D. The Statesman receives the leaned wire report or thn Associated Press, tbtf greatest and most re liable press association in the world. SEVENTIETH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 11, 1921 PRICE: FIVE CENTS j ,-',(- - . I A THE WF.ATHElt ' ' ipair; continued coJd, moderate . easterls winds. WORLD PLAN TAKES BEST t. . ' OF TREATY Senator . Harding Outlines Ideas for Establishment of Harmonious Interna tional Relations SERVICE MEN FIGHT i LEAGUE ORGANIZERS! TOWXLEYISM IS DECLARED FARMER'S' .MENACE PAS 1500 Farmers Hear Program of . Xon-Patisan League in Sa lina Hall AMERICA CANNOT HOLD ALOOF FROM NATIONS Security of France Declared Heart of European i Situation . MARION, O.. Jan. 10. A pre diction that President-elect . Har ding's association of nations will .permit the United States to as sume its proper place in world , affairs was made today by Wil liam G. Sharp of Ohio, war-time embassador to France and an at tire supporter, of the Versailles league. International Plan Outlined ' SALIKA, Kaa., Jan. 10. pear ly 500 former service men repre senting, cities in every section o! Kansas, met today to perfect or ganized resistance to efforts! of A. lOWnier and linn-nnrlUsi league organizers to establish thtt league as a political weapon in the hands of farmers and laboring men of the stae. j AppraxiniatiGy 1500 farmers met in another hall to hear non partisan l?age .speakers outline the league's program. . ; - , Q. A. Kitterman, commander of the Salina county legion post, out lining the purposes of the anti league meeting, declared former service men were organizing to "combat wha the people of Sa una ana baiina county tnought a menace." Ha said there was no disposi tion io obstructionist methods. except that of "pitiless publicity He added that the anti-league delegates representative business men, farmers and laboring men League speakers described the anti-lsague movement as one fos tered by big business and politic ians "hiding behind the American legion." Captain G. H..Mallot. manager of the league in Kansas, denied charges that th league program was "un-American." SPORT RESTRICTION MOST HOLD State Department Declares That Passport Limitation Will Not be Waived in O'Callaghan Case OREGON GROWERS SELECT DIRECTORS LABOR REFUSES TO ACCEPT DECISION Delay of Departments Will Allow Lord Mayor Time to Accomplish Mission STATE ASSOCIATION MEETS HERE YESTERDAY Date of Annual Election is Changed; Lunclieon Served at 3Iarion After a long talk with the president-elect, Mr. Sharp said the plan as outlined' did not accord exactly with the Versailles pact, but embodied the most useful fea tures. He declared that far from being dominated by an idea of in ternational aloofness, Mr. Hard ing was anxious to have 'the na tion play Its full part in re-con-strnctlon. Mr. Sharp, who' is a democrat and who served as an appointee of President Wilson, came to dis cuss the league question at the instigation of the president-elect. "Senator Harding outlined his Ideas of an establishment of In ternational relationship," said Mr, Sharp, "that, while it is not on all fours with the league as I favored it, yet it embraces some of the most useful and important features, a permanent court of International arbitration, an as sociation of nations and a usemnl means of counsel. "I recognize In view of the result at the polls that the league of nations, so far as this country is concerned, is not to be. On the other hand am most gratified to learn that as far as . the . president-elect is concerned, there is no danger cf this country stepping into a state of Isolation such as we might have feared if a conception of American aloofness from the cfr 'fairs of Europe were dominating his mind. America Cannot Stand Aloof "He is Keenly alive to the fact that America cannot be aloof; that It must carry Its part of the world's burden; that there exists a mutuality of interests i between it and Its allies in the late strug gle ! which we can easily recog nize.' ' 1 "The security of France is HEARING IN N. P. CASE DELAYED Present Terminal Arrange. ments Will Continue for Present WASHINGTON. Jan. 10. Pass port restriction will not be waived by the state department to permit entrance to the United States of Daniel J. O'Callaghan, lord mayor of Cork, who on his arrival last week at Newport News as a stow away and without a passport, was temporarily admitted on parole by the labor department. The decision, announced today by Acting Secretary Davis, brought forth the assertion by labor department officials that jurisdiction still rested with the secretary of labor. This indicated a continuation of the controversy between the two departments. Davis Concurs Opinion. Secretary Davis said that he concurred in the opinion or the solicitor of his department, as . , . . , . i ui uiiu ivuai, ill at lucre The hearing of the Interstate no reason to mftkft MM tion in the case of O'Callaghan as EMBEZZLER MILHOLLAND IS SUICIDE commerce commission In the Nor thern Pacific terminal case, set or January 14 In Portland, will be postponed. No other date has been fixed. The Oregon public service commission yesterday con sented to a postponement ; when Informed In a message from J. P. O'Brien, president of the terminal company, that the company's con stituent linen were joined by the Great Northern and the Spokane, Portland & Seattle in requesting a postponement. Th? contending roads have agreed that the pres ent arrangements of terminal fa cilities as applying to all roads shall continue until the investi gation is made and the commerce commission makes a ruling. The. desire for the postpone ment requested is that all party roads desire to negotiate ror a sat isfactory agreement. Hazelwood Company Is , . Refused New Trial PORTLAND, Or.. Jan. 10.- at! Hazelwood company, recently con. the heart of the European situa tion If European peace is to be reasonably assured; and I hope strongly that Senator Harding will be able to develop a program along the lines be is laying down that will help accomplish these results The European situation was ; said. victed of putting lime and soda in moldy butter to remove the rancidity, was denied a nw trial todar by Judge R. S. Dean in the federal court I jrHlXJ "There was abundant evidence to warrant the conviction returned by the jury in the case the judge also discussed by the presldent- ( Continued on page 6) Tuesday morning Judge Bean will pronounce sentence, he announced. PAROLE BOARD AND PAROCHIAL SCHOOLS INVOLVED I BILLS r Four bills that were introduced in the senate yesterday by Senator Wilson T. Hume of Portland are expected to pre cipitate hard fights when they reach the floor. One of these relates to membership on the state parole board, and the oth er three propose a readjustment in the relation between the public school and the private, sectarianism or parochial school systems. ! ; regards admission without a pass port. He said he was communicat ing his decision to Secretary Wil son and added the intimation that his department, acting -under the war time powers given the presi dent to regulate entry -of aliens. might recommend that the depart ment of justice be called upon to deport the Irish mayor. Labor department officials as serted Secretary Wilson did not recognize that the case of O'Cal laghan had yet come within the jurisdiction of the state depart ment inasmuch as he had not formally referred the case to that department.' Secretary Wilson had i not begun his consideration of the case today , and' it was said he would not take it under advise ment untU It had .come to him through regular channels. At the state department It was said delay of the secretary of labor in ren dering a decision after having pa roled O'Callaghan would permit the lord mayor to accomplish bis mission of testifying before the commission from the committee of 100 investigating the Irish ques tion regardless of whether he may be eventually deported. Labor Opposes Decision. Labor department officials de clared that should the secretary of labor find O'Callaghan inadmissi ble on immigration grounds, it would not be necessary for the secretary to refer the -waiving of passport restrictions to the state department. Should he find the lord mayor Inadmissible, however, he would then be called upon to decide whether the exclusion of O'Callaghan for having entered without a jassport was a question to be passed, upon by the state de partment, h While the state department first held that O'Callaghan's case had been brought before the de partment by the astion of an im migration inspector in Norfolk in requesting advice. Secretary Davis later stated he had amended this decision and would not take the case under advisement until it had been brought to his attention formally by the secretary of .labor. When Secretary Davis learned Secretary Wilson was not disposed to consult the state department and that he had paroled O'Callag han. he again amended his decis ion and asked for an opinion from the solicitor. At the annual election of direc tors of the Oregon Growers' Co operative association held here yesterday, following the prefer ences shown in the December pri mary, the following were for mally elected to serve the com ing! year: Jackson county Howard A. Hill of Mvdford. C. C. Cate of Medford, Gordon Voorhies of .Med ford, and A. II. D&venhill of Talent; Josephine county Clyde E. Niles of Grants Pass; Douglas count y W. E. St. John of Suther lin. R. A. Bushenbark of Rose- !mrg and G. W. Riddle of Riddle; Lane count; :i. H." Harlow of Eugene; Linn and Benton coun ties- B. W. Johnson of Monroe; Marion county Senator Charles L. McNary of - Salem. Allan Bel linger of Scot is Mills and Sey mour Jones of Salem; Polk coun tyFred Kwing or Salem and H. S. liutz of Dallas; Yamhill county Kenneth Miller of Sheridan, George Zimmerman of Yamhill, and, E. W. Matthews of Amity; Washington county E. A. Rent er of Forest Grove; Clackamas and Multnomah counties C. A. Jacques of Estacada; delegate at targe. Fred Gron-ar of Hlllsboro. The two amendments proposed, the first of which provides that beginning with 1921 the annual meeting and election of directors hall be held on the last Tuesday j of April of each year, and that the board elected in January of 1921 shall hold office until suc ceeded by the board elected in April of 1922. and the second which provides that members shall vote In the district where 'hey do business, instead of by county lines, were almost unani mously adopted and are now part of the by-laws. The districts will be determined by the board of directors from time to time: At the meeting following the election of directors, reports were read of the year's business by J. O. Holt, packing manager; C. I. Lewis, organization manager, and R. C. Paulus. sales manager. At the Mistland prune lunch eon, served at the Hotel Marion. all directors elected were present with the exception of Senator Mc Nary, E. W. Matthews of Amity, and Fred Groner of Hlllsboro. Others present included R. C. Paulas. C. I. Lewis. M. O. Evans and W. I. Staley. all of Salem; J O. Holt of Eugene; A. A. Hampson of Portland, and Ver non R. Churchill of San Francis co. The menu was as follows: Cream of Mistland Prunes Sweet Mixed Pickles Roast Leg of Veal. Mistland Prune Butter Whipped Cream Potatoes Mistland Prune Hot Biscuits Stuffed Banana Prune Salad Mistland Mince Pie Coffee. HARDING ASKS FOR SIMPLE INAUGURAL IMMEDIATE ARAXIK)XMENT OF TLAXS ANNOUNCED President-elect Opitose Elaborate Fete If Impression of Kxtrav- nganoe Is Created Bond Firm Swindle James ' F. Callahan Millionaire Mining Man Oat of $357, 000 Is Announcement FRAUDULENT BONDS BRING CONFESSION Hough Is Placed in Jail While Leader Takes Life When Police Come SPOKANE. Wash., Jan 10. James F. Callahan, millionaire Wallace. Idaho, mining man. whom the investment firm of Milholland & Hough of Spokane, ambezzled out of 1257,000. ac cording to a confession which MARION. Jan. 10. In the in terest of national thrift. Presi dentelect Harding tonight re rcqu3std all officials arrangiug for his Inauguration to abandon all plans for an inaugural cere mony. Virginia Rea concert at the Heilig Abandonment immediately ot all plans for a celebration in con nection with the inauguration of President-elect Harding was an nounced .tonight by E. B. McLean, chairman of the Washington in augural commute, in accordance with the desire of Mr. Harding. In a telegram to Mr. McLean. Mr. Harding declared he pre ferred simply to take th- oath of office, deliver a brief address and then take up his duties. He sa:d It would make his position very unhappy if the outlay for an elab orate inaugural created the Im pression ot extravagance. He al so telegraphed Senator Knox of Pennsylvania. In charge of tn congressional end ot the plan 3. suggesting that the proposal to erect stands " on the capitol grounds be abandoned. This proposal has been the. subject ot heat?d debatj in congress. Mr. McLean, on receiving the! RITNER AND BEAN HEAD LEGISLATIVE Dnmrc rate vv ad DVVILO 11110 ILill Thirty-first Session of Law Makers Is Organized Gov ernor's Message to be Delivered Before Joint Assem bly This Morning Oregon First State to Have Wo man Assistant Chief Clerk Miss Rosina L Miller Is Unanimously Elected to Office . With the election of Senator Roy V. Ritner of Pendleton as president of the senate and Representative Louis EJ Bean of Eugene as speaker of the house, the thirty-first legislative session of the state of Oregon organized here yesterday. Sen ator J. C. Smith of Josephine county called the senate to or der. . In the house Representative K. K. Kubli of Multnomah was elected temporary speaker. The governor's message, which was to have been deliv ered yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock, was postponed until this morning at 10:30 when the governor will deliver it be fore the joint session of the two legislative bodies. authorities state Jay P. Hough. senior member of the . company, request of Mr. Harding for aban- made to them yesterday, declared I donment of the celebration plans. ore his arrival heie tonight from! Issued a statement say:ng Wallace "if the boys had come to Senator Hume's parole board bill would place a restriction on the personnel ot the state parole board prohibiting any counsellor or attorney-at-law, sheriff, court clerk or any other officer of any court from serving as a member ot the parole board. The purpose of the Mil Is to keep the parole board entirely free from any per rons whose regular occupation i. connected with the handling of criminals in the courts. The first of Senator Hume's school -bills would prohibit any teacher In the public schools from wearing any dress or garb indl 1 dicating his or her adherence to any particular church or order. Another of these bills Intro duced by Senator Hume would regulate private, denominational or parochial schools by placing them under the supervUion of th slate department of education and compelling them to meet all the requirement! of law that are im posed upon the regular public schools. Tbe third of the school bills 7ould reorganize the state board of standardization of schools and colleges by" removing froml ts membership the.city school super intendent of the largest city In the state, the representative of the IndeDcndent College ITesident'a association and the representative of the Catholic Educational asso- ii9(inn. Thin would leavd the board to consist of the president of the University of Oregon, pres ident of Orecoa Agricultural col lege, president of Oregon Normal school, and the state supenuicu dent of public instruction. The most important provision of the bill is that it would pro hnn ih Ktandardization board from standardizing any private rirnrhial or' lenomInatioiia school. roIJ?e or a-adruy. and nnv nw ko standardized would b stricken from the list. Kfnalnr lltimn also IS of a bill nirj and laid the cards on the table. I would have said 'forget it. boys. rather than to have any man commit suicide for me. I rould not rind it in my heart to judge any man as John Milhol land has judged himself." he added. Milholland Taken 111 Life. Hough, following hla alleged confession - to authorities yester day, was placed under arrest and a warrant charging embezzle ment Issued for Milholland. While police were seeking to gain ad mittance to the Milholland resi dence, he 'shot himself through the head, according to the police. "I do not believe Uiese boys started out to do wrong, but one is Just as guilty as the other," Mr. Callahan said. "They Just kept going and getting in a little worse till they got desperate.. "I know that Milholland was the leader. He was the stronger character, but Jay had plenty of opportunity to tell me that I was being victimized." Mr. Callahan said that it was Milholland who advised him to buy the bonds, which, in Hough's alleged confession, are forged. Callahan declared the first bonds he bought through Milholland & Hough were genuine, but that these, upon the advice of Milhol land were turned and converted Into bonds to pay more interest. "The . last bonds I rot fmm Milholland and Hough were sold me on the understand in r that they were tax exempt." Mr. Cal lahan said. "I could hardly have been expected to suspect that their signatures were forge rie s me authorities hav told me. Thi3 would be a task for a handwrit ing expert and I never thought of suspecting my friends of such 'a thing. ' Ilofru Horn Are Hold "These su list It ut Ions of bogus stocks ran up to I32S.OOO Then this fall Milholland came' to me and suggested that I let him have certain stock as collateral. He said he needed the money, that I realize, of coarse, how keen will be Jhe disappointment to the people of Washington, but I have all along known how President elect Harding felt with respect to the expenditure of large sums of money at this time. "Because of Mr. 'Harding's feeling it was always In doubt about the Inaugural program be ing carried out. I felt Senator Hardingte friends and advisors will be with him in this matter." LEA TO HOLD OFFICE AGAIN Elected Secretary of Fair Board for Fifth Time A. If. lit-a was today re-elected unanimously as secretary of state fair board and man stale fair. The eteeMnn i- Ma'l tbers. amounting In all to a then CABLE RULE IS IN COMMITTEE Senate Group Hears British Cable Surveillance " Charge WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. Charges that the British govern ment exercises more surveillance over American cable business passing through the British laid ana mat tne state aepanmeni nau extended its controversy with the Western Union Telegraph and Ca ble company to bring in the Cu ban government, cam? up today before a senate committee consid erinr Cable legislation. Norman H. Davis, acting secre tary ot state, and Newcorab Carl ton, president of the Western Un ion, conducted an argument over the Cuban allegation when- Mr. Davis denied it. Chairman Kel logg ended the hearing by ques tioning Mr. Carlton as to the Eng lish practices. Clarence H. Mac Kay, head of the Postal Telegraph-Cable company, told th committee that English secret service authorities were obtain ing copies of cable messages. Mr. Carlton expressed reluct ance to discuss the subject or Enclish surveillance because "it would make trouble," but at last he could hypothecate my bonds ! yU!lied Senator Banks was nominated for temporary president by Sena tor aPtterson of Polk and Ben ton who referred to Banks at the man who at the 1-glsUturs of 1919 made one of the beat speeches of the session when he nominated Senator Dimlck for temporary presiding officer. Mos er seconded the nomination ot banks and be was elected unan imously, according to program Presiding Officer Smith appoint ed Senators Eberhard aad Mover to escort Banks to the chair. la W I- I w . luis tu. uean earn too tne beads SStraver ot COMMITTEES ARE APPOINTED Organization of Both Bod ies Announced by Heads but that his did not have a real market value. . I gave him seven hundred f hares of Anaconda Cop- ! per. COO of Inspiration and! aome tutb In succession. Mr. Lea hasj not been a candidate for the po-e sition and has not decided wheth er he will accept. He will reach a dcisi3n a weak from today, he said. With about 10 candidates in the field who had applied for the place. Mr. Lea "said that he wai surprise to receive the votes of all fiva members of the board, par ticularly since he was not a can didate. A. C. Marsters of Corvallis was elected president of the board to succeed W . H. Savage of Corval Us. and J. E. Reynolds of La- Grande was elected vice president to succeed Marsters. A. N. Bush of Salem was re-elected treasurer. Directors of the several depart ments of the state fair will he elected today. Protection Is Asked From Foreign Labor WASHINGTON. Jan. 10. Pro tection for the American laborer from foreign "imports" on an equality with the protection ac-j corded American products by tar-j ffr laws and asked of the senate imm'gratlon committee todav by Frank Morrison, secretary of the American Federation ot Labor. He added tht the position of the federation as that of straight out protection without reservation for a period of two years from alien labor. "YV object. "he said, "to throwing the doors wide op-n. flooding Tlw American labor mar- Fire Breaks Oat in ; Commerce Building WASHINGTON. Jan. 10. Fire broke out tonight in the depart ment of commerc? building. The fire eemed to be confined to the basement having originated in the office of the engineer and as tne building Is fireproof, firemen ex pected to have the blaze under conrc. Fire, alarms brought all fire fighting apparatus from I lie down town faction. Among these fire men, i-cvaral were overcome ty smoke. Including Frank Newman, recently awarded the annual med al ror the iiiont heroic work at firen last yar. Uncords stored in the basemen' ket with cheap European labor. lie said that reports Jimt re-, furnlhhed the flames with mater- stithor eeived from labor officials in 141 tal and efforts of the firemen to reeulate the practice cities showed the number of un- were largely directed toward ore- atnination of the firm's booki aud As enrity he gave me some bonds which I thought were airtight. It was not until I had to raise over $100,000 last month within ten days to pay a court decree, in a divorce case that I learned that these were worthless. I needed the money and couldn't get it. Milholland would come to Wal lace, clip the coupons and send me their check for the bond in terest. I Just got notice today that a check for $9..r,00 given to me by them on the Guaranty Trust company of New York has been protested." Mr. ( jillahaa licatiic Spokane Mr. Callahan arrived in Spok ane with his attorney. Walter C. Hansen, and two friends. The first thing the party did cn their arrival was to" have dinner. Mr. Callahn. according to his friends. is in the best spirits. He talked with newspapermen quite freely regarding the affair. No inquest into the death of Milholland will be held. Couuty Coroner William Newman, said tonight. "The case if Milholland is plainly suicide.' he said Prosecuting Attorney W. C. Myer, In an interview declared "there is nothing to show that funds handled by Millholland and Hough other han thos beloifg ing to Mr. Callahan were ember. zled." He announced his int?r. tion to press the case as soon aa a receiver for the concern ha oven appointed and the eoinpauy's books and papers examined. Milholland. his wife stated to newtspaiprmen. carried insurance of $21,000. He is said to have u.!' a nrr will laft Paturdav The offices or the firm of Mil holland and H.nieh w?re not opened today. Employt-s stayed away from the- work pending ex- Ten days after messages hve been transmitted." he explained, "onr copies are turned over to the British secret service which keps them for a few hours and then re turns tbem. No exception Is made and the American ofticial diz-patch-s. like the dispatches to all other countries to and from Eng land, are included. I have been assured official messages are no', even Inspected but that they are in th-; physical possession of the authorities while other message are being inspected." The orders for the surveillance were issued. Mr. Carlton vx plained. oceans:? of disturbed con ditions in Great Britain and Eur ope. Mr. Davis and President Carl ton argued with considerable heat over the stat? department's oppo sit'on to the Western Union's at-' tempted connection with the Bri tish cable system in Brazil via the Barbados cable. The Western Union head Insist ed that "American officials" had made representations to the Cu ban government and Mr. Davis replied that no one but the stat? department had authority to take such a step. of their respective bodies. . j President Ritner's appointments were as follows: Agriculture and Forestry Por ter. Robertson, Nickelsen,-Thomas, LaFollette. Alcoholic Traf flc Farrell, Ed dy. Ellis, Lachmund. Strayer. Assessment and Taxation Bell. Dennis.. Hume, Hall, Porter. . Banking Ryan.' Robertson. Hall. Staples, Joseph. Claims Thomas. Eddy. Pat terson. Commerce and Navigation Ed wards, Hall, Moser, Norblad. Joseph. Counties Hume. Staples. Ryan County and State Officers Vinton. Bell. Ryan. Eberhard. Porter. Education Staples. Eberhard. Hume. Gill. Edwards. Election and Privilege Dennis. Lachmund. Patterson. ' Engrossed Bills Smith. Tar- rell. Dennis. . - Enrolled Bills Ellis. Bell. Hall Federal Relations Ellis. Vin ton. Patterson. Fishing Industries Norblad Smith. Moser. .Banks. Jones. Ed wards, Nicbelsen. Game Robertson. Dennis. Gill, Bell. Farrell. Horticulture Lachmund. Nick elsen. Jones. . - Industries Jones. Vinton. Lachmand. Farrell. Strayer. Insurance - Banks, Robertson. Moser, Jones, Hare. Irrigation and Drainage Up ton. Ellis. Eberhard. Strayer. Banks. Lachmund. Bell. Judiciary Moser. Banks. Ryan. Eberhard. Hare. Vinton, Jones, Norblad. Upton. Medicine. Dentistry and Pharm acy Smith, Home. Farrell. Sta pies. Ellis. Military A Hairs Joseph. Up ton. Bell. Mining Strayer. Hume. Smith. Municipal Affairs Rabertson. Vinton. Joseph. Norblad. Edwards. Penal Institutions Hare. La Follette. Porter. Printing Gill. Dennis. Hare. Public Buildings and Institu tions LaFollette. Ryan. Thomas. rublic Lands Nickelsen. Gill. (Continued on page ) Baker. If the 29 Re publican members - made aom demonstration of Just pride. Dead Members Enlodard Colonel Merrier In his prayer paid touching tribal to the late Senators Baldwin. Dlmkk and Huston, all of whom have died since the session of 1919. Chief Justice Burnett swore In the new members of the senate at 10:29 o'clock - Senator Eddy in nominating Senator Ritner for the presidency aald the session ef the next 40 days will have before it the most aerions questions. Tribute Paid Rltster I feel that It la m happy inci dent.- said Eddy, "that agre meats have been reached thai eliminate any contention tn thv organization of th senate. He referred, to Senator Ritner as a legislator of experience. . a splendid citizen and patriot. The nomination was seconae-i by Senator Upton of Prtnevll; and by Senator Moser of Multno mah. In brief speeches. By roll call the election of Rit ner was unanimous, except imi Ritner by courtesy voted for Senator Eddy. John P. Hunt of Woodburn was the nnopposed choice for chief clerk or the senate. Ha was nom inated without comment by Sen ator Lou is Lacbmnad of Marion and the nomination was second ed by Farrell ot Multnomah. Mr. Hunt has for many sessions been assistant chief to John W. Coch ran. Upon motions made from the floor. Senators Eberhard of Union. Porter of Linn, and Stray er of Baker were appointed a com mittee on credentials; Senators Norblad of Clatsop. Bell of Lane and Vinton of Yamhill were ap pointed a committee on perma nent organization aad order of business, and Senators Ryan of Clackamas. Thomas ot Jackson and Moser of Msltnomah were appointed a committee to notify the chief justice of the supreme court that the senate was in ses sion and the new members ready to receive administration of ths oath of office. A recess ot IS minutes was taken to await the arrival of Chief Justice George II. Burnett. (Continued on page S) Naval Balloonists Push Back to Civilization GEORGE E. WATERS IS MADE MEMBER OF "... s ELECTORAL C0LLEG1 of -hlronodv Droviding for the employed to be 1.813.272 and said Tenting tha fire from spreading.. papers which authorities creation without pay. of a state board to serve be would not "dare estimate what Among the records were those f. -l .... .li. 1 V Oil rnnilll an- tha tatal of allcltle would show.-, the 18 W census. (Continued on page 6) Oregon members of the presidential electoral college met in Salem yesterday and elected George E. Waters of Salem to fill the place on the Oregon board of five electors left vacant by the removal from Oregon of J. R. Richardson of Portland. Richardson left the state after the election and became dis qualified to serve. Waters is a Salem tobacco dealer and an active Repub lican. " The election of Mr. Waters was the result of a deadlock by the four other members over Herman Von Borstel and Charles Lockwood. both of Portland, who were candidates lo succeed Richardson. The other members of the board are M. C. George1 of Portland. Josenh Hume of Brownsville. darenc Hotchkiss nf their arrival. The three officers: r4i.i m'u-. t tui tij ir. t.vi I are reported In good physical con- i iwuu ux xunuuu. avuu v as ce- diuon lectcd to take the Oregon ballot ti Washington. MATTICE. Ont.. Jan. 10. The three American naval balloonists who are 'mushing" their way I hack to civilization from Moose Factory. Ont.. where they found shelter after one of the most thril ling adventures In the annals of the American navy, will arrive here tomorrow afternoon. They are announced tonight at Skunk Island, a day's journey from Mat tic o. i r Information to this effect wa received tonight from Earl Trowse. a KPide sent put In ad vance by newspaperment awaiting fK'"