The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 22, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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The Statesman receives the leaaed i;
wire report of lb AwocliteO A
Saturday fair except Increasing
cloudiness followed by ruin north
west portion; moderate winds,
mostly southerly. ; ;
rress, the greatest and most re
liable press association In the
Perhaps for First Time Sen-
ate Leads in Total Num
ber of Measures Introduced
e ' m 1 1
tzecuuve sustained on
Most Vetoed Acts of
; Last Year
Building Expert Declare Thai
Thrive Will Ik- No llolurn lo
Normalcy Iteforo 1923
Failure of G. O. P. Senators to
l) ite on Wilson's Nomina
tion Set Canvas
worm forbid red youths
When the state legislature ad
Jonrned at noon yesterday until
next Monday at 11 o'clock, a to
tal of 25C bill had been intro
duced. 121 in the house and 135
in the "senate. ' It is unusual, and
perhaps without precedent, that
there be at any Juncture during
the 40 days session a greater
number ot bills pending in the
senate than in the house.
- 0 the total number of bills
only seven bavo passed both
houseir and only one so far has
been signed by the governor.-This
"Is the-house bill, Introduced by
the ways and means committee,
appropriating $40,000 for expens
es of the session.. It was hast
ened through, as an emergency
' measure.
Passed IUU Summarized
. ' Following is a nmmnry of the
measures that have passed both
houses and are ready for approv
al or veto by the governor.
8. R. 26, Patterson Extending
limitation of time for bringing
new action In court after reversal
of judgment. '
, 8. n.. Committee on revision of
laws Providing that when the re
hablitation fund ot the industrial
accident comratfi:on shall have an
unext-ended balaWe of more than
$75,000' the commission shall
temporarily either reduce the
percentage of total monthly re
ceipts to ber transferred to the !
fnnd or suspend the transfer. The
money shall be Invested In the
same manner as the money In the
segregated accident land is Invest
ed. . . . . '.. - .
; . Code Is Cleared .
: S. B. 1, Eberbard Abolishing
Board of; automobile . mechanics
examiners." ' Purpose of measure
Ib to clear statute books of law
found by supreme court to be un
S. B. 13, Eberbard Relating
to limitation of 2 per cent of
county's assessed valuation In Is
suance of. road bonds. The par-
pose of the measure is to repeal
n set superseded by the constitu
tional "amendment passed by the
people at the special election last
Mar by which counties may Issue
up to six per cent of ihe assessed
property valuation. .
Deficiencies Are Met
H. B. 8. Bennett Creating of-'
fto of count meat and herd In
spector in Coos county.
H. n. 52. Joint wavs and means
eemmlttee Appropriating" ,$40.
fl0f for expense of the session.
TUll simed by the governor and
noneffective. . . . .
H. B. 108, Joint ways and
ans committee Aporooriating
proximately $250,000 to meet
deficiencies incurred bv various
fltate Institutions and depart
ments during past blennlnm.
Twenty-two senate bills that
yr passed at the sneclal session
the legislature and vetoed by
he vrnor have been passed
r,ack to the. senate. On 18 of
v these the veto of the governor
has been sustained, in the senate.
Two b'lls have been passed by
the senate oyer the veto of the
. governor. One of these wa tn-
"rKjneer otP former Senator How
en of Multnomah rountr and
nrovwes for attachments In
breach If contract ease against
companies organized outside the
sta int operating In the state
Another was that Introduced
nv ses tor Moser and extends cer
'In leniency t
One other hlt U still In the hand"
ot he emnmlttee, en
Mate office, an(1 the other was
reBnrtt nnt hv the eommittee on
revuien.-nf i,w wttn the recom-Jh-ndaHp-
tht It nas over the
Jtovernor's veto. It has not yet
.--'Vl 20 bills Tetnme-1
to the bouse with the veto of the
roverner i ft bve been indefin-
JriT .? tU hpn" a" f01,r
11 .vl U Ifor the house. Three
w. hwn reported back
w.vl!orarlu on Toads and
ViZ? .V. he'recommenda-
CHICAOO. Jan. 21.--Two bun.
dred building material men from
an parts of the country, n con-it-rence
to device means of start
iu.c a national building boom with
the oltject ot bringing down rents.
wre to!d by speakers today that
there -could be no general build
ini; revival until the prices ot
building materials went down.
H. C. Ilaldwin. building expert
from Wellesley Hills. Mass.. told
the conference that" while there
would be a r.lrpht increase in the
building line this summer, there
would be no return to normalcy
by the fall of 1922 or the spring
of 1923.
TrVere ran no building
boom until th- prices of building
materials are stabilized," be taid.
'Peojdej will not build homes Tor
fear that prices may come down
and Investors will not lend money
on a declining market. They will
wait until they ar? satisfied that!
thy will get the mo.t for their
There can be no i decrease in
rents while building prices remain
as 'at 'present. C M. Ileynold
chairman oi the board of direc
tors of the Continental and Com
mercial bank. said.
"Building price now ar from
100 to 200 per cent higher than
they were in normal times." he
said. "While such 3 condition
exists, rents will stay uo "
John M., Kirby. president of
the Natipnal Lumber Manuraetu
rers association, said that manu
facturers of most building ma
terials had "not kept pace with
the price redactions made by the
lumber manufacturers."
Chamber of ' Deputies Give
Record Vote of 475 to 68
Endorsing Policies of
Premier and - Ministry f
Attackers of Civilization
Must Not Go Unpunished
! for Their Crimes
High School Apportionment
Law Will Eliminate
Small Schools ;
The tenure of office ot county
recorders In all counties main
taining that office is extended
from two to four years, by a bill
of Senators Ryan and Vinton
hlch passed the senate "yester-day.
Senator Ellis' bill. Increasing
the pay of water masters from $4
to $5 a day and actual expenses,
was passed.
; Senator Ryan's measure changing-the
high school apportionment
law so the expense of schooling
the first 10 pupils in high school
would be. borne partially by the
district and met entirely by the
county from the tnition fund, was
passed. The bill would eliminate
many of the smajler high schools
that-have sprung up since the law
was enacted. It occasioned con
siderable debate in the senate in
which it was 4 shown that) the
county superintendents of 1 the
state favor the repeal of the par
ticnlar section of the present law
that is affected. The bill does not
change the general effect of the
high school tuition fund law.
Senator Staples' bill regulating
the sale of foodstuffs for live
stock was passed.
PARIS. Jan. 21. Aiistide Brl
and, France's new premier and
bis ministry were given a record
vote of confidence by the chamber
of deputies today, lly a vote' of
475 to.CR. the deputies put their
stamp of approval on the policies
01 m. linana, wno in a iwo-nour
speech," characterized by Its vigor
and oratory answered interpella
tions and promised to make the
collection of reparations f ronrGer
inany the guiding principle of his
administration. '.
Xat ion's Confidence WAskedf
. The premier avoided a. state
ment of any definite plan for car
rying out the treaty and the res
toration of France, but promised
to devote all his time and energy
to this purpose. His remarks fre
quently were Interrupted by-ap
plause in which the members of
the rlsht did not loin. -At
the. very outset of v his
speech, if. Br land ibid the cham
ber that It must give the new gov
ernment a clean cut vote of confi
dence "at this critical time when
the policies of France probably
will be pledged for the next two
years." i
' The size of the vote, which sur
prised many deputies, is regarded
as not only an expression of con
fidence Jn the government, but as
a manifestation of national unity
in the face of the forthcoming
meeting of the allies.
Realities Wanted By People
M. Briand asserted that the
French people had . come to the
point where they wanted realities
and not words.
"We have had formulas of truth
for two years but no indemnities."
he declared. "Jt would be the
greatest travesty of Justice if the
attackers of civilization were to be
let off without payment for their
Denial was made by the premier
of the charge that France bad not
stated the extent of her claims so
that she might "extort brutal pay
ment from Germany by force."
"Such a statement is untrue,"
he added, "and France today.
more than at any other time, is
entitled to the (confidence of the
rest of the world. She fought, suf
fered, was burned, pillaged and
drenched in blood and she accepts
in spite of her lack ot strength of
many of her impossinilities Im
posed unon her.
Referring io the policy toward
Germany, Premier Briand said
the government would exhaust all
Toddle and Shimmy Stir Atavi
alio Mrmurin of Tom-Tnnt and
Victim Ml Slake
WASHINGTON. Jan. 21. Dip
ping th$ir brushes Into the proba
bility that the Republican major
ity in the senate would reruso to
confirm-most of the 2U.0A0 nominations-made
by President Wil
son, some administration officials
painted today a picture of a creak
ing government machine, floun
dering ' along for a time after
March 4 with a lot of Important
cogs missing.
Failure of the Republican sen
ators at a secret conference today
to reach any decision as to the
nominations sot the canvas. Re
publican leaders Wern't'incllned to
take the plctnro seriously, how
rue ouestion of the nomtna-
tionn occupied much of the time
of the republican conference. The
official .nnouncemen aid no de
cision was reacned f but some of
thoso attending said privately that
there bad been a '"tacit" agree
ment for the Republican members
of committees to take the nomlna
tions coming under their, jurisdic
tion, study conditions In the exec
utive departments and then de
termine whether failure u keep
the Democratic appointees In of
fice after March 4 would result In
any embarrassment of Jhese de
A young regiment of officials
now in Washington are holding
office by virtue of recess appoint
ments. Should the senate fail to
act on their nominations before
this congress quits on March 2, it
is explained they will automati
cally be; out of Jobs under the. law.
These officials include all seven
members ot the shipping . board.
two: members of the interstate
commerce commission, three chief
officials in the patent office, and
five; assistant secretaries of? the
treasury. '
Then, too. . there are a lot of
postmasters, federal judges. mar
Khali, federal attorneys, registrars
of land offices and the like over
the country wbo are In the same
position. Some of these are
classed as emergency cases and
the Republican leaders have indi
cated that where there is found
to be an emergency, action will
be taken.
Confirmation of President Wil
son's appointments by the senate
would carry some of these officials
Modern jazz music and dancing
are making the Indian wild again.
The "roll of the snare drnm and
the wall of the saxophone com
bined with the "toddle" and the
"shimmy" stir ntavUlie memories
nf the tom-tom and the shriek of
the victim at the stake. '
So asserted Dr. Henry Beets.
secretary of missions or the Chris
tian Reformed church, in an ad
dress here today before the session
of the friends of the Indian.
A resolution, introduced by Dr.
Beets, which would forbid Indian
youths and girls from dancing the
modern steps was adopted.
A system of practical education
toi Indians on government reser
vations was advocated by Dr. K. A.
Rates of Cornell university. Dr.
Bates said "Urn Indian bureau's
education program as carried out,
is a joke."
Dr. Bates added tbhat the Iro
quois created the first league of
nnuoHH wnen mey organized the
I'owermi innes Known as lite "Six
Complete Concord of Union
is Ambition Revealed by
Harding in Message to
People of South
President-elect Urges That
Southern Ports Join in
Commercial Enterprises
Release of 1 Jen on Txmalo Sec
tion is Afcked by Committee
Irish Industry Killed and
England Fosters Relig
ious Intolerance
ATLANTA, Ca., Jan. 21. A
new spirit of united American
ism, holding itself above section
al and partisan divisions and mak
ing secure the industries of the
whole nalioa alike was bespoken
by President-fleet Harding to
night in a message to the peo
ple of the south.
Onene of Purpose U Sought
The message written at the
At a meeting of the state des
ert land board yesterday arrange
ments were completed for a con
tract whereby water will be sold
by the Central Irrigation com
pany to the Lone Pine Irrigation
district. The price agreed upon
Is $.. ooo and maintenance cost
will be about $1 an acre yearly.
At the .conference yesterday
the Central Oregon company was
repreente! bjr yrf 8 Stanley.
president, and J.-sse Stearns, at
tnrny.rlio requested approval of
the sale by the state board. The
water will 1 delivered through
Uie canals or the Central Oregon
comrany. The lone Pine district
comprise $IC.O01 irrigable acres
lying north or Crooked river In
Crook county. As attorney for
the Central Oregon, district Harri
son Allen and John Latourette ap
peared, f or the Lone Pine dis
trict appearance were made by
jotui . Cunningham. Senator
Jay I'pton and Representative
Denton G. Ilurdick.
. The desert land board' agreed
to approve the contract roverinr
the sale soon sa it is executed
and presented according to the
terms agreed upon yesterday.
Senator Cpton, Fred N. Wal
lace and G. W. Palley also ap
peared representing the Tnmalo
irrigation district, asking the
board to release the state lien on
unsold Carey act lands la the dis
trict and agreed to give the slate
Two Bills Are Introduced
in Behalf of State Indus
trial Accident Commis
sion .
Merit Rating for Employers
Provided 'in lleaizre
Agreed Upon
Henry White Tells Naval
Committee it is Time to
limit Armies
democratic national committee
man of Georgia, was made public
C-n the arrival of the train which
. WASHINGTON. Jan. 21. Kng- is ,akln tD President-elect to
land is fostering religious intol-1 Florida. It follows:
erance. and suppressing industry!
in Ireland In an effort to prevent
self-determination. Miss Iulse
request of Clark Howell, editor I a contract coverinr the reclama
of tho Atlanta Constitution. andIon r the land. The details of
me contract will be worked nnt
snnnression nf inHmfrr.
Into the Republican adminlstra-Utbjch. she asserted, lnvolvea Aha
tlon for terms ranging from one
year to years in excess of the four
for which Mr. Harding has been
elected. Senator Lodge, Republi
can leader, has announced. that he
doesn't propose to have the Demo
cratic administration fiU up a lot
of bureau chiefships In the army
and navy for the Incoming admin
istration and in this he has sup
port of his Republican colleagues.
Tolstoy Devotes Portion of
Address to Recollection
of Father
Hennett, a protestant woman Trom
Dublin, today told the commission
of the committee or 100 investi
gating conditions. In Ireland.
Attacks by the British military
on Catholic churches and on nuns
and priests are increasing. Miss
Dennett said, wltff the intention
of reylving the spirit or religious
intolerance between Catholic and
Protestant with the view of pre
venting Irish opinion from unit
ing. In discussing htr charges of
i The lecture of Count Tolstoy at
resources before It used force and e armory Monday night will be
then only in accord with her allies
against the former enemies.? He
other of the American commis
sioners who helped -draft the
treaty of Versailles Henry
White, ambassador to France nn
der President Roosevelt told the
house naval committee today that
the time was ripe for world disar
mament and that the United
States should initiate the' move
ment."' '
General Pershing's views will
be sought next Tuesday.
The committee already has
heard General Tasker H. Bliss,
former American representative
on the supreme war council and
a member of the peace delega
tion; Secretary Daniels and act.
ing Secretary Davis of the state
Mr. White gave as his opinion
that the gTeat burden of taxation
resulting from the war made the
peoples of all nations anxious to
cut down on expenditure for ar-
He expressed u , mat
believed her allies should estab
lish the financial possibilities of
Germany and then set up a for
feit which would bind the allies
In the future.
Although the German treasury
was empty. M. Briand declared
that many private persons in Ger
many had enriched- themselves
and that contact must be estab
lished between " these and the Ger
man government to permit the
latter to pay indemnity.
After dealing with France's In
ternal questions, he said ho would
support the project . for resump
tion of relations with the Vatican.
Valera Appeals to Irish
to Remain Steadfast
free to everybody; to everybody
wno can get into the hall
It (sexoected that every seat
wilt be taken, and all the avail
able standing room occupied.
When Count Tolstoy spoke at
Coryallis. he devoted the last 20
minutes to his recollections of his
father, the writer and thinker
and greatest Russian citizen ot
his day. or any other-day and
no one present would have missed
that part of the lecture for a
good deal; or the rest of the lec
ture, either. v
Count Tolstoy will talk of the
present conditions Jn Russia.
He is being brought here by
the Salem Rotary club, and all
the members of that organization
are rather proud of the accom
plishment. and glad to be able to
present such an outstanding
world figure to a Salem audience.
question of satisfactory solution
of internal problems, the witness
described the destruction of
creameries and other co-operative
industry. It was a "ridiculously
foolish policy.- she said., which
permitted the destruction of an
Industry that could sell butter
cheaply to English people, who
now are forced to pay exhorbitant
prtees .
Testimony in support of Mis3
Bennett's charges was also given
by Miss Caroline M. Townsend.
Both are members of the Irish
Women's International league
and they presented letters and
documents to support their charg
es. . Some of the letters. Miss
Rennett said, were from business
men, of Belfast In Ulster, and she
added that their lives would be
in danger should their names be
published in this connection. .
Miss Bennett told of two re
cent alleged forcible entrances in
to'publin nunneries, one of which
was of an exclusive Catholic or
der, which excluded even rela
tives of the nuns from visiting
the building, allowing communi
cation only through iron barred
She described ihe functioning
rf the Sinn Fein government and
declared that the sttccess with
which the- provincial Irish repub
lic, through Us land courts met
the crisis from "cattle driving".
In wh'ch peasants drove herd.i
from pa st n res and seized the
lands, proved that Irish people
could settle their own internal
problems more successfully than
outside authority.
Shields Drank Too Mach
Bark Root Tonic"
bills. h comittee on vetoed
PORTLAND. Jan.' 21 -.Jm
Ackerman of .'the theatrical firm
of Aekerman & Htrri
xnn...J .-. .. ' U
mai a theater larger
"' now in fnrrT .
font by hi, firm bere7 const'r
tton to start within the tn
fly,. It will be n,d asavsnnZ
nouse, according to Harris.
th world was "crying for some
IVut ,h bni notwlth-UB'-eement" to limit armaments
tlardi"hheweraor. a means of reducing taxes.
niensine tne proposed ni
holiday," the former ambassador
said he did not inins. me uu
States should stop the navai con
imetirn it now has under way
He said he would like to see me
United States at the top when the
disarmament discussion oegins
and suggested that the relative
size of navies could De iixea oy
agreement at the proposed con
ference. He added that questions
raised at the conference might
show "the right of some nations
DUBLIN. Jan. 21. Eamonn
De Valera, "president of the, Irish!
republic," in a message to: the
Irish people, appeals to them to
remain steadfast in the republi
can cause. -
"Nobody can be base enough to
barter away that for which our
noblest have given their lives," he
says, "so, though the
dark and the world nnheading,
confident of final success, let us
face the new year of the republic
ready lo endure whatever may be
necessary to win for those coming
after us. the priceless boon of a
permanent peace and secure lib
erty in their native land."
(Continued on page 3)
Mtfasure Prohibiting Purse
Seining in Pacific Sustained
PORTLAND, Or., Jan. 21.
Police officials here today ad
dressed circulars to police depart
ments throughout the country
asking for the arrest of George
Billings, alias Joe Brady ex-convict
and vaudeville actor, on the
theory that he la "the Shadow"
who has recently attempted to
blackmail numerous wealthy cltl-
In an opinion handed down
yestetday the supreme- court
again upholds as constitutional
an act of the legislature of 1919
prohibiting purse seining ln the
Pacific ocean within they three
mile limit. The Union Fisher
men's Co-operative Packing com-'
nanv of ! Astoria and others
brought injunction proceedings
againstj Carl D. Shoemaker, then
state game warden, to prevent his
enforcing the law, and the' con
stitutionality of- tie act was con
tested, i '
Judge Eafcin of Clatsop county
held for the stat. The supreme
court affirmed Judge Eakin. A
rehearing was granted and Js-
W. E. Lucas. 254 South Liberty
street, reported to the police sta
tion yesterday morning, that a
man was lying in the rear seat of
an automobile, which had been
out into his shed during the
night. Upon investigation it was
learned that the man was John
Shields of Lebanon, who says he
Is a taxi driver. He declared to
the police that he. was unable to
say just how he came to be left
where he was found, that the last
be remembered he was driving an
automobile to Salem, and had as
passngers Mrs. Lillian Dotson of
Waterloo and J. L. Ward of Soda-
ville. He was taken in custody
and upon further inquiry admit
ted he had drank "too much
bark root tonic." which had been
purchased In Albany. The conple
who accompanied him were ques
tioned, but as nothing more devel
oped the case was dismissed.
thuitanlnr thorn
death unless they would agree to tice McBride. In the opinion , yes
pay him various aums of money. 1 terday, again upholds the state.
"Of course I have no mcasage
to the people of the south that
I wiuld not gladly utter to all
the United Siates. Perhaps the
knowSouth would be interested
to know, however, of one ambl-
tion which I cheris. I want to
be the Instrumentality in estab
lishing that complete conccrd or
union which I bold lo be essential
to the American fulfillment.- .1
realize how the political solidarity
of the South folic wed the unfor
tunate days of the civil 'war. I
know how that solidarity has been
encouraged on the other hand.
and. 1 .think J-understood, to de
sire to break it on the other hand.
"It Is not specifically a repub
lican ambition. It Is rather to
be accredited to a desire to es
tablish c&mplete mutuality of
purpose and oneness of ambition
in America
Old Time Hostility U Gone
"There is little left of the old
time hostility and there isn't any
occasion for any section of Amer
ica to pin Its aspirations to the
fortunes ot one party. I think
it is fair to assume that all polit
ical parties mean to be best for
our common country. As a re.
suit. I believe that many of the
republican policies are calculated
to best serve all of America. For
instance, I believe there Is a
great significance in the coming
tariff congress to be held in At
lanta. I believe most cordially in
prospering America first. 1 do
not see how ;we can retain our
home markets, upon which Ameri
can good fortune must be founded
and at the same time maintain
American standards ot production
and American standards of living
unless we ..make other peoples
with lower standards pay for the
privilege of trading in American
"Ours is the best market in the
world because we are the largest
in consumption and the ablest to
buy. The application lies in a
perfectly justifiable ambition to
make the southland as industrial
ly eminent at the states ot the
north and east. There ought to
be the flame of industry here it
exceptional significance because
of . cur vast natural resources.
Your people .want precisely the
same things which aro found in
the natural ambitions of the
north and west. There isn't the
slightest excuse tor a sectional
line In America. We are one peo
ple, with one flag, and it is folly
to allow long-time prejudice to
stand in the Way or the fullness
or understanding and the utmost
cordiality of relationship.
The people or the south are
just as much interested as any
other geographical location in the
development of an American mer
chant marine.: Out or our abun
dance ot resources, out ot our
greater ability to produce, and
out of our boasted American ef
ficiency ought to come American
eminence in world-wide trade. We
ought to send our cargoes from
southland ports just as numerous
ly as we do .from northern and
western ports. Of course, as a
general rule, we cannot sell where
Ve do not buy. but with a nation
al economic policy safeguarded in
protected tariffs, we can buy the
things, the production of which is
not essential to our own good. for
tune and expand our trade with
those or whom we buy to supply
our own needs which cannot be
supplied here at home
"I am sure the Incoming ad.
ministration wishes to see, fig
uratively speaking, every south
ern port, whitened by the sails
of. commerce and know that our
in the next several days. It will
transfer the operation and main
tenance rrom the state to the
Tumalo project and provide for
the repairing of the Tumalo res
ervoir. The Tnmalo district elected of
ficers last week and voted $550.
000 bonds to construct an irriga
tion canal from thvOewehutes riv
er to the project to supplement
the Tumalo creek supply.
Next Meeting of State As-
" sodation Here in Feb-rcary-
Salem was selected as the next
meeting - place. of the Oregon
Shoe Dealers' association at a
meeting of that body In Portland
.Thursday. H. W. Dross, of the
C K. Bishop Clothing company,
and J. B.' Littler, of the Bootery.
who attended the meeting frosa
Salem, returned yesterday.
The annual election of officers
was the principal business taken
ap at this gathering. Mr. Littler
being made one of the directors.
According to Mr. Littler general
ooinion among the shoe men was
that prices in their line are now
as low or lower than thej will be
within a short time. .
Mr. Littler will call local shoe
dealers and merchants who hand-1 u ln "rplas.
1 shoes together early next week
to plan for the entertain meat of
the visitors next month. The
date for the February meeting
has not been determined.
Wide changes in the administra
tion of the workmen's compensa
tion act. both as it affects the em
ployer and employ, and-also rela
tive to hospital . contracts, are
proposed In two bills that were
introduced in the house yesterday
by the committee on labor and fn
dastries. The bill are those that
were drafted by the committee of
15 appointed by Governor Olcott
to Investigate the accident com
mission's operation for tho pur
poses of proposing to the legisla
ture, any needed changes la the
One or the first provisions of
Ihe general bill introdned t..
terday Is that persona not under
the act. but who enter Into any.
hazardous Industry In the state
mast notify the commission before
they do so.
Employer Scale' ftradaaied
The merit rating ror employers
Is provided for in the bilL Under
this provision is a graduated seals
of decreases and increases la the
amount the rmp!yer shall pay
iato the accident fund, Uaied on
proportion of the accident bene
fits paid out In the particular
case bear to the amount being
paid Into the fund by the employ
er. This ranges from benefits 10
per cent or less of the amount he
pays la to a per cent of SO per
cent or more, if the amount paid
out in benefits Is not more than
so per cent of what he pays into
h is a sitensm en t thxJiillcwiag .y tax-.
Is decreased JO per eenL If the
amount paid out It benefits is 0
per cent or mors cf what he par
In his assessment Is decreased,
ranging from S to 12 percent. Be
tween the 29 per cent and the ?
per cent extremes Is a graduated,
scale. The purpose of this ar
rangement Is to encourage acci
dent prevention. In the samt
connection the commission is an
thorited to make roles and regu
lations to promote educational
work for accident orevention and
employers complying with Uia
rules are given an extra S per
cent redaction rate.
SarptBs IWBErfed
Under the law as at present
the commission, at the end of the
ric! year must adetermloe its
liabilities, add CO per cent and
puce to the eredi: of the employ-
Thl provis
ion is chanced in the new bill so
that all snirlus over $300,000 will
be refunded.
The bill asks for state aid ta
the extent of administration costs
under the act. Under the pres
ent law slate aid ts one-seventh
ot the amount of the fund. The
proposed chance would be a re
duction of nearly one-half la
state aid.
Compensation benefits to In
jured workmen are changed In
the measure Introduced, hut
onlr Uchtly and will remain ap
proximately what they are now
under the 30 per cent Increase
mada by the special session ot
1920. an increase that under
that act expires June . 30, this
Flamily limit Removed
Under the changes as proposed
the limit as to children is re-
i mnVMt CA that n t u faJ wnrtr.
ite of all ; difficulties." vai U.n will cf ta w a 4 sr a rt tninnnr
brought to a close today at the ( for each child under 1C years re
gardless of the number. A stipn-
Association Axks Private
Companies be Given
. Chance to Operate
WASHINGTON. Jan. 21. For
mulation of a policy for the de
velopment and maintenance ot an
American merchant marine, "in
econd annual convention of the
National Merchant Marine asso
elation. The delegates also voted
to send to congress and the na
tion a message expressing opti
mism over the futnre of American
An evident desire prevailed In
the. closing hours to discourage
any sh'pping war with foreign
nations and although no official
! committment was - made, three
speakers declared ' in Iavor of
friendly co-operation" between
the United States aad foreign
shipping Interests, asserting that
trade war would result disast
Other resolutions embodying
the association's policy were
unanimously adopted. These pro-
rosd Immediate and faithful en
fftrccment of the merchant mar
ine act or i9:u. placing of tne
snipping noard personnel on a
"lermanent basis" to promote
constructive administrative policy.
extension ot government aid to
American shittpers to the end that
their vessels "may operate ln com
petition with foreign ships ln the
same trades." establishment of
new mail, passenger . and cargo
routes so that private capital may
eventually gain control, displac
ing government ownership; ces
sation bv the. sh' oping board of
the practice of allocating vessels
to services already established, so
muz, dull shv-vm - . , . .11 v . - 1 . . . ... . .
ar decreases or 50 and 60 periour -rBi5 o " m uimno uiimn private companies may nave
cent respectively. 1 the earth. a ch
NEW YORK. Jan. 21. Prices
tor foreign furs, among them
more than 42 tons of rabbit skins
from the Antipodes, showed
marked decline from spring sale
levels st the fur auction here to
day. The declines ranged from
wVr and oTossum. the only carrier, are taking the messages
domestic skins solo", showed aver-j Kooo l wm
chance to develop.
lation in the present law that the
rate of compensation be reduced
at the end of six months is elim
inated by the new bill, and bene
fits are so arranged that they will
fluctuate with wage received. As
wares ro down, or an benefits
will tall of rise accordingly. The
commission is riven authority In
all minor disability eases where
monthly cases do not extend over
a period ot 24 months to pay the
whole award In a lump sum. A
provision is added extending pro
tection to minors, and protecting
the employer If he employs a mi
nor in good faith as to age. The
.commission Is given authority to
determine whether he has em
ployed minor ln good faith. If
lb employer doesn't bold a cer
tificate showing the minor had a
permit to enter the emoloyraeat.
and If the commission finds that
the employer did not act in good
faith the minor shall be entitled
to the benefits or the act. but the
employer must pay to the acci
dent, fund as a penalty a sum! to 25 per cent of the am
ount awarded the minor, hut not
la excess of $500.
Hearings Made PmsnJe
An employer in default In pay
ments to .the fund and who
received from the commission no
tice that he Is In default. Is re-.
quired by the proposed act to dli
(Continued on page 2)
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