The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 16, 1921, Page 11, Image 11

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t"" - -
vn Fred Buchtel has as her
house' gnest Ior month Mlss
w,-7! Tlbbets of Portland, who
frrlre the first oT the week.
Mr and Mrs. George A. Cattah-
ffad Mtl.f.rr.ak Meredith,
lift during the mid-week for their
' Lome pUnnlng to stop off severa
5a. in Portland as the guests of
Phil Metschan
Mr A Klin lave today for
- several month's visit to relatives
2nd friends In California. In San
Francisco she W be the guest
of her youngest daughter. Mrs.
Noraan Courtney, and in Pixley
he will bo entertained by two
other daughters. Mm. George Slm
tral and Mrs.' J. A. Follett.
Mr and Mr. E. B. Millard were
dinner hosts Wednesday night,
entertaining with thirteen covers.
Places were arranged for Mr. anil
Mr.-P. -A. Legge, Dr. and Mrs.
it, ft Flndley, Miss Margaret
u.fre. Miss Pauline Flndley, and
Lolo. Ne. Marguerite,: Evange
line. Harold Millard, and. the
posts. " ' . - .
The LaArca . club held : a meet
4 ing at the home of Mrs.'Leah
' Armstrong, 147 0 McCoy . avenue.
Monday sight. : The members en
Joyed a social; hour, followed by
a tight, supper. The next session
will be with Mrs. A. A. Gueffroy.
4 Club 'members present were:
Mrs. Earl-F. Andresen. Mr.c J.
A. Bernard t. Mrs. Ernest Baker,
Mrs. Gale Church. Airs. Frame
Tyler, Mrs. Sibble Christenson,
Mrs. Its St. Helen-, Mrs. C. A.
Vlbbert, Miss Maybelle Brassfield,
ME a Pearl Collins, Miss Echo
Hunt, Miss Bertha . Waldorf and
Miss Helen Heidecke. ?
1 After f a business session the
following were initiated: Mrs.
p. Andresen, Mrs. A. A. Gueffroy.
Claudlne Gueffroy, Miss Rose
Collins, Mrs. B. C Kriesel, Mrs.
U. Montgomery. Mrs. L. A.' Wil
liamson, Miss Leah Nichols. Miss
Ruth Colo and Miss Orpha Cole.
The Woman's, Republican Study
club met this week in the law of
fice! of Heltzel & Gehlhar in the
Ladd & Bush bank building which
will be the headquarters of the
club until a permanent place is
. secured."""' V ''"' 'iZ'U ''
Tomorrow afternoon the club
will meet at 2:30 o'clock at which
time matters, of .importance will
be brought up. All women in
the city interested are Invited to
. - . .
Mrs. Carl Greg Ooney opened
ber home to the members of the
Thursday Afternoon ! dun this
week! entertaining on the occas
ion ol a regular session.
Mrsi F. WT SeWVas at home
to the members, Of the P. E. O-
an Interesting program and. social
session were enjoyed. Mrs. C, B.
McCullbngh read a paper on the
"Portrait of a Woman" by Frans
. i t"- I . "
We Guarantee Satisiaciion oh Every Purchase You
V Make or Your Money Back ;
. This is a road statement however, it is true. We back up and live
up to every statement we make in our advertisements. We want you
and your friends to, feel that you can pin absolute faith on this store at all
times. ' ' "
Your Mail orders receive all the benefits bi this
sale, as well as our prompt and personal atten
tion. I We pay the postage or express on all mail
iVevv" low prices prevail now on Women's Suits,
; Dresses, Skirts, Dress Goods, Wash Goods,,
Linens, Shoes, Bedding, Underwear, Corsets
Hosiery, Sweaters, etc., etc.
4 i
1 I ,
1 I
, . r, .
'1 ' " I
TV4-RS. GEORGE WELLER, who was before her mar--tV-l
riage last week, Miss Dorisr Churchill, daughter of
Superintendent J. A. Churchill. The wedding of this
popular. young couple came as a decided surprise to their
.friends, although the engagement had been known for
some time. The nuptials which culminated a school-day
romance, unites two "r the city's prominent families. ?
Hals, Mrs. Selee discussing Mi
chael Angelo's Sistene ceiling.
The next - regular meeting - of
the local chapter will be with
Mrs. J. 11. Littler,. next Friday af
ternoon. " " :
: ";.:!' ' '-tL it'.' ;:: ' I .'
Representative and Mrs. A. S.
Roberts, of The, who are
here for the legislature,' are
spending the- -vsek-end at their
home. During the session they
are domiciled at the W. C. Young
residence1 on North Capitol street.
'.!. .I- '. ,..,-:v
Friends here of Mlsa Katherlai
Pooler are much e oncerned over
Kaf bury s January
H has always been our policy as enterprising
merchants to allow no accumulations of stock
in our store from one season to another, there
fore, we are determined to get rid. of them
by cutting prices away down.
. p
her serious illness. She recently
underwent a, major . operation at
the; Hot Lake sanitarium near La-
Grande. For several years Miss
Pooler was identified with the
(.educational life of Salem.-, teach-
r. .. . ...
ing Dotn at wasninioa anu
Richmond .school,
Feminine employes of the stato
industrial accident commission
were delightfully entertained
Tuesday evening by Miss 'Esther
Mason at the C. J. Olmstead resi
dence. 'There was informal en
tertainment during the earlier
part of the evening, and refresh -
mentg were served afterwards.
Those present were: Miss Nellie
Prtaner, Miss Izaboll Millar, Mips
Rikth Walker. Miss Sudla Mat-
thiis. Miss. Virginia Weaver, Miss
hriiily .McDonald, Miss Mane
Bifeltenstein, MIsn Inez Proctor,
Mfss Nancv Skaife. Miss IzetU
Walker, Miss Bertha Jackson,
Miss Clara Miller, Miss Myrtle
Reeves, Miss Kcho Hunt, Miss Ha
zel Olmsted. Mrs. Marie Matthew,
Miss lxra Lawrence, Miss Anna
The date of th next dance of
the series which the' local Shrine
club is giving. Is Tuesday, Janu
ary .25 at Moose ball. Later it is
planned to give e, larger dance
either at the armory or Dreamland
auditorium when the legislators
and their wives who are In the cliy
will be Included,
i ' t
The ladles class of the First
Christian church met at the home
of Mrs. O. J. Hu'l. 149 North
Hlh street Thursday afternoon.
Officers for the coming year
were elected. After the business
session a delightful program was
rendered. During the soctai
hour refreshments were served by
the hostes, assisted by Mrs. C. S.
Stone, J. J. Evans and Mrs.. Flora
Clark. Good attendance was not
ed. : & & '
Members of the W. A. M. 3.
club gave Miss Gertrude Hartman
a surprise last Tuesday evening
bv motoring out to ber home on
Turner road, spending the even
ing in a social informal way. Re
freshments were served later In
the evening. . . .
Miss Rena Schott of Salem, do
mestic science teacher in the
Medford hiarh school, who taught
at Elgin. Or., two years before
going to Medford has resigned be
cause of her marriage in the near
future. Her olace will oe tasx-n
by Miss Bertha Hendrick of the
Garyville, La., schools, who is a
graduate cf O. A. C.
The Three Links club will
the third of a series of dancing
parties in Cotillion hall Tuesday
evening, Jan. 25. A committee in
charge is composed of Mrs. Roy
Brenner, Mrs. C. G. Nichols and
Mrs. Clarence Townsend.
Tentative plans are also under
way for the county fair which the
club will sponsor early in Febru
ary, and which will be In the na
ture of an open house event. It
will be held in the I. O. O, F.
ball. - -
. .. . ..,.
' Members of the missionary so
ciety of the First Congregational
church met Fday arternoon at
the home Of Mrs. F. W. Steusloff
on North Commercial street. Mrs.'
Alice. 11. Dodd spoke on "Tha
Church and the Community Life.",
At the meeting in February Mrs.
S. S. East Is scheduled to give a
paper. ' - ' -
Mr. and Mrs, Paul V. Johnson
extended a bit of pleasing- hospi
tality "Thursday sight,, entertaining-
with dancinsr and cards at
1 their residence on South
street. Five hundred was the
game employed. About 20 guests
were bidden. .
The W. C.T. U. will celebrate
victory day Tuesday which is the
anniversary of the enactment of
the prohibition law. with an all-
day program at their ball on
South Commercial street.
Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Victor have
as their house -guest Mrs. H.
Jones of Denver. Colo. After a
short visit In Sal-?m, she will
leave for Los Angeles, Cal., where
she will make her borne, i
Miss-Frances -Richards was a
dinner hostess Friday night at
Lausanne ball entertaining; in
honor of Francis Kramer, a trad-
nate of the class of 1920 of Wit
lamette university, who is in the
city this week to receive his mas
ters degree In chemistry. He ta
at present at the head of the
chemistry department of the:Mil
toe high school.
He was a very popular student
while at the university, a member
of the quartet and glee club.'
covers were laid for Miss Eve
lyn DeLong, Miss Veona Williams,
Miss Richards. Francis Kramer.
Loren Basler, Edwin Socolorsky.
A number of Salem Shrlners
and their wives and friends, are
planning; to go to Portland next
Thnrsdav to attend thet annual
Shrine dance given at .the Port
land auditorium, to be liven by
AI Kader temple. Owing to the
large number of Shrlners wbo
are expected to be present, eacn
Now doesn't it seem bothUrange and queer
Thkt those whom we hold la life most dear
Wound us more often than we can tell,
But they do it thoughtlessly. Ah! Weill
Sometimes it's the hand too lightly presst,
Sometimes silence when words are best;
Sometimes a forgotten goodnight kiss,
Sometimes it's the goodbye word we miss ;
Sometimes it's the laugh that comes in wrong,
Sometimes a frown. when we need a song;
Sometimes a smile they forget to smile.
Sometimes a tear through a bitter trial.
i No doubt we wound in the selfsame way,
' And seem as thoughtless.. Well, who can say?
Life, is so easy to misconstrue
And shirk the things that we ought to do.
I 1 . . .
But we go on loving them the more,
And try to smile, though our hearts are sore.
Could they understand if ,We tried to tell
How they wound us thoughtlessly? Ah! Well!
Noble is limited to bring but on! I
Mrs. Roma C. Hunter enter-
itained as her house guests this
week. Miss Clover Miller of Si'-
verton. and ber mother, Mrs. "Ro-
ny .Miner of Cleveland, O.
The Apollo club concert at the
armory Tuesday sight was the
musical event, par excellence of
the week, all other affairs giving
precedence to the club'a first of
fering for the season of 1921. An
interesting feature of Mr. Fan
ning's program was the careful se
lection of his numbers. .
B. II. Turpln. Mr. Fanning's
accompanist explained this. To
be worthy of the gifted baritone's
attention, be said that a -song
must have more than a pleasing
tune. It must have a text wbk&
f ives ,hlm a real message t.
liver and he invariably brings out
all that the poet end the compos
er have put into their work. One
reason why the lyric beauty of a j
hour appeals to mm as sirontiy e
as the musical- ! that bo ! a I
poet himself. His verses have The Home Guards of the Mis
been set to music by such well- sion Study club of the Leslie
known composers as Mm. H. H.IMthodist church, of which Mrs
A.. Reach. Charles W. ' Cadman.
Gertrude Rosa and Frederic Van-
demool. II ta alsn tYm antlin. nt I
the libretto of "Sir Olaf." a can-Mr8- arnea Elvin Thursday attcr
fata cobnoaeH h H.rri.t w.r I noon. Twenty members were
The initial nerformanr v.. tv.
en for th ik
New Yorv with o Hi.ttnrni.Hi
cast which included Alma Clack
and Mr. Fannlnr In the tin- role
Kiiutwhor ih,n i.. t..
the work more than 4Q times.
ll i nw . .
bretto of B onVa tith
ml Y?a?.. -D-A.m llfn 0Per1w"h
tornSShlET l be
Apollo club concerts' for the
thfourt !.rrrei ?n i'fKSS
llnVrZS i fZft-Z "f'fi
lVL..t the fol,owin ocUte
IMVuiyvi (
irih i.Ai!rt' ndmf?JL t ot Mr- T. A. Kinr on South Capl
drlcn, Frederic D. Aldrich. I i ...... -
S?-?ew,AiLen; 3:GV.AI?5K:
Miss Hilda Arasler, W. E. Ander
son, George L. Arbuckle. Miss
Grace Babcock. L. H. Barnett.
Miss .Agnes Bayne, Dr. D. X.
Beechler. Dr. O. C. Bellinger,
Honorable Henry L. Benson. C. P.
Bishop, Miss Mlrpah G. Blafr. Dr
rrana.E.. nrown, u. u. urown,
. vteorge ai. ..urown, tion.
n t ,, o,,r ' vMo' A A'
Bush. Miss Sally Bush. S. J. But-
ler,JD,l'..P' Yf: Bjrr.d' 5r- R-...U'lued to ornament i the various
Byrd. Miss Flora M Cace. Miss
Florence Cauthorn. T. M. Cham-
PUL .frank J. Chapman. Miss Oda
U Chapman, Miss Marie Church-
U l. ,n .fnyi OT . v, 7L-
Cohran, Commercial Printing
vimvouj, mini mium vwu"..lfc. -ik
MlssTilargaret J. Cosner. Mr. of the club.
Stella C. Culver. , Walter A. .Den-1
ton.. Derby and Lafky, J. M. Dev-
era, 'Mrs. Alice H. Dodd, Harold
Eaktn.-B. E. Edwards, Albert!
ugaa. Homer tgan, r. a. -fciuott.
Rer. James Elvin, Dr. H. C. Ep -
ley, Mrs. C. M. Eppley, Ci H. Fake,
ur. ti vnneiey, Mrs. m. "v..
Flndley. Dr. E. E. Fisher. Mrs.
Marie A.. Flint, Mrs. John D. Fo -
ley, suss Mary rouncD, Mrs. An
na: A. Forrest. Philio A. Frank
Hn, .Dan J. Fry, P. E. Follerton,
William Gahlsdorf. Dr. J. A.
Gatijobst. L. S. Geer. Tinkhaie
Glrbert, H. S.; Gile. Mlna GUe. M
P. 'Gregory.; C S. Hamilton, Laura
V.i Hale. Merlin Harding. Hon.
Lawrence T. Harris, r"W. P.' Har
ris. Hartman Brothers, Mrs. Paul
Hauser, J, G. Heltzel. Mrs. cora
Hendry, Mrs. Hallle Hinges, liar-
ry' Holt. U. G. Holt, otto N.
Hoppes, August Huckesteln,
Clarence Ingersoll. Miss Helen In
arev. Homer E. merer, w. i.
Jen ks. L. O. . Jennison. Allen A.
Kafeurr. MrsrN. C. Kafoury. S.
K. Kafoory, Mlsa ConsUnce Kant-
per.'Hon. T. B; Kay, August Kehr-
i rr i Yin 1 1 1 .
oerger, V. l. rwinn. niumin
Kirk. K. Burwrd Kurel. Hon.
Louis Iachmund. F. Ethel,
Mrs. W. B. Lindsay. T. A. Livel
ier. .Frank K. Lovell. - Fred E.
Mangis. Mrs. a. -..ih arena. mu
Cornelia Marvin. Mrs. unariea
Maxwell. T. E. McCroskey, Ange
lina M. McCnlloch. Mrs. J. J. Mc
Donald. Lora MeGee. Bryan Me-
Kil trick. Jt. S. Melson, B. C.
Miles. Ross Miles. E. B. Millard.
Drv carl E. Miller. Mrs. -Carl E.
Miller, ROY II. Mills. Horace
uvmi w. W. Moore. Dr. W. R.
Morse, F. G. Myers, Oliver 3.
Myers. Roy N. Myers. Glen Mies.
Mrs. Frances L. Parker. Mrs. Hal
D. Patton. C. A. Park, Mrs.
J. Pearce. llarry L.
PMrm aihert Perlich. William
F. Perlich. A. N. Pierce, J. Pr
PqllocV, Rev. Charlej H. Powell
km prr it. Raymond. Benla-
mfn B. Robb. Mrs. John J. Roh
.rt ir t s Roberts. Miss Lu-
cile Ross. Theodore Roth. Merle
Rosecranm U. G . Shipley Com-
nnv. Prof. John Rj Sites. B. I
Sissons. Miss Edna Simonton. E.
F. Smith, Homer H. Smith, Carl
F. Smith, Guy O. Smith, Mrs. W.
Carleton Smith. R.i O. Snelling,
D.v D. Socolorsky, Edwin D. Soco
lofsky, Salome; Socolorsky, Dr. C.
W. Southworth. Mrs. Walter
Spaulding. W. I. Staler. Dr. R. E.
Lee Steiner, If. L. Stiff. Mrs. .
S. Stewart, Gtdeon S Stolx. ;Mr.
Molly Sykes. Miss Nell Sykes. H.
A. Talbot. J. W. Tallman. F. D.
Thlelsen. Miss Ruth E. Tlbbits:
Myrtle Tobey, J. F. Tyler, Mr.
John H. Ulrich. B. W. Walche-.
Arthur Wallace. George F. Wat
ers. E. O. Royal. Royale Cafeteria.
O. J. ScheL Frederick W. Schmidt.
Edward ' Schunke. Mrs. C. C.
Schwab, Miss Marie-Schwab, Mrs.
Myra L. Shank. Miss Beatrice
Shelton. Roy F. Shields. C. 1.
Webb. Miss Julia K. Webster. Mm.
Julia M. Weigel, Mrs. Edward
Weller, Mr.-Elma Weller, Mrs
R. H. Weller. Mrs. Lenta D. West-
acott. . George C. Will. Sue Wil-
ilams. Miss Laura Tantls
N. Aldrich is leader, were ea-
rtalned by Julia jKlvln at the
home of ber parents Mr. ana
present and five additional
guests. The annual election of
officers was held with the follow
!? A01?11; Dothy Boshard.
President; Edna Borchardt. vice
Dresldent: Helen Leisr. aecreUry
Catherine Elgin, treasurer; Erma
amons, t corresponding; . aeorc
Urjr? Lorett Mathis. mite bo
setreury. Refreshments were
-Sednthe Uturar,t the aN
" V " V''. .
About 0 membeVs"and several
additional quests , of the Three
Llnk, club were famubed delight-
I nl an tawta t mm m n . ak at. - ...I J j.
H. Kins. Mr..' Ray White, Mrs.
Homer Inarey, Mrs. Lester Mosb
er, Mrs. Clarence Townsend and
Mrs. Loveland were joint hostess
es. The date marked the 27th wed
ding anniversary of Mrs. King
hence decorations and entertaln-
ments for the afternoon
Urielv Influenced by that
MyrUd hearts, wedding bells.
!v uu.. vn.. w.r-
rooms, the latter flower forming
,n effective centerpiece for the
.ervlng table in the dinln: room.
Her.e a kewple wedding party em
Phasued 'the anniversary motif.
Mrs. King was presented with
a sterling silver gift by the mem-
The II. I. club jnet Wednesday
I at the residence of Mrs. L. A
Williamson and the afternoon was
i spent playing live hundred. High
1 score . was made bv Mrs. Emil
f Donaldson. At the conclusion of
cards a dainty lunch was served
bv the hostess. The next' meet.
1 nK will be held at the residence
1 1
. ' i ' i i
: It has been a long time since we
could boast of a complete stock of Vic
tors, the demand far 'surpassing the
output. . "
But the Victor is now manufactur
ing five; to its former one machine
which gives us a chance to fill your
long desired wants. ,
of Mrs. R. L. .Yokum on January
. un January 29 the members
rill entertain their husbands.
Coming as a complete surprise
to their many friends was the
marriage of Miss Mary Eva Printz
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J.
Printz,' South Fourteenth street.
Salem, to Gueneth Dale Over of
Portland, which : took place Sat
urday, January 8, at the Episcopal
Methodist parsonage In Portland,
Rev. Mr. Wemett officiating. The
rinr eeremony was used.'
The bride was attended by her
dster. Miss Pearl Prints. E. East
man,' serving as best man.
The bride was daintily attired
in brown georgette over blue and
gold charmeuse. An elaborate
wedding dinner was served at the
home of the bride's parents on
the same evening.' Pink and
white was the - predominating
color for decorations. Mrs. Printz
was assisted by Mrs.. E. Wilton
The guests were Mrs. Mary Over.
mother of the bridegroom; Miss
Evelyn Over of Portland. Mllo A.
Roach. Eugene, and the Immedi
ate family of the bride.
Mrs. Walter Spaulding and her
sisters. ' Mrs. Waldo' Brown and
Mrs.. Forrest M. Gist, of Tilla
mook, motored to Portland dur
ing Jhe week for a several day's
stay. going down te attend the
twelfth annual automobile show.
Miss Joyee Satage of Portland,
wbo is stopping: with Mrs. F. E.
Shafer duriag the session of the
legislature, went to Portland the
last of the -week to remain until
tomorrow. . ..
Mrs, C. J. Olmstead. retiring
commander of the Maccabees, was
a dUghtful hostess Thursday eve
ning;, entertaining with an Infor
mal card party in honor of the
newly Installed officers. About
25 members of the organization
and a few additional guests were
present, . five hundred being en
Joyed along with other diversions.
A light supper rounded out the
hours. (In appreciation of her
services Mrs. Olmstead was pre
sented a gold be pin, the offic
ial emblem of the order.
The official installation of the
Maccabees took place ta their hall
In the McCornack building, the
'previous evening, the following
being formally placed in office:
Mrs. H. A. Smart, commander:
Mrs. Louise King, lieutenant com
mander: Mrs. C. J. Olmstead. past
commander;. Mrs. Carrie Bush
tell, chaplain: Mrs. G. YTi Miner.
collector; Mrs. Ida McDanlel. re-
cord keeper: Mrs. W- E- Purdy.
sergeant; Mrs. W. H. Sloper, sen
tinel; Mrs. Crossan, pickett;Mlss
Gladys Leanon. captain of the
guards;! las Veda Lennon. lady
at arms; Mrs. Floyd' Smith and
Miss Leon a Crossan, i color bear
ers.- ' .-.-. .
The ladies or Macleay met at
the Rippling Brook farm, the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry E.
Martin, Wednesday where every
A i ' 4 1,
In tLe new models to nit your ia
dlTirlaaJ needs can now be hid
here. . r 1 - :-,
get more for your money
pleasant afternoon was spent with
informal entertainment. Mrs.;
George Terwilllger of Salem was
I resent and pleased the company
by giving one of her well Imper
sonated readings. At 3 o'clock
a luncheon was served by the hos
tess and her daughter. Miss Alta
Martin. Those Invited were Mrs.
T. 8. Mackenzie. Mrs. F. Cannon.
Mrs. Sammons. Mrs. Simpson.
Mrs. Garrett. Mrs. J. M. Martin.
Mrs. J. T. Teckenbnrc. Mrs. Baih.
Mm. v. 1 Matn. Mrs. D. E.
Annond. Mrs. D. J. Miller" Mrs.
Stlen. Mrs. A. Welch. Mrs. Dale
Mil born. Mrs. Nile H 11 born. Mrs.
Plank. Mrs. Litchfield. Miss Mar-
jorle Miller. Miss Marion Taylor.
Mrs. Fay Collins and Mrs. Norma
Terwllllger. Mrs. J. D. Mlllsr.
Mrs. H. O. Taylor.
The Monday Afternoon Brldga
club will be entertained tomorrow
by Mrs. Frank G. Bowersox, '
Flowers and messages of sym
pathy are finding their way to
Miss Nell Hollenbeck wbo Is seri
ously ill at the home of Mrs. D.
A. Hodge.
x . . - ...
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward are
spending the week-end la Port
land, stopping at the Imperial ho
tel. They went down to attend
the automobile show.
- v
Mr. and Mrs. W. II. RIddell, el
Detroit, Or., stopped off in Sa
lem the last of the week to visit
briefly with their daughter. Mrs.
Charles O. Wilson, on the way to
their home, from a sojourn la
Portland. . , 1.
An honor not pften accorded so
young a mo tic lan has been con
ferred upon Mias Elizabeth Lery.
Salem viollnlat. who was asked id ,
play ta Carnegie Hall. New York
City last Sunday, and because of
the success of .her piaylnf then
was given a second engagement. ,
She leaves for 'home tomorrow
and will arrive la Salem Friday.
Prof-Wbat Is density?
Student I can't define It but
I can give a good illustration.
Prof. The Illustration is good,
sit down! Science and invention.
win be a bis year for
I am prepared with ablgstock
V; and f X
' 179 No. Commercial St.
.1 .-.
at Moore's
1 L
a " 1
" ;t
' f !
it ;
1 1
.1! ;