The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 19, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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M)t WtQon Statesman
Uiufd Dally Kxcept Monday by
f 216 8. Commercial St., Saleni, Oregon
(Portland Office. 704 Spalding Building. Phone Main 1116)
- The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for repub
lication of all news dispatches eredlted to It or not otherwise credited
la this paper and alio tbe local news published herein.
ft. J. Hendricks....;,
Stephen A. Stone........ '. ..
Ralntr Olover . . . ,
Fran Jaskoaki.
. . .Mauser
. ..Managing Editor
.Manager Job Dept.
DAILY. STATESMAN, sorted by carrier In Salem and suburbs, li
cents a week. 6 cents a month.
DAILY STATESMAN, by nail. In advance, $ a year. $3 for sli
' .months, 11.60 for three months, in Marion and Polk counties:
I? a year. 13-60 for aix months. $1.7S for three months, out-
side of these counties. When not paid In advance, 60 cenu a
year additional.
THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD, the great western weekly farm paper,
.. wl. be rent a year to any one paying a year In advance to the
Dally Statesman. 4
SUNDAY STATESMAN. 11.60 a year; 75 cents for six months; 40
cents for three months. -WEEKLY
STATESMAN. Issued In two six-page sections. Tuesdays
r and Fridays. $1 a year (If not paid In advance, 11.26); 60 cenu
for six months; 26 cents for three months.
They will coon be hunting 'en.
with dogs.
The local building and loan as
sociation In growing fi and a
it grows iso prows Salem. j.
Lord Jtotbermere, admitting It
to be "a bitter pill." declares that
"no nation henceforth will enjoy
natal supremacy." If this is tho
case it is time to consider revis
ing International maritime law.
which i based on liritish natal
rupremacy. When this Is done
it will matter much le.s
power has the biggest naty.
Business Office, 23.
Circulation Department, CIS.
Job Department, 663.
Society Editor 106.
Entered at the Postofflce In Salem. Oregon, aa second class matter.
An additional issue of a million and a half of dollars in
stock is, now being sold by the King's Food Products Com
pany, and offerings are being made to the people of all the
cities up and down the Pacific Coast
And perhaps of the East, too.
" , The Statesman is not in touch with the intimate pro
gram of the concern, the Dundas-Martin Company, which has
undertaken this 'stock sale: but it has an office in Salem, in
the Oregon building, and offerings are being made here
pjid the writer understands that the idea is to hurry the mat
ter, and close out the present offerings in a short period of
time -;- '.
H i And The Statesman does know something about the
process of dehydration, and the writer believes it is the
biggest thing in the world in food conservation
; a And the process used by the King's Food Products Corn
pany, covered by some thirty patents, is more nearly per
fect than any other. ".
If. Is s far from the tAA nrocess of merelv drvincr food
products as the science of astronomy is from the ideas of
me ancients wno Knew me sun went eacn iweniy-iour nours
around the earth because they saw it; or thought they did.
v -Dehydration means the taking out of the water
juut tne denyarauon oy the Kinsrs process means a
great deal more. It means taking out the water in such
ivays as to leave all the original flavor of the fruits and veg
etables; all the original color; all the food cells; all the orig
inal value in every particular
y . : And thee consumer, any where, any time, merely puts
back the water; ahd the original qualities are all there, un
impaired; . It transfers ur sunshine and rain and ourf rich
toil to the farthest corners of the earth; heat does not af
fect it, neither does cold. " ,
1 A It Is a home Industry to the Nth degree
o buy the nails for the outside shipping boxes . ' i
11 "'All the money excentinir the Drofits of the corrroan v. to
be distributed in dividends. ,
There is no freight to pay on cans from the factories and
backy on. the boxes containing the cans; on the water; on
the 'sugar both ways -
, - And, in due course, billions (yes, billions), will be saved
to the people of the United States on freight alone, on the
food products that will be dehydrated under this process.
; And the headquarters are in Salem, Oregon, and already
, the biggest dehydration plant, which is to be trebled in ca
pacity this year, and to which is to be added this year a
cold storage plant, In order to admit of operation the whole
year tnrougn.
Even those who irs experts In
wireless can appreciate the, fact
that the new' station at Sainte
Assbti, Prance, is to hare 16 steel
towers 820 feet high. While the
Lafayette station which jj th e
French have taken over has a
working radius of but 4 500 miles
and cannot ordinarily talk with
Argentina, the new station! will
reach easily all parts of the
world. ,
K, Martens of the" Lenlne regime!
hurried over to enjoy a like hov I
pltality. - liat he came too late.
He certainly ban ' a legitimate
grouch at Wing banirhed ; with
cut a darned cent after whit he
had ben led to believe was our
pleatsnt custom. That Is ' the
trouble with us American, w
are so extreme.
The local building and loan as
sociation Is taking in now over
1 1000 a w?ek. and each new loan
made and each new share of stock
sold swells the volume of money
to be passed on for the building
ot more' new homes in Salem.
There are about ten new houses
going up all the time now, with
money being famished by this
association; and the applications
for money for more new homes
s re about six weeks ahead of the
upply. So doubt at the end of
six weeks, the present applica
tions having been provided for.
there will be a lar;;e enough
batch or additional applications
to put the demand still six weeks
ahead of the supply; perhaps
longer, with the opening of spring.
The thing to, do is to just keep
on keeping on, and. If there Is
sufficiently vigorous work on the
part of the force telling shares,
perhaps th9 supply will eventu
ally catch up with the demand.
It should. . The money is here,
and every man, woman and child
in Salem Is a possible stockhold
er. And It is a splendid invest
ment.- Tbe association has never
bad a foreclosure, and there are
no delinquents. It is as solid as
GIbralter; or as the government,
and the stock is a better invest
ment than, government bonds;
or Canadian bonds, or any other
kind ot bonds. .
Trince Itupprecht cf Havarla
now tells an American interview.
r that be was always vigorously
oppored to lh war; that he did
tot want to fight the English or
Americans and that the sinking
of the Lusitania was an inexcus
able crlni. He was also always
opposed . to submarine warfare
and the bombing of cities from
above. Measured by all this the
prince was the sort of a bird1 one
might find mixed up in a' nice
quiet checker game. What was
he doing In the German trenches
with a firecracker in his hand?
This all means a tremendous industry for Salem." and
extending ,to the farms and. gardens around Salem, where
the fruits and vegetables will be grown. .
' It will mean the employment of thousands of people
And it will mean the drawing here from every quarter of
the globe; of millions of dollars annually new money each
year for our products to be expended here.
. It is the biggest thing in the world in food conservation,
and it is "the prospectively the biggest thing in Salem in
money brought here; and this is said in the face of the
fact that we have many other big things, already here and
in the making, and in prospect.
i . Believing all the above, does the reader wonder that the
Writer is. enthusiastic over dehvdratinn? '
; Vat is i no dry subject it is the juicest thing that ever
wjnc mj flaiera; ana mis cuy is more than fortunate in be
ing chosen the dehydration headquarters for the world
For, remember, that there is only one true dehydration
Of commerce, and its name is King's.
; A "Kansas directory publisher
figured on being Interested In literature-
In the life beyond. - Be
fore his death he paid his sub
scription to bis dally newspaper
for 20 years la advance and pro
vided that It he delivered regu
larly at his grave every morning.
If the wireless is working he
does -not propose to be surprised
by Gabriel If he can help It. Any
how.' havlne . a
; - t : "
j handy beats wasting, time over a
oulja board.
' .Tell about corn. That Is tho
Salem slogan "subjtct -for tomor
row, i
i Yes brother, It Is a good idea
to reform the. reform schools. A
cottage , system , there will not
make it a home, nor a good sub-
. .....
uiuie ior xne ngnt kind or a
home but It will maks It a bet
ter Imitation of a 'home than a
goody proportion of the boys hare
ever seen more s the pity.
There is not a single Democrat
in the new Michigan legislature.
ill :-' h a j Br; .- .I
i ft
XHAT has Life Insurance to do with
. v r i
thrift, maybe you ask? Well, it
means, providing .protection for those
near . and dear to you, even after you
are gone. It is the safest and most un
selfish investment in the world. It
makes estates where none existed before.-
' - .
en before yoa open that bank account
the United States National, rarrv n
much Life Insurance as you can afford.
When sugar was selling at 2S
cents a pound In the UniteJ
3tates fortunes were made over
night in Cuba and general pros
perity was sky high. At that
time the Cuban minister In this
country told us that prosperity
was not turning Cuban heads,
that there was no wild wave of
extravagance as existed In this
country and that savings accounts
were swelling tti bank deposits.
We were very much Impressed
at the time with Cubans sagacity
and, cn th authority of their
minister, held them up as ex
amples of wisdom, foresight and
I Jut now It appears that Cubans
were just human, after allJ
When tbe price of sugar
slumped the cane mills closed
and Cuba went broke, and now
they are indulging In an economic
and financial panic for all the
world like ordinary mortals. And
:t looks as If the foolih, extrav
agant, wasteful United States will
have to step in to the rescue, after
Chuphun Gilbert Attends Jft
American Legion Meeting
Chaplain William S. Gilbert of
Astoria, returned to Bis home
yesterday, after attending an ex
ecutive committee meeting of the
Salem branch of the American l
glon. held Monday night, to con
sider tbe bonu question.
At this meeting a committee
wss appointed to name an attor
ney to prepare two bills to be
presented at the present session
of the legislature, the ' first ' to
provide each man fifteen dollars
for the time be was actively in.
jervice. same to be refunded to)
Oregon should the federal bonus!
be granted.
The second bill would provide,
a loan- fund, through which the I
ex-service men would be financ-
ed for purchase of farms 'and
homes at a low rate of interest
and on the easy payment plan.
Chaplain Gilbert is at present
chaplain for the Fifth Oregon
Infantry- During the war he
filled the same position with the
162nd Infantry in France.
With King Constantine's re
turn to the throne of . Greece
comes an; announcement . of the
ci cation of twenty new generals.
This might be called a general
announcement. With a score of
fresh generals and 200 new col
onels Constantine makes the dove
of .peace Jook like a. deaf, aid
dnmb eanarv - -
President Harding- olficial
plurality was 7.001.7S, which of
Itself was more votes than any
Democratlcj candidate had ever
received up to the time of Wil
son. The plurality In Illinois
alone was more than the entire
Debs vote of the country, so that
there Is no warrant for worry
over any Socialist strength.
We are a hospitable nation. It
appears that ' since 1917 the
United States has been support
ing "Ambassador" Doris Bakhme
teff, who came over from Russia
.n the first flush of tjae Kerensky
regime and opened the most ex
pensive embassy building . In
Washingtonon -money borrowed
from this country. The treasury
reports that we advanced the Ker
ensky government S32S.000.000'
In the brief heyday of its glory-
of which $187,729,759 has been
spent to 'date. V "
There Is something rather pa
thetic about this hasty and gen
erous recognition of the Kerensky
regime by the Democratic admin
istration. Oh, they just had , money to
burn at that time and who are
we that we should begrudge such
hospitality on our behalf?
And no wonder Ludwig C. A.
3wry 19 tad -A W4med.y a
Tkr4y AbbmI iaatitet T.. W. C. A.
Jaanary 20 tad 21. Taarafey ad frt
ar Batkatbalt, WiUaamta aa. C at O.
at Salvia.
Jaaaair 28. Trid? TrUarl latar
acaolaatie debate. SaWna. btartoa aaJ
Ore rn City hig aebaola eaaipe'tiag.
'..'"VI? ? 30 Ialaratata rearaa
llon af T. II. C. A. tn Salem.
Fearaary 3. Taarada Daraa day.
shew and sal, alata (air gTaaada.
. , braary 12. Satarday Liaeola't
Febraary 14, aToadar Ba.kethall
Willameua a Uaiaarsity at Idaba, at
February IS aad IS, Taeaday aad
wtJiniit n..k.(V.n V:m ....
Waitaiaa. at Walla WaUa.
reoraary it. TMiraday BaasartalT,
at WaUa Walla.
rebraary IS aad 1. Friday sad Sat-
nri.v R..ww.if Witt . .
aaira. at Sponaea.
17 K . T.mSr Basketball
Witlaaactta . Idaaa. at Salaa.
Fabraary 24 aad 15. Tharaday aad IH-
yr.1,k,wl WaUawtte ru Wkitaaa
a: Salra i
5lw"'vh,? ,a..S' WIit aad SaraTday
BaakctUll, Wjllamatta vs. V. at at
A nn I it Vvljf.te t . . .V tf Tr-r. ...
j- uB.cui, nuiiaciif
l P.I O, at Ealeaa.
April IS, BatardayBaMball. Winaa
rttj v. r. , o at Enceaa.
May 8 17 aBd 2 BaaahaH. WillajB-
Wkimaa. at Walla WaUa.
"T'0,,rr :.. arday (taataUae)
CorraUia. - -
Vfc.ll Friday (teatatlTt)
fwTn. w.n; " """"" "
I Haratabar 24. Tkaraday taattla)
'TkaakaririBC day faatbtU. WUlamatU
vs. itsitaeBkaK at Sslaa.
Flax pen. get busy;
" And hemp men, yoiT also;
The Uriff hearings . of the
house ways and means committee,
of which Congressman Hawley Is
a member, will reach flax and
hemp on the 27th and 28th.
. Mrs. W. P. Lord will be there.
She Is In Baltimore now. at 11
North Calhoun street. Write her.
or wire her, what you know about
the necessity of a protective duty
on flax and hemp and their man
ufactures.! Or write or wire your
congressman, or any congressman
you know. . -
The Salem district Is oa th 3
eve of a great flax, and hemp de
velopment. It means millions
annually.. There must be tar:f
protection. There will be. if the
matter is presented intelligently.
Do your share.
Tell the Salem slogan editor
about corn. And read about corn
in The Statesman of tomorrow. It
Is a live subject. We must raise
more and better corn. if will
mean more cows, more poultry,
more hogs, more fat stock, and a
thousand other good things for
this district
The Welcome Edition of The
Statesman will be out Friday. If
ll the matter can be assembled.
If not, ilt will be out Tuesday.
You will want a number of cop
ies to send east. Better order
them In advance.
fVoruf Panes Bill to
Classify Counties
One bill passed in the house
yesterday provides for the classi
fication of counties with reference
to undertaking! of county treas
urers. The bill provides for the
establishment of six classes based
upon the assessed valuation of
the counties. Counties having an
assessed valuation ot $100,000,
000 or more comprise class 1;
150,000.000 or less than $100.
000, class 2; $30,000,000 or les
than $50,000,000. class 3.' $10.
000,000 or less than $30,000,000,
class 4; $5,000,000 or less than
$10,000,000, class 6: lees than
$5,000,000. class .
Harvey Wells of Multnomah Is
author of the bill.
Read tte Clanificd Adi.
Immigrants are pouring into!
the United Slates by every ship.
Why don't they' alight in Nevada,
which is a big empty state, with
but 77.407 population by the last
census and two United States senators.
Starting Thursday
Tom Mix
; . in
The Texan
1 ,
Retail and Wholesale Distributors
By Direct Shipping from Factory without paying Jobbers Profit we
BRANDS of indifferent age. - ; ?
- - r
1 '
Mah Friend"
e r i
It takes fine wheat to make fine flour.
Only the choicest eastern hard
wheat and the choicest of west
ern wheats are used in the man-V;;'
ufacture of Elend Flour. ;
Science has given us the mechanism with
whicji wheat may be tested. Our wheat
is tested in the fields; again before it enters our
mill, and before turning it into flour there is a
final test in our own laboratories. j
That's why we are safe in saying to the house
wife that Fisher's Blend Flour is always uniform
in quality, it can't be otherwise. -
" 1assEaBssaaBni t mammmimmummmm
XtiW--TMtI fa "Amnt'i Finen Flonrfrf MJJ."
. Once you Inow ih FiJ
v quahry in pj
yo-iH want to try FaWi RulJ
. CVuj. f uW, Toncakt r lour ,nj
FishcSt qranulited Wheat Bcniet.
Your JaICT turpjy you
; tlaJIy.
- a