The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 09, 1921, Page 7, Image 7

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    h SECOND NEWS SECTION ff (L A ll 1
1 -
THIS week was not made to the order of a-soWty reporter it
was rather to the order of folk, weary .from a' fortnight of hoti
.dajr merrymaking The UHual post-Yulctide leihergy fell like a
niantle over both the young and older folkt who according to their
annual custom found greater pleasure in staying close at home than
in contributing anything to the social calendar.
Had it not been for the Homer Smith dancing party; the Cher
rlan corronation and dance, and the musical offering By the Salem
Lyceum Bureau of the DeMille quartet at the armory Friday nisrht,
thing" would have been dull, indeed.
Outstanding on the comins week's program is the first concert
for 1921 .of ,ne Apollo club, and if the week has nothing more to
offer we shall be content. .- .
All day Friday and Saturday local music lovers were reserving
seats for the event at the. armory box office, but if the concert is to
be the success that it should be, subscriptions will have to continue
with unabated rest. -f ,
A few people have been heard to criticize tup advance in price.
Heretofore eight tickets have been given for five 'dollars, while this
rear half that number are to be secured for the price. This really
.work no hardship on the public, for the reason that when a person
had eight tickets.; folk who were as well able to purchase, tickets as
he,' relied upon hitn for their passport, to the concert.
Furthermore the artists secured to appear with the Appollo
flub have been bigger, and of wider repute with each season, and in
consequence a greater monetary consideration has! been required.
Tbe Appolo club is an organization composed. of tb leading business
.and professional men of the city men who give considerable time
throughout the year preparing tor the two programs and in return
for their efforts, which are put rorth purely with the i nought in
miod of raising the cultural conditions of Hip Capital City, every
person in Salem who is able to purchase a ticket should do so. J
Cecil Fanning, an international favorite, whom the Apollo club
was successful enough to procure a its soloist this year,-is one of the
few Americans who bus had a wide experience both in this country
tad In Europp.
; During the past summer Mr. Fanning made a return visit to
England. : Tor Loth professional and recreational purposes. He had
planned to give a serlesf six Iondon recitals In the spring and then
rt for a few weeks after his arduous American season, But the best
laid plans of baritones "gang aft agley." His success was so immedi
ate; that the six concerts were increased toten and many appear
aaces werft made elsewhere in the British provinces, until his real
vacation simmered flown to a. period of a fortnight. In September
and October he was soloist' at ten orchestral coucerts in the great
Queen's hall, seating 2800, and performed a tour de force by giving
even recitals in Glasgow in a single week. During the summer he
was heard at Yarmouth, Bournemouth, Brighton and other coast re
ports, and in every instance was obliged to return again and again.
.Yarmouth alone hearing him six times in June and July. '
It is npt often that r.n artist fills 20 engagements In one city
Within the space of six months, but such was Mr. Fanning' excep
iional record in London." It is gratifying to note J hat English andi
rnces and critics, o frequently chary In their appreciation of Ameri
can musicians; hav made a notable exception in Mr. Fanning's case
and accorded him'honors equal to those which he received at home.
The! program to be presented Tuesday night follows:
. .... .by Bracket t
. . . . ... .by Lucas
..... .by Lee
Cavalry Song Apollo Club,..
(a) Deep River- Apollo Club. ..........
(b I Gathered a Rose Apollo Club. . . . .
Archibald Douglas (Fontanel Loewe. . . .
On Venice Waters Opollo Qlub.
Gipsy Love Aplk Clab . .". . .... ...
.by Cecil Fanning
i - '.OS':- - '! !
! ii ' - i .4.
i in Seattle, al ter filling a similar i Taconia. arrived Thursday night
1 position in K;i!em during the pas: land will remain on an extended
. tlireo yeats. Durins thi lime I visit to Mrs. Schwab's parents
' Miss StfrlinK has mad" a host of jMr. and Mrs. (5. A. Nve. Mrs.
; friends, w ho will say good-bye i Schwab was before her marriage
with the keenest legret. j Miss Adelta Nye. and has a hoft
At the lunoheon yesterday cov-I "f friend here to extend her a
: r. were laid Tor 12. all the more ( n,ost eordiat welcome,
j intonate TrU-nds of honored !
Narcissi centered the table and ; -Mrs- Samuel Proltert enter
iiUI the appointment.-: were heaii-1 ,i,n"'1 tho Wednesday afternoon
tilully eari ied out. IMace card i br,,,!;'' ,',Mh ihi w,' k..lhe high
f loverly suupested s. ntiment an- l''0 al lh completion of ihe
pmpriale to aimoune.. a depart- fam? K '"l '..MrH- r- ,!- MeCal
ure. Miss M :,M., D;ivenprt .io- t " . rrohPrt nas aasisi
pod t. ,oa .t i huh S.erhnu ! ,w rv" h;'"fJ Ly "T J,
wnrl. i. ; .. V ' as Mr. I.uciln Savare of Con-
iirv i itit u (,'
em high school. SLnil in
by Macy
?by Knig
the sa-
aiiss Mrrim.; introduced her hos
tess as her siucesMir as bead of
the Knglish department. A line
j party arranged to se.. Knid Iten-
ifii ill Hie oiffcof, n.i lowed th
1 Covers were laid for Miss St-r-i
lin;'. Miss Mabel Davenport. Mis.
J May Thoiiijisoi. Mi-,s Marie
Miirrroii. m,ss F.ihel Imniel.
Miss Myrtle' Tobey. Miss Helen a
Willftt. Mws Margaret Cosper.
Mrs. Ienta Vet;.roif. Mrs. Jo--Ph
Jlaiiint'art.ier. Mrs cra
Hu. Mrs. J. c. Velsnn an-H f,'rnia
hostexK. i covered
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Lam
port left Friday ,,,1,1 for a
pJerfMn-e tri,, through California.
he principal points or interest to
le visited.. They will fo as far
Honih as San Dieo. and will be
away a forlniiilit or longer.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zimmerman
were dinner hosts Fridav. night
laying covers tor Mr. and Mr
Klllott Colony, who hae recent Iv
returned to Salem, and Mr n
Mrs. William M. Hamilton.
rad. Mont.
The next mealing
Mrs. S. A. Kr.zer returned hom
Tuesday from Portland wherp she
was pleasantly entertained during
the holidays. Mr. Kozer joining
her over Christinas. While ther
Mrs. Kozer was the house gtiet
ol her mother. Mrs. It. A. Belch
ed. One of the affairs marking
her stay was a. dinner parly at
ix-iiui noiei. ana sne was
will be in a fortnight, when Mrs
Charles Slrirklin will op hostess.
Mrs. Walter L. Siauldlng and
her hoiie Kiiet Mrs. F'orrest M.
Cist, of Tillamook, motored to
Newherg. Wednesday to le: with
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Spaulding
for the day.
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Davidson,
their children and K.nneth Wil
son have returned from a four
weeks' motor trio throne Call-
Over 4000 mils were
. and every Doint of in-
terest'ln ihe sonthern part of the
state as well as Tia Junna. Mexico.
Miti.i Rarhael Chambers left
Thursday for Rdding. Fa., after
pending sevoral weks with her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Mrs. Liicile Savage of Cqnrad.
Mont., who has been the holiday
housp guest of Mrs. Charles
Charls Whit mora. JeU for her
home Friday. ,
Adding considerable intoreit to
the week in a social way were the
two evenings of cards which Mr.
and Mrs. L. W. C.leason contrib
uted Thursday and Friday nights,
in celebration of their lith wed-
dinj annivrsao'. Seven tables
were arranged for both affairs.
"j00" being the game employed.
The roonjs were eautltied
with pink and white carnations
and feathery greenery, decorations
Davis. Mr. and Mrs. William Cra
vatt. Mr. and Mrs. C Sott Page,
Mr. and Mrs. Claire Vibbrt. Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Wo4d. Mr. and
Mrs. HerUn Stlfr. Mr. and Mrs.
K. A. Kurtx; Mr. and Mrs. V. K.
Kuhn ana Mrs. Ada i'etram.
On Friday night tbe list Includ
ed: Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Hender
son. Mr. and Mrs. J. K. ltaaey.
Mr. ti.11.! Mrs. C'yde Johnson. Mr.
and Mrs. Roma C. Ilunt-r. Mr.
and .rs Cal l'a4iton.,Mr. and Mrs.
A. I!. Hic!est-Iii. Jr.. -Mr. and
Mrs. L. . Al.lrkh. Mr. and Mrs.
Jttlin Si.'triniiiid. Mr. ami Mrs. Ia
vi.l Drager. Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Ward. Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Itar-
!Unir. Mr ami Mrs. Merlin Hard
thp rlubilng and Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Fisher.
Word ciiiiifH from Paul Wal
that lie in mi his way homo
from bis montu'K a intent:- in the
ast. 1-avluK Salem in.mid-Ie-cemlM
r he went direct to New
York My. where he repent the
holidays with his brother in-law
ami sifter. Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
On M return he plans to stop
off In Pittsburgh and Swlckley.
Pa., in the latter place vUitinjc
his aunt. Mra. Robert Trimble,
who Is remembered In Salem
throoKh her several visits here.
He will also spend some time la
Chicago. Detroit and Jackson,
Miss Merle Hampton, daagb
tcr of Judge Hamilton ct Rose
burg. U spending tbe weekend
at the home of Mrs. J. A. Carson.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde O. Rice ex
tended charming hospitality
Thursday night, when tbey enter
tained the members ( the "Cher
ry City" dob with a beaatlfullr
appointed dinner. A tall ivory
toned brt La,ket centered tbe ta
ble, filled with rbrysaathemums
in orchid coloring. A wide bow
of ribbon In" the aaree hue orna
mented tbe handle, and over the
Ides, extending out over tbe
rloth were gracefal uprays . of
mil Lax. 1'Lieed at Intervals . on
these were JjQtterfWes la
f Continued on Page 2.)
(' ........ V t ,
?"Sheep In-Clusters" (Revolutionary Times) arg.
.... .. . - . I 11I..I.UmI
stanain in ae xteea oprayrr rnM.i'"" -
"Meet Me By Moonlight1 Alone," (English) . . .
"Oh! No, John!" (English)....
i By Cecil Fanning
Sam! L. Endicott
. i..Wra. Reddick
...Wra. Wade
, .Cecil Sharpe
"Joy of the Hills' Apollo Club............ by Kinder
Rockln' Time" Apollo Club. ... ....... Knox
"Song ot'tbe Cannibal" Apollo Club. .py Scott
"Tbe Last Leaf,"' (Oliver Wendall Holmes) ..... .Sidney Homer
"Left" (Damon Rnnyan) . . ; Clarence Rustlin
i'AH for You". ... . . . . . .... . ...... .. .Bertrand Brown
"The Time 'for Making' Songs Has Come" (Hagedorn (Written
for Mr. Fanning.
"The Mad Dog" (The Vicar of Wakefield) Liza Lehman
" T .' By Cecil Fanning I .
To the Fields! To the Hunt". . . . . . . .
I! By Apollo Club
"Star Spangled Banner" '
By Apollo Club
, . .Buck
. , ." .. . .: ; : ;
Hemstitching lOc per yard
Room 10, McCornack Bldff. Phone 117 Salem, Ore.
ISS Helen West daughter of ex-governor and Mrs.
Oswald West of Portland, who returns to Mills
College today, after spending the Holidays with
her parents and .with her uncle and aunt, Governor andv
Mrs. Ben W. Olcott. ' MissWest is essentially an' out-
door girl, and-is a clever young horsewoman, taking part -in
most of "the activities of the Portland Hunt Club.
Sale of "Jusrite" Sport Corsets
- . Guaranteed Duplex Rustless
$2 00 Justrlte now .... . . . ... . ! ,0l
13.00 Justrlte now. . ..... . . ................ v -2-00
$4.50 Justrlte now. . . . $.UH
Cretonne and colored Petticoats were $3 and $3.50. sale price $!-"
Xu Bone Tailored Brassieres, odd sliea were $1.10 and $1.75;
.now. . .................................... ..'.v. i.w.
Pbone 95S
A. E. Lyons
429 Court St,
January Clean Up ;
In order to make room for spring stock we are offer-
ing special prices on all stamped and hand embroidered -articles.
Look them over.
429 Court St. V
T WAS cherry-blossom time at
the armory Tuesday night; in
Fplte of the fact that it was
mid-winter without. For the
Cherrians, in their natty 'uni
forms, their wives and feminine
friends in vari-hued evening toil
letes. and the cluster of exquisite
"Cherrian lilossoms," emphasized
the fact tbat it was May instead
of January.
Summer visits other sections of
the world, too, at this time, but
tiiat is not so important just now.
To be sure there was a good bit
of Christmas suggested in the de
corations, but one could call one's
imagination into service and Jo,
fir and evergreen became long
rows of Lamberts . and Royal
Annes. 1 Tall floor lamps, their
shades the color of ripened cher
ries reds and yellows further
aided in the hallucination.
Invitations had been issued to
officials of the various civic or
ganizations all over the state, hut
only a , few were In attendance,
however, o the coronation of the
new King Ring, Charles T:. Know
land, resulted in an almost en
tirely local affair.
After the formal Installation
ceremonies had been gone through
with, and a charming program
presented," dancing was annonnc-
ed in order, and . was enjoyed
along with a supper, that wan
served at small tables arranged
lieneath the balcony.
The evening's program was
composed or the following ' num
bers: "
Hose Hud Ballet, "Cheriian Blos
onis," Mrs. White's dancing pu
pils; "Hanee of the Rose." Cyn
thia Delano; dance. "The Anist."
Janet Sykes; old-time melodies.
Ilallie Parrish Hinges; violin so
lo. Mary Talmadge lleadrick;
aance. .Margaret White; piano
solo, Elbert Lachele; comic spec
ialty, A. C. Bishop; instrumental.
Mistland orchestra de luxe.
A delightful affair of last night
was the dinner which Mrs. W. II.
Oaney gave4n celebration of Mr.
Dancy's birthday, and also in com
pliment to tour of their close
friends who observed their birth
days in the week just past Mrs.
Frank -Meredith. Mrs. Homer
Smith. Mrs. L. F. Griffith and
Mrs. Frank W. Durbin.
A yellow color motif was ulil
Ized with candles and everlast
ing flowers decorating the board.
Covers were placed for 14. tho
guests including: Mr. and Mrs.
Oeorge f. Brown. Mr. and Mrs.
George G. Cattanach. of Canyon.
Oregon: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mer
edith. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Smith.
Dn and Mrs. L. F. Grlmth. and
Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Durbin.
Mrs. Ben W.' Olcott went to
Portland yesterday to attend a
luncheon ; given for her niece.
Miss Helen West.-who is leaving
today for California to resume
her studif at Mills rollege. Miss
West bas been spending the holi
days with her parenis. ex-Gover-nor
and Mrs. Oswald West.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Huffman
returned home this week from
Newport, wtiere they spent a
week with friends.
Mrs. Thomas B. Kay and Mrs.
Charles H. Robertson were at
home to the Piety Hill club
Thursday afternoon at the Kay
residencp, additional guests being
Mrs. Kay's mother. Mrs. C. A.
Wallace and Mrs. Ercel Kay. The
February meeting will be at the
residence of Mrs. F. .V. Spencer,
when she and Mrs. William T.
Kirk will entertain.
Senator and Mrs. Gus Moser
of Portland, will arrive today and
during the session of the 1921
legislature will be domiciled with
Dr. and Mrs. W. Carlton Smith.
Both Senator and Mrs. Moser
have a host of friends in Ihe city,
where they have remained
through several legislatures, and
they will, be warmly welcomed.
Mr. and Mrs. William Lyons of
Portland came up Thursday to
attend the Homer Smith dancing
party at tbe lllahee Country
club, and during their two-day
stay were the guests-of Mr. and
Mrs-. W. Melvin Plimpton.
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hofer en-
jertained their bridge club Wed
nesday night at its fitst meeting
rince the holidays. .
Mrs. Margaret Lovelace left on
Friday for Los Angeles on an ex
tended visit to friends.
Mrs. O. C. Locke entertained
tbe Undue Luncheon club Tues
day afternoon at its first session
since the holidays. L'tncheon
was served at the Hotel Marion,
the card game following at Mrs.
lcke's apartment at the Court.
'Sevetal additional guests wero
bidden, including -'' Mrs. Homer
Smith. Mr?. William -Walton and
Mrs. Dan Fry. Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy
their attractive children Elizabeth
Jrne and Thomas Burmester. of
Portland came uit during the mid
week to remain until Friday night
p. the guest of Mr. Bishop's par
ents Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Bishop. .
Earlier in the week Mrs. Bish
op, Sr.. visited in Portland, re
turning that far with her brother-in-law
and sister. Mr. and Mrs.
C. T. Roberts of HoodRiver. who
had been visiting in the city dur
ing the holidays.
The luncheon yesterday at the
Hotel Marion for Miss Edna
Sterling, given by Miss Elizabeth
Macleay. was the firrt affair
planned as a farewell compliment
to this popular high school in
structor, who is leaving the la?t
of the month to take up her work
as head cr the English depart
ment of tbe .Lincoln high, school
casions. On the first night cant
trophies fell to Mrs. Thomas
Wood, and Mr. Charles E. Know
land, and on the second evening
to John Siegmnnd. and Clyde
A collation followed the games,
being served at tbe small card
tables. Mrs. Lester Davis was an
assistant at tbe initial event.
A pretty incident of the celebra
tion was the presentation by both
groups of guests, of anniversary
gifts to the hosts
Invitations were issued Thurs
day night to the following: Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Daue. Dr. and
Mrs. O. A. Olson. Mr. and Mrs.
P. E. Fullerton. Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Canfield. Mr. and Mrs. Charles E
Knowland. Mr. and Mrs. Iter
later the guest of her brother-ln-1 rPrna'nlng the same for both oe
iaw ana sister. Mr. and Mrs. F.
G. Pritchard. on the "Alameda."
Mrs. Vyvyan Dent or Portland
accompanied by her two children
Phylllt and Robert came down
Wednesday to remain ovr the
week-end as the guests of Mr. and
Airs. Mac Morer. Mr. Dent is in
China on a business trip, where
he has been for about faur
months. He is expected home
early the coming month.
The first meeting in the new
year of the Junior Guild of th
Episcopal church will be held
Tuesday afternoon at the resi
dence of Mrjj. Joseph Baumgart
ner, the meeting date being
changed from the first Tuesday
In each month to the second Tues
day. At the forthcoming session
plans will be laid for the annual
guUd dance, which, instead of be
ing held In October as usuaf. will
be given sometime during Jan
uary, in the armory.
Mr', and Mrs. T. A. Livesley and
their children returned Tuesday
from Vancouver. It. C. where
they stont the holiday fortnight
with Mrs. Llveslev's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George DeBeck.
The manv friends of Mis Ruth
! Mendelsohn formerly of this city.
now a rej-ident of Ran Francisco,
will pleased to hear of her bP
trothal to Dr. John Harold Gold,
a prominent professional man of
San Francisco. N'o date has as
yet leen set for the wedding.
Mrs. Fred Schwab and her
small daughter Patricia" Ann. of
( ; . hp? vf; i
I'M iN"MiK)
if t r-cM
L.wv .-
j .
That lian Jeei enrrie.I over fwrn our Fall stock will
1m mjM in one jirvat t-lra ranee sale! Some of these',
l.louves are sliplitly soiletl or wrinkled from oecasional
displayal. TIte vnliies are very creat aikl we are quot
ing one price on every Mouse thai is certain of appealing
to Salem women.
Your Choice at $635
Pay At Yon (hi.
Take an Interest in Your Hank Account
It Will Crow.
Bishop and
is that happy combination of cor
rect designing, accurate styling
and proper fitting that results in
smart lines plus real comfort.
That's what you'll rind in l-'ro-laset
Models for every type of figure.
Van Raalte t'nderwear and
I MASK A i- rwXrt
Corset Specialist
115 Liberty St.
The First Note Of Spring
Advance Shipment
It isn't a very large collection,
but it is cleverly .selected and
they nre just the dresses that
women' of good taste and dis
criminating judgment will want.
They embrace the two accept
ed spring styles, the "Surplus
Blouse" and circular skirt effect.
fi s- f I f;tl Y ijM
w. v mst-- j t us, rr
"7 v
Also the straight line models with
beading. We have marked them
away down in price. Your choice
in every department. Don't fail to take advantage.
Remember, we only handle "Good goods."
Good Goods.