The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 22, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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I issued Daily Except Monday by
215 S. Commercial St.. Salem, Oregon
(Portland. Office, 704 Spalding Building. Phone Main 1116)
The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for repub
lication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited
In this paper and also the local news published herein.
K. J: Hendricks ,
Stephen A. Stone.
Ralph Glover ,
Frank Jaskoski ......
. Manager
.Managing Editor
.......... . . . .Cashier
, . . . . .Manager Job Dept.
DAILY STATESMAN, served by carrier in Salem and suburbs, 15
ceats a week. t5 cents a month.
DAILY STATESMAN, by mail. In adTance, S6 a year. S3 for six
months, fl.50 for three months, in Marion and Polk counties;
7 a, year, 3.6 for six months. $1.75 for three months, out
side of these counties. When not paid in advance, 50 cents a
year additional.-" . m
THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm paper,
wi, be .-cat a year to any one paying a year in advance to the
Daily Statesman. . -
SUNDAY STATESMAN. $1.60 a year; 75 cents for six months; 40
cents for three months. - .
WEEKLY STATESMAN, Issued In two six-page sections, Tuesdays
snd Fridays, $1 a year (if not paid In advance, $1.25); 60 cents
for six months; 25 cents for three months.
Business Orfice, 23.
Circulation Department, 683.
Job Department, 683.
Society Editor 106.
Entered at the Postotflce in Salem, Oregon, as second class matter.
section of the party who seem to
be determined that his political
eclipse hhall remalu permanent.
President Wilson's physical
condition is much improved. He
no doubt feels Hie exhilaration of
being relieved from running the
IK-tnocratic policies of the coun
try. Some load.
Champ Clark will go on the lec
ture platform. Fate has been un
kind to Champ. Eight years ago
he was the choice of a large ma- i try
jority of the Deuioera'Ie delegates lanes wauace
dent-elect Harding, the Repuba
can party and the country. lWw
sides, it is Harding's cabinet, not
Mr. Wallace, who has the inside
tiack for the agricultural post,
ih said to be against Hoover, lue
people at large know very littl-
about Wallace, but they know a
great doal about Hoover. It Mr.
Harding, in his anxiety for har
mony, decides to drop Wallace
and take Hoover, there will be
very little dissent from the coun-
but if he drops Hoover, and
there will doubt-
for the presidential nomination,
but he was outfooted.
More front-porch business at
the Jlarding-'inaugural. Ho will
deliver his address to the peopl"
rrorn th east portico of the Capi
tol. He1 will have the world for
an pxudiencs quite a boost for a
one-time country editor.
Another thing, the Democrats
will not leave much money iu the
1'itited States treasury for tha
Republicans to loot. The case
U almost as bad as during the
Cleveland administration, when
it was necessary to issue bonds. to
pay the! expenses of the govern
ment. r
kss bo a different story.
Little men have no enemies.
1'ig men have many e.iemics. If
Mr. Harding shall select a cabi
net to whfch nobody obj-ctf he
will Jiave a cabinet which nobody
approves. Oresoulan.
Want to take this occasion to thank you for the splendid
editorials and news items in your paper concerning the King s
Food Products Company and dehydration, also to compliment
you on your untiring efforts to build up the natural industries
of your community. I . . . - .
Your sincere enthusiasm and appreciation of the Pssi
h;mt in doVivrlratinn are verv eratifyine and as the public
' is beginning to see and understand these possibilities, dehy
dration is growing by leaps and bounds. --. - .-
Fnr vmir infnrmation. I micrht sav that every fruit sec
tion of California is vitally interested in dehydration and
many systems and plants are teing established, all of which
is of .great help to King's, because we have been practically
alone in the field in a large commercial way, and others com
ing into it will help in educating the consuming public and
'there is room in the market for many such institutions. Our
greatest job at the present time is to hold the outstanding
first place in the dehydration industry that we now have, and
as we build to meet the demand, isaiem ana tne community
are coiner to reaD the benefit. -
There are those who scoff at the possibilities of dehy
dration as there have been people who scoffed at every great
endtavor that has ever been put "over. Big mgn pay little
attention to the scoffer while he is knocking and grumbling
on the wayside, the progress of big things inarches right on.
;King's Food Products are firmly established in Salem
and will grow to the point of it being a great factor in the
cnmmiinitv. Kiner's dehydrated fruits and vegetables are be
coming f irmly established in the big consuming markets of
. . . m m 'it t
the country and m aue course 01 lime win De esiaDiisnea in
the important markets of the world. These efforts cannot
be accomplished over night, nor can they be accomplished
without the expenditure of money, but the results from the
efforts and expenditure of money on King's Dehydration is
pyramiding just as fast as the consumer learns to his own
satisfaction the economy, healthfulness and convenience of
the dehydrated products. t
I notice in your editorial of Wednesday morning, the
statements that an additional issue of $1,500,000 of King's
securities is being sold. This is not technically correct, and
as I have not had an opportunity to call on you to give you
the exact statement of this fact, will say . that the -King's
Food Products Company has art authorized capital of $10,
000,000, of which $1,500,000 will be paid up now. The balance
of the authorized capital will be .taken in as the industry
progresses on a conservative basis in years to come. Of this
$1 00,000 now paid up, $500,000 was underwritten by the
American Securities Company and Dundas Martin Company
of Portland and San Francisco. In other words, they guar
anteed the King's Company this amount of money and se
cured them with bankable securities, in which case they have
performed a service of immeasurable value to the industry,
and incidentally to Salem. They are now selling this under
written block; of stock of $500,000, and that is all there is
to the proposition. We personally hope that they can sell
a good quantity of these securities to the people of Salem,
who are loyal to their basic industries. Very truly yours,
- - E. A. CLARK, President.
v ' ,
f; The Statesman is pleased to print the above private let
' ter to the editor, not on account of the complimentary
wdrds : - ."
Though they are highly appreciated
f But to give the correct information concerning the stock
sale to our readers. It show that the sale of the extra $500.
000 of stock is assured is underwritten,' that the King's
Food Products Company may go ahead with arrangements
for expansion including the trebling of the output of its Sa
lem plant and the construction of the cold storage plant in
connection therewith . :
And whatever stock the people of this section may buy
will be put into'a going concern; and an expanding one, with
the greatest benefits' accruing to this city and community,
because the chief factory is located here .
, And the writer understands, from the men placing the
stock, that Salem people are subscribing to the issue very
generally and very liberally.
Celery is the Salem slogan sub
ject for;. The Statesman of next
Thursday. The slogan editor
needs your help, in showing that
this Is a; good celery country. We
need more celery growers. The
industry, brings big sums of mon
ey to our section, and ought to
bring a great deal more every
Kanzler, judge of the
court of domestic relations, is an
enthusiastic advocate cf ths cot
tage plan for a new state train
ing school for boys, as recom
mended by Governor Olcott.
NThe system of housing at the
present training school is poor."
he said yesterday. "There are no
facilities and I, for one, hesitate
to send a boy -there now. T&ere
U no Fegregation of the boys. They
are crowded into one building.
If a new scheme of cottage segre
gation were effected, with voca
tional training taking the leading
part in the program, many boys
who now cannot keep out. of
trouble because they have nothing
io do, will be saved. ' ,
"If vre had a state training
school operated on tko cottage
plan. Ve should be able to reclaim
practically every boy, sent there,
if we liiake a boy believe that we
will come part way with him and
that we are attempting to put him
Indeed. And the more and the
cfteuer Mr. Harding displeases
Hiram, the better the great ma
jority of the people of the United
fetatcl will like it.
Hiram is for nothing and no
body unless he thinks it will ad
vance the interests of Hiram. And
even in this he more often reeds
protection against his own Judg
ment than otherwise; he is so
otten mistaken even as to what is
good for his own political for
tunes. '
In the recent French elections
the Communists and United So
cialists did not elect a single
member to the assembly, although
they made nominations and con
ducted active campaigns in a doz
ei. districts. France la normally
safe and sane and the apostles of
discord have had a hard task iu
disturbing established conditions.
The country may be said to be
almost immune against the Com
taune. The radicals run things
every now and then but they seem
to have an understanding on how
far it 13 safe to go. They are far
from becoming revolutionary. One
of the incidents , of the election
was the come-back of Taul Des
chanel, former president, whose
retirement -was under circum
stances both amusing and sensa
tional. He was returned to the
senate by a majority of two votes.
The present troubles of the
French administration in cabinet
making are but a clearing of the
skies. The government Is sound
and stable at the core.
justed compensation. The ser
vice tucu will all be there.
The Hits for Hreakfast man
had a paragraph yesterday morn
ing about the "spread" of a 400
a ton flax Tiber to $6700 a ton
shoe thread.
Hut there are bigger "spread".
Take linen handkerchiefs Helling
at the Salem stores" at .10 cents
each. It takes 4S of them to
weieh a pound. That is $24 a
pound. Multiply $24 by 2000 and
you have $48,000 for a ton or flax
fiber, and subtract the $4 00 for
the f!1er. and you have a "spread"
of $47. COO for th spinning of the
threwd and the weaving of It.
That Is surely some "spread," In
dicating fabulous profits of the
linen trust. Thre may be 1 l.OOy
acres of flax I" t!u, Salem district
this year, capable of producing
2750 tons of fiber. Multiply that ;
bv $18,000. and you have $132.-1
000.000. Think of It! Is there
ar.y other product or the soil that
pyramids like that?
' A Kansas senator, the other
day. ald in congress that the
four and a half oushels of wheat
of the Kansas farmer brings him
$S.37 and. it brings the miller for
his barrel of flour $12.70. and it
br.'ngs the baker $8.70. while on
the table or the fashionable Wash-ing-ton
hotel, cut Into thin slices
or bread its cost has grown to
$387. That is some "spread",
too. but It looks like 30 cents in
comparison with the spread the
liuen trust is getting for spinning
and weaving a ton of flax fiber
And there are higher priced
linen products than handker
chiefs, too. For instance, laces
and scores of other articles made
wholly or in part-of flax fiber. feet,
he will become in-
The above is from the news
columns of yesterday's Oregon
tan, .'.j"' -
Judge Kanzler is not the first
Oregon judicial officer who has
arrived at the same conclusion
concerning the sending of boys
to the state training school.
And still tlu-re is no otbjr place
that serves the purpose of r.nor
mation even so well.
; it is high time Oregon ;ook the
tarnish off of her name in this
respect. ' .
X letter addiessed to James
Cox, editor of the Dayton (Oj
News, will now reach him at that
place. r
One of the prettiest fights to
h? staged upon the retirement of
President Wilson Iroia the White
House will be that tor the su
premacy or the Democratic party.
As the candidate for the presi
dency t he hoiior might be sup
posed to go to ex-Governor Cox
unchallenged, but that is not 19
be. . The nomination or the Ohio
n;an was a bitter pill for a large
When .Mr. Harding settles down
to the of naming a cabinet
Tyr himself, and relieves the vol
unteer and conscripted army of
best minds of the labor of doing
it for him, bis difficulties will
begin to disappear. It is consol
ing to hear from him that "no
selection will be made because of
party obligation without consid
eration for the best service to the
country." .That would appear to
dispose of Harry Daugherty,. his
political manager.'
Hut it is not so easy to dispose
of Mr. Hoover. Certainly his
claims to consideration, are not
partisan; the opposition is noth
ing but factional and partisan.
The public bears through the
authoritative letters of Mark Sul
livan that Hiram Johnson will
consider th selection of Mr.
Hoover a "personal arrront."
Without asking why the nomina
tion of any eminent and qualified
merican citizen should be an af
front to Johnson, it is sufficient
to say that his is a fatr
n easure of his internet in Piesl-
- President-elect Hat ding has
finally answered the letter "of
Lucy Gaston Page, in which that
feverish crusader a.ktd. him to
promise her to never aaln smoke
a cigarette. The president says
it is a 'fine - thing to , save our
youth from the tobacco habit, but
he adds that any movement to
that end "should be carried 011 in
perfect good faith and free from
any hint of hypocrisy.- Some
folks who know Lucy's passion
Tor prestige might think this was
a slam. There are some who as
sert that If she wasn't fomenting
an anti-cigarette league she would
ie running an anti-corset club or
au anti-hairpin association. Sh
basgot to have some crusade all
her own and she happened to
think or cigarettes first. Dut the
presidentelect was doubtless sin
cere in his words. Reformers
shouldn't be reformers merely for
the sake of being disagreeably
quarrelsome about something.
They should be honest and unsel
fish about it. Also they should
preferably be sufficiently experi
enced to know what they are talk
ing about. The fact that some old
maid doesn't like the smell or to
bacco is not overwhelming argu
ment for a smokeless world.
When a person wakes up with
a stiff back, has pains in muscles,
aches in his joints, or has rheum
atic twinges, he lacks ambition
and energy and cannot do his
best. If you feel out of the race,
tired and languid, or have other
symptoms or kidney trouble, you
should act promptly. Foley Kid
rcy Pills help the kidneys do their
work and get out of the system
the poisonous matter that causes
ro much trouble. Thfy give re
lief from sleep-diriturbing bladder
disturbances. Sold every wbeie.
nuatA the vmDlore and the em
ployer may agree on some other
Bt-rvlce and the contract doctor
must pay for It. In case an em
ploye, who Is discharged from
treatment by a contract doctor, or
who with the consent of the con
tract doctor prior to final recov
ery, remove to another-part of
the state and suffers a telapsci
and requires further attention, he
may apply to the com mission for
attention. This the commission
would have authority to supply
at the expense of the contract
doetor. "
The following bills were Intro
duced in th senate today:
. S. 11. 129. Hume. Strayer and
Jones Placing exempted proper
ty on tax rolls.
S. H. 130. Moser Granting- fi
nancial relief to John Almetcr for
losses incurred in construction of
medical building cf University of
It. 131. Vinton nnd Jones
Increasing juror's fees.
S. It. 132. Moser. Staples.
Hunks and Farrell Uelallng to
Port of Portland.
S. It. 133. Moser. Staples. Hanks
and Farrell Relating to Port 01
S. II. 131, Vinton Increasing
salary of clerk of supreme court
from $2400 to S3000 a rear.
S. H. 133. Moser Relating to J
inspection of electrical work.
The following' bills were intro
duced in the house this morning:
H. D. 116, Korell Amending
63SO. Oregon ;laws. relating to
salaries of officers of Insurance
H.-Tt. 117. Bennett Raising
the salaries of county judge and
county treasurer of Coos county.
II. H. 118. Martin (by reqa-st)
Amending section 4838. Oregon
laws, pertaining t j Canadian this
tle. H. n. 119. Martin (by request)
Amending 6471. Oregon laws,
pertaining to beneficiaries in fra
ternal Insurance societies.
H. n. 120, Davey Regulating
speed of motor vehicles while
passing school sites.
H. IJ. 121. Overturr Amend
ing section 8708. Oregon laws,
regulating manu'acture of Ice
cream. 1
(Continued frontpage 1)
Play the notice by posting it in
his place of business.
The present provision relating
to appeals from decisions of the
commission is amended so that
any claimant or employer dissat
isfied may request a hearing, and
the commission is required to
grant a hearing and take a trans
cript of all evidence for record.
If the beneficiary or employer is
dissatisfied with the final order
of the commission he may appeal
to the courts, which will consider
the case as a writ' of reviewv
For protection of the accident
fund it is provided that the state
treasurer shall invest such funds
as may be directed by the acci
dent commission, all investments
to be approved by the commission
berore made.
lrbate Urins Agreement
After debate extending over
many weeks the committee or 15
succeeded In preparing by unani
mous agreement a bill revising
the hospital regulations under the
eompensation act. This gives the
commission authority to deteim
ine the amount of hospital dues
that may be deducted from the
workman's wages and th manner
in which 'they may- be deducted.
It gives the commission full au
thority over the ervlc that must
be- rendered by doctors. Provis
ion is made that if in any indi-
1 vidual case the service Is not ade-
Count Tolhtoy Monday night.
There will te a special meet
ing or the Salem post, American
legion. Tuesday evening, to dis
cuss the matter of the state ad-
2300 YEAR
. Tomorrow Evening 7:30
Intensely Interesting, vitally Tmportant Illustrated
with chart
January . 5tou!j Vut ToMot te
p-k a; irnrari. i
January ZH. Kriday Trianrnlar intr-"holastn-
di-l-at-, ttatem; Stavtnn anil
Orriun City hi?h n-hoo! competing.
January ?i to V-O lr.tntat cnvea
lion ni V. M. C. A. in Salrnt.
Kehmarr 3, Tburada )hir day
allow and aal. tJt fair ground. '
rI.mry 12. faturCay Uanla't
"trary ' . Monday Ttaakrlbali
Willani-tta Voircraity ( 14a, mt
tVbmary 15 ami Irt, Tn-Jnr an.!
Wilncaday llaskptbxtl.' V!lmi tt.
Whitman, at Wal'a. Wall.
rVNruary 1 7. Tl.ur-rf.r Bkrt1.a!L
W iiiamtti. . Walla Wa!l T. it C A
at Walla Walla. " "
frbraar and IT Kri.lar aid Halm-day
n.ArtWI. Wlllamrtta . Ova
asa. at Sotane.
rl.riary 22. Tu'l Ils-l.alt
W illnutrtt- . Malm, al Satin.
rVI.rn.ry 2.", WathinzWt
f'lrnry 21 and 5. Thursday and Kri
day lla-tkttball, WUWiu-tt a. Whitman
fcj Nal-ut.
Mar.h 4 aid '.. t'ri.lsy and balnrday
rta-krtbail. WillamrtU tr. ( i al
Afrit IT,. ri4ar M,,..., Willaia-tl
V. of ., at HaU-m.
April 1, Sattrda; -Haf..atL
i' . P. t .. at Knew.
f May :!. 27 and -Rral!. AVJIaM
rUm tv t hitman, at Walla Wail
1. 1 ftl- r t tftuu.u.:.t
rwdftl. WtlUmaHla a t A .
rrmber 1 1, Krijaf
Final ball. Ulliawctta VI
Walla Walla.
NoTirWr 21. Thttrsdar fleBUIir)
ThaUKiinSt 4r not lit U. W illaaacttt
Va, dlaliaouab. at SaUia.
WaiUnan, at
Tom Mix In The Texann
High Class Singing; and
Dancing Act
Also ,
, irMS J.?tL2WlCV
I Preymtsr
- .... ...
Special Matfncc 33c
Evening 50c
Continuous Show Sunday
in all election precincts having
more than 10tt registered Totern,
It provides that its soon . as 2U
ballots are cas the election board
exchanges boej with the count-
lug board and the latter, begins
the count. This Is followed
throughout the day. and when i
polls close at night not moretbi
3V ballots remain to be count j
Adequate protection Is Uro
about the measure to prevent
leakage of inxormatloa as to u
trend of the election.
Steusloff Bros.
Market .
Court and Liberty Streets
Phone 1S2S
10c, Wc "" lSc
Limit to Cost of Bank
Building Taken Off
Senator Ryan's bill - providing
that building" constructed by
banks n?ed not be confined to an
expenditure of not over GO per
cent of the bank's capitalization,
was passed.
Expedition of Vote
Counting BUT Purpose
That all votes could be counted
within an hour after the closing
of the polls at any rpeclal or reg
ular Oregon election U the argu
ment advanced in favor of Sena
tor Hell's bill providing for count
ing board In all Toting precincts
ami the tedious wait of several
days for election results on close
ly contested offices or measures
would eliminated.
The liell ,bill ollows closely
the West . Vrginla system, but Is
an improvement,, and a aFimilar
measure in Idaho has proved sat
isfactory. Th act would apply
Bulk Lard
Country Sausaige
Fresh Pigs Feet (Cleaned)
Fresh Livers
Open Kettle Rendered
Absolutely Pure
EE 20c lb
5c lb
8c lb'
Complete Lice
Choice Steer' Beef
Sausages of All Kinds a Specialty
Salem, Oregon -
Alco Curling Irons
REfJl'LAR 2-V-
Atlas Safety Pins
Every department is contributing its big success
Boys' Suits, $15.00 values . . . $535
Boys9 Suits, $25.00 values ...... J $935
Boys9 Mackinaws, $20.00 values j $635
Boys9 Overcoats, $15.00 values ........ . $335
Ladies Georgette Waists, $12.75 values ..... $5.95
Ladies9 Silk and Wool -Dresses, val. to $69 JO. $35 JO
Ladies9 Suits, values to $85.00 J. . . . . . $29.85
Ladies9 Suits, values to $120.00 . $39.85
. Ladies9 Suits, values to $$59 JO ............ $22 JO
Georgette Crepes, values to $3.50 .J..: $138
Crepe de Chine, values to $3.00 $138
40-inch Chiffon Cloth,yalues to $1J0 ... . 89c
Mousaline Chiffon, values to 50c 39c
All short lengths in Georgette Crepe, Crepe de
Chine, Radium Silk.. $1.29
II Good Goods,. QLJJ