Or flfftx Blattstzan oil unto ALTtnnaxurt KU Fsr Wsrd tm la" q . ! laaartieM .... iJesU' etrv ?!( C-airaat, per m..12c 1? Jasaiasv Mr a4vertlaiBat lie eB'KOBTnCH UXIOX yjRl INSURANCE SOCIETY mdm, Roland A Barghardt HONEY TO LOAN On Real Estate T. KV FORD (0ter udd V Bush Bank) HAWKINS & ROBERTS 04-207 Oregon Building "pOUR OFFERINGS f one Including some of the fi st la the city. Our list of farm W4 acreage U complete. , LAFLAR LAFLAR 151-7 Oregon Bldg. Phone 1644 NEW TODAY rVTU STEXOORAPHER. SOME faaU:ica;na. Aaawer in handwriting UTK YOU A BRICK OR CONCRETE mimUbc. Let a afcow yoa what a b HtnttaJ aariac we caa asake yoa in year usiaraara. Call and ee aa. No .knjatw-B. Pbene 347. Room 2. Bufe Ik. Bi.tr-. 8taadiey k Foley. A(la kakaa. Or.. fiSTED, SEWING. WILL WORK BY keer. t.11 HK. t FARMS AND TRACTS S sots I mile from city limit, new ksgalew. paved road. 94200. it scree, good location, pared mad, good bmee, 4 seres log int. SJUOO. :7 rr, fair buildings. 10 acres iu arose, apple and cherries, S37iO. y srraa, 4 atrawnerries, 1 loganberries, aa eaildiaca. 13800. J arrea, paed road. 40 cJltirattd, fair Vaildiaga gVJOQ. acre all clear part in orchard, no W.Uliiigt. near Haxelgreon, S10.OO0. H seres fine timber, liaaclgrera section. t.W0. Irreral very good nays in farms rsngtag fraai 100 te I00O aer. a. HOUSES rmiBt, new Lungalow, mortem, south, :io. I isass lC4t D St., electricity, hot and Mid water 11800, eay terms. I rooais, modern, 14th St., $2100. I raseu, Nerth Winter. S3 500. 1 ream bumtslow, cement bssement. faraaee. firepiace, . garage, pavement, $4740. rwaia modern. large lot, aouth, $4400. If res do not finii what you are looking far ia this list, enme in and we will tfl yea about many others. Y save sereral good buys in store snd ether bnsineaa opportunities. EECKE & HENDRICKS Vi C. 8. Bank Bldg.- Phone 161 GOOD BUYS t:0 tre farm, sboot 80 acre caltat. d. kuare good timber, a boa I fifteen t Wat ad cord of standing timber. Hmm and barn. Will consider proper t ar email acreace aa part payment. Pries S4& aer aero. . ' ,"- l$-acre farm lated Dor'.heast of Salem, ISO aerea caltiTated. halaace pasture sad tistbrr. good buildings, about 25 acres af Waver dam soil all cultivated. frce 12i aer acre. I'M) acre. firm. 190 acre raltivsted. bat- .- l abif til pasture, rood roal. rsaaiag water, buildings. Price SIvO aer acre. tt-acve tract ef fine Kerry soil loested aastk or Males. Pactfie fetKtiway. tTira flsuu. tlixj wa, balance terms. :-acre trtrt. .aaaall houe and barn, raae. h.rBS and strawberries, faulty sfrsard. Will raaaider houae and lot st sart pay a at. Price S7OO0. i acres FcaUd cloae to ear line, fine berry sail, goad drainage, some logan. Yryt tloo. Tern.. arras bf goad soil, 4 room house. i arr legsu. Hi tcre prunes, barn, good md. Prio 3fiO. ' 1 arts, hoa sad barn, good berry soil. mc 7i0Q. raaai pieter.d houe and 3 fine gsrdeo Ucs Kurated just outside cf city limjt sad eloa to ear Haa. Price S2I0O. I nteas aoua sad Urge lot in south !. bare, rravel at. est. rtoce to car lif Price j:oo. k csaU. W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. ?T fttate Street. EMPLOYMENT FEMALE i"E WORK; 930.00 WKLT UP; Eiaerienre annocesary. Ev, rythir.g firaisbed. Send sail addresned atamp e envelope for free particnlara. Candy r Co, 18th St., Philadelphia, Pa. "930.00 AGENTS WANTED fc'r.NfaWXAKK 875.00 WEEKLY "leg guaranteed hosiery. We guar ia 138.00 weekly full time. 75.: an r spare time. Experience snneces IJr. Perfect wear Hosiery, Darby, I'a. HsKBCO CARBON BURNER MAR loas invention ; eaaily demonstrated 4 asld; big profits. Agents write for Pie. Aereasory Mfg. Co.. 3101 Jesad Ave. So., Minneapolis Minn. (fVClESOAS PURIFIER REMOVES ALL weter troubles. For sutomohiles. '"", trsctorx. Fast seller. Write tionsl Automotive Mfg. Co., Cleve X Ohio. SALESMAN WANTED "ICOUNIZE NO COMPETITION ' of the uniqo and most een astur and U. S. protected article, ir)aTely owned and controlled by H elesring upwsrd of 940.00 .per day talesmen. Government created de. If yoa cannot eell this specialty ' will fail Belling life preaervera on iaking ship. Defiaiie ro-oterstion. 's Laadt. Pre, 8 South Dearborn JChicaco. 111. MALE f KEX, BRAKEMEN. BEGINNERS, 'f'10. later 8300 t which position f) e "Railway," rare Siateamaa. VAKTVfl volt I7KTECTTVE T. Experience unnecessary. W Ossor, termer U. S. Oovemmeat rite De- . St. Louis. LAY VAtr CLERKS NEEDED 813.1 atoath: traveling expenaes f-. Specimoa question free. Colum ' lawitute. Colnmbas. O. . atHvCKLLAXEOtb "7I MEN AND WOMEN TO rs fans paper saberiptioas, A good JJitioa to th right people. Address a,, '""I "mostead. aUatesmaa uiog. R. a;, with PITH S10.O00 WOULD 1134. 'League. Detroit, icitea r.i. ,.CS- WISHING TO MARRY V-? free. Address Home Cub, ,70". rand Rapids, Mich. H T '0R WEALTH, HAPPINESS .! , " ncfi, attractive, congenial, exj,. ed, photos free; 25 year P k . ." rn. 2116 ' Td FMUil LOANS PERSONAL s vs Angeles, CaL TIIE OREGON STATESMAN. SALEM. - OREGON, GKT MARKIKD BK3T MATRIMONIAL paper published, mailed fr-e. A44r. s American liistribuior, Suit 2jj lilairsville. Pa. MARRY FOR SPEFDV .MARRIAGE, abolut-ly the LeM. largest ,a the country; established 1", years; thous and wealthy nieuib r, botb ifiri. with mc early . marriage; onf identlai " descriptions free. The Old Reliable Club. 11m. WrutKl, Hot 2, Itktaud. Calif. r WIDOW, 4G. HWI.VO $l.OitO WANTS hushand. S llo 3", l.vaj-r, Toledo, Ob in. vocvo wiimiw with co.ooo will marry some kind gentleman. Box 5.1, Oxford, Kla. CIVII. ENGINEER, 27, WORTH $40,000 want - wife. VBt 4.12. League, Coluuibus, Ohio. WEALTHY YOl'XO I.ADY WILL MAR ry. r-ttos Club, Fort Wayne, lnd. NOTICE A LARGE COLLECTION OP picture and description of beautiful ladies ieut free to any one upon re nuesi. Address Prof. Ward, 11509, Valley, Nebr. MARRY IF LOVELY FOR RESULTS, try me; be-.t and moat successful Home Maker;" hundreds rich rikh marriage toon; strict! confidential; inokt reliable; year experience; de-a-ript out free. '-The Successful Club, Mr. Hall. Hua .'.50, Oakland. Cal FOR SALE BKACTirUL WALL TINTS. 9CA5Y uw walvra luo pound an Bar a. 17 N. Cia'l St. -aw eolvra lOo pound and as. Has O. BUSINESS OPPORTUXITIES ES J irsr. 5J'i. PER ANNUM IN A SAFE BUSI- -a ent-rpria. Write Bob 84, bark burnett. Texaa. WIN STEADY' INCOME. WITH fiOV- ammeot Bond and Banking aafet. Write for story "How te Win" with Bnk jraarantee againat Wa. One win ning will snake good all your bad apee BlatinnB. Abner Daria by a tern Bank. Ft. Worth, Tex. FIXAXCIAIa LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT ANU OIJ. , Hawkins Robarta, 20i Or ago a I Wg, WT. HAVE SOME GOOD FARM 10 RT gagas to sell. HAWKINS ROBERTS 105 Oregoa Bldg, Salem. FARM PAPER IT TOO WAST TO GET THE BEST farm paper, aend I5e to The Pacific Homestead, Salem, Or ago a, for a three rjoaths trial subscription. Msatloa this ad. : POULTRY. NORTHWEST POTJLTBY J0UR- L the biggest and best is tha ?, Tae live maxailne for Irva aoaitrymea 75a year. 91.00 ia Salem. I Sead & eeata r samola tadav. Addreea TNe Northwest Poultry Joe Salem, Ore gon. Mention taii !' LITE STOCK. FIVE-YEAR OLD JERSEY COW. COM ing frekh in February. See .Mr. II ur nne aT'll. L. Stiff Furniture' Ot. MISELLAKEOUS TWO NEW MOHAIU MATTRESSES, 570 Union; basement. ' , WALPELT' YOUR HOUSE; IT 8 superior te cloth, at aboat half price. Mas O. Buren. 179 . Wn l t. FOR SALE SMALL SHETLAND PONY, also Ford touring csr. Phone 134141 STANDARD EXCHANGE. S41 NORTH Commercial street, diamonds, watches. musical jnstrmmcata .guns, clothing, shoes, ete. Both new and used goods bought, sold or-CKchaagod. , t . . . "WALLBOARD" CAN BE USED OYER lath or atuddinr. Caa ha tlated or paporodV Max- O. Barem, 179 ffsrta Commarcial street. f WALL PASTE." KO COOKING BE qeired. Stteks verrthiof. Mas O. - Bares.- 179 S. Commercial strtiSt. SACKS. SACKS FOB 8 AXE 100.000 era in. oats aad potato each a. Capital Sank aad Bargain Boa, SIS Coaler street. Pboa 898. ' LOW PRICE APPLES WILL; SOON BE gone. pitaeaberg. Baldwin. Rome Beauty, I'Newton, Gnenina. Ben Dji; debvered. Ward K. Rk-nardeon, 2:9". Front street. Phone 494. i FOB BALE TRUCK CHAINS IU SIZES. CAPITAL JCyg A BAB OAIK noCSE, 815 CENTEB ST. PHONE 899. CAPTIVITY OF THE OATXA GIRLS This true story of wee tern immigra tion ha been carefully revised, making a a aad some little book. It tell ia S-aphi terra of tfco massacre of the aunaa family, of th aaeapo of Lo re n so. and; the captivity or asary aao rh. Marv died of starvation ana OUv waa purohaaed from the Indiana five years later. The pne U SO coats, postpaid. ' Address Oregoa Teachers Menthlv. Rate. OvoeoB. ' WOOD PHONE 156531 fXR WOOD. FOR DRY WOOD PHONE 1879W. ; CALL THE SALEM FVBf- TARDS FOI your wood aad coal; office 753 Trad Street. Phone 529. FOR SALE 1 ft-INCH AND 4 -FOOT RT.COND GROWTH AND OLD FIK WOOD. (SPECIAL PRICE ON GREEN WOOD. 1 FEED E. WELLS Phon 142 305 South Church Automobile Directory DODGE CAR FOR SALE PHONE 62F2. FORD FOR SALE, GOOD CONDITION. Price 8200; 1110 N. Commercial. SLIGHTLT USED FORDSON TRACTOR A bsrgain. 349 Ferry tret. 0LES0N MOTOR CAR CO. 349 N. Commercial St. Phon 666 f - ' Used Car Center. Quick Change. .7 6325 iOO 6"0 .. ....... 9"0 '.. 283 1915 Studebakrr . . '-passenger Hudson C916 Keo 1913" Liberty Bis iis r ora Ford RmIbbl aelf starter 650 New JVs toa Day-Elder truck at bargain Many ether gooa oay ia ae FOR RENT HOUSES F. L WOOD. 831 STATS Bf, auti estate, rental ROOMS FOR RENT ONE FURNWHED OOM. 1(188 Marion street. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS WANTED TO BUY A GOOD LOtrGlNG team. Weight, must b 1650 and nr.. for ea'h. Cherry City Feed Bam. W. P. Talloo. ' . GOOSEBEERRY AND CURRANT CUT ting wanted. . Jfraitiand Purser y. Phone 1140M. BUSINESS CARDS CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. I. M. HUM CURES AST KNOWN disease 153 8. High gt PhB 899. drkss:akino. For dreksmakixo towing eall at t:iu8 X. AXD PLAIN Commercial , HAT SHOPS. HAT SHOP MEN S AXI WOMEN' S bat renovated and blocked 95 Court street I LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUNDRY COM PANT. 18 S. Liberty street. PHoae 85. Oldest Largest tia.t. Established !. CAPITAL CITY STKAU LACNDST Duality work, prompt service, 1204 Broadway. Paone ICS. MOXKY TO IX'A.N. PLAN TO BUILD NOW WHILE JiA teriale and labor ara on a tower baia and iwurt your building loan of us. Repayable 1 ke rent. ire, l.fe. auio and indemnity insurance written. A. C BOHRNSTEDT 401 Masonic Temple. Sa'em, Oregoa XrRSKRY STOCK. CHOICE LOGANBERRY PLANTS FOR aprinz deliery; any quantity. Ward H. KirhardMn, 23 5 Front. CHOICE STRAWBERRY PLANTS. ANY qoantity; 11 leading Tarirtiea. Prices tntertMinf. Ward K. nUrhardaoa. 2J9i Proat St. Phone 494. PRCITLAND NURSERY NOW HAS aalea yard romer Hish and Ferry sta, Salem. Pleas rail and aew war a'e-k: 6 and 0-foct KalrB prane aad smaller grades, aUo atber aaraer atoek Fhoaa 114VM. M.O00 CUTHBERT KE1 TIASPBERRY planu; strong, thrifty, year aid. Law quantity prices f-r early dVliry. Per luO paatpaid, SJJO. Ward K. Rich ardson, 2395 Freat. PAISTIira AJTD PAPXSHAXGTJfG 1 have gone east oa aa extended viait aad I recoaimead A. H. Clark (pboae 139SJ) aa a competent werkmaa. tilraa L Adam. PRIVATE HOSPITALS. WANTED CONnXEMENT CASES AT private huepital. I bate beat of equip ment Phone 1951. PHYS1C1AXS AAW Sl'IUaKOXS SathYrink ecHLEEr.' M. dphT. sieian ana osrgson. iilic- Uracoa bsildlae. nwmi 41111. Pboa 40. 34. Over Oregoa Electric dapvt. SECOND HAND Fl'KXITURB WASTED SECOND HAND FCatXl- taro, rags, carpets, stoves, machinery and tool. Beat prices paid. The Cap ital Hardware h Fernltars Co.. tii N. Com' I St. Phone 947. REPAIRING AXD SHARPEXIXQ BEN WHEELER ' EYERTTHINO BE paired. General aharpeaiog, chimney sweep. 843 North Commercial street. CUTLERY GRINDING: I. AWN MOW- ers, ssfety raaor. sta. Stewart's Re ps ir Shop. S47 Court street. 8TOVE REPAXRIXG i xence, sizes zo to 58 iackee bhrh, r slate all aad varaiahea, etc.. loganberry aad hop hooka. Salem Pence aad Stove Works. 250 Court street. Phoae 12 SECOXD HAXD GOODS wt p-rrr axd sell second hand gooda af all kinds, pipe fittings, Bar nes, collar, cellar cads, tool, aad chain. Fred Bcaiadiar, 159 Center street. TRANSFER HAULING CAPITAL CTTT TRANSFER CO. JS8 tiUU St, phoBS 989. Distribattag. forwarding aad storage our specialty. Oet oar rates. WALL PAPER, PA1XT WALL PAPES ATO CEILING PAPB.H SOo aad ap doubU ro!L Haa O. k ren, 179 N. Cuaamarcial St. , SEE PORTER FOB PAINTS, WALL Paper aad Picture Framing. Good WLTkmen. - 455 Court St. Phase 48S. WATER 8ALKM WATER, LlaST POWER Co. office 801 South Oea'l treoi. "Tea per ceat discount oa domoatie flat rate paid la advaaeo. No do dsetwos tor sbsen'-o or any eaaao aa leoa water Is shut off year premie. PROFESSIONAL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DRS. WHITE AND MARSHALL, 90S n. g. National Bank Bldg. DR. W. U MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Phyaiclaa aad Sargeos, Kira.vUa graduate, 404 aad 405 U. 8. Nstl Bank building. Phone Office 919, residence 914. vtL JOHN L. LYNCH. OSTEOPATH! 0 Physieiaa Bu irgewsw Mfle 48 404 Oregoa BlJg. Phoae Of: 1894: Re. 68F9. CH1ROPRACTOKS. DK. O. L. S OTT, P. 8. C CHIROPRAC tor. 308-12 C. B. Khok Bllg. Pboa a? Re REE ESTATE Exceptionally Good Bay 514 -room modem except teement, with a very large lot and garage; one block off the car line at 92500; new ulumbing and very cheap place. WM. FLEM1N4 341 State Street. 5 ACRES CLOSE IN WITH OOOD buildings, splend..d buy for prico asked 40UO. Another for 832-0. 4 room plastered house, wood sbed and bsra, on comer, 100x130 ft., 81300. PETTEY'S REALTY CO. 331 Vi Stat Street. 5 ROOM MODERN HOUSE. NEAR CAR and paved street. Immediat poasca- sion: good terms. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. U. S. Bank Bldg. Phon 470 FOR SALE LOGANBERRY TRACT 9 ere ia full bearing, trellised with ce dar posts, rich loam soil. Pric 94500, V. cssh. belsac easy payments at 7 per ceat. Hart A MuIUr. 209 Oregoa Bldg. 40-ACRE HOWELL PRAIRIE FARM ON naved road. All tillable and all plant- . . . X : . . U . Vina d except small irar imc . 8 room house, bam. store house, chick ea house. Price 810.500, essy terms. Modem 5 room bungalow oa corner of paved afreet. 82850, 81Q0!) caah; bal ance as rant. M.Klrn 7 -room bungalow snd garage, cor ner of paved street, close in 30oo; eaay terms. OREGON LAND CO. Phone 426 2 Stat St. WORTH WHILE We ran sell good stock and dairy ranches from 810 t-j 88 per acre. can ae'l fine improved farms rronj ' 875 to 8l"0 per acre. We have a large listing of email arr;e Welte msnv good burs In city resident property,. See ns before yoa purchaee 1 ... i.ronertv with aa: we can ell it " We have many good pro pert e for exchange. Whst have yoa to trade! W rit nrric. th -tat- haa been freight and.aold, 9Z.au. 89.Z7. , MIU-S& COPLEY bandUngh8Ser Be is"iucet7 .oae m.tisedioil sute force work thl9 Authorized. $6,000,000; told. $J.- w; 331 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOWELL PRAIRIE FAHM. $40 per acre below the market. o at on-e. hucolofsky. 341 State. 38 Farms 38 (Some personally inspected) la Folk and Marion Cuuaiir CO to lbO FLEMING REALTY CO. 341 State Street. 20 ACRES 3's mnea out, IS raltivsted. woua enougn 'to balf pay the price aakrd. Trade for aosaethiac la Salem. C4 acres, 60 cultivated, for rent, 24t. neu uui.i room nouae, fttan. MAGEE Room 29. Corner State and Commercial Over Butirk a THOROUGHLY MODERN EtGHT ltOOM hou., 2 bUcki from car line. Urea lot, eat front, plenty of fruit uni gjrae; well worth the money. New j room plastered bungalow, aorae fruit, good location. Will lata auto mobile as part payment. Money- to loan oa good security, rity at country, in sums ranging frcm liwl te I4UOU. SQUARE DEAL CO. U. S. NatL Bank Bldg. ITione 470. TURLOCK TYPICAL OK CALI iornia'a bent. Id-al li'e. Pipri Farming, orcharda. vineyards, stock raitirg, dairying, poultry. Write for bookkl. lept. H. Chamber ef Com merce. Tnrlork, Calif. - J AR- J HOMELIKS EIGHT ROOMS: tiswc fireplace; extra largo master a bedroom with five wiadowe. wa rloseta; ao gat. eUctric raagea; furcace; lauBdry tray; garage; teania Min; fine neighborhood: half bkx-k car aad pavement: opposite charming park. 1,000 down. Pesrsoa, FIJI Ausasta, Spokane. BEST BUYS i acres, bottia land. H i.n log.ns. 1 aero strawberries, small aoaao aad bars. 4 'a milea from Kalesa, at acbool. oa good rad; 92500 caah. 10 acre, all ia- raUivstioa, lot 'of fruit, 7 room Lonaa, fair bora, chichea koaaoa Jaal oat of city limits, 12 aUaatea walk from car; 96450. 15u- acres, 12 cleared, CO' practically cleared. 70 timber posture; 2wO cards of wood rut, to he included. Spring. faace oa three aide, 7 Vi mile fruat Salsm; f5 per acre. Can pUcs severs good lsaat at 7 per ceaf. HOUSES rposi. modern, two comer lata, two blocks from car; lota of fruit, barn, rhiekea coo pa; $i500, f30OO caah, bal ance at T per cent. g-rootu atrictly modern bungalow, cloao la 2i blocks from car, garsga asd rhiek ea heeie; jii0. 93250 rasa, balaacs at ? per cent. room. 2 lots, 2 block af car; $1300, -t cash, balance at 7 per cent. D. D. S0C0L0FSKY 341 State Street. FOR SALE STRICTLY MODERN 7 room house, close la, easy payments, immediat possession. Hart aad. Mailer, 208 Oregoa bldg. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, 81500. GOOD condition; terms. W. A. Liatoa, 848 Court street. Stayton Buiincss BnMng Fine, permanent building. located ia the center of tne business district; aearly new. Price, 98500 or will trade for good property ia or near Solent or for grorey to equal value. KINNEY & SMITH 469 Stat Street. Grouad Floor WOOD'S BARGAINS SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW. 92750. 8400 rash, balance 925 per tnoath. 10-rooss v house on Slate areet. Bear the capitoJ, 94M0. Three -room i bouao. 95O0. eaay terma. 40 acresvf 18 acroe bearing or chard, will takef honse up to 40o0. esy terms o(" balance. Three-room hoaiso aad two "lata. 9850, easy terms. Poar lots, fin, garden land. 9O0. terms to salt. 94 acres river bottess Uad with l.u.ldings sad bearing or- - rhard, 83500. Bouaslag boa. 919O0. Hooao for reat. F. L. Vood, 4l btat at net. START THE NEW YEAR RIGHT Bay a bom and atey real, vr aav them at all prices sad aoy terms. A fine cement building ia a good live towa to traoe, .lor acreage or city property ia Saiom. LOOSE & PATT0N S70'i State SttreU ' rhoao Ct7 BARBER & PEARSON Ee'.ls city and couatry property. List it with a and it will receive apeeial at tention. W will find yoa a trade if tUil is what 7a want.200 Greg BUI4U . near Commercial club. L A. HAYF0RD RIAL ESTATE AND FIRE IS8UXANCB 305 Stat Street If yoa srs looking for a borne ia th rity tt country have it. Here are a few. If you do not see what yea want hare come ia aa we have a large list to se- loet from. 9 650 3 Room home. 12 'Mi 5-roo ro house. 1 20O 6 room bouse. f 1 6 SO j room house, semi modem. 620O0 4 room house, semi modern. 4 82500 5-roem boagalow, modem, new. 8270O 5-roora bungalow, modern. 13000 8 room hooae, semi modern. 83250 5 room house, semi modem. 1 3 6OO 9 room house, semi modem. 84800 8-room house, secui niodero, 85300 4 room Bung-slow, modem. fl jOO 7 -room buncalow, modem. 7 OO 8-room bungalww, modem. , end others too numerous to mention. $650032 acres, 26 ia cultivaiioa; 9 acres in orvhaid, prune, wainuta. fit- berta, eheiries, etc. House, tam. etc., 00 good road. S miles from Salrm. 150 per acre takes a 30 -re tract: 7 miles of c ty, oa good road. 90000 takea 25 arrea ef good blaik sail, 7 '-a miles of Salem, oa good mad ; has house, bam. well. ete. Terma ran be had ea all ef the above. L. .A. HAYF0RD S05 State Street. BIDS IXV1TED BIDS INVITED FOR LUMBER. The undersigned will receive sealed bids up till five o'clock p. m.. January 3rd. 1921, for the following lumber, to be shipped f. o. b. Salem: 10M 10M 10M 10M 10M ft 2x12x12 .... 3x12x14 ft. ft. ft. ft. 3x12x16 3xl2xlS 2x12x24 6x6, any length that 20M ft. will cut in 4-foot lengths. The City reserves the right to reject any or all bids. EARL RACE. City Recorder. REPORT OF ROAD R0ARD IS ISSUED (Continued from page 1) 33 passenger automobiles. 41 tractors, and a large amount of miscellaneous machinery and equ'nment. In addition there was receirejd from the gorernment -r ..r.sx J . I, I t, 4vn1ne 1 oj.t'uu puuuua i !!.;.jnj is- s equipment hi len reated to contractor-, and to the counties. A portion also has bem Iad to ihe counties at a rate sufficient to cover lrelt;ht and handling charge. So frat has been the increaa iu ihe Of part mint's orlt during the bnuiuin that it has been iieceaary for the state io employ upIojr an attorney who give-, his a turn ecVlusiVfly- to hirhwa SUM.. His till.! ia that .f aaaUt ant attorney general. J. M. leT- era or Kugene was aDto!nted for thf position. Public Safety Ila.t Attention itraiive work in Oregon are shown: Safety of the public haa re- Available July 1, IMC. to June ce'ved c1om attention from the1-'. For post roads. $1.. department. 11S1.416.S0; for. forest roads. -The elimination of grade l3S. 70; total l.o2f.3IC.50. crossings on state highways has! July 1. 1921. to June 20. received seriou consideration in For forest roads. 1128,970. the plans of th commission." j February 28. 1919. to June 20. says the report. "No new high-' 1921 For post roads. S3.1S0. ways have been located Involving i Hi. 77: for forest roads. $59S. grade crossings on main line rail- 681: total. $3,747,442.77. road systems, and frequent Total federal funda available changes have been made whereby For post roads. 84. 332. 178.27; VT"!1 h"' bMn ,llnl1"1' f f&rt roads. 1,874.C21; to- , wuiiuibk new section on Onf Side or. In mmf Inatanroa I V a aani.1 f - t B a e a 1 1 . . :u oy ,r nr w a ii as i ai ii mm. in ana fcai r m wm Pacific Highway between Dillard ana .Mynie creeir where sevn crossings are eliminated by build in r on the ODDOsita sid nr the a a . river. Nino overhead structures eliminating tiangeroua railroad crosMngs have been constructed during the blennum." In only two Instances, accord ing to the report, haa it been nec essary for the commission to take over work of contractors and finish with state forces st the ex pense of the surety, although con. ditlona affecting labor and ma terial have been stringent. Oue of these cases waa the paving con tract between Marshfield and Co quille, and the other the grading contract between Remote and Camas Valley cn the Roseburg Cooa Ray hlghvay. Saga Sy4em Last all ex "The total of, all construction work done direct with the state forces, excluding the two projects mentioned above, totaled in cost $447,850.18, or about Z 1-2 per cent of th-) total cost or all work done. This work has consisted of grading, macadamizing and bridges, some of which were car ried over from the 1918 season. AH of these jobs were first adver tised and the bids considered un satisfactory." Marking and signing of the state highways has been begun, and where the highways have been finally located and built, perma nent metal signs have been placed. Detours are taken care: of by aigns. Concerning market road appro priations the report says "The year 1920 ia the first year in which the market road appro priation haa been available. The total state appropriation has been $990.43S.4S which has- been matched by an equal amount by the counties. All of the counties hare accepted the provlaiona of the act and the commission has made the apportionment and dis bursement aa provided by law. In some instances surreys hare been made and construction supervision has1 been rendered by the depart ment, but the majority of the en gineering work has been done by engineers tn the direct employ of the counties under the general su perriaion of the atate highway en gineer." Scenery Coavaerred Co-operation with Governor Ol- cott haa been - extended by the highway department to conserve the natural scenic beauty of state highways, particularly those carry- ng heary tourist traffic. The commission claims strict at tention is paid to the maintenance of highways and avers that main tenance begins aa soon as high way Is completed. An opinion from the attorney general haa changed the commis sion's practice relative to paving the atreets of small cities. In 1919 the commission paved or otherwise improved the routes of highways through ciliea ot lees than 2S00 inhabitants. The attorney gener al'a opinion, however, advised that the highway system does not in clude city streets, and that conse quently they cannot be Improved with state funda unless it caa be shown that the streets are county roads and that they have been maintained at county expense. Test Not Made In 1919 the legislature author ized the highway commission to construct during the biennium. as a teet of the various kinds of ma terial, approximately 15 milea of hard-surface pavement In a con tinuous strip, of which one-third was to be of bituminous material. one-third of concrete and one-third of wood block, provided that the lumbermen and other local inter ests pay the difference in cost of the wood block pavement over and above the cost of the concrete parement. The test road haa not been built because the lumber in terests bare not appropriated the necessary funds. . Commenting on the bond mar ket, aa it haa applied to highway bonds, the report says: "The sale of bonds has con tinued throughout the period in a rapidly changing market as funds were needed. An average of fire bids has been received for each block of bonds sold. The best sale was made at 9 9. IS per cent of par. which equals a net in terest rate of 4.S8 per cent, and I the lowest aale waa 87.62 per cent or par, wnicn equals a net inter est rate of 5.80 per cent. The prices bid compare favorably with gore rn men t securities sold during the same period. The arerage of all bonds sold from the authorized Issues, including both the 4 per cent and the 4 4 per cent bonds. !s 93.58 per cent." lioanl Sales Shown Following are shown the state highway bonds that haTe been au thorized, those that hare been sold and those remaining unsold on NoTember 30, this year: State co-operative bonds, laws or 1917 Authorized. $1,200,000; sold. $1,200,000. State co-operative bonds, laws I .ova .v.... tc one r - S:-tksm jk; v....-v. 940.000; balance unsold. $2,010.- 000. Ten million dollar act of 1919 Authorized. $l.vQv.J0tf ; sold. $10,000,000. Ten million dollar act of 1920 special ae&Mion Authorized. $10. 000.000: sold. $1.SOO.00; balance unsold. $8,500,000. Tttal itteu-L.iV 1 Authoriied. $32.2C.-', sold. $19,140,000 balance t - unsold. $13.0(8.799.27. Federal PushI LMed The following figures on fed leral funda apportioned for co-op- tal. 8.20,T99.27. .r-i - ... . t. . bove are under an act of con gress of July 11. 1916. and the third under an amendment of February 2. 1919. The following figures how the port and forest projects under contract: Pot roads Total estimated cost. $8,739,404.24: state funds. $3.?S8.j7S.&:: county funds. $1. 002.9SS.92; federal lunds, $3, S7 7.iC9.47. Forect roads Total estimated cost. $3,604.526 08; state fund. $1,455.65.63; county funds. $il4.0T3 72: federal funds. $1, 234 766.73. All funds obligated (aggregate ef above I Total estimated cost. $11,743.93.32; flate funds. 13. 214.U1.4V. county fnads. $1, 217.032.64: federal funda. $5.- 312.336.20. j Lrsr Fan UsoiaatchesL The following figure show the federal funds unmatched: Federal funds available Post roads. $4,332,178.27: fores; rojd. $1,874,621: tout. $6,206.- 799 27. Federal funds matchedPost roads. $3,977,569.47; forest roads $1,334,766.72; total. $5,312. 326.20. Total unmatched Post roads. $354,608.80; forest roads. $539. 854.27; total. $h94.463.07. Summarizing the expenditures and mileage of Improvement dar ing the biennium. the report has this paragraph: "During the biennium the com mission haa eipended. exclusive of market roada. the aum ot $19. 9S0.410.61. of which atate funds amounted to $17.819.90. county I co-operation. $839,741.88. and federal aid funds for post roads $1,320,878.92. The work accom plished totals 347.2 miles of pav ing. 369 4 miles of crushed rock or gravel macadam. 761.4 miles of grading. In addition, there are a large number of contracts awarded in 1920 which will carry over Into the construction season or 1921. In addition to these ex penditures,, the government haa expended on the forest roada toUl of $1,568,241.67. which cost has been divided to the state $802,108.97; to the counties. $102,271.45. and to the govern ment. $656,708.61. with 134 miles of standard grade roadbed including 57.8 milea of graveled roadbed completed or tinder cotv struction. In addition to the above, some counties have graded cr improved sections of the state highway etem' with their own forces or by contracts which they hare handled direct and of which this department does not have a complete record of expenditures. A summary of , the work that haa teea placed under contract, embracing both that completed and that still incomplete, is given as follows: 'fxprenaed in flgirea. Includ ing tb for rat groje-ets handled by the United States bureau or pub lic roada and ccunty wotk. pay ments of which are made through the state, there has been vtared under construction during the bi ennium 419.3 miles of parement. f3H.4 ruMes of macadam. 1000.6 milts of grading. Including the nec scary bridges, at a total es timated coat Of $2S.479.9sft.94. Heroltlsig Puaxl Short The legislature) of 1919 provid ed a rerolving fund of $30.0"0 to meet payroll and emergency claim, which the report declares has been a. great help In earning on the. work of the commit loo. but it is said that because ot an expansion of the work a Larger fund Ij cf dd to prereut fre ouent overdrafts at the bank. There has been handled through CHICHESTERSPJLLS eTs. a. a7u rft's-Trw aiAjaoaa was BatrttAA. a so .PL. n CaXtG&TS Dim-KJi LADIES TA'hea irregalar r aprreaaed ao Trt amph Pilla. Hafe aad alwe depeadah. Not sold at diag ataro. e aot esrpere meat with others: aavo disappoiBtmeet. tite for "Relief" aad partw-Blars: rt e free. Addresa: Vatieaal 14ediral Iaati late. Tkitlwaakee. Via. n mm Two of the most homelike ho tels in Portland, located in the heart of the shopping and thea ter district! All Oregon' Elec tric trains, stop at the Seward llrttel. the House of Chrer. Ex cellent dining room in connec tion. Tbe Hotel Cornelia, the lloaae of Welcome, ia only two short blocks from the Seward. Our brown busses meet ail trains. JUtea tl-BO aad up, W. C. CULBERTSON. Prop. 1 r this fund durlnr the biennial pe- ; ways aimt to pleaie and who a 1 1.1 approxttbately $l.v0.0tt. J been attracted by the rye of tn Ilrttrr IUail IcaprratlTe. pretty gecretary of te leagat. bv Tke report recomniond? lejls- j romea o.alte th -I1I or the par tition ta reliete the roads ot ' Atterward. howtnrer. vara it.4M If ieay irok trattic. 1 h homeward bo a ad Uh a treiron r.oenla iai proved road , ri',tfesir who is more or less and ne-o-ds tl.eui Buar." th. re twin bors de combat on acroaat of Jdrrlar. 1 Le ptifM- hijthar J niuat be. paed ftom Portland to the California line. The old Ore- j iron iraii n.at Le jtrade,! ,nd sur-j i faced Iron IVndMon la Ontario. ! The lia'Ics-Call'otnla highway, i the California line. the John IU highway the uat j Mghway and many ether need i improvement to make them ten their pnrpoe." ! FLARES AND FLICKERS . tContlnned iront pagejil Institute for the blind near Ios I ,. . . . Angeles. The Braille raised let- j f fBr 0"r ter book are etactly tlmlUr to .te-.l Lewis remarkable per tbose used by Helen Keller and 1 formaac e ta the rote of the half others to make cp for their lack ! br1 ia Reich's "The Bar of aight. I rter." will find him as equally In the picture, however. Lbe,'rUe la his newest starring ve hroine is not permanently blind, hide. -King Spruce. from llol- She regains her aight bat there is a perioo oi maauuaionmeui oe-; cause thoe who have cared for her are not the wlnderful peopte she has imagined. Bat in the end happiness comes tor Laura "earns that right Is not of the "King Spruce" Is the special at eyes alone that one must search tra-u'Jow at the -Grand tbeatcy. the heart for the true beaaty ofjarartiag aett SuaCay oeople and things. "Eyes ot the' Heart" will play at the Oregon l theater. When the poet said. "Make- m a child again just for ton'ghL" he wavn't thinking bout "Fatty" Ar buckle. but Chubby Roscoe takes him at his word In hi new pic ture. "The Life of the Party." He', dons romper. oo.9 and a very juvenile straw hat and goes through the streets of New York thus attired la a taxicab. The ocvaka ia a children 'a party tor the petter Pab eo leagu and Row - coe. ss a rental lawyer who iL OWxuasrfeJ T eeOJtUCC The Oid Reltabeo Round Pmckacw 8CT3 3fjf;TIyS 5iS Writ fot fro swatrpte to licctkkX Dw R LARMER TRANSFER r II ONE 939 No More Punctures UNIVERSAL TIRE FILLER SERVICE STATION 420 South Commercial Street Our pre.ei.t rtock of monument, etc.. will afford you a wide r;ng or Choice. PboLe for our solicitor or call at ur display rooms. ZZl South t onmerclal Street. Silent. CAPITAL MONUMENTAL WORKS J. C. Jone. Prop. PVowe Ctt it uoyiLv IVtW 1 I ' V J ,nw -of -hUkey. th trta- t ui ronnrarri. , "'-' . f f fil!, ,ATl ,I'r- j -The Ut tf the Party." adapt story ty Irria today at the Ore to a S1 tnLn r.uell made Teacc- t - 1 . -e . 0 m fc. a,.. ,u "" u,: " greaiet and imel memorable uceeaes and iow it sema Cbar- IU Hay is mrire than duplicating !J; llTViYdu Is ".e fr.r a altowia at Ve l. b- ertj theater sf n 'man Day's powerful story of the ooas., ncreen . snaiysts who lave viewed "Klnff gprnce" are almost unit Is declaring It the greatest Mitchell Lewis pro lartlon line "The Barrier.' CRUISER ARRJVIIS SAX S ALVA DO RE. Dee. 24. The United State crwlr Tacema has arrived at Jo. G sate ma la, oa a via it of courtesy. WHOLE III LK A2TD PRODUCT fclArloa Crtxzitrj Prod X8) Cd 1 m.i- r-. tv. eiaow BAlea, OTtgn. Ptaa 2U3 Cot iha ORIGINAL Freth. full -cream mUTc auvi the rxtrsct of ree lected malted faia, reduced to powder form. Tb- FoodDrink far Ul Azes. Used traccetsfully for over 1 3 ctatary. VZJ Superior to tea, coffee, cocoa 'A quick lunch rwadHy CrwtL Uiltiratiit. Riirls.!i"v Oillcliis Ask foe Hrwrtckw at ATI Focataaas Pr pawed fen a grsoaac nt by briskly stlrranc the powedW las be or cold water. Keep a bosrse or wbeaa trwrriiaag. Ask For ..f Got Horllck'S thus Avoiding ImlUtlons SUBSTITUTES Cost YOU Suno Pric VSla, EYERY SHOVELFUL OF COAL w put la your cellar taeaa jast so mack comfort. Erurr lamp will be a heal prodscer not a siagie piece of slat) r atoae la the eat Ire toad. Why pay for the latter warn for the same moaey row caa gtt an coal by ordering hers? - NO AIE, KO BLOWOUTS After jou hare leamexl to tase our I nivcnul Tirt? Killfr en jour rsr. I srd in t.lacc of tube, rides like rel- VrL More Mileage For Less Monej See us aloat it now. ernonali )tarrctl m"le'f - r e " -j (Tapqjmne DEPENDABLE A5J0fJTEL FOR HEADACHES