HI THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY MORNING. JANUARY 11. 1921 0. HENRY iffiAL. JENNINGS (Continued frorh last week.) ,4 CHAITKK TlllllTY-MXI. fThty arrested Sail 7 arid -took Iter to the Cincinnati lan. Tat , rr.an bad sworn to a warrant charging .with attempted black mail. The days passed. The at was not railed. ' Every day was an agny for f,ally. The thought of the-dying baby was like a hot coal on the girl's mind. She went to the matron about It; The matron went out to see the La by. fWhen the returned she told Sally the hid takeu ll'to a hospital. It would be given every care '-The Salvation Army nsed to visit the jail and Ret the prison ers, to sing -hymns, Sally Joined ' In" the ichoruf. A male prisoner heard her. lie went out the next day for the Ohio Pen to i spend tb rest of his life there. Hut he U-ft a present for Sally with the dfs'le sergeani. i "Give these two tacks to the girl with the-voice, will you?" be eaid. "Her sing ing did a lot for me." ! f Sally was finally called before the night court. Tb? man did tot appear. She was dismissed with a reprimand. As she pas3ed toe desk sergeant, strangely enough, he handed her the $2. The gift finished the wreck of Sally's broken life. Priaon Matron Tell of Child's Death. (She did not even know that she i was crying and calling out in her misery until a drunken old woiuaa stopped her. "Whassa malla. poor, poor li'l fing come 'long, come "long with me" - The bedraggled old creature took bold of her and SaMy let her self bis Jostled along the dark, wretched hole where the woman lived. She lit a charcoal stove, and in Its feeble glow Sally tried to warm herself. The old woman slumped into a corner, muttering and cursing and laughing all night long. ' She was In such a hurry to get out she ran down the halls, the. matron rushing along at her side. "It's too bad, honey. theybroutht you In here. You didn't dererve It. I'm awful sorry for you." .M Sally got to the door, she touched her elbow. i "Honey. I hate to tell you the taby Is dead!" It ' was like a ruffian blow rtruck across the face of a littl? child. It stunned Sally left her Ump and quivering. The -baby was dead: ........ . . With "a feeble, tormented sob. rhe put ber hands over ber head and began to run as though men end women were chasing- her, pelting her with stones. v ' "Listen, : honey." the matron caught, up with her.. "Yon can stay here. It won't do you no trood to get out. The baby died three days ago. Stay here." - "Oh, God, no. Let me get out." The door opened and the half demented creature ran - out, one thought uppermost. ' She would go . down to the river. The blasting wind tore the clothes almost off her hack. The chill went to the Snarrow. , Frenzied Motner Buys a Pistol. A light flared out from a shop window, the gir) dallied a moment in its warmth. Old Jewelry, em blems, silver plate glinted in the show case. In on corner' were three revolvers. Sally looked at them fascinated. A eoUWurr of revenge swept over her. Up to that moment the anguish of loss ate at her she had seen only the suffering baby face. Now ,she saw the man and the lashing contempt on nis nanasome lea ' tures. She went in and bought one of the pistols. As soon as she had it in her ', hands, it seemed pulling her down like a coffin weight. She dropped ',lt in her blouse and went out. scooting down one street and up . another so cold, so frenzied, so Impatient for the morning to come Sally Walt For L Father of Babe. The damp hole was alive with baleful shadows. Across the bare walls evil figures passed. Now it was a man as he stood rig id and beckoned to the police now the hulking officr lurching forward, grabbing her by the shoulders. And again It was the mother and sisters, hunting the girl down with their scornful looks. .Only" once did Sally see the baby. - It ssemed to be lying on the floor. Its mouth writhing, its little hands; opening ard closing. The father walked up to it and brought hi boot down on the plaintive little face, crushing the scalp and mangling the tender f.'es-h. God. God. sav:" Sally called out as the nightmare rassed. The fuddled old woman started and s'umbled over to h?r "Whassijnalla, you wench?" she shrok the girl, gave her a clumsv blow and staggered back to her corner. j"Shut up. now." she mem bled. "Damn you. shut up!" At last it was morning. Sally had to. wait until noon. Not for one moment had her resolution faltered. She went straight to the bank and stood behind a column waiting for the man. It seemed that every one in the building rushed out at the stroke of 12 everyone but Philip Austin. u XL "WS " - - i. i . , . It . disappointed. Th rejection of his manuscripts did not dull the edf of his elf -confidence, but it filled him with forebodings as to hl future. Cmu World Forxlva Girt like Me? -Oh. Mr. 'JennlBta. her ftea had grown thin and Its tranapar. enl whiteness made her seem a thing ot unearthly spirituality, vijon't bother about ne. I'm i lost. You know it. Uo yoa . think they would ever let me i crawl bark? You know I'm a : bad woman. I should not line to b a beg-' "I tad a baby that I dlda't gar. colonel." he o:ien said, "and . have any right to do xo thlak my pen Is the only investment 1 '. the world ever forgive such a can make. I am continually crime as that? Leave me alone paying assessments on It. 1 ', here. I'm t inlshed. There's no would like to collect a few dlvl-' pardon oa -arth for me. nm Chaparral Prince " paid j . iC-mlnn next week its dividends later. Porter re- , , ramped It here and there and It ! made a big hit for him. i " . la . a. - Im. I ii leu you wny k oi nui terested In Sally." he swung back to the subject with a soddenresr that startled tae. "She's better off here than she ever could- be outside. 1 know this place Is doom but what chance has a girl with Sally's past in the world? What are you thinking of. colonel, when you plan to send the girl -Out there to be trampled la the gutter?" Sally said almost the same j wn.it ia mo vhen I triMt to rl ! her a pardon after I waa freed. I went back to the pen to aee her. WANTED! 2.000 ! Us fnttimM. gtxls la S A L E M U stt4 Ue Qalsg al THE CHARM SCHOOL- t Ue Orts Tatrs Vest SuUjy """ xn. t. She Tells Father Of Child. Death. - Sally began to tremble. She put her hand to her pocket. The pistol was there.' "Send him out quick, quick." sh chattered in an nsane prayer. "Send him out be fore I lose courage.' Down the street came a police man, sally cowered benina m stone pillar. The officer eyed ber. Walked a few paces, looked back nd went on. "Nobody here now. nobody here," Sally muttered to herself. "Send him out now." A big form strode down the coiridor and the next second Philip Austin swung through the door. Proud and magnif'cent. he walked like a prince. He walk ed as he did that Joyous day when he swept his hat down in a lordly salute as Sally came -down the cathedral steps. lie had the ame kinglfxmTle on hU lips.-1 Sally's nerve went Ioo3e- as a taut string when one end is sud denly released. She ran up to him. pitiful, distracted, beside herself with misery. "Phil oh. Phil, the baby died! You put me in Jail and It died. It died without anyone near it. It died because you wouldn't take care of it." Outlet Answer Scornful Speech. ' - Not knowing what she was do- Judging One of the Classes on "Duroc "DUROC DAY" will be held at Salem, Oregon, Thursday. February 3, 1921. This event is an annual show and sale of bred sows and gilts and is under the auspices of the Oregon Duroc Jersey Breeders Association. About twenty of the leading breeders are offering of their best for the occasion. f Many of the females are carrying litters by the great herd boars that are at the head of herds which have been producing the champions of the west. The plan is for the Durocs to be judged in the various classes in the forenoon and then every one to be sold at auction in the afternoon. - While the price of market hogs has been declining, it is believed that there will be a much greater net profit in raising hogs in the future on account of the lowering price of feed; and this sale will furnish an ideal opportunity to buy foundation sows. The above picture was taken on Duroc Day last February at the Oregon State Fair grounds. It shows the junior and senior champions and a part of the crowd in attendance. The older sow was grand champion. She was exhibited by E. C, Naftzger and was later pur- !l"lczJ of Qtiotinn Kir T ti-i IT TT'i.-n 1 MftS TU . . T A l.41U.U k BUVllUll KJJ UIUJ U XX. X-4Xll, 1U1 fvlVU. x tic JulllUt champion sow was exhibited by Thrift Bros, and later sold for $140 to L. T. Reynolds. , V X 3 S Try' It Out Yowself " says the Good Judge I i And . ycu will find . how much more satisfaction a little of this Real Tobacco gives you than you ever got from a big chew of the' ordinary kind. The good, rich, real to bacco taste lasts so long you don't need a fresh chew nearly as often. So it costs you less. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that. Put up in two styles W-3 CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco Day", Salem, Oregon, February, 1920. Many special entertaining features are planned for this year, among them being the formal opening of the Valley Packing Company's plant. This plant has been in operation for a short time, but has never been formally opened and dedicated to the use intended. And it will be most fitting for this to be done on Duroc Day. 'An elaborate program is being planned and will be an nounced later. Among the consignors to this year's show and sale are E. C. Naftzger. Genrais, Ore. M. ATerhoTf. Lebanon, Ore. W. L. Sheard. Dayton. Ore. J. W. Fruitt. Brooks. Ore. Jones Prater, Dayton, Ore. J. E. Finnicum. Dayton, Ore. C. C. Bryant. Albany, Ore. Romeo Gouley, Gervais, Ore. II. X3. Compton, Boring, Ore. Elmer J. Roth, Salem, Ore.' The services of Col. Ben T. Sudtell, Albany, Ore., have been secured as auctioneer. E. A. Rhoten, Salem, Ore., is manager, and the manag ing committee representing the Oregon Duroc Jersey Breed ers association is E C. Naftzger, W. L. Sheard and M. Averhoff. Jesse Richards. Virginia. Idaho W. F. Bartlett. Camas. Wash. Geo. DeBok. Oregon City, Ore. W. F. McCall & Co.. Salem. Ore. F. W, -Weisner. Lebanon, Ore. C. P. Adams, Hermiston, Ore. Harold' Lnndquest. Sherwood. C. S. Magee Ml Son, McMlnnvllle. Paul Newmeyer, .Newberg, Ore. I ing or saying in her beating grief, Sally flung herself sinto Austin's arms. "The baby died it's detd. dead. Oh. Phil, the baby is dead!" With one swfft. angry wrench .the man caught her violently by the wrists. " you. you little hag what do I care about your brut! Let it die. Now go and don't hang around slopping tears at me. Let the brat die!" Cold, scornful contempt scowl ing his features. Austin went to shove Sally froia him. There was a little gasp, a tussle, a pcream of hurt, sobbing agony, and the doubla action revolver was Jam med against the man's stomach. "You don't care? Oh, God!" The trigger snapped. "He looked me straight in the eye. He looked startled aad frightened. He knew I did it. I -saw it in hia eye. He looked at me for Just a moment and then went down in a slump las though his backbone had sudden ly melted." From everywhere men and women darted into the street. They leaned over the prostrate form. And when they saw that the banker's sen was dead, thev turned on Saliy th their fists and one giant tore her cheek o"pen with a vicious blow. C 1 CHAPTER FOKTV "But he knew I did it. I raw that in his last glance!" Sally's face was daubed wim tears, but there was a triumphant smile in her eye at the memory of Austin's death. "That's satisfaction enough for me. I'm content to spend my days here." I The girl's trial had taken just one day. The Jury found her guil ty. She was' 19.' That fact saved her from the death penalty. Sany was a Southerner, with all the hot, proud i vengeance of Kentucky in her veins. Her story moved roe more than all the hor rors I had felt in prison. I could understand the murderous fury that swept over he when the fel low turned her down. I went to the warden's office and blurted It out to him. "When I hear things like this I want to leave the damn hell." Darby did resign eventually be cause he! could -not endure the job of electracuting the condemned. "But some one's got to be hero. I hope I do the service well." Warden's Futile Plea for Pardon. Darby said he would try for a pardon. It would have been granted on his recommendation. but the family of the dead man heard sbout it. They Just about owned the state. Tbey wern't sat isfied with the mischief their blackguard son had already done. They went to work and villlfied Sally until there wasn't a scrap of fl5h left on her bones. The par don was denied. . Every time I heard that voice with its cascade of golden notes rippi ng down from the convict women's loft In the chapel it sent daggers through me. This was a tale, It seemed to me. worthy of the genius of Bill Porter. I told It to hira the next afternoon. He lis tened rather Indifferently and when I was finished, he turned to B lly Raidler. I've brought you a box of cigars." I was furious at his unmoved coldness. I turned my back on him in angry humiliation. I wanted Portt-r to write a story about Sa!lv to make the world ring with indignation over the wrong that had been done. And the story did not seem to make the slightest impression on him. At that time my taste ran en tirely to the melodrama. I could not understand Porter's saner dis crimination. He had distinct theories as to th purpose of the short story. We often discussed it. Now It teemed to me that he was de liberately refusing to carry out bis ideas. Porter' Puir" :" . In Short Story. "The short story,'' he used to ray, "is a potent medium of edu cation. It should combine humor and pathos. It should break down prejudice with understand ing. I propose to 8 nU the down an 1 outers into the drawing rooms of the "get it alls." and I intend to Insure their welcome. All that the world needs Is a lit tle more sympathy. I'm going .to makeHhe American four hun dred step into the shoes of the four million." Porter said this lonr before any of the stories that make up the "Four Million" had been written. Don't you think Sally's story ha? the real heart throb (n it?'' "Colonel, the pulne beats too loud." Porter yawned. "It's very commonplace." . "And so is all life common f lace," I fired back. "That's Just what genius is tor you're sup posed to take the mean and ta! ordinary and tell It in a vital way in a way that makes the old Crab flebh of us glow with a new light." I was also writing a story In iiu j naa my own methods and theories. They usu ally dried out when I tried to run mem into the ink well. Kill That Cold With FOR Celai, Ci CASCARA R QUININE AND ' La Griff Neglected Colds are Dangerous Take do cbancea. Keep this standard rraedr handy (or the am miiwl ! Breaks up a coUl In 24 hoars R3v Grippe in 3 days EsceTUnt (or H dacae . Quinine in this form docs not affect the ft J Cssrs ra i bC Totde LxatiT No Opiate in HiH's. ALL DRUGGISTS SELL IT . 3C r ' " " 1 ' "' " ' ' " ' m . . .... . ... ..!. ... .... i.i hi i i . i u. I I ft Mae Murray and DAVID POWELL in 'UdelsQi-glay' a ri rzLinici; pnoir-no Filled with the thrill of ' OX WITH THK DIMT lure of "THK U1GHT TO LOVf? and more. the Fpicial Music arranged by IJIlian McKlroy Hunt, on our new Hope-Jones Organ A Sunshine Comedy Too KTAKTIXO Sl xnAY "WHIl.K XKIV YOltK SI.KI'IS' Mae Aubray LASlcY-PARAMOUNT STAR, Grand Theatric wounded and in the petting kind of a way he had he came over to win me hack. "Colonel, don't he angry me." he said. "Yoa misunder stand me. I wasn't thinking mdeh of Sally tonight. My mind was far away." he laughed. "It was down In Mexico, perhaps. where that indolent, luxurious valley of yours is and where we might have been happy. Siwech Dicloieii Secret Grief. "Colonel," Porters race lighted with humorous eagerness, "do you think we stand any chance to collect that $7,000 you paid down on it? I'm a little in need of funds." Not many could resist the win ning magnetism of Bill Porter if he chose to make himself agree able. As soon as he had spoken I knew that some secret grief was tugging at him. Porter had la bored hard over some story 1 think it was "A Chaparral Prince." Billy Raidler had sent it out for him. It had come back. He jest ed about it. "The average editor." he said, "never knows a firecracker until he hears the bang of its explosion. Those fellows can't tell a story until some one else takes the risk of setting It off." "They're a damn bunch of ig noramuses!" Porter had read the story to Billy and me and we had sent it off with singing hearts. We were sure the world must ac knowledge Porter, even as we did. "All I'm sorry for is the loss of the stamps. Billy was forced to steal from the State to mail it with. It may damage the reputa tion of the state board of the Ohio penitentiary." But Porter really was deeply LOWER Seed Prices for 1921 Oar resources as FIRST HAND CROWER3 iUm as t agaia affer eur chaice straias of Vegatabla 3aa at Pre-War Prices. All tka popmUr Lilly .Ly sssas ara listed ia awr 1821 Saad Aaaaal at BEET 9mmt g ONION CABBACC f . I RADISH COT I ft' SPINACH CELERY Hw s SQUASH CUCUMBER. XA i' TOMATO LETTUCE ll TURNIP MELON 1 RUTABAGA ' Bi CI J rt- SPECIALS FOR 1921 W VcUU Sm4 NvrWtU r JUtWI ta lUf HMKtin rlum THE ACME OP PERfXCTTOX. imm mt . fr ycht, la CENTS, P r4 WRITE NT yw crf LUylatSaA r. R,(iM TODAY bMMaMXtrtMdlMiU.- SSSBSSS2Z iwiaa. THE CHAS. H. LILLY CO. SEATTLE PORTLAND Tr Dcmltr Crrt LXSy . Light Your Farm Buildings with the Fairbanks Morse 6 Lot L. Pearce & Son 236 North Commercial Stmt Coaxinjc Couldn't C'ltanKe PoHer There was no use in trvin to coax Porter Into convemarinn when he was not in the mnnd if a thing didn't catch his interest at once, it never did. There were no trial over with him tk. slightest ; detail would rometimes absorb him and seem to fill him wiiQ inspiration. And again, a drama would dui before him onri ha would let It go unmarked. 1 1 snew mis. I had seen him coolly Ignore Louisa and old man Carnot often enough. But I was just goaried into persistence. "Sally has a face like Diana." I said. "When did you meet the god dess, colonel?" Porter jested, all at once absorbed in flicking a bit of dust from his sleeve. ' Convict wool is shoddy enough, let alone a convict bundle of muMin." A few years later I saw this veiy same man o Into the honfea tonks of New York and no wo man was too low to win courtesy from Bill Po-ter. I haTe seen him treat the veriest old hag wiin the chivalry de a queen. He. had a soul of sterling honor where women were concerned. His ' indifference to tally's plight was singular. If he had seen her and talked to her I know it would have rrippod him rorrlre'lreart. Porter saw that J was bitterly $1.00 DOWN AND $ 1.00 A WEEK will provide you a good building lot, well located. On any other terms you may name; 5 pr cent discount for cash Prices, $100 to $100 Better get your buUdirtj lot while you may have it on your own terms. They. will all be gone soon Becke & Hendricks 203 U. S. Dank Building Phone 161