THE OREGON STATESMAN. &ALEM. OREGON ii i k may mi u: ft i :w . 111. ft. nti.'i ?n invn , . W-k A .V V - . -- -" ,MpMw"2ZI!""j""-" !!" I TPV . . . . . . . I 11 i C U lima iDTEXTZSZXZJTTI , lata rr Ward hr bnrti .............. tW M-fliCU ............ Mwt (sis laaertiaaa).... S om th .ao t, Mates' eeatraet, per o..lJ it ajat c .tiect, per ..12 k tm tor u; advarUeaeat 25 "JTORWICH UMOX 'pjK IXSURANCE SOCIETY jilelsea,' RoUnd A Burghardt talent Age at 371 SUU St. HONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate T. K. FORD ' (Ctct Ladd & Busn Bank) Ml LOANS IUT7KINS & ROBERTS 201-207 Oregon Buiklin- OUR OFFERINGS f koarcs including some of tbe ft t in the city. Onr list of farma ui acreage Is complete. LAFXAIt iLAFLAR. Ct.? Oregon Bldg. Phone 1C4I IE TODAY 1ST AIUEHM.E 1XHI. PHOXE 764M m at I7 Centfr ttrert. J - OX BI T FRESH COWS OR SPR1XU r. tall 9 ap: wi;lplra. Adrfrw tM tMth Conarrial l Pfeoa 27. . I SALE f-HKSTFR WHITE. KAT; a vmr grwmms falrf"r mf Wl: af pnr ap azaia; riae e. Pavae fjrz. - - HXTr.D A MlhOLE AOEO AVOMAX r ltt boaeWe?it5 ia roB'.rx. felt , " rrncc rcnxiTfRE r sale and do it f li'tr rou for rent. Call ! ill l Kt;e trl. HOUK MADE KRAL'T ; Best Wualily O t'.'ea k'S , V) ! iiNa k'f : - j.2S ;u oiM krf .-: ; 75 (Irerrd) 5TA3 K. rJCHAUlSuX. 2335 Front .St. jlSAI.r. 19-20 CLEYKLAXD: BAU pa. rione HtVil. Write Uox 2A. Iu:e t. haleia. .R 8AI.E KLKAXl SfX IX OOOIJ ,r,4itka. 75U; IViO X. 31t- Call. INTO EACH LIFE ROME RAIX MUST fIL" 'tis aaid We are getting our. ee. But Ibat don't keep your prop iamred from bnrninx. G-t a pa' icy ia ibe Ort;oa Fire Relief aMeia:ion 8TAXDLEY A FOLEY A gent 3 BaOt Baak Bid;. . l'lione iUlt SALE IUAO SAW. XEAULY NEW rtfap for j-a.b. V. W. Emmttt, rutin VflsTr.D ROOM ASD BOARD FOR A 'a lady, by January 3: alio houne Ifpiag rooms- for two young ladiea fjene ZHi. . H:!.L PAY CASH FOR GOOD USED p ao. Pboae 4'J2 ar 09 rening. !PKTEXT GIRL OR LADY WANTED lot housework, big wage. tleaant nk. Call at 1277 8. Commercial ar .u(.s 09. . illXK PIANO FOR SALE. USED ONLY - month. juM like utw. not a v r.i rh on it. tow bargain price and i.rew. The Wiley It. Allen Co , 519 I urt street. IV RE XT SIX-IWOM HOUSE WITH l.-re bara.- clone in. 120 per months. V. A. Litoiu ag' iit. 41 Court atreet. PRICE APPLES WILL SOON BE Pe pitrrulcr;r. Baldwin. Homo I iiy. Newtoav rienin(t, 11 bi'i: ,,-frrd. Ward K. Kicbarloa. 2J05 street. .Phone 491. n X M EX ATTENTION 20 ACRES r-l second growth Mg fir. eirht out -on paved and gran I road, r' malrd fiftei-u hundred co-rd. rood t-.'k slmokt Icrcl land. ( It will pay t. iuvctisale this FETTEY'S REALTY CO. : 831 j State Strrct' REAL ESTATE fir-m to eichsng for city proprrtr; ' if aad farm proerly. f"r sale. lor - action lint roue proper y with me. C-RTRUDE J. M. PAGE S. Cuttain Sf, . Phone BEST BUYS il Cultivated. 6 acrea prune: 'nm heue, barn, ch eken coop: fire ir from court hoime; S5250. term. Trs. 5 rod of AiimTille; grared 'I. all cultivated, j fence! bos tit-ht. ' $1500. $100O cj .b. bilnore in V !'- st .per cent. Will take a bouic the value of $250i re. 70 coltivated. 10 timber, test "ll Prairie land; good ' improv atn, water ytem; 4'j mile from a; $10O0 in equipment.. Price $250 W acre. wVS 1 1 tal Salem residence ta $.000 in eichenge. ; ktm, hot Howell Praire farm, fair " i ilinr: 5 mile of good town, bnly 'nJ pw acre, half cafch. ' irrea fin Kci'.er bottom land, Rood r-'.d. Only $IOO p-r acre, half cath, "Uuce at 0 er cent. . HOUSES ""ia plastered, pert aiodero: two fine 's ana bkn k of cart cat front. 1275. ; "' eih, balune? for three year al ' rr cent. ' r-na Hrirtly ' mod:rn buhgslow. full k-meiit, fireplace. furnace. ilutch 1 ketn. et; cras'. $-2.'i, icrma. m mod r n bunsraiow. larjre lot, pared "-el. clone tn car: $-1200 ch H sue hU bkek of pared street , ' . ' (K and $1500 -loan on gmid ae " "y at 7 p-r cent for thrve yearn, S0C0L0FSKY Jtja Street. EMPLOYMENT allSCKLLAXKOUS TUD STENOGRAPHER, S O M E '"ledge of - houkkcpilir. Sate, 1 Ifiraliona. Answer in haiidv. ritii:. lrs Cij." care StalCi.Bian. TED HEX AND WOilEX- TO ' tares paper subscription. A coed "it m m tba right people. Address " Pa-ifie Homestead, Butcsmaa Bldg. "b. Ore. . FOR SALE TlfUL WAU. TINTS. MANY lre t1 poand aad ap. Max O. y. ITS K. Com'l m. FIXAN(1AI 'T BOCf4 Bol'tHIT AND VM.7I. 4 Robert . 205 Oreg-B IWg. KOME GOOD FARM 10RT sail. "KIXS a RORKKTS nidi- K.i.n, VAllM PAPEIV If 1. WAKT TO HEX THE BEST ep. aMid I. 'mi Tba Pacific aha, Oroe, for a tbrea- trial Mbseriptios- UeaUos tkis ijk.'au stock. deliver. C. X I'tioiie 4UO. P.KOWX I.KOHOKX Phoue 403 U. COCKKKK el. tBB NORTHWEST PGCLTBT JOUR tal, the biggest aad brat ia Abe w. Tna lira magatine lor live aouhrjm.n Vie a ywr, $1.00 ia Salens. Sead & cents : sarunl. todav. Addreis Taa Northwest Poultry Joareu. Maleia, Ora-K"tt.- Mention tain MISCKLLAXl-XJUS STANDARD EXLHASfiE. 142 KORTB Commercial street, dismeodt, watches, musical instruments .cubs, clothing, shoe, etc. Both new iod ased food bonrht. Bold or exchanged. MISCELLANEOUS DANDY CIDi-.U 4fl3. Af.iAlN CL'.MiU-VdS. POTATOES FOK SALE. Plione 5UF2- DKLIVEIiED GOOD 3 OCTAVE DKAUIX XYLOPHONE for sale, cheap. Pbone 5J7. WALELT,, TOUR HOUSE; ITS aaperinr ta cicth, at aboat half price. ilasTO. Buren, 179 N. Cum' I St. "WALLBOABD" CAJI BS USED OTIR lata ar stadding. Can be tinted ar papered. Visa O. Barea, 179 Korta Commercial street. - . - WALL PASTE." KO COOKING RE ejairrd. Slicks averythiag. 3tM O. Bureo. 17 N. Commercial struct. JACKS. SACKS FOR Sale- i 00. 000 craia. ata and patate aacka. Capital Jaak aad Barraia liooaa. 115 C eater treat. Pkeei sua. FOR BALE TRCCK CHAINS ALS SIZES. CAPITAL JUXK h BAR GAIN HOCSlCils" CENTER 8T. PHOXE 19. " " CAPTIVrTT- OF THE OAT3(A OTRL8 Thia traa atorr al west era iaaaiiara- Ua baa beea carefully raviaed, aiakta a BBaasoaia utue aoaa. it tella ta rrapaie terms of tbe auaaacra af tke Oataiaa family, ( tba aarapa af La- reaaa, aad tba captieitr af alary aad Oliea. ilary died af atarratioa aad OUva was parekaaed froaa taa ladiaaa fiee feara later. Tba orire ia 20 eeata. paetpaia. Mwathly. Addreae - Orf oa Teaekera Saleea. Orya. WOOD PHOXE 1565U f OR WOOD. FOR DRY WOOD PHOXE 167SW. " CALL THE SALEM FVBI- TARDS FOIi yoar wood aad coal; office 752 Trade street. Pbaaa 529. FOR SALE Ifi-IXCIT AND 4 FOOT SEOOXD GROWTH .VXD OLD FIR. WOOD. SPECIAL PR1CB OX ORE EX WOOD. . FRED Phona 1542 E. WELU j , 805 South Caurefc' Automobile Directory DODGE CAR FOR SALE PHONE C2F2. SLIGHTLY USED FORDSOX TRACTOR A bargain, 349 Ferry street. OLESON MOTOR CAR CO. 319 X. Commercial St. Pbaaa C6S Used Car Center. Quick Changes. 1915 Studebaker $325 -passenger Hudson 500 :.81d Keo 650 1913 Liberty SU ....i '0 1914 Ford 285 Ford Sedaa. aelf stsrter 550 New 2 ton Day-Elder truck at bargain. 51 say ather good buy a ia ased ears.-- FOR RENT HOUSES F. U WOOD. S31 ette. rental STATE BT, REAL U0031S PHJil RENT SLEEPING ROOMS; X. Winter. - CSO WANTED IlSCELLAXtX)US WANTING ilILK COW Phone 1213. GOOSEBEERRY AND CURRANT CUT tlngs wantoI. . Fruitland Xurseryl . Phone 114051. TRACTOR AND IMPLEMENTS WANT cL State make, condition bet price and terms. . Addre'j "Tractor." c-rc Statrsman. BUSINESS CARDS CHINESE PHYSICIAX DB, U at. disease HUM CURES ANT KNOWS 153 S. High St, Pb DRKSKMAKIXG. WANTED. SKWINO. hour. Call 1806-R. WILL WORK BY FOR ' DRESSMAKING ' AND PLAIN sewing call it 13(18 X. Commercial. HAT SHOPS. HAT SHOP- MEN'S AND WOMEN'S bats renovated and blocked? 495 Court 1 street. LAUNPRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COMPAKT, IS Liberty street. Phone 25. Oldest Largest Be. Eetablished 1889. CAPITAL CITY STEAM Quality work, prompt Broadway. Phone 165. LA UK DRY service, 1264 MONEY TO LOAX. PLAN TO BUILD NOW WHILE Ma terials and Ialor are on a lower basis and aecure your building loan of as. Repayable Ike rent. Fire, life, auto and indemnity insurance wrilleu. A. C. BOHRNSTEDT 401 Mionie Tmpl-, Sa'em trregon NURSERY STOCK. rm SALE cherry trees. MONTMORENCY 75FI1. Phone CHOICE LOGANBERRY PLANTS FOR spring delivery ; any quantity. N ard K. Richardson, 2:j5 Front. CHOICE STRAWBERRY Pt.ANTS. ANY quantity: ail leading varieties. Prices infrasting. W rd K. Cichardaon. 2X03 Front St. Phone 431. - F R U I T L A X D NURSERY NOW HAS ! yard corner High and Ferry i-. Haient. I'l. ase call and free our slo-k: li and 8 foot llalinn prune and smaller grade, also other auraery stuck Phone I i IOM. ' - ' ' 50,0W CL'THHEUT REl TiASPBERRY plant: fctrong. thrilty. year old. Im iuanit' price for earl derivery. Per lull postpaid. 2.5i. Ward K. Kith ardson, 2;S" IVoat. PAISTINO AWP PAPISRHANOTNO I bava gone et oa aa . needed visit and I recommend A. IL Clark pboae I3V6JI a cowpclenl workwaa. Glna t. ' Adima PRIVATE HOSPlTAIiS. WANTED fTXPlXEMENT CASES AT private bpital : I hate btl el oatiip oteat. 1'kvat IViV, BABY CHICK .S li K ST o'tlr nw for sprin; -Veiulimr., 55 State. KATHERIXE 8CHLEEF. If. D, PHT sicl.a 0d Sargeaa. Offieea Orecoa bciWiae. rooms 411-13. Pbaaa 540, - Qr Oreta Eleclrie depot. SECOND HAND FURNITURE WAXTED EECOXDHAXU FURXR tore, rfa, eaepeta, teeea, atachiaery aad tooU. Best pricea paid. Tba Cap-allJard-ata k Forniture Ca 23 N. Com' I St. Pboae 947. RKPAIBINQ AND KH.ARPKNIXd BEX WHEELER EVEKTTH1XU alE- palred. lieaerat iharpenms. cbimaey e weep. 342 North Commercial atrert. CUTLERY. GRIXDIXO; LAWX MOW- era, safety razors, ata. Si e wart Ka pair Shop. S47 Conrl street. STOVR RKPAIR1XQ STOVES REBUILT AXD REPAIRED 40 yean experience; Drpot Katiaaa) fence, sixes 26 to 5S i nek as kick. PaiaU ail aad varaishes, ate., log a berry aad kop boobs. Salea Feaea aad 8ue Worka. 8.r0 Court atreet. Paeae 1J RECOXD HAXT GOODS WF BnT AND SELL SECOyD HAXL C04ds af all kinds, pip fUtiags, kar aese. Collars, collar paJa, Waia. aad cbaiaa. Fred Sckiadler, tit Cratar atret. TRAXSFER HA ULIXG CAPITAL- CITT TRAXSFER CO. 21 Stata St, pkoaa 933. Distribwtiac forwarding and atarage aar paeialt. Get vmr ratea. WALL PAPER, PA1XT WALL PAPER AXD-CEILINO PAPH 20a aad a a doable roll. Max O. U rea 179 J4. Caamaiercial St. SEE PORTER FOR PAIXTS. WALL Paper aad Pietara Fraasiag. Gaad workman. 45 Ceart St. Pheaa 4 Si. WATER SALUC WATER. LIGHT Js POWER Ca. affiea SOI Beats Ceaa 1 atraat. Tea per cent diacwaat aa aaaaaatia flat eatea paid ta adraaea. Km da daenaaa far absence ar aay eaaae aa- leaa water ia abat aff year prs PROFESSIONAL OSTEOPATHIC PHTSICIAXS DRS. WHITE AXO MAR3HALL, r: 8. Katiaaal Baak Bldg. 0d PR. W. U MERCER,! OSTEOPATHIC Pbysieiaa aad Bargma, KirTLI cra'lBata. 404 aad 401 L'. 3. Mad Baak kaildiag. Pkoaa OHice l. reaidasca 14. f M DR. JOHM U LYXCH, OSTEOPATH10 Pbyaieiaa A Sargusa. 43 404 Oregoa Bldg. Phones; Of Baa 1194: Boa. HF5. CI11KOPRACTORS. DR. O. U SCOTT. P. tor, S09-12 V. 8. B7. Re SJR. S. C, CHIROPR-VC-Baak Bllg. 1'boa REAL ESTATE Exceptionally Good Buy l 5 -room modern except liascmcnt. with a Tery large lot and garage; one block off the car line at 2500; new plumbing and rery cheap place. WM. FLEMING ill State Street. FOR SALE C-ROOM MODERN BUXGA low loi-ated one block from paved atreet and street car. furnace, fir place. duth kitchen,' lanndry trav. all built in Lature. corner lot newly painted and tinted Price $litMi- e terms. MRS. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 275 State Street. Phone 515 0 ROCM BUXOAiAW. FIVE BIC13 from post office, east front. Imt. fireplace. . larga lot . garage, parad street, Biwlv painted. Price ffijuu. 1 - MRS. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 275 State Street. - . Phone 515 WORTHWHILE 6- r6om bonse, mo-lern except b"i-m't. fifte lot in good aeighborbood : close in. f .Vifcplendid buy. Prk . $250; $1000 I'caih. - 7- rovtu home, pl.ixfer-d: about -i-.rre ground; clobe to school. Price $2500: $1500 cash. Will exchange for small bcrrv ranch MILLS & COPLEY Stat e Street, Phone 175 FOR SALE STRICTLY MODERN 7 room house, close in, . easy paymentt, immediate possession. Hart sad Muller, 20S Oregoa bldg. 20 "4 ACRES J"j muca out, 15 cultivated, wood enough to half pay' the price asked. Trade for something in Salem. 1 64 acres, 60 cultivated, for rent, $2j0. Well built 4 room house, $950. MAGEE Corner' State ami Oerr Busick'a Room 29, Commercial THOROUGHLY MODERN EIGHT-ROOM k'iur, 2 blocks from car line, large lot. east front. plenty of fruit and garage; well worth the money. New 5-room platered bungalow, some fruit, good location.' Will take auto mobile as part payment. Money to loan on good security, city or -. country, ia um ranging from $50U lo $HHn." SQUARE DEAL CO. U. S. Xatl. Bank Bldg. Phone 470. WOOD'S BARGAINS SIX ROOM BUNGALOW. $2750. $400 cash. b!atic $25 per month. 10 room honse on State street, near the eapitot, $650O. Three-room boue, $500. eay terms. 40 acres. 16 acres bearing or chard, will taVe honse up to $4000. term on balance. Three-room hue and two lot, $850, easr t-rmii. Four lot. fine gardea land. $500, term to unit. 30 acre river bottom laud with building and bearing or chard, $3500. Rooming boue, S180O. Houhc for rtnt. F. L. Wood, U41 State fctrect. 40 ACRE HOWELL PRAIRIE FARM OX paved road. AH tillable and all plant ed eicept small tract fine limber. Fine g room house, barn, store bouse, chick en house. Price $10,5im, easy terms. Modern 5 room b'inzalow on corner of paved street. $2d50, $1000 caih; bal anra as rant. Modern 7 -room bungalow and garsre, cor ner of paved atrcel, close in $30lrO; easy term. OREGON LAND CO. Phone 42 412 Slate Bt. GOOD BUYS 32 acre farm. ab'it HO rri rslt'vat d. balance yuod timber, about fill "en thousand cords of Mending timber. Honse and burn. Will consider proper ty r small aerease a part payment. . Prtr 'i5 per acre. 'fO-aere farm located n6rtliit of Salem. IOO aereit cultivated, balaure pasture and timln-r. jrood buildinss. a'uv 25 acre of b'aer din soil all cultivated. Price $125 per aere. - ' 200-aere farm. 10 acre cultivated, bal ance t'mber and pturc, eod rna4. ruuninx water, buillmrs- Price 100 per arrc. u , . . 1 61-arre lr t of fine M-rry ! lo-iei , Muh of hab;nt. Pacific hisUway. Pries 1 i'0. :;uo down, balanee terms. I 2i-arre Icaet. mill house and barn. : u-,K and tin hcrrie. orchard. Will consider b"se and lot as part prmnt. Price S700. 5 acre bcat'-d - rloe to ear line.. fie berry oi. soort drainage, tome iogan-. j riee 9--""t. I cent?. 1 acre lgn. 3i acre pniii.s, 5ru. gcod road. tPn'ce $'i'. t aerew. bottom and barn, good berry Ml'. Prieo f 2200. 7 room plalered b"Uie and 3 fine garden lot loealcd just ontsid" f city limits and clo-e to rar lis. Priee $?I00. 5 r"om bouse end large lot ia vmlb Xalcm. b rn. geavel atvett. eb-s to. tar lin. Prie $2500. a rab. W. IL Grabenhont & Co. $T5 Stat EtwU , . r-m n mon f Oil. . , . REE ESTATE FOR SALE LOOAX BERRY TRACT-t-a erea ia full bearing. trellied till ce dar posts, rich foam toil. Price S45O0, cash, balance easy payments at 7 per ceat. liart Muller. 2ud Oregon Bldg. START THE XKW YEAR RIGHT H iy a home and slop rear. We. bare tli -m t all prio-a and any tcruiv A tine rrtnent biiildins in a sooJ live town to trade for acreage r city prtp-r:y in Sa'em. LOOSE & PATTON 70 i State i'ttre.L Phone ,E87 BARBER & PEARSON arils city and eauntry property. I.Ut it it will receire special at will find ran a trade if with us and (ntion. We th.U is what yoa want.200 Oraj Bldg, near Commercial club. 38 Fanns 38 (Sum personally inspected) la Pulk end Marion Coamirs S9 a S150 FLEMING REALTY CO. S41, Sut Street. 5-ROC'M Bl'XOALOW, XEW AM) 5IOD era. I'rU e 33O0. 5-room bungalow, three Ut earicty ( bearing Ira't. mm! era coneenicnccs, barn. Price 13500; eay tcrmv MRS. W1N.M1. PETTYJOIIX C75 Stata Street. I'beoe 515 GOOD 7 ROOif HOUSE WITH BASE l t. wood h-it. fruit bna. barr 4 lata, frait. Price $?5t; will take Ford r :i;ht car and aoau raah ar 4 r 5 baadred dollars dwn, balance like BARBER & PEARSON 200 Gray Bids, near Commercial Club. FINE 8 ACRE TRACT All new laad ad a'l under cnliiraiioa. Tbe bet af dark loan sail; baa booe aad fine new barn, raickea bonsee. etc. Ideated aa good road 3 Sa m 1 a from city limit and ia few rede from school sad store With ibe tract are included rood me, 2 bonte. 2 light . wagon. Qt-ont 20 rbickena. and all bay and feed in barn; ercrything got. PrW 37iU. KINNEY & SMITH 4G9 Slate Street. Oraaad Floor. L A. HAYFORD BEAX ESTATE AXD FTRE IXSURAXCE 205 Stata SUaet If yoa are looking for a borne ia tba ei'y or country we have if. Iters ra a few. If you do not see 'what yoa want aero come in e we bare a large list to se- l-ct from. 5 550 3-Room house. $120O "t room houe. , SI 2O0 6 room houtse. 91650 5-room honve, semi naodera. $2'M0 G room house, eiai modcra. 4 2V)0 5-room bungalow, modern, new. $2700 5-room bnagalow. modern. t000 6-room house, semi modem. $3250 5-room bouse, emi modern. S.lflOO 9-room, semi modern. S480O a room huuxe. semi modern. $5300 room Bungalow, modern. $H30O 7-room bun -a low. modern. $780 6-room bungalow, modern, and others too numerous ta mention. $6500 32 acres. 26 ia cullies: ion; 9 acres in on-hard, prunes, walnuts, fil bert, cherries, etc. Hou-.e, bam. eteM oil good road. 8 mile from Salem. $15J per acre lakes a HQ acre tract; 7 miles of city, on good road. $6000 takes 25 acres of good black soil, 7's miles of Salem, oa good road; baa bouse, barn, well, etc. Terms can be bad oa all of the above. LA. HAYFORD 305 Stata Street. WHOLE MILK AND PRODUCE WANTED Marion Creamery & Produce Cc Edem, Oregon. Phone 24S3 RUYIXti PRICE Egg and Poultry Eggs. 4 6c. Hens, heavy, 22-24c. Hens, light, 18-20c. Old roosters. 8-1 Oc. Droilers. 22-2 4c. Potk, Mutton ami Reef Pork, on foot, I -a tubs. 7c. Dressed hogs. lie. Beef steers. 7 1-2 8c. Cows, 3-Cc. Top veal, lZc. Hay , Clover bay. J20-I22. Oat and vetch hav, per ton. $21-23. Cheet hay, $21-$ 23. Crain Wheat. $1.20-$ 1.33. Oats, 50c. " Deans, 4-c. 3UI1 Feeds. Retail Mill run. $37. WholcMile to Iea!er. Creamery butter, ii-iCc. llutterfat, 50c. Finit Oranges. $.1.73-$4.30. . Itanana,s, 13 l-2c. lemons, $3.73. ' Grape fruit. Cal. $5.50; Florida. $8. Cranberries. $5.23 $!; Ariz box: $20 bbi. Vegetable CaLbage. 1 l-2c. Onions, Oregon. $1.23. Onions, California, $2. .Turnips, $2. Carrots. $1.30 sack. (J recti pppcr.K. 12c. Cauliflower. $1.S5 dot. Dales. 22 l-2c lb. lettuce. $2 rt. Spuds. $1.23 rwt. Sweet potatoes. $r.73.$.5. - Crape. 25c lb. Comb honey, case, $8. Celery. $1.23 doz. hunches. Parsley. f0c doz. bunches. Ueetp. 73c doz. bunches. Tomatoes. $3.23 crt. .Honey, extracted 20c lb. Retail Creamery butter, 60c. ' Eggs. 60c. Flour, hard wheat. $2.7j-$2.9j Flour, valley, $2.30. Sugar. $10. rVAat You'll See In "KISMET" A sttirj brim full of color, (lnMa, comctly, adventures, . intrifiuc, fijrlits, love-making, be wilderment and sus-lensc. THIRD GANGSTER IS CONVICTED Jury Finds Verdict in Six Minutes and More Trials to Follow 1 SAX FRANCISCO, . Dec. 29. JanifK Carey, tlie.third lo b? lrle'1 and convicted in a group of five alleged gangstf-rs accused of crim inal aaults on youns girls here, was found guilty today a half hour before Edmond (Spud) Mur phy, the first gangster to face a Jury, was started for the state penitentiary at San Quentin to serve a rentence of from 1 to SO years. Carey's rentencing was set for Monday. January 3. Thomas Drady. the fourth ac cused gangster, will gu to trial on Monday. He will be followed by Allen McDonnell. The jury took but r.ix minute to, convict Carey. Sixteen min ute were taken by the Murphy lory and 11 bv the Jury which convicted Edward Knrvoaky. the second of the gangsters to be tried. Kurvosky will come up for sentence on Friday, when efforts will he made to obtain a new trial for him. Carey admitted driving Mi Jessie Montgomery of Reno., the complaining witness, and her com panion. Miss Jean Stanley, for merly of Portland. Or.. In an au tomobile from a cafe in the Mis sion district to a house nearby in which the atUck took place. He denied all participation in the attack, however. . although posi tively Identified by both girls. He took an active part apart from testifying defence, consulting In the trial in his Own frequently wifh bis attorney in regard to the questions to be aked jurors and witnesses. He received the ver dict without visible sign of emo tion. Special police 'guards were MationM in and around tbe court room during the trial, as in the trials of the other two gangsters. This precaution was taken as a result of the killing of three peace officers in Fanta Rau hv r. flers. and the lynching of Iloyd and nis two supposed accomplices. Terence Fitts and Charles Va lento. ADMIRAL RAYLY CO.MJXQ SAX FRANCISCO. Dee. , 29. Two flotillas of United States de stroyers were speeding out into the Pacific tonight to 'welcome and escort to the United States. Admiral Sir Lewis nayly. Joint commander with Admiral William S. Sims of the I'ritish and United States fleets off th coast of Ire land during the world war. Admiral liayly is a passenger on the Pacific Mail . Steamship Ecuador which is due here tomor row from Honolulu. The Amri lan destroysrs will convoy the Ecuador fnto port. American Association of Labor Convention NEW YOKE. Dec. id. indus trial conditions in the United State. and the need of labor laws for the protection 'of 'workers were discussed by speakers at the dinner tonight of the -American Association of Labor legislation, wbich opened its ,11th annual meeting today. " Rev. John A. Ryan, professor of industrial ethics of the Catholic University of America; Rabbt Stephen S. Wise of tbe Free Syn agogue. New York citv, and Whit ing Williams, forrilerly vice presi dent o the Hydraulic Pressed Stei company, were among the ppeakers. ' Plans to urge Immediate pas sage by congress cf a bill extend ing the workmen a compensation act to provide accident insurance 1 1 longshoremen and sailors were discus ;od this afternoon. Offi cers of longshoremen's and sea men' unions spoke. Speaking on "state intervention versus industrial autocracy" to- right. Rev. Ryan declared the "trade unions must fisht as hard I as they Know how against tbe at tempt to destroy them and all rt-'ends of justice must redouble their efforts to improve conditions by employment by 'egiMation." The "one means" which, be said.. win Rutitce lor this purpose is a "considerable measure of Individ ual ownership by the workers M the . tools of production through co-operative organizations." "IT labor organizations." h j edded "could obtain "or the work-1 iitg people all the protection and I benefits, that they need, indus trial legislation would be tinneee-i-sary and ' und.Hiriib!e It Is bi t ter that men should do tbinss for themselves than that the ihotild do things fr them. Hut we know from abuiid.nt experi ence tht Labor iinlons of the a r .. a . a - tjiiieo iaieit are not aoie to r.-' fi-ct the reforiti in Indutrl cn- ! ditions whieh are urgently d- ! ftanded. There 'ore. we mu: hve reeounto to the Mate. In- j hold" that neither labor union! nor legislation i necrr.arr. Thia mean a binevoient frtidalWiu ; vhlcli t impOHsibl-? lit this d'ino-i era tie an-." ; Mr. W illiams, who. spent seve i ral inonlhH with mill worker In I this country and Kncland. urcrd ' establishment of national-f tale i employment bureaus. Kadicalism. j he aaid. was found in greater pro- portions amng. laborers In F!n z Innd than In the United State", althotign Hritlsh la'mr variiei. paled in few unauthorized strike. We love that mo Iihmhp -instruments.' the violin, and also the flute, the trombone, the tenor, the alto horn, fie nkii'e'e player piano; and the coloratura Hprano. but all of the music that I? dreamed of jn jour philosophy, ilnralin we are fondest of thi f-hrill squeal T"rf Ibe profit cr. . . a r. , unit biat? dt-uiuau I " I 1" tswf.v to .4 t ........ .l u 00a year iirc co. AlUlOUnCC Deficit iKTfO-ir r rw Coodyear Tire 'and Rubber cow- pany today announced a deficit. today announced a detuit ffir the ri&l -ar Atilin .f !kr . 21. Of II.'. ft? C.;l rw.t Inrlmlinr j e anticipateri losres nn con'ract oblit;aiIrn tor rubbr and fab rica. which are expected to be ap proximately It.OUO.OO'J, notwitb standing that bale exceeded $200,000,000. the larKist in the hl-tory of th company. The stat?ment was announced at a stockholders meeting ad journed la&t and afain ad journed until January 12, Let. a use the financ'ng plans tp) not ready to be presented. Tbe statement bos assets to taling li3,076.S20. , Tbe com pany has bills payable of $2:.H7. K12 anu accounts payable 1 1 2. 71 1, !!. including estimated tax es. Rubber and fabric accept ances are listed at Sf.3sK.Cx0. Ke-ierve for contingencies is f I.- Confidence was eipreed at to day's meeting of the ability of President Seiberlin to satisfac torily put through tbd lefinanciog program within the next to weeks. No announcement of the preferred dlvident will be until tomorrow, according to L. C. Rorkbill. a director. XOT AIDIXO PROFITEER Tba third grade was studying multiplication and some of tbe children were having trouble with tbe tables. One boy vas having esrvelallv bard times, so his folks were helping him at home. One nlfbt they were qaeationlng him. and his sister said: "Hlrtb. if you were to go down to the stor to buy nine apples and the grocer tol.4 von tber were seven cents ' nM.. what wnnM rou saT lurch answered immedUtely: "I'd say 'nothln doln'. I won't pay If." Indianapolis News. RIO JOIt X)R om: hex An American agriculturist visit ing in England was telliac tall tales of big broods of chickens. Twenty chickens from twelve eggs appeared to b an everday occur rence In the states. If the stories he told were true. - - "llappn you ever to sfe so many as a hundred hatched by one hen at a setting?" asked a Suffolk man acros the table. The American had never been atich a brood as that. "Well. thn I have, mister." returned tbe oth er. "Iown Ipswich way we al ways fill a barrel with eggs and set the old hen on the bnaghole. Pittsburg Chronicle.Tclograph. Great Italian Tenor Carnso Serioasly III NEW YORK. Dec. 2$. Enrico Carnao, tenor, who has been ser iously ill In his apartment here for mere than a week, has devel oped suppuratl pleurisy, attend ing physicians said tonight. Phvsiclans announced that al though the tenor bad Improved light!r during th day. that his condition still was serious. i Successful Play Staged by Silverton Jhespians SILVEUTON. Ore.. Dec. 29. Thursday evenig the dramaife club of tbe Silverton high school presented a realistic comedy en titled "SiriaJI Town Stuff." The play which was in three acts was written by Karl E. Eivarson. the organizer of "Tbe Silverton Play Makers." This was the fourth play given by the club but the first during the present school terms. The persons taking part in the play were Helen Currie. Alma Page. Dorothy Hubbs. Vivian Cramer. Olivia DeGulre. Maurice Warr.ock. Elgin McCleary. Kay I McKee. James Hollingsworth. Ed gar AVrigbtman. Max Hubbs and John Fronk. The otf'cers of the club are Mrs. Karl E. Einarson. di- : ct . I v.i James Holliogsworth. chairman: Olivia DeOuire. secre tary; Maurice Warnock. treasurer; Frank Aim. stage manager; Dor othy Hubbs. mistress or proper ties: Vivian Cramr. mlstrers of wardrobe; Max Hubbs. sergeant i at arms. Profit-Sharing Plan No Remedy for Strikes NEWBERN. N. C. Pec. 2?. Employes of the Newbern Iron Works and Supply company voted HAPPY NEW YEAR DON'T MISS The Kiir Special Se lected Comedy Show New. Year's Eve and New Year's Day YE LIBERTY arovtAB OW Clf TKM WMPOVW CoaAtaA ) ATYtXrai DWUCCraT-- e !!- arf c-wvf a.., BMi-ass.ea. "a- - I'tC ' Ve. ) , I v ' '. . I JKr -Xrl' I alia rid a. agreement rweentlw on ter- ed ,Bt9 wlln ln company and got , v nine, s mi mcncu try mc, worker Iat week, the first meek! nndr ,1,e new. iU.n.v wh,ch , vu p"-"" Vk operating expense, cra - 1 . .today to disregard tng' - .v uu-ry tt mrea u-licent lrvm the amount received tteijroui Italy tL abJ previous week. I Co-or-rali.V a ' Oajtliea to a redaction 01 ten per D Rf a F ISS4otMJt4 414 414 4. MUVC Georgian Repalliche baponnuu ci'etemes. 1 !-! iu.MA.MiMjn.u le. Voa Nmml K.p on feensf Tbt govtrnnient of Ceorsla h streK- a't-.- ror belrh isued an order that all Kus!ans jn- nr -.iiri'tc a v 9 e who have arrived in the republic j trm iejl. llo; Vt apilla fince March, l:o. nn:! leave Irurci dvreDa il strnt:Len the country, according to a di patch received here Irotii Tiflis Developments recently hare ndl cited strain! relation Wtween UuMia and Ceorpia. A San Frir.f woman who oc cupies a povMnn of aathority In the cita health department, r pert thai she had a good deal' of difficulty with the bakers In a poon-r section of the city wha refused to handle wrapped tread. ; She argued with them for aorae time and finally on of them , frankly explained: Yoi see. I lady." be said, "when the bread S roues wrapped' ap. the paper, gets so dirty from the handling that people' won't bay It." De-"( -.lor. I us roua r USbTbutzs ami 1 4 V 447 - A furroa ajo raasous Axnrrv coaajc Cfunrrc ctTc - arw-,Afra VI T a A-sa-rkAL W5 12 TH ACCESSORY . TRUCSCSHOW I 1 J-' - i 4 ' ' - M . v. I iB j i tir-rirrjrt-if. WW Sir's K the best the autornotive 4 wxrrld has to oner the people of the Northwest, Displayed for your inspection in Port land's beautiful Auditorium. Make your plans now and COME. ADMISSION Fifty Ortta. Plus 5c Tax. ChiWren Half Rate. PORTLAND MUrflCIPAL AUDITOR3IUM j j Aaaptcea AUTOUODILE DEALERS ASSOCIATT0I7 oi roirxxAND Light Your Farm Buildings with the Fairbanks Morse HGOTYPiwIT ft J -WUtT'nont. fxx-?! ft ' rr. w aC Lot L. Pcarcc & Son 239 North Commercial Street CHERRY ACREAGE IN OREGON AND MARION "W""TO ' a'.X a given 10 acres by the iiw ; tors record. j And -L1 ghcrTT In .,!.. rv 1 ih-.3teu.i , im -sorts Le Orro Growers social Inn. at re- free! meetiac tf d-rectors. tcle- ; graphed i-Vnator McNary aeveral 1 i in ?s nrziriK the abaoluL netea- il nf a tariff lw!ar n!ar4Sl on the ttomach and o:ber dig-iiv organs for the proper ,rform" of their faaction. - Take I!oodt. What You'll See In "KISMET" How the favorite wife of the Wazir of BapLid fell in love with a beg LEARW TO DPsAV blajbi aibb anrama wx wax aiaav rou ova aooaxgr ajaa rrjua wrnscar aanr cjost to r-ewwC riiri . A3iQCJ.TEI ART ATUDH?! s-s roai mui s. i .a at 1- ti. m a m a 1 aarv- tM 1 ANNUAL SHOW Attend This "Beauty Show of the Automotive World" a 1 ' - N ' ' ' s L. I';::-..