TOR OREGON STATESMAN. BALEM. DREGON H&sy Notes of Slate tot tl sold $200,000 bonds Bubsoril.ed stock hB' d llrrt-ctaM cheese factory 0!TlSwni.ped 110,000 tc Tillamook to lB,TT.:. loreed-off land. fefUre limber mill offers frit e, building lumber to nurrhaa- erd of lots. Albany college proposes three new buildings to coat $350,000. Talbot station on the Oregon Electric to get improvements. Strikes cost the workers of Pennsylvania $5,409,417 in 1920. Portland- Meier & Frank to build new department store build ing. Klamath Falls California-Ore- THURSDAY HORNING. DECEMBER 23. 1920 112 I f . - ' LEARN TO DRAW iCMO US TOtIB NAM AND ADORES. Wt WILL MAO. TOO OVS IXDSTKATEO ACT BOOUXr AM) TUMS WITHOUT ANT COST TO YOU SCHOOL CMXMtStO.BY THE LAJtCKST NKWSPATUS. UACA2B41 corrots and r amous aktutv Correspondence Instruction and Local Classes , COtOC IWIW-CARTOOMINC : f2XAn DRAWIIHC -PASHlOfl J A K I STIinitlS BtEG. ZJrft. iWAT URA COMMUCUL tjizjsi A- U IU 1tW : cmr gon power project upheld by goy ernment. Portland incorporates for a world's fac in 1925. Nation wide program to encour age consumption of low-priced salmon. High grade iron ore found south' Coqimie to erect Kuoo pavilion! for 1921 corn show. Jael-sonville Drilling for oil to start in Sams valley. Astoria building for 1920 will total half a million dollars: Bend will expend $150,000 on sewer construction this winter. Western red cedar shingles were first shipped into the Middle West and Eastern United States about 1X90.: In 1919 they were shipped to every state in the Union.: Dufur orchards company packed 100.000 boxes this season. Hend Central irrigation dis trict will vote January 11 on $550,000 bond issue. Astoria 50,000,000 feet lum ber went out by water in October. Portland tax levy will be 4 4 mills against 36.8 last year. The Dalles Wasco county far mers taxes delinquent list larger the inspirators sought to Influ tban usual, due to high priced la-ence loren Handley. federal pro ber and low prices of grain. h!b.tion enforcement officer for Corvallls Extensive deposits itbe state and his temporary sur iron ore located in Benton county, ressor. Mrs. Warburton to allow iH-schutes irrigation project jwithdrawals of considerate sup gets president's O. K. for 1 400.- plies 0f intoxicating liquors for ooo. This approval of the depart- widespread sale. The heads of the men i oi ido interior assures inevonmiri.v r.rr ..-. ..r ' the selling privilege in lh Sau Joaquin valley to Dr. George II. To Kipling aa American one I Mr. Klpliag compiled UB wrote: "Hearing that you are re-! "Thanks and kept the dollar, tailing literature at $1 a word. I, Two weeks later the America enclose $1 for a sample. " I wrote. "Sold the Thanks' aaee- dote for f2. . Enclosed find 4 real la itjnr. tela half th profit on the transac tion, less the pott if - project. Wiliamina advises that a good garage, a jeweler, a picture chow and more business and residence buildings are hardly needed. Forest Grove rejects charger to increase bonded debt. State tax levy fur 1921 will be $9,493,105. It is over ' 9 mills ana has nver reached five milts in the past, averaging three four mills., I Orange pecwls Extra Fancy Navel Oranges in all sizes, per ... $4.40 delivered PEOPLE'S GASH STORE MASTER MIND BOOT LEGGER SENTENCED (Continued from page 1) Brolaski and Newton were In- ! dieted two months ago. Some time later Mrs. Glad K. Warburton, former temporary prohibition en forcement officer for California and John Costello. secretary to United States Senator 'James D. Phelan were indicted on similar indictments based on the same al leged conspiracy. Mrs. Warbur ton atid Costello are awaiting trial. Conspiracy Tncovered. The testimony indicated that Bracken, former government phy sician here for a consideration of $50,000. according to Dr. Brack etfs testimony. Fred II. Ander son, another important witness for the prosecution, testified' to various deals whereby the defend- to,ants were to release liquor stores' i rmurun itiiu oi tiers, j It was the first conviction to be obtained In the government's far flung investigation into the activ ities of the conspiracy. Laugh & Grow Fat WORLD PEACE PLAN BASED ON MORALITY (Continued from page 1) , WITH Fatty Arbuckle C 1 tion for a place In the cavlnetf but he might take any one of several portfolios. Tonight Mr. Harding repeated that no cabinet positions had been offered to anyone and it was indi cated that at least another week would elapse before any decision was made. Tart Will Meet Harding. ' me advisability or selecting a member or the cabinet from the soutn is known to have been un der consideration by Mr. Hard ing and there are some among bis advisers who have urged the se lection of a Democrat to a place in his official family. It was learned tonight that one or two men are high on the- list of avail able, whoso names never have been publicly discussed for cabinet positions. Former President Taft has been Tikrti1 mnn w InmorrAa'i est-' lers, but it is understood he will not reach her? until Friday. y -r1 'V ' s "Sty r- it?:. n" r- ii its-, j StiL- r. a, .w. 'S". JMMt f 7' J JDaiixftQij; Gift Ai ' W , .'.V yW Ve Santa Claus Says: "Emid Your Worry 1 Over Christmas Gifts We Have Electrical Gifts That Will Delight Every Member of the Family J9 Hi O That Are Beautiful, Lasting, That Won't Be Forgotten That Lighten Labor or Add Comfort Si t V Here Are Some Timely Suggestions For Mother Percolator, Grill, Turnover Toaster, Iron Handel Hand-Painted. Lamp, Torrington Cleaner, Elen Washing Machine, Five trciock Tea Kettle, Kgg Boiler, Kmersion Heater, Simplex Ironer, Itange, Keading Ianu. 'Floor Lamp, Xew FiUares, Silk Shade, ) Piano Iinip, Tinted Shades. For Sister Boudoir Iainp, Seairlilight, Bedroom Fix ture, Curling Iron, Coffee Urn Set, Tea Kettle, .Chafing Dish, Table Iamp, Travel er's Iron. , For The Boys The Famous Lionel. Klectrlc Trains. Com plete Sets from 910 np. For Father or Brother Sunbeam Spotlight, Special at $5.00 Osgood Auto Lenses, all sizes, per pair ' 4 'oiy G low Heater, Iek I-amp, Heading li nip. Waffle Iron, Fixture For Hi len. Heating Pad, Flashlight.''; If It Is Electric, Come to Us IV ) The 11 I ; s. Mm Masonic Temple lectric' So.' & ! l CAMAS MAIL ILXRACKEn. CAMAS. Wash.. Dee. 21. Thieves some time last night broke Into the postofHce here and ransacked several lock boxes. Mail matter was found in the lobby and on the street early to day, having been dropped by the thieves. Postal -. inspectors are working on the case. No estimate of the loss has been made. DOXKRY XKF.HS XF.W KICK. WASHINGTON. Dec. 21 Dem ocratic reorganization plans were discussed today by George White, chairman of the Democratic na tional committee, with party lead er in congress. Progress was re ported toward meeting the party's treasury deficit. Requests to seat committees to aid fn the liquida tion on a pro-rata basis was the plan said to have been most favored. JACOBS IS RKCLAIMFJ. ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Dec. 21. Pitcher Elmer Jacobs has been reclaimed from Cincinnati on waivers by the St. Louis nation als and released to the Seattle club of the Pacific coast league. Manager Branch Rickey announc ed today. He goes a final pay ment for Jacques Fournler, first baseman, but is subject to recall. Rickey said. Cincinnati only re cently claimed Jacobs from the Cardinals by waiver. Yes, and Useful, Too We are showing alraott every tl"ijrn of klipf-er for men, women ami children, all marki at reasonable prices for Christ mat shopping. For the Woman Pretty soft felt itjicit in the most at tractive colors with dainty trimming. A gift that will keep her feet wann anl sun;; uring the winter, and continually remind her of the giver. For the Man Felt Slippers, with flap to keep the ankle warm, of the dependable and wear able leather Ktvlea o popular with the rnen folk. At the Electric Sin SHOES" f 'The Longer You Play It The Sweeter It Grows FUN REIGNS IN 7 STORY HOUSE Boys of New York City En joy Wholesome Atmos phere in Boys' Club NEW YORK. Dec. 1C. For ten cents a year and up. 7.000 boys of New York's East Side enjoy all the fun facilities that a seven- story club house can provide. They are members of The Boys club. It is the largest organization of Its type in the world, devoted solely to furnishing wholesome rocrt-atinn o the youths of the congested tenement district sur rounding it. Any youngster In that part of the metropolis can be a member. if he is between 7 and 21 years of age. Annual dues are paid accord ing to heights, beginning with a modest dime for those under four feet, four inches.' and growing with the boy himself. The club has taught the East Side gamins how to be happy though clean by providing a big swimming pool. Fringed around it are gymnasiums, game rooms, bililard parlors and above, six more floors devoted to club rooms and other amusement areas. Within the Boys' club itself there are 80 separate clubs. Each with j adults as -leaders. Two-thirds of I these leaders were army officers j during the war. I Dividing popularity honors with I the swimming pool Is a lunch room where a cup or cocoa sens for a penny and cookies to go with it for a similar sum. Pretzel ped dlars and bandorgan wlrtuoses steer clear of the neighborhood of the club, for the boys have their own eats and own music making Instruments. In the daytime there frequently are only a few hundred youngsters within the clubhouse and compar ative quiet exists. lBut after the schools release their pupils and the working boys finish the day's business duties, the root has a hard time staying on. There are few "don't" and few er "must do's" In the club, and each member enjoys trmself as be is wont. Those desiring to "shoot a rime" of pool do so. and those with penchants for painting, dab the eanvess to their heart's con tent. Several of the boys study in the National Academy of Design and one of the portraits hanging In the Metropolitan Museum of Art was done by a member of the club. TT n jt i Villi. . II l In f T1IL CHLKZY REPRODUCER A JkipJteoAw v ksvdiiy tt-titiw perfect ertKlatir anA urv"ws otkiJJm beauties in record. Ccncntrtc mrfscn focus vibration and Lecp then under per feet control. JUrmenic interfereKct o "bint" u tlinuiaul. T X'ltaj rieM of The Cheney which thaws the whole ter-tes of epjch-ruirl.uij inwentiutta within the imttrutsint. &-prxiuce id caul in bUJi. 7 x r We Invite You To Come In and Hear NO other phonograph ha rones to rival The Cheney for The Cheney utilces acoustic principles ' never before applied to tone repro duction. It reaches new heights in tonal beauty, establishes a new standard in the art of reproducing music A full pare of type could scarcely tell you the whole story. Let us play The Cheney for you for five minutes and you will appreciate its wonderful improvement in tone. To be cure, it would be timely to choose an instrument now and set it aside for Christmas. But we shall not urge you. We only aik oppor tunity to play for you. We Have Several Used Phonographs at a Rarrain c. S. HAMILTON e? "The House Famlsher Vae Statesman Classified Ada