v. s i TIIK WEATIIEIt Rain; (strong south shifting to southeast, sales. fm&m mm The Statesman receive the Uu4 wlra report of tha Associated Pmi. tha greatest and raost re liable press aisociatioa la the world. SEVENTIETH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 28, 1920 - - - - . . - . T PRICE: FIVE CENTS SCENE OF BLOODSHED Dr. Acnunzio's Forces Fire on Regulars Resulting in - Brisk Fight and the Cas : ualties Include Officers POET IS REPORTED KILLED OR WOUNDED Naval i Force Cooperates With Regulars and Directs Fire on Palace ROME. Dec. 27. OKicial eoni , mnnications show that Christmas day regular Italian troops in the vicinity ol Flume had order's to remaia in positions they had reached In the hope that this evi dence of the government's deter mination to retrieve the situation would .create a revulsion of feel ing: against D'Annunzio on the pan ot me legionaires. The legionaires. . however, on their own initiative, fired on the regulars and the advance was re sumed, on the morning of Decem ber 26. A communication from Zara dated December 26, says the Fin- man legionaires and the Dalma tan volunteers at Zara surren dered to the regulars. The regulars, under General Cavlglia are bombarding Flume -in combination with the navy, a - systematic siege being under way. The guns are beings directed against the barracks, the palace 'and similar buildings, the Inten tion being to damage the city as : little as possible. The casualties sustained by the regulars In the fighting with D" Annunzio's legionaires up to the ' present are reported to be 30 tilled and about 100 wounded The wounded Include several car ablaeer officers. The rebel forces bars blown up; four bridges over the Recina. VENICE. De5 27.-i-Reports of the death of Gabriele D'Annun rio spread quickly throughout Venice today. The Italian colors on the flag staff in St. Martin square were immediately half masted and soon afterward flags on houses were lowered. i According to j some reports re ceived here D'Annunzio was only wounded. . One report says that, notwith standing the absence of D'Annun ilo, righting continues, the legion aires trying to prevent the pas sage of the regular troops, which are composed: chiefly of carabi neers. It (Is asserted that the battleship Andrea Doris partici pated in the operations against Fiume by firing; grenades which killed several persons. One "of , the grenades struck the torpedo boat destroyer Espero, setting fire to the vessel. I LONDON'. Dee. 27. Gabriele Annunrlo Is said to have been slightly wounded, according to the Milan correspondent of the London Times. (The report that D'Annunzio has been killed, the eorrespondent adds, is officially . denied. . 1 Fierce Fighting is proceeding In the environs j of Fiume. say3 the London Times dispatch from Milan, and the losses to the regu lars are very heavy, among the casualties being two colonels mor tally wounded. - D'Annunzio flew over the lines Sunday, dropping leaflets from his airplane calling on the regu lars to desert. The poet's troops have transformed the houses in the public gardens Into machine gun nests, which have been effec tive In stopping the government forces. All the main streets are defended by barbed wire barri cades. An Instance Is related In which the legionaires made a desperate avance In an armored car, which the regulars succeeded In seizing Her killing three and wounding tQ or the occupants. The re sistance encountered by Cavig-troops-apparently is unex - Pectedly strong and the capture t Fiume has been considerably delayed by the poet's defense. ANCONA,. Italy. Dec. 27. A steamer has arrived here with the Rismondo and Carnaro battalions on board. AH the men were dis armed and are being closely wtched by carabineers. The roy 1 guards barracks are being pre pared to hold the men prisoners there. . .- . GREAT TENOR IMPROVING NEW YORK. Dec. 27. Enrico Caruso, tenor,, who suffered an at tack 0f pienricrjr Christmas day. reported Improving tonight. COLLEGE BOYS READ MORE THAN GIRLS THE WAR MADE BOOKWORMS OF THE DOUGHBOYS Not Strong on Fiction But Demand Texts on Plumbing, Engineer ing and Agriculture CHICAGO, Dec; 27. American college girls have no time for reading, not even of the daily newspapers, but American boys frequently call on the libraries for technical books, according to speakers at the opening session of the American Library association today. "The war made book worms of the American Expiditionary Force," said"-Henry O. Severance, librarianof the University of Miss6urU-'The kids, as they say, 'are off of Henry and Alger, but demand texts on plumbing, agri-i culture, engineering and chemis try. "The public seems greatly in terested in the 'Sir Oliver Lodge Ideas . on spiritualism," said George T. Settle, head of the Louisville, KKy., Free Public li brary. "I don't know why, but the men are more excited than the women." INDIANS SLAP I BEARCAT STYLE f Chemawa Athletic Authori ty Censures Willamette for Refusal to Play ; The athletic management of Willamette university is excoriat ed in a statement made yesterday from the Indian training school at Chemawa by one of the athletic authorities of the school. Willam ette Is taken to task for refusing to place the Indians on the regu lar athletic schedules and for con sidering the Indians merely as practice material. The Chemawa statement says: "The Indians cannot pet on the Bearcat basketball schedule. The Indian management has failed to get any reply for a date. ,. ''The days for the Chemawa athletic teams to be used for prac tice material for Willamette are passed. "Chemawa has the Fame claim to be in the conference as Willam ette university. The Indians are the most feared rivals the Bear- 'cats have. Willamette nosed out in a victory of football through a bad turn made by the Indian team and at this time of the season the Indians had not all returned to school. Willamette claimed the non-conference championship in football by comparative scores, but failed to recognize the Indian scores. Willamette beat ' Pacific university by a score of 23 to 7 and the Indians met Pacific uni versity a week later tallying 14 to 0 on Pacific. "The sporting public wanted to see. the Bearcats and the Indians in a post-season contest.' The In dians were eager to play but Wil lamette did not want the contest. The Indians are true sportsmen and enter these contests for the sport that is in it and are game lossers. "In track the Indians have de veloped a team that Willamette failed to meet last year 'after scheduling a date, cancelling the meet a day before the date set. Thre was a time when the var sity piled up the score over, the 100 Doint. but no more. "The Indians have a baseball team each year and Willamette will agree that we have, There will be no more practice games and if she wants to play us. we want to be on the regular schedule or not at all. The Chemawa. Indians are Im proving each year in all branches of athletics and the time is com ing soon when the Chemawa In dians will make the public recog nise them. We are .one of the lamest Indian schools 'In the In dians service and Salem should recoenize us as such. "Remember that the Indians have no paid coach. If we had Sa lem and Chemawa would oon be nlaced on the map as was Carlisle We have no hard feeling for Wil lamette but we want a contest in all branches of sports and be rec ognized on a regular schedule- 'Tne Prowler" Yakima Burglar Is Captured YAKIMA. Dee. 27.; Admitting that he was -"the prowler" who wrote a taunting letter to the Yakima police after burglaries in this city. a. young man arrested under the name of Paul Ladin. tnifi Mrs. P. A. Osborn of the Yakima Red Cross, she said, that he was Albert Moran. son of K. C. Moran. a New York stock broker. The Red Cross aided Moran. who was listed there un der his own name.. He claims to have served with the 125th machine gun battalion, second di- a vision. Ladin. 23. na Aioen Ward, arrested here and Clifford Correll. taken in Prosser.are ac cused of looting the home of E. S. Leueth, city electrician. CANAL WILL BE HEAVILY FORTIFIED Coast Defense Committee Agreed on Plan to Make Great Water Way Practi cally Impregnable ISLAND OFF ENTRANCE INCLUDED IN DEFENSES Guns to be of Longer Range Than Those of Most Pow erful Dreadnaught WASHINGTON. Dec. 27 Ad equate protection for the Panama canal is to be provid?d for in a bill soon to be drafted by the house committee .on appropria tions and fortifications and sea coa3t defenses. Members of the committee now are virtually agreed upon plans to make the canal impregnable. They involve the sending of the largest calibred artillery pieces to the canal as they are produced. In addition to the canal's main land defenses, the war 'depart ment has proposed the placing of several of the longest range rifles on an island, located about 15 miles off the Pacific entrance. The committee members are paid to have agreed to this proposal. The Atlantic . entrance, under the present . plans, will be pro vided with an elaborate system of tracks designed to carry the heav iest railroad artillery mounts with guns calibered to " greater distances than those used by the most powerful dreadnaught afloat House members believe that the canal thus can be made im pregnable by use of material now under construction and with only slight additional expense to tne government. SOLDIERS BONUS BILL ESTIMATE To Carry Out Its Provisions Would Require Appropri ation of Two Billion WASHINGTON. Dec. 27. Ap proximately ?2. 300. 000. 000 was the estimate submitted today by Secretary Houston of the treasury department as the cost of carry ing out the provisions of the sol diers' bonus bill. The i secretary presented his es timate to the senate finance com mittee without comment other than to urge that no legislation be enacted which would lay an addi tional burden on the nation's fi nances. The estimate was accom panied by figures showing the cost of carrying out any one of the five optional provisions of the bonus bill provided, all former service men chose a single plan. The fig ures for the various plans ranged from $1,342,000,000 for the ad justed pay provisions, to $4,524. 000.000 for the insurance provi sion. The maximum cost of the vocational training aid and the farm and home development plans were placed at $1,880,000,000 each, while the secretary said the fifth provision, a plan for land set tlement held bo many uncertain ties that jit was impossible to es timate the possible expenditure. Submission ot the estimated to tal cost; made an apparent impres sion unon members of the com mittee. i which is .considering the bonus bill as passed by the house at the last session. Members de clined to forecast the decision of the committee on the question of reporting out the measure, nut tt was recalled itnat senator aic number. Republican of North Da kota. stated at tne opening oi hearings on the bill that its pass age would depend largely on the state of government finances ana that Mr. Houston had testified the treasury with normal expendi tures, would i have a deficit of $2.1000,000.000. for the year end ing next June 30. and a deficit of $1,500,000,000 for the following 12 months. I I Sailor Boy A bsconds , With $72,000 Purse I'.ALTIMORE. Mr.. Dec. 27. A general alarm was siund'd in police and naval circles tonisht for the arrest of II. W. J. Meyers. 20. member of the crew or the United States destroyer Satterlee, alleged to have absconded from the Norfolk navy yard late today with $72,000. V MRS. ETHERIDGE TALKS WITH NEWSPAPER MEN HUSBAND'S BOOKS AXD REC ORDS IX GOOD CONDITION' Censures Portland Newspaper and - Allege Their Opposition to Her Husband MINNEAPOLIS. Minn.. Doc. 27? 1 John L. Etheridge. former pre sident of Morris Brothers, bond dealers, wauted In Portland. Ore. on a warrant charging Jprceny by bailee in connection with an al leged deficiency or 1100.000 ia overdrawing his accounts with Morris Brothers, was arrested here lato today at the request of In; Portland authorities. He bad just arriver here from Seattle and was about -to board a train for Chicago, when taken into cus tody by poiice detective. Etheridgt and ' his w fe. w ho accompanied him. were questioned I by, the police. Mrs. Etheridge was not held, however, and spent the night at a local hotel. Ethe ridge was locked up pending the arrival of Portland authorities to take him back to that city. Reporls that Mr. and Mm. Etheridge were on their way to r-ng.ana coul not be confirmed. At her room tonight Mrs. Eth eridge to reporters denied any connection with the case. With regard to the charges agafnst her husband, she said she ."could not see how anything like that could be true." "My husband's books and re cords were in the best possible shape when we lert Portland." she said. "I know who is to blame for this. It is the Port land newspapers. They have been alter my husband continually and his business competitors there." SENTIMENTFOR DISARMAMENT . i Senator Johnson Says It Would be One Great Step to Prevent Wars WASHINGTON. Dec. 27. The United States, it It does not enter the league of nations, should inl tiate a movement looking to an In ternatlonal conference for the re duction of armament. Secretary uanieis oi me navy said tonight. If an agreement is not reached by all nations for such a program the secretary added, "the United States, should have a navy second to none. The question of disarmament also was discussed in the senate today. Senator Johnson. Republl can. California, declaring that i disarmament agreement by the nations which constituted the five allied and associated powers In the world war, would constitute "the one great step that could be taken toward the promotion of peace and the prevention ot all future w-ars." Secretary Daniels. In his state ment tonight, declared that his naval estimates recently submit ted to congress, called only for minor vessels and ' expressed ai- proval of the general board's building program only in the event that the United States does not enter the league of Nations or become a party to an international agreement to, limit armaments. tie advocated legislation simi lar to that In the 1916 naval ap propriation bill which authorized President Wilson to appoint a commission of nine . members to represent the United States at an international armament confer ence. "If we do not vanl the league of nations.' Mr. Daniels said, "we ought to have a conference purely on the subject of reduction of armaments. Every nation that has joined the league has promised this and all they need now is to get us in. Unless there is some such agreement the United States should have a navy second to none. This is the reason that I have advocated the sinking of the German fleet in mid-ocean as an object lessen to all the world that it is unhealthy to build great armaments for purposes of con quest." Grants Pass Banking Houses Consolidate GRANTS TASS. Or.. Dec. 27. The stockholders or Grants Pas Hanking romoany and the Joseph ine County bank here, voted to consolidate their Institutions and resources and affr Janntry 1. do business as one Institution and under a new name. Bootleg Whiskey Gets an U. S. Army Corporal OAKLAND. Cal.. Dc- i .-..--, 1 i ll imrhasti. United IM l"M PI " - States army, died in a Hospital here tonight from the effects of wh:t physician cnaractemcu as "bootleg whiskey." Durham had been furnished the liquor in a saloon by 'two men who had rob bed him of $123. the police Bald. He was 29 years old. FIGHT OVER TARIFF IS PROMISED Spirited Debate in Senate and Two Roll Calls Re quired to Effect Formal Action on Tariff Bill DEMOCRATIC FORCES SPLIT IN HOT CLASH Five Minority Members Vote With Solid Repub lican Strength WASHINGTON. Dec. 27. Indi cations of the fight ahead over tariff legislation were given In the senate today when several hours spirited debate and two roll calls were required to effect the formal routine action of referring to the finance committee the em ergency tariff bill passed last week by the hou?e. Democratic torres split In the opening clash, five minority mem bers voting with the solid repub lican strength aralnst a motion by Senator Hitcbeok of Nebraska. asking that the house bill be re ferred to the commerce instead of the finance committee. After defeat of the Hitchcock motion and severe democratic attacks on the bill, the senate voted unani mously to send the bill to the finance committee. Senator McCuraber of North Dakota,- acting chairman of the finance committee, announced during the debate that the bill would be taken up rn committee early next month and given "fair and adequate consideration." There were Indications that the republican decision against hear ings would be revoked. The house bill was denounced as an "embargo" bill and "suici dal" by Senator Hitchcock, who charged that senate machinery was set to rush it through, Am erican commerce should he aid ed. he contended, and not ham pered by tariff barriers. Senator McCumber denied that th bill proposed embargoes, and waa supported by Senator Smoot, republican of Utah. The North, Dakota senator declared the ineas-. ure gave practically no protection to wheat and said that he would not support the bill as drafted. Senator Harrison, democrat ot Mississippi, assailed the bill as "the most lniuItious piece of legislation the country has ever seen. The tariff measures were des ig'ncd to enhance living costs. Senator Harrison said, adding that the bill was a "sop" to western farmers and would not aid them. Upjohn' s Mother Dies at Kalamazoo, Mich. !oii 11. Upjohn, private secre tary to Governor Olcott. jester day received a telegram from Kalamazoo. Mich., announcing the death of hi mothr. .Mrr. M'lli K. Tpjohn. In that city. Sunday night. She had been in Jailing health f.r peveral years and Mr. I'pjohn 'received a telvram the day before Christmas raying her condition haa become critical. He vill leave for Kalfcmazoo today to attend the fnneral. Mr. I'pjohn fiad, wade several visits to her son- in 'Salem. Bandits Make Big Haul Bat Do Not Reap Profit KANSAS CITY. Dec.' 27. A strong box containing a large am ount In check and drafts which was taken from the American Railway Kx press company motor truck this rnorninjc when five armed bandits held tip the vehicle was found by detectives this af ternoon near Kansas City. Kas. Police said they found r.o.too n checks and drafts rtrrwn about the opened chest. Janitors' Union Demand for More Wages Denied CHICAGO.. Dec. 27. An In crease of 23 per cent In salaries demanded by the Chicago Flat .tanl'ors union today was denied by the arbitration board of three members chosen to settle the' dis pute between the men and the Chicago Real Estate ' hoard. Corline to Ch4rl C. FiUmaorlce. chief of police who acted as m"d- I a tor. A clause In the decision will make It possible for the Janitors to demand and receive rn Increase In the event of rents being aa vanccd. ! BISHOP PLEADS FOR I UNITY OF CHURCHES INCLUDES ROMAN CATHOLIC AND EASTERN CHURCHES Plea Ra-etl on Conference ia Ea LamU. Which NugeMcd later, rliaage of On) i mat ion ROSTOV. Dc. 27. RUhop William Iiwrcnce of the Protet ant Episcopal Diocete of Maa chaetti pleaded for church unity thai would include the Roman Catholic and eastern churth-s. at i an Interdenominational church conference here today. Itishop Lawrence's p'ea. baed on thts LamWth conference in England which snrgentcd the in terchange cf ordination through which oht church would recog nize and .accept the minister of another In administering th sac rament, started ronsiderabl dis cnlon. "I hav felt." said V.Uhop Lawr ence, "that th reunion or church es can come by the qu?t. subtle Influence of prayer that will melt lh differences, la the holy com munion there Is the feat of nnlty. Iet us have a virion of all Chris tion iople. Including the whole world. Includink the Roman Cath olic church and the Russlaa church. If yon are going to have unity yon can not da anything that will shut oufthat great body of Christian peopl-. Rifthop Lawrence was asked whether the validity or other church service was recognized by the Church of England. He re plied that much depended apoa th meaning of the word validity adding that "In th war clergy men were out to minister to all- He was also asked whether, ac cording to the Church of England. an ordination In that church gives "more grac and authority In the interpretation of the scrip tures. "That fs an administrative feature." Rlshop Lawrence re plied. "I do not believe I had more authority or power the day after ordination than th9 day be. fore." Rlshop William Huthes. of the Methodist Episcopal church, who orsldM. declared that he would not take another ordination "for a million dollars.! "I could have you." he said to nuhop Lawrence, "at any time to take part In the service of my church, but I would hare to de cline to be ordained anew to take part on yours.' WILL RESIGN SEAT IN SENATE President-Elect Harding Will be Succeeded by Senator-Elect WiDis MARION. Dec. 27. Senator Harding, the president-elect, to day Interrupted his dicaslons of foreign policy and an angulation of nations with prominent citi zens to take up matters of domes tic concern, around bich mMt of the discussion during the present j week will renter. He commenced 1 r followed the filing of a voloa his talks on domestic subjects to-1 tary Petition in bankruptcy by lilsy with Congressman Jame W. , Morris lln.ther. The petition :tod of Iowa, chairman or the declarts ats of the how al houw appropriations committee, ready fonnd agsrega'rd f I. Oi. ll?alo talked with Ma. Kabinof f H -,. The Urzct liability. Vhlt conductor of the Chicago Opera comb Md. a hon by the audit, company on Rusian trade. wm , iOB wlta lh Kd. Today also brought forth th - first definite announcement that Senator Harding will resign his seat in the senate Immediately upin the Inauguration of Governor-elect Davis and the governor- elect's announcement that h. wi'l immeilLitelr nnnlnl .nff,r Krank H. Willi to the vacancy Thin was announced by Mr. IHiv-s! after a conference with Mr. Hard-i inz. j Tomorrow will wltne fur'hf r (Km us-ion of domestic questions with Senator McCumber of North Dakota, ranking member of the nenate financial commltt-e. and Oscar Strauss, former secretary of commerce and labor- The conference today with Rep resentative Good was said to have I chiefly concerned appropriations and a propoed budget system. . , .. ! . ' " "My surgction was that I h- j 5" V " Areola best .Usible budget system b- M J Tl rrc" b official, cured at once and that later it i!1. ,rni thS thm ci,y might be modified. If necessary. be said. Mr. Good also said he had dl cussed cjblnef matters fum" with the prcident-'e't but van not at liberty to Indicate what they are. Mr. Rabinoft'n confeasice with Senator Harding today was said to concrn opening of trade rela tions with Russia through the Great Russia co-operative socle- ties without-giving formal recog nitlon to the Russian soviet gov- ernment. lie saii mat r, II"" ifi sjipw-im i --it si... . of trade relations with the United . States Is" absolutely neees.ary If Russia is to he rehabilitated and tn a itself much time lo make its proper contribution to the re construction of Europe. OUAKE l.tM KH Mh .lt.KI..s I, EOS ANGELES. Is-c. 27. A slight earthquake shock was felt early tonight In the ontb ""! em part of the city and In Inglewood. 10 miles southwest of Io Aa- ' t jcles. No dimare was reported. ABSCONDING HEAD MORRIS BROTHERS TAKEN IN MINNESOTA Larceny of Tremendous Amounts Laid to Prisoner, . Bonding Firm is Wrecked and W. D. Whitconib is . Named Temporary Receiver Personal Account of Fugitive Oierdrawn $99,000 and Wife's Overdraft is $25,000 Citkexuhlp To Be Cancelled MINNEATOLIS. Minn, ic 27, John L. Elherid2r. fornirr president of Morra Hrothers. Ine bond dealers, whom houses at Portland, Seattle and Taeoraa did not pen todar, was arrested here late today by local police at the request of Fori land authorities. Etheridge was taken from a train here. It Is said he was on his way east to take a boat for England. He is bein held until a Portland officer arrires to take him back to that city. PORTLAND, Ore, Dec 27-John L. Etheridge, furl-' the ex-president of Morris Drothers, bond dealers, whose houses here and in Seattle and Tacoma failed to'open today, was arrested late today at Minneapolis, Minn, according to a teli'iram received by the sheriffs office An officer will be sent at once to bring Etheridge to Portland, Sheriff Thom as Hurlburt said. The office of District Attorney Evans of Multnomah county last night requested authority of Goremor Olcott to send two officers to Minneapolis to return Etheridge to Port land. The authority was granted. Authority of the gorer nor approving the expenditure is necessary when more than one oil leer is sent for a prisoner. POITTLAND, Or, Dee. 27Sheriff Hurlburt announced tonight that his deputies had seized $75,000 worth of bonds which were sent back by Etheridge from Tacoma In custody of Roy Fike, an employe who had driTcn Etheridge. and his wife that far when they left Portland. These bonds were designed by Etheridge to be deliverd to Fred S. Morris, who was left in charge at 3 1 orris Brothers, Sheriff Hurlburt said they would be held, subject to court or der for benefit of the creditors. In the federal court late today W. D. Yhltcomb. an ac, countant, was appointed by Judge Charles E. AVolrerton fo be temporary receiver for the bond Jtouse. Simultaneously an order was issued by Presiding Judge George Tazwell in the circuit court, that all the books of Morris Brothers be brought into court tomorrow morning. Lester W. Humphreys, United Slates attorney, said to night that he was preparing proceedings looking to the can cellation of Etheridge citizenship which was granted In 1918. Voluntary IVtiiloa I il-d. The order for production of the hooka of Morris ftrotners ia cir cuit court waa In conn-ctioa with the finx of a suit bv P. H. Hale for recovery of bond of Kdironton. AUa.. btch he ) lejcc he bought froai Morrla Brother and paid for. bat which were not delivered. Appointment J of Whitcowb a temporary ircelv : wonton bond deal, which t:.viC rno worth ef Interim certificate are otittanding In the hands of several hundred Investors, bank md individuals. , -,. ' l-lmSJloSl - t I KIlONTO. Alia . Iec. :7. Kdmon'on wt not le a cent If Morrl Brother, bond dealers of i'orttanj. Or., fail to lake up the Kdmoninn bord for which they have -old certif -eaten, arrordlnr to Mayor -Dugran thir afternoon. """r-"""" nir anemooa. tie Kdmonton bond te. am - inting to $2.1 Ji.tma. u taken To ou lo Portland lat week by .Secre tary Treasurer l'.arnboue. and deposited with the FlrH National ank to be given out to the xnr- lMyr When banT folding the bond . ' T T'rsi'rs redeemed iBiiTprormi Dy me tact of the. antll the them in lUlw-rlNtgr irsiMetl hy Morrfr lOKTLNI. Or.. De. 27. John I. IMieridre. fnglttve. for ruer presj.'ent cf Morris Rrotber. bond dealers, whose honors in Portland. Seattle anJ Tacoma failed t n mwf immr t. - - 1 .onTr vn pr,eon term, la Nw ,K. "...V? v" ersey charged acainst - . ' ' - "' " - t fSt r al a i - according to a ceriifit! statement received and published here today from Irvln C iUeam.'T. clerk of the New Jerey sta't pr!s- o.i. j S"r ft S Vnrrli wTnn b ' hs former fwition head ot 1 Morris brothers whr-n Etheridge resigned and fled from Portland last week. Confirmed the fact Of EthcndgVa prison rerrd. He id be knew atsnut It lu".g before! 1...1J.. - - . a . . I r.iurriuir was proiaoira io om . head of the bond house and left In full charge. Etheridge. he said had told him his story sad OF: IS he believed f ally that L'theridt had reformed. Aecoraiag to the statemeat from the New Jersey prlsoa re ceived here. Etheridge was first received at the prison la October. 10S front Monmouth county. na convktion of obtaining uoevy by false prrteaes aa4 l dis charged January 21. !?. 11 was received agaia. according la the record. Ia December. 1I9T. this time from Mercer couaty. ea anther roavtrOoa ea the sara "harge. and served ae'll Novem ber s. m. Nerd ran S99.0OO Fotlowing the Usaaare today cf a warrant for the arrest of Ether tdge oi a charge of laceay by bailee. Walter II. Evans, district sttoraey anaoaaced that a prelim inary sarvey of Kthertdge'a af fairs had showa his personal ac count with Morris Hrotbr to h overdrawn $t.0t and that f Vr. Etheridge to b overdrawa I2-.. No definite estimate had yet been reached as to th amount of the deficiency la ta lands of the firm for bonds old for cah and not delivered to th bafrt. . principal i0 District Attori J clearing sou Principal losers, accord lag fo orney Evans and th committee which Is auditing Ethertdgeg affairs. wKl be persons throagboat the Pacific rrat district who are holders of interim tertlflcatea giea by th hoQe in lien of bonds purthasM and paid f'. (Continued ea para r.) SALEM His VICTIM Sletn has a aamber of victims of Jo ta L. Etho . rldge'a dapliotr. it was discovered leaterday Several of thea ar per sons in Ike employ of the state, some pf then at th rapitol bulldiOg and some at the state InttUitiona. l-ke other persons ap aad down the coast they accept ed Interim certiorate, la Ilea of bonds which were not i -yet ready for deliverr. Some or the heavier pri- vate bond barer of the city refund to accept Interim certlLeate. have the bonds ! are safe. Those who ac- ccd ted Interim reri!tiri. r Im -9 mw, -. .... ... money deposited by thea. 1 1 7 a