The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 11, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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" ; , 'asued Daily Except Monday by
' 215 S. Commercial St., Salt-ra. Oregon
(Portland Office. 7v4 Kpaldisg Iluildlng. Phone Main 1116)
Th Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the us for repub
lication of all newt dUpatchea credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and also the local news published herein.
R. J. Hendricks. .....
Stephen A. Stone. . ... .
Ralph Glorcr ........
Frank Jaskoslti
. , . .Manager
Managing Editor
. . .Manager Job Dept.
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WEEKLY STATESMAN, li sued In two six-page sections, Tuesdays
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Job Department, 583. -Society
Editor 106.
Leasee who have
or ml looe Irom North Dakota
onl ere now attempUuu to pe'
under the of the farmers of
Kan?a and .serar&te them from
their monj aftr making them
btl!cv : th-rst they l.ave a grone'j
at CK-Ietj in ;:ieral a,;d the pres
ent order ol thins in particular.
"I he sovernor of Kan-?H deems It
necpfesarj- to make a public cs
vi5e of the actions of the former
rionghboys who wtre raking tbi
lives in France at $3o a month,
in defence of world ilnncrrary
and . civiUzation an I decency,
visile the Non-Pa rtiim; cans of
Socialists and An.-u-cbists under
Town ley were sowing sedition at
hor-je. No one with red America!
Wood intad of Russian Ice
water in his veins ousLf to need
any excuse for fighting to th-
last ditch the I5o!sliViS!u that
m rclrpt the Non-Partisan Leau".
jny more than any ;ood citizen
von'd need as excu?e for at
tempting to prevent the spread
of rmallpox or the yeilow fever.
stick of the old material can
be ? usd i.i the construction,
r'orty-elght families are l.iag in
the building and are doing Ir.'rlj
well, but the structure bju1 be
torn down and every plank and
timber " burned while I'aric Sjni !
jreparea the plans tsii .ip'itica
iions and r laces the lumber or
d"r for a new home. Arl aflr
two years of wrangling nd the
i iuanurins of a coi'p'.e of bil
lons to keep up an nnnccessuir
usr front they rail, tliis "cm
sirueitvo stste::iar.!:i:r'" How
do they pet that way? Some folks
vould think it more l:t a hallu
c'ration. Anyhow, our fta'esmfu
give the rcbt of the world aninse
nunt. and that hels some in
making life endurable.
Ing for jobs In the legislature rcatJ There
cannot le accommodated.
Salm Is the undisputed loan
berrv center, of the world; the
ca;y money,
Tin: woi.i.n cocht.
Entered at the Postolfice in Salem, Oregon., as gecond class matter.
The numbers of the Oregon Legislature in session at the
Capitol are, "generally gpeaking, fair minded, intelligent,
earnest and able t , . , .
As fine a body as ever assembled under the bigome to
make laws and give directions for the conduct of the business
of the state government.
Tkey need no advice a3 to their duties
Though advice from any source will not be resented by
the earnest representatives of the people working in the state
house with an honest desire to serve their commonwealth and
their country in the best possible ways.
Here is one suggestion: .
Congress ought to be memorialized early, in the session
in favor of protective tariff legislation for the products of
Oregon I
For our wool, our fruits, especially our cherries, our flax
and hemp, our poultry products, our hides and skins, etc etc.
The Wavs and Means Committee of the House, which has
the making of the proposed new tariff law in hand, is now
holding daily hearings; this committee began that work last
Perhaps there should also be a memorial concerning the
f mpiwnw tariff Wislation though this "will likely be a
fruitless effort i due to the free trade President fortunately
on the last leg of his administration.
- The work of the enrolling and engrossing committees of
the Legislature will be dove-tailed in together at the present
session, through an arrangement made by Hon. Frank Davey
and others.: and several hundred dollars, if not some thou
sands, saved to the taxpayers. There is no doubt that econ
omies in other directions might be made in the machinery of
legislation,' brr-effeiency-expert.---In everydirectioaiiie
interests of the overburdened taxpayers ought to be looked
after, and no doubt will be, at the present session. The high
cost of living and the high cost of everything else must be
trimmed to the point just above where efficiency and quality
might be endangered. The state government must be earned
on, and all the useful branches of its various activities main-
1 tamed. . But economy ought to be the watchword.
. y .
The Pilgrim- tercentenary is
over and the question is not yet
settled whether Isaac AlSerton and
company landed at Plymouth
Hock from the Mayflower or the
Speedwell. There seems to be a
lot to be said on both rides o'
this proposition. Personal!
ere noncommittal.
Twenty- two nationr have al
uady signed the " preamble or
agreement for the permanent
court of International justice as
framed by Elihu Root and others
for the League of Nations. When
this is ratified by the parliaments
of a majority of the countries
form in i; the League the status of
the world court becomes effec
tive. This looks like a fair start
toward iternational j.istice. The
rrincirle of compulsory arbitra-
we Itloa is provided in a separate pro
tocol which has a'ready been
signed by four nations. The
. tl, rf IK. hpatlltrul !wa
crealest Orepon (ItalUu) l'r0f the ho.r.e of Hon. Joha Mc
maiket on oarili; the dary ren-j NarTt SoXh S-jmruer street,
ter. the f;ier Hax center of th t S .
t'nttcd States: the OreRon straw- n.. wav. talkinc of lonanza
berry center: the walnut center. froc?: -jhe mint crop of the Wil-
re 1 big modey in It; at the home of Mrs. Hans Jensen. , parchased a U rs b ae-i
and sure. lbo has been ill forborne time. HabbarJ d.slrict last fall.
V - Mm. Jensen Is a danKhter of Mr. Mrs. Halt e Allen of Sl
' Mr. o 3 Ma of Silverton. I been a visitor at Silverto
borne U the
and so on throiish a lone lift, and
this valley is. the only place in
the I nlted States where filbert
t.rowia? h!d eveloped on a com
mercial tc&le. Salom must make
more certain her lead as the fil
bert center.' It will take only a
tew more plantines. and they arc
co m ins. A planting of 100 acres
would fix it. and this oucht to b?
lamette valley will be Uouuica
aain tills year, as it was lat.
And ev.fn then the market will
not bosfju ta be supplied: only a
tart m ade, i The mint crower
jircpose to erect a refinery this ! week at
year, ana. sun iuriner acceniuaie j
the leadfbp of Oregon in this
comlns Fcat i:idu!.try.
and Mrs. O. J. Mas of Silverton. j been a visitor
Dr. C. L. Wilson of Fflverton ; wefc
wa recently married In Portlsrd ; 11
to Mls Opal Gilmore of Kiddle. ;
They returned to fellverton ine
last of the week and have takea
apartments at the Potraff resi
dence. Y
I.. E. Inman i" havlnr office
and display room I.i the S Iverton
Blow Pipe company's building en
larged. CTvin Williams I ppendinr the
Hnbbanl. !r. William
Silverton tbb
uwiun mom ctt tk- .
fttV of
now To Get Relief When Head
and Nom are Stuffed Up.
SILVnUVON. Ore.. Jan. "10.
I t Special to The Stptesmanl Den
and George Kaufman have return-
I ed from thtir tcir of Southern
4 ,
County fifty! Your cold in h"ad
or catarrh disapnears. Yo:r
clogged nostrils will open. th air
passages of your head will clear
and you can breathe freely. No
mor? snuffling and hawking, mu
cous discharge, dryness or head
ache, no struggling for breath at
Het a small bottl-? of Kly's
Cream Palm from yonr drugget
tnd apply a littl of this fragrant
sntiseptic cream in- your nostrils.
It- penetrates through every ai
oarage of the head, soothing and
healinz the swollen or inflam-d
i r m. . TTn Al
.Mr. ami -JJ. "rui . - mill in-ru i
and Mrs. Marie Uune
Portland Krtc'ay in the former a
car. While in -Portland they called
We cpnfidently challenge themost inflamed imagination
to conceive of a more colossal folly tlian for the very three
nations'' who are the sole economic hope of civilization today
to pour billions of dollars into the sea at this most critical of
times ; and .all absolutely ta no purpose. These three nations
are, of course, Ihe United states, the British Empire and Ja
pan." They possess the only three important navies. Any one
of thm is already impregnable against attack by any nation
or group of nations, outside of the Big Three. Yet there are
men who.soberly suggest that they shall all rush into a warship-building
orgy in open competition with each other which
will, for a measurable period at all events, leave them each
year exactly where they are relatively at the present mo
ment. Philadelphia Ledger.
Senator Knox is said to be re
commending an amendment to his
German peace resolution declar-.
In? that when the peace of Eu-i
rope Is at any'tjme threatened th
United Stales "fciould regard such
situation as a menace to its
own peace and freedom and would
consult with toe rowers with a
view to co-operating fa" ttie del
fenie of civilization.
The senator from Pennsylvania
is represented in the dispatches
as saying that if this had been
the avowed and announced policy
of tyhe I'nited States before .1914
it is iraprobable that the war
would have occurred.
Wonder if he believes it?
Somebody gets up in our con
gress: and offers a resolution that
if anybody talks fight the I'nited
States 'may take measures to pro
tect, civilization.
After that the Germans, the
Russians, the Bulgarians and the
Turks will behave. ,
The ponderous machinery and
impressive obligations of a world
eourt.or a Leagae of Nations are
unnecessary. , All lhat Is required
Is a breezy resolutionby a gen
tleman of -the American con-
This is one way of, avoiding en
tangling" aliances. Itul it is by
slapping the whole world's face
at once.
It Is well that American con
gressmen are not always taken
mucous membrane, giving you in-
countries of the world are at least 'tant relief. Head colds and ca-
tarrn vieia line magic. una i
trying to get together on a basis
of mutual understanding and it
is hardly right that Uncle Sam
should essay to gum up the cards.
The United States court has
beld in an injunction proceeding
that the Iowa law fixing railway
fare at two cents a inlle Is un
constitutional. The railroads were
able to show that their revenues
would not cover at that
rate and the court holds that the
railway companies cannot be
made to haul people for les thai
cost. Fixing prices by. statute !s
a rather careless pioposition. any
how. No law that sets a figure
below cost of service will hold
good under any circumstances and
if rates are to be made at al!
they Ehotfld be established
through unbiased experts and
made to fit existing conditions.
tay stnffed-up
Relief is sure.
and miserable.
2.000 of tb -prtiet (iris ta
to fttund tJM Opening f
at ta Orfm Taeatrc
Vert Sfendiy
- -
What i Franklin Roosevelt do
Ir g to occupy bis mind since the
I election?' ":'':-'.'
We do not ceod as muc'a mor.ey
s we think we do. This may be is the trntU.
'culturists. that the prie of their
product Is determined by the sup
ply and the demand. One cannot
lift himself over the fence by hi4
bootstraps, try it though he' may.
It Is the tame in the cotton busi
ness as it is In wheat and corn
nd other agricultural crops.
If left to Mrs. Harding
would likely pick a "kitchen cab
inet.". One that was a good judge
of waffles.
England bas paid a billion dol
lars to her indebtedness to us.
3ut In time to tcttle --lor that
Nw Year turkey. ; i "A y'y.
Cuba Is tbe profligate nel;ulr
text door, cocky and independent
and profiteering when skies are
fair and conditions favorable, but
needing help, when the weather
prows doudy and the skies drip
rain. ' '
The rush of Immigrants to the
United States ftill continues in
great numbers and the. most of
them are coming supplied with
noney. As Ponti js In the' peni
tentiary, they will probably be
h!e to hold on to some of it.
, The osteopaths of; Washington
hav declared that the wearing of
Ligh-!;eeled fhoes by women It as
immoral as the excessive use of
trink. Possibly 'the idea is that
it i hard for v. high stcprt" to be
virtuous. It a'iO atpeari that
l-igh-hceled shres are cot-ducive
to race suieUs They deirrm the
feet.- erlppl? tTi- and spine,
rnin the kcir an1 digestion
at.d cause c nsam;ttlcti. Pop.iily
all this may be true, but unless
some stronger atugment can be
fownd the women r i!I continue to
wear them. Of course, if it could
be found that they wenr unfash
ionable that would settle It rirht
-way. but until that happens tlie
Pipe-stem heels vr.U be wom. Al
moKt ary decent tvomin would
lather le derorni?d and consump
tive than unfashionable. Any
kindergarten student know that.
,The United States wl!l have a
population! of 200,000.000 sonb
by tbe year 2000. according to
the reckoning of actuaries. That
sounds like a nice even rombin-;
ation. An auditor , w ould say
that we would have 199,!21,9S9
In the last seven-eighths oi 19?9.
The actuaries are much sweeter.
How we (are going to lind joL
for two hundred million persons
K another matter and we are not
scing to let it bother us today.
. It is announced that, the Pana
ma canal is now practically im
pregnable against attack from
land, sea or air. Nevertheless it
might be - a good idea to carry
some earthquake insurance.
- Thursday's Salem t:ogan sno
Ject is gooseberries and currants.
It Is very Important that this in
duitry should be pushed In ths
Salem district. If you bate any
in formation worth while under
this head, please, hold up your
All set:
Legislative wheels are grind-
This should be the pruning sea
son for tbe solons; make It sym
metrical. "W V
Remember, tonight's the night
for the Apollo club concert. It
r ) be great; so should be the
audience, to the capacity of the
. It's a pity that all the compe
tent young men and. women look-
It: used to' be the ciy; "buy "a
bale of cotion," to boost the price,
row It. Is "bunt a bale. The
iuuthern cottoa planters do not
to" have reached the point
always- occupied Iy olher agri-
Some'of the pussyfoots (or ! it
passyfeetTr of the American Le
sion seem to be mealy-mouthed as
to whether that upstanding bunch
n Kansas shouM fight tbe porch
climbers of the Non-Pa rtisai
The "bitter-enders' are becom
ing morbid about it. 'Some of
them now realize that a league
cf Nations Is necessary for the
peace of the world and that
through force of circumstances
the United States would -have to
be a part thereof, but they are
equally emphatic that not a par
agraph of the Ventaill3 covenant
csn be-retained. That must be
scrapped to the last comma. They
are going to tear down the tem-
Die.fnst'rfttf-o.1 ..) ;.,n... ! . . r':"'4 tiy -";'
Japvary II, Turaday Apvl'u club r)n-
Jannarr 11. VtnMlr Oprn I'tnn
nr;ins of Cjinm-rr'-al flu.
Jannarr 14. Friday MVtb!l. Ttil
lawtt . O. A." O. at t5ii!.
Janarr 1 aad 21. W1nil. anil
Tb'STsdar Anntiat intHw Y. V. C. A.
Jnir SO at 51. Tbnrala ui Krl
day Bi.kaltall. WiUami-tU Til t. of O.
at Salem.
January ?S. Friday Triansn'ar InW
ehwlati" d?-at. . MattAn an4
OrTii City hi;h '-hentt tin j.
Jaanarr 24 la r.! Int.r;aa ruurrn
in of Y. M. C. A. in Hlm.
Spniirr .1. Ttrr.dar lurne day.
know aa a.. aTt" fair (rouixiv
one pretty much like it. but not
I i I 111 It I A i I i II Tt&-; in ,i .i ii i i i - i I
rV lu WViyi cAcitioriiclc, Institution
I -.'""'.'A'-'-""'. . ' i . ' v i ,. t . .': . !
Voilajr r.aatplUaTI.
VuiTrai!y vt ldabu. al
tVbrflirr 1 1.
t'-tmary 11 iml IK. Tn-lir and
AVtnr.dajr Ttvartl!. WIlUn-aMa .
Wfcjymeo. at ff.Hj Walla.
Uraary IT. ThurltT!t,
WinnM-tic t.. Walla VU Y. it. C. A.
at WalU Walla.
Kwtraarr 4 and !. and Pa'
nrday nk.tbll. WV.Iamvua j. tu
a;a. at Snanc.
tVtPiry -2. Tb-.t BasVrtt-aTX.
Wil'amrn r. Idaho, at Sa'i.
IVhraary 2.'. Tuiday WaahiasloB
I'thrntrr 21 and Thr.!jy and Kri
T laakrt!.all. VViI!mrt!a . Whitaaa
i !al.m.
yr, h I a"d .. Vriday ! Sstqrdar
1-a-ketbaiJ. UilUniclta T. I". oC at
tf. V. " U t alpnJ i
April 1. mrU:r -I Uirl!1. Wi!l4m
t'.f , I". '1 a rnj'-ii"
Mar 2. 27 and .-- it, .!:. Winaw
rt j WkltiaaH. at Walla W alla i- -
-1T I. Klarday (utjtir.)
..tK.ij, VtilUuariia ti. v. A. t' at
rmirr; It. Krida (-xltiT.)
"HrtWll. tlluatitt . . Whitaaaav a(
T"rfc.' a. jilMlaiviuak, ai caiiM.
V i
aterday Eeds Oir- Bi
at - ' ,
It's now going strong. Throngs oi people have taken advantage of
the wonderfully low prices offered in this sale. You will never regret
it after you have seen these shoes.
MEN'S and WOMEN'S HANAN SHOES, regular $21.
AH sizes 4
Brown and Smoke..... ;
MEN'S DRESS SHOES, sizes up to 8, black lace regularly sold
up to $12 every pair Guaranteed, go at.
MEN'S WORK SHOES, all sizes, dark tan sewed shoes,
double soles, regular $9 grades, to close out
WOMEN'S BROWN and BLACK SHOES, up to $12, all
sizes, two bins, to close cut, get a pair now at
BOYS' DRESS SHOES, all styles, all sizes, black and brown,
including English lasts, up to $9 grades, go at
BOYS' HEAVY SHOES, sizes up to 6, re5ularly sold at
$5,' while they last, black only, go at.
CHILDREN'S SHOES, regularly sold at $3.50, and sizes
up to 13, brown and smoked horse, to close out
CHILDREN'S SHOES, regularly sold at $4.50, and sizes up to
. 2, brown and smoked horse, some high-cuts, to go at
OLD LADIES' COMFORT SHOES up to $5 grades, broken
sizes, to close out while they last..
Men's and Women's Felt and Leather House Slippers, regular $3 grades, go at.
t a
Men's and Women's Felt and Leather House Slippers, regular $4 grade go at
Regular $5 grades go at
Gome Early
H-ajt St
f ft 14) fleet)
Come Early
I 4. 1LV 1U
I - "
I - -1
lea Las