The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 21, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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The EUtnmaa receives the leased
wire report of th Associated
Press, the greatest and iuott re
liable, press association la the
Fair; moderate -northerly windy
. - ... 4 . "
CLiId Welfare Commisson
Would Have Centralized
Responsibility in Care of
. Homeless and Delinquent
iAc;Vii-:i cx)Nimov ;irK to
Lieutenant (Declares He Does Not
Remember Fistic Jtelatlon
With liinton
Cfcb?e in Feeble-Minded
x School Admission Law
Asked i
Centrailzatlon or responsibility
In the tare of homeless.
(juent and ; defective children of
; tbe state by extending the power
: and authority of the child welfare
commission will be Bought
through bills to be Introduced at
this session of the legislature.
Tba desires of the commission
and its plan to get a firmer bold
; on i the child welfare problem
were presented to the ways and
, means committee Wednesday
BlKht b'y-W; D. Wheelwright,
chairman of the csmmission, and
Dr. Parsons, one. of the members.-
Greater authority Is needed,
Mr. Wheelwright told the com-
, mlttee, to cause .the , cbildren'a
homes of the state to operate en
tirely for the-benefit or the child
ana prevent exploitation of' tne
homes. through the children, to
regulate the placraa: of wards of
the homes into permanent foster
homes, to bring all children'i in
stitutions under the Jurisdiction
' of the commission, whether thty
receive state aid or toot, to for
mulate a state-wide organization
forr the care of children, and to
make .possible more thorough
earn for the feeble-minded.
' The proposed state-wide organ
ization would be formed by local
organizations in each county
seat : throurh which the " ' child
welfare commission would
ery child
earry out its purposes the torn-
tilssioa. la .asking the .ways ana
mesns committee , for an appro
priation of $20,000 for the next
tw years.
Polntlnc to proof that the
lomes are not now . under adc
auate regulation. Mr. Wheelwright
declared that a great percentage
of s the- children have both par
ent, llvinr. who -while they may
be separated, could take care of
thir children. while other In
stances- are known ' in which the
matrons of homes bare soiicuea
children from families so the hom0
population might Tbe brought to
as many as ten so state aid would
be forthcoming.
"The commission'! object,"
said Mr. Wheelwright, "is to get
th child away from the institu
tion Into the family, not from the
fa it 11 r into the institution.
Mr. Wheelwright, dclared the
movement to keen all institutions,
except those bavin r state aid, out
of the jurisdiction of the commia
i Hon. asserting that this would
' open the way to exploitation and
Profiteering- by the institution
hejds. He criticized certain
county Judges for "the slip-shod
manner" in which they commit
fhildren to the institutions. -He
further decried competition that
exists among the Institutions and
mentioned one home that has
planned a memorial building to
cost, $100,000. "Everything
planned for the building." . be
said, "is out of date and unscien
tific" He declared that If the
Klslature will allow the $20,000
aaked the commission will be able
to save tha -state three or four
, times that amount
Dr. Parsons, a member of the
1. ora, urged the need of uniform
committment laws andrernlations
tiut would prevent any but de
icnanni children from being com
HOC K AW AY, X. Y., Jan. 20.
Recovering sufficiently from his
recent haloon trip to the frozen
north. Lieutenant S." A. Farreil
appeared today before : a naval
board of inquiry and testified be
had scarcely any remembrance of
coming to blows with his comrade.
L-ieuianaatr w. Ilimon.
The, court bad heard Lieuten
ant Louts A. Kloor. balloon com
mander, skirt the Incident, which
occurred at Mattfre after Farreil
had learned that newspapers had
puoiisnea a letter from liinton io
his wife, asserting Farreil had
asked his companions to cut hfi
throat during the'.r .wanderings
in the woods.
The court, too, had heard Hin
ton testify that he had consulted
Kloor regarding the advisability
of disarming Kloor.
Parrell admitted that several
time h had lagged behind bis
companions but made no mention
of a knife. He did., however.
state that at tbe time of4he en-
vuuiiii i ij t nun au .11 mm
afterwards he had told Kloor be
feared "he was going nutty."
Farreil said his condition was
due to lack of sleep. The night
before reaching Mattlce it was his
turn to stand watch and when fie
did lay down, he was, unable to
The party was met five or six
miles from Matt ice by photogra
phers, be testified. Kloor and
Hinton accented the invitation to
ride into Mattlce ion their sled.;
Farreil ald he stayed with their
two Indian guides , and - trudged
into Mattlce after the others.
When be reached tbe camp.
Farreil said he wai "dog tired"
but cameramen continued to both
er him.
"I smiled for them, smoked
cigarettes for them and did every
thing, they -asked and was all in
when they got through with me."
he added.
He said he accepted the Invi
tation of a Hudson Hay company
man to go to his room and bava
tea. WhIJe there Farreil said the
room began filling with men who
questioned him. - f
- "The questioning seem to drive
me wild.": he said. "It worried
me. I seemed to be losing sense
First Official Destruction
for Attacks on Crown
Forces in Cork Since
Martial Law Enforced
fund proposed ix hill
State Land Hoard i Would 'Have
Power lo Issue Bond RaiI
: on Proetir Value
Raid Stops When Two
Three-Story Houses Have
Been Demolished
of my reasoning. I remember
one telling me about things pub-
hti i lisbed about me in the newspa-
in toucb.wltx practically ev- Prs. Ij seemed toget,
;hild needin? attention. To ed.- When the Hudson Bay man
nnnwna.. th. mm. I took me to the private car. 1
seemed dopey, dog tired and all in.
I could not sleep. I scarcely re
member seeing Hinton and I was
going nutty."
Farreil said he did not remem
ber the Incident, with Lieutenant
Kloor told me I had better
anolorlze to Hinton." he said.
"and I did so. Lieutenant tun
ton and I had always been good
friends before the incident and
have been since." .
CORK, Ireland. Jan. 20. The
first official destruction for at
tacks on crown forces In Cork city
since martial law was enforced iu
this area was carried out today
when two houses in Washington
street where two members of the
Royal Irish constabulary were at
tacked Saturday last, were de
stroyed by military forces. The
military authorities assert crown
forces were fired upon separately
from six houses ' in Washington
street and that "the worst two"
were selected for destruction.
Two House Demelished. "
'A large force of - military ar
rived at 1 1 o'clock knd - drew a
cordon around several blocks and
no one was permitted to enter or
leave. Wyer's wholesale drapery
was searched. The work of blow
ing up tbe designated houses was
gone about carefully to prevent
damage to adjoining property.
Tbe houses selected for repris
als are said to have been occupied
by well-known Sinn Fein sympa
thizers who were given warning
to clear out and then military en
gineers prepared for the demoli
tion. Meanwhile officers with
drawn revolvers ordered the large
crowd that had gathered to dis
perse, earing that otherwise It
would be fired on.
At 1:40 ten loud explosions fol
lowed at intervals of several min
utes, causing consternation. Up to
3 o'clock, however no fires had
broken out; and no visible-damage
had been done to bouses outside
the zone. . , .
The raid continued until 5 p.m.
when the troops were: withdrawn.
It was then found that two three
story houses had been demolished,
only two walls remaining standing
and that a provision shop adjacent
bad almost been wrecked by the
force of the explosions. Scores of
windows in other buildings were
Paul Staler, IUlpli Kmrnont mt
ItAlpii Hal ley to Kepreent
What is consid-red one of the
most important pieces of propos
ed legislation introduced at this
session of the legislature was a
joint resolution submitted yes
terday by Senator Hruce Dennis
of I'nion county to create a hom-a
cjwners", loan fund or approximat
ely $20,000,040. An amendment
to the state constitution would be
necessary and for that purpose
the proposed act would be sub
mitted to the peopla.
The resolution provides that
the Mate land board. on behalf
of the "state, may Ipsue bonds to
the extent of. 2 per cent of the
total awsed property valuation
in the state, notwithstanding lim
itations elsewhere in the consti
tution relative to bond issues.v
It lt provided that the bond
bear interest at 4 per eent and
i hat they b-v exempt from taxa
tion. The board would be auth
orizeu td loan the moneys de
rived from the sale of bonds to
owners of real estate In Oregon
upon notex secured by mortgaged
or deeds of trust which shall notj
exceed CO pVr cent of the value
of the reul estate: No loans would
be less than $200 or more than
Ijans would not b made ex
cept to owner who occupy th
ril estate mortgaged and would
be onlv for-'the following purpo
ier.: Payment of the purchase
price of the real estate: purchase
of livestock and other farm equip
ment and the making of improve
ment whleh in the Jndgment of
the board will increase the use
fulness of the real estate; ror the
f-atisfaciion of encumbrances on
the land: for any other purposes
which may be authorized by stat-
The rate of. interest . charged
borrowers should not exceed by
more tban 2 per cent the interest
on the bonds. . ; . .
Senator Dennis is also author
of a proposed constitutional am
endment whereby a fund for ser
vice men would be created ; by
bond fssues up to 3 per, cent of
the state's assessed property valuation.
Fa$t Basketball Clash Will
be Staged at Armory
Immediately upon reccint of a
letter from the Eugene high
school accepting the proposition
uf the Salem high. school that the
cmrerenccs be submitted to the
board of control of the state ath
letic association, the student coun
cil or the local school tent a re
quest to the board askintr that
they, act as a tribunal, with the
recommendation that the hearing
be made in Corvallis as soon as
the board should nee fit. While it
Is entirely in the hands of the
board as to whether they wish to
act as an arbitrary board, the ac
tion not being in accordance with
tbe rules of the association which
require that charges be made by
one school, it is believed that the
members of the board will either
act themselves or appoint others
to act in that capacity. .
. Two letters were received by
the local school yesterday, one ad
dressed to J. C. Nelson, principal,
and the other .add reused to tho
student council from the Associat
ed Student Body of the Eugene j
school. The former stated that
that school felt that U wait Impos
sible with present conditions to
f-esume relations between the two
schools and that if (hat decision
"ere not satisfactory they were
read to present their evidence
before the board of control; and
the latter saying that at a meeting
of the Eugene student body the
action of their principal was unan
imously approved.
Assisting Mr. Nelson in the pre
sentation of ' the caw before the
board and representing the stu
dent council is a committee ap
pointed by the council yesterday,
composed of Paul Staley, presi
dent or the student body, Ralph
Emmons and Ralph nailey, both
members of the council.
'.At an assembly of the students
yesterday the case was revised and
letters from the Eugene school
and principal read; following
which Mr. Nelson remarked upon
the attitude of tbe Salem school.
i While It was Impossible to state
Just how soon a meeting of the
board of control can be held it is
Meld possible that It will be tbe
litter part of next week or the
first f next.
Invitation Issued to Public
to Attend Formal Open
ing; Auditorium of Arm
ory Secured for Occasion
New Salem Institution Open
for Inspection in Afternoon
Claimed. to Have Married
land Kiri Here Saturday
WORK OF 1920
Governor's Veto Sustained
in County Road
Dy sustaining the veto or Gov
ernor Olcott on a big batch of
local road bills the senate yester
day spent to hour undoing work
that was done in facetious mood
during the 'closing hours of the
session a year ago. Nine vetoes
were -sustained today and none
overridden.1 c
. Explaining his vote on one of
the measures. Senator John, Gill
of Multnomah said:
: "We have spent an hour on this
brlerht morning undoing the
monkey business .that was done in
a spirit of .Jocularity in J he closing
hours of the special session. We
might better have spent this hour
walking in the plaza, vkh
-Jpected the house to sit down on I
. ! these bills last year, but It didn't,.
Count Tolstoy to Speak t
at Armory Monday Night
The Salem Rotary club has se
cured Count Tolstoy, son of the
greatest of all Russians, to speak
at the armory on Monday night.
January 24. -. .i. '
This will be one of the greatest
events In this line ever sponsored
by the Salem Rotary club. :-
Further -announcement will be
made from day to day. The infor
mation above was phoned by C. B.
Clancy last night to C. P. Bishop,
and Mr. Clancey will be In Salem
today with the particulars, and
arrangements will, go forward at
nutted. Under, the nreaent srs-
lem; be said, there is too much
application. He advocated reg
ulation that would make possible
th, removal of-all feeble-minded
children to the state institution
toe that purpose. The need of a
ecretary of . the commission was
mentioned, and the plan Is to ob
tain an official who may fill -la
conjunction a position at the state
traiBinj school for boys, so that
Ma annual pay will be enough to
warrant him in accepting the Ore-Si?iWOrk-
u tlmated that
!k . i.T.ear ld be sufficient,
22V -,,U00v 10 be ald 'or his
work with the commission.
comment f m tx-v
nght and Dr Pmm.
Mrs. WlnnU rtr
tha needs of the Oreron
extumt in Portland, which t v-
Zlr":' 'Mr. BradenT the ex
t r J ?""' lw ialarv of
Biunia, orwii'ch the te
Chamber of Commerce $25. Th
Portland chamber is seeking T
lief from its part In the raainten
ance and Mrs. Braden believe,
this Is desirable. It would mv
necessary a readlnstmen i m.
alary rayment., Mm. rtraton !
of tbe jralne o the exhibit fa Jo-
andI think we are paying jusi
penance ror our deeds."
Senator Banks tried to start a
stampede yesterday in ravor of
the Cannon Beacn roaa, saymK
he bad a kindly reeling for that
road, and a number of senators
followed him. but tho majority
was In favor or tne veto, oov
ernor Olcott in his veto messages
on the bills, declared they had
been passed in the spirit or in-
volity. without due consmerauon
and that he deemed them as more
proper for consideration of a reg
ular session. '
The vetoed bills proposed to
locate local roads in Coos, Jack
son. Douglas. Pojk. Klamath,
Clatsop, Tillamook. Yamhill,
Marion and Columbia counties.
Secretary Wilson Reveals
Labor's Plan for Ousting
Radical Aliens
WASHINGTON. Jan. 20. The
policy or the 'department or labor
as to the arrest and deportation
of radical, aliens, concerning
Coach . Mathew's basketball
Quintet will meet the Lemon and
Yellow defenders in a double-
header contest In the armory Fri
day and Saturday nights. With a
day's rest after an overwhelming
victory over O. A. C. and two
nights of perfecting the basket
tossing of the Bquad and smooth
ing out the rough corners in the
Bearcat offense, the Methodist
hoop artists are ready to add Ore
gon's scalp to their belt collec
tlon. The Cardinal and Gold tos
sers seemed to bit their stride in
the final clash with the Aggies
and performed with a unity that
classed them with major univer
sity players. Every member of the
varsity five worked together as a
perfect onit continuing a deadly
passing Offense and registering
counters from, any part of the
floor, and revealed their ability to
come back, and not only overcome1
a big lead but overwhelmingly de
feat the op posers.
Coach ' Bohler's . basketball co
horts are determined that the
Lemon and Yellow shall vanqnlnh
the defenders of Willamette, and
are set on carrying back one and
possibly two of the honors - that
the Bearcats are claiming as
theirs. The Oregon players and
coach having been eye witnesses
to the O. A. C. drubbing should
offer a strong defense against the
fast shifty Salem five. Eddie
Ourno who has the facility of
dropping in baskets at unexpected
moments and at repeated inter
vals will bo the biggest worry for
the WilHamette men. Durno is
ably supported by Bill Reinhart,
former. Salem high coach. Marc
J and "Hunk" Lathem. Salem high
Addresses Association
Members in Southern
' Part of State
'The new building of tbe Salem
DeaconesH hospital will be dedi
cated Sunday. January 23. and a
cOrdlal invitation Is being extend
ed by the hospital association Id
tbe people of the city and com
munity to be present and enjoy
the program of the day. Tbe ca
pacious auditorium of the armory
has been secured for the occas
ion. A morning service will be
held and in the, afternoon begin
ning at 2 o'clock the dedication
exercises will be riven, at which j
time vocai ana instrumental mus
ic and addresses by prominent
men of the state will be given.
The principal address ' will be de
livered by President Carl Gregg
Doney. I). !., of Willamette uni
versity. ,
At the close of the dedication
services at the armory an invita
tion is extended to those Interest
ed to personally inspect the hos
pital. ' f
In speaking of the hospital and
tbe work It reprevnts tbe hospi
tal authorities say:
"Every brick In this new struc
ture testifies to the devotion and
self-sacrifice of some friend of tbe
sick and helpless, tbe orphan and
tbe unfortunate.! The building la
not the property or any Individ
ual, of any sect or of any cliaue.
It was erected from the income
and donation of funds and service
of the rich and j poor, or persons
Percy M. Varney, parole officer
of the penitentiary, and Robert
Gibson, special agent, are in
Washington searching for Burton
A. I'arsons. paroled convict from
the Oregon state penitentiary, who
disappeared from Albany last
Sunday morning leaving behind
him an unpaid hotel bill of $50
and a number of bad checks.
Carsons left Albany Saturday
morning and when he returned
that night reported that he bad
been married that day in Salem
to Miss Vesta Purcell or Portland.
formerly a Boston Symphony or
chestra player, and that She mould
join him there tbe next day.
Sunday morning- Carsons left
for points in Washington and.
presumably for British Columbia.
He left 'an unpaid hotel bill of $60
and cashed two-checks In Albany
aggregating $35, one on the Mon
roe State bank and the other on
the Albany State bank, which he
bad no funds to cover. Another
check for $200 on the latter bank
written in Seattle has been re
ceived in Albany.
So far as" Is known Carson's
bride did not Join bim in Albanr
but It Is believed that she or some
other woman may be with him In
the north.
After having served nearly all
of his five year term on a forgery
charge. Carsons was paroled the
iirst nt last month.
Boulder to be Dedicated a
State Convention in
March .'
Following a custom of tbe or
ganization. Cbemeketa chapter of
the Daughters of the American
Revolution Is ' making plana to
mark one of the original trails
leading Into Salem. The trail will
he dMlrnated br m. larre boulder
A priauuai "
in all wik of life, of minr de-1 piaeea on a cement nase, ana ais-
nomlnatlons, societies and clubs. playing a bronze tablet properly
It is founded npon tbe common
desire or all persons who shall re
quire Its ministrations.
With this spirit tnanirested on
the part of tbe hospital board of
directors, a capacity bouse is ex
pected on Sunday.
President-elect Bids Fare
well to Mecca of Front
Porch Campaign Pilgrim
ages for Florida
Senator : Asks . for Moral
Support of Home People
in New Responsibility
rhich it has had. clashes with
the department of Justice, is an- j basketball men and "Nish" Chap--Aiineit
the ftrt ftm- hv se- man a,on wh Francis Bellar of
Fire Department Called
to Price Shoe Store
(Continued On page C)
Smouldering ashes that had
been removed from a stove ana
placed In a pasteboard box in the
basement of the building occupiea
bv the Price Shoe company, gave
off so mnch .smoke that It attract
ed the attention of persons pass
in z the Ktore last night about
11:20 and the fire department
rc-tary Wilson,
made today. j
.The statement which also con-'
talned a defense of his assistant,
Louis A. Post, was embodied , in
a letter ent by Secretary Tu
multy to Coll H. D., Lindsay,
chairman of .the executive com
mittee of the American legion,
who presented at the , White
House last October resolutions
asking for the dismissal of Mr.
Post because or his attitude on
t deportation or radicals.
I it Is understod that the lesion's
request was referred by the
White House to Secretary Wilson
and that the statement by him
was sent to tbe White House In
reply. It also is. accepted as the
president's reply to the legion '?
request for Post s dismissal.
In' defending his assistant. Sec
retary Wilson said he not only
had faithfully carried out instruc
tions as to aliens, but he was
"among the ablest and best ad
ministrative officers in the gov
a statement ""V"V . ; ...
toacn aiamews win unaouoiea-
ly select his winning aggregation
to again defend Willamette's bas
ketball prowess, by sending Gill
ette. Wapato. Jackson. Dimick and
Rarey to start counters rolling,
then, H necessary, McKittrick or
Doney may enter Into . the . fray.
Whatever five starts the game,
they will be a unit which, will
fight nntil the final gnn.
b 'amfA wa done. . come In contact with
PORTLAND. Jan. 20. Samuel
L. lankovetz. proprietor of a sec
ond hand store here, was today
tinder arrest in Niagara Falls. N.
Y., charged by federal authori
ties, with an attempt to smuggle
Mulka Morrison, a Russian, into
th United States rrora Canada In
violation of the immigration laws
according to a message from Buf
falo. , Friends of lankovetx said thi
morning that they had not heard
R. C. Paulus, sales manager of
the Oregon Growers Co-operative
association, returned last night
from a three days trip into th
southern part of the state In the
Interests of the association.
Addresses were made by Mr.
Paulus at Grants Pa 3s, Med ford
and .Roseburg. where meetings
were beld. He explained to
members tbe many difficulties en
countered the past season in th
fruit business.
During the six months ending
December 31. 1920, Mr. Paulus
said tbe association had done a
basinets of $1,000,000. Also, that
the association now has an in
vestment In buildings and quip-
men t or $388,000.
If by December 1 or 1321 the
common stock notes of the as
sociation are all taken up. it will
be entirely out of debt, he said.
There are still a number of pools
lo be closed. Mr. Paulus told the
members while in the south, and
that as soon as. the money due
the association U collected, it
will be used to close the pools.
Regarding the applo business,
Mr. Paulus said that the associ
ation now has 1 60 acres in cold
storage and that thse would bn
cold within th: nest month or
two. When the inonev Tor theso
apples is received, it will Ik used
to clean up the pear and aple
poo!, be said.
At uosnbiirg, prune, grower
outside the association are fight
ing it and at present prnne in
that locality can be bought fir
from S'gl to 4 cents a pound. In
the Yamhill district tbe same
thing Is happening, Mr. Paulus
said, and many' outside the asso
ciation are selling their 50-53
sizes of prune at l. cets a
At Grants Pass members of the
association gave a vote, of thanks
for the way in' which its affairs
bad been handled, considering
the unusual difficulties of the
past year. At Med ford and Rose
burg members were free in ex
pressing themselves at greatly
pleased with the manner in which
the association had handled the
1920 crop.
Major General Strickland
Gives First Formal Inter
view to Press
moxoiext arrives
. NEW YORK. Jan. 20. A mon
ument of the famed Carrara mar
ble. weighing seven and ont-half
tons to perpetuate the memory of
Lucretia Mott. Elizabeth Cady
Stanton and Susan B. Anthony,
suffragists, arrives on the steam
ship Dante Alighiert from Genoa.
The monument is the work of
CORK, Jan. 20. In the first
formal interview given to the
press since he came to Ireland.
Maor General Strickland, in com
mand of the troops, told the As
sociated Press today that martial
law was proving a success. He
discussed the reprisals and his
It-tter to the acting Lord Mayor
explaining that I he expected aid
from the citizens through a t rel
iance committee to supply Infor
mation. He did not allude to his
repot t on the burning of Cork.
Among statements made by the
general, was one that women car
ried weapons concealed in their
skirts to the ambushing forces.
He declared he did not expect
Immediate results from martial
law but even before It was im
posed the mnrder gang was find
ing it impossible to live at home
and had begun to form flying col
umns in the MacKoom district
and parts of Tiiprrary and Kil
"The first rcKult- of martial
law was to make these columns
more active." he said. "The defi
nite thing we are accomplishing
i the breaking of the organlza
licn of the republican army. Un
til martial law was declared that
organization was remarkably ef
ficient. It might be taken as too opti
mistic to say that the preent
orerations of the republican army
are its dying kick, but I believe
that to be a fact. How long they
can keep going i a matter of
conjecture. But it is only a ques
tion of time. j
In reply to a question as to
what results had been obtained
by the proclamations demanding
the surrender of arms, the gen
eral admitted ; it probably was
true that the number of arms
personally surrendered could be
counted on the fingers of one
hand, bnt added: j "In one way
or another arms are coming in.
The general spok bitterly of
the part he alleced women were
"The military are not making
war on women or Interfering with
them." he said.; "so, the difficul
ty of getting tb arms In the pos
session of the women may be im
agined." ,
Inscribed 1n commemoration of
The Pioneer Fathers and Moth
era of Oregon.
The state, conference of. the
Daughters of the American "Revo
lution will meet In Salem . In
March and It Is hoped to dedicate
the bonlder at that time with a fit
ting ceremony. A auitable marker
has not yet been secured but It 1
expected that one may easily be
found. - -
The members of the organisa
tion will co-operate In defraying
expenses attendant to placing and
inscribing the memorial, bat any
monetary assistance will b wel
comed -by them, and it Is expected
that sons and daughters of the
early pioneers will . gladly wel
come this opportunity of perpetu
ating the name or their hardy an
Oregon City displays a similar
tribute, which was erected by the
members or the D. A. R.
Mrs. S. C. Dyer of Salem Is
chairman Of the local committee
backing' the effort.' and she will
be glad to receive suggestions and
aid from anyone Interested.
DUBLIN. Jan. 20. District In
ppeetor Tobias O'SuIHVan was
found shot dead today near the
Distowel barracks. County Kerry.J
Jerfrey McDonald, laborer, was
shot dead in bed In the presence
or his wife at Abbeylelx. County
Queens. Three men, are alleged
to have killed him.
MARION. O- Jan. 20-Juit-
ting Marlon for a vacation.' ra
Florida, Presldent-rlect Hardlar'
today vacated the -widen re whlen
was the meeca of the front porch
campaign pilgrimage and closed
up the little of rice .next door
where many of th nation's nota
bles hare given their advice on
current problems.
FUhiaar Trip named
Leaving at midnight, the president-elect's
train will reach St.
Augustine, Florida, Sunday. Mr.
Harding expects to make do rear
platform speeches. A St. Augus
tine hotel will be - bis Florida
headquarters but he will get
away from hls'caTes In .a two
week's fishing trip. : -
The president-elect's -departure -really
meant severing most or the
ties that have bound him to bt
borne community, and he speat
tbe day bidding farewell to neigh
bors. He made short farewell
talk to blgb scbooj pupils and wa
the honor guest at a meeting- of
tho Elks fraternity. He will re
turn here - before be goes o
Washington but only for a few
(UWU 1
F. lla.JIn.'. 1 V ml tV.
ered at tbe Harding high school,
recently renamed ra hi honor
and be was Introdnced by his sla
ter. Miss Abigail Harding? who U
a teacher. He aaked for the mor
al support of the people of b'.s
home community daring the next
rour years.
Konl of Awierlra a RJUbt
; ''III' a; abort time," be said. -X
am going to assume great respon
sibility. It Is not to be mine
alonA. however, because th
president is only the instrument
through which the popular will la
For 30 year I have beea lis
tening to public sentiment and ev
ery public "servant 'who listens to
the call on the soul or America
Is sure to get along. I firmly be
lieve the son! of America Is right.
I firmly believe la tbe destiny or
America and I am going to my.
tasks with rail confidence.
At the Elks a special group of
candidates lo be known as tbe
"Harding clasa" waa initiated
with a ceremony In whlcn the
president-elect played a leading
Tbe party accompanying ,' Mr.
Harding south Is tho smallest
with which be has traveled since
bis nomination. It consists only
or the president-elect, bis secre
tary. G. B. Christian. Jr.. Harry
At rVanrhertr. f ColumLna. two
stenographers and a doten secret:
Service men and newspaper cor
respondents. Mr. Harding. la to
go to Florida only after a ahop
pinr trip tn the east.
Tha headquarters building at
Marion is to be kept open until
shortly before March 4. James
Sloan, former secret service man.
who acted assistant secretary to
(Continued on page 3)
. i -i . waiMwiy.-ii, mi
To eliminate the governor, the secreUry of state, the
state treasurer, the president of the senate and the speaker
of the house from membership on the state emergency board.
and create a new board composed entirely of members of the
joint ways and means committee of senate and house is the
object of a bill introduced yesterday by Senator Bell of Lane
county. The secretary of state would sit as secretary of the
board, but would not have a vote. ,
BALBOA. Panama. Jan. 20.
Tbe emergency board as now
constituted is composed of the
governor, the secretary of state,
the atate treasurer, president of
the senate, speaker of tbe bouse,
chairman of the senate ways and
means committee aniLchalrman of
the bouse ways and means com
mittee. The proposed new 'hoard would
be composed of the two' chairmen
of tbe house and tbe senate ways
and means committees and five
other members of the joint ways
and means committee elected at
a joint meeting of tbe committees
n;v ana me mo - - i . , - ,. .... 'hut vniainerf trial
was called. Tie sbw company s crnm,ai - - -- en a trIp t0'placed in the rotunda of the cap- the Panama Canal and Joined tho on. berlng with tbe pres-
the east for some time.
Mis Adelaide Johnson nd will be Tho Atlantic fleet passed through on the last day of tbe leglslive
j tne ranama uanai ana joinea too w. " i""-
1 Pacific fleet today. cat session. Tho preaident of tbe
itol at Washington.
senate would serve as chairman of
this joint meeting with a right to
vote only in case of a tie.
The president of the emergency
board would be elected by tha
members. In eas of vacancy on
the board occurring at any time
when the legislature assembly la
not In session tbe vacancy would
be rilled by election from tho re
maining membership or tbe two
ways and means committees. An
objection to the present board is
that tbe leg alatlve function If
performed largely by administra
tive officials. Tho measure carriea
the emergency clause and would
become operative immediately up-,
on being signed by the goxernor.