' Vfoalt' Gallem Do the QomtGB': af n W.emr. mum The Statesman receives the leased wire report - of - tke Associated Press, the i-reatest and most re liable press association in the 4 world. SEVENTIETH YEAR SALEM; OREGON, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 20, 1921 PRICE: FIVE CENTS SURVEY OF SCHOOLS IS CALLED FOR Would Investigate to Ascer tain If Educational Insti tutions Foster Spread of Radicalism REDISTRICTING BILL HAS RECONSIDERATION Board of Aircraft Examin ers Recommended by Korell SALARY INCREASES ARE RECOMMENDED COM.M ITTKK A PPOIXTED '. '10 10 MAKES REPORT IX 31 Advise Raic for Foar State Of fleer; County judges . Underpaid j To relitigation .of all Oregon schools and colleges by a -special committee of tno lsgfslature to ascertain if they are mediums for the spread of radical propaganda is railed for in a Joint resolution introduced by Senator Hall ol Coos and Curry yesterday 'The bill provide that the spe cial committee havo power to rail before It any witnesses necessary.! and that it report to the legisla tive session of 1923. .. Thi measure is based on the helief; that the propaganda of Rol rhevlstn. I. W. W.lsm. Sovietiam and other disrupting doctrines is Ix in spread through many agen cies, including professor in many of the state-aided pnblle schools, and that Its purpose i to npset the present form of government in the United States. Upon reconsideration yenterday of Senator Upton's resolution : tailing for the appointment of & special committee to consider re disricting measures, the measure was adopted Monday, it was de feated by a IS to 13 Tote. President. Rltner came from the chair and moved reconsider ation. 3 Senators Lachmund and Thomas, who had previously op posed the measure, said that In view of a sentiment that the bat tie of yesterday was a reflection , on President Ritner. they wished a reconsideration. ' They second ed Rltuer's motion. Senator Jo seph denied any intended reflect tion on President Ritner. These senators asked for a unanimous vote for reconsideration and this was accorded. Of those who Toted for the measure Monday Senator Banks spoke for recon sideration. Senator Ryan moved that the resolution be made a special order for 2:30 o'clock to day, and this carried. . Provision for the organization of an Oregon state board of air craft examiners, regulating flying and registering aviators. Is con tained in a bill introduced yes ' : terday in the house by Korell of Maltnomah. The bill stipulates that this board be composed of five aviators, three of whom have been commissioned pilots In . the Unfted States service. U of them to be appointed by the governor. A $25 fee is required of each man who presents himself for exam ination as a flyer.' A penalty not to exceed; $200 or 0 days in Jail or both Is provided for in case . regulations i In regard to flying . are not carried out by the avia t tors. . : The following bills-were Intro duced in the senate yesterday." S. D. 94, Joseph To Increase salary of Mataomah founty school superintendent from $2500 to $100 a year. 8. R. 95. Ryan Changing date of closed fishing season on Will amette river and tributaries. S. B. 9$. Bell Providing that Journalistic laboratories of the University of Oregon and Oregon Agricultural college shall not do commercial printing. S. B. 97. Bell To amend act . Incorporating Eugene City Ma sonic lodge No. 11. , S.B. 5 f. Jones Providing: for the examination of an adverse ' party to any civil action or suit. S. B. 99, Jones -To provide for xelease from the lien of a Judg ment the real property of appel . Jant. - . y. S. B. 100, Hume, Strayer and Jones1 Providing for pacing church and hospital vacant prop erty on assessment rolls. S. B. 1011 TUfa-1nrntnr an- Increases in the salaries of the state superintendent of schools. the attorney general, the cornor- r.tiori commissioner, and the ckrfc of the state land board are re commended in the report to the governor and the legislature filed yesterday by the committee ap pointed by the legislature of 1911. It is recommended that th? school superintendent's salary be in creased from $3000 to $4000: the attorney general's salary from $3600 to $4000. and that the Sal ary of the clerk of the land board e raised from $2400 to $3000. and that of the corporation com missioner from $3000 to $360'. The report -was followed - by the introduction of the necessary bills by Senator Hell, chairman of the committee. ; - These iaro the only increases tecom mended for state offices ex cept that in some instances It is held that the pay or district at- i torneys in too small. " As to county offices the com-! mittee finds county Judges gen erally underpaid. It is recom mended that at belter pay the jndges be required to devote full time to their offices and bo made financial ! managers of their coun ties with authority to investigate the conduct and expense of all i other county offices. Increases, are reeomm?rded for county assessors. County treas urers in a few instance ar found to bo underpaid. County school superintendents are" poorly 1 paid, says the report, and general in creases are ured. For county commissioners, actual expense al lowances in addition to salaries aro recommended. It is . recom mended that the. terms of county recorders be increased to four PORTFOLIO SELECTIONS ARE HELD UP, Implications Prevent Pres. r ident-elect From An nouncing" Personnel of Important Cabinet Posts HARDING RESIGNS AS MARION STAR HEAD Definite Selections Will Not be Announced Until Prior to Inauguration LAWLESS TERRORISM RULES EMERALD ISLE DOCUMENT REPORTS CONDITION'S IRISH Kye Wltnc!es Describe Burning of Publio Ilui'dinis ami Stores In Cork COUNT T0IST0Y TELLS OF SUFFERING RUSSIA SUGAR SELLS FOR flO.OOO IOUNI IX MOSCOW Only Way n Fight llolslievikm U Through Education and R. ligiou Ifcvlarrw Count MARION. Ohio. Jan. 19. The task of selecting a cabinet has been round so difficult by Presi-dent-elect Harding that - he has given up the plan of making early definite selections for two or thre of th- more important portfolios. Cabinet Places Still in Doubt Without indicating tiie nature of the complications, the president-elect said tonight that after several weeks' of consultation he was not disposed to commit him self in regard to any one cabi net place until he was ready to make final selections for all. He added that be considered his dif ficulties only normal manifesta tions on personal and factional cross-enrrents. His attitude generally was ac cented as indicating no definite 'selections will be announced nn- ca"' v , . , . 1 til prior to his Inauguration. Sheriffs are believed entitle! -i luid thousht oriclnallv" he to more! pay than other connty!..i,i .. nr. h-0 ,ak. more ; pay nriicets. though Jn some counties tfcey are found to be overpaid. County surveyors should le ap pointed, not elect edjt he report tays: ; ' " - PALT.1ER WANTS INVESTIGATION i Sweeping-Inquiry of Charg es Made Against Justice . Agents Proposed v WASHINGTON,' Janl 1 9. In sistence of Attorney General Pal mer that a sweeping congression al investigation be made of the charges that department of jus-' tier agents, in rounding up al leged radicals last winter, were abusive -and disregarded the legal rights of accused, brought assur ance today from senate Judiciary sub-committee that it would hear first-hand both the agents Who up?rvised the raids and their critics, j.-' ' The attorney general appeared before the sub-committee which was considering the advisability of granting amnesty to persons convicted of violating the espion age act and. other war-time laws- Mr. Palmer said that amnesty proclamation would not' affect an immediate and' wholesale release of persons confined in prisons for violations of wartime statutes be cause each case would havi to be gone Unto on Its merits. . 1 Mr. . Palmer discussed the charges made against his depart ment by the national popular gov ernment league. Thess charges were drawn up, he declared, by attorneys. "many of whom were counsel for persons arrested ror deportation on charges of bsing alien radicals. He asked that an attempt be made to ascertain the facts. "I have nothing to go on but the reports of department of Jus tice agents, carefully selected men," said Mr. Palmer. 'Namr- ally I believe them." Inet places in advance to permit the parties named to taira up in formally the work. But I have found it so difficult to. find in an administrative organization that ? am not disposed to make defi nite tenders and have men accept until I have made up. u complete organisation. : ' Republican Cabinet Wanted "There is no semblance of any marked. . drive., .either , for or against. Ither ita support or in opposition to any . individual. There v is the natural current of both political and -personal re commendations and the natural cross currents of . personal, indi vidual and factional opposition. It is all' normal and does not keep me awake nights. " "I am thinking of getting an organization best fitted to serve the country. I am a partisan. I am going to have a Republican cabinet. Hut no selection will be made because of party obligation, without consideration tor the best tiervice of the country." ' Th-s emphasis placed by the. president-elect on his desire ror a. "Republican cabinet" was taken to have direct reference to stories that he would disregard the usual method of giving cabinet posi tions to those who had been act ive Art :' ; party politics,' arid' might name, a Democrat to one place. Harding Reftlgns Star leadership Mr. Harding does not expect to rvert to the cabinet business until the end of his two weeks houseboat trip which begins Sat urday at St. Angustine, Fla. Announcement was made to night .; that the pres-ident-elect would - return front Florida to Marion; before the inauguration. He will spend only one day here, however, arriving March 2, and leaving March 3. Presidentelect Harding resign ed tonight as president of the Harding Publishing company, and thus relinquished the active di rection he has exercised for SO fear over the editorial jpolicy of the Marion Daily Star. H? did not sever his connection with the paper,; however,' accepting th? chairmanship of the board of directors. LONDON. Jan. 19. What Is alleged to be the sworn testimony of some 70 eye-witnesses describ ing the burning of public build ings and stores In Cork Decem ber 11-12 as unprovoked and un justifiable and the condition of Ireland lunder British military rule as one of lawl?R terror-is-m."' wan LfKiied today by the Irish l;i')or party and trades union roiiKr.-s. 1 The document Is In the form of a report, printed and published in Dublin. -It was circulated in London by the. British labor party without any actual endorsement. The, report, whifh Is described by its authors as the result of an impartial inquiry, contains state mets made by Sir llam.tr Green wood, chief secretary for Irelaud In the house of commons that the Sinn Fein were, tin incendiaries responsible, accuses Hie crown forces of being solely guilty 'and challenges ' the government to publish the. findings of the mili tary inquiry Instituted by Major General Strickland in command or the troops which the report fayjs the government is afraid to publinh. The third assistant engineer, a fireman and ltoatswain of the American steamer West Cannon, are among those from whose evi dence excerpts are used. The re port says it was necessary to con ceal the identity of the witnesses, otherwise thy would not have volunteered the evidence, i Recalling Sir llaniar' Green wood'? assertion on December 13 that "it is obviously to the in terest of the government to find the perpetrators of this outrage." the report declares the Investi gation is to the Interest of the government, for it certainly found the perpetrators." " Contradicting Sir II a m a r Greenwood's statement that the fire started in the Patrick street stores and spread to the other buildings, among them the city hall, a considerable distance away on the opposite side or the river Lee. the report says: "It Is a pity the j-fttef secre tary does not know a little more about the topograph pf the cotm tryhe could H inore.", UV n ' A map of Cork is attached with a . reproduction of one publishe-1 tn a London paper, which, the re port charges was "faked" to sub stantiate the official report on the burning. ' Disputing the suggestion that the burning partook of the nature of a reprisal for the. ambushing of a party of crown forces at Dillon's Cross, it is declared that long before the attack it was known there was eoine to . be CORVALLI3. Ore.. Jan. 19. "The only way to fight bclshev Ism Is through education and re ligion." is the beher or Count Ilya Tolstoy, Russian " writer and sen or the famous Leo Tolstoy, who addressed a record crowd of Oregon Agricultural college stu dents, faculty and townspeople at convocation assembly today. More than 4000 person crowded Into the, building and the opinion is expressed that Count Tolstoy ranks among tln most forceful speakers ever to appear at tho college. Count Tolstoy described condi tions in Russia as he bad recently seorr mem. lie stated that tho one great accomplishment cf tho bolshevik! was that or printing money, the only limit being a shortage of paper and printing presses. Russian laborers who were paid 50 cents a day before the. war now receive two or three thousand dollars per day. In bol- rnevikl money, rfngar sells for f 10,000 a pound. The people earry their money in baskets People traveling , between Petro gTad and Moscow often have to get ont of the train and cut wood for the locomotive, so great is the shortage of fuel. "The ultimate ideal of the bol- shevlkl Is commendable, but thoir methods ror attaining it are crim inal," said the count. EXECUTION i OF TREATY IS SOUGHT French Ministers Seek Ful fillment ( of Versailles Pact Without Recourse to Violence SEALED BATTLEFIELD ALLIANCE MUST HOLD Declaration Claims That Frenchmen May Trade With Russia PAN-AMERICAN UNION PRAISED BY G0MPERS I.AliOi: I.KADKR COXFF.RS W ITH DKI.EGATKH IfetcgatUMi Deal With Ilroad Ak- perU of Trade 1'iiion 3Iovement SESSION IS TURBULANT House Amends Bill and Limits Membership fori Ten Years to 435 WASHINGTON. Jan. 19. -At the end of the most turbulent ses sion of the present congress, the house today adopted the reappor tionment bill with an amend ment limiting its membership ror ten years to the present 435. :j The fight to prevent increase t4 43 .was won. several hours ear lier, however, when the house in committee of the whole, refused to postpone consideration or re districting and then voted 198 tr 77 to keep the present maximum. It was after long parliamentary wrangling that the bill was brought before the house itself for 4 final showdown. The 435 amendment finally was agreed to. 267 to 76 and the measure mads ready for the senate. At the start the effort was made r, k i. 5 s literally to knock the bill in th3 trouble, shooting and quarreling ,., b ,tPivinB. out th enactinr among the "black and tans," hav 4ng been going on throughout the evening. "There is evidence that .300 gallons of petrol were taken out of Victoria barracks that , night." the report asserts. ! A summary of the testimony follows, purporting to prove that the burnings and ar&oti and oth?r outlawry were carried out by the Cork crown forces. The report emphasizes that "it was while the military had complete charge and while no civilian.? might he abroad without a permit that the head by striking out the enacting clause. It started a veritable row. After deciding to go ahead with the measure. Representative Bar bour. Republican. California, member or the census committee made himseir heard above the din rn1 prooosed the 435 maximum amendrnent. around which the battle was waged. Other amend ments were offered, one to cut h- membership ' to 307 and an other to raise It to 460. Roth were voted down. After the real Tght had been settled. Representative Tlnkham PARIS. Jan. 19. The minis terial declaration in the chamber cf deputies tomorrow will say that the government will strive to obtain execution of the Ver sailles treaty without recourse to violence, if Germany is dispos ed to disarm and pay reparations. The document will declare that the financial quest ir-n is dominat ed, even conditioned, by the chief problem of reparations due rrcra Germany. While striving to rea lise a vast plan of economy and endeavoring to adjust expenditure to revenue, the government w!ll dt'Vcie its efforts to obtaining rrcm Germany -the execution of the treaty without violence if Germany shows itself disposed to fulfill its engagements. ' Alliance Mut Hold The. declaration will add that the maintenance of alliances seal ed on -the battlefield are essential both as regards Germany and to assure continuity of France's for eign policy, particularly in the east, where Franre will endeavor to maintain her acquired' rights. As regards Russia, the declara tion will say that the French gov ernment, while , permitting the French to trade freely with Rus sia, will not; resume political re lations witn tne soviet govern ment as long as it, abstains from giving guarantee that it is ready to respect the free expression of the will of the Russian people and international engagements of pre ceding Russian governments. The declaration will say that the government intends to carry out the program of reduction in the military i service prepared by the preceding cabinet in agree ment with the highest of military authorities. Touching on the domestic pol icy, the government will declare that voluntary help by a large republican majority is indispens able ir the government is to earry ont speedily the social reforms demanded. I - MEXICO CITY. Jan. 19. Al though the Pan-American federa tion of latnr officially closed it Ellens lat nighr, conferences Mere held today in tho quarters occupied l y the United States del egation which did not leave as was planned, owing to a change in the steamship arrangements. Samuel Gompers met virtually all tht delegates and discussed the labor needs peculiar to several countries an - elaborated on the extensive trade anion campaign which the Pan-Americans have voted to undertake. in Central America. Mr. Gompers said he be lieved the most transcendent thing accomplished was the adoption of the - resolution proposed by the United States delegation dealing wjtb the broad aspects of the trade union movement. -especially as it relates to Central and South Am erica. ' - "I am certain that the conven tion has done much . to cement good relations among the Latins, he said. "I am vain enough to be lieve that the work accomplished by the American Federation In preventing war between the Unit ed States and Mexico would be re peated by the Pan-American Fed eration if ' the occasion ever arises." " - IRISH BUILD UPSfflPPIKG Adventure Provisional Republic Thru Consulai- Serrice is De - veloping Direct Shipping Serrice With U. S. ; BRITISH WOULD HOLD MONOPOLY OF SEAS Destruction Has Amounted tO'Hundreds'of Millions in Ireland ' Safe Breaker Evades Detection Successfully t. Burglars succeeded In getting possession of approximately $600 In silverware. 1100 in cash. $10 in stamps and $10,000 worth cf citv was burned and looted This . Republican. Massachusetts. camA alone. It adds, "is enough to de-jnp with a proposal to reduce cide the authorship of the Hres." ; house seats in the states where The .report continues: "So far I "Agrees are denied the right or from firing on or arresting loot- franchise and the battle sianeu rs and incendiaries, the officers jairesn. ... and soldiers on duty In the cur- After nearly two hours debat. rew Iorrls encouraged the wprk M,,ai : ";urr ls,":'- or plunder and destruction." . wa:.K"v!.,?ed- ,a Aouiucir niauiir ucir.iu over an amendment hy Represen tative Harbour to perfect the bill by providing that the machinery for redisricting in the 11 states which will lose seats after Msrcn AUTOl DEALERS IRE ROUSED Bill for Protection Against Dishonest Garagemen : Resented Proposed legislation that has been introduced by Senator Haro of Washington county, which woald afrord the only protection the motor vehicle ' owner has against greedy and dishonest gar age and automobiie repair shop operators, is said to have aroused i hh mcnopoly." "WASHINGTON, Jaa. 19. THe provisional Irish republic through its consular service Is building ap a large and successful direct shipping service between Ireland and other countries, especially with the United States, the com. mission of the committee or 19 Investigating the Irish qaestion was told today by J. L .FawsitU who said he was the Irish consul general at New Tortc. ; Fortalgbtly Service' Operate A fortnightly service, between New fork and Cork, he said, is in operation asd another service will open soon, between , Boston and Ireland. -, England, he said, was making every etrort to prevent direct shipping with Ireland.. "On Ac count cf her ' large debt to the United States. Great Britain prob ably wilt not take extreme meas ures to embarrass American for eign shipping" he added, although' it has subjected every- ship to search and other indignities. No passenger vessel arc allowed to land in Ireland direct from Am erica. he declared, adding that this was "England's effort to stifle American passenger service that would com pet with the Brit- nual mnmn-iiitiA.:-!. lt..-illffl and (ire insurance policies. eonhtv Mnarim--. I from the Showalter & Jacobs . x. iw., uennts - Relating to circulation of raise statements aoout savings and loan associa tions. S. B. Dennis -Providing I?n.,,nderwr.lUn ritles of building and loan associations. v;P:l0,l,ElU,Provid5ne that nd!f law extend to sheep. -J?- ?- 10. Washington County rlJf?nfr;p.ro'ldin,t tuBds r '8. B.-106.Patteren-T the i dairy and food commissioner nres weights and meas- ' S. D. 107. Bell -Inpre. salary of the state superintendent of schools from S300O to f4onn 8. B. 10?, Bell Increasing the '-r oi me cierK ot the state land board from $2400 to $3000 a year. - - . S. B. 109. Bell Increasing the saiary or the state corporation (Continued on page 4) wholesale grocery on Front street Tuesday night; after breaking in to the wholesale company a sate. With apparent little effort tne burglars 4 forced an entrance through a window in the back of the building. They chiseled oat the combination lock to the enter door of the safe and by the use Of a Jimmy pried open the doer. then chiseling the inner comDin at ion lock again used the Jimmy to flnlsh'the work or sate oreaa- Ing. ' " The work to all appearances is such as would be expected of a master at the art of safe-break- ing. Quietly and systematically the work was carried out, even to the removal of all finger prints. as well as footprints, in order to ifavn no clue. 'And they seem to have been very successful n evading detection, as op ' to the present nothing has been found In 1.t 4n th Irion tit V Of . the i guilty 'persona; Bill Would Extend Commercial Fishing Right The commercial fishing rlstt would be extended about three miles rur'her up the Willamette River towaid Oregon City by a b'll Introduced yesterday by Sen ator Ryan or Clackamas county. I nder present regulations com mercial robins ceases at Oswego. Under the Ryan till It would d extended to the bridge at Oregon City, or a point about 600 teet be low the .fish ladder. Also tne bill changes' the fishing, da'es from the period between -Marcn 15 and May I to the period be tween April 1 and May 10. and from the period between June 15 and November I to the period be tween June 15 and December 1. Formerly the 'commercial fish ing period "extended as far up the river as 300 feet below the fish ladder. , i TOLSTOY MAY LECTURE HERE -. t . ' - i .... ... . . Noted Russian Expected to Come Under Auspices of Rotary Club Count Tolstoy, ron of the fam ous author and philosopher, wltl doubtless be a speaker in Salem under the auspices of the Rotary club, either coming Friday or Monday night. He spoke lat night at Corvallis, and the Salem club is endeavoring to date him here. Count Tolstoy's subject is "The Russia or Today." SALARY RISES ARE ADVOCATED - 4 - ; ' sv Bills Introduced in Senate by Bell of Lone County Following ! the report ot the special cemrfllttee or the 1919 legislature to investigate salaries or itat and county oMcers, riled yesterday. Senator Pell, chair man of the committee, introduce! three salary ;bllls. One or the bills calls ror an in crease in the salary, or the state superintendent ' or schools from $3000 a year to $4000 a year, an other an increase in the salary of 4. 1923. The Harbour plan any f t-nnn 't i?ada . v.p and 111UI17 Hiiiisuiuirn iiiiaiijr were uv feated. As the bill stands, the states whicrt will IQJg representation ere; Missouri.' two seats and In diana, Iowa. Kansas. Kentnckv. Louisiana Maine. Mississippi, Ne braska. Rhode " Islmd and Ver- mrnt. one each. These 12 seats win be shifted to eight states: California gets 3: Michigan 2: Ohio. 2: and Connecticut. New Jersey. North Carolina. Texas and Washington one each. the ire of certain organised automobile-dealers, who will send a lobby to Salem to wage war -on' Mr. Hare's measure. The Hare- bin is directed at any person who presents a bill or other paper known to contain false statements, regardless of whether the paper is signed, and. the tlil would make the bill a false pre pense nnder the law, and punUh ible as such. ; ' , The measure applies particular ly to that class of aatomob'le re pair shop operators who , repair -ars and then include -in the b.'lH Items tor work that has not been lone or attempted to be done. At present the owner of the automo bile has no recourse.' - If he refuses to pay his car Is held until he does pay. and usually Ire pays rather than go to the expense of imitation. Many instances are known In which bills have been presented by repair - shops Including work not asked for by the ear owner. Upon investigation he usually has round that the statement is a fal sification. - In the words ot Sen ator Hare no honest man need fear the bill he has introduced and It would be a very serviceable rlnb.ovre the head of the dis honest repairman. Warfare has xbeen vaxed against Irish shipping by English seaport towns.-h declared. ' Data and figures Intended U show the result ot British econ omic repression in Ireland wen presented by- Fawlstt, who s a ra ined tip the Irish Question as a "Clash between two forms cr civ ilization, the neutralized, capital controlled government, represent ed by Great Britain and a co-operative community system repre sented by the Irish republic." DestrvrtkHi Totals Million "The -Black and Tans." by the destruction ot creameries, dairies, banks and other industries oper ated by the co-operative effort and capital cf the Irish farmers are fighting -the battles of the British trusts. he declared. : "Thus destruction has amount ed to an actual loss ot $5,000,009, bat by crippling a flourishing and growing system, it has caused losses . amounting probably .. to hundreds ot in ill tens." The British parliament, he said, had taken cognizance of the dan ger to "English, trusts' from the Irish Co-operative system and had withheld the Irish development grants. ' . (Continued oa page 4) another increase in the salary of the state corporation commission er from $3000 to $3C.0O a year. Some other salary bills may be Introduced by the committee. An increase for; the attorney general was recommended, from $2600 to $4000. The members or the com mittee are I Senators Hell and Strayer. and Representative Dodd, Wheeler and Haines. None or the lower house members are in the present session or the legislature. NELSON RECOMMENDS SETTLEMENT BY AN IMPARTIAL TRIBUNE TLAGUE IS REPORTED, SAN ANTONIO. Tex,, Jan. 19- A new case or bubonic plague has been reported from Carrltos. San Luis Potosl. Mexico, according to Gasoline Motor Hits Auto, One KMed, 20 Injured LOS ANGELES. Cai Jan. 19. One person was killed an 30 were Injured when a gasoline motor passenger coacn or tne southern Pacific railway crashed into an 1 automobile truck and - trailer at Huntnigton Park, a suburb, to night, according to announcement at the railway offices. Thfr truck and trailer, it was stated, were loaded with gasoline, which exploded when the vehicles came together on a grade cross- ling. The coach toppled over in a Oregon History May Be Taught in Public Schools For the purpose of arranging details providing a means for the teaching of Oregon historv in th nub'le schools of ' this state. Dr. R. C. Clark, h-d of the historv department at University of Ore gon and a reoresentative or a committee from the history teachers section ot the Oregon State Teachers' association, and H: O. Starkweather, of Clacka mas county, representative ot the committee from the Sons and Daughters of-- Oregon Pioneer, were at the state bouse yseterdav. The two men met with J. A. ChunhNl, state superintendent ot public Instruction, and J. H. Ackerman. president ot the Ore gon state normal school. 'A meeting of the Joint commit tees which Dr Clark and Mr. Strakweather reoresent will ba Protection Extended to Surety Companies Senate bill No. .22. Introduced at the special session of 1920. ex tending further protection to surety companies and to persons Interested In estates, was yester day passed unanimously over the veto of Governor Olcott. It had the unanimous endorsement oi the committee on revision of laws. a disnatch from Mexico. Vigorous efforts are beine made by the city .mass of blazing oil. but all the health department to prevent the passengers escaped alive exceptbM in Portland on' Saturday to spread ot the disease, the dls-j Mrs. Willis Faust of Anaheim.! farther details for presenting such patch said. I wife of the engineer. . a bill NEGRO COXFESSES ANNAPOLIS. Md.. Jan. 19. Henry A. Brown, negro, who. ac cording to detectives, confessed today to the murder ot Miss Har riet Kavanaugh. f naval academy nurse, is. a ! prisoner nnder heavy isguard in the brig of the naval training ship Cumberland. The nurse was gilled Friday night, her skull .. being fractured in three places With a lead pipe. That robbery was the only mo tive for the crime is the belief of the Investigators. Recommendation that the mat ter be referred- to arv. impartial tribunal is contained in a formal Itatement made by J C. Nelson, principal of the Salem high fcchool yesterday, with reference to his position in the controversy which aros between the,' Eugene and Salem high schools relative to the severing of relation without giv ing sufiirient cause. In a meeting or the Salem stu dent council Monday morning the entire action or both schools was reviewed and resolutions were passed approving the action taken by Principal Nelson. The statement, which Is signed by Mr. Nelson, follows: Although the latest communi cation from the Eugene high srhdqj is still lacking in the de sired, clearness as to the reason Tor breaking ott relations -with Salem, it is possible to draw the inference that the reason which they intend to forward is the al leged 'insultlnc leur written by me in regard to the -Equals case Last fall. It was necessary for me at that time as a member of the state board -of control to express mysilf with some pofitiveness in retard to the case, and some body's feelings appear to have been deeply lacerated thereby. "Snee th Enpene authorities Intimate that they Intend to make this letter public, it will be well considering whether a private dif- fcrenceor opinion between two school men furnishes a valid rea son ror so momentous a step as a breech ot relations. Must the friendly relations that should ex ist between the papils of these schools be Interrupted and a spirit of hostility aroused merely because someone's feelings have been hurt? The schools exist for the pupils, not for the principals: and if . the latter put their own iicimuii ierjiD(i uciore me in terests of the pupils, wc win have a strange inversion of the true telations that should exist. "I misht add that anything which I wrote to Eugene was in pursuance of my duty as a mem ber of the state athletic associa tion. I am therefore responsible to them for my official actions; and if these .actions were offen sive to any mb-r, the proper nrorednr trould hir hn tnall me to account before the annual meeting of. the association. Tet at the meeting .which took place on December 31. although repre sentatives from Eucene were present, not a word of complaint or protest was tattered and. the resolution- ot approval ot the pol icy of the board ot control was pasd unanimously. "The policy at Eugene se-?ms to be to make this so far as -pos sible a Private matter., and keen 1 1. .ii .i. j .- i. i . - l" luc. the public In the dark as to the -' the TMihlle form its own eonelu sion. In the mentlme It Is worth) (Continued oa page 4) ,V