The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 11, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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OU.t " iiiu-urindi iiwiKiiiK iitfir homos in lhts
entertaining during the com
lag' fortr a"8-' 9- many or the
aUiexsolons uvo COI1e to Salem
accompanied by their wives and
Your looc money
buys more real food
value -and ialisfccr
. :r
tion1f.hcn you cr
dcr Dei- Monte
Eeansvvith Toma
to Sauce. V
Try 5 rv ins the m
in piacecf meat once
cr twice a week and
prove; it. ;
lean, teeept sous and informal
gatherings have M1d ih. six-ial
calendar during ;ast M-jons, and
indications at present ate 'thai
they will ba the order this year
also. .Many ot the ti-itiris: women
are social leaders in . their own
comninritfes ami compliments in
their honor wilt he a matter oi
course with Sulem society folk.
Not until. Sunday did the news
of the wedding of . Mit- I tori.
Churchill, 'youngest -daughter of
State School Superintendent J. A.
Churchill and Georgp Wellc'r. son
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles S. Wel'.er.
foecomfc known in Salem. The
ceremony took' place in Portland
j Friday evening, the young peo
ple remaining over the week-end
las the guesl4 of Mrs. Weller's
brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and
Mrs. James K. Cltoh.
Although the engagement had
been known, for some time the
marriage car.u as a distinct sur-
nri tn lhrtir hinst Of fripnds Tlnth
the bride and bridegroom are very
popular in college and younger
social sets. Mrs. Weller is a Oelia
Delta Delta sorority girl or the
University of Oregon, where sin is
a enior.Mr. Weller Is an O. A. C.
man and a Kappa Sigma frater
nity nie.mbqr., lioth are graduates
or the Salem high, school, ana it
was during these darn that the ro
mance began. After completing
their college course the young
rolk will make their homo in
Interest' today and this evening j
centers around Cecil Fanning and
the Apollo club's concert- The I
fPlehrated baritone will arrive
early today with his accompanist.
H. tt. Turpin. coming nn from
j Portland.. The day wilt ho pasfed
jiu!rtl, it bfint' Mr. V FanniiiV to jtain a brief -real from hi
i'ardRudtf ji.uei'it work,
j 'Following i he. .coucei I thU ei
iitng. Mr. Kannitiif and Mr. Tumin
w il! h. lnuii.n d with a vt ci ii imi
at th. William McCilchriM Jr..
rKHlinc-. .given hy lb Aptille
clnh. wires and fetriniue fri-pttH
f club iiiemlK'.-s to bo included :tf
j guests. The Apollo ciuh hfi tiver
; th'ee alfaim in romplimi nt to :il:
; thf ir Milfdsts. and they :ive fach
1 hecn. marked, as charming and
i mot interesting events,
j Speaking of Mr. Fanning, the
: latest e!itian of Mi::cal Ampri
!ca" says:
'"ecil Funning, baritone, end
II. It. Turpin. pianist, were heard
in an interesting program at the
seventh Peahody recital. Friday
artemiwn.'December 10. Mr. F?n
n ins earned appla'tso! through his
narrative, style and dtHJlamatoiy
Mr. Fanning, In an ur usual pro
gram, proved himeir an artist,
well equipped and the posses.-or of
a very tmuitiful voice or great
warmth. The baritone's program
evoked .genuine .'enthusiasm' nnd
numerous encore had to he
What proved to be one or the
most successful as well as the
most interesting rneetrnps of this
season or the Salem Woman's club
was that or Saturday afternoon i
the Commercial club, which waa
under the direction of the art sec
tion of the club, of which Mrs. R.
Monroe Gilbert ii chairman.
Miss'ilelen McFaul, intmctor
in the household 'arts department
at O. A. C. was introduced as the
speaker of the afternoon, and she
chose as her subject "TheJL'se of
Color in the Home."" with tlide
from, the Iloue Beautiful" mag
azine illustrating her remarks.
Preceeding f her. Miss Ruth
Johns appeared in several lwauti
tul vocal numbers including "Mel
Isande in the Woods." by Goetz;
"Awake." by Iiomis. and
F.yes" given as an encore.
The stage was charmingly set to
illustrate th talk and pirf tires, i of
and had in-en irraiiffil under ..! h ! St
iiiiei'iioii m .irs; wiuiam 11. i i iii.i.uin r ! Salem
Cuiglurt. Jr.. and Mrs. Clifford i Sie lliammer o'' Vale.
Krown. Several very ;e.ei Kent e Wjrr. O irge Steelitammr f Stt
amples of nioleru furniture, se-rvi-rioii. Uatk Mf. anl .Mrs. S. II.
I. tei fioin the ('. S. Hamilton 'Ktnuelso.i nf SUv.-rtr n. The :il-
se?t ones were Mm. A. P. Allen,
a diuhtr, and A. I'. St.-ehalti-mer.
h th f San Francisco."
F'or th" veniii eniertainment
the Masonic roons were decorated
mer all hut two or their i-hildre.J motive to Kalhei die's lve fo.
partii ipatiii. present ; her hosen profession than ih-
werr .loi n I Carl SieelhamniT '-.i' . tt ou-'b: In honor with ben.
of Woo'.ll.iirii. Mu nud.Mrs. I. K. ! reterend head! And If I haven't
llumun r r Piti thiiid. Osrar i hojif-d .ur ears H lia.-n't lneii
Dr. II. W.tMeaiiso nv ffng.'is haven't tin
Mr. and ! led to do It.'"
urin oi circuit court for rolk t next rase on th dckrt. Wach:-.
county for 1921 . ill convene mian fr $2&rt a damaret,-
1l; ...... rt 1...... In ik.Ii .iie n.f . in I nf UOTH T
TiiiMbv morning with Jielte Har
ry H. Kelt presiding. Among lhej
first matier-t disposed of hy Judge j
iMo'.ily civil an.
It will be the hearing of . eiti
zenship pe tition hy Helen Nickel
of ibis city; John Peters of Inde-
stock cr( shown, including a
spinnet deak and tale leg table
The latter w4s set for tea and dis
played a tea set in green and man
darin rod. Adding to the color ef t
feel was a beautiful Polychrome i w'lh Oregon grape, gold and greet nn. in
floor lamp with iarchment shade, '"i'l" h- d:r. KChemo. Mavoritionalr
lit. I . K:istm:H acted a clergy-1 erine
better; i work
At the close of the talk tea was
served, arranged by "Mrs. T. A.
Livesley and, Mr. John J. Roberts
of the social committee of the
club. Mrs. Alice H. Dodd presided
at the urn.
Mrs. C. Wiedmer has returned
from a brief visit with rrienda.In
Th" Tcesday afternoon social'
club bf the Order of the Eastern
Smr will meet in the club rooms
at the Masonic temple this attev
aoon. Hostesse? for the meetlrt?
ar? Mrs. (;eorge Dunpford. Mrs. J.
A. r.ernarui. Mr. Le.ia Cherrin?-
ton. and Miss Matt 13 Heatty.
Miss Mabel Daoust of Portland
returned to her home yesterday
after spending the we?k-end wlta
Miss Gertrude llartiuan.
41 Jt.
Miss Laura Grant and Mrs.' G.
II. WeiI returned home the last
l-.astni:n acted a
Mr. Stclhammer.
Did I mm Jack's far- twitch a
ir he t-:;d Imti struck wilh lb"
I mil, it I Mllnn'a ttoril I vsi;.
n't sure, (nit from thai moment I ! P "'jeiice and Peter IVrzell ,.f
didn't lake my eyes from Lis;11"11
fare. Jury trials will begin Tuesday
"If there ever was a saint con-, morning, the firsl cae being a
sccraud to a cause," Lillian went suit by Mrs. Armlue O. Ynrfng of
r voice warm with arrec-; independence asKtng tor me sum 1
e enlhKS'asm. It is iam-ioi inuw m uainages irnni me
Sonno t her Red ros parents of her husband. Mr. and
in this war. And even; Mrs. K. Young for alienation of
though ylTn may hav won a hun-1 the said huband' affections.
kniwn :xl Silvrrt .i "Daddv'
S:ee!hammer was escorted to ih-3
wedding altar hy William Drake,
S. K. Richardson acting ag rin
bearer. The bride was attended
try a matron or honor aud two
bridesmaids. . the toYmer being
":Jrp. William .Town .and the tw
latter being Mrs. Eiida Rientson 1
and Mrs. James Campbell. Mrs. :a Lurking Smile.
Oertmde Cameron played thej
wedding march rrom Lohengrin. Across Jack's rac flitted an in-
ur, V. W Keen was tcastma"" 1 scruiable expression. one 13
dreil crosses, for valor. ben
wounded eren unto death, ou
have no right to ask her to re
linquish that . work. Her lifa- ij
Just &s inut'h deuicat?d to that
work as yours was to fighting
lor couatry.
Do You Believe in
. k
You most certainly do especially in
"Fire and Life" and why not in your
purchases?. Buying from us insures you
i v
Apollo Club
Armory, Tonight
Box office open now
Tickets $1.50
An alleged slander case insti
tuted by tlrnest Wachtmann of
Forest Grove, against Mrs. L. K.
Phillips of this city will be the
2. WOO f yrvttiMt girU la
at tk Orecra Tktr
yzt Sasoay
WA1XA.CZ XI ID. tape .
at the banquet following the cer
e.-Bouy. Mid Mary Smith, a chi-
tffr member or the Eastern Star,
in l ehsxH cf her sister members,
presented Mrs. Steelhammer with
a broach. Mr. Tewne in behrlf
of the Masonic order, presented
Mr. Steelhammer with a watrh
fob. Attornev C. E. Ross gave a
short talk. Lewis Steelhammer
re&pond-sl for the Stelhammt
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Steelham-
Jf the week from Pot tland. whtr j J mer hava been residents of Silver-
iney went to attend the Godowl;l-j ton ror years.
.Senator and Mrs. Roy Rittncr
cf Pendleton arrived Sunday to be
her during the session of the leg
islature. i .,'
The Wednesday niht club of
Mrs R. L. White will hold its
regular dance In Moose hall
morrow night.
. I : ! in QUAUTY and the LOWEST.PKICtb . : T - Z
XT-.,' : i' . ' .-
i ! ; ' i - :,. r .. . - . ''X .... . ..-. -
J ' ChottGooefa.
- ' j '; ' : ' , ... . " :
' 1 'mM M 1 The Olympic
! , ' ; 7 ; "mn : Line includes
! I mMJ your favorite
fU J YV? 0?w . s- W lu I
THERE'S a wealth of health N. A
, and purity in each of these
V1 and sealed packages. X ' ' fmS
I ' : At your rieishbothood grocery. ' yggKr 41' ''ft? .
along with Olympic Flour. f'-'fsihZ
. . I Vr. Vn III II th mil I '" " J
theater Thursday night.
The Daughters of Isabella feat
ured their formal installation of
officers last tilght In the Knights
of Columbus hall, a social hour
and a light supper following,
The leading social event ia
Portland last week was the "Hu
band Rench Show," given by Mrr.
George Gerlinger, in which bus
bands of the feminine guesta
were scored Atctording to their
bigness, their smallness. their
goodness and badness. Amon
the judges w-re Miss Mabel
Withyrombo and Clarence Bishop.
Dr. Gertrude Minthorn will ar
rive today from Portland, and will
remain a week or longer as the
house guest of Mrs. 11. C. Miles.
During hor stay she will speak
several times, before various or
ganizations in the city, upon her
experiences as a medical mission
ary in India.
Following her visit Dr. Min
thorn will go over to Nwjorf to
ne with Dr. and Mrs. II. J. Mln-
Miss Florence Davis of Urown?
ville is the house guest of Mrt.
F. L. Purvlne durine th legisla
tive session, upon the culmina
tion of which she will visit her
parents in Seattle.
Miss Eddv Common of' IfiCO
Fir street left Salem Saturday
evening for Berkeley. Cal. to con
tinue the study of card wrltia?;
ana decorating.
The North Salem Woman's club
will meat tomorrow afternoon In
its regular monthly session at the
residence of Mrs. A. A. Graber
on Market street. An interesting
program nas been prepared.
During the state convention of
school superintendents. Brenton
Vedder of Clackamas countv was
the house guest of Mr. and Mrt.
H. F. Shanks. 193 South CotUgfl
street. Professor Veddr Is also
mayor or Gladstone, his horn?
Senator and Mrs. C. J. Edwards
arrived the last or the week rrom
Tillamook, and will remain with
their uncle and , annt. ' Mr. and
Mrs. It. J. Miles during th ses
sion ot the legislature.
An audience that fill the audi
torium and overflowed into the
Snndav school rooms, heard the
splendid organ concert given at
the First Christian church Sundcy
afternoon, which was the first of
a series to be given under the di
rection of the Salem district of
the Oregon Music Teachers asso
ciation. Frederick W. Goodrich
of Portland presented a program
at once pleasing and finished, and
with him appeared Prof. E. W.
liobson whi was heartily received
in vocal numbers.
The audience was most appre
ciative, and there remains no
doubt of the success of, these af
fairs. The next concert will foat
itr Lucien Decker of Portland, on
January 23.
t .V-
Miss Mildred St'ringham of La
Grande arrived Sunday, and will
n the holism guest or Mrs. R. L.
White through the legislature.
The golden wedding anniversary
of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Steelham
mer was celebrated at their Jiome
last week and the Masonic lodge
rooms. I
A lunchron was enjoyed at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Steelham-
Representative and Mrs. E. R
Carlton arrived the last of the
wek "from Ashland, and will be
here during the sesison of the leg
islature, making the Hotel Mar
lon their headquarters.
Cut out this slip, enclose with
Cr and mail it to Foley & Co.,
2 K C ' Shefiield Ave.. Chicago III.,
writing your name and address
cliaily. You will rrceive in re
turn a trial package containing
Foley's Homy and Tar Com
pownd for coni;h.i. colds aud
croup: Foley Kidney Pills for
pains in rides and back; iheuma- bacuaene. Kinney ana i.iaa-
cier ailments: and Foley Cathar
tic Tablets, a wholesome and
thoroughly cleansing cathartic for
constipation, billiousn-ss. head
aches, and sluggish boweu. Sold
which, if -I hadn't known him so
well. I would have sworn I de
tected a bit of lurking humor, cs
of some crushing retort which be
was restraining himself from
making. Then he spok. coldly.
"Permit me to acknowledge the
truth of everything you hare
said. But f must also .remind
you that I came today on.urgeu:
business with Miss Sonnot. Jf she
is unable to receive me I have no
alternative but to write my mes
sage. . I am conrident. however,
that unless hs is dangerously ill
she would have me explain my
business in p?ron."
Lillian looked at him search
Ingly -for a long minute. Then
she shrugged her shoulders care
lessly. .
"t tnow arhan I'm nn ritlnfct
t-' th one and original glacier." she
said. "Or cours". I have no alter
native but to tell Katherine. She
Is in no sense under my contrrl
or even advice. But ir she were
my- daughter "
She ros- and went hurried!
out of the room, the echo of her
wrathy words floatiag behind her,
It was a new sensation to me to
see Lillian "nonplussed, worsted in
anv encounter. Despite my kir.
shin with Jack I felt distinct re
sentment toward him.
A moment later to my urprU
he had bent over my chair, a
quizzical look In his eyes, the
wraith of a smile twisting his lips.
"Plaose reserve Judgment, lit
tle cousin. he murmured, "uni'.l
after I've seen Katherine."
(To be continued)
J. Lli Lj (j VV7
i in - , -
v- J
. m I f
The Genesee Pure Food Company.
A Wir t
The Story oi a Honeymoon
4 Wonderful Romance of Married
Life. Wonderful! Told bj
"Problem of the Nervous
Chjld." by Mrs. Elida Evans.
"Essentials in Journalism." by
H. Y. Harrington.
"Fighting in Flanders." by E.
Alexander Powell.
"Farm Grasses of the United
States," by W. J. Spillinan.
"Elements of Business Law,"
oy Ernest W. Hutfcut.
"Theory and Practice of Sur
veying," by J. B. Johnson.
"How to Play Law u Tennis" by
Fred B. Alexander. "
"Goveruinent of. England," by
A. Lawrence Lowell, two volumes
"Aeroplanes and Dirigibles of
War." by Frederick A. Talbot.
"History of Twelve Days," by
J. W. Head law. .
"Breeding of Animals." by F.
U. Mumford.
"The Potter's Craft," by C. F.
"The Basketry Book," by Mary
Miles Blanchard.
"Outline ot Applied Sociology," j
by Henry Pratt Fairchlld. il
"Industrial Arts Design," by
William H. Varnum.
"Les Trois Mousquetaires," by
Alexander Dumas.
"Meial Work and Etching," by
John W. Adams.
"Modern , Electrictl Construc
tion." by Henry C. Horstmann.
Every-Day Pronunciation," by
R. P. Utter.
"Cbupter From Modern Psy-
Icbolosy." by James Rowland An-
"Yes, Katherine is in." Lil
lian said, gazing at Jack as if he
were some new specimen of motn
she was about to Impale and put
away in a collection, "but she is
Ivinir down, and I don't care to
disturb her Just j-et."
I saw the color leap into Jack's
cheeks. He turned to me. ignor
ing Lillian.
"She isn't 111?" he asked, and
there was that in his voice which
told roe, how he adored Katherine.
In spite or his stubborn Insistence
upon setting at naught her con
science and her will.
Lillian didn't give me an op
portunity to answer.
"She isn't ' dangerously ill."
she said, "but she will be. cud,felj
aead in tne bargain u you t-i
up this high-aud-mighty-only-oi.e-?go-t3-be-ronsidered
stunt you've
been pulling off the last r?w
weeks." .
I saw the flash of steel In hU
eyes, knew that Lillian had stirred
the slow anger which rarely man
ifested itseir. but that could be
terrible when fully aroused.
"1 do not quite understand
you. rm arraia. ne saia ir..y.
'Am I to understand tnat Jiis
Sonnot has bsen honoring me by
rnmr.tnlnlnir nf m V conduct?"
Ho was towering ahove us, ra-1 mormon w. uurgas.
ther an Imposing figure In ni
dignified displeasure. But LB-
lian has no regard for any pre
tensions ot dignity.
j. rry tnat line of chatter on
somebedy lse. boy. Lillian
said light'y, but I saw that shj
was watching him warily, guag-
Sng him that she mlht not over
shoot her mark. "Here, sit down"
with a dexterous movement he
was ated in a big chair without
Intending in th- least to be there
"and stoo worrying about your
twn dignity, and a man's prerog
ative and all the rest-of that rot.
while we talk a little sense."
Jack's fare was liko a graven
Image, but knowing him as I did.
I was sure that he was molten in
1de. I knew also his horror or
scenes, knew that he wouldn't
deien to argue with Lillian
would listen quietly to whatever
she wished to say. But that rhe
would m6ve hiin from any precon
ceived line ot action I had very
little hope.
for better Men's Clothes at
less cost
136 N. Commercial St.
"Schrab and Rustum," by Mat
thew Arnold.
"Furniture for the Craftsman."
by Paul D. Otter.
"Fairfax and His Pride." by
Marie Van Vorat.
"The Matrix," by Maria T. Da
ties. "Follow the Little Pictures."
by Alan Graham. '
"Wunpost," by Dane Coolidge.
"That Afrair at St. Peter's," by
Edna A. Brown. ,
Bowser, the Hound." by
Polk Circuit Court
to Convene Tuesday
DALLAS, Ore.. Jan. 8. (Spe
cial to The Statesman) The first I
On and after Sunday January
9tu. changes in the passenger
schedules of th9 Oregon Electrle
Railway will be made as shown
No. 12 will leave Salem at
11:1 a. m. instead of 11:30. ar
rive Portland. Jefferson street
1:05 p. m. instead of 1:30 and
North Bank station 1:20 p. m.
instead of i:4o.
No. 17 will leave Portland.
North Bank Station 6:25 P. M.
Instead of 6:05. Jefferson Street
6:40 P. M. instead ot 6:20, ar-
Instead of
Lillian Is Outspoken.
"In the rirst place." Lillian be
gan with a ting3 or irony in her
manner, "Miss Sonnot didn't
complain about your conduct, nor
roluntecr any contidence concern
ing you. But fortunately I hava
the usual complement of eyes and
ears, also I hop a fair faculty
of putting two and two together
and -makinsr exactly- four out of
them. Why. man: I'Te heard you
rive Salem 8;23 P. M
No. .19 will leave Portland,
North Bank Station 9:30 P. M.
Instead oi 9:20. Jefferson Street
9:45 P. M. inst?ad of 9:35. ar
rive Salem 11:25 P. M. Instead of
No. 23 will leave Wood burn
2:30 P. M. instead of 2:07. arrive
Salem 3: 15 P. M. instead of 3:05
No. 5' from Portland will ar
rive Salem 10:15 A. M. Instead of
Unusually Tuneful A Prettier
Melody Than -Smiles"
Do Not Miss Margie
The very latest craze in Record "Hits" that 'La a real;
tnumpn witn an live dancers , .
ALWAYS Our Superior Record Sn ic brings to you ;
the very latest selections at the earliest possible, mo
ment. Call tomorrow or telephone for this newest fa
vorite that is sweeping the country. . ;
Here are a few other snappy late numbers by favorite
dance oranizatior that will inspire you, to dance your
very best. '
firSTine lor YMt .
BMaiiful '
A talon ..
ICwk-a Hj I.u",Uy M.ianT . ...
... ... . . .... . ..
My 8har K -ror1ioo . .
I l. Y Hand it
linta holt-Jint Jmt . ....
-Wfii trmm iSarj
frrrrtinn Irna Ta N'ljlil 11" t-
... Grro TlrMter Nkr IW4 2CJ4
HuAf WirinrH Cl arflutu ) b
trl IUmU76?
. I'r-r" Vrt
..Art KtrVati'i 4Htlerl 3314
. .Art Ilwiuoaa's On et r II . O
Plrtr 1702
... .. . - rrvrm b
lib Jinem-OrrhUtt .VII
, .!. n io OrrkraiEaf f 1
J.Vieir U?ht Opr r.)23"t?
Vrtr L--tll Opera C.) 11.35
NAME.. )
. i ' '
- v .
- t
. "vr. nrrcniE. Agnt;
: ...
179 N. Com'l Street
with my. own ears impute another (adr.)