THURSDAY MOaNlNG. DFXEirnKR 23. 102? t a I CLUixmo jjpvrtTimcMTi . r ata Per ffsri . insert ua 2e IVw uUm .i a Om vtk (tlx lassrtiaas).... : Oaa wootk 50s BU anaatha' eoatrect, par ase . . 1 5s It as en the CMlwi, per mo..l2e k.eimam Ssr amy eivsrllsemaat S5e 1 NORWICH UNION - "FUtE INSURANCE SOCIETY IWiat Axes S7& SUU St. MONEY TO LOAN Oa Real Estate T. K. FORD Over Ladd & Bash Bank) FARIiI LOANS llATmiHS & ROBERTS I ; j 804-207 Oregen BulMByc OUR OFFERINGS ol homes Including some of tat f t (est fa the. city. Oar list of farms aad acreage is complete. iJlfLAR & LAFLAR 4lf-7; Ore con Bldg. Phone 1444 NEW TODAY . ' oK6 Tsneh-for 8 -year. Will pay 7 1 - par cent. Soeolofsky, -841 State. - -v-r.n-ii. . . MODERN. STKAM ed, : opartment, ' V jhBa -1630: HEATED 'FURXIsn- 493 S.' Hijk attract. OK B - NO- S BRUNSWICK . PHOXO frapfc, waoraT fiaiiih, .with records, 7ruh fkt' wavtd take tiolU toart Htmni! 174 S. Liberty. Phone POSITION WASTED TOUXO WOMAX at xod paraonality and tarae yeara ....fnl tatu-hintr Briaea wanta a uuti.a . 4. mdfa 4 ' t 8. Or WOald MBLkidw takine " rood rani krtool .iiK .f-nh! board inr Tle-, . Hal- . .rrtt1 not Ini than S100. For rtr.'' infanaattoa inaurra of aat rraacaora- Bar, tal, Orpo, Mr. ' - Blaacka M, Job. Mansr. Pkona 23. TOHl SALE 7-BOOM HOUSE. ' Ia htacka front noatof f ice' ea X. . Cottage. K1U take team, farmlox tool, eowa . v... is nart navmejit. aome cask; ' years on balance, 'inquire 351 Xortk - CottafO. , - fob; sale SMALL SHETLAXD poxy, also ford tearing car. Phone 1341M. M-ODEBX 4-BOOM lHOCSS-e-2100. -Modem d raoa knnljw, fnew S2830. t ft)at(e rooms, cement baaement, furnace, fireplaee, tarsce paemt. Pfie $4750 , BECKK A HEXDRICKB' -.iw. 205; C. 8. XatL Bank Bldg. Phone 161 li - YOU CARE- TO DISPOSE OF TOUR , waliaeaa, whether larga or nll, list it with n s we hare elieaU for ataooat SnDRic-r-r 20V U; 8. KatUBatk Bidt. . Pkaae 161 19 -ACRES, 4 IX LOQAXBERRIES, coed konse, paved road. S aerea.'. 1 mil from . iT - limits, new ." krtasaUw, pavad.raad.' '. ""': 30 aera- atrawbemea, 1 lotanberrias. balaaea icWnr. The above are nil rea sonably 'priced. For particulars sea BBCKB A HENDRICKS 2 OS TJ. 8. XatL Bank Bldf- Pbona 161 PLAN TO BUILD NOW WHILE MA terinla and labor are on a lower basia and secara yaut hnildinr Wan of aa. kepayaklav. like rent. Fire, life, ante aad indemnity Inenraace,. written. X C. BOHRNSTEDT . 4dl .Masonic Temple, Salem, Oregon START-' TUB NEW - YEAR RIGHT Bay" a komr and atop rent. We kava ; them at all prices and any terms. A "fine cement building in good lira town to trade" lor acreage, or city property in Salem, j - LOOSE rATluri 270 V Stat Sttreet. Phone 987 WOOD'S BARGAINS STT.B4Vlf BUNGALOW. S2750. S40O raah. balance S23 per month. 10-room haaae on State atreet. near the capital. XfiSOO. Three-room hour. 9500. easy terma, 40 aerea, 1-acre bearing-ot-ckard, will take konse up to $4000, eaa terms on' balarfre. . Three-room kii and. twit Iota. S85QL easy terms. Fear lots, fine garden land. $500, terma to anit. 30 acres river bottom with bnildinca and bearinr or rkmrA aasoo. Boomiaa honie, 91800. Henae for real. F. L. Wood, 341 Stata atreet. " ' BIDS INVITED IXR IUMBER. V Ths undersirned- Will receive sealed bids ni till fire o'clock p jn., January 3rd. 1921. for the , following lumber, to b shipped f. o. b. Salem: ' - 10M ft....-3x12x12 10M 10M ft..... 3x12x14 ft 3x12x16 ft.... 3x12x18 ft 3x12x24 , JOM 20M ft. 6x6, any length that ; will cut in 4-foot lengths The City reserres the right to reject any or all bids. , . EARL. RACE, I -1 , '- City Recorder.- ELIPLOYrarr r HALE POSITION WAXTED BY MAN OF kigw educational auarifK-atfone-lad. ra , celleus reoommeadstiens: as to eharac . ter and laaehing eiperieaee,' a' position eat principal or aaperlatendeat ef acaeela' fa Orerea of Washington; or weald teack Latin, . Creek, hUtory or mat he mat lea' high school or college, bher exDocted.- SlSOO to $2000 a a' Tear, Full information ana be hsd frees the Coast Teachers Bureau. Sa jWt. Oregon. Mrs. Blanche t 31. Jones, fwvanafer. Pbone ?3. ' : 4 snsCELLAXEOCS WAXTED ME AICDT WOMEX TO take farm piper stbsenstJous. A gsed ; prepsaittea ke tka Tight pea pie. Address . the Pacifia Usmastaad. sUateaataa Bldg. Salam, Ore. t CLERKS MEX.'WOVEX)( OVER 17, tor postal 'mail service,' 9125 month; , esaatinatione January, I'tperienoe un necesasry.' For free particulars, write J. Leonard former Civil Service Ex aminer). 1091 Equitable bldg, Wash ington, D. C . . FOR SALE BSAUTTFUL WALL TTXTS. BfAXT selers 10s pound ana ap. at ax o. ra. ITS X. Cem l 8t7 i Baren, FINANCIAL1 LIBERTY BOXDS BOUGHT AXD SOLD. Hawkins A Roberts, 203 Orsgoa kkig. WE HAVE SOME GOOD FARM MOST gsgsa te sell, u . . HAWKIX3fA KOBESXS; 905 Oreran Bldg ," ja?etn. .' FARM PAPER fP T0U WAST.TO OET THE' BIST farm PSper. sead le Tka Pacific lltmaalead- Selam. Orernn. foe a three- seaatks trial sabscriptiea. Alsatian this : Itlt'LTKY. rtfBOKTHW ST POfJLTRY JGUfc- F R , tka biggest end best la tke w.a. Taa'lle aia;ln-f or lrvaeottltrymea. 75 a year. $1.00 Is Salem, Seed ft eenta r ilaoU toder. Addreee Tks liertkwest Poultry orul Milan, Ors- aaa. Mention taia:: '. MISCELLANEOUS TWO NEW ii Oil A IK. MATTRESSES, 570 Union; baement. FOR $ 1 li E ClIRISTMiS TREES. Economy grocery. - emasTMAS . Phono 1565M. FOB SALE CIDER FRESH, fore Christmaar CLE AX, FAXCT. Cummin, S4P13; BE FOR SALE A FEW CHOICE CAXAR ie for Xmss jrlft. Phone 1224 or call 1TO X, 23rd street. ETAXDARD EXCHANGE, 842 KORTH Commercial afreet diamonds, watch. asasiral instruments jni, clothing, shoe, ate. Botk new aad maad goods ' Wtttt Httn iKtnf id. WALLBOABD" CAX BE 178 ED OTXB lath- a studding. Cast bo fcated or vapored. Max O. Barea. ITS bank ; Commercial treat. WAO-ELT" TOTJB . HOUSE: IT'S auparisr to data, about keif price. Max O. Bursa. X79 K. Cn'l o. "WALL PASTE." HO OOOKWO RB- eaired. Sticks' overytking. Mar O. Buren. 179 'N. Commercial abxal. ' 8ACKSL SACKS TOB" SAX.B i 00.000 rraia. oati and potat uett, Uapitai Jank and Bargain Uoaa. zia camiar treat. Pkoaa 3S8. i i FOB BALE TRUCK; CHAJ58 ALL SIZES.. 'CAPITAL JTJXK: A BAB- k OAIS HOUSE, a PHOXI J98. CEXTEX ST. CAFTiymr or the oatkat oibls Xhia traa atory af western unmitra tton hak been carefully raviaed, makiajt t ' handsome little ' hook. It talla in e-mttkis term a- of - tba massaera of tka Oatauta f amity a ( tka eacape . at La reaae. and tka ' aaDtirity af Mary and unra. Mary atan i atarranon ana OUT waa parekaaed fraa tka Indiana tva, veara Is tor The oriea ia 20 eeata. postpaid. Monthly. Baieaa. wyon. WOOD PHOXE 1583M TOR WOOD. FOB DBT WOOD PHOXE 7SW, WOOD 4F2. FOUB-FEET AXD J6-IXCH. CALL THE SAJLEU FTJEC -YARDS POD year wood aad coal; olfteo 762 Trade street. Phone S2 . FOR SALE 16 IXCH AXD 4 FOOT SECOXD .GROWTH AXD OLD FIR WOOD. SPECIAL PRICE OX GREEN WOOD. - FRED E. WELLS Pkoaa 1542 305 Boatk Chnrek t Atttcaobale Directory FORD FOR SALfc .GOOD CONDITION' Price 200; 1110 X. Commercial. SLIGHTLY . USED FORDSOX TRACTOR - A. bargain, 249 Ferry street. FOR SALE ELGIN SIX 1919 20 MOD- el tonrinx esr, atmost - new, recently overhauled. Very low price for cash. Address "E." care Statesman. REPAIR SHOP V FLYING AUTO .SHOP. .WILL GO AXY place. Expert' mechanic, hoar 73c, Phone J434.W. OLESON MOTOR CAR COi 949 N. .Cbmtnstelal St : Pbsa 866 Uael Car' Center. Qnick Chaugei.' S325 500 ............. 650 ............. 950 ............. 285 1915 Studebaker .. 7-passenger Undsaa . 1916 Reo'. 1S19 Liberty Six . . 1916 Ferd Ford Sedaa self starter 550 New 2V4 toft Day-Elder track ai bargain. IXacy other food bays ia used cars. FORHff - -1 HOUSES GOOD nOUSE FOR RENT SEE J. n. Lsuterman, Argo hotel. FOR REXT. GOOD 8-ROOJf MODERN house, barn, gsrage and poultry houses. Sea Barber A Pearson, 200,.Gray Bldg. P. U WOOD, 931 estste. Ten tals. BTATB ST, REAL ROOMS FOR RENT OXE FURXISHED ROOK, 1088 Marion street. WAOTED , MISCELLANEOUS WANTED SMALL FURXISHED liana a or apartment by January 1 or 10, Pkoaa 1814., WANTED TO BUY A GOOD LOGGIXG , team, neigkt must be 16a0 and up, for cash. Cherry City Feed Barn. W. P. Talma, . GOOSEBEERRY AXD CURRANT CUT tings : wanted. Frultlaad Nursery. Phone 1140M. BUSINESS CARDS CHINESE PHYSICIAN DR. U .M. HUMT CUBES " AST" TCXOWS a I seas. ia a. niga Bt, t-aeno ana. DRESS3LKING. FOB DREKSMAKIXG AXD FLA IX aewing call at 1308 X. Commercial. HAT SHOPS. HAT SHOP MEN S AXI WOMEX'S kata raaevateA aad blocked 495 Court street. , INSURANCE. - WK WRITE IXSL'BAXCE OS AXY thing.' i tta 1 best aid line' companies. See us for insursaee. Laflar A Laflar, 406 Oregon buildlag. IF YOUR 1XSUR.S.XCE RATE IS niGIL tonault with us.' We can often advise yon hew to reduce it, and make your property a safer risk at the same time. X charge or obligation for ear aerv- STAXDLF.Y A1 FOLEY ' : Room 2 Buak Bank Bldr. Salem Oregon Phone 847 - - - LAUNDRIES SALEM LAUXDBT COMPAKT: 1SS 8. Liberty street. Pkoaa 25. Oldest Largest Beat. Established IMS. CAPITAL CTTT STEAM LAUXDBY Quality . work, prompt . sarrica, 1264 ; Broadway. PVoae 165. - MONEY TO LOAN. LOAXS1 LOAXS.I- IP YOU "-3 WANT money sa . city property, see as. W kavait on good terms and low rata at interest. Laflar A Laflar, 406-7 Oregon building., . 4 - - NURSERY" STOCK; CHOICE LOGAXBERBY PLAXTS FOR ; spring delivery; any quantity. Ward . JK, Rirhsrdson.,2395. Front. CHOICE STRAWBERRY PLAXTS, AXY quantity: all leading. vsrieties..jPrices . v Intcravung. -Ward ,' K. Richardson, 2395 Troat it Psoas 494. XniSERY STOCK U I V L A"X D XfBSEBY NOW HAS aalea yard -Dr IlijH aad herrr alt.. Sateln. Vt alt aad oiratM-k: K and 8-fuat Italian prano and amailor rradt-v alto 01 bar nur.ry atork Fhana IHtM. . . WE 50,000 crTHBEKT RED . Tt ASPBERBT plant ; strong, ibnfiy, yrar old. I quantity price ttr early dHvery. Pef 100 postpaid, 2.S0. Ward K. Rich ar.tton, 2395 Front FAIXTIXO AVD PAPTEHAKaiXO kare gone exit on an asteadad iait nad I recommend A. II. Clark (phone 1396J) aa a competent workman. Ulenn ' I,. A'tatna. : : . " ' PRIVATE lIOSTITAl.v WANTED O0XFISEMEXT CASES AT private kospital. , I .hat best af eqmp nt. Phono 195W.' PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS KATHEBIXE ECHLXEP, If. D, PHT atcian nad Sarjfeoa. Ofiicea Oreran kcildine, rooma 41113. Pnoaa 640, ?64. Orer Orern Electric depot. REPAIRING AND SHARPENING BEX. WHEELER- SVVXRTTHIXO BE paired. General aharpeninf. cklmaey aweep. S42 Xartk Conunareial tract. CUTXERT GRrXDIHG: tAWH MOW. era. aafety ratora. a4. Btawart Ka- pair Snopt S47 Coart atreet. SECOND HAND FURNITURE WAXTED BICOXD-HAXD TURN I tare, rara, earpeta, stoeea, machinery nnn Hoia. neat prices pai. i aa ip Hal Hardware Faraitur Co, 2&S K Com'l St. TThona 947. bTOYB REPAIRING c-pi--ct Brnnn T ivn RVPaTBT.rv fence, afx aa 26 to & inekaa kick. Paiaw: hop - keoka. . tsalcm Tcnea and . 8to woraa. zsv onra aireei. rinii it SECOND HAND GOODS WW BUT AND SELL 8ECOXD HAND raods of an kinds, pip ' mtinrm, nai neac, aoUnra,' collar pads, taola, aad ekaias, Fred , Sckiadlar, . 25 Canter street . - , - - TRANSFER HAULING HAYIXO KETVKXED AM. SOW" READY to serv the putme witn my trars. n. W. -Johnson. Phone" 1565M: CAPITAL - CITY TEANBFER - CO. 226 gtate st phono 39. itstriDBwag. forwardrnr aad storage r speciaity. Get ear rates. YVALli PAPER, PAINT WALL 'PAPER ANT CEILING PAFKS 30a and ap doable roll.' Max v. xt ran, 17S N. Commercial St. , . , , , SEE POBTEB FOB PAINTS, WAIL Paper aad - Picture jrramiag. uoost workmen. 455 Court St. Phone 465. WATER SALEM - WATER. LIGHT' POWEB Co, elfiea 801 Bonta wn i airees. Te per; cent discount en do uses tie flat rates paid ia advance, da etwina for ahaenas or any cause aa- bms waier Is aknt year premises. r PROFESSIONAL' OSTE0PATH1O PHYSICIANS 806 I DBS.' WHITE AND -MARSHALL, tt. 8.. National Bank Bldg. DR. W. L. ' . MEltCERV' OSTEOPATHIC Pkyiieiau aad , Surgeoa. . KiraavG gradoata. 404 aad 40C. S. Kstl Bank building. PnoBe Otfiea 919. residence . si.. . . - - - - DR. JOHN U LYNCH. OSTEOPATHI0 PkysieUa A Barga-, 40S-04 Oregon -RMe Phones: Offiea 1894: Baa. 68F5. CIHROPRACTORS. DR. O. U SCOTT, P. 8. O. CHIROPRAC 1 I Puent j tor. 809-12 vr. o. ana si ST; Bes.' 828R. - REAL ESTATE 38-Farms 38 (Some personslly inspected) In Polk and Marion Counties , t 60 to S160 t FLEMING REALTY CO. 341 Sute Street. . r inAu wntiSF. OXE BLOCK FROM State street, modern eacept basamenW.1 PHced cheap at 81760, terms. BARBER & PEARSON 200 Gray Bldg. , " tnti ifBWJli miles ont 15 cnltivat. wood enough to nau par mei- asked. Trade for something ta fslein. 64 acres, SO cultivate. lor-reui. v. WeU built 4-room aouse, aw, MAGEE Roam 29, Corner State and Over Bnsick's Commercial REAL ESTATE Farms to trade for Salem property. Eight-room konse and acre of ground on Trade atreet. Will trade thia in on a farm. . V Mny house, tor sale, , ie GERTRUDE J. Rt PAGE 492 y. Cottsgs St. PmjnellM BEST BUYS 5 acres, bottom land,, -acre logana, 1 . acre atrawberries, smsH house and barn, 4'i miles from Salem, at school, on good road; $2500 eash. 10 acres, all in cultivation, lots af fruit. 7 room house, fsir barn, chicken houses Just out of city limits, 12 minute wslk from car: 96950. 150- acres. 12 cleared. 60 practically cleared. 70 timber pasture: 200 cords of wood cut. to be included. Spring, fence on three sides. 7'i miles from Salem; 565 per acre. Can place several good loans at t per cent. HOUSES 8 rooms, modem, two corner lots, tw block from car; lots of fruit, barn, chicken coops; $5500, $3000 raah, bal ance at 7 per cent, fi-room strict lv modern bungalow, closs in 2a blocks from car. garage and chick en bouse; $5250, $320 rash, balance at 7 per cent. 6 rooms, 2 lots, 2 blocks af car; $1500, raah. balance at 7 per cent. D. D. S0C0L0FSKY State Street, 341 L A.HAYF0RD REAL ESTATE AXD PTES IXSURAXCE 305 Stat Street If you are looking for a borne in the eity - or country we have it. Here are a few. If yon do not see what yon want her come in aa we kave a large list to se- ' lect from. -4 $ 550 3-Room house. $1200 5-room heute. S12O0 6-room house. $16. SO 5-room house, semi msdern. $'.000 6-room bonse, semi modern. 4 $2.100 5-room bungalow, modern, new.. $2700 5-room bungalow, modern. $3000 6-room bouae, semi modern. $3350 5-room house, semi modern. $3600 9-room house, semi modern. 84ROO 8-room honse, aemi modern. $5300 6-room Bungalow, modern. $6500 7-room bungalow, modern. $7800 6-room bungalow, modern. and ethers too numerous te mention. -' $650052 acres, 26 ia cultivation f 9 , acres ia orchard, prunes, walnuti, fil berts, cherries, etc. House, barn, etc., oa good road, 8 miles from Salem. $150 per sere takes a 30-scr tract; 7 miles ef city, on good road. $6000 takes 25 aerea of good black sell 7Vi miles of Salem, on good road; kat ' -bouse, barn, well, etc. ' Terma ran be bad en all of the above. L A. HAYFORD 303 Statt SUeeL REAL ESTATE HAVE AX Mt MOin ii tl.K. TO tchance for uulmirtvcd Uad withm anl- 'f Nilcui. I.aflar l.afUr, 406 7 Oregan Bldg. falem. Exceptionally Good Buy A .' room moJera exrrit ' 1arment, with a very larsie lut and caraecour 1,'lork elf the ear line at -'; t. plumbing and very cheap place. VV. FLEMINtl 341 State Street. J - , ACRES CLOSE IX WITH Gml Lnildiar, aplendid liny for price naked $40Ol. Another for S3250. 4 r.m plastered boose, wood abd and tarn, on corner, 10oxl30 ft., l30o. PETTEY'S REALTY CO. 331 Stata Street. BARGAIN AO ACRES ALL CULTITAT- ed. beat of fruit or gain land; located north of Salm on main Halent Cbam poeg road. Price 66000; $3600 cash, balance terms. W. H. tiRABEXnORST A CO. . 275 State. Street , CHOICE FARM !00 arrek for sate at a bargain that yea cannot afford to ererleek if yen want a stock, grain aad timber proposition. 1K0 seres firat rlaas land, black soil in cultivation, almoat level. jut rolling enough to drain; 40 acres first claas timber and peitnre. Good farm honae, large barn, site graaery. ether bnild inca i fine ' fcprtng water piped into house, good well and gaa encme at barn. Thin is a good farm that will pay. Yon ran have immediate posaea aion; near school, railroad station and railroad apnr, an hoar'a drive from Ha lent. Prioe is leas than $-V aa acre; would consider aome trade in city or country property or would sell en SSOOO down-sa first payment; balance par cent interest. ' BARBER & PEARSON ;fc Grsy Bldr., Near Commercial Club . CITY PROPERTY , 3 room modern bungalow witk new ga rage, S3500. terms. 7- rootn madern house. Boatk Commercial ' atreet: SSS50, balance lika rent. 8- reom koaae. 2 lotn. bare, fruit and berries, fiSOO: god terms. FARMS 5 'acres,-new 4Jtoom-Mese, out buildings, one mile from rsr line. Price 2oo; terms- Two fine 10 acre tracts, improved. Good . term. One of the best 100. acres in tka valley at 1100 per acre; terms. 64 acres, 6 miles from eity, improved 6123 per Acre. Terms. 5 aerea, 4 -room home, close in; 92000; SOO will handle. acres,' good honie ' and barn, en car line. 95OO0. Uood terms. We bav same large stock aad gram rs aches for ssle. . . . . . LAFLAR & LAFLAR 400 7 Oregon Bldg. Salem, Ore. FOR TRADE 32- ACRES, 80 ACRES nder plow, balance good timber ( es timated at lS.'M'O cord), buildings; lo cated 10 mile from Aitem. Will take maH improved . acreage or Income property as part payment. Price 65 '"'wTTi. fiRABEXHORST A CO. 275 State Street ' GOOD BUYS 2rt-are farm; about 80 acres eallivated. balance good timer: about IS.tMMl cords of atanding timber. House and barn. Will Mnider property or Small acreage as part payment. Price 85 - per acre. . 280-ecre farm- located nnrthesrt of 8a lew. 10O acres cultivated, bslanee pas ture and timber: good building. , about 25 acres of Leaver dam soil, ail cultivated. Price $125 per acre. 200-aere farm, lOO acre cultivated, bal ance timber and pasture, good rosd, running water, buildings. Price S100 P'r acre. . i;i.BrT. tract of fine berrr soil located south of Salem; Pacific bighwsy. Price SI 600. SSOO down, balance terms. 20 acre tract. small boaoe and barn. prunes, logans-and strswbemes,- fsm ily orchard. Wilt consider boose and lot a part payment. Price $7000. 5 acres located close to carliae; fins berry soil, good drainage, some logsns. Price $2500. Terms. 5 acres of good soil. 4 room honae, acre logsns, acre prunes, barn, good road. Price 83800. 10 acres. heue aad barn, good berry: 7-room plastered house and 3 fins gar den Iota located Just outride of -cjrr lim its and close te carline. Price 92100. 5-room tiouae aad large lot in south Sa lem, barn. gravel street, close to car .line. Price $2500. half cask. W. H. GrabenHorst & Co. 275 Stats Street. - 4-ROOM HOUSE, GOOD BARX, 3 LOTS and fruit at $900. Good home, complete basement, bam. some f rait and on paved atreet and car line, at $2800. 6-room bonse practically new at $1500. House and good lot in Xortk Salem at - $lO00. 10 acres of choice land. 8 "acres of apples and cherries: 2 acres of choice logaa- berry land, 5000 etrawberry plant a ia zeod condition; cheap; terma reason able. Sonar Deal Co. Pbene 470. 5 ROOM MODERX HOUSE, XEAB CAB and paved street. Immediate posses sion good terms. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. V. 9. Bank Bids. Phone 470 FOR SALE 3.61 ACRES. 2 ACRES IX full bearing 'logans, 'it aerea act te logans lsnt spring. good stand, new 4-room bouse, located H-mile south nesr Pscifie hirhway. Price $3300: $2300 cash, balance $500 per year. In terest 6 per cent, W. H. GRABENHORST A CO. 275 State Street 40-ACRE HOWELL PRAIRIE FARM OX paved road. All tillable and all pls,nt .ed except am ill tract fine tfmber. ' 8-room houe, barn, store houe. chick - - en heu.e. Price $10,500, easy terms. Modern 5-room bungalow on corner ef paved afreet, $2850, $1000 cash; bal anre a a rent. Modern 7-room bungalow and garage, ear ner' of paved street, close in $3000; easy terms. OREGON LAND CO. Phone 426 4 12 State St. FOR SALE STRICTLY MODERN 7 room hoSse, close in, easy payments, immediate poseion. Hart aad Mailer, 206 Oregon bldg. FOR SALE LOGAXBERRY TRACT 8 aerea in fall bearing, trelliacd witk ce dar posts, rick loam sail. Price $4500, B cash, balance easy payments at 7 6er cent. Hart A Mailer. 20S Oregon ldg. WORTHWHILE We can sell good Mock and dairy ranches from $10 to SitO per acre. We can sell fine improved farms from $75 to $150 per acre. We have a large listing of small acreage tracts. We have manv good buys in city resident property. See us before you purchase a borne, Liat your property with us: we ran sell it. We have , many good properties for exchange. What have yon to trade! We write insurance. MILLS & COPLEY 331 1 State Street. Phons 175 SXAP 5-ROOM MODERX BUXOALOW except furnace, fireplare, full cement basement with fruit room. large lot with barn, on alley, paved street and car line. Price $3675; $2075 rash; balance terma. W. H. GRABEXIIOBST A CO. 275 State Street BARBER & PEARSON Sells "city aad country property. List it witk as and it will receive special at tention. We will fiad yen a trade if that is what yon want.200 Grag- Bldg, near tommercial eiun. rso Statesman CXissmca Afi REAL ESTATE bEVKX-ICnM IU'SF, I.Jmi. GtMUt c-tuditton: erw. . A. I.ivl-.a. iilit t'ourt l rrct. j Stayton Business Building I'iue, p-riuau-iit Ln-U.r, liwaied ia tlic rrHirr of the Uia. dilrtt; ar-ailv arar l'rie, fii.'itjii r wi'.l tr-l- fur Xud priicrtr In r n-ar r fur gruccr -inal salne. KINNEY & SMITH 4M Stale Sliest. 5 CronnJ Flvr .prnuc? xoTici:s "NOTHT: OP ASSESSMENT OP THE CtST P IMPROVING I7TII KTREI-rr FRO.M THE NORTH I.I N E stri:et Ti ijm: op STREET. op ooritT THE SOUTH nii3iEKirrA Notice i.e. hereby siren that the Common Council of In City el Salem will, at or about the hoar of 7:10 o'clock P. M. on the 3rd day of Jandary, 1921. or at the same hour at any subev.ent meet In r of the Common Council. atftbe Council Chamber in the City Hall, proe-ed tb aa" upon each lot or part thereof, its pro portionate ahare of the cost of Improving 17th Street from the north line of Court Street m the South line of Chemeketa Street. All persons interested In raid assessment are hereby notified to be and appear at said time and place before the Common Council and present their objection to said assessment, if any they bare. and apply to the Common Coun cil to eqnrlite their proportionate share of said assessment. By order of the Common Coun cil this 20th day of I e .ember. 1920. EARL RACE. Recorder. ; ; WHOLE MILK AND ' PRODUCE WANTED Marion Creaznery & Produce Ci Balein, Oregon. Phono 2483 SALEM MARKETS I " BUYING PRICE. Egg and Poultry. Eggs. 46c. Hens, heavy, 22-24.C Hens, light, 18-20c. Old roosters. S-lCe. Broilers, 2 2-2 4c. Pork MuUoii and IWf. Pork, on foot, $o-$9.75. Lambs. 7c. Pressed hogs. He. : Beef steers. 7 Vi-tle. Cows. 3-e. Top yeal, 1-c. Hay. Clover hay, $20.00-22.00. Oat and vetch hay, per Son $21-123. Cheet hay, $21-23. Grata. Wheat. $1.20-1.35. Oats. SOc. Beans, 4 to Sc. Mill FreiM, Retail. - Mill run. $37. - WhoIeale to Irealens. Creamery butter, 5-c-LCc. Butterfat. 50c. . FroJt. Oranges. $3.50-$4. Bananas. 13 i-2c. Lemons. $4. Grape fruit, Cal.. $. Arlx., $5.50. Florida. $8.50. Cranberries, $5.25 box; $20 bbl Dates, $7 rase. Vegetables. Cabbage. 1 l-2c. are ! ..-. 41 a A aVmajerf-a,m ' V Oregon Statesman . Salem, Oregon Enclosed please find $. Name ; for. .months Prim-Lady Rubberized II - I "I !i T" sT"w e iTlw v w. w r-v j 1 a n .lit mr-r e e 4 . I Y;:;:;:: I. z:z: I -vmsaamnmaafaanm f m-ssaa, BS"r - ) ' ' ' " ShjVaf i - !- L . wm ip' m J ' - - -P-- -T s ) 1 -v t 1 P W - : v I I I -..- -... Va 1 sVa m-- I .nil lorn. Ore-fun. f I.2S. Oniona. C.lituriili, 2. Turnip. 2.os. Carrots. $1.1.0 eaek. ret-It pepMr. 2"i'. ('aulifliiu.r. $l.7a dug. Jutes. 22 l-2c lb. Ittucr. crt. Spudt. $1.2j rat. Swi.i-l polaio!, -r-Sl-2c. ;raH.. r."r lt. .('umli h ney. cae. I. Cflerj-, $1 ilt. liunrhes. Parsley fcoc fluren banrtes. Iteett. 7r doze-n buncltcw. Tomatoes. $3.2j crt. Honey, t-xtraeted 2Ue lb. ICrfnil. ' Creamery butter, 0c. Ksjts. t'.fe. Fh.ur. bard Te-at. I2.7--2.9-Klotir. Tail. y. $2.i. Siisar. $10. Lacy Gaslon Says Harding Mast Not Smoke Cigarettes TOPEKA, Kan . Dee. IS. MUs I.nry Pare Gaston. Chicago. u perintendent of the International Anti-Cigarette league, announced tonlsht she had sent a letter to Prehldent-elect llardlbg asking him to not Use cigarettes. The letter follows In part: -In a meeting or the newly or ganixed board of the Kansas Anti Cigarette leasue. the question was dl-ocussed as to the influence specially upon .the outh that cigarettes in the White House are likely to have. "As you might expect, there were those present who valiant ly defended you from the charge that .you are a friend ot the 'lit tle charmer.' In returning to 'normalcy' to invoke a word of your own. It Is not the part of wisdom do take the stand 'the war is over and the cigarette Is again a poison. - t - "The United States has had no smoking president since MrKln ley. Roosevelt and Tafl and V li ne n have clear records. Is not this a question of grate Impor tance? ' , - Cleveland Eleven WiU Probably Play Everett TACOMA. Wash.. Doe. 1 The Tacoma Advertisinr clab today invited East Tech high school of Cleveland. Ohio, and Everett. Wash., hirb school, to play a game for the national Inter-scbo-lastlc championship here New Year's day. . Everett Is held to have won the western title Friday by defeating Long Beach. CaL. at that city, while East Tech high is consider ed here to have one -f the most t formidable records of all eastern i . . . i i (lampions. An unofficial report from Cleveland tonight indicated that Cleveland would readily acrerU Everett officials have not replied but prominent Everett citizens to night stated that they were "very much In favor of the Tacoma game as It would Kite Everett and all northwest fans a chance to -see the title contest. CLEVELAND. Dec. 18. An In nuiry was received tonight from the Tacoma Advertising clnb ask ing if East! Technical high school foctball eleven of this city would play the - Everett. Wash., high school team at Tacoma January 1, If the rame can be arranged. East Technical high school of ficials skid they would play. A. SI I 3 RIM-LADY APRONS are Ihepride and happiness of all the better class of housekeepers who hare them. -.They the time and work saver of our thriftiest women. These aprons are neat, attractive and tremendously popular as a preventative of the High Cost of Li vie j: in regard to clothing, they are un com parable be cause they not only save the laundry bill but the wearing apparel as welL These garments are cleanable waterproof over-garments, which require no laundrying. Are made of the best quality of gingham, thoroughly rubberized and printed in cheery -looking pat terns. In blue and white checks. The Retail Value Is $1.50 For A Household Necessity and all you have to do to get one of these attractive, ser viceable and time-saving gar. ments is to get us two new Dally Subscribers for three months, or one new subscriber for 12 months. 50c a month by mail in Marion and Polk counties. 60c a month outside of these counties. Cc a month by eify carrier. for which send , at your regular subscription Apron to NORTHWEST POULTRY JOURNAL Oldest, lanre-t and best of l4 Pari fie Coast Poultry and !! Stock Hagasines Tel's you all aboit Incubation! brooding, feedin. callln;. boa tint and caring for poultry and pl s'oek ctnerally. IIow to suecwea with a tack-lot or commercial egg plant. Only 75 cents per years for f 1.60. year. Twf Northwest Poultry Journal Statesman Office OREGOX SALEM TIME TABLES I MUTHXU PACOTO CO. Effect rve Sendar, Vrtawt It. 1920 and tareafter. VerUbwend Ka. S4 Orereaian ............ 9 -OA am I S I rra l ipma S:ttta X. S WlHaaaevte Limi'ed JO em . IS Pertiaad r-Waeagor ..... 2 pm 24 rc Bsy Jt. 14 Perllasd Fspeeas Traia Xe. If are- at Salem SeatAbeaad Xe. SI Oregwaiaa .......... Ills) ?! p S:64 pm .... 94 aa ....! Cta ... .lo 5 am . 33 roe f.egeae ..... Ve. I S f a!!frmie Fvpcea !. II KawHrf fa 4 OS iram II amvee at J'em.. S 40 No. 27 Willaaaesie Lamet .... S.sSew Sea Fraaoaee Faaa 9.24 pa aALCMCEAB ZJTB Xe.T Arrive et fUleas 9:19 aa So. 7 4 Leave Selena 4:04pm SALEM. PALLS CTTT WESTEM IS1 lavre aaeee...... T.atam ISt leaves Salem, aseter 9:15 a 16 Leaven aLraa. s4r 1 :5A pa Tbreegti ear te Meeaswsrk sad Art 171 Leaves r-eleve fe !!... i toa-a let arrives at Salees ......... 9:10 aa 164 Arrives at Taeaa ..11 : a I 4 Amvee as eeasn l:!M 172 Am at Vm ....... .. I :o ra otxoo elect am Seatkbeejsd Leave Arrive Arrive PwrUand "lw Y-arve 1 .... lima a stem la e a Ltd. !:! 10:11am 12 25pm T ....14:45am 1 2 : 5 pCe 2 : pm .... XroSpsa 4:12pm ( Itia IS Ltd. 4-43 pea Ctlaa astaa 17 .... f Siaa) S:Tpn SaUsaee 19 .... 9:30 pes 11:20 pm Pa ease V Kertk Bank Fltiias (Wove Jeffeeam atreet IS aad SO annates later). XerUbeead Teee Areivw Arrive Ksgeee Bam Prt mad .... TMSam t5a4 IS Ltd. T:J0am SrSJam 11:15 a4 IS .... 11:1 am l:4tp 14 . ...11:1 1 am l:Ji pes Sstpe 15 Ltd. 1:55pm . t.Mpn S:45p SO ... Salem S :50 pm T:4pa 21 .... tllsa 7:&5es 9 IS pa St-ne Bank aiatiea i a Jet Lees Uf atreet IS miaalee earleecj. eaUia 4:10, COKYAXLaJ COXXECTZ0XS Xsnaboand Leave CorvsTTls Arrtee ftaJesa 8:20 am 9:45 am 2:4pm 4:OOpas 4:14 pm S:0pm 4:2 pm . 7:55 pan SeBtkbaaad Leave SaVm Arrtee CrvaS S:SSam 9:S5pm lS:15aas ll:t$at 13:56psn 9 29 pm 4:12 pm :41pm S :40 pm' Sbnas " - - - CSAT lJAU U5i the Daily Oregon Statesman Address price In according to rates above and please send The Address. Lnupji & Gtow Fat W1TJI Fatty Artiiickle U Stale Committee WR Stady Price Ccziid WASHINGTON. Ic. 21- Ay l.latm'tit cf a s;ieal corai m atady the a'ibjet of state ra,. tiol of tfice as prafare-4 by statute tow In ef.'ert la Mv tana and ladtaaa. was aaae-e&eed tcday ty the r ha raker af ee-s-mers ol the United States. Tbs com mlt tem u headed Ay Ckane, rel ,f St. Lotit, former swere. tary of the department of cos roerre and labor. Li tint lea tt determine the constttat 'oaality r Loth the Montana sad ladiazi rncv control laws la now Vefa the United Ftate saBrera Dozen Railway Employes Oat of Work ci Dzi DALLAS. Or.. Dec ai to i ne r-iaicnmaa i . rsr!ig l e ! m-e. swsi I . ew . jy.t of the Hoot kern Pacific rvjvay In the car bop ia ikls city kav ' ' v.iBiijy. I fee tact Ion waa taken IcUcalag en- . .. I.I J I. trenchmeat orders laened by tLt company lo all shop ckfOcWU. Work la other ladaatiiea ia Dallas, however, la stUl ptU.'tl. the Dallas Machine A LoeomaUia works 1 running fall kxaded ijj ,the time with still plcaty of wort ahead. PIUIPARE FINAL Dua IlAWSO.V. Y.T.. IX- 2I TVs final dah of the year front I aon to Fart McPbersca near lt mouth rf the XlrKeatM river. wIJ If ttarted about Jaaaary L lv the Din. here of I be Uojal CaAAi lan. mounted prlire la thetr an nual expedition to carry sari to tbe-outljltte posts ef the or ganisation. The leswaoi ytrj will m r other sledr pan from Rampart and llerathel la ta nd. at Fort lcPheraom. Tbs five memters are eatected X re turn here in February or atant. states job ofhce We print eTerjlMnj', frota I calling card to a Look ci Bewspspcr Best eiairpe?tl plint ta Ore ton cmtiide of Fortlinl We solicit the ptiatirf; ci fATtaers StatesTaan bcildb, Silen, Ore 011 to ni . M 1 1 V T o