i ... t- ... SECOND NEWS SECTION PAGES I TO 4 Society, Slogan, General News end Clasnfle'd SlXTlETfl YEAR SALEM, OREGON, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 23, 1920 PRICE: -FIVE CENTS -J i i r t; i: dence of Mr. M. C. Sehwarz for a special session, at which time ac tion' wan taken to extend "help to the needy at this season, and also to aid in the European relief work. '' i Mrs. Fred Gibson is president of the club, which Jias regular meet ing dates on the second and fourth BY MOLLY BRUNK ifJ HE annual homecoming of the Salem high school will- take place this afternoon in the school auditorium, with members f th alumni present from both ' ' Saleai and out of town. Among the' speakers on the afternoon ' program,, which will be held at 2 o'clock, will be Dr. F. L. Utter, and Victor Bradeson, a U. of O. man. both of whom are graduates of the nigh school. ' J Christmas readings and fea- tares will be put on by the public speaking department of the school and the day will culminate with the annual basketball game, the high school quintet playing the al umni. . i The Valley-View club, recently formed by the women of i the Mountain View and contingent district, for the purpose of inspir ing a more active social life and for the betterment of neighbor hood conditions generally, jmet Tuesday afternoon at the resi- Albany Chamber of 'lection for relief in A. V. Schmidt. dent of the Commerce, and president of the First National bany of Albany. Soloists were Mrs. V. H. Prunk. Albert Eagan A. George Armltage and "Kiddie" Bishop madge Headrick wa lin numbers and Elbert Europe; inuring Li'inti?: "'Oh. mamma.! hi-rwrtil authoritatively ' ki'" lection bv rc"ies;ra. I 1" Han. "and I will pile the covers The senior department will give the third part of the program, un der th-5 supervision of Mx. tllov- again she .poke th- words and U?; could up her flendr little fix-1 Thursdays of each month. The .gave piano solo, and the follow- T A. C.!er. There will be a scripture les-: . i , i.T """" Mrs. Mary Tal- son by Rev. Ulaine K. Kirkpatrick; ' "V . " V 't " J:... s heard In vio-(reading. -How roan Martin, the IV "?;Y7 V" LaChelle Trapper. Kept His Christmas." by "r. k' i:iZ-"ZLl"L,: 31 1S.H "1" 1 FT next regular meeting has been set for January 13 with Mrs. Frank Wilson, a watch party on New Years' eve to intervene, with hus bands of members present. This affair will be held at the resi dence of Mrs. J. F. Smart. Club members are Mrs,. -W. H. Moon. Mrs. Bernham Southwick. Mrs. Gene Southwick. Mrs. Ross Clark, Mrs. Fred Gibson. Mrs. William f Knower. Mrs. Frank Wilson, Mrs. Robert Adams. Mrs. M. C. Schwartz. Mrs.. Roberts. Mrs. W. H. Fisher, Mrs. Ralph Martin. Mrs. Roy McDowell, -Mrs. Guy McDowell and Mrs. J.vF. Smart. - Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Barr are leaving for Newport after Christ mas, where they are to open their summer home for a week or long er. The Barrs will extend gracious hospitality during their sojourn there, entertaining a number of house guests, including some from Salem. lire. L. J. Chapin will entertain as her Christmas guests her' par ents. Mr. and Mrs. II. E. Muscott, of Dallas, her brother and sister- in-law cott of Portlands and her sister. Miss Jennie Muscott. also of Port land who will arrive Christmas eve. . Christmas Gifts fori the Boudoir Electrical Gifts preserve that air of refinement and are prized additions to milady's dressing table. A few WoWstions vibrators, curling - tongs, combs, bpildoir irons, boudoir lamps all of hand some design and beautiful finish. ; Come o our store for s your . Christmas Gifts .; : , . ,.- . ',. ,"" . y " PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT & TOWER CO, ing pupils of Mrs. R. L. White were presented in costume dances: Leon a Geer, Peanette Sykes. Fay Wassom. Maxine Glover. Gweneth Edwards and Maxine Clark. Hunt's orchestra furnished music during the two periods, and later in the evening played for, dancing. . , Mrs. O. A. LaCourse and her small daughter Catherine Estelle will leave for Portland today, where they will remain over the holidays with Mrs. LaConrse's parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Bynon. Mr. LaCourse will join them over Christmas day. .v. y- Rev. and Mrs. Blaine E. Kirk patrick opened the parsonage of the First Methodist church Tues day night to the members of the Epworth league and junior league who found themselves in Salem Curing the holiday vacation. Near ly GO young tolk were present, and for their pleasure an informal ?rorani of entertainment was ar , Over 100 were present at the Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mus-i, . . , , thm Vir.t Pn ,onal jcauich. when the 300th anniver sary or the landing oi tne ni grims was commemorated. Dr. W. T. M e El veen. pastor of the First Congregational church of Port Tand. made the principal address of the evening, another sneaker of the bed. Then I held lh tiny glass of restorative to her lips. "Hrlnk it. darling." Litlian said tenderly. And the child, always an oned- run at hut rtl!k. A mho as we rt hr warm rh will ! all rlrht." Lillian o.ked ar rrv fcer child" had at tne with ryes that were both gratfful and understanding. There was nomethins moro aa ai'proval that w x wret Indeed I to me. It was an expression which I had mid from my friend's eyes, for which subcon sciously. I bad lonced wlthoot W. II. H. Murray, read by Lulu Rosamonde Walton. Finale Ladies' chorus. Christ mas Carol, "Holy Night" by Franz Gruber, under direction of Miss Lucille Barton. uenea.cuon ny rresiaeni i an j drauKht with Hp that trembled j wh rim t the giav ari09 drank It. and malted niMily by the ledide until tir rMM's convulsive twitching Get into with her. I as-,! and lror'pe! Into ient little creature, swallowed the fcnpwins either that 1 did so or chestra. Inturf and Miss MyTtle Mason. On Christmas day the party will be augmented by Mr. and Mrs. John U. Plank and Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Litchfield of Macleay. -S Throughout the afternoon and evening Tuesday, interested folk thronged the handsome new build ing of Vick Brothers automobile headquarters on South .High street and for their pleasure a splendid program of varied numbers was arranged. The speakers of the aft ernoon and evening were Dr. B. L. Steeves W. R, ArmiUge, presl- Ing by the choir, ' j ,3,, . Feminine Articles Only Suggestions for the Eleventh-Hour Silk Umbrellas ............. $6.75, $10J0,J14.75 ilk Hosiery . . . . ... . .. .98 c, $tfSf,ff Beaded Hand Bags. ....... .$638, $9.75, to$lOS Leather Hand Bags .$1.48, $238 to $120 Velvet Hand Bags. ...... . .$238, $338 to $7S0 Embroidered Handkerchiefs. . .25c, 35c to $1.00 Kid Gloves: U . . .. ... .... .$138,$238to$438 Wool Gloves - .49c, 98c to$U0 Knitted Sweaters .$635, $7 48 Beacon Bath Robes. ....... .$4.98, $5.95 toj9JS Corduroy Lounging Robes .$535 $7.48 rp $129 Silk Petticoats.. .... ... . -$4.75, $5.95 to $120 EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICES Silk, Lingerie, Crepe de Chine and Georgette Blouses, Philippine Hand Embroidered Under wear, Carter's Knit Underwear, Kayser sKmt Underwear Children's Booties, Crib Quilts, Children's Sweaters. ( Parisian Ivory Dolls, Christmas Cards, Dennison Novelties Mrs. A. C. Bohrnstedt has a group of Willamette university girls with her as her house guests f being Dean George 11. Alden of during the holiday vacation, in-Willamette university, who Is a di eluding Miss Irene Pratt. Missjrert dpscendent of John Alden. Fave Pratt, whose home is In a 6 o'clock sunner was served Huntington. Ore.. Miss Helen Mc- ani) appropriate music furnished! during tho evcnl Miss Lucille Emmons arrived home last night from Albany where she is assistant instructor in piano., of the music department of Albany college. She will re main until after New Years with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. .W. W. Emmons; who will also be joined over Christmas day by their son, Carl Emmons, a sophomore in the medical department of the Univer sity of Oregon, in Portland. Dr. and Mrs. F. II. Thompson ill be joined tomorrow by the latter 's parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. EmmeLand their sons, Wilfred and: Teddy . EmmeL all of Port land; Roy Emmel of O. A. C, and Harold Emmel of Willamette, who will remain over the Christmas week-end. The Thompsons will also have with them over Christmas. Dr. and Mrs. G. G. Forbes and their children, Jean and Stuart, also of Portland. Officers elected for the Royal Neighbors of America are: Oracle. Sarah Peterson; vice-oracle, Mary Ackerman; chancelor, Margaret Actoerman; recorder, Melissa Per sons; receiver, Anna m. uennen. marshal. Vera Magee; inner sen try, Viola Barton; outer sentry, Nellie Pierce; managers, Annie Matten and Kate Schott; examin- An elaborate and well planned program is to be given Christmas eve at 8 o'clock at the Evangelical Church, Seventeenth and Chemek eta streets. A special feature, of, the program is the story of the "Bird's Christmas Carol. written I by Kate Douglas Wiggins. Thisj play is to be dramatized by the young people and is In charge of Lois Miles and Elsie Lippold. Interspersing the program will be numbers by the choir and quar tet under the direction of Frank lin B. Launer. Mrs. Frank Strmus haugh at the piano and Franklin Launer at the organ. The members of -.the primary class will also take part in recita tions and songs. Another Impor tant feature is the pantomime of "Why the Chimes Hang." The story will be told by Franklin Launer and acted out by the jun ior and primary Classes, assisted by a" mixed quartet .composed of Mildred Lewis, soprano; Elsie Lippold.. alio; Mr. Leech,' tenor; Frank Strausbaugh. bass. The public Is very cordially Invited to attend this program. Into Quiet Sleep. quiet slumber. Then I ro aad quietly removed lb heavy cov er from txtn mother ani child. -Pha wt!l be all right now," I whUpered. "Don't attempt ta leave her. I will altead to every tbrag Katherine w I left the room, bat sot to go straight to that of tfca sick wtx man upulr. For there had come into my braia wltnla tb last moment r two aa audacious but wholly feasible plan for It 9 care of Marion. To be continued) -Willie, yoo should have a plan for everything.- "What's the Ma? I aevar Spat them there. Urownlat a Maraiia. REVELATIONS OF AY1FE The Story oi a Honeymoon A Wonderful Romance of Married Ufe WoaderfaUj Told by A DELE GAIUII.SO.V Saletn School 0! Expression Lula Rosaxaond "WaltonJ Director 147 N. Commercial Phone 59214S4J Weekly BeclUl Class CHAPTER 11 A. Paiiraount Eiccure 2Vz Times Funnier Than Anything Fatty Has Done Before Coming To The Oregon Theatre Sunday for 3 Days ing physicians, Dr. Mary Rowland,! childhood WHY MADCH DETERMINED TO TAKE MARION INTO HER OWN PARTICULAR CARE. "Hot water bag and a restora tive?" j I asked the question of Lillian quietly, throwing off my hat and wrap as I did so- Her eyes were anxiously- searching her little daughter's face but she gave me a signal of assent - with her head, and I went swiftly out of the room. Luckily I am familiar with ev ery cranny of Lillian's menage no it was but the work of a few min utes to gather together all the things I thought she might need. As I worked, my mind busied it self with the problem which Mar ion presented. I knew that she was an intensely nervous child, had toeen so from birth. And the strangeness of her upbringing, her separation from her mother, her father's in difference, her llnelineis. save for the feeble grandmother whom she adored but who couldn't take nrooer care of her had thwarted her chances for normal, neaiiny William Mott. At their next meeting. Decem ber 23, the Royal Neighbors will has a Christmas tree and pro gram to which the Modern Wood men and their families are invited, everyone to bring a present and receive one. The Knights , of - rythias and the Pythian SisTers gave a Joint Christmas entertainment in their hall in the McCormack building. Tuesday evening, to whieh a num ber of friends of members oi Don organizations were invited. An in teresting program, and the distri bution of gifts to each person present, was followed by dancing and "500." About 100 were in at tendance. The general committee was headed by Mrs. T .W. Davles. ana assisting her was Mrs. George Ter- williser. in charge of decorations and the program; Mrs. C. E. Bar bour presiding officer; Mrs. . Skeels and Mrs. Edward Angel. , A Christmas Drograme of much . interest has been preparea ir Saturday evening at the First Methodist church, to wnien me public will be cordially Jnviieu. Mrs. Ronaia mover nas un named to take charge of the pro ,rm which will begin at halt . . ... 1.. .11 past seven o'clocK. ana win oc ui vided into three parts. The first part will include a Aiutinn hv the orchestra: Invoca- v.. t a. Thnnm Acheson. IIUU ujr lie - Primary department recitation. Isabelle Moorehousc; song. "The AneelH Sang One Starry Night. sonir. "Christ Was Once a Boy." . . I The second Dart will he: junior l. a jf- f jita-v. Mil 11 mi 1 .V M Ml aw aW .r till II H II I. n Buy something practical - why not a sack oi sugar, or a barrel of flour XMAS SPECIALS From babyhood she had .been her grandmother's Idol and i her grandmother hers. Old Mrs. Mor ton belonged to the emotional hysterical type of women, .and she petted the child constantly and spoiled her outrageously.! And when Lillian finally regained con trol of the little child her mother heart was too hungry for the ba by of whom she had been de prived so long to see that the lit tle girl had the Judicious "let ting alone" which her taut, childish nerves demanded. Now the grandmother lay dy ing, and I was sure that it-the little girl went through the awiui experience of seeing her grand mother dead or dying for death is a sight no child should wit ness the shock would have last ing, perhaps irreparable effects. L.llian. I feared, was too ab sorbed In her little daughter to use correctly the keen Judgment which was habitually hers. And the Right of Mai Ion's pinch-. bloodless face, her twitching eye lids, bad born in opon tne the conviction that she ouxht t. l removed.; from the hou' of death asjuulekly as posill. r "I'm so Cold - Best Mixed Candies, per pound "... 25c . We have sold to date over 9,000 pounds and have much mor on sale at that price in any quantity from oue pound up. Best Mixed Chocolates, per pound Xc Soft Shell Almonds, per pound 25c Walnuts, special for Xmas, per iound..l5c Peanuts, ter pound 14c Mixed Nuts per jouiid 23c .Fresh Dates, int Mund 23c Illack and white Fi?, per pound 15c Mineed Meat, in hulk, pr pound 23c Oyster Craekers, sjeeial, 2 T-.ind 2Gc Inri;e size sweet :in jui-y llr.injes, d.r. 55c llnod Uiver Apples, w-r CbrUl ma fIeoial l.C0 'raiderries. per lit 22c Rut the decision, tin mental submission to the opinion of ih- j era whieh had len mine for, many months, clung MVe a ham- j pering hand to my thoughts. Af-1 ter all, Marion was distinctly! Lillian's business, not min.. ! Then the s-lf tehncs of my at- titude flashed upon me like a rev- , elation. Lillian. whether she; were conscious of It or not.. ned- Llttle ed aid Lillian, who had never j failed me or anv other of her friends when her clear train and 1 1 jHiunds Shu T 11. hesl (' oa, in Hulk Coffee l.ulk. per pound. Regular ."."m' per Knslih Creak fast Tea. .05c .00c .15c 20c department violin solo by Elray accural Judgment were np'"d MaxweTl: "Trimlng of the Christ- My checks .b"i vlth haiii , imas tree. iSelectron ny Junior girls' department; quartet; col- Quality Merchandise Laugh & Grow Fat WITH Fatty Arbuckle Popular Prices at mv own vacillation. Ana. as I hurried back to Lillian's bed- j room with the articles I had gath- ; ered. I resolved that I would take the matter of Marion into my own . hands. i Just what I was going to do I , didn't know. Only one point was I clear. I meant to get her away j irom ine ouuw aim tiim j knowledge of her grandmother's rnnrfitinn SOOn as DOSSible. i a. t entered the bedroom IV saw that Lillian already had . undressed her littl daughter, and had put over her night gar ments a soft, warm robe- ,ut heavily covered as she was. and with her mother's arms closely Hard Wheat Flour, our own hrand $2.20 Valley Hour $2.10 Cest Northern Cleaeh hardwhe.it 52.C0 While CeariH MJC 11 II. Buv a 40c basket and a 99c bundle Carnation and Borden's Milk, 4 eiai..Wc Lihhy'a 3Iilk, 4 eana 43c Peas Tomatoes and Tall Can Salmon, four Can 40c Cliii Pe.irhe, Apricot, No. 2, 2 cans, 43c J'umpkiti, No. -2( 15c Pure Iard, 4 pound $1-00 Flake White, 4 pounds 70c Cet Strained Honey 60c Peanut I'.utter, lie, (hrinsr jnur Pil) C0c Fresh Kic. ler dozen -...53c Cest SaUd Oil. in bulk, 1 gallon $L&5 $23 u. $1.C0 Uacl.t Oil. 1 gallon . $2.25 .la?..!., thl, 2 palluti .$1J20 MEAT ". S. Mcrnmeiit Cacoii, 12 Ihs.. $2.73 t M-oit S-purr ..18c Lk-oii C.k k 30c .!l.t-.- KolU Xtc 'ht "s .33c ! Visit Our Economy Basement holding her, the child was mur-