THE OREGON STATESMAN, 8ALEM. OREGON. WEDNESDAY MORNING DECEMBER 20. lf20 BY MOLLY BRUNK MR3. Edmund F. Carlton and ber lions Edmund and fUondtll, ot Eusene. will arrire today and wilt be enter Ulned nntil after New Years a the guests of Mrs. Carlton's Bister, Mrs. P.ojr Burton. They will come tjr way of Monmouth where they have been the guests of President and Mrs. J. If. Acker man. Mrs. Carlton is n former prominent matroi and will be most cordially weie3ni;i. : Mis." Frederick S. Lamport end Mrs.-Edward CUhnIiam went to . Portland the ilr.t of the week to remain tor sereral days. : ' " .'' Mrs. Constance Thompson and her children Nancy and Richard, of Portland. cain to spend Christmas with Mrs. Thompwa sister. Mrs. Ralph Ulover. They returned . home Sunday nighty Amonjr the "out-of-town folk at- Salem School of Expression Lola Rosamond Walton. Director 147 N. Commercial Phone 692 14 84J Closes Dec. 24 re-opens Jan. 3. tending the masu-sad-? paity ot !the younger dancms pupils of airs, u. Li. ULue in aioosa oan Mori'.?.- aial w-r Mr. and Mrs. T J orman. .nd danslutr. Mir fa of 'c.)l"ri jtnd Mr mu '.'. It B. L.nban it S:lrton At high noon las Fiiday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. K. l.u- thy, in North Salem, occurred thej marriage of thMr daughter, Marie, to W. K. lJufnata, one of the young mei f rum France who now studying for his A. .M. de gree at Willametto unirersity. The bride was raJnated from Willamette id 1?H and for the last two y. ars his been teaching mathematics in the Eugene high school. Miss Katie Miro. a 'Ion? time friend of ihe bride, sang "I !. v You," aeeomnaoiod by MIsi Caio- lline Hrubetz, who immediately followed with Lohengrin' wed ding march. Dr. Blaine E. Kirk patrlck of the First Methodist Episcopal church officiated, using the beautiful ring ceremony and receiving the vows of tha bride and groom who stood under an ef fective arch of smilax. The ceremony was witnessed by relatives and . a few intimate friends who afterward were in- - Grand weSLy Dec. 29 The Biggest and Most Important Musical Comedy Event in Years TGUGHI6 THE-H6GHvSP0T eluded as luncheon guests. Mr.; and Mrs. Putnam left at 4 p. m. fon a short wedding trip to Port land. Tacoma and Seattle before the resumption of school duties. Colonel and Mrs. Percy Willis returned Monday night from Port land whre they went to be ilh friends over Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Lyman White 01 Woodbine, la., will arrive today to remain over New Years as th-s guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dib ble. Mr. Dibble and Mrs. White are cousins." The visitors are on their way from Spokane to California, where they will spend the winter. Ira. D. Buasard and daughter Miss Ethel Bussard spent the week-end in Salem as the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. X. Duncan, re turning to their home In Albany the first of the week. '.- Prof, and Mrs. Roy Hewitt and small son Ronald of Corvallis. are spending the week in Salem dividing the time with a number of old-time friends. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Lee Patter son have returned from Portland, where they went to spend Christ mas with relatives and friends. Mrs. James Godfrey and Miss Emma Godfrey motored to Port land the last of the week to spend me Christmas week-end with rel atives and friends. Earlier Mrs. Godfrey entertain ed as her guest. Miss Florence Leech, a well-known and popular singer of Portland, who is a for mer attraction on the Ornheum circuit. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Pearson ot Portland have returned to their home, after bsing entertained as fvvUSIGL COMES JOHN CORT WtCMtaeOCKIR ITMCATPB - M.Y. . MUSICAL. COMEDY . I If i jfTXiV - n The New York Chicago Boston and Philadelphia Company and Production r intact BOOK AND LYRICS &t) HAftRY L.COKT AW1 mo. m. TOOOiMi WITH Ffced. Heider, khq Tmb New York. . PRODUCTION pERSeeN On Awy.Stage The Amy of Singers, Daaceraand Funmakers that deliehted smart New York for one year includes June Roberts, Delano Dell, Betty Kirkbride, Earl Higley, Francis Donegan, Rene Brown; Claire Grenville, Nellie Muir, Evely Paul, and the Four-Entertainers. 'r. ;-. ' . :-; , : Prices $1.6o (o S20. Seat Sale Now On Looney and their daughter. Miss Greta Looney, all of Jefferson. During their stay the latter family was also entertained by Mrs. S. C. Dyer. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Harris and Mins Dot Davey pent Christmas and the week-end with relatives in Portland. Mr. and Mm. Grant Corby were joined over tje Christmas week end by the former's Fiter. Mrs. K. R. Reeley and her two children, of Wilsonville, who returned to their home Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Condit en tertained the latter' brother Ed ward O. Worth as their week-end guest. Mr. Worth coming up from his home in Portland. . Mrs. G. A. Rockwell returned to her home the first of the week after spending several days as tha house guest of Mrs. C. D. Purdy. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Hixon have returned to their homo In Al bany, after visiting at the home of Mr. Hixon's parents In Salem. Mrs. David Giaham (Mildred Bagley) passed through Salem the first of the week on her way to Portland, where she will re main a month at the home of her sister, Mrs. Annie Cleveland, while her InTant son William Bag ley is under the care of a spec ialist. Dudley Buck's "Coming or the King," was presented in Corval lis Sunday at the First Methodist church, v ith Miss Blanche Ham mel. well known here, directing. "Miss Hammel," says the Cor vallis Gazette-Times, "Is fortu nate in having a large group of people who like to sing, can sing. land have given considerable time the week-end gusts of Mrs. Pear- to Preparing for the event. In college activities during their years of attendance. Mr. Clark was an Instructor in the home economics, and later ent to California. . where she iterved as dietitian at Lano hospital. San Mr. Clark Is a prom inent architect and engineer, and designed ihs O. A. C. stadium. t MIs Ruth w'u'o ha been Identified In a secretarial way with the Cherry City mill, left Sunday for Kails City, where, on Monday she began her new du ties as cashier of the bank of that Place. Mr. and Mrs. John Medlor (Helen Rose) whose wedding was a recent event, are here from Wasco, to spend the holidays with the former's Barents. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Medler. Sunday they J wer entertained Ith "a ' d.nnTjs u?h Uil-m. Mm. Kalmer v ill , Albert Smith, ate! 1. of Talr- by Dr. and Mrs. Johii 11. Siies. ivist in aU.ut month be-; L.r- aterrd sl4 of railfr t. : trj Crini'Moa. If. M9ars(f thstr. of ra U- II entrt?;n l'unfy ft i ri-iuraui: it The "Jolly I!unh." five linn-. dred club was -titertaln-l tit ln 'rs. J. v. rld-nce of Mr. and Vlr. :. ,as tli-ir Ww Y n r!i Mr. ,4 ( NirhoM Saturday night, th n-tt tr A -airt..r. mh.. -Ill com s.H;n of lhf rlul t. W at th " , ,. home of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Mar-t" fru,n 1 I tin. ! : ! Mr. and Mrs. CUIr A. Fulnier ) RfyttenOOl FlTfhcV k f X -m as- t m h a rrtf I ' 11' un a wi 9 arii.f w J. J. Mi'ha-I lf- autboru:- iuld in zht that lb TmiI h prt.Latli- .ii if arrfj:td i rotoiu.i j.!- court here tnrrorr. at LVh lime II H etpte.I tJ, rourt mill .nl.-r an lntts'igKwn l hi4 tneatal condition. The 12 fjre mhirh Sn!th u J Youth of 19 YtQTS b 'aitel. burcrd whooi. char- i . a . ins the holidays- in Sal-m hiting ': at the hoin of Mrs. Fa!inr'n Par- 1 eni. Mr. and Mm. A. Dan of I'XIOXTOWV. V . fe. 57 K-it ft eon s parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Durbin, who also had with thera their son Frank Durban." who Is borne from O. A. C. and Mrs. Dur- bin's mother. Mrs. J. W. Sprisss of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Georra Forsvthe pf Portland motored to their home In Portland Monday, after spend ing the Christmas week-end with Mp. and Mrs. W. Connell Dyer. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Hargrove had with them for Christmas and tha week-end their sons and daughters and grandchildren, sev eral of whom came from ont of town to assist in celebrating the date. Including. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Smith and C. C. Hargrove end son Jack of Corvallis: Mrs. Edith Plank. Claudia Plank and Miss Maude .Hargrove of Portland. - Miss Gladys Steele, newly ap pointed matron ot the Salem hos pital has returned to Salem after friends near McMinnville. "- Mrs. V. M. Bnshey Is entertain, ing as her ho'iday house guests. her sister. Mis. Fred Merrill and two children; of Clatskanie, who arrived the last of the week. -Mrs. Samuel Stockum enter tained with a. reunion dinner on Christmas day having as her guests from out of town 'her mo ther. Mrs. W. U. Clarke of Port land, and Mr. and Mrs. Marion Looney and Mr. and Mrs. N. H. addition she has a number of cap able soloists including A. A. Schramm, with Mrs. Schramm at the piano." Th8 Woman's Foreign Mission ary society ot the Jason Lee church will meet with Mrs. Tho mas Acheson, at the parsonage this afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. J. J. Gillespie will have charge of the devotions, and Miss Ellen Currln will give the lesson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smither (Helen Neugebaner) of Portland. are spending the holidays with relatives. -r- Miss Xell Stowell of Portland Is a visitor in the city during the holidays. 5- Miss Lora Purvlne has gone to Brownsville to be entertained as the house guest of Miss Lorena Fox. who has also as her guest Miss Florence Davis of Mon mouth. Announcement is made of the onrarement of Rev. George K. Thiess. pastor of Grace Lutheran church of EnKene to Miss. Bertha Bristow. of Salem.'. The wedding will occur in the near future. A weddins of considerable in terest here took place in Portland last week, and was' that of Miss Ruth McNary Smith, ana uoy it. Clark. Both are graduates of O. A.' C. and were prominent In all LENS INSURANCE LENS INSURANCE I LENS 1NSURANC CO CO SOMETHING NEW EYEGLASS INSURANCE m m The National Optical Serrice Corporation, Backed by a $6,000,000 Insurance Company INSURE YOUR GLASSES 1 AGAINST BREAKAGE - . t . . I t HERE IS THE PLAN No matter where or when you got your glasses, bring them to us and for j a small fee, a fraction of the original cost of the lenses, we will insure them against breakage for one year. ' , o THIS IS A NATIONAL ORGANIZATION and pro tects your glasses, no matter where you are or m g under what conditions they may become broken. co IF you are traveling or visiting in another city, the N. 0.S. C. dealer there will accept your policy card as full payment in replacing broken lens or lenses. Q WE are the dealers for Salem and vicinity and are pleased to recommend this service to our many ' j it.. ' i' ' - ' !! i . patrons ana me eyeglass wearing puouc in generau co CO as o m f PROMPTNESS is our watchword no time is lost in replacing the -broken glgasses with the high- est quality lenses that the market affords. : ... . . ... i I OUR SHOP is completely equipped to do. this repair wofk on short notice. I ' We grind our own lenses. t- INSURE YOUR GLASSES NOW BEFORE THEY BREAK U3 co CO Albert ; 1 Optometrist-Optician 510-11-12 U. S. National Bank i w nil nr r Jul, a. ii 11 Tsu 4 . SALEM 2?' V. sa m as CO s co C5 pa m PROPS" HAD MAN'S JOB.IN "KISMET" Camels, Marshmallaws, Baby, Flea Hidden IKxr. IJirce rcro and JSmall lluttrrflie Xeedel A clever DroDertjr man ? nr the greatest adjuncts to that army men com posing the staff which irrounds a director who i mk. Ing an exceptional motion picture. Upon the property man Tails the responsibility of being able to cet anything that a director may w:f1i to use in the making of his scifs. Of course. In making society plays the task is comparatively simple to that of furnishing "props" for period plays. Since th beginning of the production of "Kismet." with Ot!s Skinnor the star and which is to be seen at the Oregon theater on Sunday. Louis J Gaantor whn I. Am,t . the production, has had bis prop erly men in not water day and night in order to get the many un usual things that are required. A caravan of camels and ten donkeys were ordered one after noon. When Mr. Gasnier arrived on the scene he looked the ani mals over and approved them. Then turning to the property man he took ont a memorandum, and handed it to him with the Instruc tions that he wanted "those few little things In about a week.' ' "Yes, sir. youH have them." replied "Props" before be looked at the list. Then walking off by himself he read: "15 lanky dogs covered with fleas; 21 more don keys. 100 goats, and half a dozen more camels." So it. started. "Prop's" eyes grew large. ""One three-weeks-bid Turkish baby and mother, 1 4 prayer rugs, one seven-foot negro, one ten pound box of marshmallows. six large butterflies and two small butterflies; and an ancient Tur kish razor In working condition" It ended!. No wonder "Props"H looked a little uneasy. He had a hard time getting the camels. Where in the name of Heaven he was go ng to get a half. dozen more he did not know. A three weeks old Turkish baby; that was another problem tor say nothing of the butterflies. Suddenly an idea struck him and out of the studio he rushed. Mr. Gasnier. looking after him smilingly remarked "If I sent that man for the moon he would get it." (Adv.) C1U BAN UP LS nest Lots. The "Big Store" is taking inventory and denning up the year's busi We are holding wonderful "Specials" on Broken Lines and Broken a a i i : l . All Ladies' Suits, l2 Price that special is still on, only wc have something more to add. We have found some units that are almost sold out these we have put in two lots, 1 il ! at Isss than half price LOT l . Navy Servos ami Win and HealJtcr; itwxlel. To make final clos .1 v MM in Tivrel $15.00 LOT 2 Navy Stp" ami Tricot in. in Hein iWr ami liaiIMt of Tan. Tli tnM will rive exrptitioijal Mrin;r wear. T ...$22.50 make final The Millinery Section is lining up on this Big Event; the stock iilivided into four lots, to make final clean up Lot 3... $335 Lot 4... $435 This includes pvprv hnf in iht stnrp r-mnt thr nrlvnnrv stvlf nf iht "Beltmore" and ".Meadow Brook." Lot l...$l-95 Lot 2 ...$235 Shop Mornings if possible and avoid afternoon congestion.- J I' Good Goods If any changes in Grocery Prices are made we will make them r These prices defy all competition Pre-Ieveotory GROCERY PRICES THAT MEAN BIG SAVINGS SeI Oyster Crackers, eight pounds for'. $1.00 Hard Wheat Flour, our own iraml $2.20 ! iVt-.. .$2.20 lWt Salad ld in k!k. 1 irnlJon $123 CANNED GOODS Milk, Carnation and liorden, 8 can.... 7 cans of Sweet Corn, 20e value 8 cans of Surar Pea, 18c value 8 cans of Tall Salmon, !!0c value 7 cans of Clams, 17c value 8 cans Standard Tomatoes 4 cans of Cling iVaehcs 4 cans of Apricots, number 2'a .51.00 .$1.00 .$1.00 .$1.00 .$l!00 ..95c . .83c ..S3c SYRUPS 10 lbs. Red Karo... r lbs. Marshmallow Syrup :i lbs. Nut rtulter'..: Iard, 4 lbs. in bulk .T pints of Mazola Oil. 4 lbs. of Cottoline.; , 5 lbs. Valley Packing Lard,... Ask For Our Premium Coupons ..95c ..C3c ..95c .$1.00 .$1.00 ..95c .$1.07 CEREALS i vi.k of i:..u.-d ojt 1 Corn M,d 4 1 ;i-k rahani Flour COc IW White Itrans, 'Jl .. . .$1X0 Macaroni, 1!' II $1.00 llrooius. valu f.V iC ! llojal lUki'i iViw.l-r K. . .S2c White LilxTty Soap. Jl bats V. ........."$ 1-03 "NUTS I lbs. No. 1 Kfiirllxb Walnuts ...$1.00 1 lbvsft klirlb-.! Almonds $1X0 EXTRACTS Vanilla, 2 0 . .....21c Imon, J oz 21c IW Jap Kir. 11 Sl-00 b'a lbs. Peanut Putter $1.00 Be sure and Look Over Our Suit Sale 1 1 SIEVICE)tSiniON Phcne.341 riSURANCE "I'll LEIIS INSURANCE i LEN INSURANCE "" 1 1 ' "" " "" ' 1