat old pump handle 1.1 .m-iwa ti... jt cransiog isv ru.iiic, Hfor fire protection. ' f Come in or. write and let tne give son further Information and demon ttratlon. - , . 113 S. Commercial SL - Care Oldsmobile Co. T. C Wood, Dealer 253 State Street iO:i'nxi:.HQ Ze- t u I. li t it i; t. ii !: It t ti (I 'f it -1 t 7 2