it tnio Ttu THE OREGON STATESMAN. SALKM. ORKOON. WEDNESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 22. 1920 5 pother Grange Opposed to Increase in Salaries cation of which it not shown in a communication received by the public service commission. Las adopted resolutions against the increase of salaries of state or the lo- I county officials, and also protest ing against any increase in th ser ice rates or utilities. A co.y of the resolution has been receiv ed at the office of the service commission. . r...i.aio Grange. - t .8 ' iQift Suggestions REFORM LAWS man and C. K. Hewitt, superin ,tcndent of the Sunday school: Tiaoo Overture. RFPnMMCMni4niTrBra lrM The Dereaa Clasi. IlLlVUllllllLl " 1LLf ! Frimary Department Christmas wwt i . , chorus. Ten little girl "Lls D V fl CUT 11 A I C ten While I Tell You Dollie." Ill llrrll .141.. Queen of ChrUtmas )liM Kuth lin SUIT FILLD I W. Meats Mutual Motoring Regula tions Likely to be Enact ed in Four States For the las minute shoppers who are out after values -we have some Xmas Holiday 5jeciai listed that are well worth your t'jne to look into. All Neckwear Greatly Reduced FUEL TAX IS FAVORED counting of their busJnes tran- artinr. with C W. and. II. A. 1Or4i.AT. Or iw 21. I Writ, nrourietors of the Red Rock 4nii mr. filial livlir In rlrr llt rfairv r IIjrrT U. KOOlDUD. court bf the Oregon Dairymen' j Joseph. Komalkl. J. Co-operative league, naming tn-B,i Wilbur I Workman Red RcwW dairy and four of its patrons! as co-defendants in ac- t... ft . .1 K 1... gue's EiJling contract, a percent-. Marrr I t ndrtnd baDail at all; do j rT MaWI Why. )os don't have sndertUBd U- i:rjthlng ! dr. rided by a man they call the vmta-- t pir: Star and Strip. Rosa. iter Court: Iove Mh Liuunagc or fine amount pat a by inauibers: Joy iiiss luiu iairy iu na natron. ine iinruai, i ' r " - - - rj 3i Ifll Unmolested Traffic Possi ble If Legislatures Heed Secretaries Special 75c to $1.50 Neckties... ...... ..I...... J ;.50c The secretaries of Slate of the States of Montana. Idaho. Wash ington and Oregon, at their an- 1 - - l ; nuai conierence neiu aionaay ana Tuesday at the Imperial THE Silk Shirts, Special (tax included) . .. . . . .$5.45 $1.00 Wool Dress Hose. 85c Bathrobes from i .$6.50 to $5.20 Bathrobes from . . . .......... . - .$15.00 to $11.95 Smoking Jackets, $12.50 cut to. . . . . . . . ... . . . , . . . .... .$10.30 Silk Scarfs and Reefers. . . . . . .$2.00 to $5.00 All initial handkerchiefs greatly reduced. 4 Belts, uickle-silver buckles, cut to .$1.00 Dress C 1 o v es, kid, c u t to. Dress Gloves, Suede, -cut; to. .$4.50 .$3.60 mm 7 ! n -A A complete line of fancy Arm Bands, Garters, Purses, ' Keduced BUI Folders, Collar Boxes, all 16 STATE STEEET Phone 877 The .Exquisite Tones of a .t Master - - Violin Resonator ' A rtrw vf the violin resonator in Th Chtney, Supported free fromcabinet Weill that it can vibrate and add beauty tf teffc ThiM it enfy one of a eri of new d exclusive inventions in The Cheney EVEN a master of a violin must have a Stradivarius to get the utmost from his art. An ordinary violin plays the same notes, but the tones are not comparable. There is just as much difference between The Cheney and an ordinary phonograph. For The Cheney is fundamentally "different. Acoustic principles never before utilized in tone reproduction are brought into play and give The Cheney tones of surpassing beauty. "The Longer You Play It . The Sweeter It Grows Like a violin it improves with age and becomes a prized heirloom to be handed from generation to generation 1 No other can imitate Cheney im provemcnts. They arc found in no other instrument. Each Cheney cabinet is a master' ful piece of furniture craftsmanship, made in period design. I Wc Have Several Used Phonographs al a Bargain N H1 Llj ' Portland among the many things discussed, strongly recommended that the departments in charge of the highways in the respective states pos such highways with appropriate uniform signs and road markers for the convenience of the traveling public. They also strongly endorsed the Oregon law providing for a tax en gasoline, deeming this method of taxation a more equitable dis tribution of the cost of road and highway construction, as the own er of the automobile by virtue thereof contributes proportionate ly as he may use the roads, wheth er for pleasure or in, the pursuit of his business. Mutual Law Urged The secretaries. Instead of pro viding that a non-resident of the respective states upon entering another state register with the nearest police department and this department being required to forward such registration to the secretary of state for general re ference and as a clearance bureau decided that the necessary infor mation respecting non-residents for the proper policing of the highways of the state could be secured by a mutual exchange of registration lists. This will give the secretaries of state of each of the states complete registra tion lists of, the motor vehicle owners in the other states, which lists will be open to the public at all times. The prevailing thought of the secretaries is to permit the motor ist to travel unmolested as much as possible and not require of him duties which are not enforced or rather exacted of others who may travel from one state to another, by other means of travel. The idea was to make the recip rocal privileges between the states as broad as possible. Unity Held Necessary The principal subject and one which has been unanimously ag reed upon was that of uniform traffic regulations and motor vehicle equipment. Conditions being different in many of the cities and towns of the respective states, it becomes necessary in order to have an effective uniform law, to include restrictions which do not now exist in some of the cities and again to exclude others which exist at this time, but with the experience of the traffic offi cers believe that the suggested regulations will meet" every rer nuirment. so that the motorist in Oregon, being fully acquainted with the laws of the state when motoring in Washington, Idaho or Montana, by complying with the laws of Oregon, will know that he is not violating any of the traffic regulations in any of these states in which he may be traveling. The light and equipment of cars was also taken up and the secretaries believe requirements which will not be oppresive or difficult t'o comply with should be made. These suggestions will be more specifically formulated and embodied In proposed laws which the legislatures of the res pective states will .be asked to enact at the coming sessions cf their assemblies. Licensing is Iiocal It was the concensus of opin ion that licensing of a notor vehicle is purely a local regula tion, as well as the fees exacted, as some of the states by reason of the high license fees exempt the motor Vehicle from the per sonal property tax. while in others where the fee is reasonably low a personal property tax in addi tion is exacted. j." Further, it, was the unanimous nninion of the swrretarjes that privileges accorded motir vehicle1. dealers under dealtrs j nrense should extend only to the states iu which the dealers reside. It was unanimously recom- mended that the license ears be: made uniform, that is. , that tne license year should correspond with the calendar year .in all of the states, which is notj the cae now in many instances. The operator's license, law was strongly endorsed and it was the in.-inimmiK tinion of the secre taries of state that the age limit for driving automobiles should not be made less than ifiJyears cf age. as the Oregon la now pro vides. Some of them were strong ly in favor cf raising tn ge to 18 years, but 16 years wf.s agreed upon as the minimum agr. It was also strongly i recom- At-A that chauffeurs r be re mit red to cive bond. , arnyne vt iu i ..f thi- states now make such exactions of persons engaged in driving automobiles for hire and carrying passengers or freight. i Heiser; Faith Miss Mabel who lironcusio: Courage Miss cue Kuth Tibbitts. Chorus by Mrs. Gamble's class "Young Soldiers." , Cheerfulness Alice Hace. Chorus Mm. Milliken's class "Earthland Ferries;- sing "We Greet You." Gingerbread Boy Harold Soco Chorus-:-Mrs. Hewitt's class "Woodland Fairies." "Hrownies." sing "Chrhdmas Candies" Miss Eva Robert's class. Busy Bees" Mrs. Elliott's and Miss Moo res classes. The.Gltt Giving Time." hotel j"The Christmas Star" Alice llace and ltuelia uaiiey. The queen; fairies, busy bees. brownies, gingerbread boy and all meet and tell of what they are going to do for the people of the earth for their Christ mas, j Closing Chorus t "A Band, of Faithful Reapers We." y ft t ar a andf a alo members of the !- re cited to render an ac- TVlkTrftirmi rhurxoiay, Friday, Saturday YE LIBERTY Golf - Christmas Give Golf Presents for Enjoyment Thrtjushout the Year ' ' irli'"" Our entire golf stock reduced from 13 to CO per eent HAUSER BROS. SALEil ALIJANY EUGENE CORVALL1S M" Laugh & Grow Fat WITH Fatty Arbuckle e. AM LTON "The; House Furnisher E - v : ruU 1 to Have Holiday Program Tho following Christmas pro gram will bo j;iven at tin- Frst Baptist church. Liberty and Mar ion streets, tomorrow night, be ginning at S o'clock. ' The. assist ant directors are Mrs. K. C. Gam ble. Mrs. U. E. Hewitt and Mrs. H. s. Gil. The rommittre in charge i Mi fcTji Hobtrt4-Uair- Men's and Boys' Gift Things You can't find any that are belter than onrf. alem Woolen Mills Store 1111 ' ? .riisfv' . anna r n irair&r- Uijrmircz ruxri i . ' ' -Siirr ' il to buy sensible and practical gifts lor Xmas XmaLS tore Gifts as We featide only such be useful to us during the entire will year Atlas scalloped, cut comer Bed Spreads special double size, s very good material, regular value $9.50, Christmas Sped.'.! at......... $4.98 3 . WW' 3 T I apunu nxeu liueu s call oped Table ? Cloths, regular price $8.00, our 5pcckl rice : S3.75 Heavy Fancy Flowered Turkish Bath Tow els, regular value $2,' now only 98c These are recent ar rival and have been marked to move fast 9-1 Bleached Mohauk Sheeting ; special at the yard only. ggc i Guaranteed All Wodl Plaid Blankets, 64x84, values to $26 JO. Our Xmas 7v - $1550 All Wool Children's Suits, in all sizes and styles, regular values to $12. Special, at only theisuit. $5-98 Ladies9 Pure Silk Thlead Hose. The very thing for Xmas gifts. Former- ly priced at $2.25. Ojir special price, only $1.00 A 50c box of Station cry, special..: 25c Men's Dress Shirts $1.65 These come in fine Ma dras and all sizes and colors, former value to $3. -r- gBox Handkerchiefs, Special. We have 1 ju.t received a large I .shipment of box handkerchiefs and in order to clear them before Christmas is over we have marked them so that they will move fast. These are priced at from 25c and up the box in Christmas boxe. Men's Tics. 49c Wc have old to date tbout 50 dozen of these and have only a fer dozen left, Come and get onci before they all go. Double coupons in Dry Goods, Shoes and Cloth ing Depts. only. IBM Visit our Econ omy Basement and get a 49c basket E C2 t 1 f I I I