I! .1 . THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALKM. OREGON. , n f WEDNESDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 22. 1920 5 BRIEF Special mating of Pa cific lodge, No. 50. A. r & A. M-. this evening. Work in the E. A. degree. (id. lice department yesterday that there was a Ford automobile standing near his home, with a li cense No. - 76363. He said he would take care of the automobile unui ii was cauea ior. Multnomah Iloyal Arch Chapter will hold an election of. officers, Thursday night by or der of E. X. P. (adv.) . ' Regular mcclinr of rfl . Chemeketa lodge, .!f .i 0 OYF. this evening at ? -it Work in. the third degree. Visiting brothers welcome, ladv) Final Account Filed A. J. Martin, executrix of the estate of A. W. Martin, deceased. filed his final account Yesterday. with the county court. The date of hearing was set;for January 30. See Smith's Flow At Y. M. C. A. corner. guage and at 7:30 p. m. in . the English language. When you thiak of Good Clothes Think of Mosher, the tailor. (Adv.) (Adr.) 1921 Calendai .Homer H. Smith. McCornack bldg.. free. insurance, (Adv.) . ,j1m Cla ' Two automobiles were consid raWr damaged in a collision Monday night at the intersection of Court and Church street. The drivers were W. E. Bradley, route 1. and R. Cla.k. No one was, injured. ! Aa Salem Prus Stores Will remain closed: Christmas and New Year's days xeepting from to 12 o'clock. (adv.) - Motor Car Stranded James Imlaw. deputy sheriff of Polk, county, reported to the po- Xobody Injured 1 An automobile driven by It. Gregory was overturned Monday night , at the intersection of Church and Union streets when it collided with another automobile. Mr. Gregory reported that the oc cupants of the cars were uninjured. Fisher Under Charge- Sidney Fisher was arrested in Tillamook Saturday and brought to this ity yesterday, charged with lewd cohabitation. He was arraigned before Judge G. E. Un rnh. and bis trial set for Thurs day, December 23. Wonderful Millinery Bargains . Year End sale. No hat in the store over $12.50. Any plain Sailor, 53.50. The French Shop, M. Buffe Morrison, 115 N High street. (Adv.) . . Krery Suit Reduced. (Adv.) at Mother See our p'atterns. 1 Two- Couples licensed Marriage licenses were issued yesterday in the county clerk's office, to Grace Bruckman of Jef ferson and Alfred Mulloy of Lau ra! and Esther E. Doud of Wood- burn and Lloyd Cv Demarest of Salem. Syndicalism Charged - Tnn mon wr nrrostoil votr. Cay at Woodburn. and brought to this citv whfre thev wpri lode-erf in the county .jailThey are James - . . ' . , rveuy, cnargea wun criminal syn dicalism, and Otis Brooks, arrest ed for stealing a ride on a train. They wera arraigned before Judge u. iu. Lnrun, in tne justice court. and both pleaded not guilty. The bail for Kelly was set at $500 and Brooks at ' $100. which neither was able to furnish. The case will come up for hearing on Tuesday. SEENA OWEN "THE HOUSE OF ' ;TQYS" ! Sunday l ! Fatty Arbuckle Tailored Clothing Reduced - At Moshers; high class tailor (Adv.) Hub Work (irowing J. E. Galavan. of the state de partment or public instruction, reports a keen interest among the school children and teachers of Tillamook, and Yamhill counties in boys and sins' clnb work. lie has just returned from a tour of inspection in those counties. Mr. Galavan reports that interest is especially strong in calf club work and sewing and cooking clnb work in Tillamook county, while Yamhill is just as strong for pig. poultry, sewing, cooking and gar den projects. Hs organized 36 schools in the two counties for work of this kind. Umatilla. Morrow. Columbia and Washing ton counties also have been well organized. commissioner, by the Columbia Stevedoring company of Portland, capitalized at $i000. The incor porators are G. C. Fribie. Maryin K. Holland and Charles A. Hart. Resolutions showing an Increase In capiulization from $5000 to $50,000 were filed by The Vogue of Portland. Another Accident An accident occured at the in tersection of Capitol and Market streets yesterday. In which an au tomobile driven by L. R. Barrick. route 8. was overturned and bad ly damaged.- An automobile driv en by Simon Snyder, 28 65 Brooks avenue, figured in the mixup. two accounts of which were reported to the police department. Fortu nately the ocruDants of the dam aged automobile escaped Injury. :l 11 S "a UND PUPILS VE PROGRAM W'ill Become Citizens ; Thomas - Leslie Watkins and Frederick Arthur Henricks, sub iects of . Great Britain; and Phil- Idd Stahelen. a native of Switzer land, declared- their intention of becoming citizens of the United States yesterday before. U. u. Boyer, county clerk. Tailored Suits; Reduced Prices See Mosner. court st. lAav.) Order That Suit Now At a liberal reduction. Mosher, (Adv.) Feneide Case Dismissed The case of B'Jorne Feneide of Silverton, charged with a statua tory offense, was given a hearing in the justice court, yesterday and dismissed The court room was over-crowded with people from Silverton' interested in the case. Tailored Overcoats, $50 See the coatings at - MGshef s, (Adv.) - Case on Pocket i A anDltcation was filed yester day to place era the trial docket for the January term oi? conn a case of J. F. Monnce 'vs.- Jeff Pooler. DIXIE : DOUGHNUTS 30c Doz. SALEM BAKING CO. 433 Court Street. Phoni 954 See Smith's Flowers . At Y. M. C. A. corner. (Adv.? Program Prepared The children of the Lutheran day school and of the Sunday school will, give a Christmas pro gram at St. John's Evangelical church, - Sixteenth and A streets Friday night, beginning at 7 o'clock. W. XV. Gross is pastor of the church. On Christmas day there will be special services at 10:30 a.m. In the .German Ian- Willamette Valley Transfer Company f Fast Out Freight Daily Between Portland and Salem Phone 1400 The Vacuum Cups have ar rived at A. H. MOORE'S ?S bars Savon SoaD 10 nonnds Onions .25c Onions, per set... . . . . .i. .$2.00 Rnnrtu Tier Rack. ......... .i.OU Wheat, per hundred. ...... $4.00 The Highland Grocery phone 496 746 Highland. Avenue W: W. M00RE 1 ' Furniture Store The Boms, of the yictroU Ton Mtlmore for your tnoniy. at l- Moore' i .It Py to Trad a The fABMFRS CASH STORE Secure Reliable . Frnit and Orna t AKTtlCtU) tftOB O V Small Frult8, Roses. Sales and Service VALLEY MOTOR CO. Planting Time Water Applications Ttov E. Seirart. trustee of the Klamath Shasta Valley project, of Montague, Calif., has filed with the state engineering department an application for a permit to use 160.000 acre-feet of water from Klamath river to be stored In Lower Klamath lake. The water would, be returned through Klam ath Strait to the Klamath river for power development In Cali fornia. Other applications have ben filed as follows: By Florence U Harris, of Glendale. Cal.. cov ering the appropriation of water from City and Steamboat creess, tributary of North Umpqua riv er, for placer mining purposes in Lan county. By M. E. Sullivan of Williams, Or., covering the ap propriation of water from west fork of Williams creek for irri gation of a small tract in Joseph ine fonntr. Bv J. W. Maddox of Mt. Vernon. Or., covering the ap- tinn of water from in galls creek tributary of John Day tmr Tnr irrisatinn DUTDOSeS In Grant county. Worn am Ixmeit Handbag- Mrs. M. Holdridge of route 1 reported the loss of a handbag yesterday morning to the police department. Mrs. Holdridge was walking iato Salem, and accepted the effer of a ride la a passing au tomobile. When she got out of tffe automobile she said she for got to take her handbag. She did not know the names of the persons with whom sue roue, nut tnougut they were from McMinnvllle. Iterates Directed by Miss iursdi Take Place in (5hap el Tomorrow Night ? . 4(4 Christmas program will t 1 potion by the pupils or the Ore-! ttii School for the Blind tomor-l riv night, begianniag at oK-k. The eierclss will be In tfj school chapel under the di rJion of Miss Rose Ilirsch. Pair ey and friends of the pupils are iftvned. ihe program follows: PA . Hamcnoi u. btrow Dreatn-of th Mrgin. Mxht Came Upon the Midnight sustained a broken arm and k eral cut about the head- His body was aU badly braised. lie w renting comfortably last night and it is not thought ais injuries will prove fatal. r ninmnb(l was thrown w . c .'t aBderttaad best 21 feet . llslon ccurei a ' ". . . - aged. A rear 1f" fca!Ve! i aad ti. frame ef Je!J Read the CIixu!" The automobile was inrom" Ik JKafncno Ihie Dt IlolT Nl Rirvcles Fou Two bicycles reported to the police as having been stolen last Saturday from Richard Straus- braugh, and Gerald Bllliter were found yesterday in the woods north of the Oregon School for the Deaf, by W. it. Palmer. The The boys said they had left their wheels there but later were us able to find them and they had drawn the conclusion that the wheels had been taken. PERSONAL MENTION was whesi xv saxxjs; okeoo (top t 8LXQH HOTEL A Horn Awsy from Ho Strictly Modem $1.00 per day 100 Booms f Solid Comfort Omly Hotel la BaifafM PUtriet Lcjral Blanks- Get them at The statesman 01- fice. Catalog on application. (Ad) Shell Company Reports -. The Shell company of Caliror na yesterday filed with the: aec retary of state its sales statement for Oregon covering the month of November, showing the sale of 178,932 gallons of gasoline on which it paid a tax of $1789.23. Company Files Articles . Articles of Incorporation were filed yesterday at the offices of T; B. Handley. state corporation Julius Aim of Silverton Salem vesterdav. Paul C. Donnltter, an attorney of Portland, was here yesterday In the interest of the Leslie W. Mur ray vs. Herbert Gordon contest case.' Caster Ross, attorney of Silver- ton, was attending to legal busi ness yesterday in the city. Mrs. Mary u. Fulkerton. county superintendent, visited .schools yesterday at Monitor. ML Angel and Howard. iJ M .... 1 .V- M 05 jhe Oregon State School for te' Blind:. Z K The Mesag or the Angels. lta'l llutchiwn: To the Worlds Iffei-n Howard; O. Come All Ye rhful. senior chorus; Blessed ll)va"h-! lxrd God of Israel, senior c&W-us: Ring Out Rejoicing Ev e?t Chiming Bell. Junior chorus; T&re'a a Sons In the Air. Junior rhJrus . (at The Response of the Nations: A Hymn to the Infant JNnis. senior chorus mixed quar tette- Silent Holv N tat. junior a4! senior chorus. Jennings Latt- rcr at the organ: b) The Re siOnse of the Shepherds: O lord Jre the Starry Height. Cecil Cshile. John Kaxsdale. Rnmell ldson. Malcolm Medler: (e) The npon? of the Children L U little Town cf Bethlehem. Junior chorus: 2. To the Virgin Mary: Ot Mother of the Holv One. Viola Uradlrr: fdt Tne Resnonse of the WIm Men. James Cassadr. Her- 3 . MH - PW AAA rcan sioore. iea nowi i.l Winn from Ktrn Lands are I We: Their Journey: Long Had Their Watch Been and ureary. ttio. j 2. The Messengers Depart Foftlr the Starlight Lies o'er iftiUM male auartette senior chorus;' Joy to the World. Junior aud senior chorus. Jennings aLU- tur at .the organ. A P P E A L T O N E I L L Efficiency And the Eyes Effkieecy slips away more easily throaga failty vision than from aay otbe eanse. Whea eyesight suffers all other dependeat senses become Impaired also. Bad vlaloa telli upon as both physically aad mentally. . Properly fitted glasses wUl do Much to re store normal vision. T virtue f classes de pends not upon the glass of which they are made but oa tne skill wlln wMra they are flttad. Tfce exact needs of reels eye mtrt be determined to the boom sa last degree, wktels rails net only for dentine appliances, but for the most accurate methods skillfully employed. la all cases of eye trouble .. . APPHAL TO O'XniLL Commission Sales Room 254 S. Liberty St. Private sales until January 1. Christmas trees, 15c to 25c; po tatoes; carrots; cnicaen ieea, oats, vetch and wheat; one gas and coal or wood range, good con riitinn? one fine oak buffet; bed mattresses; baled wheat; straw by bale or ton; baled vercn; oais, wheat; hay by bale. or ton. B. G. PATTEBSOX, Sales Manager I Laugh & Grow Fat S4T O. Barton Dnrdall North, Oonantardal JHt WOOD WOOD rail Cl. IT. Tracy "Wood for all kinds of dry wood frompt deUvery Phone from SALEM NURSERY COMPANY 428 Oregon Bldg. Phone 1763 THE do. Talking Maehines and Records Player Pianos ana riayer iwua 520 IALEM CLEANERS AND DYERS Do yon take i TURKISH BATHS If not. why not? Ko other baths or treatments can produce the permanent re lief to the person suffering from disagreeable cold or ail ments of the flesh or body like the Turkish Baths will. OREGON BATH HOUSE Open 8 a. m. until 9 p. m. ; Lady and Gentlemen attendants WITH Fatty Arbuckli 1 ' Repairing and 1215 8. Com'l St. Alterations Phone 1868 I ELECTRIC MACHINE & ENGINEERING CO. for Thor Washing Machlnea and Electric Work and suppuea. lit Court 8L Phono 488 W00DRY conduct aales anywhere in Marlon or Polk counties. Store located 270 N. Com'L AUCTIONEER HARTMAN BROS. CO. Tor Tine Jewelry Jewelers and Opticians FOR BARGAINS of all kinds such as furniture, stoves, ranges, macliinery, of all kinds aee the 1 CAPITOL JUNK & BARGAIN HOUSE 215 Center Phone 398 Better Goods for Less THE "DAYTON'' The Bicycle for Ererjoae i LLOYD E. RAMSDEN 287 Court Street Bicycles and Bicycle Repairing "WALLFELT" Takes the place of elota at about one third MAX 0. BUREN 17 N. Commercial St. HIGHEST PRICE PAID For SECOND HAND FUKNITUKE Stoves, carpeta ana uu Capital Hardwaro FurnUnr Co. 286 N. Commercial St. Phone 91 CARL & B0WERS0X Oroceriei jws Court Street Phone 409 p7j w 1 i IBu sick g ALEH AXBANT 1G7 'Nnih f!omTnercial St. ' it the Electric Sien "SHOES" .What Have Yon? Vi itit aeii end exchange now ma aecond-nana miur ture, stoves, ranges, rugs, tools, etc We "will buy you out. COL. W. P. WRIGHT s:as,.swuw . 271 N. Com'l St.. Salem. Or. List your sales wltn us People's Fnnutcre Luggage and Trunks' ALL REDUCED All New and Desirable MAX 0. BUREN DREAMLAND RINK Dance every Wednesday and Saturday Extra Dance Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve Bungalow Orchestra $9.00 DOWN A WEEK Will Rnv a. ONE MINUTE ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE WM GAHLSD0RF The Store of HOUSEWARES HIGHEST PRICES Paid for , Walnuts and White Beans PEOPLE'S CASH v STORE I v or y for Christmas! For mother, sister, or sweetheart, there is no nicer gift See our con plete showing. i SchaefersDrug Store Sole Agent for Garden f!nurt PreDarations 135 N. CX)M'L STREET Phone 197 EYE WITNESSES (Continued from page 1) dnstrv and atricnltnre in Ireland is a deliberate effort by the -mill tarv to force emir ration of the young men. Miss Wilkinson said Lord French, she said, had de clared that Ireland could he pad fled If the "200.000 too many youne men" would leave. The commission tomorrow will hear Misses " Annie and Susan Walsh, sisters In law ot the late Lord Mayor McCurtaln ot Cork. who left Cork the day after the bnrnlnr of the business section ot that city. - . Half Dozen Opinions Handed Down Yesterday Fred Stark Badly Hart a When Iran uiits Auto Trred Stark. 3 years old: who Uvea on rural route No. 7. Salem. w hadlv iniured at 11 o'clock I yesterday when his automobile was nin down by a souiuern ractiic BMaencer train at State and Court i streets.' The Impact of the col- liion hurled Stark tnrougu tne wjpdshield of his automobile, and h hied nrofuselv. rile was picked up unconscious add taken to the Deaconess hos- BiSal. where it was found he bad Dr. C. B. O'Neill Optan etxirt-fip Udaa IaHo. and Bun Bank Buildiaj P P E A L T O n E i L L 8A1XI1 1 Why T A -THRIFT CHRISTMAS INTO ech family wme thrift must en ter; some saviTu? must be done, and someone must do it. not start -co-operative savinjr in YOUR household by equipping every last member with a .United. States National SAVINGS ACCOUNT for Christmas? i, . i SAIXM Th fnllnwlnr oninlons werfl handed down yesterday by the sn .Torrv XT JTrthnnn VB. ' HoDQe- stead-lron Dyke Mines - eompany. appellant; appeal irom waaer olIlt action from alleged breach of -contract.'- Opinion ny Justice Urown. Judge Gustar An ilarann affirm1. Edward O. Wilson v. Jiortn PAaitn Milling and xrrcantile & v - v. i company et al. appellant; appeal front Union rountv; suii io close mortgage. Opinion by Jus tice Johns. Judge J. w. Knowies affirmed. J. A. Richmond, appellant, vs. 1 n White, et al: appeal from Gilliam county; suit for account- inr noinkm bv Justice Harris inml from decree or JUdxe c.. n r prkr dismissedL First National bank of Vale v wnhnr A. Hallldar. anneUant appeal from Malheur county; suit t A&ide morteaxe. Opinion by jnctio Kb met L Annual from de- Jtidro Da.lt on Bizrs dis- miuud. r. p rinrin xm. Tt. 8. Ecclea and T? c pvl ii administrator of estate of W. H. Eccles, appellant; appeal from Baker county: ac tion to collect money alleged due on note. Opinion by Justice Mur- nett. Judge Gu stave Anderson affirmed.. ... . First National Hank or fcigm. appellant, vs. J. D. Casey, et al. appeal from Union county; euu to collect money on note, opin ion by Justice Burnett. Judge J. w iTnnvlH afrtrmed. . Petition for rehearing aeniea in Adams vs. King. Dr. Owens-Adair WUl Attend State Session Special "Overseas Revue" 20 Feoplr SO ig MrnUcal Snovr f SUNDAY ligh Theatre 1 Mb 4 I LOOM. XX BUSINESS FOR YOUB .AUTO'S SAKE Car not hitting right? Bring it toiis. A Dlaee to get tires, tones. loAt lienis. BKJa cuisi ana ure pumps. iGreat Western Garage Phone 44. Opposite Court House I w ALWAYS OPEX . Handkerchiefs TheCUt Thai Never FalsTo Please!' CA rRCSOLVCD .VIE VflLL COHTlNVETJa BAKP - Apples TLUHwins. SDiUenbcrjrs. Rome Beauty, Netrton, GreeninsrsJ Bea Davis 51.00 to box D ran pes. Sweet Naxels! :ial..H5c and 60c dozen Candy, Fresb Stock 25e, 30c and up Dainty white, embroidered handkerchiefs or those in delicate colors, or even the more strikingly color ful handkerchiefs- are always greatly appreciated. Kow-a-davs one's costume so often calli for a har monizing handkerchief as the final tone and no ont evfr ouite has enouzh. For this reason, there is no gift so universally,in demand as the Christmas Hind-, kerchief. - We have just received our Holiday assortment of dainty and attractive handkerchiefs, 23c, 33c, 50c up to $2-50. . WE'LL have no trouble , keeping our New Year's resolution. We have re--solved to continue to bake the choicest bread and we'll have no trouble do ing so because we know how. Resolve to write the name of our bread on your next grocery orden PEERLESS BAKERY, Philip Winters, Prop. X 170 V Commercial Street Dr. Owens-Adair was in Salera j-esterday. She has been in Cali fornia, and she arrived In Salem Sunday , and visited the state in stitution for the feeble-minded. Incidentally Dr. Adair was looking np a rooming place in Sa lem, ior she expects to be here during all the session of the leg islature.-' She has a lot of new legislation up her sleeve, and she is going to camp here. Dr. Adair is responsible ior tne Ore r on law making it incumbent noon men applying for marriage lirpnsM beinz exammea as o h,ir uinnilnMi of health. She ex pects to ask that this be extended tr women. She is responsible also for the sterilization law on the Oreson .tointa hnnVc and she exoects to A that it be made more gen eral in several particulars aad that its enforcement! be made mnr serviceable for the! objects it i annnosod to accomplish for the protection of society. 23&3 Front. Small Brother Mr. Jaggs, are you a baseball- player? riior No. Willie. Knall Brother Thcn why. did aia tu ma that vou were such a rood catch? Baltimore Ameri Mixed Nats, pound 25c Ward K. Richardson 1. ($: tttlpg (Go. The "Lucky Gift" U the gift that b given under the -PAY AS YOU CO" plan. Phone 494 1 Quality Merchandise Popular Prices Men's and Boys' Gift Things 0 . Yoa can't find any that are better tnan ccti. i Salem Woolen Mills Store t 2 can. NUM Phone 1047 Phone7 179 Commercial St, Salem t I r -