The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, January 09, 1921, Page 5, Image 5

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You people, who. are past your . Melodrama. "While New York
yonth. tare ou ever Riven a Sleeps', will, begin it-, local run.
thought to the days of Ions aso. ipol. ires appears in a scn lol-
ben the whole world was col- ( loving a dancing number from the
ored with romance and you were jFroJie show which wai. filmed on
rarefree? You .youngsters, do you j the roof or the New Amsterdam,
ever long to belong to the future ! theater. -
lo that you might look back upon
yoor Pst- A day wil1 come when f Tha same Umehouse iunder-
r0u will wisa jou were cnnuren , worlu that srvcs as the hack-: , ra,l
artin or , mr luomas iHirue s la-
n. nil . 1 1 li i " ri 'i n i .t in mi . . i i - .....
I Bwiu ini.i(,uuii vi .v.-. ; .vua otuiira, i nc U U Ml K I I'O ti C n
vidly to
iizmaut ice
tion, "llols of Clay." s'artme at
at tha Liberty theater, for three
days . commencing Thursday
"A Splendid Hazard.' an Allan
Dwan production adapted from
Harold -McGrath'g famous novel
of the same title, is the. feature
picture at the Liberty theater on
next Sunday. Set in France. Am
erica and the quaint Isle of Cor
sica, the story tells of a thrilling
search' for buried treasure and
the love of a beautiful prima don
na for a man -enslaved by the mad
dream of immortal glory. The
cast is headed by Henry It. Wal-
r.vans nave ueen seieetea as insi -
troon committee, nn.l thev in Inm I ration I to all
hiw iiniot s i: n..i.innn fnr. ! bcnefic arles
merly of the PorMand council, a
scoutmaster. About 20 boys have
signified their intention to become
enrolled in the troop.
who have been Ihelcritcal observation and all who to dl-infrct it following a quar-1 informed tie pyHee, one copper
of their achieve, hove sren it rxDreas their iDDr . anline for scarlet fever, he dc-1 still, eicht .barrels of inah and
ments.i and have imposed ' upon
with U hi heart to renew his Blossoms", fs brought viv
'vonUVand docittt succeed because j the screen bv George Fiizi
there is no turning back of Time, tin h!s latest Paramount
ir a beautiful story uns a onraa
i.OuMtotJU Youth" at the
Orefon theater today. Patrons
longing tor youtli will rind the se
cret of ft in the picture. The of
firinr i an adaptation jf. Leonard
Merrick's charming story of the
same name . ..
the Grand today.
,Lill'an McElroy Hunt. Salem's
mjost popular organist, started
lyr enga'gern'Mit at the Grand
theater yesterday at the opening
of the New Hope Jones organ
which has been in process of in
stallation th? past three weeks.
Mrs. Hunt made a trlD to Port-
i land last week to view "Idols of
tlay."ih big yuper-spociyl now
' The Wallace KeUl Charm Sctool
(or Oris will open . its doors to
isitora next Sunday.
.Courses in nature, dancing, ran-1 niayin'j at the Grand also Wbi'e
cj dlf ing. "soul" music, and style j New York Sleeps." the big pro
are expected to prove popular Ken- j duc tion Martin?; iixt Sunday tor
-i . rr" l .. .. w. .. i ' V, .... v. . . r . . I 1
lallOnS. luvip i a puai" iur I'ui i ui laii-m;; nieciai
graduate class in love.
That popular motion picture
pair, Walter Iliers and Harit-on
Ford, are again to be seen to
gether in "Oh Lady, Lady," which
wlll be the second Debe Daniels
Itealart starring vehicle. Manager
Kupper of the Oregon theater trill
present It for two days beginning
Wednesday. .
muic selections for them.
F'ssue Hayakawa, the noted
Japanese actor, who bas not be?i
making pictures for the past. year,
comes Jo the Grand the last of
the werk in his latest production
"The First Born."
Allen Holubar. the director,
and Dorothy Phillips, the star,
who were respons'ble for such
tremendous successes as "Paid in
Advance." "The Heart of Human
ity." and "The Right to Happi
ness." form the same irresistible
combination which spells triumph
ror "Onre to Kvery Woman", the
current offerlu:; at the Liberty
theater today.
15en Turpin's c.ii across eres
are called ution to mil ror the no
bility of Rodney St. Clair's heri ic
soul in Mack Sennett's big five
r"ej comedy just released from
the First National. "It's a terri
ble strain." says Hen. 'but art
demands it in the plot of '.Married
Lite.' " This laugh provoker will
be the attraction at the Literty
I". E. McWain. Scout executive
of the Anaconda, Mont., lloy
Scout council, was h visiter st
local Stout headquarters during
the week. Mr. McWain is one o;"
the field organizers of the na
tional council, and at tin prfe.
cnt t:m report favorable prog
ress at Anaconda.
P5an ar irnder way nt loejil
Scout hadi:arf"rs. in f o-u"," ra
tion witli II. V AHi-'h .f tl
Leslie" Methodist church for tho
organisation of a second I'-o.v
Scout tiooo at that itution. S(
is believed that Mich troop will
have much support fror.i Sout!'.
Sali-m farm's who.ic 1vj"s arr
deprivr'd nf Sioiilini; ofi accuuti'
of-the lack of organization. 1
Oregon sons obligation which
can never be repaid, and which
may be recognized only by the
beit efforts of a worthy citizenship.
vul of It. ; tected above the odor oi ai:n- . wu greater volumes or war min
"Through you I desire to offer f fctants another 4dor cf dlffere.i' i had previously auipected. CV
the statue as a gift to the sta'e. . !N-ct. InvFt'Katlnit Its source ' cl'i.ii.1 r. as arrested charged wit
If yon consider : its'ccceptance ap- the health official lound. so he Ulaticu of the prohibltioa lav.
propriate. w.ll you kiadly name t 'MaHaaaaBMaMaMMraMJ.KBHM
committee of Orepon citizens. t - - - - - . - ----- - -- -
wttli wKni I l..-ir villi tit nrf to '-.JL - ' "' '" - VT
III! 1 . Ill . .IV- - - -
""Some moil I hi niro 1 rnmmli
sioned Mr. A. Phii i.ster Proctor. I designate a place to locate it.
the sculptor ho has endeared' 'lt U P'ttd uiU 1k"
hinm-lr to the west bv his inlet-: Td' ,or d-llvry some Urn- net
pretation of frontier lite, to de-j'par. I enclose jou a photorraph
s un and have cast in bronze an , yf ,He niode!. ';
equestrian statu of Lroic size to. i
b- kuowu a.' "Circuit Uidir." '
In height it is to b- about 12 Upr.Uk QfiCial Find
.d,Mai six to etnu fe-t high, i Copper Still and Mash-?
Modrl .;;trovel. : " .
"Mr. Proctor has just brought PORTLAND. Or.. Jan. fc. , ij
to the state the rtudl of lis de-jVhen Ir. Charles Sipple. asSU-j,-siis.
It has been exhibited to alant city health officer. wnt t : I
eoodlv number of nur pt-ople forth bom f Chris Ociliani
EsUblixhed 18C8
General Bxnkln Badsm
Office Honrs frcxa 10 i. m. to 3 p. m.
Iir "Idols of Clay". Ceorge
Finuurlcj"s new picture, ' which
will be seen at the Grand theatre
today. Miss Murray is a South
Sea Island girl who conceives a
romantic; attachment for a hand
some young sculptor who has
drifted to th; tropics.
An opportunity to pet gcod
steady stare at Dolores, - of the
Ziegfcld Midnight Frolics sbov,
who Is said by critics of feminine
llochritude to be the most per
fectly formed and featured wo
man in the world, will be given
to patrons of the Grand ' theater
next Sunday when the big Fox
Such Universal successes as
"The Heart of Humanity." "Hell
Morgan's Girl." "raid in Ad
vance." "The Right to Happlnes."
"Destiny." and "One to Every
Woman." which is now at the
Liberty theater, have made Dor
othy Phillips more in demand
among playgoers than any other
emotional actress on the screen.
Jack Pickford. , secretly cher
ished a hope years ago, that he
would at one time or another,
make the picture called "The
Little Shepherd of Kingdom
Come" and h has at last real
ized his hope. .... "The Little Shep
herd of Kingdbm Come" is the
first Goldwyn Etarring vehicle forjDIigh today.
Jack Pickford. and can be sen
From reveille to taps the enter
taining Young with Miss Francis
takes the audience In another
terpsichorean adventure which
whirls along merrily and with
dozens of original dance develop
ments that win applause. At the
Bligh today.
Next Friday evi iiiir the.Sa!in
council. Hoy Scouts- rf America
will hold is rMllar annual iriV' f-'
i tug which has be n called f r
f:no o'clock, to enjoy th a ni'ial 1
banoii'l. Officers for tl-o cnmiim
year will be elected, reports
coinmitt'Hs h-ard. and consider
ation given to the program a
outlined for the e.-r 1921. Th
rcport oT the Scout execntive.ii-l
the finunrial renorto will f.e itV-tns
of intere.--t. ProhaMv the (lnt
feature of. tiie eveniiiE will be in
the form of an cn.ioauie wirpriif
which is heinr ha'clsed under th-
direction of the local !'ar
trrs office.
A pair or good comedians are
Howard and Lewis, one of whom
eharaeter-zes a Hebrais type-,
while his partner is a snappy
straight American. Their chatter
exchange is amusing and di-ert-inff.
Thev call their act "Do You
Like Me?" At the Wish today.
Sparkling bits of travesty are
orrered by liradlee Mart'n, who if
a cood eccentric coinerf-n and his
attractive partner.. Miss Jessie
Courtney. They have recitations,
songs and smart dialogue. At the
Ucvcillc to Taps
Laugh Makers ! -
Eccentric Comedy
An Old Dird With Yourtj Ideas
A Feature Picture of the Great Outdoors
mm mmM
Four selected vaudeville
will be at the Rligh today.
An appeal is being nii?de to the
citizen or this community by or
ganizations working for the best
interests or Salem's hohod. tor
a week-end camp site, where a
tabin may be erected and such
equipment installed to make the
camp habitable during the long
winter mouths. Persons bavin?
knowledge ot such a camp site
should confer with Stout head
quarters or the SaMn Commerc
ial club.
"Nightie Night" will be the at
traction at the Grand theater on
Wednesday, January 19, and it is
said to be the best farce comedy
that has been produced in years.
It had a season run at the Prin
cess theatre in New York and was
proclaimed by the critics as one of
the best plays in town. Adolph
Klauber was highly praised on the
excellent production and the first
night reviewers devoted quite a
lot of space in describing the
scenery, which is unusual in these
days where elaborate settings are
taken as a matter of course.
Omva lexeme after pneumonia,
typhoid fever and the grip, is
sometimes merely apparent, hot
real. To make-it real and rapid,
there Is no other ionic so highly
to be reommended as Hood's
Sarsapar'.Ila. Thousands so tes-
tity. Take Hood's.
(Continued from page 1)
An insight -into the methods of
professional vamps and crooks
who ply their trade among the idle
rich of New York is faithfully giv
en in the eight-reel Fox melodra
ma, eutiUad-. "Whil Xw Y'ork
Sleeps." which is booked for the
Grand theater next Sunday. One
act of the picture portrays the op
eration of the badger game as
played by some of the smoothest
crooks in New ork.
The Heart o.c
The Statesman Publishing com
pany has arranged with the Sa
lem council. Doy Scouts of Ameri
ca, ror the appearance of this
He made "The Pioneer." present
ed to the in I vers! ty or Oregon
by Joseph N. Teal, and now on tha
university campus; and also the
Roosevelt statue that Dr. Henry
Waldo Coe is to present to the city
or Portland.
Other well known works or Mr,
Proctor in the northwest are the
"Buckaroo" in Denver, and v'On
me war iraii, aiso in uenver.
Seeks a Model.
Mr. Proctor has a studio in Xei
York City, where hei ha dons
much or his work, importing mod.
els from the west if necessary.
He plans to work on "The Circuit
Rider" in his Palo Alto studio, and
is optimistic about finding a mod
el for the rugged type among the
students at Stanford university
He has been spending a short time
in Portland at the Imperial hotel
but will leave for the south as
soon as Mr. Booth gets a forma
acceptance or his girt rrom tbe
state or Oregon.
"For a long time I have cher
ished the hope that some day
might be able to express in a de
gree my admiration and appreci
ation or the ministers or the gos
pel who as circuit riders became
, u "S&rr1;. today
- i .... .i v. ;
COIUH1D eei cuuu-j. num th frtnft onnnulnn nnil Min.
time os. wherein items of Inter-' u t t)l ninnra n rr Am-
erlcan rrontier and who so largely
directed the thought or our citi
zenry and shaped the course of
our civilization and who, tin their
last and possibly their best work;
were instrumental' in determining
the boun-daries ot the Oregon
country." writes Mr. Booth to the
Sculptor Commissioned
"The sacri rices they so joyiully
made tor their rellows, their un
riinching loyalty to their country
and its institutions and their ring
ing proclamation or a brotherhood
defining the loftiest standard of
human action have been an inspi-
est i to Salem people, concerning
the program or activities or their
own Doy Scouts, can be had rresh
from the field. The Statesman
I believes that Salem folk are In
terested in the Boy Scout move
ment, and has placed this space
at the disposal of its leaders
wherein national and local items
about the Scouts may be written.
George Fitzmaurige
i r - i i .
In Pleasure
1 -I
. -
In the recent paper drive, con
ducted by the Scouts or this city
during the Thanksgiving holi
days. Kenton troop No. 3 won the
banquet offered by the local
headquarters to the troop doing
the most etricient work in collect
ing and bundling the paper. It
will be remembered that the
members of troop & is composed
of the boys who have so carefully
and efriciently cared tor the G.
A. R. circle in City View ceme
tery,.', and have always managed
to have it in presentable condition
ror Memorial day. Troop No. !
has decided that the banquet shall
be held about the middle of Feb
ruary, in the nature of a parent
and son affair.
"Idols -oP
Mae Murray w David Powell
Come and See What Love Can Do! Under Warm Skies on a Tropical Isle,
llcsorts of the rtich. In Underworld Dives of London
i . . . .
"LARRY" Sunshine Comedy
The Dov AVith the Iii Voice "HER WICKED WINK"
in .Songs You'll Like A Go Get 'Em J
Lillian McElroy Hunt On Oar New Hope Jones Organ
The combination' of Dorothy
Phillips and Allen Hojubar. which
gave the screen such masterpieces
"Paid in Advance." "The Heart
of Humanity" and "The Right to
Happiness," has again reunited 'in
what the critics have declared to
be a photodramatic masterpiece.-
A2 Keel Special Trained Animal LaiiKU Producer
Continf Tliursiday- , ' ' "
1ACK riCKI ORI) in
f "The Little Shepherd of Kinsdm Come
11 will be remembered that dur
ing the inaugural ceremonies of
president Wilson the P.oy Scouts
of America played a very impor-i
tsnt part. Word has come that
in the development of the plans
tor the inauguration ot President
Harding the Scouts will have a
more Important part not to
parade or show themselves, but
to render service in accordance
with the Scout ideals. . j.
The Washington. D. C.J locai
council has presented to the na-
IUoiia-1 executive board a1, plant
which ha been approved where
by Scouts nre Invited through
their councils to arrange to enroll
with the Washington council tor
strvice during the period or in
autnratlon. All Scouts who k
to Washington in response to the I
invitation of the -Washington
eoiiucil will Ii entertained in th j
homes oi Si-outs anu not quarter
ed in armories or barracks.
- t..... 1.I....I It ir.liiiir , V... ..
n eienibor of I ho national conn-j
ril. has evprrfl-w'd the hope tha
there will Imys present .from
cery fclate in tin union.
The First Christian church of
"thlw city Im at the prtsent lim
organising n new Boy Scout trout
ii be under the supTvi.Mon or
that iiiitt It tit Ion. T. K. 'MrCros-
V . Tlinit 1m
w j ; - "iz j www n n j i ini u u i
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A Romance of Life's Golden Adventure
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kty. o. J. Hull and Kvv. J. J.