The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 16, 1921, Page 9, Image 9

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Societyt General News and Classified
ffa .2?ns : : : : ; i . . ,
STARTING out gloriously, in a Hare of golden sunlight the first
week of legislature has run itself out "like a long life to a bit
ter end." coming to sudden halt In a grey drizzle of valley mist
With a purely feminine desire to look her best
visiting legislators, the Jittle city roused herself unusually eary Monr
day morning, powdered her nose with the softest of' frost powders.'
smoothed her varl-colored dress carefully and waited expectantly
for the compliments she felt were her due. It may be that the law
makers, being law-makers, have lost all the sense of appreciation of
feminine charms that they were originally endowed with.; It may
also be that the seriousness of their duties sat more heavily than
usual upon their shoulders; whatever the reason of their preoccupa
tion the little citjr took" It to heart and after a second attempt to
elicit compliments, closed. her powder box with a decided click, cov
ered her pretty gown with a more serviceable raincoat, and has re
fused stubbornly to do anything further, atmospherically speaking,
for her visitors. v
' . So it Is altogether probable that when those legislators who have
been away tor the past lew days, return tomorrow, they will find a
rather subdued young hostess to welcome tbem. For there is really
no, excuse for even a man to display such stupidity, and perhaps bx
the time the next legislature convenes, they will have learned a few
ct the essentials of keeping on the good weather side of a tempera
mental Capital City.
-r'" 00 KING at the week from a social viewpoint, It seems to have
1 j been more successful. There was. the first of the week, the
i Monday, Night Dancing party, ah affair that naturally called for
pretty frocks. high heeled slippers and modish coiffures. Tuesday
night the Apollo club held the center of the social stage with the spot
light turned chiefly upon Cecil Fanning, singer and poet. Friday
afternoon matron and maid gathered at the Henry W. Meyers home
to attend the tea given In honor of Mrs. Frank Snedecor, who leaves
for an extended eastern visit, and Mrs. F. M. Jordan, ol Seattle, a
house guest of .Mrs. Meyers. . '
Minor social activities have held the attention of Capital City
folk' during the week, and although the past seven days have not
come, up to the standard of the pre-holiday season, they have been
pleasantly taken np with 'small affairs and have afforded Salem hos
tesses an opportunity of resting from the New Tear whirl. , ',
THE appearance in the city -this
week otiCecil Fanning and
his, accompanist,; B.. Tur-J
sin, iurnisnea noi oniy una ui
the stellar musical attractions of
the year, but also one of the
pleasaotest social affairs as well,
for the reception at the home of
Mr.'ahd MnC William" McGilch
rlst J,Jo bis honor, 'which fol
lowed.; the. Apollo club concert at
the armory Tuesday night, wbilo
quite informal, was all the' more
delightful for that-r " "f -
rr Kearry;7a;adm1rerf:of; the art
ists. Including Apollo club mem
Jhers, their wives and friends.
I called. to express, their, enjoyment
1 of the program and this oppor
tunity of meeting the celebrities.
i Assisting during the evening were
' Mrs. W. Everett-Anderson, mana
I ger of the Salem -musical bureau,
i Mrs1. Walter Jenks. ..wife of the
,1 president or," fe Apollo club;
1 Mrs. It. S. Geer.'.Mrs. Merlin Har
; jfting. Miss ' Merle Dlmlck. Mrs.
h William 4 MeGilchrlstr. Sr. -
Those who met Mr. Fanning in
jtbls way found his personality
equally, charming off the stage
as on.' 'T ; t ' - A " "v
'I- Unpretentious decorations were
; usecr. ine serring wuie mo
Hininrr rnnm wit - centered with
I narcissi." Paid " pink carnations
were in the living room, potted
ferns being used to perfect the
j simple arrangement.
f 'Mrs.1 T. M. Jordan of Seattle,
i an arrival in the city of Thurs-
s - v
New Hats
Call and we.'' the new
(Satin, Flower audi Cello
phane braid hats for ear
ly tpriag wearv 1
' These shipments are ar
riving twice each wcekj
thus keeping our stock
absolutely- ahreast of the
trend pi .iuilUner fash
ion. - : - . -
: The
French Shop
j, M. Bnffc Morrison
113 N. HIGH ST.
day. and Mrs. Frank Snedecor, ,
who departed for an extended
southern, and eastern trip Satur
day, were the Inspiration for the
charming tea which Mrs. Henry
V. Meyers gave Friday afternoon
at her home on North Summer
Throughout the ' calling hours
matrons and .maids thronged tha
rooms and forming a receiving
line to" greet thein were Mrs. Mey
ers. Mrs. Jordan: Mrs. Snedecor
and Mrs.R. TV Boise. ; ' ;
i;Thj8,recfptIon rooms were dark
ened and transformed Into bow
ers of floral loveliness as a set
ting , tor , the .afiair. In the re-.
ception hal and spacious living
room mauve cnrysantnemunis
were effectively; combined with
pussy willow, and the greenery of
Oregon grape, rose-shaded lights i
furnishing a warm ana suDauea
glow. , -
The dining room displayed , a
yellow color motif. Yellow and
white narcissi, embedded in feath
ery asparagus fern, centered the
tea table, and pussy willow again
was utilized in the decorative
schemer Furnishing a distinctlve
and artistic touch was the. light
ing of the room by yellow can
dles in crystal sticks.
5 Stationed at the nrns were Mrs.
Ben W. Olcott and Mrs. George
F. Kodgers. Assisting them in
serving were Mrs. W. Connetl Dy
er, Mrs. Frank Spears, Miss Mar
garet IRodgers and Miss Eliza
Nolan. V- ,i , . -
Assistants .1 throughout the
rooms were Mrs. Oswald West of
Portland, . Mrs. , T. C. Smith Jr.,
Mrs. ffohn McXary; Miss Edna
Sterling and Miss Margaret Cos
per. 'J :i. -iy- , t;1
About 90 invitations were Is
sued Jor the tea. Both honorees
have a large coterie of friends in
the Capital city, gained through
Mrs.' Snedecor's brief residence
here, and through Mrs. Jordan s
frequent visits as Mrs. Meyer's
guest. Mrs.' Jordan' is remain
ing for a fortnight and other so
cial compliments will undoubt
edly mark her . stay, bef arrival
always being the signal lor con
siderable 'entertaining. , .-
' ' ' ; . ' "' . -''-
Mrs. Oswald West and small
daughter Jeanne came up from
Portland Thursday to remain
over until today as the guests of
Mrs, West's sister, Mrs. Ben W.
r In keeping with a resolution
made at the La Grande conven
tion 'of Woman's clubs,, that the
Oregon Federation of Woman's
clubs adopt the last Wednesday
of January as scholarship loan
tund day, when every club In the
slate Is asked to do something to
Increase the fund which is being
loaned to young women to assist
in their' education, the members
of the Salem Woman's club are
preparing' to observe Wednesday,
January 26. as such. Mrs. Wil
liam H., Burghardt Jr., is chair
man for the day.
s ,. ,
Mrs. Ernest Hyland of Eugene
was a mid-week visitor In Salem,
being entertained as the guest or
Mrs. Ralph Cochran.
" Miss Ellen Thlelsen is enter
taining as her week-end house
guest Miss Heln Whitney of
I , , ,
Accompanist For Apollo Club
... , ... . . . s
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also carries a course at Willam
ttte university, and is recognized
as an earnest, enthusiastic musi
cal student, who will undoubted
ly accomplish the end she is
MISS RUTH BEDFORD, who, as the piano accompanist '
for the ApollouCJub, gave the most efficient support,
at the club's, initial concert for the season, at the Armory
Tuesday night. Miss Bedford was complimented oil her
work by both the club's soloist, Cecil Fanning, and his
accoinpanist, IlrB. Turpin." 'Photo by Gunnell & Robb.
. ' : v '4 - A
. ' ' . . . . -.
' , ' Hemstitching 10c per yard :
Eoom 10, McCornack Bldg. ;; Phone 117. Salem, Ore.
Portland, Miss Whitney Is .a
charming girl and has frequently
been entertained in, Salem by Miss
Thielsen' and 'la in consequence
very popular in younger social
circles here.
Mrs. Armin Stelner was among
the Salem folk who went to Port
land last week to attend the auto
mobile show.
."': .-:
(Miss Glenna Halwock is visit
ing relatjves In. Salem. She is
on her way from. Portland to
San Francisco where her father,
C. D. Jlahcock, Is secretary of th3
Insurance: Brokers - exchange of
ban Francisco. The Babcock
family .was formerly! prominent
In official and social circles of
Salem. Mr. Babcock's first work
on this coast was as city editor
of The Statesman.
. &
The beauty of the decorations
marked the January session of
the Monday Night Dancing club
teld in the Moose hall the first
of the week.. The decorating
committee was headed by Mr. and
Mrs., Wl M. Hamilton and in
cluded Mr. and 'Mrs. Arthur S.
Benson. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bu
sick, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Compton,
Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Downs, Mr.
and Mrs. S.,E. -Edwards, Mr. and
Mrs. L. "S. ' Geer. and Mr. and
Mrs. Merlin Harding.
The big room was transformed i
into a woodland scene by the use
of ' myriad small evergreen trees
nd boughs which flanked th9
sides of . the room with vari-colored
Japanese lanterns arranged
at Intervals for illumination. The
larger globes' overhead were sub
dued, with realistic bitter-sweet
glooms. Pussy willow and cat
tails added to the outdoor ef
fect. Miss Martha Powell, pret
tily f rocked and wearing a quaint
garden ,hat, presided at the punch
bowl.,"- -7 v" : : -. ,"
A number of outside persons
were Included in the Invitational
list, among whom were Major ahd
Mrs. Cassius R. Pock of Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. RiKgs. Mr. and
Mrs. V, E. Kuhn. Mr. and Mrs.
Homer Smith, Miss Creia (Win
ger. Kllza .Nolan, miss avs
Miller. Miss .Helen. Ballard and
James Crawford. '
Several supper parties "followed
the affair at, the homos of vari
ous club '"members. Mr. and Mrs.
D. J. McKinnon entertained with
12 rovers, complimentary to Ma j.
and Mrs. Peck, additional guests
being Mr. and Mrs. WUUiain.M.
Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs". Roy II.
Mills. Mr. and Mrs. William T.
Nell, Mr- and Mrs. Merlin Hard
ing. Effective decorations were
combined pussy willows and red ionH.
. Mr. and Mrs. L. S. Geerjwyre
also, supper . hosts, laying covers
for, ten. A pink decora Hte motif
was perfected with a floral crn
terpiere and minor appointments
! in 'this eolor. '-Their guest? wrre
'Mr. and Mrs. Z. J. RlggsMrrand
Mrs. Ralph Glover, Dn and Mrs.
W. H. Darby, Dr. and Mrs. Armin
Steiner. " " '
Still another similar affair wal
the one over which Mr. and Mrs.
C. B. Webb presided as hosts.
Pink carnations, candles and ad
ditional decorative details em
phasized the pink color motif.
Clovers Iwehe flaid for Mr. and
Mrs. Homer Smith, Mr. and Mre.
W. T. Grier, Dr. and Mrs. Gro-
ver Bellinger, Dr. and Mrs. Ches
ter Downs, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Johnson, and the hosts.. " . . .
Previous to the dance Mrs. Wa'
ter Spauldin&' entertained with a
small dinner of eight covers for
her house guest Mrs. Forrest M.
Gist of Tillamook. Table decor
ations were carried out in yellow
and green, covers being laid for
Mrs. Gist, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Mills, Mr. and Mrs. Bliss Darby,
Oliver Myers and Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick II
Thompson arranged covers for
six at a beautifully-appointed din
ner preceding the dance. A &1lt
art basket, filled with pink eye'a-
man and the handle topped with
a fluffy bow of pink matlne, cen
tered the table. Candles, favors
and place cards were also In pink
Covers were laid for Dr. and Mm.
Grover Bellinger. Dr. and Mrs
Chester Downs and the .hosts.. -
Dr. and Mrs. Chester A. Downs
are entertaining with a small
dinner tonight for the pleasure of
Mr. and Mrs. W. T: Neill. who ar
leaving shortly for Portland ' to
leside. Covers will be laid for
Two of the most appreciative
artists who have appeared in Sa
lem in a long time were Cecil
Fanning and his accompanist. B.
II. Turpin, who appeared in con
cert with the Apollo club Tues
day evening. In line-for unstint
ed praise at their hands was Miss
Ruth Bedford, who acted as ac
companist' for the club. Coming
as it did from Mr. Turpin. himself
a pianist of the first rank, the
compliment which he paid Mi3s
Bedford was especially valued.
Mr. Turpin. who was lu-IUnJ
ihc- scene during tbv numbers by
tlu clnb. stated that every tone
carried clear and clean-ct to
him. He noted the sympathetic
quality of her work. which 'he
pronounced all In all most not
able In ono of her years, her sup
port, in his opinion, being espe
cially splendid. '. - "
This whs th first time that
the club has depended on the
piano , alone for accompaniment,
but it lsto Miss Bedford's credit
that the additional instruments
of other yoars were not missod.
M ins Bedford has appoa red ; on
many Important programs this
season, and has filled all her en
gagements -with success. She has
served aa accompanist tor a num
ber of professional singers, and
ts- the-regtilar organist" at the
, Leslie" Methodist church.. "Sho,
.... -
i strivinc for that nf a nrnrinn
ai accompanist.
Adjt. Gen. and Mrs. George A.
.White weht to Portland during
the mid-week for a brief sojourn.
The first of February will wit
ness the departure of Mr. and
Mrs4. Will T. Neill for Portland
where they will take up their
lesidence alter almost four year's
residence in Salem.. During this
time they have gathered about
them a large group of close
friends wha are extremely regret
ful over the matter of their re
moval to Portland. .
During the first part or their
sojourn in the , Capital city Mr.
Neill was identified with the pub
lic service commission of the
state, and It was this connection
that brought the family to Salem.
Matters of business are likewise
taking them from the city.
Their residence at the corner
of Cottage and Chemeketa streets
has been sold, the new bvnm
being Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Twee-!
dale, who will make it their noma
upon the removal of the Neills.
Mrs. Neill will be the Inspira
tion for a number of Arfaird pre
vious to her departure, be first
to. compliment her to be Mrs. H.
A. Cornoyer and Mrs. J. D. Mc
Kinnon. who will entertain with
a bridge luncheon at the resi
dence of the former next Wed
nesday afternoon. Lcter In the
Meek Mrs. Roy Mills will be a
bosress in ber "honor, contributing
an evening of cards.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Hughes
accompanied by Mrs. A. N. Bush
v motored to ."Portland Friday mor
ning to spend a brief period with
The attractiveness of the dec
orations marked the dianer which
Mrs. w Everett Anderson gave
Wednesday night In celebration
of her birthday. Brass candlebra
centered the board, bearing can
dles in green, pink and vellow
Accacia, daffodills and narcissi.
In receptacles at either end of the
rauie, lurnisned floral ornamen
tation. Covers were " Dlaced ' for
Mrs. U. G. Sh;p:ey will begin
series of afternoon affair to
morrow when she entertains with
six tables of bridge, complimen
tary to her sister, Mrs. J. W
Beveridge, and Mrs. A. A'. Court
ney of Portland and Mrs. J. E
Law. a quite recent acquisition
to fealem.
The out-of-town guests' arrived
yesterday and are belns enter
tained over' the week-end by Mrs,
bmpiey and Mrs. Law,
part of the evening beiny given
over to witnessing "Idols of Clay j
at the Grand theater. A banquet
followed at the rose room of The
Spa. A delightful surprise detail
was the decorations for the sev
eral small tables which were car
ried out in tha chapter colors of
yellow and white, daffodils and
narcissi furnishing the floral mo
tif. This was the first affair to be
given by the husbands of mem
bers and in a way was punned
as a return compliment for vari
ous joint social evenings which
the club members have sponsored.
It is quite probable that others
will follow during the winter.
The committee litharte was com
posed of Dr. II. C. EjJey. W. W.
Moore. J. B. Littler. P. J. Kuntz.
end G..W. Laflar. Toasts were in
order during! the luncheon.' Dr.
Kpley acting as toastmaster. t
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. B. J. Miles. Dr. and Mrs.
E. E. Fisher. Dr. and Mrs. W. II.
Byrd, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Moore,
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Godfrey, Mr.
and Mrs. W. M. Hughes. Mr. and
Mrs. William T. Kirk. Mr.' and
Mrs. A. T. ! Woolpert. Dr. and
Mrs. D.'X. Beechler. Mr. and Mrs.
Gerald Vol k. Dr. and Mrs. II.. C.
Epley, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Kuntz.
27 South Broadway. Her dolls
were such a success that dealers'
in the east began ordering in
such 'large quantities that It be
came necessary for her to g to
New York where she has estab
lished two large factories, em
ploying a great many-people.
In 1318 Mrs.' Averill decided to
open a Fifth Avenue shop, an ex
clusive doll. shop, possibly the
only exclusive doll shop on that
celebrated thoroughfare. This
.place today is the talk of New
York, having open windows al
lowing passersby to look into the
store from the street. The dolls
are shown in nursery effects.
bassinets, cradles, chairs, ward
robes and the like. The sales
women are all attired as French
maids. .
Her - latest' creations. "The
Wonder." walking and talking
dolls which were shown in New
York city for the first time this
holiday season, were the biggest
celling dolls, on the metropolitan
Mrs. Averllt has been given
world-wide publicity " In connect
ion with her unlqufe profession,
and is recognized as the most In
ventive and original designer la
her line in the Called States.
Mrs. Edward F. Lamport left
this week for San Francisco
where she went to join a party ot
tourists numbering aboot 15. wSo
plan to enjoy the mid-winter
pleasure trip to the Hawaiian is-'
lands. Mrs. Lamport will be away
about five months, the -greater
part of the. time to be spent la
Honolulu. Before returning boms,
she will pass several weeks to
f Continued on page 2)
Salem School of Expression
Lulu Rosamond Walton, Director
147 N. Commercial
4 Phono Ml 1414 J .
Special Course la Poblle. Speaking
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Laflar. Mr. J
and Mrs. J. B. Littler and Miss
Laura Grant.!
Salem folk have been -much
interested in the numerous illus
trated articles which hare ap
peared In the Woman's Home
Companion. ' Success Magazine.
The Mothers' Magazine. Toys and
Novelties and the supplements oZ
vtrious large dailies, featuring
the Madamo Georgene shop of
Fifth Avenue, New York city.
Madame Georgene in private life
is Mrs. J. P. Avcriil. formerly
Miss Georgene Hopf of Salem.
A large number of people re
member her as such and also her
three . brothers, the eldest of
whom. Albert C. Hopf, who is
now' a salesman for the corpora
tion, was for a number ot years
Identified with the J. J. Dalrym
pie dry goods store.
The story of Mrs. Averilr
rise to phenomenal succdss reads
like a fairy: story. She first be
gan making character dolls in
Portland about ten years ago.
choosing for her, models pictur
esque western characters. There
were cowboys, cow girls, Indians
and so on. " absolutely true to
type. Unable to obtain the neces
sary raw materials in Portland,
she moved to Los Angeles, CaU
and opened her first factory' at
We Have Proven our Assertion-
that the Nu Bone Woven Wire stay used exclusively '
in Nu Bone Corsets is the only woven wire in exist
ence. Never bends, rusts nor breaks. Get your spring:
model now. See our reductions in Silk Hosiery.
. A. E. Lyons
Phone 958
429 Court St.
Clean Up Sale
' - . ' . .
We will continue our special sale one week watch for
Tuesday Special . . . . .
429 Court Street -r ' -'"
Phone 953
Honoring her mother. Mrs.
Hugh Elliott, on the occasion of
her birthday. Mrs, C. B. Webb
entertained with an attractively-
appointed dinner Sunday even'ng.
peaces neing arranged for, Mr. and
Mrs. Elliott, Dr. and Mrs. Arm it
Steiner, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gallo
way, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kirk.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank . Myers and
Mr. and Mrs. Wehh.
m I
.mt. ann .Mrs. Seymour 11. jowjt
and daughter. Miss Junetta Jones,
are now domiciled in the Hal Pat
ton residence wrrere they will re
main during the greater part of
the winter while the Pattons are
in California.
One ot the happiest affairs of
the week was the evening's enter
tainment furnished for the mem
bers of the loal chspter o; the
P. E. O. Sisterhood, husbands act
Ing as hosts. Wednesday night
was tha date chosen, the earlier
Following the
T M f 9 Sf
Market Prices
This store aims to follow the markets on the downward trend
and we re-mark our merchandise as soon as we know of any re
ductions coming on any of our lines. '
Please Note
Now is the time for all of you to shop the city thoroughly he
fore purchasing any Wanted item
is that happy combination of cor
rect designing, accurate styling
and proper fitting that results in
smart lines plus real comfort.
That's what you'll find in Fro-
laset irfelH.
Models for every type of figure
Van Raalto Underwear and
Hosiery. - -
Corset 8peciajist
x ' 115 Liberty St.
Pay as You Go Plan
Wherever you do decide to spend your money.
Women, Misses and Children
You will find prices on the new Spring lines most reasonable.
1. g. glittJltg (Ep. .