The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 22, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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PDHFITQ TAY TAVFC lhe was confident would produc
jut least $1,000,000.
LIFE OF BUSINESS! The 'tariff region wulc
(Continued from a.ipi 1 Meposed. the witness S-fcid. O"
I to add approximately $3.j.0l.-
f'On to the import revenues, mak
ing that source yield nearly f 700,-
would produce approximately
S(So.O00.000 a vear. This yield.
"MY. Kahn said, was ba.ed on the!00"000 aonuaily.
TTr.T..;. :. i:. !.... 1.1 i -ruder the revised Income ur- '
iii-Mi in iiiumi mill luuuitiuua nunia i . .. ,- i
K .'.'. ... ' t"X schedule proposed, Mr. kalm
J.Wliorinal when the lax would be- j tstfmaUd ,he government would
tome effective: - derive between $G."iO,ooo,oui and
jji Jlr. KVhn also proposed a tax J J 1 ,000 000,000. Questioned as
, ot 15 pr cent on net pronts of J to rates for tne reduced sur-tax.
Corporations, a tax which he said Mr. Kahn said that present sur-
drivinir lich in
. . - . . ' -
! . - t- i 1
VCRlOrs to place ineir jiiuimv in
tax-exempt securities, most of
which, he "declared, were sold on
a bas.s to yield . Vi per cent. It
was,-therefore, his belief, he said,
that by tixmir the sur-tax charge
at or near "X 1-3 per cent as a
I maximum, the treasury would re-
Established 1868
' General Banking Business
Office Honrs from 10
p. m. II.
ctive as great a yield, if not great-
r. than . under the present tax.
To : complete his program of re
vision. Mr. Kahn urged changes
in certain of the internal ana ex
cise taxes, by increasing some and j yjJ BROTHERS
1 ro.l ii t ii ir nttipri; lint uttortlvcl v '
fo arranged as to produce annu
ally approximately Sl.ou0.0Q0;-
Mr. Kahn told the committee
he taw no economic objection to
a tax on undistributed corporation
pro! its. He added that income
sur-taxes should be continued as
an economic and social principle
and that the taxation of corpor
ation profits, whether divided or
undivided, was closely akin to in
come taxes.
fired on the ambuscading party,
killing ten and wounding or cap
turing 30. The military casual
ties were reported variously be
tween eight killed nd one
nilgai Hi'lU'C m
donjvt-Oc clcn
tl.ete V ' Ka
sufrfresfron was
Laugh & Grow Fat
Fatty Arbuckle
(Continued from pagB 1)
" . How You
Van Have a Piano
Talkin Machine
Your Home Christmas
(You can pay for it later oa
your own terms!)
Piano Maker
121 S. Com'l St., Opp. Ladd & Bush Bank
Open' Evening Till Christmas
: 5
w 1
. x
iaSem s
: limes
Buy something practical - why not a sack of sugar,
or a barrel of flour
Best Mixed Candies. per pound........ ..... .23c
-, -
. . AW have hold to date over !),(NJU .pounds,
and have much' more on sale at that price
in liny,' quantity from one pound up.
Best jyxetl Chocolates, per pound........35c
Soft Shell Almonds, per pound..-.. 25c
WI nut a, special for Xinas, jer pound, .15c
Carnation and .Borden's ?Iilk, 1 cans. .50c
Libhv's ililk, 4 cans 48c
Peas, Tomatoes and Tall Can Salmon,
v a us
Cling" Teaches, Apricots, No. 2,j. - cans, 43c
Pumpkin,. No. iy.
lVanuts, per pound.
Mixed. Nuts, per pound. .
Fresh Dates, per pound.
Black and white Fifrs, -per 'pound,.
Minced Meat, in hulk, per pound.- 23c
Oyster Crackers, special, 2 pounds. .... .25c
Large size sweet and juicy Oranges, do. 55c
Hood Uiver Apples, per lox
Cranberries, Pr 'M ' -22
Pure Laid, '4 pounds
Flake While.-! poumN ; . . .
Best Stmined Monev....
Peanut Butter, ," is. (bring your
Fresh K'-rgs, P'r d
ozen .
.j. .50c
) 60c
- i -
Best Salad Oil, in bulk, 1 gallon $1.55
! pounds...;.;. $2.20
0 lbs......: $1.60
Uazola Oil. 1 gallon; $2.25
.dazola Oiljt1 gallon . .$1.20
H 1
ti II HI
3 H 11 iuiiiii1j Slllfril f ' . , DfSC ' . ..-,?. HI
- i"'"-"-- iiazoia iJlf,V2 gallon . 51.ZU
I 5 lbs. best P.ulk i'offee .90c . ' " ' ' :
n Coeoa, in bulk, per pound... 15c MEAT
Regular ." Knglish Hreakfast Tea 29c
1 " - S, Covernuieut P.yeon, 12 lbs $2.73
! T Hard Wheat Flour, our own brand.. .,$2.20 laeiui- Squares ...... . .. .. ....18c
i Vallev Flour .;..!.. ;.. .$2.10 ?aeon- P,aks . .......30c
" ! !' t
l P.est "Northern Jleeh luardwheat ...... $2.G0 otta-ze B.lls .. :.
I 11 lbs. White- Beans.......;; ......50c Jhecse . .1 i . ... :5. , ....
,j-skct;.anl 1 wlrl m q g)1 Our
yteeezssiM.,,, ....., . -.jmwT.,.',...'!. j .'i-w .. j
auce of durability that should
make it such. The building im
presses the spectator ns a worV of
art, au impression enhanced by
the big pillars of concrete on all
Sale lltiom MlaliorMte
The hundreds of men and wo
men who attended last night were
received b employes of the firm
at the entrance to the main floor,
an entrance carefully designed
from an architectural point of
view, with a short flight of step
leading from the street to the
floor. This floor Is the sales andi
show floor, and contains the ad
ministrative offices and sales
apartments. Generous window
space affords thorough lighting,
showing the display of? trucks, trac
tors and pleasure ear to the best
advantage. The office are expen
sively furnished.
Last night this big floor was
dressed in Christmas attire.
Streamers of holidjay colors ex
tended all about overhead. Holly
wreaths hung in the windows and
arches. Tinseled ChTistmas trees
decorated corners and wall spaces,
while ferns and pal ins had their
places in the scheme. v Thoughts of
ithe coming summer and vacation
motoring made the visitors linger
in one particular corner, lor there
was a big touring car, parked
among fir trees and on a carpet ot
moss, with fern-eovered logs tying
about as natural as the evergreen
bills themselves. Attached to the
car was the tourists; tent, wttn
beds and all camping equipment,
camp fire buT.-ng and big camp
kettle suspended frora a tripod of
limbs above the coals.
i Scout There V Waal.
A another part of the floor was
a Boy Scout camp, featuring a
Samson truck loaded with Scout
camping equipment.; Scouts in
uniform occupied the .big brown
tent and the camp fire and kettle
were there. The Scouts ferred as
monitors during the evening and
saw to It that everyone was sup
plied with a program. At ' the
proper -time the big kettles in both
the tourist and the Scont camps
were filled with punch for the de
lectation of the visitors.
By elevator the I visitors were
taken to the lower "and the top
floors. The lower floor contalng
the heating apparatus and will be
used as a storeroom for motor ve
hicles, tractors and the various
farming implements which are
nulled by tractor power. On the
top floor are the shoo and repair
rooms, soon to be fully equipped
Tribute Paid Firm Iemlen
1.. J. Chapin presided over the
urogram. s.paJers were ir. H. i
Steevesof Salem, and ". Jl. Scott.
chairman of the A'.flanv Chamber
of Commerce, and A. f. Schmidt
a banker of Albany. Tr. Steeves
paid ; tribute to the Vick Brothers
as a' high type of cHizens and an
business men with th vision that
causes towns to lcome cities. The
Albany -speakers were particularly
interested in the occasion jfnr th
reason that Benjamin Vick. one
of the four brothers, 's in charre
ot the firm's branch in Jhat city.
While it was neremtarv for the
program to move rapidly room
was made for the encores when
Albert Kaean. A. George Armi
taee and Biddy" Bishop did their
vocal solos. The latter fllu a com
edy songand dance tnit brought
down the house.
Stnc I l'liolograplicd.
While the program was , in
progress a recess was calld for
the scene to be photographed. Aft
er the program several hours of
dancing were enjoyed.
Following was the program:
Selection Hunt's Orchestra.
Remarks Dr. B. I.. Steeves.
Dance "Rain Drops." M:ss Le
ona iteer, pupil of Mrs. Kalph
Vocal solo Mrs. W. II. Trunk.
Dance Margaret Clark.
Vocol solo A George Arm Wage
Dance "The Birds." Maxine
Gtover. Kay Was&am. Janet Sykes.
Nancv Thielsea. Gwyneth F'd-
wards, pupils of Mrs. Ralph
Selection Hunt's Orchestra.
Remarks R. Scott of Al
bany. Vocal solo Albert Kagan.
Piano solo Elbert I.achele.
Remarks A. C. Schmidt of A1-
Violin solo Mary Talmadge
Vocal solo A. C. Bishop.
Selection Hunt's Orchestra.
miRfilprove a bandlcap to the
icncv arparinirni an
gas connection. Thi!
; ion was llldur i it a i iu iiivrat
citif Electrical appliances were
! used. nd it might te a good time
' f V3iD the department in a
i UMxi-er?) way. . j
' Thc3retilent a.ked for a riins .
... m ft. I
Aotj t( those w no iaorea iran-
the junior nun to inej
y l)Ulldnr. 1 lie inefiins ;
-i . ... a ft.
.tt.-e unanimous in iaor 01 me
The Parent-Teacher association ...c.. . I
tVnideraUle hospital equlp
metit still in the scliool anj
M r.f Ifig as of the opinion that
;t wohJ le at least a month be
fore te building could be occu
pied fr school work.
Lincoln School Papils
Give Holiday Program J;,
grade; wn;. "fp On the lluu- i herdj. VirKinla Xef; uttz.
.V.i' V.f". Cfclw',r""'' K7 -Good Kins. WlceUs.- MUsCox'.
of the I bri-inis Cbiiocs. Geral-' ..... . . . .
dine Cochrane: The Real Santa ,rwora: Ch:,-"n MLt.- a3i-
l laus. by -Us Ronqoeif hoo various toou.t. .
riioin: What I'rifcilU Found in I
Her Stockine. Mts Deyoe's room; i r i t i r-
recitation. -Angi na ti shp- Kead the Llmincd Adi.
of the Lincoln school was enter-j
tained last night at the regular!
meeting by the pupils of the dif-
rcient grades ot the school, who!
tae a program that was a rrcdK
to t lie scnooi anu snoweti careiui
tiaining on the part of the teach
ers. A. C. Bohrnstedt presided.
At the close ot tae program the
proposed , occupancy of the Mc
Kinley school whs discussed. Sup
erintendent G. W. Hug was calle.l
U 1 Jl.lcinn f Ik., I
1 initnln 11 s-nilM l.o miilf I L' 1 1 S S as" f Ol loW S
Uncoln scbol was beauti-
lulfj- fe-ccraied for the event last
right Christmas trees and a
Dafloh fireplace and a Santa
! C'lu;4swere iu evidence. "
fi4 program given by the pu-
i -
lie said his original idea was to (linstinas Story, by Hss Cox.
send the junior high school to the
McKinley building. But this
grade boys: Christina
MI" Temple's third
These Tracks
Iead to Ye Liberty
Friday and
Christ mas
v i I r
i nave Deauiimi 3-piece cs ot
7-. "Make Believe Meals J
y for their cuaomen' kiddies.
cut out of heavy card-
I he rroot is in
w nave Deauunii piece set oi 5 s- W. sr - s y iu ': i-t - f . '-.- -v- . i - - i
yy My:m Anm?!' , .
TRADE MARK 1 ' ii '
-49 IAS .
ulymijiu riour
stands the supreme test
of super-fine baking
SoU ly mor-t ncishlxnhcod grocers 10. 241. 49 J Ex. vadj
English rium PuJJins
I St, S I
fit mnr f Kit nili !
I A in i l-.l n Vrttlc -f ijr ' f .
tvr K - mm i . I Hi tr-n. lfc- f"
.f 11 t fKmXii't J I ' ! l ! I Iu", l4 IM, ( ,
r r r iS will r t
. .J rl klKRVtJ 11 rr.
4 CTf- C Tim tr finjf
Fruit Cake
.l rr- f wvn
t n iav
I Krc
tvj ..jr r -5 -f 1 rjrC vu.
I rMj ac
iik ymiT frmtr hw arv Olympic Recipe f-kSer
Do We Advertise?
(Continued fiom pace 1)
lorry was subjected to a veri
table hail of bullets. was
riddled and Srrpeant v alsh w
Kliot through the head, dyins in
stantly. Shannon leeeived wounds In
the head and arm. Tho battle
v-a" very fierce. District ln.p-c-tr
Haynahani had a narrow
rapo. bis rifle beiiiR .hattert-ti Iu
his hand.
At about tho sainc t i rein
forcenient frui Cloniin-1 were
attacked nt-ar tlb-n I lower, where
the lHggct battle of the day oc
curred. rhONMKI.. Tipp-rary. I-r. 21,
-t ! I !i - ! .
.liir- TTiiiM,ir anil pourf wn.
wero a iuliis';il'l by rjvilius n j
Monday at M ullinahone. in th j
Mountains l Tipperary, eM-ap-d i
viiii"it e.isiiall contrary l
the earlier reports. j
ll Is not Knowu wiiethrr nny
nitnlMr f I hf attackini; party
suffered casualties.
A dispatch to the Freeman's
Journal of Dublin Monday -aM
it was understood the troop
Manpf our customers have questioned us to our
spendingtnoney advertising inasmuch as every one
knows MvBishop and knows that the class of merch
andise which he has is only that of high merit.
IV hy dp we advertise? First we do it to always be
pushing qhead instead of following the lines of least
resistancind falling back. Second we do it to attract
your attention and to help you to buy and buy at the
' right tiims
At thf present time we are trying to help you with ,
your Christmas shopping. There is only 3 more days
left so ya surely must hurry and be here early to
morrow ijfprning.
We fe always glad to serve you whether you
wish to by or not. ,
6alem Woolen Mills Store
It! C P. BISHOP, Prop.
iL -
. 1,'
' i .1