The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 16, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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t -
1 South Salsa Trltndj h -
' rmi of rV-ulh Commercial and Wash
Uil.l. - i 1 . . , .
. a mm niuir aa. aawa a .a. m. ...
t 11 a. m.
testimonial : meeting at 8 j iu. Keading
rta SU9 Masoaic Templar, open every
dj- eieept holidays anil Sundays f rona
11:13 to A p. m. All are cordially invited
t oar service, and to cur reading rooms.
Scandinavian Methodist Episcopal
Corner of Fifteenth snd Mill street.
"Service at 11 a. tuv Ucv. 1. .. Heiwl
will iri-k. Sunday s-hcvi at 12. Every
tody ..wttcome. '
L i.ii i i .i.i .. ... i .!! J l .I.HJI-, I4"l ill J-l I t'J. t
' 3 - . . -. f ... . ' . a; .a --...."a a ' 1 .-.,. a- ai a. a a t o ft
: . aa. . 1 1 n I A II..-. . .... . U lia a a a II FTH nTHIIOL 11. ... -A .
itdTl t 1BV VIH IIVUI .a .'l' V " " a. . j . ...... - . . . I . . ' .
a a- - . . . . . . . . V . a.a.:i.l...aa ' lanU tm 4.11. t Ka XAItMl M JallB kl B
ml g 9TTJ airWl - .I I . SVriUWaYaiCX aW S milUltl. vaaaaaa. . " T , ' " ' ,. T
a.. -i i i . . . aa . - i .. . i . c .-jii n va a va. a a .r.viam i r mtnnaa
ixm in i.uwun a man: u:av u. ua. . aruiur iizur. v ..a. aa. a - . - r .
i.t. I...... .1- r ....... a. p.ina aritl l-a.l thai mavalinr YoaUC bCO-! ISOioklgy. 1MT
Bowman, with' u(fering as la. Armenia.'" At tbetia "quite aacrlficeogVttf teach
iaaal aaeataar . a - a a.- - .1. W W T) a aaarak ! Im taat4ai aaiam kallr htl? vhH
IUt Methodist Episcopal
r". -in .rMk in th morn
tha aTaninf aerriea will join with
e jaaa peopl' 7 o'clock. U Corner Chwrrli and State atrets, Uev.
PfiTM . Blame r.. KirkpatH t.
' Tint Chare of Cirtt Sctantlrt.
'41O Ckratkrii utreel. At tl a. ft.,
la o-lS a - Veindar eentn y ; MB a aaaaa a aaaaaaaaaa
at 3 p. m.. er
lisute. Twelfth
D. la. Janior It
p. Intermed
tsaeal aarrvtw T
fifhnml liaoriltiun:
Sarrroiarv L. A. Pie
h.ii 1? .1 ( tL,i. ia.... 1,1. . aaa-aat i. l.a nrat.rnl EvanloK wpr- I krtl : "tttaMlarda tke Caildraa Dtr
in 8ar.tar arhonl room. At 7:30 p. m., aWp, 7:3U. Mr. W. P. Walter, eanaty j kiaa."
an. k U' t V..V1.. " II. ' af.iwr V Mi- A Will ktaeaK. ItlP l
Tnarsd'aT frcra B to (1:30, wan. women I live wire, and will fcaee a vital aaetaajca
lor tne hour, uuet ana uia aiis "'
iaror. At 8.13
!d time rla Meeting, rmim 4 down
..Uirli, W. l Camaning, leader. At 9:4i,
Sunday chobt, Alpheu J. Gilletf. nuper-intendi-nt.
Our arhr.ol li crowding in
capurity lnt we will find t-miio for ymv.
At 11 'rlwk. rmoa hy tho pator and
1 T
!USL lattery
Electrfc Service
.EveiyUung we rtpair carries a guarantee
of eight months. Call in and have your
battery tested and filled, with water.
418 Court Street
and children are inrtted. Br in it your
stipr and aee what hippen. Thin it
"Church .Sight. "
Maskea at 7 :3m, V:lH and a liixh mtu
with aermon bjr the pastor at 10:Ut.
Benedict ion with iaatrnrtion in the eTe
nine at 7:30. The reception of new raeti-
oera to ine iioiy anciei wiu iaae
jilac taomctime the lat ot the UMtath r
the first of nxt nnnth. at which Rt. R-r.
Mir. Lane. L. D. ot Albanr will be. cele-
uraui. ine pontic is eoroianj jniiicai to
11 aerricea. Ker. ). VL. Dark, paatnr.
talam Klnistarlal Union 1
Ttaaa t.ti t.t 1 nf !.m aiaaal rtainilv
cordially invited to hear tha stirrinc ad-
dreas of Bee. Tno. K. Aehewia at tha
armory tM afternooa at 3 o'cWck. Mr.
Arlwiaau will aneak on ttta au'aiiect lne
Truth About Ireland." The service will
be ia charge of the &alm Ministerial
I'nion and lr. Y .C. Kaatner. president
of the union will preside.'
Loali aCathodirt IplacopaL
Corner South Coumercial and Meyera
stnets, Horace Aldiirh. paator. At
9:15 a. ni., Sunday , school, E. A. Rhoten,
suiaaarintciidrnl (h-eanizad classea With
efficient teachers far all aces and grkdes;
1 1 at tiiu.ii. mtra n in wiin &armaa ut
the pator. theme, "The antority o tha
Ililalo " Tim (.natHal mnsie will inrluda an
anthem, ,r.a Khali Ascend Into4 the
liill af ihaa f rJT" CKaallersi knur bv the
aaala an.) a. A iiat " I Sfaaaal t h aa Atraa anr
Jeeaa Hav" 4 Rathbnn, nng by Miss 8a-
allaa aaalt S'Liaal II. UflottraL At
js p. m.. Miss Margwrite Uutachow , will
mrrt the junior' ititM; ti:u pn
Chapter Xo. I Of he tp worth league will
b led by Leslie Uailey and Chapter No.
3 will be and;r tho ear of the pastor.
At 7:30 p. m., hnir meets for rehearsal
en concert music. Thursday, 7:30 p.
prayer meeting and Bnaday school hoard
meat inc. Sunday evening. January 23 i
the data for the month lh loncert and
euucationai accress.
Mlnlstarial AsaadaUon
Will meet Monday, 10 a. m, in the V.
M. C. 'A. Address by Dr. R. K. I.e.
Steiner, superintendent of the state hos
pital - !'
Jason Laa MameriaJ SC. E.
i nrn.f Winter anal JrlfrrMB atreels.
Thomas Arheaon, pastor. Regular services
wilt be beM at this church today begin
niag with Snndsy school at 9:45 a. m.
Our school 'is well orgsnixed and classes
for all age are is charge -of capable
teachers. We welcome atrangers and
visiters. Public warship will hw held at
11 a. m- sabiect for thie'aervlea.
Kaaaie him We ejardiallv invite the Dubin
K . witk a laaaaal Banaic and acr-
vice that are full of interest. Bible
.taaatv Atari tirtrar aervir. Wednesday at
7:ait p. in. .We want yon there.
rirst Christian
Tka a. . . t aa-aaa.L tt. taeeni a lT.OOe at
the Pirt CUrktian eharch. Center aad
lllzh streets A large number of wonien
met on Tuesday afternoon to aear jiis
Effie MrCatluin. lately returned from
missionary , work in China. On Thnrsdsy
at.- . It; I, laa elaiaa met with Mrs.
O. J. Hull aad reported aplendid pro'
ia their work. 1 ne nova wpinmm.
...U.J . 0. Urn alalia anri RoV ScoSt trUOO.
la. a.a.a-la t.a! ai V will Drove help'Ol tO
all who t ome. The l.aitur. J. J. Evans,
i!l .aaaatr at ike mnrninr hvnr ea "!i
preme Tcsu of liaciplehipi" evcoing.
'I'ta. tilamtaalir f'hnrch ItS Bex'ltlTUlVg
Ti . aaaaataa iaa ap araraeaa la an. ia a seTteS OO
the early Christie a church, alonern ap
plications are emphasised and appuca 10
A.itw iirin Tt Hi lila school ttrogfam
-in l. J: a-J 1 la. if S'a.l.r S'in
win o oirericas pi a. ... . -r - ' - 1 ... i,
orrhestra and lively singing. The I "rtnteisoent
Mi at. a, ikalT aM oiaatsaa alatianiUBI I mw I W T MTV
w III seT- s aaei - - r
class study. Christian Endeaver meeting
at :3l o clock. All young people cor
dially invited.
Georgia Parker, asaiatant state
secretary. The text books will on
band. High acnool students wao wise to
make the credits toward their gradnstVoa
are welcome in ur. iusbch a ciaaa
rirst Concrcatiaal
Liliertr and Ceoter streets. W. C.
TantBcr. minister. At 10 a. . Sunday
school with dsaaes far all ages with eotav
netaant teaehara In rharee: W. I. btsley.
sanerinteadeat. At 11 n. m. "A PiUac
la tne Temple 01 uoo. -arvaiiaa caavrw
wr at :30 p. m. A live meetiag of ape
rial character: l:2U P. as. -vtisere ia
Uod!" A cordial invitation to alL
Cssttsl ConxTagstlonal
Tamer . (mhs4b Aiaei.osun and Ferry
streets, H. C. Stover, minister. A aerriea
at 10 a.m. for worship, Bible stney.
missiaaacy education and the training of
Christian leadership: Urn. B. E. Edward
in rharav d lit enures scnooi. Venetian
j'eavur at C:13 p. su. Lvenmg acmes
at 7:30 a clock
history repeat, itsnlf -la ppi
ert!s.' aad thst next yenr th
irrst mix lock tor a bl: tros ml
. . a a,v . .
tiaorx one ia tae cut.
In India.- she uri. "but wbea
we set there we finS we work for
the people because we lore them.
Yoo find Trr .few miM!onarle
wrho rnm home who are not anx
ious to co back. There li always j Catarrh' ia an esfeatire acre-'
room for more TOlaoteera,' it my tion. accompanied with chronic 1
Kesiaxe to the RlrU. I flam ma Ilea, from the ran coal
racm crane, ttooa s sarsapanttn
latest . reports the" Kiiislaji hare
beeVtryislc-tA lavaae tne connur.
but 'the fact that India is under
the ''protection of"; the ' British
army bis rspeiieaine enemy irom
making any suecesaiur auempis.
' nrl Mlnthorae also tokl many
InteretttiBC thincs coniernJaf Tar-
iouH ceremonies ana eusxonjs 01
the Hindus and wonammeaan u ,. twis 01 tae urecon urow-j bJood
She seema to hare thorouthlr - rs Co-OperatlTc Association be- --tint. ejrtabiiaiie heaatir nttlon.
rork f or. Chris-1 l:eres in the future of the applet and radically cures all cases ot fa
sayst inrrn.
C. I. iwi. ot the orecon Grow-i ron Mhe mmbra
icred her noble work
tianity. "Many people think it inrlastry of - Oreiron. He
Coart Btraat Christian
Va V taavaaalaaaaath and CoUft
VVJ an Mail -
alaaal. ftil.U avrhaaol bedns Dromtttly St
:i5 s. m.: everybody be on time for the
opening soag aad nrniiig services.
iterintendent E. B. Flake ia on the Job
mm s. .s. aaah of na to be rieht there
too ami if we do. the school is giing to
. . . . m-m a . a . I ik
grow. "Christian tancaiion is
theme of the morning aermon. Junior fal
lowing communion service. Intermediate
c v oin . aaa l.lovd Miller, snoerin-
tende'nt. A good live 'meeting for inter
mediates. Senior C. E-. :30 p m.: tn-
ali.. a..!. .aaal naatnfnl diaCOaalOBS
a' a aiiu, ata,. - . -. r -
aa taaaaaatiae ViiBIt W I Beanie CODaO BTHl
von will want to feme again. Song aer
vire snd sermon, i D. as. a na aiaaB
inr. assisted by orchestra, ocrmon.
"t"hriat- in PtYitahecv.' This series of ser
mon studies is proving, very interesting
and helpful. Ton don't wast to miss n
single one of thia series on " ine uo
Theme." A welcome awaita yon overy
time you come. We are one big family
and welcome yon into our family circle.
We want everyone taat can to "rr
l.iv laawnr. ha Rpother Atcheaon. "The
Truth About Ireland." in tW srmery at
3 p. m. The Practical orers cias.
Wednesday, T:30 p. m. The class u
stnying t E. Expert an ail yonag peo
ple interested are ssked to sttend. On
Thnraday at 7:30 p. m. HiWte aroay near
Read first chapter IL Pater thia time and
come with yeur Bibles. The poblie in-
ivted to theto services. K. 1- fstnsm.
pastor. -
Tlrst Bsnttat Char eh
William T. Milllken. 1. D psstor.
Bibta school at 9:4 a." nu, H. E. Hewitt.
siornisg worsnip 11 n
ad violin with orsaa ao-
. tm. will ' - -
minato. sd4ms. BsmoSe- ':aW vsj
llsaWO tt a',anyT a. Y
in three divisions st :30 a nu. loader e4
senior divtaiou,- iruce iiuia, lopsa im
Bible, the Inspired. Word of God,". See
end division, lesder, Orville PeoTce. top
ic, "Self lontrol and How to Obtain
It" lateranadia!. atvlaien. sf SOCT. la-
nifred Gamble, topic same aa in accoad t
division. Kvnlng wors&ip at 7;30r chotus I
US ,u i. ana . nissa IfrsnstSIBISL I
Mr. Secotofsky will be four-miaute ail. i
Sermon. -yaih Trinmphant." Visitors.
ars 1 cordially welcome st ui services.
Castle Chapel United S retire.
Comer ' Nebraska and - SevenUenlh
streets. Sunday achool at 10:00 a. as.;
preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:3 p. m.
PrsyM" sseottng. ,nrsosj a 1 ;u p.
Us. Chspman. psstor, .
D for
- -: : ... : . - :- - - :!"' -: : - ' -
Oivour entire line is in effect at this time. Our already low prices make
it mighty, easy to buy here. Our special prices surely are appreciated
by the people, as! they, have responded nicely -to our sale. You alwavs
find everything just as represented, at our store. We always sell for
less. , . " :- '. ;, .
St. Tanl's
ChomekHs and Chnreh slreota. Sorv
ah. a.a Kundsv after the kPI
..k.nv 7 -so a. s holr eemmnnion : 9:43
a. ta chnreh achool;. 11 a. as., morning
. ... .-J . aanua 'ItMllBni ContS
pfijra saaw - , ' ,
. t .in a. aa rsnisf tirsrer and
address. "Open Doors." Mra. B. W. Sim
eralt will aing an offers tory solo at tha
morning service. Everybody welcome,
Chas. H." Powell, rector.
r.anit saeviees at tho Presbytorisn
church in charge of James. Elvin. Sunday
achool at 9:45. JasepbS tu Aioert, an
perintendent. Subjeeftor morning, aerri
ice, "Wanted A Jiiniser. ,nicra.ei
ate ' Christian F.ndeavor at 5 o'clock S
rhriatian Endeavor at :a : eve
ning service at 7:30, anbject, "Som Cer
tainties for t-rayer ismwt
Thnraday evening at 7:30. - Tire' public is
cordially invited to attend these services.
- rtrst Uniud Brethrss U Christ
V. Mihla arhool at 10 a. m.
T.k . - p ThABisua annorintondeaS. - cam
aw.. - - r 1
Detent teacnere isr ascs- a
at atoaas of arhool. C. E. at 6:30. B.
utai.areek nraver meetins and Bibss
teachers' ' trsisinx elsss will meet .on
Waittiaaata amis! ll 1:3$ O'cloCf. A
cordial welcome, wul k given to all who
come to the services. C. W Corby, paa-
Tvsarallcal Xathersa '
East State- en- Eighteenth streets, Snn-
...aaaai at -41 a. m. Preaching sor-
vice (Germas). at 10:30 a. B.'Y"iBg
People a meeting st X p. . sepia.
Properties ot the - Bible.". . Erening aer-
vice ( EnsUssfl. st 7:30 p. m. Visitors srs
weloaae. . Gas. Kochler. pastor.
nta-hland rrlands
. ti:i.i. ..vaat at to a.m Clifton Boss.
supenntendent: classes for all ages under
the' cafe ot competent carwian iw.s
Oar achool ia growing noin io i
...t ' tlorBlinr WOrShlO St. 11
. aa rv K meetine at :i aan prrsco
iar at 7:30 p. m. Prsyaf meeting en
TL .... J .ar at 7 -AO T as. OB Will IlOd
cordial welcome to any and an our ear
vltes.; I. O. aad Ida J. Lee, pS stars,
m.a wa - at Oaad
mil V.nk' (tiarri -streor'. J. J. Gillis-'
- a.. Uaaaitaa - aetwtaL 10 a.
preaching service. 11 t. ebat "Tb
:.. J .a. - W..W t.a I.aka 11 13-31. I
IB01CW mi law aaava. . - 'al
..4 Hi. F.te. Luke 1:19S.' Yonsg
i. u.'. Mi, ai B-.30. sSblsct "Dili-
KVHVV. ITciai.a -
7a . . : -. vraaaiaaaataa- evening at
7:30.- A eordial invrtatio i green levari
a . t.aal tka aevvieea. i
aw aaaav.w - 7
1 1 Sa. t
1 Ns. . Sa. a I
U a ir 1 -
l. 'SsL I "a. "aSbaW CTt
I s. " -V. ' ' ' '
i C?f . i
1 - .'II
I ll
a r
Man, Don't Just Buy a
Pedr of Shoes 1
It's mighty poor ecoooray to bay tlut
way. Nowadays ifs ' the cost of
WEAR not - the cost per PAIIt that
-counts. : And here's where Rcsal
' ' Shoes cut your, footwear bills
. Rel Shoes rive style that is-accepted
as standard the world orrr.
Style that is. supported by flne'leath'
ers, careful craftsmanship, assured
. "i- quality and posltlTe Talae. "'
. . - - .
Bt;o wn Calf Pali; U'(& -
Brown (erestIut.' ntWjCs; t'cpli..-XQe .
Hearr Brown Norwegian Grab, Pui
last (rouni tQ.e),.....:.............T,lO,5a
Comasnlty School.
C.l.a. raaaaaaaaaait Reknol of KeliriOBS
Edurstioi for Church Workers and Par
enta Maaday night. ' Jaanary 17. Front
6:45 to t-SO, "Syllabna CUsa" Dr. M.
T." Mllliken; 7:30 to 8:13, thte eiaae-
Principles of Teachin." - l"rof. T
Matthews, "Teaching Yahtes of tha New
Testament." Dr.' M. T. MSIikent- "Prav
-gram ot the Christian enmcav. ut. v. .
I Ksntner: S:13 to 9. AammisiraMoo o
Wilton: Rug Special
Ucg. $193 9x12 Wilton Rug, now $149.75
Keg $175 9x12 Wilton, how. ... ,$162.40
Regs $140 9x12 Wilton, now. . . . .$110.09,
Reg. $100 9x12. WU ton, now. . . . 82.50-
AlL Rugs Reduced
Extra Special
, $75 9x12 Axrainster Rug, ..$58.50
Reg. $67.5(f. 9x12 Axminster Kug,. $49.75
Reg. $5Q 9x12 Tapestry Rug....). $39.75
Reg, $2:J..')0 9x12, Wool FiberRug, $19.50
Regular $28.00 Acme Cedar Chest, :Now;.. . 7Z .
was n a. s . a M ! ac . " - ' -
Kcgular f iz.M Acme eiar i.nesi, now. . . . . , . . . .... . .
Regular '.$.iG.OO Acme Cedar Chest, now. ...
Regular $-T7.f0 Acme Cedar Cltest, now. . ..I.-..'-..
Regular $42.00 Acme Cedar Chest, now. . . . . . . ....
Regular $47..jO Acme Cedar Client, . how,
I Facts: About the (iholic
Bar. J. IL Etoclf- ' .
The Anli-Catlvolic. Crsades In
- America.
. . . .
The present subject is very op-
I Tvna-tnn a ' SHUlM 'SBDeaT . lOT IB
I spite of. the loyalty, and. truly ptv
trioUc spirit of Catholics, as has
jee attested over and orer again,
in spite ot the FACT that orer -
I . a a. T O
nor ni a the men. in tne u
army - and nary during the ' last
aa: a aaa-at fa t linl ia " hflTI. f Of the
Itvast a . a a .
most part educated in ctn5!
Irrhnnlt: stllle tntf DODUUUOn ui
the U.w S.1s only abfmt "TO'Pcr
and in unite of the rAVi
by Catholics
TJaias tfsll
Evengelist Belt s meeting. Unioa hsU.
. TTiah T taanirht at 1:30.
Iffun tllin a... a - - . a m- .
subject "Tha ' Wonder fsl Pwphecy . oi I
" . ... ra:.i. u.aila. v 1. llimtarrl
isansei sva -- - - .--r
Tb Judgment of Ood BeguoT The' Fifth
Cniterssi Empire; Tho Nest,-GTat
World Power.";... , .. f :. , , , ,
-a ; .. . . - a ..
St.ta Taatltntiona
.'' Service at th stste tnttitntioBt today
:n K. naiif aa toiiows: a .v d. n.
a-a:.. -.k..t Ka It. i KtaTeTt
maw. omo J , S. ar it
i .aaat la.rl. 1 rainjnsT SchOOL by. C. rl.
Powell. . ' "
avi.. .-a attaatonarr ATlianc
VaaaavS lan4aeat enaWeWO an f w ... .
ttegula moetiaJt on next Thursday ait-
- an as tun Kaiat a Com-
mercisl atroet! Rev.' J. E. eondnetlng
Rihla suidr bsgtnstag. st- an tm
All very, cordially welcome. ...
rnll saoanel KlssieB
107 Roh Commercial street, upstairs.
Serriccs todsy at 9:00 and 7:3U p.
Yon are iavited: no collection.
R72S-Brown calf
double s roaiij-.
ager- last, - fins;
a tv -a ' - A T
wUter . we?iht;
priced now- 'at
-i ::- - v O' ;
1 I '- .. . . -r . . - - "
a. O f
. At Tee Becfr.
Dr. Mmthome Svcaks
rtr xnntfcnma' deliehtf ul talk
on' heir experiences In, India, was
. . - . . ' a i ea 1 1 DM.a..
tne teacure ot me um iwchh
pot-lnck supper at tUS'Y. W." C.
a Frlrlnw erenlnc. About 70
maintnininei srirlx from the rarlou schools
Suitcases; Trunks & Handbags
at Greatly Reduced Prices
Regular $2.75 Suitcases, now. .... ..t... ... .$1.95
Regular $4.50 Suitcases, now. . . . ... .......$ 3.50
Regular $8.50 Suitcases, now .$ 6.95
Regular $8.i"0 genuine Leather Bag. now.....$ 6.95
Resular $12.50 Suitcases, now. .$ 9.75
I mat oy viiavuis msisv.i..-.itHia - -
ai..i. fiu. tha. aa ua oil oswc nreiaenir. ra enior nor eircvu.
Utmr wwM ovimvi. im ,aaw I . - , a-.
. . . . ..I thairln. 'lllaltaasaa araaaWl ID t n A
me rallgious instraciiuu - ur. misiuviss - - -
children, who. if-sent to the pub duxling. richly-embroidered co-
la. a. . la. .-S t V. . ttlt. au. aaC . A.ltaaj at fa. K a m TT Ol STil
1 1 1C C DOOlS wgilldiCUSl sssc - IIUUIB wi s swiui -
ttinnunilt a net thnnundl OI HOI- I womatl. 1
lars for building, equipment and J Dr Minthorne has spent five
teachers in spite of all this the years in India, haying returned
. . . a a, t l . ll.. lafnnWl. . .!. J t..S Can.
anii-wainotic npirii vi uc i 10 t tne unueu otsirs tr- .
VMhlna taa A T A and Guar-1 i.-ka. She was as active)' work- I
dlans of Liberty peiiods is abroad. J a0 meiltcal collega for wo- f
ready to persecute ana ",'u-l irV,uU Ludhlana. The girls oc I
nnrthlnr whlctr-stands for ChrlS'i ..... ..s,nnt .r nil over. 17 Tears !
bUlt sawn sweww - -
Regular .$15.00 genuine Leather Bag, now
Regular $17.00 Trunk, now. .
Regular $25.00 Trunk, now.
Regular $2j.00 1 runic, now. .....
tisnity and uoa. v. g. i ne ic.
itatinn Koinif nroimsed at the pres"
lent session ot our slate legislature
in revard to prirata and parochial
schools. If facts pointing to em
and disloyalty conld be adduced
showinty that private and relig
ious education was aevrimcnint. y
the country, then there might be
sortie excuse for such bills being
i.nnneoat rtnt th Iniustlce and
unfairness ot such measures must
or age. and all hare bad nun I
-. 1 . t aulnaatlaa IsfValv 111 ttaA i
KUUUI muvsiiv.i a-. a"- .1 v
Christian scnoois. iccotoips'iu
ne Mint hnm - The medical text
Knnb-a ar nil written in English.
which tends to make a difficult
nhitvt. eren more, so, tor tha
nottvo rirta ' However. they are
as a rule,, very prseverlng. and
it ta n nitsnnnre to teach them.
The study of medicine seems, to
Extra Special prices'. jn.
Wood, Iron and Steel,
' V'.:r.;Vi5edsV.I
,; , ., . ... . , . . . ...
Regular $0.5) Iron Red, now. . . . .$ 7.95
Regular $12.,50 Iron Red,' nbw. . . .$ 9.75
Regular $16.00 Iron Red, now. v. .$12.75
Regular $17.50 Iron Red, now .... .$14,00
Regular $24.00 Iron lied, now $19.75
Regular $25.00 Wood Bed, now. . .$19.75
Regular $28.00 Wood lied, now.. ..$210
T 1 a -a. T SsAsf fTIf
iseguiar vijm) Wood Bed now,.., .0ttp.
aihC tlfl
I S0
1 i m
1 4sj'flti1lt,p -'"I i -
estern Pipeless.
unfairness of sucn me m . f,mte. an. ambition among the
be apparent to every fair-mlnatii e h -i Minthorne re-
CltSing better. iUustrates the f "
danger of kindling religious ie-us r . a,.
inan n''l.'.V-.-a 1.1,. "The srirln of India like tohave
una nelirh7Te shown the a good time. a. well a. you girl,
tans generally PaTC K. Mln,hArn nald. '15he
formed and educated citizens
pandered to sneh passions
as they, are doing tdrv n
many instances. W hat . .ex.
anao wo. hor tor ministers ts
girls! are divided, into groups
a.tllaa'h aS.11 t tl aTTI SPI T DOmCUi
a. a-av-. . -
mongooses (a very common pet
in India) and similar. Urms. Vig
orous Inter-class" rivslry Is held
! Sell, for W than the ordinary furnace and still it is much' better fumace for
several reasons. Ask our salesmen to demonstrate its merits to you.
it nr
Lj it-
i r-, . ,
cuse was mere tor uuui. --1 urou imr.i-ii..
i.k. . ..zinnia nva th no-called i ra.twy-oon the different r roups fre-
f.eta vtnnv writ for her. or. r-1 nnont Foremost, among the
Uno-ot 'fnr hr the book- called4 .nnitn. nre basebsll. basketball
uiaM . nitu1nnrea of Marifl.nH tennis Ai Isree contest l
Monk.M. and put it before the pub-jhe,d annually, at which pr2es
1lc? .What excuse for the '4,lare awarded the winning tnms
known house of Harper. Brothers
to pnblUh the book, using an as
earned name for the purpose?
These facts rerealed the na-
quenchable light of truth ana l keenly. It is quite plctureqae
rrostesiBsa . M
! mlas. - the rirls don t HK
sports, but they are mad compul
sory. ' After they once take up
athletics ther seem to enjoy laem
to tvee" the Indian girli in their
long, swathing garments running
around the baseball Ileitis, use
nntad bv sincere
who Investigated u?. .laci.s.
broneht out la the sworn testi
mony in court, wnen men ."uuinft.. wonders how they can.- do
procured aVria Mon to lena ne. it ,,n IndU tBe woman is re-
sanction to tne tiifwu '"VrL garded merely as a "chattel of
ne... foil on t nrer the profits ,ucu rt e,
jaaa & VH www mr
th. sett how i malice, a dia-
. .
bolical perverseness ana an enmi
ty toward Catholicism of such ln
tensltr as to unfit the perpetra
tors; for Hie among ineir lenu--
... i " . ...4- a. tlvaa 11
Citizens, w no sre imh; sw - . , , i ..
(Contlnoed next Sunday)
(adv.). " . .
the man. Sh-s is shut' off from
IK. nntsMa vnrM to a STresti eX
a.a. - aa ia - ,
tmt thrntjirh superstition and rus-
tem. Dr. Minthorne says that
"Pbrlstiapity Is : the one thing
that' raises them from the level
deplorable, according to Dr. Mln-
lanrn Tha two til a are restless.
tut. thexeJa. na. tamlns. or.tute ?
- j 1 Sp, . r . ; . - T- r - -. - .--."---v -e'". ! 7 . '
1 1 " 1 ' ' ' " 1 ' "'in ii use s
I 'Jl '- ,,t" ' L'Al1 M- , .. - ' ' ' ' 1
raT. .. ! .. . ity,j.n , j
i L . 1 .' . i
111, , . ' ; . - -'- 11
I l,;s - " :yz p toy t--' ,Tf '- '" ' w - .' 1 i j
U Ui , -v.-.-a- ; ,v.' v;v :T . . i
IT TW -ii.ull n.speiiaw ssssastiaBy tooar '
aaa-TaCaaaslo-eiinaawIaa I
UpX W: , .... .W: -
M . :' --;" Marion and Polk County Dtitrlbutora ' a " ' " ' I
I l a ' rsiet n rornmerclal t3ta. Salem. Oregoa - . M !
I l ia. - . . 1 - s , . I J
'J r C JsrV oLH - ; '
. i i. j. i i r.'aK - iia 'w . . r-i
.'.4 13 IC-v rl . E l
1 l- l .- a .VJ 11.. . ? T - ' a I t
-I I U " - 7 7 7, '.,v- ... t : . . . : . . . '
1 iviU::-
not ! ' . . ei
- -a ,af . sw J