: .,48' t I ffiiMl Clean Up r ii; pSgjS .:. '. and " ;IW Siiiits Less than .- . . One-Half We have made up two special lots; from our broken lines . . . of ' ' ' : - ; 1 " . u- r -----.--.-- . Ladies' Suits and Coats i . ' . , v. .- : Thejr consist f all "Wool Jersey, I Serge, :twedMxneloutiSiiks- in all desirable colors and styles Also a number of beautiful Sport Coats in JSttiall Tailored Covert 1 hecks and odels Loti 15 00 Lot 2 Extra Special Clean Up Childriiis Itoin t Capes ANSWER MAKES 1 COUNTER CLAIM Defendant Seeks to Recov er, in Suit Between Two Lumber Companies An answer to 'the irlple-eause complaint of the Silverton Lumber company' against the Silver Falls Timber company was filed Tues day in the circuit -court. Apart fro mthe interest aroused in the suit because of the large sum in volved, which is nearly $104,000, considerable interest is maniffstd throughout the -state because of Now Showing: to Capacity Continuous Show Saturday 2 p. m. to 11 lOO'f Rube Laugh 1 A Vo i V. r and Dreathe trufu 0 ceruua Jesai . passes 01 ine . case which. In a measure. might be in I fluenced through, war condition existing during a part of the .life ui iuc wgiu vuuuatio, iuiuu&u which the suit was brought. . A counter claim is filed in the answer the defendant asking that the plaintiff take . nothing under the complaint,, but that the de fendant ; recover $112,723.32 to gether with costs and disburse ments.' i' Delivery Causes IMfferenre In answer to the first cause for action, involving $101,576 the de fendant denies that the differ ences related to the manner, times and quantities of the logs deliver ed, but rather regarding defend ant's obligations regarding deliv ery. . The first contract, was entered into between the tjvo companies November 13. 1912 and later said to have been modified by a second contract on June 1,1916. In the answer the defendant af firms that the contract .was en tered into at a time when normal conditions prevailed, and the prices fixed with reference to these conditions. Hie boss Claimed. In fulfilling its contract with the Silverton Lumber, company the defendant claims in the ans wer that a loss of more than $133,224.85 was sustained. The government established and ex erclsed control ond direction over the logging and milling operations of the company, it says, but in spite of these conditions the de fendant claims the plaintiff insist ed that the contract me followed to. the letter, that an agreement could n ot be reached and from July 30. 1918. to December 1 iSALEIil VINS IN ESTACADA GAME soffit of trie rural hbrncfofiis Visitors Defeated in Bas ketball Clash on Armory Floor Last Night Salem high school last night defeated the fast Estacada bas ketball quintet by a score of 29 to 20 on the armory rloor. Sa lem 1 played a fine defensive, but the Estacada forwards had the knack of shooting from almost impossible angles. At the end of tha first half Es tacada had tallied up a. sec re of 8 to 7 in Ui, ravor. during the second half Salem retaliated by playing, a much faster game. Lineups for the two teams were as follows: . Salem Forwards. Staley and Randall;, center, Gos- er; guaras, Jones . ana Asnoy. Estacada Forwards, Lovelace d. Hannah; center. A. Love- laces guards, Haygard-and Ray- lUUlid. I today fcy .United Stat?& Coramls- who lived In an outlying section of Los Angeles county, was sched uled to, appear before th$ com missioner yesterday to: answer to a charge. of having made wine In violation of the Volstead act. He was found dead in his room Mon day with a nearby gas jet turned on. ALASKAX IS DEAD t DAWSON',. Y. T Jan. 3. Em erson O. O'Neill, pioneer Alaskan and Yukoner. ditd here Tuesday. He came to Juneau. Alaska, in 1893 and moved to Dawson five years ago. . He Jfved for a time j in sspoitane, wasn., dui retnrnea north, a; year ago. He went to the Mayo silver camp, where he was taken. 111. but was brought here two weeks ago over the 1C0 mile trail by sleigh QUININE AND - La Gripp for ; VjttCcy ' j Neglected Coids are Dangerous ; I Take do chaocM. Kep this standard rmdy bandy for th fim Breaks up a cold in 24 hoora RKve i . Gripp in 3 days Excellent for Haadacha " Quinine In this form does not affect the head Caacaxa is beet Toole Laxative No Opiate in Hill's, j . - t . ... Dodson WM Look After Shipping Interests PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 5. W. D. B. Dodson, general manager of the Portland Chamber of Com merce, will leave for Washington, D. C. tomorrow to look after Port land's shipping interests before the United States shipping board and to urge passage by congress 1919. the defendant claims a loss! of legislation providing for, fed- 7 i .i huh i ri i--t-w n 111 III 111 . i 19 I . - .III- 111 - i" 1 1 II : i'-O II ' 7 . - .- ,?t H I j 'j : ' - At the' Electric Sign "SHOES" .... ,. V li v Everybody is talkinr ; ;, Af Js s Wi v- 'Ss about the SaiM Gi-eat Saicrifke I Shoe Sale I j , more ; ; of $271,487.55 through the deliv ery of 38.361,264 feet of lunr. The answer denies the shipment of inferior logs and the loss of $30,000 to the plaintiff thereby. 1 Equipment involved. In answer to the' second cause for action, which has to do with a contract entered, Into between the companies in. the renting and up keep, of a Shay .engine, the de fendant admits renting the engine fit $10 a day and that it was used 75 days, but denies neglecting the eng!ne.or refusing to pay the rent, but declares it was refused when offered. , ,. The third cause In .the com plaint, refers to the use of a flat car and the. manner in which: it was returned, to the plaintiff, for which a Judgment pf $198.75, is demanded.'. It appears the car was partially destroyed by, fire And (or this the answex to the complaint, denies any responsibility, claiming it to have been delivered previous to the fire. eral incorporation of American companies operating In China., Portland has made application to the shipping board for the al location of two of the fast com mnation rreignt and passenger steamships .being built by the board for operation between this city and the. Orient, and for the allocation , pf . several , freight steamships for operation -in the feeder service in the Orient to the North China line of the Columbia Pacific shipping company. LADIES! What do you think? Wihen you can buyvyour choice of the ; . ' ' - .i . : - - - - , P2driX)SSRll08 ' In lhe Browns al 510-90; (war tax 9c) .l3 In the Black at..;....::.'....:.t..;.; $9.99 , LE?xifcaf : 0r Pumps, any kind for.;... .... .... $8.95 CAN YOU AFFORD TO MISS IT? But that's only a few of the many. See the big bills, or better, come to the x itore and see at first hand v The Best Bargains You Ever Saw Shoes may be exchanged but no refunds in this sale Captain Olson Has Lead Over Hag's Scrappers ' Captain Oleson'ri scrappers last night won the biffball game in the business' men's class of the Y. M. f! .A.. thrbv etainlnir hi lpad over Captain Hug. Standings to date for the tournament are Ole- n Tt. it,, - e i i Handball tournaments are lined up today as follaws: Farrar and Johnson vs Albert and Butler; Dinse and utter vs Eyre and Franklin: Harris and Minier vs. Staley and Bellinger. :ar leaves track ROSEBURG. Ore., Jan. - Five freight cars left the track near Glendale shortly, befor'&oon today, tying up railroad .traffic until late tonight. The wrecker and crew of men .were sent out from this city to clear the track A train due here at 12:55 today was held up by the wreck. , SQUADRON' OFT AGAIN SAN DIEGO. Cal " Jan. 5. The Pacific fleet seaplane . squadron which is making the flight from San Diego to the Panama canal will continue on Us . ,way from Banderias Hay, Mexico, at 7:30 a. m. tomorrow, jrccordine to re ports at North Inland. , No word of any serious trouble has been receled here fvrom the: 14 ma chines. , KXPLOSIOX WRECKS HOME DRY LAW WAS TOO MUCH LOS ANGELES, Cal.. Jan. 3.. Dry laws drove J..M.. JageL 73. to suicide, according, to a-letter In his handwriting received here . i . . . i . . ' i . . , e ' 1 i - t t . . 1 1 1 1 1 " ; La dies' CoiiB slnd ";tl! if - Who Buys Here and Now Buys Wisely:' . Releasing all Suits, Coats and Dresses at lowest prices. "We have only tically to the vanishing point , andone reason for lowering prices prac that is our unchangeab'e policy of closing out all the season's lines before the end of January. Savings of half and more Stats I for all occasions ; 1 now reduced to .... I Ladies' Coats. $19.50, $21.75 ani) $12.75; $14.95 AND 24;50 $21;75 Our , Prices Alivays the Loweii J ' GALE & CO V Commercial and Court Streets 9 - '. nu.' -J---. -. I v .- ,. . . . , , STILL GOlNci ' .. . PITTSBURG, Kas.. Jan. 5. The home of Under Sheriff O. M Lamb of Crawford county, .'near Girard,.was wrecked by an explo sion late tonight according . to word received here. An .Investi gation is being made by Sheriff Milt Gould. It is understood the house was . demolished and that Lamb's father-in-law was serious ly injured. Under Sherifr Lamb has been actively engaged recent ly in conducting- raids in violatlou of the prohibition law. WHEELS TURN AGAIN BATTLE CREEK, Mich., Jan. 5. Several local industries, clos operations next week, it was n ed , for some time, will . resume nounced today. The Kellogg Toasted Corn Flake company and the A. B. Stove company plan to re-open Monday. Other factories to resume as soon as inventories are completed Include the United States Steel and Wire company and the AJax Foundry. The Pos tum Certal plant re-opened Mon day. . STORM SWEEPS NEW YORK , NEW YORK. Jad. 5. New lorn, wntcu nas been swapping temperatures this v winter with ew Orleans, had a January dec "' oiurm ivuay oy way or a novelty. The first thunder clap excuea many urooklynite. and pouce headquarters was flooded un reports of "an explosion somewnere. GIBBONS IS IMPROVED BALTIMORE. Mr.. Jan. 5. cardinal Gibbons continued to i m urove iodav ami hui) iniii.. ' restful day. according to his 'sec retary, Keverend Albert B. Smith. j r Ills condition Is now regarded as "very promising." u The i Movement We Started December 6, to Clean Up Stock Has Been Very Success, but we still hive too mucn siock, so, win continue unui we arc sausucu. u is uui a isuumuu v wu V i . ...'J - i i ' i 1 - ' - . - ' - -.. - - . ......... ... . ... Entire Stock of Standard, Reliable Goods. ii;'. .'-h't L v. 4 GLANCE OVER Some bf TKe THESE May Interest VALUES MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION i- - .45c .60c .Oc .Oe .55c ATHLETIC EQUIPMENT : Indian Clubs' i-lb. Clubs, regular 60c, now. 1- lb. Clubs-, regular 72c, now. . m-lb. Clubs, regular 80c. now. 2- lb. Clubs, reguar 88c. now... 1-lb. Wood Dumbells. 72c value. Regular 111 Medicine Ball, now.i$J.50 Regular $8 Striking Bags. now..3.o0 Regular $4.50 Striking Bags, now $3.23 Regular SI Gym Pants, now...... 05c Regular 85c Gym Shirts. now...i.Oc i Regular 12. Baseball Gloves, now $8.00 ! Regular 110 Baseball Clubs, now $0.50 , Regular 9 Baseball Gloves, now W.OO I Regular g Baseball Cloves, now $5,041 ; Reg. 15. o0 Baseball Gloves new $3.75 Itrgular 8 Baseball Shoes, now $0.25 GOLF GOODS Golf BalU Hogulr 85c Spalding Bullet lionor COc 1 Regular 8 5c Spalding Midget lionor ttW -Regular 85c U. 8. 29 and 31......60c 1 Regular $1.10 Dunlop. 29 and S1..H5" Regular 90c W. & D. Black Circle. .Oc Regular $1 W. &. D. Victor 75.;.. 85c Regular $1 W. & D. .Victor 31 H5c Ilegtfiar $1 Wilson Success o llegular 90c Wilson Red W TOc Regular 90c Wilson-Green W....70c Regular 90c Wilson Blue W 70e Regular 65e Wilson Floater 50c ! HOOTS AND SHOES ; 16-in Bass Pack, reg $18.25 now $l:L50 i 12-in Bas Boot, rcg $12.75 now $10.00 i 15-in Bass Boot, reg $19.35 now$H.OO ' 12-in. Chippewa Boot, regular $15.50. now .$10.05 ' 12-inch Chippewa Pack, regular ! $18.85. now .. .. . .$14.00 I HERMAN AftMY SHOES. J Regular $12.20 values, how .$ji.50 Regular $11.65 values, now $&25 DUXBACK CLOTHINJ Riding Pants, reg. $7 value, now $.V25 Ing Pants, reg. $6.50 value, now $I.OO Hunting Coat, reg. $12 value, nyr 90JZ5 KAMP-IT CLOTHING Riding Tan's, reg. $6 values, now $1.50 Lnas I,anta..reg,$5.2 value, now $3.50 Norfolk Coat. reg. $6.50 val., now $IJE5 . i- LADIES KAMP-IT. CLOTHING Riding Pants, regular $6 val., now $!.no Skirts, Tegular $5.25 value, npw. .$.TS5 Jackets, regular $6.50 values, now $1.25 Riding Coat, regular $8 yal.. now $5,oo OILED CLOTHING - ' Gold Medal and Ralphs-Pugh nraaUj 1 Long Coats, reg. $13 values, now $0.25. Medium Coats, regular $12 value $8.25 -Short Coats, reg. $6.50 value, now $4.00 Lonjs Leggings, reg 4.50 val. now $3.23 Belt Pants, reg. $6.50 value, now $4.00 GUNS . . . Winchester Make ht 90 22 cal..' reg. $31.15 values $2fl.oo M-06 22 cal.. reg. $28.30 values $22.25 M-04 22 cal., reg. $12.50 values $10.00 M-92 25-20 Rifle, reg. $39 value $31.50 M-92 25-20 Carbine, reg $33.20 va! $27 M-94 30 Carbine, reg $36.85 val. $.50 M-94 30 Rifle, reg. $42.60 vat. $35J50 , W. J. R. Range Kit. reg. $18.50. - - .value . $135 W. J. R.,Range Kit. reg. $20,55 value ..$ 16-75 M-1912 Hammerless Shotgun, regl. : $60.65 values... $IS.OO M-97 Shotgun, reg. $52.60 val. $12.00 M-1911 Automatic Shotgun, reg $65.65 values....- Remington Make M-12A 22 cal.. reg $28.50 val. M-10A Shotgun, reg. $60.90 val .80c .5o .$55 .$50.00 $220 $48.00 380 Auto-Pistol, reg. val $28 val. $23.00 BOYS Hamilton Rifles .... M-27 22 cal.. ss. rcgi $3.60 val. $2.o M-027 22 cal.. ss, rcg. $4 val... $3.00 Air Rifle Daisy Pump, reg. $5 values $1.00 Daisy Military, regular $5 values $i.oo Daisy 1.000-Shot. reg. $2.50 val. $3-"50 Daisy 500-Shot, reg. $2.50 val... $2.00 Daisy Single-Shot,- reg. $2 val.. .$1.60 v SWEATERS " Solid Colors and Color Combinations , Regular $15.60 Hercules, now;. $12.00 . Regular $15.50 Wilstm. now. .. .$12.00 Regular $13.50 Tom Wye. now.. $11.00 ' Regular $12.50 Tom, Wye, now.. $0.00 -Regular $10 Thermo Coa't. no,w..$7JO Reg. $12.50 C. & M. Sweater now $9.00 ' Reg., $11.50 G. : M. Sweater now $&23 Reg. $5 G. '& M- Jersey, now.. $3.75 Regular $4.50 Saxony Jersey now $3.23 , .. .' CAPS . : '.;.- Regular $2.25 Knit Caps. now.. $l-VO Regular $1 Knit Caps. now.:.. Regular 50c Skull Caps now. . . " ANIMAL TRAPS NewhoDM No, 0 Regular $5.70-doen, now., No. 1 Regular $6.75 dozen, now, .$3.90 No. 1. Regular $10.20 dor.; now $9.23 No. 2 Regular $15.10 dozen, now $1330 - No? 3 Regular $20.10... $18.00 No. 4 Regular $22.70; now .... $20.75 No. 5 Regular $18. 25, each, now $1230 . victor : ... ; ' No. O Regular $2.10 dozen, now..$i.i3 No. 1 Rogular $2.40 doxen, now.. $2.10 No. 1 4 Regular $2.65 dozen, now $3JS0 No. 2 Regular $5.05 doxen. sow.. $4.73 No. 3 Regular $8.60 dozen,' now.. $8.00 No. 4 Regular $9.35 doxen. now. . $0.00 ; SHIRTS ; , Htag and Flannel ' Regular $12.50 yalues now $8.73 Regular $10.00 .values. no$ $7.73 Regular $7.00 values, now $3.00 Regular $6.50 values, now...... $1.00 PATRICK COATS s Regular $17 and $12.50 values' . . . now.. $12J50 and $.o (legular$ 16.00 Vest, now $12.00 ReguUr $18.00 Vest, now $11J0 GUITERMAN. LEATHER COATS and VESTS For Men and Women, regular $12.50 to $75.00 values,, now- JQ to $57.50 ; . A few cases of Giant Farm Powder, regular $10.20 box, now, pr nauser Bros. A few cases of Giant .Farm Powder, regular 1 10.20 box, now, per - .' ' box, " - - -$8.90- At the Electric Sm "SHOES" V SAtEnIALgANY-EUGENrCORVALlIS Read the CIanifitr4 Ads: asiyei