I CITY IMbWSllM pKifcr i i o Marry Uff,".-, license was issued A "" ' .... nffiP of the clerk the to Edna oi Smith S3Sr 3 I f S, Luklus of Ker ry. Or, J iTUTlTr. N. Derby. i for authority to appropriate 30 second feet of water from the creek for that purpose. The esti matortjcost is $1)2,000. ' It is pro posed to conduct the present in take on the Washington side of the line and the proposed intake on the Oregon side with a pipe line, .after which the present iri- Stake will not be iised. in V iwTrirrived A 1 nr,trT J December 4 . , 1 9 2 0, 7.tAdolf B. St'ainke, a? dectaratin of intention to ade ftteiiM of the United ,nd a broin tecomc .v" . before U. O. RUl" clerk. A. H. 1;oyev' Sired in .bis city for Sfftfj Hot, men are JuWectt of Russia. V at the Ifirst Congregational chrcat9 hoar Dr. McKIveen. (Adr.) : Heating V-tertbiy - A hearing was given in th? county court yesterday to ob jections to approving the final ac count of Amanda J. Ryan, df ceased. The decision in the mat ter has not yet been reached. frle-S row er., . : Waaaui gtou strongly'in favor of "western ap ples and western fruits bein? handled by western men." Mr. Lewis said. "There is a general reeling among the- apple growers of Washington and the entire northwest in favor of co-operative marketing method in handl ,fng crops." While in Spokane Mr. Lewis spoke before the Soo- kane Ad club on "Advertising and Co-operation," and before the Washington State Horticultural association on "The Opportunity of the Northwest." A hanqnet. given by the state horticultural association, he delivered an ad dress on "Western Advertising." of. the occasion will be the address by Dr. W. T. McElveen. the able and very popular pastor of the First Congregational church of Portland. This address will be given In the auditorium of the church at 7 p. m. and everybody in haiem is invited to hear Dr. Mc Elveen. Portland honors the Pil grims with a great meeting at the same hour' Let Salem do no less. (Adv.) I Tailored Clothing Itednml At Mosher's; high class tailor. (Adv.); tails. , A reply prepared. has not yet been Ikrth Xuw' Accused 1 Iterative he refused to give hiui a second drink of moonshine whiskey. II. C. Taylor. 1160 Jef ttron street, told' the police that Oliver Keisbeck assaulted him on the street in Tront of Jim Kn Kles pool hall Saturday night. Taylor said he -received a gash in the forehead, and had been twice assaulted during the eve ring. Wheteupou Police Officers ictor and Hrown found Keisbeck mile 5 limit in passing school buCd igi. lie requested the mat tery "If p given especial considera tion ttefore an accident should oc cur; a 71 Kvyrf halt at MoIkV , HJuced. See our patterns. ,A2t ' Vtr &l laml Home ij defective flue was the .cause of . &-malf fire at the home of yesterday, at Mission and j llirjigstreeti For Dad's Zinas - A good razor strop. Complete line at special prices. Hauser Uros. (Adv.) lie at the First Concreaatioiial cnurcn at p. m. to near vr. Final Account Filol McElveen. (Adv.) j The rinal acCount of Clinic Hate Changed On account of the Christmas ir.Ha Walh Siles Hequest Tfra city or. Walla Walla pro nosM to supplant the present In take for its vfater supply with a new intake fo-Tir miles farther up Mill creek, on. the Oregon side of th state line., and has applied to tbe state engineering department holidays it has been necessary to change the date of the next baby clinic of the Marion County Chil dren's bnear from the last Thurs day of this month, which would be the regular rate, to Tuesday. December 2S. ! Announcement of the change was made Inst night. LfTiniK i-i o r, nnn I i in- iiuai actuuui oi mc es tate of Clara E. Guiss, deceased. was filed In the county court yes terday by the executors, J. M. Poorman airtl Mark Pember. The estate was valued at about $33. 000. or which $4000 was in real estate and $27,000 jpersonal prop erty. Objections to the final ac count were also filed. The date of hearing is fiSed for January 21. 1921 Calendar . Homer H. Smith. McCornack bldg., free. insurance (Adv.) Much Gasoline IVcd During the month of November the Standard Oil company sold In Oregon a total of 2.570.065.5 gal- lone of gasoline and 1426 gallons of distillate, paying a tax of $2 5.- 707.784'For the same month the Associate Oil company sold in the state 577.237 gallot.s of gasoline and 27.858 gallons of distillate, and paid a tax of $5911.66. The statements of the two companies were filed yesterday with the sec retary of state. in a pool hall, promptly arrested him and brought him to the sta tion. He told the police that he did not touch Taylor, and did not even know him. However, a charge of assault and battery wa? placed against hiiu and he was cited to appear' Mondav morning. Taylor appeared to have' recon sidered the matter and by that time wished to withdraw his charge. Charges are being pre ferred against both men. by an'artkU in Portland news paper pointing rut Aat tletr- tioa of the rl ty siarvauoa threatens unless relief U provided. Warden Ilurgbdutf hIJ that th opening; of the enclosure to clve the elk access to the gratia land U experimental aad that It It does not work out man will be sent to Wallowa county to take care of the herd. ow uction. Mosbrr. A Patrick Coat or Vest His Xmas present. Come in and jsce them. Hauser Bros. (Adv.) Tailonil Suits; ltoluccd I'rlrew See Mosher. Court bt. (Adv.) Sec Smith Klowcr At Y. Ml C. A. corner. (Adv.) ENCE'S "Homespun Folks" V LAST TIMES TODAY FATTY ARBUCKLE Superintendent Sui-priscd I yip Estate Closcjl H. C. Miller, one of the super-1 An order approving imenaenis at me plant ot me King's Products company, was unexpectedly called to the dining room at tho plant by the. em ployes Saturday nifeht, Upon -en tering the room he Tras greeted with a cheer from the workers or his shift. After the noise had ceased Mr. Miller, who was much surprised, was presented with a gold engraved signet ring. The ring was .given him by his. em ployes in appreciation or bis courtesy toward his employes dur ing the time he has been with the Salem plant. DIXIE DOUGHNUTS 30c Doz. SALEM BAKING CO. 439 Court Stf cct. Phone 954 21 bars Savon Soap. ...... .f 1.00 It pounds Onions. :25c Onions, per set. . ., . ... . . .52.00 I puds, per sack. . ........ .$1.50 ffaeat, per hundred .fcl.OO The Highland Grocery none 496 746 Highland Avenue W. W. M00RE Furniture Btor Th Home of the Yletrola tot set more for your money at Uoore a 'it Pay to Trade sJ The fARHERS CASH STORE a BartOM DvrdeU fiT 5orU Oonximerdal 14T WOOD WOOD,: Can G. H. Tracy Wood Co for all kinds of dry wood rroniDt delivery Phone 620 the final account of the estate of Lee Tjp. deceased, was filed in the county court yesterday. The adminis trator of the estate was Susie Sun. ' Liook $5.00 Gillette razors now $3.75. Also strops, soaps, powders, etc. Hauser Bros. (Adv.) Portland Firm Inrortoratrs Articles of incorporation were filed here yesterday by the W. D. Howell (Company of Portland, cap italized at $20,000. The incorpor ators are Fred W. Durbin. Wil liam D. Howell and W. D. Wells.! Articles iwere riled by the Pheas and Cleaning works ol Portland capitalized at $25,000. The incor porators are J. N. Buntin. H. S. Wyatt, E. E. Stone and I. L. Mar tin. Resolutions of dissolution were filed by the Warren Spruce company witn neadquarters in Portland, and by- the Home Or chard company of Hood River. Wonderful Millinery Bargains Aear End sale. No hat in the store over $12.50. Any plain Sailor, $3.50. The French Shop. M. Buffe Morrison, 115 N High street. (Adv.) Elliott Files Discharge John J. Elliqtt. a captain in me air service, iuea aiscnarge papers yesterday with the county clerk. Mr. Elliott enlisted in the ai my at San . Francisco. liove. Watchmaker ami Jowrlei- 337 State street. Salem. (Adv.) Co-oeration Growing C I. Lewis, or the Oregon Growers Co-operatiVe association returned yesterday Trom a trip to Washington more than ever con vinced that co-operative market ing is steadily gaining ground in the norihwest. "I found the ap- The Vacuum Cups have ar rived at A. H. MOORE'S Sales ,,., oexnee VALLEY MOTOR CO. Planting Time Secure Reliable Fruit and Orna mental Trees, Small Fruits, Roses, from THE SALEM NURSERY COMPANY 428 Oregon Bldg. Phone 1763 Talking Machines and Records Flayer Pianos and Player Bolls JALEM CLEANERS AND ; DYERS Bepatrlfls end- Alterations till 8. Coml St. Phone 18 63 ELECTRIC MACHINE & ENGINEERING CO. for Tbor Waahlng; Machines and Electric Work and Snppuea. 127 Court St. Phone 488 Position as - typewriter. Write or call 255 North High street, Sa lem, Or. (Adv.) Landing of the Pilgrims The 300th anniversary ol the Landinir of the Pilirrims will he celebrated at the First Congrega tional church this evening, Tues day, Dec. 21. by a get-together meeting pf. the church, followed by a program. The chief feature Eugene Crossing Askeil The Southern Pacific railroad company has applied to the public service commission for authority to construct a grade crossing at the Intersection of Fourth . and Charnelton streets, in Eugene. Portland Officer Itcalci Patrolman Chamberlain of Portland was held up. beaten and his handcuffs, gnnand club taken away by two men recently, ac cording to a message reaching thi city yesterday from the Port land police department. - One of the men was a negro, described as being 5 feet 9 inches tall. weighing 200 pounds, and wear ing a black hat and a checked mackinaw. He carried' a large. black revolver. . His companion was about 22 years old. 5 feet 7 inches tall, and slender. He wore dark clothe and carried a nickel plated revolver. In the same message the Salem police are requested to assist In locat ing two men Vanted for burglary, A rtore at Twenty-third and Al berta streets. Portland, was en tered and about $800 taken Fri day night. Little damage was douf .9 the fire department arrlv ingS promptly and extinguishing inueirxe who cnenucais. j l Onrd That Knit X iitua liberal redt - r rl ti - Detail Funeral Today funeral services of Robert E. Jt'fLapp will be held from the WcHR& Clough chapel this mor niiijat 10 o'clock. Inlcrtuen! wilM H' made in th- City View teur-ry. .Mr. iriapp died at bisbbme near Sabm. Saturday. iHMtiftoer at tne age ol Tai hrc! the coatings at Mosher's. Afrt s Kriyf loreax Itcwl lfnk Lorenx died at a local l,OMiil Saturday uight at the age of ?lyers. The remains are at tbe?IflKdon funeral parlors. Fun eral Announcements will be made Wbif you think of Good Clothe Tiittik of Mosher, the tailor. (A.hJ Interest in Red Cross Nursing Shown at Dallas 0 I I 1 The Red Cro-s la finding the (nthnslam of the Dallas elas' In homo nurving very gratlflnc. Tbirty-ftix of the vomri of Dal las have Joined the c!as and are endeavoring to gala any knowl- t-df which lll promote the wrl- fare of thir community aad their i Individual home. v niic not anticipating a re-1 turn of 'the epidemic of the last two year, the class belie- la preparedn. The benefits which may revult from 3C available assistanta la cne community will be far-reach- log in their scope under ordinary daily conditions ia the home, but should cmergencic arl the benefits, will be of incalculable value. I ft v. n.'jti Salem School of Expression Lulu Rosamond Walton. Director 147 N. Commercial Phone 592 1484J Weekly Recital Class Oakland Pier Involved A problem similar to that of the Cnion terminal question in Port land confronts the railroad com mission of California with refer ence to the Joint use of the Oak land pier terminal by the Santa Fe and the Southern Pacific roads according to a communication re- ceive'd by the Oregon public serv ice commission from the -California commission. The California officials request the Oregon offi cials to prepare them a map show ing the present facilities of the Union passenger terminal in Port land, time tables of the several roads, information as to whether operation of the Portland termi nal is satisfactory and other de- Sc Smith'! Flowers At Y. M. C. A. corner. (Adv.) Hardy I Flncil Paul Hardy was arrested yes terday charged with a violation of the traffic regulations in driv ing an automobile past a street car while It was stopped to re ceive and unload passengers on Slate street. Hardy Hated that the automobile belonged to a man named Olson, but the automobile license was shown to have been Issued to J. L. Itrossman of Port land. He appeared before Judge Earl Jtace and was lined $5. Magazine Huh lUte ! The Ace. 127 X. High. t: (Adv.) Willamette Valley Transfer Company Fast Ont Freight Dally Between Portland and Salem Phone 1400 . Do you take TURKISH BATHS . If not, wny not? No other baths or treatments can produce the permanent re lief to the person suffering from disagreeable cold or ail ments of the flesh or body like the Turkish Baths will. OREGON BATH HOUSE 'Open 8 a. m. nntil 9 p. m. Lady and Gentlemen attendants LOOK! IX BUSINESS FOR YOCR AUTO'S SAKE Car not bitting right? Bring It to nsA place to get tires, tabes. lklo a1rl1J h!ifn. .nil f I ra i pumps. - I Great Western Garage ! Phone 41. Opposite Coart House ALWAYS OPEN Poller Are Warncil- U Alderman W. F. IMchner yes lerday called the attention of the police department to ine Iacttnal automobiles are violating the 10- W00DRY conducts sales anywhere In Marlon or Polk counties. Store located 270 N. Com'L AUCTIONEER HARTMAN BROS. CO. Tot Tine Jewelry ' Jewelers and Opticians FOR BARGAINS of all kinds such as furniture, stoves, ranges, machinery, of all kinds see the CAPITOL JUNK & BARGAIN HOUSE 215 Center Phone 398 Better Goods for Les THE "DAYTON" las Bicycle for Everyone LLOYD K. RAMSDEJf 137 Court Street j Baltics and Bicycle Repairing HIGHEST PEICE PAID For SECOND HAND FURNITURE Stores, Carpets ana ioois Capital Hardware & FtirnltoreCo. 285 N. Commercial St. Phone 947 CARL & B0WERS0X ? 'Groceries 383 Court Street Phone 409 "WALLFELT" Takes the place of eloth at about one-third j MAX 0. BUREN 178 N. Commercial St Busick's SALEM ALBANY . 157 North Commercial St. Luggage and Trunks ALL REDUCED What Have Yon? but. sell and exchange and second-hand furnl- stoves, ranges, rugs. etc We will buy you COL, W. P. WRIGHT N. Com'l St., Salem, Or. 41 your sales with M People's Furniture DREAMLAND RINK Dance every Wednesday j and Saturday i:.tra Dance Chritm.s Eve and New Y.ear' Eve Bungalow Orchestra Our mission in life Is one of re sponsibility. Our professional wis dom and our tact ful politeness is assurance of the superior charac ter of our ser vices. ' I"" Eti. Rocks' SPECIALS . for This Week' Crown Flour $25 Fisher Blend Flour $2.93 Cherro Flour $2.63 Wheatola, sack 53c Apples, good grade $1.75 Pancake Flour, sack.... 60c English Walnuts, best, per pound 30c Almonds, per pound 33c Brazil Nuts, pound....40c Dates, package 23c Oranges, dozen.... -....5c Baisins, package 23c Phone 269. FREE DELIVERY Corner Center and 16th Irhnluia 1 -1 (e R. Nicholson died In Sa lenfi .Saturday nicbt at the age of .".4 -ir. The body was sent to Porlimd for interment yesterday by pHjdon 4k Son. UtilTlUank-- tf them at The Statesman of- fictf Catalog on application. (Ad) WATCHES in Platinum and White Gold with Diamond set tings, 141c Gold and Gold Filled. JEWELRY L a v a 1 1 1 e r , Rings, Broache. Pearl Beads, Cuff-Links. Scarf-Piri5, Chains, Charms, in fact e verytning in J ewclry. Sold r SilJenmlth SA1JLM.OSX. Successor to Gardner L. Kccne ! PERSONAL MENTION li'.t) McCroskev. son of Mr. and Mrsi T. E. McCroskey. who is hontt flrom the University ef Ore jconjill leave tomorrow for Kan sas XHT. no., wnere ne win at- tcn k national convention of the Phl-iUmma Delta fraternity, lie willST'turn home by way of San Fracc&co' where he will attend a conirPtion of a national law fra- trriutf with whick he Is atfili- atrtfl fc .iand Mrs. Andrew Veibar willf-fVnd the winter in Los An- Kei. Slaving sola tneir property in tfaifm. I'pon returning in the soriV they eiect to live it Wc-jHTurn. CJ-.t Kos. an attorney ol SiIvetCn, was a Salem visitor yea terdyjl Hfny Hobson of Fox Valley wasin the city Monday. rAs V- Morcun. an attorney of Woiti4irn. was here yesterday. W, 15..' Do rant of Woodburn was conH3ng with county officials yeftircay over road matters.. O.; li. Darling or cnemawa wa her4:jterday. JqtiC Murray of Duttevllle was a vi4ijr here yesterday. Jb R. Whitaker. professor of eoiniiic and marketine in the 1'nirfity of Oregon school or rom)!rce. was in the city'ye trtlirj conferring with officials of tiJ(rei:on Grower" Co-oper- J ativeji socialion.- i i . m fr rA C Ijitnnn mliip.f of tfe j.Mrilford planT of the Ore gon Jt;ower' Co-operative asso cialiidii was in Salem yevterday to art'iid to some business mat- tcrt.. 2 Itvut I'aulus left la it night for Mrd&ttl. FIERY, ITCHY SKIN QUICKLY SOOTHED WITH SULPHUR Mentho-Sulphnr. a pleasant cream, will Boot be aad beat kla that is Irritated or brokVn oat with externa : that is covered with ngly rash or pimples, or Is rough or dry. Nothing subdues fiery skin eruptions so quickly says a noted skin specialist. The moment this sulphur prep aration is applied the Itching stops and after two or three applica tions, the externa is gone and the skin Is delightfully clear and smooth. Sulphur Is so precious as a skin remedy because It de stroys the parasites that caase the burning. Itching or disfigure ment. Mentho-Sulphor always heals externa right up. A small Jar of Mentho-Salphar may be had at airy good drag store. THE MARRIAGE QUESTION' "What do yoa think of a naa who marries for money?" "He nadoabtrdly earns every cent be gets." . - Commission Sales Room 254 8. Liberty St. ' Private sales eatil Jaauary 1. Christmas trees. IS to 2Sc; po- . tatoes; carrots: chicken feed; ! oau. vetch and wheat; oae gas aad roal or wood range, good con- ". ditioa: one fine oak buffet; be-1 " mattresses; baled wheat; straw by -bale or ton; baled vetch; oU;l wheat; hay by bale or ton. IL C IWTTF.nsOX. Sales Manager LADD & BUSH BANKERS Oeseral Btr.iiTig Edam Office Eorsn frosx 10 a. xa.' to 3 p. n. Are, You Puzzled ... About Tbat Christmas Gift for Him!. Gire Him a Razor for Christmas We have several styles in the Auto-Strop and Gillette Safety Razors. They will please Special prices on all razors HAUSER BROS. SALEM ALBANY EUGENE CORVALL1S $9.00 DOWN A WEEK Will Bur a ONE MINUTE ELECTRIC WASHING MACHINE WM. GAHLSD0RF TbejStore of HOUSEAVARES All New and Desirable MAX 0. BUREN . HIGHEST PRICES Paid for Walnuts and White Beans PEOPLE'S CASH STORE IT'S NOT TOO LATE to be thinking of making your eyes a Christmas Gift of a pair of glasses if they need them MORRIS & KEENE OPTICAL CO. V 202-211 Bank of Com merce Building Corn Now have , plenty vt fine Shelled Corn and at'ry low prices. The cheapest teed on he market for togs aad poultry. Feeds Mill feeds are away down in price and looks like a eood time to buy. Fine .quality, special prices. Laying Mash KiFlier's VAHi PUOinCKU ertainly makes tliMil lay. 'Jozens and dozens of poiil rymen arc feeding it and hey Mil -say it does the work. Jut try a sack and sec the results. Poultry Supplies We offer yon High :rad Meat Peraps. Kastern Oyster Shells and (Jrit at prieci you cannot duplicate elsewhere. D. A. White Sons I'lione 16. Z State St. M)KI) KIDNKV I j Triomu: "M.J a iieve're attacv of klndey trouCtiand for three weeks could net i-t out of doors and Kearrely out 5d." write C. K. Drewer. Villa Springs. Ala. '"Could not bend.i'er at all without the most excrCSgttiuc pa Inn. I purchased a boll 1 1 if Foley Kidney rills. Wii relief) aft1 fin-t few doe and conted Vbeir use until com pi etel cured. I consider Foley Kidmrl rill the b?t kidny rem edy lb' the world. No recurrence of ni a rouble." Sold everywhere . - . j Knlhtls of Pythias 3 Helping Dallas Poor l.Vti.AS. Or.. Iht. -tShec-ial tf The Statenman.) Follow ing fr4ir 1 annual ruftoin. the KaizjrH of l'ytuias of Dallas will di.-triTe toy and candies, be- sidesj;Ther articles to the needy cni'dfcii la thi city who other- " Jfiduldj not ie remeiabered on Chri-5.1 I A lonunlttee ba l ien &jrH iVite'l for the work and la li.-p&i t(e rhildrt-n of theeom n.uni5.vb are in n-ed of help. The Siff iities of life mill alo be .3-nribNd by the lodge to la.'Hiii4 lo are in ttf ti in time to ini4- tiiirllma-i an enjoyable tx ra-br-O fur all 1 imrm L . : ' in GameCommison Will $vkt Care of Elk Herd Th -tilt at? caiue roinmi'slon be- '-veo'tliat by oiH-ning the Ince w - I!. i-i ttiat l.y opening hirlfe;How nrIuscH the herd of elk t.tjVaHowa t-ounty the ani mal t4'.l tal.e advantate of pan tere ijjid on Snake river and t; oiiiiniion the neee- s iv ill'iiing ha for their win ter s.iynai'.'". This information a. ijiv-n the Kovcruor'ii ofliee ?t-i3'fv -oer th telephone by t'apl K. HurKdhutf. tate fim" wardi. A .t srphic appeal from lr. .rn rjJNnl-n. . jalt,-l ruler of !.. IviUnd lodjce of Klks. In iMhalref the member of that lfce. a-kinr the governor to taJjS tteps to provide relief j for tlianimalf. win read to the) game v-rn ii ri.v.-. Th. lrtland Clks were IeI to act! GIFT LINGERIE Dainty, exquisite underlings are one of the most ac ceptable Rift one Li privileged to give. That whicn mc arc showing this mtmth is so unusually lovely that it will be the perfect remembrance. Many a man will chHsc this for his wife while it is certain of being the gift for the Christmas Brides.. Included in our slocks are ENVELOPES priced at COMBINATIONS priced at T.OWNS priced at CAMISOLES priced at BOUDOIIt SKIUTS priced at. . IL9H to $ 9.7a . $18 to $ 7.IH to JI2Jifl to S to $ 7l iURilhipIcCb. The Happiest givers will be those who follow the PAY AS YOU GO plan. Quality Merchandise Popular Prices IJrttPhon 1047 PhonT8 171) N. 'Commercial SLalcm 1