The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 19, 1921, Page 8, Image 8

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    t -
the onrrcoN statesman, balem: precox.-;
The Story of a Honeymoon r
Motwlrrful lUMaiM- o( Marrir J Ufe W'tmtrrruUj TM
. - auv.i.v: ;ahi:im)N
t.r.i, ,iriiiii ' tint lufrnnf'.'!tiMn to accept muitt of a sarrl
arafHi Air. l'ndrtV en-"fiee from the Dieky-Mrd. h. ;
. i... ti4.H with the -n-niy caiap r ineer.-d.! "Hp's to-i busy t!ti-r-.;
spies beaded by Urac. Drp-r. Ins: about other cnc-rn (
; MIH.-ttt U:d always n.ataial: h! himtt-lt Imnrh aUui home, t-oun-i
that he would protect in at n try or f.iK
. . - . - . .1.?.. I
j the chair apain. pet hi bead 'in
I hi hand. , ,
WHAT ilAltttV fI)KU60l And as I locked -at that .bowed..
DUCI-AUKO AS UK SAiH massive head. t !. black bxir
1 tiQOlMtY. irttrctked much more heavily with
j " i.Ullver now -than J,' had ever wr.
Harry t'uderwood sprang to hls .it. a arc of pity wept over kp
I dnn-l bleieve you.' tie. saiu in'"1 T!"". ", .. - ,nny,aA hu rhir. vhiie the rob I
'-. vr.i i,.... i .
wtw liad plarcd so muih savor
with hf-r I if. and raiae. J'ut th.t,
su order to dr. int. he bad! Involved
hrts-!f in a plot aeaJnst lit coun
try I had always been loath to believe.
: N.w I was convinced, and will
the conviction came an
desire to pare him from the ron-
new- of hi wicked even If
. . : . i ....... i j- t
I I ne .um-i- J irun j in
word pierced the chamber of
heart (it vtlih-h I Mi'tt up &U
my donbts and tear of my has
hjnrt. let out a flood of shamed
grief which overwhelmed me.
,11 tay horror I found that I
luuian l runirui ut- irars in im-
lan that i decent - r.pinlrtn every
j where will condemn Editor Put
nam and hi enial onfpourlns-
j DR. l-OL'ND.
! rominander Capital Post. So. -
on Killing cl C
to thfi . n't h tower. nd yet we
flayed. too..tiit we had a paTed
rxart a!?. It i hard lo brlieir.?
that thi :iud will d tle ho
. ..- . ... :.. . I milt If
11 Ir II llaur J u j t" .
aluoai: ll JS. . ,.mvn.liiicl,t to c-rtin.
I alo uotic that vera! ni Uws relatlii to IbV t
e o!i icnwn mi ou -,r fane. in a.ii recon
walk and ne new on? has' non 'that the law chained t :
Tier.- Ih an oi.portnr- t tti
hoarsely, hut the-3 ai ho rude--app,a to a woiaan m the idea;
tiefalln hia tone., that a man has embarked upon;
"I giv you my word of honor." any dannero'is enUrprise jrool or i
I retiurned quietly. wil. for her juike, la Order , . to j
"Then the Jig
deKpalrlnaly.' and drofpins
l.i op." he aaidjKave her from dauaer: ,
Into that I was ittHtifsd by his-own
Robert W. Chambers'
Startling Story, "THE SHINING BAND
A Drama of Feminine Wiles
Strong in Lore Interest, Thrills, Dramatic Crises
JC V ICLilM cio Ji-i V Ka
Love Armed Conflicts Outdoor Thrills
hair timidly
"Mr. I'nderwood! Please!"
He Marted cp, his face drawn
viih pain, arasped my arm o
fiercely that I winced Inwardly
with ihe hurt, t,
"For GtaVst sake, child." h
wildly cried. "t;o and ret that pa
per aud give it to me!"
i Madpe Breaks Down.
"Tou know I cannot do it, evci
If there is ench a paper as you de-
rcribe." I answered. -Hat won. t
rou try to et ont of this terrible
tntriirue? Yoo hive said some
thine?. Lillian ha hinted
Oh. I cannot say what I wjsn n
sonnd too absurd. If you have
any thought of protecting -me
by involving yourself in this
thing, won't you please believe
that I vrould tar rather j die
have anything happen to mp than
accept such a sacrifice" from you
from any one even Dicky! 1
don't want, to preach, buti don't
you fee that we we doni't be
lone to urselres now but ie cur
country? What happens to each
1 1 one of ui is no matter as long s
f we are true to the flag." j
i My use of Dicky's name was nn
1 fortunate. : although I had only
Uird it for fear that Mr. ITnder
jwood would twist my little speech
sto hiean that I wold affept; noth
ing at hi hands. Hut his wa a
bl4Ck, restless iuock!. ready to
;fc!aze at the slight?! pretext
! "I don' think you need to
'worry mneh ahoa hefwg called
i . ...
i. to..... mllii tir.n vhich rtichMl in mrVMlior Miwain.
II i -.- . ...... ... . ' - . . . .
ejes. I flniig my bands over mju bT read witn muc h interes: i ifcese wallows oi mna u .
tjice. and. turniiiR my head, b'sr-lwhat the-Capital Journal editor-! leaves one is forced to- exeiaim:-.
ld :; face in th- l.acit of mlally says entitled. "The Uonm Hundreds of miles oi pafruirm .
' .... . iL!-k IjmiI. . P
lor rniwren wi.
hi. to the remedy: t'ut out tnet
trees except on the curb, fill aud j
.raln the -soil and establish a
Kepr'-fcntatlve lldknap t-
4 ion yesterday intronr ,
t I'litor Ktatcitiuan:
After a iwrwmal survy of
; FChooI ,iiere in rai in i
tr.Tfc.i ia conclude that there U
mm... ii ii h na i Mn pci I m njir I : I. urn- m ... t . . . i .
...cie.i. lui mtrlect i n? ! iiy to make work during thia waclt jlf aJ th. uv nnw readi'
'school grounds surrour.llng most . f fM of unPmj,ioyment. '
I of the older schools. Atter seeing cronnds. . i
, r;. X. AvicKSTArr. -tmaii riaMjfa A
had h 1
ions repressed tore me.
ii ! - ,
"I'm Mad Alton t You.
ly T
Furniture or whatever you need while we can save you money, while our
regular jprice is much lower than you can get on the same quality of merchan
dise elsewhere. Think what a saving our back-to-normal special price means
to you. Tour ain is our loss.
IteguUr 20 Oak Library Table
' now.-:j; i.. ... : .$16.80
; . atezulat ?25 Oak Library Table
, now $21.30
Regular $30 Oak Library Table
TlOV ,.... 173 .
1tcgUlar.$40 Oak Library Table-
' , IlOW 3nm.j. ..v.........'......:.$3Xo0
llegular $50 Oak Library Table
Library Table
Our showing of Library Tables is ve
Ty complete. We have a full line of Wal
nut, Mahogany, Fumed and Wax Oak Ta
bles, at prices that will please you. J
Regular $65 Mahogany Library , . "
Table now ... -.$o00
Regular $75 Mahogany Desk
Table now .......:.........$58.75
Regular $80 Mahogany Desk
Table ;.4:.,.... .?......$67.50
Regular $96 Mahogany Desk
Table now..: ...... ....,.$75.00
Comforters, Blankets & V ii i
!l ' Oh; chitd. don't do that!" Mr. t
LnderV.ood adjured frantically.
"1 wa.-t a low-down ornery pup to
puli that latit spiel. I don't know
anything about Dicky or where he
is. 1 simply spiiied over witt
craiy jealousy."
He knelt by the side of my
chair, and with the touch of hi
ttron nanas. as gentle as a wo
man s. turned my head toward
him. took my hands from my face.
and thrust into them one of hi
oti tirge. f!ne handkerchiefs.
This sort of thing. don't get
yen anywhere." he said practi
cally, and then as I sat up stiff
ly, in anger at my own weakness
his roiee-and manner took on
a humMhy utterly foreign to my
knowledge . of Harry I'nderwood.
"Or course, iff nothing bnt
mockery for me to ask your i"or
givenes' he said, "but I do want
youj to know that I'm sincere ly
sorry for having caused , you
pain, It's no new to you. proba
bly, that I'm mad about you
have been for aecs Lil saw It
long ago and waen I'm - with
you I'm hardly responsible for
what I aay or do. And I'm Jest
ass enough to belUte that if I bad
met you long ago when we both
were frc i could have made' yon
care, and alo mac'.e you riotous-
What a shame that sucb a l-"-
inctive lut of writing does not
bear its proper title. "The Hearing
of Slacker Heart."
"Patriotism that began' with
the draft and end 4 with the bon
us." is the penalty and stigma he
adroitly would put upon the noer.
who lived and died in mud and
trench t-o years ago when the
country was in peril. All of i
have known since our return that
there is a small element, youns
men mostly, who despise and
loathe the very sight and name of
soldier because there is o mmh
of reproach in the word upon their
own manhood. Few of us had
ever expected to see that venotn
rednced to print.
Opposition to the bonus by
those opposed to it is fair en
ough. The matter U one . of
equity as -we see it. We think
that the. man who got the thirty
a month. Editcr Pntnara talks .of.
and who has bad to elbow his way
back Into some crt of existence
since his return from long months;
of service. Is entitled to a slight
adiuetment. .
Those who do not think to are
at liberty to express thosa
views. More than that it is their j
duty to express them. j
Hut when a petition of the ser-l
vice men for. an equity -claim Is)
made th hnfrfs for victims, veno-j
mnns and un-American attack oo
the men' who wore the uniform l:t !
good turf, or, have par-d court
like in Portland. If pavement
too hlKh for the older
Ecbool buildings, then use crushed j
granite like the railway stations.
One can account for the popu
lar use of high loj boots by th?
boys whu they -e the expanses
of mud about the school houses.
Many years ago whea- I was a
boy we took great pride In going
to school with our. shoes shined
EsUbliihed ltd
Otaer&l Banking Burin ts
Office flours from 10 &. zx to 3 p. o.
. ... .. afMM-MMWMBWWWMWWWMaMtlS-.
IUmne It- f'nue ly Purifying
Your HIoo.
,K,oveVUhaw:, .i'-l-w.M.-t help bell.
picky-Mrd's always had you hyp
notized, always will have, and I've
aways known just where I got off
at with you. which Is exactly no
where. "
"Hut, Lady Fair." he spoke the
name which he had siren me with
such tender solemnity that I was
awed, "you can't keep me from
watching out for you. I suppose
there's a nut .oose somewhere in
my upper iRtory,. but flag and
country come second to yon with
me. You're my flag, country and
religion just now, and I'll fight
for vou till hell freezes over.
t He bent over ma, took my fac
between nil hand-t and looked in
to my eye for a lonc momenta
Then his lips touched my hair, the
merest shadow of a caress, and
the next moment he vras gone.
And as the heaiVy. street dooi
swun? to behind him I shivered
as if 'the sound were the knell of
his p-aesing.
Included in this sale are to be found Mahogany,
Walnut, Fumed Oak and Wax Oak finishes. In
most every style and price you would want. f
Regular $47 JS0 Buffet now.....-..............?U39.75
Hegular $58 Buffet now............. ... ...$170
Regular $63 Buffet now..: ; $52.00
Regular $72 Buffet now.........r...........j5i58.00
Regular $05 Buffet now........... -............$75.00
Regular $125 Buffet now..:.... .... ...... .$99.75
All Dining Room Chairs and Tables Reduced '
I (To be continued)
One of the mo.-t iniporlaot
duties of your- system Is to burn
up certain, substances no longer
of use in your body. One is uric
acid, now' generally held tobe
the cause of rheumatism. It in-'
names the joints, stiffens thi !
muscles, causes pains, ache. And '
U-meness. '
The system is helped to dis- !
poe of this troublesome sub
stance, and rheumatism Is per
manently relieved, by Hood's
Sarsaparilla. the one true blood
purifier. It - is ' aided in many
cases by Hood'a Pills, which in
snall (loses are a gentle laxative.
In larger doses an active cath
artic. A grand course of treat
ment. economical and effective. .
Mies J lanftel
til- r .
' ;'
At the New
Low Price Level
This is a large lot recently purchased on the hew. I: j
price basis. Every garment is of the best grade del!:;
flaimeL They come in attractive patterns, white zil
fancy colors. A bargain at these new low prices;
.$1.49; $1.75 $1.9
Our Prices Always The Lowest
Court and Commercial Sts.
Formerly" Chicago Stcre
in Walnut, Mabog&ny, Birds-Eye Maple, Oak and Ivory Finish.
Regular $22 R. O. Dresser now... ....-. .. .........$17.50
Regular $30 Dull Ash Dresser now.....L. ...... ...$24.50
Regular. $33 Ivory Dresser now.... ....... .1. ............$260
Rgular $42.50 Ivory Dresser now.. ...... ...$34.00
Regular $50 Oak Dresser now.J.;:..J.lIi..$a9.75
Regular $65 Ivory Dresser now-j :,.L ..;:., ;;:.'$52.00
Begular $75 Walnut Dresser now............l$60.6o
Regular $98 Walnut Dresser riow.......$78.50
st 0;S
Sales Representatives Sherman Clay & Co. lianos
trr ' i - wi-wxMw, - "---e ,-'r .' .-" '
Lausanne hall has received Its
first consignment of furniture for
the new parlors. ;
The last coat of Tarnish was
put on the floors eeveral days afcO
and thTooms are now practically
Two?. large very pretty rugs
cover the hardwood floors and a
comfortable upholstered, divan
stands In. front of the beautiful
The chairs and table are of co
lonial style and also suggest com
; The rooms will probably le
ready for use by the end of th'.
week. .; ; ,
The freshman class was callad
together Wednesday noon in
Professor Richard's room for the
purpose of holding a business
meeting and electing a clasj
treasurer. j- .
Frank Delamarter has trery ac
ceptably filled this position until
illness compelled him to learc
school. ..Candidates for this of
fice were William Fox and Ruth
Hill. The latter received the ma
jority of votes.
The chairmen of the various
committees then gave their re
ports. -William Sargent, chair
man of the committee for. writing
of songs and yell stated as no:e
of the songs handed in so lar
were considered worthy of tho
pennant, the committee wished
the time for their writing to be
extended over to a later date.
Lincolniana ,
The Llncolnian Literary society
of Willamette university enter
tained the Pbilodniian Litera.-y
wciety last n'rht in the'Webat??
ian rooms of Waller hall.
, An enjoyable evening wr s
j passed, by I the guet who wer
entertained by the following pro
gram: Stunt llobbfns and Shotwell. .
. Essay Brock.
Reading Millikan.
Debate "Itesolved that ie
f-aternity rystam 1 better than
the dormitory system for col
lege." ' iThe affirmative was upheld by
Miller and Ramstead, while
tiipleruda and Iiaryl argued for
the negative.
Att&hment Bill
: Passed Over Governor
The senate today passed over
the veto of the governor, a bill in
troduced at the 1920 special ses
sion by Senator Moser providing
that attachments may be made
against the property of non-resident
concerns when breach of con
tract Is involved. Senator Eddy,
chairman of the judiciary commit
tee, explained that the measure
had been , vetoed l y the "governor
on the ground that it was not an
emergency measure and Its Intro-i
duction at the special session no
w arranted. Senator Eddy com
mended the bill. Moser said H
had been introduced - at the re
quest of several Portland business
men. The rote fcr the measure
was unanimous.
1 ; ' ' . .
In Which to Take Advantage of Our
aeuary Cl.
These are our daily prices; not specialsyet 'cdmpared others these
are Super-specials
Itt jiistieo to yourself we ask you to come and see our
display of wau ted merchandise at the Peoples (ash
Store Prices. ' '
42-ineli Plaids; in very pleasing colors
and designs; the yard.' ...J
: -inch all Sim1 Tricot inc; in many color;
the yard i .'
52-inch all Wool Dress (iomh; in' the very
latent patterns; thA yard 1
36-inch Cotton Plaids ; very suitable for
Children's wash dresses; the yard..
All Wool Ottoman Cloth; these eome in'
many. wanted colors and with; thi yard, up
Uioice Spring oiJcs, 40 inches wide; thoery
:; appropriate dcsiRiis; the yard...1 ' .. DDC
Jterkely o. CO; theard;
Clearance Special at. .......... J
Ifop Jluslhi; seven vatds
for I
LadieVi Flannelette (Jowns;
special at
Ladies' Flannelette downs; "
outsize ; m - '
Silk Thread Hose; "V:"j .
the pair
Although for three weeks we have challenged all the
regular Mores to give better value for like quality, tve
still do a tremendous business on suits and overcoats.
net-Yours Today!-.
Blue Work Shirts; each. ..... .55c
Canvas fleece-lined Gloves pair 10c
Dress Shirts . $1.65
Haines Union Suits. .. ... . . . :.$1.49
25 per cent discount oh all pants
Wool Mackinaws, from . . . . . : $70
Men's $25. 00 Suits for. . . . . . .$1330
Men's $35 Suits, for $15J0 & $16 JO
Men's $25 Overcoats at... . .$1650
DONT FORGET every article
is reduced In our Grocery de
partment. Just a few prices:
Victory. .Flour; good family flour! $1.93
Warranted' Hardwheat Flour; our own hratid. . . .$2 19
1 0 . lbs." , Bice ...:....... 15c
Funey Gunpowder Tea; reg. value 65e Vat the in. ".".30c
Kn?rlish Breakfast Tea; value 50e; !now at.". . : . . ..29c
lVaherrj' Coffee; 40er value, for the lb...;.... ..29c
Cooking Oif; xer gal. ............. 4 .-..."$1.49