The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 19, 1920, Page 1, Image 1

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16 Pages .
tfaval Judges Decree That
Charges Against Marines
in Haiti Were Ill-Considered
and Without Ground
Natives Welcome Soldiers
and Are Unwilling to
Hare Them Depart
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18. The
naval court ot inquiry which in
vestigated th conduct of the ma
rines in Haiti, reported to Secre
tary Daniels today that there "had
teen no proper grounds" for the
statement made, by Brigadier
General George Barnett, former
commandant of the marine corps,
that the foree had been guilty of
"practically indiscriminate kill
ing" of Haltiens.
Charge Were TU-Comldered
1 After a careful surrey, the
court, presided orer by Rear Ad
miral Henry T. Mayo, found Gen
eral Harnett's charges were "ill
considered, regretable and thor
oughly unwarranted reflections'"
on the work of the marine corps
in Haiti, adding that the corps
had performed difficult, danger
ous and delicate duty worthy of
the highest commendation."
The marines were virtually giv
en a clean bill of health by the
court, which declined to recom
mend trial by court martial of
Freeman Lang of Los. Angeles and
Doras Williams of Birmingham.
Ala.; charged by native witnesses
. with the murder of Haitiens. - In
' deed, the Lang and Williams cases
v were not mentioned. -
In all "Isolated" cases of nn-
Justifiable conduct by marines the
' court found disciplinary action
; had been taken. .
-. The findings a , made public,
were approved by Secretary Dan
iels and Major General John A.
. Lejeune. commandant of the ma
, Tins corps. , , . - (
' "'The court's flttdrngs are:
The court finds two unjustifi-
mitted, one each by . two of the
personnel of the United States na-
val service which has served in
Haiti since July 28, 1915, and
that 1$ other serious1 acts of vlo
' lence have been , : perpetrated
against citizens of Haiti by indi
viduals ot such personnel.
The court finds that these of
fenses were all isolated acts of
Individuals and that in every case
. the i responsible party, was duly
brought to trial, convicted and
sentenced. I
The court has found no evi
dence of the commlsison of any
other unjustifiable homicides or
';; other serious unjustifiable acts of
. oppression or of violence against
sy of the citizens of Haiti or un
justifiable damage or destruction
of their property caused by any
' of the personnel In question. In
Hew of the fact that the only
unjustifiable acts found to have
..besn committed are those where
in disciplinary action has been
taken and where no further pro
ceedings could be had in the mat
ter, the court has not deemed it
necessary to report further as to
Referring to paragraph two ot
the precept, it is the conclusion
of the court that there have been
, no, proper grounds for the state
ment that "practically indiscrim-
- inate killing of natives has been
going' on for some time." as al
leged in the letter from Brigadier
General George Barnstt, United
States marine corps to General
John H. Russell. United States
, marine corps. i
Referring to the amendment to
the precept, calling for the con
clusions of the court as to the
. general conduct of-the personnel
of the naval service In Haiti the
court does not consider" that the
mall number ot isolated 'crimes,
or offenses by a few individuals
of the service are entitled to any
considerable weight in forming a
conclusion as to the general con
coct of such personnel. It was
Heritable some offenses would bo
committed. However, considering
Jb conditions of service in Haiti.
it remarkable that the offenses
; er o few in number and that
:. tey s.H may chargeable to the
ordinary defects of human cbar-
acier, inch defects as result in the
commission of similar offenses in
the United States and elsewhere.
; The general conduct of our troops
; e be fairly Judged by the result
01 tbe occupation.
Trnquilitv Prevails in Haiti
.. N for the first time in more
' lntt a hundred years tranquility
H security of life and, property
. be MM tn nmvill In Haiti.
..The Haitien people welcomed
coming of our men and are un
w'Jiing to have them depart.
Tn" establishment and matnte
n Ce of tranauil conditions, and
la t security of life and pro
f ty an over Haiti has been an
rcnnna ... j -i . i. n i-
SB f lib . . 1 . 0
. - -- io taste our maiiuca
Je performed with fidelity and
T' ,
(Continued on page 7)
Ex-SeiTlte Men Are Called to Aid
. Detectives and Police in Check
ing Crime Wave
NEW YORK, Dec. 18. New
York's epidemic of criminal activ
ities raged unabated today. Dar
ing holdups and other acts of
violence were reported. Robbers
looted a store in Brooklyn of
S5.0Q0 in dry goods and bandits
held up and robbed two jewelry
messengers of $12,000 in gems
and money. There were many
minor burglaries and assaults.
Banner heads in all afternoon
papers told of the crimes. ,
"Five new holdups and robber
ies as police spread net for ban
dits." said one, ; "New $ 1 2.0 00
daylight holdup," flared another.
"Band takes woman from cab in
park." and "Bandits bind merch
ant, rob store," were typical cf
the rest.
;Tbe demand that Police Com
missioner Enright "must go" was
made. ,
.. Condemnation of police depart
ment heads by many papers grew
in severity with each report of a
crime, whilst the department's
operating system was reported as
going "revamped so that begin
ning tonight 300 more "policemen
are added to the daily force by
granting each policeman fewer
hours off."
Representatives of the jewelers
arranged with ' Commissioner En
right to have his detectives furth.
er increased on Madison and Fifth,
avenues from 32nd to Central
Park. They also announced that
each jewelry shop would employ
an ex-service man as'guard. .
Other organizations also took
cognizance of the crime wave.
The military order of the world
war called its members to meet
Monday to tender aid in uphold
ing the forces of the law. Com
mercial organizations called meet
ings to discuss crime.
District attorney Swann issued
a statement asking judges to fix
high bail in criminal cases, sug
gesting $10,000 as a minimum.
Portland Man 'Hopes to
Oust Incumbent and Get
4 - His Seat in Legislature j
. A petition contesting the elec
tion on November 2 ot Herbert
Gordon as representative for the
18th district, consisting of Clack
amas and Multnomah counties.
was filed late yesterday afternoon
with the county clerk of Marion
county by Leslie M. Murray,
Twelve representatives were elect
ed from the district out ot 14 can
didates. .Of this number Mr. Mur
ray stood 13 th in the list in the
number of votes received.
The netition alleges that Mr.
Gordon was unlawfully and ille-vi
gaily a candidate for the office.
That he was at the same election
a candidate for mayor of the city
of Portland, which the contestant
claims is in direct conflict with
section 3337 L. O. L. wherein it
is provided that "So person shall
be qualified to be a candidate for
more than one office to be filled
at the same election." For this
reason Mr. Murray contends in his
notition that he is the duly elect
ed representative, and that his
votes. 25.087, should be declared
the official count. The petition
further asks the .court to certify
its findings to the secretary of
state, to be transmitted to the pre
siding officer of the legislative
body, and contestant declared
elected.; . !
Paul C Dornjitzer of Portland,
attorney for Mr. Murray, was tn
the city yesterday, filing, the
necessary papers. Mr. Dormitzer
said the right of contest was
provided for in the statute apply
ing to elections.
Damages Filed Against f
Oregon Lumber Company
PORTLAND. Dec. 18. Suit for
$11,840 damages was filed by the
government today against the
Oregon Lumber company, a Utah
corporation with offices at Baker,
or and tn Portland, for alleged
destruction of 10,840.000 feet of
timber in the Oregon national
forest in eastern ;Oregon.
The fire alleged to have caused
such heavy damages to govern
ment timber Is charged by the
government to have been started
through negligence of the com
pany in not maintaining proper
nnark arresters on its logging en
gines operating through and In
the vicinity of the forest and in
not keeping the track area cleared
of debris.
ASTORIA. Or.. Dec. 18. ,The
body of a drowned man was found
this afternoon by the coasl guard
crew on the sand pit near Fort
Canby. The body has not been
identified hut it is believed to be
that of D. W. Fairclough, former
ly watchman on the steamer No
Wonder, who fell off that vessel
fiear Henrecl's v landing Xn the
night of December 7. j
- f 1
j Sunday rain; fresh southeaster
ly winds.
First Meeting of League of
Nations Assembly Closes
in Burst of Eloquence
When Speeches Are Made
International Court of Jus
' tice is World House of
Rights and Peace
GENEVA, Dec. 18. The first
meeting of the league of nations
assembly closed this evening in a
bust of eloquence in a rather agi
tated debate.
In farewell speeches, Paul Hy
mans, assembly president, and Dr.
Gniseppe Motta, president of Swit
zerland, declared the first assem
bly had proved the league was a
living organism and a success.
The opinion expressed by many of
the delegates is that the assembly
has done all that could be expect
ed of it, if not more.
Several pet projects have met
with disaster; yet there are few.
if any delegates who remained
for the entire assembly that will
leave dissatisfied with the work.
The final day was marked by
another encounter between the
English delegates and those of
the British dominions. Lord Rob
ert Cecil, acting for South Africa
and C. J. Doherty for Canada pro
voked an aggressive and signifi
cant declaration by A. J. Balfour
to the effect that if the assembly
adopted any , recommendations
concerning mandates, he and his
successor on the league council
would pay no attention to them.
Esperanto Falls Victim
Lord Robert Cecil and Mr.
Doherty criticized the council, for
holding back information about
mandates and supported the rec
ommendations of the mandates
.committee, the most important of
which were that the assembly expressed-the
opinion that the re
sources of the territories under
mandate should not be exploited
by the mandatories for their own
profit or for the profit of the al
lies and that the recruiting of
troops should not be allowed in
such territories. ,
The recommendations were
adopted nnanimously,-Mr. Balfour
contenting himself by saying they
would have no effect. Instead of
voting against them.
; -. Esperanto fell a victim to a
sharp assault by Gabriel Hanotaux
when the committee reported in
favor of an expression by the as
sembly with the object of encour
againg the teaching of Esperanto
in the public schools with a view
to making it eventually an inter
national language and the lan
guage of the league. After a de
bate the ,assembly voted against
the proposal.
M. Hymans, in his closing
speech said the session of the as
sembly demonstrated to all the
value of the league.
Fraternal Spirit Is Shown
"The league has developed a
consciousness," h9 said, "and now
resolves to live, and will llve
Through the setting up of an in
ternational court of justice, the
assembly has established a house
of rights and a palace of peace."
" The activities of the assembly
respectlngf typhus, he declared to
be a magnificent demonstration of
human solidarity. When the as
sembly spoke of disarmament, M.
Hymans said, the members dis
played keen anxiety to lift the
weight ot armaments from the
world but realized that in the
present unsettled condition of
Europe nothing better could be
done than has been.
, He referred to the fraternal
spirit shown by1 the assembly, the
members of which were separat
ed only by shades of opinion, not
by principles. He appealed to the
youth, the men of tomorrow, those
who fought in the great war to
construct a moral world indispen
sable to the future of mankind
and concluded:
"Let us continue our ascending
march toward the stars."
M. Vivianl of France said to
The Asociated Prs respecting
the assembly's work:;
Action Is Praiseworthy.
"The league cannot but con
gratulate itself on its action. , Evi
dently it has not been able to re
generate and revolutionize the
world. Only the silly formed such
hopes for it. It has cleared the
ground of many questions and can
next year in the shortest space ot
time accomplish Its labor. It has
proved its vitality by action."
Speaking of the United States.
M. Viviani said that country
khowed a svniDafhv which made
lit evidence closer union was pos
N. W. Rowell of Canada said:
"The first assembly has satis
fied its friends and disappointed
its enimies. Its most significant
feature is the fact that for fiyc
toJck rrnresentatrves from - n
different nations have found H
possible to co-operate on many
matters and International con
cerns, and that as the assembly
progressed," It has - developed In
(Continued on page 8)
The people of Salem no doubt are somewhat weary of ilrh'c
for funds for this or that worthy object. One fan hardly Man:
them. ,
The question, however, that confronts the American reojl(,
and particularly those of .Marion county and Salem, of allowing
the children cf Europe to 'die of want and starvation, is on
that must appeal to us all-
It must stir the mothers, the fathers, hoys and jrirls of evertf
home in this city, when they thiuk that millions of little children
hi Europe are longing and even crying for the very crumbs thai
fall from our tables. ' j
The homes of America kn6w little of the want and suffering
that fell to the lot of European children during the four yearj
of war and deprivation and the two years of still more intense
suffering that followed the war. '3
It's up to us, Hople of Salem, to make good, and save a manj
as we can of these innocent creatures of human flesh and blootH
They cannot be blamed for causing the ravages of war, jet art
the chief sufferers. ,.
A Salem and Mariou county man heads this nobl? movement
for succoring the needy. Shall it be said that this city anl
county, that takes just pride in
was heedless of his jcall to aid
distracted and war-worn people!
said : I
"Ten dollars buys a child's life
ci -.- 1 1 a-T fwwi . '
There will be no soliciting committees to visit you. '
You must send it or give it
or other organizations that are
me money.
All the banks of the city will
The campaign is now on and
For once let it be said that
quota ior in is, a nie saving purpose, spontaneously ana ireeiy,
without the aid of the time-wasting drive and weary soliciting.
This is the season of the year when the spark of human love
and kindness should be glowing in its truest intensity. When
the heart beats with affection especially for the dear little
ones. When our thoughts dwell most on the loving utterances
of "Suffer little children to come unto Me" and "Peace on
earth, good will to men." ' .
Therefore in this our season of gladness, let us help in this
task of mercy and relief for the little suffering and starving
children of war-torn Europe. . ' .
Suggestions From New;
Reed. and Butler Present
Different Viewpoints
MARION". O.. Dec. 18.-Presl-dent-elect
Harding beard sugges
tions for his association ot nations
plan frpm widely divergent view
points today in conference with
Senator Harry S. New of Indiana.
Senator J.- A. Reed of Missouri
and Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler,
president of Columbia university.
Each indicated that he thought
Mr. Harding was following alo'ig
hopeful lines but each has his
own idea of what should be made
the basis and form ot any inter
national agreement to promote
Senator New, Republican mem
ber of the foreign relations com
mittee was Inclined to favor a
disarmament agreement if one
could be made. He intimated that
he would be adverse to taking
such machinery of the Versailles
league as might be found practi
cable, but told Mr. Harding that
in his opinion a covenant mutually
pledging the leading nations to re
duce armaments would be vastly
superior to any complicated inter
nal peace structure.
As a Democrat who has made
a bitter fight for flat rejection of
the Versailles treaty. Senator
Reed Counselled the president
elect against acceptance of league
membership on any basis and rec
ommended modification of inter
national law as the best hope of
averting misunderstandings. To go
into the league In the face of the
people's verdict at the election,
he declared, would be a breach of
faith and a costly blunder. He
evidenced little faith that wars
could be abolished but conceded
a plan for more deliberate diplo
matic parleys might prevent some
of them.
Economic considerations were
advanced by Dr. Butler as the, de
terminine factor of the interna
tional situation. He prophesied
that Iq the end. trade and com
mercial ties would be found more
binding and more practically use
ful than Deace covenants. In re
habilitating civilization and guar
anteeing its security. He suggest
ed that Germany's burden of war
indemnity be definitely fixed as
appropriate and that markets be
stabilized by tstablishing credits
among consumers abroad. . -Roth
Senator Reed .and Dr
Butler Indicated they considered
the war referendum proposals im-
nracticable and Senator New. re
served judsment regarding it.-
CORK. Iec. IS. The military
inuuirv into the Cork fires and
lootine opened today. It was pri
Maurice Healy had l-en in
st rue ted by th chamber of com
nierce aud the employers' feder
ation to represent them at the
j inquiry but was inlormeti lasi
J night no lawyers would be ad
! mitted. In consequence. these
I two bodies have declined to give
once having been his home!
the suffering little ones of if
It was Herbert Hoover win
until harvest in Europe."
to your church organization!
interesting themselves in iaisin
gladlv receive suWriptions.
continues throughout this vek-jl
the people of Salem raisedltheiri
Middle Men Would be Elim
inated and Speculation
' Completely Annulled
ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Dec. IS. Pre
liminary arrangements for launch
ing a national system of coopera
tive markets and financial Institu
tions designed to rehabilitate the
farming industry were completed
today at the concluding session of
the agricultural' conference Inau
gurated by the national board of
farm organizations.
The conference endorsed a plan
to establish nine grain handling
centers and will seek support of
all farmers, cooperative grain
marketing organizations. The pro
ject is designed to eliminate the
middle men and end speculation.
These terminals are to be located
In Kansas City. Chicago Omaha.
Sioux City. Oklahoma City. Minne
apolis. Seattle, Buffalo and St.
Representatives of agricultural
interests tn the territory contigu
ous to these points will meet Jan
uary 4 to arrange for a convention
.i wu.tu ' 7"" .
ganliatlons will be InyUed to send
delegates to arrange for financing
the project.
The financial system advocated
by the delegates provide for a na
tional union of farm loan associa
The resolution covering the pro
ject stated 4.000 farm loan bodies
have no opportunity of getting
proper representation at Washing
ton and charged that the policy of
the federal farm loan board has
been to discourage attempts by the
associations to form state federa
Resolutions were adopted pro
testing against amendments which.
it was asserted have been maae 10
the federal farm loan act without
giving an opportunity for consul
tation between law-makers and the
Another resolution protested
against the Polndexter anti-strike
bill Just passed by the senate. The
conference recognized the harm
ful afreet of strikes, the resolu
tion stated, but considers that un
der certain circumstances united
protest, is the only means of sclf-
prcscrVatlon for the workers.
Federal control or the paraing
industry and passage of the Ken-ou-Kendrlcks
bill was advocated
in another resolution.
CHEAT FALLS. Mont.. Dec. 1H
Arcording to advices from Cas
cade. Mont.. E. J. Moran todav
repudiated an affidavit be Is said
to have made In Creat Falls last
night denying connection with a
weekly paper here, following an
alleced attack upon him by R. B.
Noble, prominent local banker.
Moran went to Cascade last night
and he is said to have announced
bis intention to bring suit against
Noble. Publication ot a story by
the paper concerning Ndblc I
declared to have been the cause
ot the alleged attack.
Marion County Chairman
Washington Vanderlip Ne
gotiates Lease of 400,
000 Square Miles of Land
in Siberia
Buying Orders Are Re
ceded for $3,000,000,-
000 Worth of Goods
LOS ANGELES. Cal-. Dec. 1.
Washingtin D. Vanderlip. Los An
geles engineer, who went to Rus
sia for a syndicate of Los Angele
hi en. obtained a 0-year lease of
4 00.000 'square miles of land In
Siberia. Including the entire Kam
chatka peninsula, and also is said
to have received baying orders
from the Russian government for worth of Ameri
can manufactured goods and raw
materials, returned to this city
Interview Kaplan leader.
In an Interview which the Los
Angeles Times will publish to
morrow. Mr. Vanderlip gives de
tails of his six months trip, not
before made public; tells of per
sonal conferences with Lenlne.
Trotsky and other Rntian lead
ers, and expresses confidence
that the trade contracts with the
Rusian government he brought
back with him will do more to re
stabilize the world than any peace
treaties or the league of nations
has been able to accomplish."
RuAftla fct PrwperotM
Tales of Trotxky'a tyranny are
also made out of whole cloth.
I There Is no repression of free
(speech, but everywhere is the most
frank-spoken and printed criticism
lof the government. I myself heard
fa prominent official of the Rns-
siaa foreign office denounce Trot-
kzky. but the incident created, no
administration member In any
more stir than a dispute between
Lotner country.
Another popular misconcep
tion Is that Russia's railroads are
pulned. Instead of being ruined,
hthey- are In splendid repair, and
Arithin the last three years the
present government has bnllt
??00 miles of new railroad. The
flusstan lines, however, have only
000 locomotives, whereas they
(hould have 1S000. The other
1 2000 locomotives have been all
burnt out and worn out.
5 Mr. Vanderlip declared the
Opinion thai "the rest if the world
Inay as well give up the Idea that
there will soon be a revolution
n Russia.' and told of Lmlne s
Alleged offer to President Wilson
nd to the British government to
(ease all propaganda activities
Provided the American and Brit
ish governments would cease
their anti-Russian activities. He
said Russia can pay $1,500,000.-
00 on the trad contracts with
a year and asserted practically
the only discourtesy he met with
fen the trip was at the hands of
the new American conssl Albrecht
it RevaL"
f Kuppltai Wattled Krum 1. K.
I "Russia must have these sui-
' fclles ad she wants to buy the
om ne guw falh(
rthan from any other country, be
cause she considers this country Is
tJie only real friend she has In the
world!" said Mr. Vanderlip.
rbee orders which I have re
tived have already exerted tre
mendous pressure on the govern
rents of France and England. As
x&on as the news ot them was giv
en to the world, the Britlnh gov
ernment assumed a more reon
able attitude tn dcalice with the
Igussian trade commission headel
lv Kameneff and within ten dan
France. Instead of denouncing th?
Russian government, had appoint
ed "a commission to negotiate for
tje re-opening of trade."
Mr. Vanderlip left Los Angeles
June t6 bound for Petrocrad and
Moscow. The object of his trip.
which was financed by an associa
tion of Los Angeles capitalists, was
to endeavor fo secure by purchase
of lase the great Kamchatka pen
ic'u!a. which he bad explored from
to 1S"J, and where he hvl
traveled more than 5.000 miles.
Enormous holers 1lecieel
I Th sole Idea bark of my trip
hen I left here," said Mr. Vn
d rllp. "was t secure concessions
fAr developing the coal, oil and
fishery resource of the Kamach-
jka ret; ion. When I reaehea
f'ussla I found a nation of 1-0.-people
la a canons con
dition. They are badly In need of
itsatrythings. but they can. pay for
what tbey must huy.
"l secured order for enormous
quantities of goods, to he deliv
ered over a ieriod of thre
yars years.
Thcs orders do not Involve
rVognitlon of the Russian gov
ernment. Mr. Vanderlip said and
aie not involved with tbi Siber
ian eonresslon. 1 1 dentd reports
cabled from Europe that his or
der would b effective only If
tfe Lnln regime Is recognized
from Washington and dnled the
report that the Kamchatka lease
(Continued on pace 3)
Iance Romb 1 Yommd la Slerrloa
Square and Police Capture Kc
lolvers and Ammnnltloa
DPI'LIX. Dec. 1 8. Intensified
warfare the usual accompani
ment of peace parleys marked
the close of an eventful week In
Ireland. Raids and whole-ale
arrests by the police and military
and increased activity of the Irish
republican army la attacking the
ciown force, will make up the
news in the IrUh newspapers to
morrow. Little will be publUhed
about the efforts of the peace
makers, bnt if the optimistic pre
dictions of the principal Inter
mediaries are fulfilled, a truce Is
"Martial law circular No. l.
issued ovr the rlsnatare of Gen
eral Sir Nevil Mac Ready, today
says that all forces ot the crown
may rest assured that so long as.
In trying to restore order, they
do not exceed what Is reasonably
necessary for the purpose they
will have fall approval and sup
port. Hut all are warned against
the commission " of offenses
against person or property of any
resident, the breaking Into any
house In search of plunder or the
molesting of a sentry protecting
a person or property.
-Any person subject to mili
tary or martial law committing
any of these offenses will be li
able to court martial and sen
tence of death.
A large bomb was picked op In
Jlerrion square yesterday. Re
volvers, ammunition, gunpowder
and Ss sticks of gelignite were
captured In a police and military
raid on a rebel ammunition store
at Temple more today. 3
Order of War Department
Countermanded in Mes
sage Received
War department orders thai
the national gaard Infantry com
panies located at Salem. Med ford
and one company at Portland be
i educed to machine gun compan
ies, were countermanded yester
day In a telegram recclrd by
George A. White, adjutant gene
ral of the state.
Mr. White objected 'to the
changes since they would reduce
the number and make it necessary 1
tor three well trained rifle' com
rantej to begin all over rzaln. -White's
PropoiuU Aceepted, j
The proposal made by Colonel!
White that he be permitted to re
cruit new machine gun compan
ies to meet Oregon's quota of
citizen soldiers, was accepted by i
the general staff at Washington.
Two new machine gun companies
accordingly will be formed at
once. One or them will be ptaced
at Albany and the other one prob
ably at Corvallla. which has made
more progress than any other
Oregon town so far la getting a
new nnlt ready for muster.
Larbla I'nlu Necessary.
The new machine gun utlts are
rece-ary In order to reorganize
the Fifth Oregon Infantry, to con
form to the government's new
tables of organization which gives
a machine gun company and
three rifle companies to- every
battalion of national guard in
fantry. Two of the present rifle
companies will be carried as sep
arate companies. It was stated,
until the 82nd Infantry brigade
has been completed ia Oregon.
This brigade, the first one ever
formed In the west, will have Its
headquarters at Portland and will
be made up of troops from Ore
pen. Washington and (da bo.
IVogre Cnrlallod.
Formation of new units will
hate to be curtailed fcr th time
being, the adjutant general's of
firo was advised. .until new fed
eral appropriations become avail
able. A special authorization for
the two machine gun companies
and other special troops was mad
t J Oregon at this time because or
canizatlon work was already un
der way In ( several communities
Since all equipment l furnished
by the government, and all offi
cers and men attending drills are
paid out of federal fund, the
rt of citizen soldier units Is
creatly Increased under the nw
national defense law.
Foot Salem Men Said to
be After Lea's Position
No lens than five annllcatlons
for the secretaryship of the state
fa'r board, for the succession to
A. II. Lea. It s understood are In
the bands of the board for con
sideration of the members when
It. meets to elect on January 10.
Among the applicant are said
to be Frank Meredith. C. D. Clan
eey. T. L. Davidson and Romeo
Con let. all ot Kalem. and la addi
tion a roan whoM residence It at
It Is believed V'. If. Savace of
Corvallls. a member ot the board
at present, would, not be averse to
accepting the secretaryship, al
though he has bo application be
fore the board.
Lloyd-George and Fatter
O'Flanagan Come to
Word Blows in Notes
Which Dijturhs Faith
Direct Negotiation With
Irish Head is Only Solu
tion Says Father
LONDON. Dee. II. Corres
pondence between Premier Uoyd
George and Father Michael
O'Flanagan. 'vice-president of
the Irish reps bile."" la an effort
to bring about a trace between
England and tht Elan Fein org.
antxatlon. apparently has been
Father O'Flaaagaa. la his lat
est message to Mr. Lloyd Ceorg
declared th only ay to recon
ciliation was by "direct negotia
tions with the official head of ttt
Irish nation. President de Valera.
In his reply, the Premier said:
"This attitude closes the door
to l bos counsels ot good will
which yow Invoked.
0FlaaAaa rVstds Message
Fsther O'Flanagaa'a message
"While sending peace and' good
will to th people of Ireland, yosr
government has Intensified their
fiendish attacks apoa oar Uvea,
oar liberty and our property.
"How hollow your fair worda
read la the newspapers sand
wiched between the burning- cf
Cork and the murder ot Caaca.
Magner and Timothy Crowley.
"If yow really wish for peace,
allow the constitution adepted ty
the Irish people at the last elec
tion to perform It legitimate
functions, aid art' of - vlcltaee
will aooa become aa rare la Ire
land as la any cf the most peace
fal nations. Then arrasgs the
terms of a treaty by direct aego
tiatlons with the official head of
the Irish nation President de
Valera. His Is th oaly possible
road to that reconciliation which
vitally interest Both cat ice.
IJoyd George Make Reply
"1 had hoped that with moder
ation aad common seas on both
sides It might have been possible
to reach aa understanding whl'b
would stop strife In Ireland and
pave the way to a rcosctlUtka.
You now Imply that la yosr
judgment th oaly road to pesc
Is th reccgnltloa ot an Irish re
public and negotiation of a treaty
with someone you designate a the
official head ot that republic
I have never failed to make It
clear there -ia no possibility ot a
settlement so long" aa th Finn
Fela demands an Irish Republic
aad that though I aa wilting to
ezplore every avenue toward aa
honorable, constitutional settle
ment, there Is no road to peace
so long as the Eiaa Feta persists
la trying to corapel aay settle
ment by means ot aasasslastion
sad violence. The ely way ta
peace Is that th leaders ot th
Sinn Fein should recognlxa lbe
fundamental facts; their prseat
policy Is only lead lag. Ireland -rtr
nearer to cbao aad rala.
l deeply regret you should
close the door to those rovasels
of good will which yoa tavofced
at th beginning of this corrr poo
denee. fire Fighting Machines
Recommended for Dallas
DALLAS. Or- Dec. It. (F pe
dal to The Statesman ) O. W.
Stokes. II. Sykes. nd Gilbert Al
len, deputies from th slate fire
marshal's office, are inspecting
schools, churches and factory
buildings snd other Dallas pro
perty for fir hazards.
The fire marshals met with the
Dallas fire department Wednes
day night and recommended the
purchase of a quantity of new tire
fighting materials. Including a
fire enctne for pumping water
from th mains, the LaCreol riv
er or other sources of wster sup
ply should the wster surply of the
orcsloo ever warrant It la cave
of a big fire.
Recommendations Ul be made
to the city roancll Monday sight
tor th? purchase ot fire fighting
apparatus. The council has for
some time been considering the
purchase of a combined c hernial
engine and hose cart and If the
proposed street Improvements are
made this coming yr the rtt
fightinc apparatus will probaMy
be purchased.
PKRT11 AM HOT. N. Dee.
I . (Inward Tappen. aa over
seas veteran, purchased a cap la
a local army goods store today
and discovered It was the one be
had discarded la France. Oa th
Inner band was his name, ials
own haadwTiUsc.