The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 09, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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., rirst Baptist
WMaw T. it 511 it en. l. O, p3.tsr. B.
il abool at 1t:U brp. U. K. ILanu
uprl.Bindrai. ifarain wer-Hip at 11:
aia$ worvbip at 7; 30. Tie paa.or
iU ia tb ranrnlal apua the thu.
"liUtlen. UlamiBiion. latp4rtiR."
Kveaiag tb. 'r"itJi TriBfnpr.ant." Tub
Kenior B; Y. r, V Jaf al :r.ft. tadr.
Until Tibbtt. Tai: "t.'hTtii-n ir
Ithmetir.'f NwBd dWi,ira D. V. P. V. al
.30. Topic: '"'lb -de I Il!pfut
aas ia tb Ilihl." Stw'.l wuaic bv
Barttt'. and cLersa. -. ri a id b
ruiHn. - or: a a and piano Visiter ere
cordially U-m4 at all r .
' CaUelte
llua at 7t20, an4 hTjh
ilk artiiea by the paator at 10:30.
Radirtioa wi;Jt mtron bjr .
rtbr D"i 7;.Vt ji.ui.: rjon
Welcome, j Re. J. U. liatk. p.'r
tr -t ra. ,oro if )v riir good In j .ul.i.-rt : "AiaJiin; laf lllvi at a
niacins, ifr. issrt Hl r-ud-r a t- J fan ;'" lnTMrJiaf trttla d-
1 lir .riri aX (rnaa I m at, clorfc and ihiibt m.l.'r l
-'fb tifnr Tl.fc' ar li-t.-twd to ita I K Bins', at 3: khI,,.-. i : "Th
: lt-rv.t and trfit by al: bar. tian Vi.ii,a." K,-rbahly i ,.r-
'VhrL t in, Tp" tb viuJr toaijbi,1 iariL-d t ttd tU mtik-i..
v U rl t wikoa. t i adi-d the j 1.1.-.
Taf Lai! W sail lausfclrs bM
fhf ir bini. niolitf trul x-ibl Ti
d if itnin;' at paxtar' boaac. UOa U
li S; . V4 -!:. 7.2y p.m. JtfMrlwal
wori. r !. TBfda. 7.3U p.m.. ii.M
tMt tirr!- kaur. Oar tulv thw'tia
aiil lrf th r.ta rfcant.r I. IVur. , t'oa-a
iit .aur U ;!. It. 1.. I'utHjii. pa-tar.
i Ti; rofl.iiittiilnn ( th
1'nitril Siairs it shoultl l no har
rier lo any oititn. tiliiil or
t.t..r .'. 'which is lh rwf '
i li'V itiiii 1 five.
T1m tll err that a t'aiholi ran-
j ucj l? uatrio'lc t-houid hate Itffit
, c Central CBjTtttiaBil
C ia-r. Binilrr. Ji reriUin4 arrric
at 1 a Bt. i tar at-rt ( iiisi
rdumt iaoi Mr. 1 tr.ara' ( hada i-k
vuliB m1. Tb atr J-H.4- S
tuaraiar a44ra, Mr. H. lu.' : KlvrJa
aaanatrad-t th rbvrrB. arhanl. t'l ri
tUa radarar at 6.4j p.m. :i-vt t'lirJ
AilUkiru- laar. K-bio Mf j it
7:S b.b;
Uaiaa HaU
Ti. Kf jn;-Iil lt11 taatbt. Suhi :
'Iaia and Aft-r: What AWl It!"
.iiria,r tha tuiiftn, ""Can T!r any
mnrr a la:ti tnan X'r Ifw-a. ' taao
a I'ait tr JrT
. ririrt CkrlctUa
tVhtr b4 Jliirh St.. Ti Btr. J.
J. 1:sb uuri)ifi, tw intrrtkttn;
i- i-r tfcr day'ti prdirrm. At mi ru
in ,ur fc-c mill pi a "Vktav-Mi
t bun a itt nit-r-." Th- ruii trill W; ta X h-iln-r minlwr f
' rayr-b r not. At 7.0' r t&
l.rst ti a nrf f uriiic. nn A-t
Afo-tS a .- ill g;B, Ttut rmt a
ic.-Hr4 will itf Butrual antu In
th rfi-ror. Tk ti' "ftr thi ewe
in; will "Th KatabliamBt f tfc
t"iar-B."" Duriait ta vrL ly V
tkunairat kaa aratiiiJ ia tar UibU
whool an ta -tla- iU mrt at . 45
ur.d.r cob i)rnt in-lrurtor. si or
riht rsrB af tHr rhurrh will iu;-rvif-ti-
Vr4nniilit niDi artirni'a. S li.
liabtfwoa will hv rharc af lhi Ka
1 : ,- m- - .AT.- iTr t i"""-" t"fv T. i il" " ' w rfi i(-n f.Tr "Ctrorg li.Tli-. lnUlHl lltat It hurt .fc..,
FMPMES AS ( 1 ,0iln! "M". k-
1111 LiV 1 LaJ null Honorably Discharged Men Jj;- .J;;,,, of all .m. fMchnce. ,
, First M. .
ti.. Biain. k. KiHt..trwk. i "iiHoa dozens of t i uif when A m-
hti-r. !--. mrriiiir i.t rn i-t .ii ia ! ria was in war or threatened
rom 4 MsdaT ki i Thi ij,,, wur tho last world war i
. hoot i s.turi in altfuilaai . ta-r. ! . . . . v. . . t.. I
i, m.ii tar ou, r v.. nr- m t ( -out to fK-r cent of the men in ,
ixnUui' sonda-t !t,thtv aruiv wt-re ( atholiO. ami over
in ta- curh,a..ditarium tBta fr per Ven of the men in. the
(iilfr; hi nr-t : "'frt
Thau Not.
Junior vacM at 4 p iu. Iii!tio--,i;iI-jLAii
intAr -si l ::-tl lrs(.iii hv
t)i riuiotar at 7 :tO; njft; " fh hifwl ir.U 11 IS a
ef Sbt." Tb rSr-B ai-:ht at-rt ir , thoje who X
nary were latnouc. i ine
( ciholir population of the I'nited
I ttate. is only about 2f per ceni.
isienifirant fact that
wre the tnowt radiral
; i, , Jv- .! ' anti-C 3holic were the last to en-
i in t.ppr an.i mor- ihaa - j t-f-r lite war. nesrly all waiting t'l
rt m -wnc--. af ia Bin; Th iraf:ed. One of the ftroii!;-i-ian
to i. thr. t auti-C-tholu-. a man of some
prominence. Thomas at?on of
L-f'ia 'MaUoUixt Eaivroal ' ,
CrB-r S. ' n,m-r ial aud i( v-rr
teoi:u, has been i-hown up a
Horace .v. AWnrh. mmUt--r. M.i a.i. anu-.uierlcan In almost every
jM.ft.taf -.--hewt: .. i:!ioia. aovt (thing that did not brine emolu
ments for Tom Watson. The fa-
Delegation From Telephone
Company Appears Before
r.ecau.e of a notification iMueJ
by the Pacific Telephone & Tele
graph company to its eaiploye
that a lsr?e number of men will j
be laid olf February 1 a part From
the company'- policy of re-
All honorably dlchareed ol
diera of Oregon. rej:ardleH of
ahuihar thv foueht in the world .n rurntrr on land which It
war. the Spanish-American war or waJ ull-gfd the company procutt-d
ltome other war. have, preferential v,.ar!i aso by fraudolent mean.
riuhts for a period of ! dayn to
nurchase lands of the Pacific
Livestock company In Harney and
M a
l . . . . a . Ii tu . (t
rntereu mm otet" m-: " rra f 1 TP TA ft irctrt-
tl. 1'acifie l.ivetock company , LA It 1U LLAoolFj
farm land in nun. of m
llSmi. alo Al oalldinc llaai,
repayaoi like rent.
. w a niH.f ji-hioned
riw in" wi - .-..r, vrnv
Malheur counties, according to an f ,hf tn. other day. on of the , .iVni-a TentsW viii --w
opinion of Attorney General Van i'aind ht.u he -whaled" W.i-MOl 1aQ"g Templ. em. f-.
Ita - Irreudful Pa inn
A then, St iff no, Soirnrv-
!vr-tt- and T. K. , MrtTfiii wiij jro-
14 lb nil rlb, ir. -Kplj, an-
rim cBtrt:uoBai :
Librt) aa-1 Oatrr-st. W. C. Keat-
Br Id MiiUj akal I rtatntat of tl a-bool. wiU d,rct'(he
'" "m"i'. ' ' n--r iwirTOTi prttftu at tta ; aeanol baur. .45. I
tcir. w. l. mji. Bprinir ii-Bt. i,w,t,as wij-oU (h veuat pipl
by rt5oa of matWra au4 Ilnly lorn-
9WBKm. v.rfi i.xn Hrwiitn r.iaraniri . VaB fftUCal C7 UBrCB -
b1"-" iT M P - "'.heM', 'TH Chnlita Sili i-Mic-lar firbool 19 .
;ta Sftr Uir apd lb . rt-r.t af Life, j w. A. Kpriulrr. tradrr. Straien at
AbbubI atanac af tba rfcuroB Th-jr.U.l u, anfcjert:? Tk TrntfcV V.r.A.
Jaa. iit. ah h-umi ii is ; .atu !a rbara of Mr. Lauarr. Ser-
rbortb afa npt'd ta be r.rai. K- I bU)0 al 7.4 p.m. Smkn at r raitiaod
aarta at th warn far lb t.i.i wiJll 3 V-tu lUTivtl ria duria-r tb
lratitd and ta otficrrn I'.r t.ii
w rar riwcira.
tV W. Launrr, pi, tor.
Cv-ULraIlcal Tjttbaraa
Caurt Btraat ClAstXim i . East V-tw auU r.u;btfath atrect:
fernm N. 17th and Court fiU. Our! faadT (thaal'at 9.42 am.. !iia er-
alaraa: r.l Ctwltr t burrs ia : IKI." ! rtf (Orrmaii). 10:30 a. . Tonar Vf
Lt Iit ap ta tbe lo(a. Our jearljr plr a rwttu; il T p. Tapir : . Jla4
prapraia baa bn ada(4. aw w and Knit af BiUI Vadia$. Joiiij
Bauat ft baT. K. B t'iabe ia ar a-w Mrrvie tn-flisb ) at 7 ai p.m. l".-ry-
Hitl boat aapariatradcBt.. an. t-ad ia cardially inviid. Oo. Cahlr.
rybodf: ba-h bin p b4 aa all rva .a-ktar. w . . t.
a rrwi trbonl ta: jut. Ilih'.a acbaal . " - - " ' ,
t.4J a..' btrbd; nta th rbaa af . SoaUl S ileal Ttie&da -' '
tuaa Ibrr proaiptiy. 1 au aautl . htb aunurrrtal aa4 Hasbiujt"
ta bar lia pat'ar'a trH.aa r '"The Nw I Ma. Kill aeboil at 1 a m, lr. t rl
Tear Bad Ha (tprartaattia. .J Ji.vt I t w, aupt. 1 Taaae fwopt. a ir.rt-
l.vril bartan will aiaa a uil tl th tn( C'l p.n. Jrabint trtta at 11
Biomiar warvbip boiir. Tn iaaior'a I a. 11. nail 1.30 ' p.m. . t'bari : I. Whit-
follow in earn ma a job rTtv rarkim t .-wtrrjr. wni. Kiaa feat taara-
i-rayrc BwetiBf mi
itr l'lil.a
Van iir a r ! a ta all
lawd day. Mm l:ub All. Jan tor
aupt. C. . K. i.-rt p at.
I.tad Mllir. aupt. V.P.S.(E. ti.-O .av
Caad lta aiia; aad ry itiirt;rr
di'n-.tna. Sao-j i.ri -aad. aaraiaB
7.-- m Ror full af Incpirstian and
inr aad bii.
! 3'bur4ajr tcia at 7-!'.
Iiauiwar. Iadr.
tbe- rK. t
.iECHARGING properly; for
cold days and long nights.
he man laying up his car.
Castia Chiael Ucited BreUrea
Cmx of Uraba aad lilo. SunHat
l'li-K.1 10 ja, l.l by C"-'WII.
a-ll baa a croaiae iat-rritt an ail
hb-f of S-3. wrk 1'rratbiJi? b tb
; iirar;a 1 aaputaa, at 11 a ai. asd
..3 p.a. l'rajr Btiae Tbsmdajr' 7.30
. " Ciod SiavarttaA Vi&aiaa
W.C.T.t. tl-U: 5 BT ' X
Swabb wi!l Uifiwa U'Vfifii It
!. Com aut a o4 kr bia atut
; triaj aawB alaac.
St. - PaiU't Canrci.
Cbr.litta 1 aad Cbarch Six- ltr'B?n
far ih firti SvMit'tftr tii KMirbaa
-r-i.u. a a Boir fcnunuBioa 1 t a
Iburrb krbooJ; II la. taorBtn; artru
tut, "L nrortvcWBa lanaRre ;
tittt rarc im MdrM.
"Tba WUi 34b CUta." KrUdT
at t o. t.aa. Jl.. i'aweii, r-cier. .
ririt Cbarch af Ckrlst Scientist
440 Cbakrta. Hrt. Aa 11 a m
; ItiLIe . iiun. bjt. Srainut
r-rnday acbeal at 9.1j a.ia. Vrdalai
Tttiri ttuooaal aMmt u s.u
Kadiar raoaa 2V9 Macooic ifraplf, apn
ry day arft kolidaya aad Raridjiya
f rani 11.45 te p.m. AU are rardimlfr
iBitf ta aar trttnm aad ta aur rad
in: rooms
1 ls '.r all - and eru4n. undrr
Ih Iradrrsbip Vajwbi tr.i-UtT. -1'ri-aty
drpartui-'nt in ii"Ji ball. m-r-i.i
r, Mia arm WVIU. II a in..
Iiu'ili"- erb. itb uruti by m pa
tr; thma, "Tha At irat 10 11 of an Idnl.
"Covt4 t tloa in vii h
1bM-!'tb tnaa iod
TLu ntrrmar ou!i't
1 Tb ma a than art cut;ft."
l-pniil ianic will inrl id an anihera:
'Tb lxrl KiyKth." irdith. ty tb
rtnir and a !. rar X01 Y. -'O
lrl. lhidlfy Uo-k. kunj V.y d H.
Xrlatir. 3 p.m., UU ljrtorite (!
arbvw will ra tba junior Irague. 6.30
p.m.. itrTettanal rtiti7 of
:rimb-r 1 and 2 af th Kpwortk lasa.
fhaptr Xa. 1 14 by Mi IS'Ulah lUjI
Iob; and nu - BnuVr lb rare af ta
pastor. 7.3t p.tu rniac prayrr aad
mrraiun; aabjivtr -'"Kaifk ia rl
A9 t"irriiaaitan." Tte rboir will aine
WMd K th Nam of 1h lard.
Adam; aEd tb oftrrtarv aolo will U ;
Abide Wttk Uoiloy: tme by
IMUa t.frtrwdw Aldrirh. Iixrius tb wk
tb mortiaca arr a follewa; - Mortdsy
7.30 p.aa, rnoir rbaml. prfar:nx -for.
th Jannary oarrt: -WadBraday. 4 p.m.
tib f.lhr trH) .-i1l mt. iliaa
t.tii liatton, ko.t,' irv 3di.a Brl
MshJm: Tborfiday 7.20 ta . prsijrcr and
fellowahip urtitt; Tbarwlaj, a.tit', !.
-u 3 n!-. wilt BM. kttli M is. Jalw l.'.tiu. I
0i, Wilbur H; HiaUteriat - tMO-utiea
av. ts ia tb Y.M.C.A. iJaadjf lu a.m i
aAdts by Wr4a rsmpton at th
S'tr pnilbtiary. Statu institution-;': '
ftwnday itrM-i a follows 9 am, Me
M in.lrtt iBsutut, hy II. E. I'mlvrlraii
2.3 j at-. 1 ott Kara, fc-'
Jv Ko: 3 p.ra tlirW miniac arbooL,
by A. SWIU. "
' HUUaB rrUadt -;
.SIMe urboot at 1 a. m., rUtton n-,
a;-rmindDt. Toaae Fvsple'a C. E.
mr'.Bt at o:l p. pracbiB rv"r
kr 11 . ta. and 7.- p. m. Tb rrvival
arrica are ii'.l in propr aad voulu
k bias uitrd t'am aud ' brtaic. jaar
frieiida. We ar xptmK a frvat day ai
inhitael tltiar. I'rnr pt1at oa
)iBrkdar at JiO- 1-s lj. i-JiX 4
wlf. -jia.tAr. '- - -- ---
n:oua "Menace" went out of busi
ness. It became unpopular. ( But
wc understand it is trying to
asain filch from the isnorant and
jkefdiine' the country under the
li.ame of "The Torch."!
These frankly made tatement
iwill illustrate the danger of kind
iling religious feuds, and one of
th3 objf-ctK in the publication of
thee articles is to enlighten the
public in regard to Catholicity,
thus driving out hatred and false
suspicions. Adv.
iContiuued next Sunday.)
trenchuient if rate increase are,g properIy t0 b. sought in a food
cot granted. on tne company ap- blood medicine.1 because author!
plication to the public serTice
commission, a delegation from the
Ftcts Aoout ike Calnofic
. ;. . ....
. Rer. J. K. Buck ,
Secretary .of State Lists Ar
ticles Left at Each Mem
ber's Desk
Jaxaa Lee Kaaorial M. K. .
Contr" Winter and Jffroa- fireVta.
Tbotaaa AcbaB. pantor. kraUr at
. . ;ti w ktj fv k.k'
f?aauv -uvwc a f .". viinrw lor ail
tM Brjdrr the charp of capable tab-
Mrinftri ana Tumor alwaya wl-
roa. ; t'ablie aTfa 11 a.m. eu;t.
"Spiritual aei2tion with, a I:iac
Tilnt." Junior 4arB 9 p.m. Jlii.a
Ora TIr in rharta. 8Bior Kpwortb
loan 6.30. inn people ar cord
ially mTitd. FtMli worth in 7.3f. Sab-
it : Wbr ta Yw l.jret" TbT
old or damased batteries.
... . ...... . ..-
THIS STATION offers thor
oughly first class service for
mn?DV Mirr u.AM ; iiai tr t?e otr
JU" lii , mnrLi-t iM.tctj ui utreiit tad ffnis;. A barty wvita
EVERY branch of the field.
..... 1
A trial proves
R. D. Barton
171 S. Commerl Phone 1107
Salera, Oregon
tion ia etBdd to the' pnblK- to rente
and werbip with ua. Aihle .ttndy ar-
ire on Wednaday ereainf 7-30. "
- A
SciadiBtTiaa ICathodUt Episcopal
fr"mBih and. Mill Ma. Krrri Sua-
da at 11 oVloHt. Kv. A. F. I.ind will
prearb. t Tt?e Hiatory of Jrayr that
i Ckang Tkrasa" wiil b hia tba. Ta
T.adio Avd will B-t Bt Tharaday at
7 o'iork at tbe koa of Mr.- and Mrs.
Wirkhrre. P1aa noti tbe chance of
tint, from ViJn4ay to Tburadaf.
f reibyterUa
TTi reulr am w ra at the. PreakTttr-
i Ua ebotrk ' ia rbartf of Jaao t'.lriB.
Sand -bol at WS; Ja. It Alhrt.
Optical Experts
j , No patient ever enters our optical
tlepartrarnt withont .leaving a satisfied
onel If hi eye neetl no attention he
leaves with the knowledge, that an ex
perfhan pronoiineetl theiti : -normal ana
that he neetl fear rio trouble,. If jlas
se are needed he knows ! they will le
wientifically and carefully-..fitted, and
will ease the atrain on hi eyes.
Tins conscientious eye service ha
lieen our oliey durinjj our.experienee
in hnslness and has been the cause of
our wide practice. . .
Your eyes should he tested! A little
attention to their care now may stave
off serions trouble later.
Imlmah Bros.
. , , .1 -
Jewelers & Opticians
Salem, Oregon
Hallmark Jewelers
The AaMl-Catholie. CiuwmIt! in
... ,.,..' ; America.
A- few-years afcr the war with
Mexico Another Tigorous move-
ment against. -Catholic pruBs
up; Immigrants of anti-Catholic
fpirit from Protestant part of
Germany nnd from Itajy spread
hatred for Catholics broadcast. A
papal .legate visiting this country
aroused suspicion as to bis. miss-ion.
merely because he chanced
to come at a time when this new
nti-Catholic movement was be
ginning to sweep forward on it
path of destruction. . The prelate.
Archbishop Itedini, was actuallv
! forced to remain in .'hiding to
save his life and to depart secret
ly from the country. This new
movement was called the Know
Nothing movement.
The Know-Nothings were a se
cret society, bound by oaths. The
ccp.ititntion- was adopted on June
17,'1$51. A member had to be
21 years of age. a believer in a
supreme Detng. "a native oorn
citizen, a.- Protestant, born of
Prctestant parents, reared under
Protestant influence, and - not
united in marriage to a Roman
Catholic." Tbe object was "to
refift the insidious poller of the
thnreh of Rome and other for
eign influence agatast the institu
tions of our country, by placing
in all offices in the gift of the
people or by appointment none
imi native-born Protestant citl-
The member had to promise
that he would "not vote for nor
giveJ his influence for any man
for any office, unless he be an
American bora citizen. In favor of
Americans rnling America, nor if
he be a Roman Catholic." The
member- took an oath hatif
elected to arty office h would
remove- all foreigners and Ro
man Catholics from office, and
fB; no case appoint such to office."
' So great and so intent wan
thti form of hysteria, that many
member afterwards acknowledg
ed that their feeling against the
Catholics had beer so virulent.
owing to the anti-Catholic teach
ing." they had read and heard
tnat they actually believed that
it. was meritorious and altogether
a patriotic act to destroy Catho
nc" propertj or injure Catho
lics in business or even in per
sona! assault.
V smile now -as .we read of
the fear engendered against th
Catholics at this period. Hut are
we so far removed from the same
today? Do we not find those in
our own mid.t who object to j
Catholic holding arr political of
fice or a Catholie teaching in the
rubHc choo's? Why? Is it be
cause of something KNOWN to
the objector, er is It because of
nts environment of ignorance'
roes the same objector to Cath
olicn refuse to receive the taxes
tiom Catholics? We sometirneR
hear the remark. "Catholics have
their own schools. They do not
consoler tne public schools good
enough for their children. They
will not employ non-Catholics in
their schools, why then should
Catholic teachers expect to be em
ployed in OUR" schools. (Mark
the emphasis on the OUR.)
I ask In reply, are the public
tehools of Hmerica . any more
Protectant than they are Jewish
or Catholic? Does the state re
Tnse . Jewish or Catholic money
for their support? Is a teacher,
educated in a; religious school the
worse for that reason If be does
not expect or try to teach his
relUrion In the public school?
t erUial v the, Cat holic - ha no
more rfslit to teach hlsreligion,
fir the, publie schools than the
Jew or ProtesUnt. Eat ae has a
right to bis religion and accord-
- Mrmhers of the legislature will
bo well supt.lied with stationery,
copies of the slat? laws, bill
files, and a score of other con
venient article-: which each will
find at his dek Monday morning.'
All supplies are provided by the
secretarr of -stat.
- AUo each member will find at
his de.k letter from the secre
tary of state calling attention toJ
all "accommodations and appoint
ments In the stale capitol arid a
jdlrietory showing the location of
a'l committee rooms.
The Mat of supplies fnrnihed
each member follovs:
- 1 Key for esk.
1 P.ox letter file.
1 Collapsible letter file.
1 Desk pad with blotter.
1 Ink stand with Ink.
t Mucilage Pot with brush and
1 Snonge cup with sponge.
- 1 Board clip, with miscellan
eous assortment of paper, 1 quire
legal cap. 2 qulr-s foo's cap. one
fourth ream paper letter size, one
fourth ream of paper 8 1-2 by
l .
1 Assortment" of envelopes. 25
size 6 3-4. 2a size 9. 25 size 10.
3 Lead pencils.
2 ien holders.
1 Package assorted pens.
I ruler, rubber.
I knife eraser.
1 letter opener. .
1 Hox small rubber bands.
1 Bor Gem clips, for fastening
papers together.
1 Pyramid of pins.
1 Drinking cup.
1 Waste paper basket.
2 Bill files. 1 each for senate
and house bills.
One-half dozen small blotters.
250 Legal size envelopes
250 Letterhead size envelopes.
1 Package printed letterheads,
1 Cuspidor.
1 Set Oregon laws.
1 Copy 1919 session laws.
1 Copy senate and house journ
al 1919 session.
1 Copy senate and house journ
al Special session 1920.
1 Copy 1921-1922 budget.
1 Copy of rules.
1 Seating arrangement.
1 List senate committee rooms.
1 List house committer rooms.
1 Oregon Blu- Book 1019-
1920 edition.
1 Copy 1919-1920 Road laws.
1 Copy 1919-1920 election lawe.
several organizations of employe.
appeared e.terday before th
service commission requesting
that action in granting a hearing
be reeded up and that the de
cision pf the commission le mad?
Wore February 1. The com
mercial end traffic employes are
not represented in the appeal ti,
,he commission.
The delegation did not appear
before the commission a? repre
sentatives of the company, but
emphasized the necessity of the
increase to protect the employes
in their position. Members or
the delegation were not abl to
hay bow many men may be laid
off. They declared that SO per
cent of them are men with fam
ilies, and that the company ha
given them early notification of
the provable pending layoff to
2ive them opportunity to find em
ployment in other states. This,
they ay. is undesirable, sine-?
they have iiitereMs in Oregon.
The only alternative, they say.
would Im- for th.m to become pan
r-f the. army of the unemployed
r.nd compete with thousands of
other men in the ffcid of common
labor. The or f'O employes
irpresented by iie delegation
here today nro all skilled work
ers, manv of whom have been
connect -d with telephone com
panic8 for ;ars.
Another pari of the retrench
ment policy is that no new con
struction will be undertaken by
the cotiipnny. ConM ruction tha
ih 9"t per cent completed will b
The members of the delegation
were George 1- Frazure. It. C.
Foster, E. R. Dennis. Mason K.
Stanartr and W. 8. C.Ilmore.
ties say rheumatism is a blood
disease; acid has entered the
blood, settling In the muscles and
joints. That's what makes the;
sharp, sudden.; shot-like pains.,
causing you to junip and cringe in
, Hood's Sarsaparilla comprises;
remedies that every physician pre-;
scribes for rheumatism, combined
with four other blood-purifying,
tonie and strength-building Ingre-:
dients in a formula vastly super-,
ior in make-up: and in curative,
power. It does give positive re-(
lief. Thousands say so. s"o will,
you. For a fine laxative take j
Hood s Pills.
and say. when it comes
to side curtains anl
door rods, we're tot
them all beat, and It
doesn't cost much eith
er to Hare joar eax
fixed up with our win
ter enclosure, aad this
is tbe time to bare it
done. Get our special
on new top aad side
curtains complete.
T. M. C. A. Building
IIC'... .. M
179 N. Com! Street
ter -11 nv
Odds and Ends in Every f
We are almost through taking inventory, and
the last few days work especially, has unearthed
many broken lines we were unaware of. We
must close these out regardless of our loss, to make
room for new spring merchandise soon to arrive.
If We Have Your Size You-W ill Get It At A Bargain
. t ' . ....
Coats, Suits, Dresses, Waists, Millinery, Dress goods, Gloves,
Hosiery, Scarfs, etc. Our Prices Always the Lowest-
Court r& Com'l Sts. Formerly Chicago Store
, . e .
Permits of Pennsylvania
' ".'- w- '"' -w- t
Breweries to be Revoked
WASHINGTON. Jan. 8. Act-
icn has beti begun to revoke per
mits of ficht-Pennsylvania brew
eries for allegel violation of the
prohibition law in the manufac
ture of a beverage containing al
cohol in excess of the legal limit.
Commissioner Kramer announced
tonight. - Notice has heon served
on the breweries, he said, to show
cause at Scranton. Jannary 17.
why. their permits should not lie
revoked upon' the. ground tbat
they-have not conformed to the,
trovisions of the prohibition law.
en yarji iv sniKnnjx
On and after Sunday January
m, cnanges in tne passenger of the Oregon Electric
Railway will he made as shown
No- 12 will leave- Salem at
11:15 a. m. instead of 11:30. ar
rive Portland. Jefferson street
i:o p. m. instead of 1:30 and
V" . I. V . . . .. . -
.-urin i.anK station i:zo p. m.
msteaa or i ; j.
No. 17 will leave Portland
North,! Bank Station 6:25 P. M
Instead of 6:05. Jefferson Street
:40 P. M. Instead of 6:20. r
rive salem 8:25 P. M. instead of
:o. .
No. 19 will leave Portland.
ortn uank station 9:30 P. M
instead of 9:20. Jefferson Street
:4j p. M. instead of 9:35. ar
nve Salem 11:25 P. M. instead of
No. 23 will leave Woodbnrn
2:30 P. M. instead of 2:07. arrive
Saleta 3:15 p. m. iasJead of 2-05:
- .no. ' ti - from ' Portland wilt ar
nve saiem 10:15 A. M. Instead of
1U.11. - .... ..-.;. , r,
, ' J- W. RITCHIE, Agent.
Oust Second 'Antiuai
- - - : i - - . - - i
H .a-i I '.. ..iii
I t-
has brought us the crowcls. They came; they
bought, and they are satisfied that
Meansj tremendous savings.
Come early get first choice
i J
If rosNible trade at our
State St. store 4.",6
State St., or uxe their
phone, 1700, for orders.;
- ;- ; - .
The Suits
Arc (loinj;
Gvt jnours quick