TIH5 OREGON STATESMAN., SALEM. ..OREGCW. FRIDAY. MORNING. JANUARY 14..1921 GIT Y NEWS IN BRIEF Special Meeting sv Capital Tost No. Jan- nary 14. 1?21. 7:30 p.m., I j Salem armory. All mem- bers are requested to be aa the question ot State Kstedompensatiou will be Drought op. (Adr.) B. F. round, Com'd CF- Xif Klamath Falls . iisltor in Salem Thursday, stone is member 41 the fish Md me Commission, and tran sacted business in, the t supreiac "urt while here. ment and said an automobile with glaring headlights- bo blinded him that he was unable to discern what was ahead. Mr. Gilpin took the injured man to the office ol Dr. Fomeroy where he was given medical attention. Better-Yet Dread Ark your grocer. Adr. land disbursements of the action. I Mr. Swallow brought suir to force Canby Man floe To Eugene William Hassler, editor Of th3 Canby News, visited at the legisla ture Thursday for a few hours before continuing' to Eugene where he will attend the newspa permen's conference. Appropriate musical setting t,,i been arranged for the big LJer-specUl.. "While New York SSS& plaIng ftt, the Grand- itarting Sunday .Adv. fcilirtte Struck by Car SB. Gillette, IS 99 State street W8V struck by a passingjautomo i,tle and hurled to the pavement, fujtainlng Injuries1 about the head and to one knee Wednesday night while walklhg along the road Win? to the 'penitentiary M. A Giilpln. 58 Turner street, driver bf the automobile, reported the aedkient-to the police depart- Tbo, Annual Meeting Of stockholders of the Thos. Kay Woolen Mill Co. will be held at the office of the company in Salem nif iTupsdar. th ISth dav of January. 1921, at 9:30 a. m.! all - ai a. . aii uusiuess mai may properiy come before that meeting will be transacted. E. J. SWAFFORD. (Adv.) Secretary. Ihinran Conic From Burns Captain Robert M. Duncan, and young son Ivan, of Burns, arrived in the cityesterday and will re main here a week or more as the guest of Captain Duncan's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Duncau. Captain Duncan Is here to attend the legislature and transact bus iness before the supreme court. Sel1 Interest in Paper Samuel Tyler, former linotype operator on the Oregon Statesman but. more recently part owner, and editor of the News, a weekly pa per at, Springfield. Or., has dis posed of hi share in the paper to Trubert Henderson of Salem. Howard Freeland, a former real dent of Salem. Is the other part ner, i . ' the payment of $979.50 which he claimed due him through a wage contract. Marriage License Issued.. A marriase license was Issued yesterday through 'the county clerk (to Golda Gladys "Lengele and Carl Carey of Salem. badly damaged n a collision. Mr. Roblnsdn told the police that some one driving a large auto mobile had collided with bis ear. bending a fender, an axle and spindle. The liceuse number of the automobile responsible for the mishap could not be ascertained. Legal Blank- , - Get them at The Statesman of fice. Catalog on application. (Ad) Eugene- Attorneys H Fred E. Smith and H. E. Slat- tery. both Eugene attorneys, wera In Salem yesterday to argtie In the case of Hansen vs. Day which came before the supreme -court, Don't JIis- The mightiest photoplay of all, "While New York Sleeps," at the Grand, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. Adv. File Final Account A final accounUof the estate ot Nicholas Strubhar. deceased. wa3 filed yesterday in the county court. The executor a of the es tate were Andrew J. and Solomon N. Strubhar. " SHIRLEY MASON y: : ' in - "The Flame of Youth" "The Simp" "Is For Fan? Confers With Lawmakentl E. O. Immel, Eugene attorney, was in $alem yesterday conferring with members of the legislature in regard to the tax transfer law3 which will be proposed by Eu&eue city officials. Anirov Final Account An order was filed yesterday in the county court approving the final account . of Ithe estate of Emma J. Potter, deceased. L. VKr JTr rf oc wqb fldm thtaf fatnr of the estate, which was declared j fully settled. Verdict for Iefendant The jury in th3 circuit court returned a verdict yesterday for the' defendant and stated that the costs of the action be borne by the plaintiff, in the case of Grace Soars vs. Kathenne Schleef. The plaintiff in the complaint alleged the sum of $75. V was due her for services rendered as a nurse and manager ot a bath house. Damaged Automobile- While Archie Cowmte was driving an automobile out from the alley between the Roberts grocery j and the Stlft Furniture Mother Would Find Son In an effort to locate her son, Mrs. Rogers, residing on Twen ty-first street. Oakland. CaU has written and asked tor the co-operation of the police department of this clty. Mrs. Rogers writes that her son, whose name is Ed ward Rogers, is traveling in this part of the country, and request it he . be found that the police hold him in custody until receiv ing further word from her. He In. described as being 25 years eld, 5 feet 9 inches tall, has blue eyes and one deformed finger. Order Your Cake For that party; phone 544. Adv. HUG )VK Y. : : . iTOlIRNAI.lENT Hamilton and Young Lead in' Handball .Contest -of Buunexj'Mcn After a keen struggle of nearly a month Captain Hue of the bus! ness men' class of the Y. M. C. A. last night scored a lead ot one point over the aggregation under Captain Oelson . Oelson won the volley ball game but Hug retali ated by winning the biff ball con test, thus making the class stand ing Hug, 109 points; Oelson, 108. Fast games are expected when the two teams meet again tonight. In the handball tournament many changes have been made as the result of the last week's play. Hamilton and Young for the first Complain of Dog A complaint was sent into the rvnl rt npnirm.nt vactariltv m. n J ; v. - - - I - j - company's store last Wednesday I garding a dog. said to be vicious. I on Court tret - an automooiie traveling in the same "direction s. truck the rear end of the Cow lette car.: One of the fenders on the car was damaged. but no one was injured in the accident. Alexandria Fox Trot , ' Aik to, hear this popular record. Stiff Furniture Co. Adv. Bee the Great White Way At Its best and worst in the big 8-reel super-special at the Grand, starting Sanday. Adv. , . . t Judge Olson In City Judge Conrad P. Olson. Port land.! was a legislature onlooker yesterday. Judge Olson is the Compiler ot the. new. code of Ore gon laws. He stopped at the Mar lon while In the city. Basketball O. A. C. vs. Willamette. Salem armory. Friday, Jan. n, s p. m. Admission, 50c. (Adv.) Arret An to Driver- Clarence Clem ment was arrest ed for driving an automobile on Wednesday night without a light on the rear end of the car. Lpon investigation it was leanwd that he was driving without a drivers' (Every Salt mi Moaner's street. A notice has been sent the owner to the effect that It will be necessary to see that the dog is no longer a menace. of a Sunday School, by Dr, Bow man, and "The Standard of the Primary Department." by Miss Georgia Parker of Portland. Norman Johnson, general sec retary or the Oregon ' Sunday School association, will also be one of the speakers in the ad ministration department. when' It was announced that all the principal officers of the asso ciation had been defeated tor re election last November,- lea it the vtafea .vacant. - Sessions will continue tomorrow. . . . . Homey Wants Water From RbckCreek The Harney Valley Improve ment company of f ortland , has tiled with Percy A. Cupper, state engineer, an application for a per mit to appropriate water from Rock creek tor. the irrigation of 315 acres In Harney county. Other applications have been filed as follows:. By H. D. E. Pinee ot Hood Rlv er, covering the. appropriation of water from Ferguson Creek for the irrigation . 6t a small tract In Hood River county. time captured the lead, but only . ?!'". B,lhr..nH7tin. with a percentage of .875. In last hcrb?! Te,l-n lhV VLIV percentage night's games Farrar and Johnson defeated Eyre and Franklin by the scores 21-20. 20-21. and 11-9; Gingrich and Smith defeated El bert and Butler; and Farrar and Johnson defeated Anderson and Almanacs TV 4 aaaW ( C Ik wt earn b4 toaprt- rkn t ptthteM lk laata. Aaity a4rie. prwpt tim far plaai. tec . and barruf tk.o. ac frtem 0 win U aa gH Tyler'x'Dnii Store 8mA Onasmial Su 1ST of water from Eight . Dollar springs for domestic use and the irrigation of a small, tract in Joseph ln county. And by the Deer Creek Lumber company of Mlnam. covering the Ner.T for the entire tournament are now Creek and reservoir for Iogpohd Will Entertain Itoyn The cadet class of the boy's. de partment of the Y M. C. A. will give a party tonight at 7 o'clock in the parlors of the . Christian church. A program consisting of game?, music and pictures will be given, followed by .refresh ments. The Trojan, club is In charge of arrangements, and a large attendance is expected. Poultrymen Go To fihow W. C. Conner, editor of the Northwest Poultry Journal, will attend' the annuel, poultry show Motion for New Trial The plaintiff in the case ot Fred W. Dutbin vs. W. J. Den- bam filed a motion tor a new trial yesterday. The case was given a hearing in the circuit court Monday, the jury returning a verdict granting the defendant S 4 17. A dispute over a tractor was the cause for action. license. : He was cited to appear before Judge Earl Race. ' ' 1 - I r-k 1 at Sherwood, Or., Jan. 13. 14, 15. Ki I s. ftTTjiVlTY I . Roing down this morning. C. N. -1 1 'S irnmaT n 1 I I Needbam. . local poultryman, and SALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS Repairing and Alterations 1215 S.- Com'l St- - - Phone 188 Willamette VaBey Transfer 'Company Fast Out Freight Dally Between Portland ana Salem . ; Phone 1400 lie Vacuum Cups halt ar rived at-'" Eugene PrescotU- poutry tancier of this city, -will also go to the show. Mr. Prescott ha3 Salmon Faverolles on exhibit at the show. Sues to Collect E. C. Derrick filed a complain: yesterday against Alfred Moullet. in an effort to collect money al leged due on a note. Mr. Der rick asks Judgment for the sum of 1200 and S35 for attorney's fees. Fisherman At Legislature Anton Naterlln of Oregon City. who for years has been engaged In a fishing venture, on the -Col umbia river and other streams tn the. state, is haunting legislative quarters at the state house, ready to attack any legislation that may arise unfavorably , affecting bis business. Mr. Naterlln Is delegat ed by the Columbia river fisher men. Reduced. (Adr.) See onr patterns. as follows: W. Hamilton and Young 7 Gingrich and Smith C Marr and Oelson ... 5 Harris and Knowl'd Z Harris and Mlnter...4 Eyre and Franklin. 5 Dinse and Utter... 3 Staley and Bellinger 1 Win low and Shields 1 Elbert and Butler..' 1 Anderson and New'r 0 . The .. intermediate purposes. L. Pet a m w i .857 J raining dcnooi 1 .a; a 1 . . rt-t ;j -Ci . f-l.r .714 ucicais qu jofcpn .6 .251,. The Oregon - state training 1921. will be a biz Jtss for 3 7 S .7 class Iktcr-Yet Bread Mistland Bakery. (adv). Phone 544. Sales and ' Service Basketball O. A. C. x. Willamette. Salem armory, Friday, Jan. i. s.p. m. Admission, 50c. (Adv.) Parkel Antomoitile Damaged While an automobile owned by S. R. Robinson. 1825 Fir street. was parked Wednesday night in front of the Christian cnurcn ai Center and High streets. It was VALLEY MOTOR CO. PlantinzTime Secnra Reliable Fruit and Orna mental Trees; SmaU Fruits. Roses, " from THE SALEM NURSERY COMPANY 421 Oregon Bldg. ... Phone 1763 of Ed; Defendant Wins Suit The jury in the case Swallow against the Wilbur Woolen Mills returned a - verdict yest-rday for the defendant in which it will recover the costs A. H. - MOORE'S Talking TffaWhfaaa aai Record WHET IJr 8ALK, OXXOOX tap st . . BIIOS KOTEt A Bern Away fm Hama Btrirtly lladara S1.00 par lay 109 Saoiaa af Solid Comfort Only Eotal ia Baaiaon PUtrlet DREAMLAND RINK FREE DANGE SATURDAY, J.WUARY 15th Dreamland Orchestra . 7 Pieces dixie : V : " DOUGHNUTS 30c Doz.! 'SALEM BAKING CO. 133 Court Street. " . Phone 954 ' XL Y. MOORE Furniture Btor , Th Bom of tna Tletreli ton cat more for your money at ir..... . - It Pays la Trad, Tpi fARMERS CASH STORE C3. Burtosi Dnrdall.- ' S47 Kotih CosiercJaJ--iT. j WOOD WOOD Call GIL Tracy Wood Co lot all kinds of dry wood rromot delivery : Phone 520 ELECTRIC MACHINE & ENGINEERING CO. for TbjjT Wasblng Machines and Electric Work and Supplies. Phona 411 1 Plaver Pianos and Player RoJls I Best Creamery Butter . . .. . KSc J . flayer nanos mua Good Onions.... -...-.25c Go to Antomobrie Show A motor party composed ot F. G. Delano. Cedl Fox. L. Mishler and E. A. Bowen went to Port land yesterday to attend the IZth annual automobile, show. They will return home tonight. Given a Night's IxxLxIng Had former Chief of Police T J. Welsh been la command at the police station last night be would have had the rather unique ex perience of. giving; a night's lodg ing to one bearing his name. T. J. Welsh ot Portland and a com panion named Frank JCane spent last night in the city"jail. 600 1 school basketball team played tbe .lis I Cardinals of St. Joseph last night .125 lln the training. school lymnaslam .1111 Although the state boys were .OOOlyounrer and lighter, than .the Jo- last leal team and one of - tbe state week finished their first basket-I guards was held. Ia. quarantine by ball league. These contests cov- tbe mumps tbe score stood. Train red a nerlod of one month. Fin-img cnooi zi lO varainais. x-. la fa th las ciia Rir lit the Cnd Of the HSlt. . ' - t r Th ' trafninr a'horA f a rn , nn- "1L U. IU Am IPCiCCat .e, Vww I fc ' i rars. Z. 2. .800. kfanitous. 2. 4. the physical training director. 223? Pir.t i. 4 500 IWalter Clark, Is developing The cUss begins a new league Jm whleh la inal to any team between the lnbs next ' Monday, u cim oy age lua. nw. ik. n. w.i.. I The llne-un was as follows: T.n 17 Tia,m mm u.nitnn. lAidrich. joe...q .. Tanarim Jan. 20 Cougars ts Pirates. frr. ....... .n Weinberger Tan si-ttfl-Mf .VMr lAldrlch. Joh'n.f .. ..Kichard-on I J 1 M . . I am pr epared with "a biz sock and L0VER PRICES 'JAX'tUREn ' - ltd No. Commercial St- r . Z1 i PERSONAL MENTION I Jan. 27 Manttous vs Pirates. Jan. '31 Manftousvs Cougars. Feb.- 3 Beavers ts Pirates. Teb. 7 Beavers vs Manitons. Feb. lo Cougars vs Pirates. . Feb. 14 Beavers vs Cougars. Feb. 17 Manltous vs Pirates. Feb. 21 Manttous ts Cougars. Feb. 24 Beavers ts Pirates. .Tonight the Cadet class is plan Jaskoskl..... f Ileenan e De Pinto ..Brock District Attorneys MeetmPdrtland W00DRY eondncta sales anywhere la Marion or Polk conntlea. Store located 270 N. ComV AUCTIONEER " jnQHEST PBIC&PAID - - . For SZCOND HAI7D PUBNIXUES Stoves, Carpeu ana toois 100 lbs. Potatoes 1.25l 1100 lbs. WTieat......-..,S3S0 100 lbs. OaU...........-50l The Highland Grocery ; Phone 496 ? 746 Highland Ave. CARL & B0WERS0X Groceries 383 Court Street Phone 409 LOOK! IN BUSINESS FOR YOUR AUTO'S SAKE jL.... r.,r..m.....n ill J j Capital Ilardware A Furniture Co. Car not hitUng right? Bring It 2SS N. Commercial ou raoiw Biisick's ZJkJXH ALBJLITY 127 Court HARTMANBR0S.C0. Tor Tine Jewelry Jewelers and Optidics r Do you take TURKISH BATHS If not, why nott No other baths or treatmenu can prodnce the permanent re lief to the person uirs from disagreeable cold or ail ments of the flesh, or body like the Turkish Baths will. .. ; OREGON BATH HOUSE rtnen 8 a. m. until t p. m. Lady and Gentlemen attendants . . . . a 1 to us. A PUce to get ures, moes. soot lights, skid chains ana tire pumps. Great Western Garage Phone 41. Opposite Court House ALWAYS OPEN FOR BARGAINS of all kinds such as furniture, stdves, ranges, machinery, ot 11 kinds see the CAPITOL JUNK & BARGAIN HOUSE i 'm m mm 21S Center Phone a ;We are qualified to carry out the instructions ot those who employ ns because ot our wide experience and because of our -thoroughly modern equip ment. Our tser vice is efficient and courteous and we are fair in . all onr business dealings. . Alger Ryan of Tillamook left yesterday for his home, after be ing a several days' gnest of his sister. Mrs. Arthur. Moore. Napoleon Davis of Buttevllle was a Salem visitor yesterday. . H. L. Moore of. Wood burn was a -visitor yesterday at the court house. Maior. Eugene Moshberger . of Wood burn was in the city yester day. Blaine McCord was among the visitors yesterday from Wood burn.' . . " . " . Charles HaTtman of Scotts Mills was tn Salem yesterday. Glen A. Gonlet left Woodburn yesterday to Tlsit his sister Mrs. O. W Love of Living-ton. Calif. Mr. and Mrs. C D. Trout ot Hubbard were visiting In the city veaterdav. Georee Dinniek of Hubbard was here yesterday. William U Taylor af Macleay was 'transacting business yester- riav In the nitr. a-a. Smith, an attorney ot Portland, was here Thursday at tendlnr to legal business. Lloyd Rirdon was transacting bnsnefw In Portland Thursday Iff.. CL. Evans, manager of the Oregon Growers Co-operative as sociation, left -yesterday for Hills horn to attend' the Washington eountr farm- bureau -meeting to be held there. Ha is scheduled to address the gathering. : PORTLAND, Or.. Jan. , 13.- District -attorneys ot Oreion met ning a party for its .members at here today for their. annual con the parlors of the First Christian centlont These . officers were church. A good time, consisting of elected: .President, 'Francis .Cal- games and entertainment, follow-noway. The Dalles;-vice president, ed by refreshments Is planned. AlIlRoswell L.-- Conner, ilcillnarllle; preparations were made by the executive board. Walter H. Evans. Trojan club of that class. . (Portland; Livy Stipp, Oregon City. and Rawler Moore. Medford. The. election was held as .tin opening act of .. the - ronvtntlon no: I BITS FOR BREAKFAST,! i rrrr. , "WALLFELT" Takes the place of eloth at about oaa third WAX 0. BUREN 17 N. Commercial 8tl $9.00 , 167 North Commercial Si hi the Electric Sign "SHOES" DOWIi A WEEK Will Bnr a ONE MINUTE ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE WIL GAHLSD0RF The Store of HOUSEWARES 1921 HAND LUGGAGE t SIGHT What Have You? We bay, sell and exchange sew and second-hand furni ture, stoves, ranges, rugs, tools, ate. We will bay yoa oat. COL. W. p. WRIGHT j Auctioneer 271 N. Com'l SL, Salem. Or. List your sales with, ns people's Furcitnrt T Store KIgbt Phone 1047 Phoa7S! HIGHEST PRICES '-'fildtat' ' Walnuts and WKe Beans PEOPLE'S CASH-STORE k . ; if AT ' ' " 1916 I CR sight Is I I guide that the God helps ' us nick our way through "the tangled time-trails. Let the -experience of others guide you 'wisely when you feel your need of glasses. Have our trustworthy opto metrist test your eyes and the glasses we will furnish y ou at reasonable cost will cause yon to see the wisdom 3f coming here. Don't mind the rain YouTl be crying tor rain when your wens craca noi many ! hence. v v . And the beautiful Mistland land must lire up to its newly acquired I handle and old reputation. . , - - -. a. Goinr to be something doing In corn and poultry this year of 1921 In these parts. m -m The two Salem newspapers are going to run a corn show against a poultry show ana luere wui uo some competition. i "U -a The corn show will be the Jour- nal'a net and the poultry show will be The Statesman's oiro. "U "a There will be some crowing and some acknowledging ot the corn In Salem Journalistic circles wnen it is all oTer. you better bet. "a - Bt the wsr. did you hear of the star boarder at the boarding house rho complained ' oecanse m chicken wing was tough ana who went so far as to aver ana asseverate that.be was sure that chicken was the chicken ot a nara- , boiled eggT - ' . A friends of the Bits for Break fast man is telling what he re gards as a new one to all who will stop., look and, listen. He says it u a abame the way the Democrats were treated last ovemoer; mat the Democrats cannot read and It was dirty Irish trick that no one told them there was an eiecuon. JACK" WAXT8 PAROLE BANKING FEES TOBERMSED! Senator. Robertson of Con- don Thinks Examinations . Are Not Inadequate About 40 state banks In Ore gon last year were subjected to only, o'ne examination each from the state banking department, al though the law requires two. In many Instances the department examiners gave only a day to bank- examinations, when two or more days. should-have been giv en. These are some-of the facts back of a bill which will be Intro duced tn the state senate by Sn a tor O. Robertson of Gilliam. Sherman and Wheeler counties to increase the fees paid Into the de partntent by the state , banks so that a more efficient department may.be maintained. . . . . Ie-iarlmeat .Not . Cm an red . .Senator Robertson , does censure the state banking depart ment. tor-the too hurried and tea infrequent examinations made in tbe past. He concedes. that. to do otherwise was impossible, for. th reason that it was necessary to keep expenses within tbe fee lim its. . , . The state banking department Is one of tbe self-sustaining state departments. While the legisla ture makes an appropriation for its 'use the department refunds the appropriation through . lee turned Into the state , treasury. Senator Robertson avers that the oresent fees are not sufficient to take care ot the requirements of the department and maintain enough help. His bill will pro vide for an Increase in the fees from 75 to 100 per cent and re nuire additional assistance In th9 department. Most ot the bank ers In the state, it Is said, are tn favor of the. measure and per fectly willing to pay higher fes for eraminations so that more time may be given them. Tim rVit Tlnira Banks with. $20,000 csplUUa- Uon. or under now. pay lees o, 1 1? se far anamination, and on thia amall imoDDt Senator Robert on. a banker himself, says that mora than one dav cannot possibly be given to - an examination. Banks having from $100,000 to $200,000 capitalization now pay fWa of $r0. and those navmj,' from $300,000 to $d0u.U00 P $100. mmm- rATor-J.CE : To" fcet 'in tone h wit rr a . ve ;wire. :ad.7,' riin ; . .who can.-ao window " trimming and -sirn ' cajcti rritinsr. We hAve . good openintr to the - right party, . -.. ...... 'Also have 'position . : open for cfccl steno . . rapher PEO P L E'S i cash Store Romance AdrentarV LIBERT STAHTS SUNDAY Henry B. Wal thall as -the man who took ., the longest sporting chance. ;C . - C I A i V j if j sBssssssjasaF All HA Can't Stop A First National Attraction JTnst pura entertain ment. In this fascinating- play , -an, . ProdacQoa "A SPLENDID : riAZARD" Directed by Allan Dwaa Rased on the Novel by . Freseated by. : play corporauoo . PEICE3 MAX. 0. BUREN i . . T.KAVEXWORTH. Kss., . Jan is. - Jack Johnson, .former heavyweight champion, who la tarrinr a rear in the federal nanitontfarr here Ioliowmsr. cou Tictlon at Chics go on a charge of vlntattne the Mann act. appear ed before the parole bosrd today and asked that" he -be paroien. No" announcement as to ue board's probable action was made. Trainini School WUI Start January 17 t t- f ! si s f i I i I ' Lower prices on Hosier- for Women, SrUacs and Children. The well . knovrit'. Phoenix Il6siery now priced at ' 4 $1.10 $1.45 $135 j i 4 The second semester or xne mmmunftv trstnlflg school n?ia at the Salem public library win ioen Monday nlgnt. January 17 Persons wlahma to enroll msy do . n Qii.if , aftamoon ar me PV, u.a I . 1 meetlnr at he armory or cm if j Monday nlehf. f 1 The course for this semester includes the following numbers Children 'a fast Black 1 by 1 Ribbed Hose, reinforced- heela toes and tr.ees '- 24c 35c 45a . . . -. . Extra good buy Women's Wool Hosiery In heather shades; broken lines; a good assort ment of eolpfs and a full ranje. of yues . t. Clearaway PricelW 6 Matthews: "The Teaching Values U I a ' . ot the OH Testament." by ReT.lp I Quality, W. T. Milliken: "Th TroblemsJ. of the Christian Religion," wn Iby L. A. Pickett; "Administration Merchandise' Popdir Prices 179 N. Com! Street