TUES DAY MnRKlXn. JAKITARY U. 1021 M' . ' 1111-4 tMtliliH.N M A) I'airtA, ftAM'iM, IHU'iUUn - ": ": WOULD MERGE . COMMISSIONS Kay Wants Labor Head Secretary of Consolidated Department . secretary at- the session of 1913 when Senator Vinton wan preaf fnt. Senator Vinton, in nomin ating MiH Miller, said she bad made her way alone in the world since she wa 14- years old. CMldaM Calendar Clet-k. -Albert Mj Goddard ol Umatilla roiinty was the unanimous choire lor oalendiir clerk. Paul Harris of Marion (county having with drawn. 4 Moser nominated Walter L. Tooze for rt-ading clerk. Strayer reconded Ihe nomination, and the election was unanimous. Colonel V. t;. D. Mercer of Eu- Represontatlve T. R. Kay ex pats to Introduce in the house a bill for the-consolidation of tk IndiiRtriat-welfare romnitftton and the child' labor eommlasion with jpene .had no opposition for ser the stata labor commissioners "of' Ptant-at-arms. ' oetjator Bel qt fire. The measure - would maJte ; i.ane county, who- nominated him. the state labor commissioner sec retary and executive officer of the consolidated department. Toe plan la isaid to be satisfactory to C. II. Gram.'sUtef labor commis sioner, 'who .now. administers th law pertaining to allJ.hree depart ments, and who claims that it tiro consolidation -were effected th expanse to the state would bi !out half what it is now under the present system. .'"' The offices now existing on t!i child labor and the industrial welfare commissions probably would "be ".retained, the members to serve as advisory boards in the reierrea to tne colonel as "my friend, and your friend and every body's friend." Senator Jones of f.ane seconded the nomination.1 II, T. Uruce 4t Multnomah county was! elected door-keeper of the senate without opposition. R. S. McClanah of . Multnomah county was the unopposed choice for assistant doorkeeper. Leland T.- Brown of Douglas county, son of Justice Brown of the supreme Its boards fro reacquiring.- real property . or an easement or in terest' therein by private purch ase. . H. n. No. n.Krrell to annul Smitm 6.2O0 of Oregon La wa by placing- certain bond dealers un lr suiervisii.n of ' the bank ex a miner. . t EMBEZZLER MILHOL. LAND IS SUICIDE (Continued from pape 1) nonnced would be made soon. The affair was the chief topic of discussion in Spokane financial circles throughout today. Mr. Hough who has been con fined in: jail since early yester day afternoon following his con fession, which authorities state was made to them, was not In formed of the death of Milhollan l until today." Officials safd he ex pressed profound grief upon hear ing the news and uiid 'I had hoped anything like that might be avoided by the confession. I wa thinking of his wife and children and had hoped to spare them." Hough, the police state NORBLAD WILL INTRODUCE BILL Interstate Bridge is Plan of Senator From i Astoria I Cordon ot (Kubli. " 'Johnston. Supreme' Court Upholds I Noted "China Eg?' Law A WOMAN'S ItKCOMMJ2X!A. , . TIOX. Mrs. D. T. Tryor, franklin Av., Otsego, a., writes: "Nine-years ago I was very much afflicted with kidney trouble. , -1 1 bpaght different kinds; oj medicine,, but all to hy effect.. ntil one day I boughta .hot ot Foley Kidney Pills. I realised so great a bene fit from the use. of that box that 1 feel safe in recommending Fol ey Kidney-Pills to-any kidney sufv ferers. 'They relieve heaaaenes, sore muscles. I rheumatic pains and bladder ailments; Sold every where. : . ..i i ' court, was nominated by Senator i has-not- eaten since he was place 1 t.l.t.. , . M.'ir -i . . " . . . i . . R1TNER AND BEAN! HEAD OF BODIES (Continued from page 1) iutner Taken Oath. Temporary Presicenl Banns ap pointed Senators Farrell of Mult romah ' and. Nickelsen of Hood River and Watto to escort Rit- ner to the chair, Chief - Justice Burnett admin istered the oath to President Rit- ner. I . V .' .- 'It shall, be my aim . to preside over the senate. with Impartiality and to expedite the business of the session" with such dispatch as con son an t? with safety in legis lation." This- wasPresident Rit rer's brief speech of acceptance. The Oregon senate.: which was the first Jn the. United States to ( have a female page, became the first In the nation to elect, a wo man aa assistant chief clerk. She Is Miss Rosin a L. Miller of Mc- Mlnnrllle, wad was elected unani mously after being nominated- by Senator Vinton, to whom she was Eddy for mailing clerk, and his election wait unanimous. Senators Vinton, Moser and Upton were appointed as com mittee on rules. Senators J. N. Smith, Ryan and Hall were appointed a com mittee to notify the governor that the senate was : organized and ready for business. . Representative Kubli was nom inated as temporary speaker of. the house by representative Gal lagher of Multnomah county, re presentative Leonard seconding the nomination. The oath of of fice was administered at 3.30 by Judge Burnett of the" Supreme Court. - i - - Representative Louis EL Bean was nominated for sneaker of tha session by Herbert J. Gordon of Multnomah, the nomination being seconded by Representative "Bur- dick, i Representative Gallaeher moved the nominations" closed and and a unanimous ballot was cast for Mr: Bean. - - Harvey Wells of Mnltnomah, ws appointed aeting1: secretary of the house upon the", motion of Representative Burdick that ' the chairman appoint' such an officer. inner officers elected in the house were W. P. Drarer. chief clerk; J. D. Bedingfield, Douglas county, assistant chief clerk; El- oen iiede, cottager Grove. , read ing clerk; Fred J. Meodallcal- enaar cterie; Joseph F. Singer, aergeant-at-arms; Ben E. P.6b ertson, Marion county, door-keeper; William F; McAdams. insilins unler arrest. His bonds, set at $20,000. have not yet baen met. Mr. Callahan is a. pioneer miner of the Idaho Coner D'Alenes. Ac cording to mining men here "he worked for 25 years before finally-striking it rich." Mr. Calla han owns much of the stock of the Interstate-Callahan Zinc property, one of the largest producers in the Couef D'Alenes. David A. Calla han, his brother, a member of the Idaho legislature.- is now en route to Spokane from Boise to help clear np matters, it is said. David Callahon, it is said, handled much of the business affairs or his bro ther. , Senator Norblad or Astoria will be author of a bill f be intro duced this session of the legisla ture wbic-h may ultimately result in the construction of an inter state bridge from Westport. Clat sop county, to CathlamJt. on the Washington side of the river. I The bill will provide for a com mission to be appointed and to work with' the state highway com mission in investigating into-th feasibility, or the project, the com mission to report .to-th legisla ture of 19.23. - - .-.' A. road across Puget island. -In the Columbia river., would con nect the two terminals ot the bridge. Norblad expects to have a logged-ofr land Jill, intended to promote agricultural and indus trial development of those lands. apainst tho measure .w tin-; Utestin plw--t iM'fnre (li- m.-.is for a referundum vote. Mayor Baker Takes Up Chief of Police Duties and Ceorse; D. Hoban.-r:resnt- j fOMMITTHtS inu the ex-enlistl mru. i n r-w nh AIMTriS ! UglOation ' HinmoMd.-0er , In Ihrir letter to the siuf v . AKL'ArrUlil 1 LU i , ( 4;or..m j MuUuomah. Mai ccucive coinnutiee. tnw- ppon- iriitrnieI from pare 1 ) ',; iiti Carlir. UuIliKr. m.VMPIA. Wash.. Jan. 1. tjiits to the st. t.- l onus nunf iii. nt, ! Uv :u-k-T mp? ". Iltiuler. T, so-call.Hl -China epg- law. re- Uk Uat they bt. ai!uued io.Hiibm.t ; La F(,iieif. hiraycr. lv.rter.. !rJW,r. farv. Shai.li. 'unirine hh-K resfaurantH and five huiuirc-U word arpumnni, p:,iiri.ad :ii!.l Ttiliti.- 1 :i.T-; m .....rfiiirin- Itoukitt. I ...i.-, ni.-M that om forelen err har.l. M--r. E.i:iVtU. KiMy. , f,,rd. North. .Kay. Hatt. ! j ,n,. preparation of luOd. or that llioinns. Norblad, Hall. - J" .VI. .luiii.. Plurr.iai and D"-; M.rVf forwign -rz adviw the K.'snlutians II.MiV.s. I pi . ; tistry- - IVrry. MrKaranl. li nn-; ,,j,ir of that tact br "plainly M.iscr. Kobertson. Norl.l.id. i.i.uhI. MilU r. Wright. t r-adall cien" vras apheld as eon- i: vi.-i.ii of I.as - Kild. 1Ium". : Mililarv Affair.- North. Koril. I itltjorai n a ilerii'ion hand d I lli-i Strarer Joseph. Thnniu". ( Hamnumd. Hubtuiril. Moan. r.,.,, i Mittin- Hubbard. Johuston ..... i 1 k..ui. PORTL-M). Jan. ! Mayo- . . r. (H, fkM.nl. ank, r.!rr I'rintin-'- ! i"tir. ,I.inarl lleorge I.. Baker who SOIay !Vil iro Patterson. I'pton. f-Mdy. ; ''. Kb.41- '""f up bis dtiti.'s a" acting chb'f . , ,,; i.,,.r.llP Public IusiitiHion? police uj faced by reports or 14 roliberins and - thre" l;oldur- which bad occurred Sunday and early today. The mayor had an nounced hijs Intention of taking irctive charge of the police toic in order to increase its ef fi-i ney in flghtln? crime. Flint. Hoi .1 . k'nx P.rrt. Marnh. Westcott. Smith. K?rh.'!id Norblad. Dell. The hmif e committer!-as ap-1 pointed by speaker Bean rtad as , OTf.nrf ."iiopkins. Kic barJ.. Fhel tfown b the tate supreme couit lodar. The decision- reverwai the rul'.ng of the Tbufston county fnperlor court in the'soit brought by Par rett and company., rcg importers of San Francwco. to enjoia th state commlsiiioaer of agriculture follows: Agriculture Hunter. Marsh. Belknap. UaFoileit. snauK. Alcoholic Traffw Pubi:o Lant k.r.i innn. til.or. Arlion. I .t ..rr-il frotn.en- 1 ...... . - .- - .illlt .'V 1 I " ' . . i. 1-.wtitul,t.l!All . iw f , Kiiimajt ....-.. i forctns tne law. idf iown mii granted the ininncUon but the an- Helkna i. diu. Wells. i uretue court ordered It disaolved. Resolutions KnMI. iaiiagner. ; holdin?; ttle: a to be a proper ex Carter. Burdick. Hurd. . ;-re,. r the nolice iower of tb ItevUion of Uwk QCKEN ENTERS HARBOR . Hindinarr. Kinnev. Perry. HoWts. :vIarirl All. n. Korell WORLD PLAN TAKES BEST OF TREATY (Continued from page 1) m Bern MMHwarfM - Dr. Ed vratds Olive Tablets Get at the Cause and Remove It elect with ,; Henry "W. Douglas Pierce, . Indianapolis,: who has re turned from a. tour abroad.. Another caller' was F. W. Gal braith of Cincinnati, national commander cf the American- le gion; Colonel Galbraith came to present the case of disabled 6ol diers .for whose, proper care,, he said, the present administration has failed to provide. He said he found Mr. Harding concerned i about the problem. Mounce Loses Salt . Against Jeff Pooler After an absence from the court room of but a few minutes es- fnlflv th ilirv in th rase of 1. F. Mounce against Jeff. Pooler, charged with alienation of affec tions, returned a verdict of . not. guilty. Mr. Pooler will be entit led to recover the .costs of the suit. ... Th9 case has been on trial rince Friday," and has been large ly attended throughout. . Silver Cup Is Given to '. National Bank Pig Gab Mnltnomahi Hunter. .Ways and Means Cordon of Multnomah. Peirce, Kubli. Childs. Hurd.' Kay. Hyatt. ' was at no time in danger f Jackrabbit Hunter Make Terrific 8-Hour Drive Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub stituta for calomel, act gently on the bowels and positively do the work. People afilicted with bad breath find 9uick relief through Dr. Edwards' Olive ablets.,'- The pleasant, - sugar-coated ' tablets are taken lor bad breath by all who know them. ----- Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act gen tly but firmly on the bowels and liver, stimulating them- to- natural action. clearinK the blood and gently pcrifying the entire system. They do that which dangerous calomel does without any ol the bad alter enects. ' All the benefits cf nasty, sickening. frioine cathartics are derived from Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets without griping, pain or anyciisagrteable eftects. Dr. F. M. Edwards discovered the formula after seventeen years of prac tice amonz patients afflicted with bowel and, liver complaint, -with the attendant bad iireath. Olive Tabk-ts are purely a vegetable compound mixed with olive oil; you !' will know them by their olive color. Take one or two every night for a week and nots the ell ecu- i5cnowuc 1 WANTED! 2,000 f fh prettiest girls la - SALEM t attend the Opeolag of "THE ' CHARM SCHOOL" at the Oregea Theatre -Kixt Sanday WALLACE SEID, Sapt. clerk. Most ot these were elected unanimously!, little opposition be ing shown tor any. of the offices. . mils introduced into the sen ate yesterday were: -7 . ' -S. B. 1 by Kberbard Renent- Ing act of 192a creating board of mecnanics. examiners. - - '- 8. B. 2 by Eber hard Relating to appointment of special district attorneys and declaring emergen cy. . i . S. B.,2 bjc Ryan .Pro vidlngel emption from royalty, payments on sand and gravel used in high way construction bridges or pub lic Duuaings. 4 : . . 3, S. B. 4 by Eddy Providing re- yjunerauon ior property damaged by beaver or protected game. s. tJ. & by Eddy Declaring certain- contracts between municipal corporations and nubile utilities obligatory and' beyond the power oi tne public service commission and the -courts m annul or set aside.. S. B. by Eddv Declarini? cit ies of over 1000 population seia- rat road districts and not subject to jurisdiction of county courts. . . s. u. i oy Hume (by request) Regulating the practice of chiron- ody and creating state board, of chiropody examiners.. . ' S. B;; S by Hume---AmendlaE section 1 2. chapter 58. lawa of 1911, and providing that no pri vate, denominational or parochial school, college, university, nor mal school or educational insti tution shall be recognized or list ed as a standard schooL S. B. 9, by Hume Providins that no.councelor or attorney. sheriff, clerk, or any officer of any court shall be eligible for ap pointment as a member of state parole board. S. B. 10 by Hume Providing for election of circuitjudges at large in Multnomah county.. S. B. 11 by Hume Prohibiting the wearing In public schools by any teachers thereof of any drcrs or garb indicating religious affil iation. t S.. B.,12 by Hume Regulatin; private, denominational and -P? rochlal schools. ' ; . The following bills were Intro duced In the house for first read ing yesterday afternoon: , H, B. No. 1, Lee -To create the office of Oregon state commis sioner of promotion, and Industry; to authorize and -direct the Ore gen Stata Board of Control to appoint a suitable person to such office. H. B. No. 2, Hosford To pro hibit State of Oregon or any of Plans for the President-elect's vacation in Florida, were talked over by him today with W.' H. Moran, chief of the secret service, in charge of the advance arrange ments. - , A beautiful silver Cup Vas pre sented to the United States National Bank Pig Club. ' Satur day, afternoon at a meeting of the club, as a. reward for-having won first prize in the judging contest at the Pacific International stock show held in . Portland recently. The cup was presented by the Oregon Farmer, through its rep resentative, Mr. Bushnell 1 Boys serving on the team were Homer PENDLETON", Or., Jan. 10. An average of 100 jackrabbits each were killed by ?0 Pendleton men' during an eight-hour" hunt yesterday in the Echo. Or., sec tion where members of the local rod and gun club-staged a-social fchoot to rid farmers of the pests which are destroying crops. It is -estimated that 500 rabbit.4 were killed and of these 2j0i were' picked up. They wjll b-. given me aivaiton army ior ""-jcary. Kinney. Wwtcott. Aclieson iiiuiiiion urn-Jim tur yimi . ' Carsner : ypu- leeii-ii mi. ' Forestry . and Conservation IHiA 'Powell. Allen. Miles. Ie. Kinney. Game McFarland, Overturf. JAMF-S DAVM) IS DHT. Woodson. IInblard. Assessment and Taxation -f JrfhiTston--StiQ... . ! . SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 10. ford. Kuvey. ltoberU. Powe.l.' ,.PadllWt4 Ubw.n Wright. Thr. Pipamer Oueen. of the Pac-: Hindi.inu. . I r.irter. -Flint. l.oone-. Sloan. Shlr- ific Coast Steamship .company-. : Hanking unor. iicnhhi. j la. Koreil. Bnrdick and Gonion oi which became disabled Sunday! don of Lane. Miller. Miles. I!un-i.no. ten miles north or I'omt Arena. ; u-r. ik-.us. ; Utiles anl joint limes nuu. arrived in port tonight in tow -fj . Capitid Buildings and Grounds Woothwnf yue. Hinman. Gordon the ttig IIercule3. oney. i,-i) wnrui. The Queen was enroute to Seat-' Cities andTowns Hirbards. tie from hero when her ehank-. l.aFollette. Johnston, shaft broke. Fifty-three passen- Claims Allen. Fletcher. Tem gers were transferred here to the ! pleton.- Admiral Watson of the same line Commerre and .Navigation and will continue their journey ; Leonard, Alln. Roberts. Hosford. tomorrow. It was said the Queen ! Beals. i CortMirations McDonald.' Wells. Acbeson. Fisher. Richards. Countie Sloan. McDonald. Martin." Stone. McFarland. Education Sheldon. Belknap, Lee. Egbert. Templeton. - Elections Egbert. Marsh. Achesoo, Cary.Shank. Expositions and Fairs Wells. McDonald. Shiria. Westcott. Loon ey. . . Engrossed Bills Parey Childs. Powell. - Enrolled Bills Childs. -Davey. Powell.' . ' Fisheries Hurd.- Peirce. Leon ard. Miles. Burdick. Davey. Rob erts. , Food - and Dairy Products rtate. Wood Urges Immediate y Disarmament Steps WASHINGTON. Jan. 10. ltep- of Multnomah. j . , , ,t- k t?i.i. rKti rff rials tuinnM wi - Peirce, Woodson. Flint. Gordon of Jame V. P.iwsoifdied late lart nTijlit rt his home on 1293 Ship ping street at the asc ct.S2 jeara. Mr. Pnwsr.n Is mrvived by three caiUj-en.'X: M: Ihtwyrm of Peru. Ind.; Mrs. Julia ' Keppner of Lar-e. Ind.. and Mrs. Alice McII-n-tln of Solem. The IkmIv Is at Rigdon funeral parlAr. The fun eral announcements will be mad? later. committee, told the house today "the Fnlted State should take , immediate steps toward disarraa ment." without waiting for an agreement with othr nations. "If we follow such a program. he said, "the sentiment ot the world will be o strong that other nations will follow la oar wak." Robert Bridges Holds Poe( Laureate Title Colby Invites President Irigcyen to Visit U. S. Senator Ebeirhard Introduces Bill Senate bill No. 2. introduced by Senator Eberhard yesterday, authorizes the circuit Court to ap point a special prosecuting attor ney in cases where the regularly elected district attorney has pre viously served attorney fornw defendants, tinder trial. It is said there ; is now nothing to prevent the court from appointing such an attorney, but there is no authority of law whereby the attorney ap pointed can be paid for his ser vices. The bill", proposes an amendment to section 1027 Olson's code. .- Bray, Lyle Rains and Louis Dra ger. In addition to the tcup; eacli boy was given a gold 'medal by the Pacific International " stock show association, through its' re presentative. O. M. Plunimer. -secretary of the association, and-tut-tons were-given by L. -J.-,; Allen, state .leader of the State Live stock club. ."'' Speakers of the afternoon were Thomas Brunk, of Polk county, N. C. Naftgef of Brooks," George JV. Eyre. H. C. Seymour, state club leader, J. E. Calafan. repre senting the State Industrial Wor kers from the state dfjartmen M of aducatlon- and Judge Wr"iL: Bhsbey. Mrs. M- L. Fulkerson presided at the meeting ' . Fletcher. Fi.her. North. W. F. Bell, recently here from i Perry Coriloo ol I--ne. Bennett Fresno, Cal.. died yesterday afUi Health and Public Morals ' . . .... ,. V-t T"l , . " . ernoon ai a local noiei aiier a lew rvu-nj. days Illness from pceumonia. Mr..'''.n.n- Bell came to Salem about a week ago accompanied by his wife and; nrnxos aires. Jan. 10. President Iriroyc-n was Invited by S?oretary Colby in President WH s.m"ii name, durinc Mr. Colby's vipit. tp. lsit the Cnited SUtes. ;iys 1-a Epica. govraent organ. Horticilture Miller. Sheldon, I " " V. . ? . .7 '. .1. 1.," . Egbert. Carsner. Shiria. ie-year-old daughter. He had secured option on a piece of Sa lem property and jhad completed tlie deal with a local parage for. a thifck automobile, planning to tnakethis-city his home.' He was 4"3 years old. The body is at the Wpbb it Clough-parlors, awaiting Ionard. F'Ictcher, the making of funeral arrange-1 Bennett, Hindman', ments. . Labor and Iwdnsfry Lynn Immigration ' Lee. LaFollett, Fletcher. Lynn, Woodson. liiaurance Martin. McDonald. Wells. Westcott. North. Irrigation r Gallagher. .Over turf. Sheldon. Burdick. Carsner. Judiciary Burdick. Gallagher. Hammond. rigniticance in view of the policy- pursued by Argentina during the war and her withdrawal from tho Gfiwva meeting of the league of nations. ' Altlioush Piesident Irigoyen was unstie lo accept the invita-' tiou. it fays, the fact of its t trnsioii fhnwj '"tne respect in spired in Washington by Argen tina'.s vigorous and original for eign policy.'' LONDON. Jan. . Robert Bridges,, poet laureate of the British Empire, is to remain in offke, despite a suggestion tfcst -he be , removed. Ills fitness to do so was questioned by Horatio Botfomley. rh asked the Premier- if Britain's national bard had written any poetry on the war, on the declaration of peace or the unveiling of the cenotaph, snd if not. "would the prime minister consider' appointing a national poet whose in use was more at tuned to the soul of the British nation." Premier Lloyd . George replied that "so far as he was aware, the Post Laureate had written not b fng about the events mentioned but Mr. Bridges had written many poems during the war. and it was not considered necessary to make any change.. A vir In IhN TTnnaA nluul InnA Lvghter by solemnly suggesting that Mr. Boltomley himself should take ever the job. . When another member sug gested that. Rndyard Kipling be atf f 9rwf f h tfWMBt ff Wam em- m m . EJJH Road Bond Bids Have Reached $145,250 The total of Marion '. county road bond bids received by the county court, yesterday, amount ed to $145,250 in all. Though this is not the full amount to be subscribed, it is understood that when the second bids- are adver- tasebaU Leagues Agree to' Late Re-organization 'CHICAGO, Jan. 10. Committees- chosen by the- two major baseball leagues to draw up a new national agTeethnt- tQday, voted their approyal of 'the agree" ment formulated in "New" York recently which provided for re organization . with Federal Judge Landis as baseball commissioner. The action put at rest rumors that the American league was not satisfied with the agreement. The agreement will b formally acted on by the two : leagues, tised the balance will be taken j probably tomorrow, but this ac-- by local peopte. The Voodburn district took, through, the bank, ot . Woodburn. $31,000 worth of the bonds, and the Stayton district; through the Fanners & Merchants bank, $35, 000. Apart from the sale of bonds through various other banks, there were 58 individual snbscrtbers. .'"l Fuel TrucK and ' ' Delivery Car Clash 7 - Oscar Auer, truck driver for the Salem Fuel company, was badly cat on the wrist last night in an antoraobiie collision with a Ford delivery car belonging to C. B. Clancey. and driven by O. D. Ol son, 0$ North Church street. According to the police report. the Ford struck the truck at. the intersection of Church and Court streets, turning" the truck com pletely around and overturning it. Mr. Auer received his injuries from the broken glass, as he was thrown to the pavement when the truck turned over. Mr. Olson was nninjured by the accident. The delivery machine was somewhat damaged. . v LEARM TO D1MW t.. ry-UixraTaATtD ami sookixt aio rtaits wrmour amy cost to i ruxw. school Dttosasa ar TMtLaacasT fewspams. MACAzaai i ftsnoas AMD rajeous aaTtsn. t 11 Correspondetk Inctruction and Local QaMoa f , f -s Offlca floan ftcst 10 tion is looked upon 'as a formal ity, the national league already having signed lh& agreement and President Johnson of the Ameri can league having officially, an nounced that the agreement met with the approval. of the club owners in his circuit. Prospects of the minor leagues joining with the majors looked bright, although no . action was taken at their meeting today. The minors' drafting committee will meet with the two major league committees tomorrow when it i3 believed all differences, will- be settled. A1 UDD & BUSH BANKERS j j r ' Est&bli5hed 1868 : 'vt t :', Z . General Banting Badwa; t..r;!. j Charles Henry Dies at Local Hospital Charles F. Henry died January 8. at a local hospital at the age of 66 years. The funeral will be held this afternoon at 1 o'clock from the Rigdon chapel. Rev. H. N. Air drich officiating. Interment will be In the City View cemetery.- The deceased is survived by his widow, two daughters. Mrs. Em- maline Morgan of Shoteau. MonL, Miss Sarah Henry of Salem, one sister. Mrs. Sarah Cropper of Rus sellville. Ohio and two brothers. Albert Henry of Russelville, Ohio, and Jesse L. Henry of Great Falls, Mont. George Irving Addresses Local Y. M.C. A. Workers Twenty-five of the prominent religious workers of the city, in clding pastors, members "of the board of directors of the V. M. C. A. and leaders of Bible classes gathered at the Y. M. C. A: last night to listen to a pUrying ad dress given by George Irving pi the International Y. M.-C. A. of New York city. Mr. Irving was accompanied by W. W. Dillon and John Rudd. both of whom are state secretaries. The plans were made -for the program of the state Y. M. C. A. convention, which will be ' held in this city the latter part of Jan uary. A full program vrflt be an nounced at a later date. , . MOST COMPLETE COLLECTION OF SONGS IN THE WORLD " 1 - -- 1 1 1 - 1 , J J" ,ML 11 "J "1 1 1 1 Jiwwa. w --r-r Swr,,";:, ",-1 ; ,r, ."irLrT' f . v-.4. r .77 rc-f- - t " - . 1 " " '-. . , '. , ... -',- w,; ' - - , ;. I . .-.-v-- - r r f-' ;-i" : - ' ,- - - ; - . - , r !! ; ' ' - , . - M ' - lii'l .. : - ".... I'' : "- - ';: lr : ' ' - . ' : ," " . ; . n .... ; ; - , ' :!", "v-'.;'- . - . -' - v,:."'":- . ji:-! . . ' .s. - - . .- . . ? , '"' 1 -. -. .' - . ,' ' . .. , - " . 1 ;" . t .jip v. y- "-' x'--' '. -" . . - - : ' : -"-. ' -. - , - - j j''- -..,-; .. ' 1',M. - --.V.-i 11.1- v.. -,- v..s : ,-.' .,."-..- -r ,t. . 3 , m m . t mm 1 1 ' ' . . . I Turner School District Votes to Have Gymnasium In a tpecial- election' by . the voters of the Turner school dis trict Saturday-on the question of building and equipping a gym nasium, the measure , carried by a vote of 52 to -10, a majority of 12 votes..- It is .understood con- ' stmctiofl of the" tnnirnngnrriT be- Ex-Soldiers Oppose State Bonus Bill - '. 1 PORTLAND; Ore., Jan. 10. ! Opposition to the movement for a state bonus which has been grow ing among members of the Amer ican I legion, crvstalized tnriv when a committee of ten. repre senting the five . ex-officers and five ex-enlisted men. drafted a let ter to the state executive commit tee of the legion askinpr that the question of a state bonus for Ore gon soldiers be referred to a ref erendum of the American legion posts throughout the state before it is formally presented to the state legislature. This committee consists of Dow V. Walker, Lester H. Hum phreys. Cassins R. Peck, E. C Sammonsr and rFank .. S. Sever. representing- ex-officers. and j Jafties R. Bain, John W. Kennedy. -" BOOK OF A THOUSAND S - SONG ACTUALLY CONTAINING MORE THAN A THOUSAND STANDARD SONGS OLD AND NEW 0FEW DESCRIPTION ARRANGED FOR PLAYING OR SINGING 1 '- " , 1 ' H!:'. I as our supply is Jiruitetl. mmm0$m:zmmm0 ' y- spegi-at' Wouldn't yon. enjoy having all the sonfrs you love, songs of every description, ' love . songs, horns songs, operatic and college songs, . hymns and Sacred songs, all the National and Patriotic songs. Children's songs, Folk Songs and Southern Melodies, just the kind of a collection of songs that E ERYBODY WANTS. Whether you use this book f 01 singing or playing for your ovra personal en-. . joyinent, or whether you list it in the family circle, it is absolute ly the best book that money can buy the ideal home song book, There are 1,004 songs vrithiu its covers everything good in song land. The home vrhich has a copy ' of this book on its piano is a home, where good cheer will always per meate the atmosphere- Contains 536 pages, beautifully bound.- NOW is your chanee to take ad 1 van-age of one of the HEST pre mium offers ever made We have now on band a number of copies of tills book of the most up-to-date, and the largest collection. Send Wile The Sending Is Good - I Collection of old and new songs cfer compiled. Get one of these OF A THOUSAND KOXCS and whatever the occasion you wi ;sc large books ill nKrnva le . provided with the proper music. Darkey Lullaby s, Love Songs, any kind of ' o"o .,uu want or ucsire. COUPON S0NGB00K COUPON This coupon good for the Great Book of 1000 Songs. If presented with two other coupons (three in all) and $1.50, in cash. STATESMAN PUBLISHING CO. . 213 S. Commercial St., Salem, Ore. lly name and addres is: ' ' Name Address. . . . . . 1 ' t Get us one new subscriber for the Daily Statesman, paid one year in advance, or three new sub scribers paid three months in ad vance, and we will present you with this beautiful look absolute ly free, including postage. Statesman Publishing Comp any SALEM, OREGON la tgin at an eariy oaie. ,T. M. Moloney, W. H. Huntington 1 T I -