The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, December 18, 1920, Page 1, Image 1

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    1 J '
Saturdaj: Rain; moderate to
iresh easterly galea.
The Statesman receive- tht leased
wire report of th. Associated
Pre, the greatest and moat re
liable press ajsoelatioa la tha
Er7 Takes Hopeful View
ef Conferences With
President-elect to Fash-
isa Plan for World Peace
Gold Watch - Suitably Gnmrni
Will be Awarded Rescuer of
Pirrie Survivors ;
Leading Democrats Confer
Yfita Harding on Policies
of Administration
MARION. O.. Dec. 17. With
is vlaa for an association of na
tioni auumioK more definite form
President-elect Harding took into
lis confidence today tbree con
Dicnons Democrats, William Jen
inn Bryan, James W. Gerard
tod James A. Reed, and asked
tseir advice and their aid in fash
toning a program behind which
lie nations eaa unite.
Bryaa and Harding Agree
' Mr. Bryan, taking the lead in
xprwaing gratification at the
day's developments, declared his
faith in Mr. Harding as an honest
tad 'conscientious public servant
whom the people would trust.-1
The former secretary of state
announced that he had found
tizaself in agreement with the
president-elect on "fundamentals"
and that he took a hopeful view
ct the conferences here to evolve
plan for world peace.
1 Mr. Gerard, former American
ambassador to Germany, and dur-
fcr the last campaign actively
connected with the Democrat!?
aatlonal committee Joined with
Mr. Bryan in TTr-t-je; satisfac
tion at the scope of the associa
tion of nations conferences.
: Senator Reed reserved judg
ment of the outline of an associa
tion laid before him by the president-elect
but declared 1 himself
delighted that one so irreconclla
V.j opposed to the Versailles cove
' aant and to foreign entanglements
r,uerally. should have been in
t.tsd to Mr.. Harding' council ta
V.. '' t"-
yone would discuss in detail
fte objects touched on in their
talk -with the president-elect but
it becam known that something
nort tiu a scattered collection
of lurrestions was offered for
their scrutiny. It Is understood
that although Mr. Harding's plan
still is far from ccm plate,, his
talks bars given him the basis of
a scheme of world eo-operation
which he Is hopeful will be prac
ticable and acceptable to the na-
Hon.' - " "
In all of; his conferences from
Sow "on, it it expected that opin
ions will be sought with a riew of
perfecting that plan and aBcertaln
lag how far it may be expected to
tare popular support.'-
It his talks today Mr. Harding
U understood to have declared a
particular desire that 1n the end.
the proposal should have no tinge
of partisanship. t; . - . '
SEATTLE. Dec. 17. William
Pen and other Indians of the
Quillayute reservation who assist
ed in finding the bodies of the 22
victims or the steel barge W. J.
Pirrie, which was dashed to
pieces on the rocks of tire Wash
ington coast November 26. will
have as a Christmas gift from the
Seattle Maritime circle a nurse of
$950. subscribed by local shipping
concerns. - !
P. J. Pierce Of the circle will
leave for XaPush, Wash., tomor
row with the purse and big as
sortment of Christmas candies.
fruits, athletic apparatus and
clothing to be turned over to S.
A. Trent. Indian agent, for distri
bution among the Indians.
Penn. and his brother Fred
Penn of the Quillayute tribe and
Elliott Anderson of the Makah
tribe will each receive a hand
some- gold watch suitably en
graved as tlreir reward for saving
Carlos Peterson and Ernesto Ara-
vena, the only survivors of the
Embargo Against Importa
tions is Decided by Lead
ers as Way Out of Maze
of Farmer Relief Bills
Brilliant Women or World Will
Perfect League to Continue
Peace Forever
Lire la J West Marked an Stage
Driver In Montana Kcrvcl in
Federal Army During War
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. Dec. 17.
-An international league of
mothers to prevent war for all
time is the goal ot the National
American War Mothers, as an
nounced here tonight by Alice M.
French, president of the organiza
tion. - today announced a plan
whereby 500 or more war moth
ers will eo on a special shin to
visit the battlefields of'thc world
war and the cemeteries where lie
American war dead.
Our idea is to enlist the efforts
of the brilliant women of the
world and particularly the moth
ers who suffered during the war
in nerfprt 9 tparun which will
Earlw Pattnorft nf Men trie I continue peace forever."
I c 7 ir, Mrs. French said today. "We
IS OOQffht DT Congressmen figure that as long as men lead
Who Draw Drafts
National Guardsmen Will
Take Charge of Situation
in Utile (Til City
17. Kansas national guardsmen
were reported on their way to
this little oil city tonight to take
eharge of the situation growing
out of last night's race trouble
which resulted in the killing ot
two persons and the wounding of
five others. .
Following a day of apprehen
sion over the possibility of. fur
ther trouble should an attempt
I be made tonight to lynch Noble
- . .
ureen. a neirro accusea 01 me
shooting of . R. R. Wharton, a
white grocer. Mayor John I. Wad
man annoanced he had been pro
mised two companies of guards
men would be sent from Witchita
early tomorrow.
It was. the killing of Wharton
and the ' subsequent, arrest of
Green by a posse that brought the
racial feeling to a climax and pre
cipitated last night's disorder. 1
A tense situation prevailed to
night with the town under patrol
by more ' than 2 0 0 - armed home
guardsmen; American legion mem
bers and citizens, sworn in as aep
uty sheriffs. ' '
, All persons without special per
mits were ordered- off the streets
after 6 p. m. by proclamation of
the' mayor. Business nouses,
dance halls and theater were
closed and public gatherings for
bidden. . r r '
Officials were apprehensive that
after nightfall there would come
an attemnt to storm the lail and
obtain Green who was ideatifiedf
today by Ralph Mitchell as the
man tie saw run from Wharton's
stons after shooting Wharton and
looting-the cash register.
It appeared today that an out
break was imminent when word
came of the wounding of Oran
Small, a 17-year old white youth
h annfher White DOT.
An excited crowd gathered
about the city hall and Jail but
dispersed when it was announcea
that the youm was snoi acciueut,-
... ..-,
The Jail in whien. ureen is nem
. , t i i ... was surrounaea uj ....
tq-pnsed Mate, becomes &::;r- inouest was held
P4v RitMtt nf behind closed doors to investigate
rcny-Ligntn wemDer 01 riotinr last night. The tun-
. . I t kJ I ,, n wharton was held late in
t-caguc oi nauuua --thlB Berved to 8tIr
comment from white citizens who
GENEVA, Dec. 17. The tn congregated on every street com
Dmhr rtf tha l9rllM of nations, I U
i:baala; waa elected today with I 'two negroes were arrested by
urprislng unanimity, and no one clTiljall guards ano: neia ior
m more surnrised than Albania 1 1. incendiary remarks. After
lertelf to find that she would be ooon newspapers printed an ap-rcpr-aented
on the floor ot the as- Ir0ni the widow of .Wharton
mbly at the closing session to- to n citizens to abstain from moo
sorrow. Tne commmee on iuc Ti0ience. 1
admission of new states had re- , !
Ported unfavorably and all hope . -
tbaidond' e,ectiOB bad been Smitn is Sentenced to
' Lord Robert Cecil, representing TlVentV YeOTS by Cottft
oth Africa, and N. W. Rowell. " .
Canada. - led in the final effort
to the admission of Albania this
Borning in the assembly." To the
urprlae of. all, the French and
British delegations abandoned
Ikeir opposition and Albania was
elected unanimously. ;
The question of Armenia came
. again this afternoon in the
Torn f a proposition by the Ru
manian government to participate
,a tnllltary intervention. Take
Jonesco, head of all the Ruman
delegation, said he had au
thority from his " government to
to S0.000 men be organized years
ftla. and that the Rumanian lyTTOX KILLED B Al":
8overntnnt would. furni?h Us . '
"'ota. The assembly decided ta gAN FRANCISCO.- Dec. 17.
'er th numiinn to the assem- ;.. t t'-n of Butte. Mont
M7 .coram tt considering the v,a Ath due to injuries
rmnlan nnMtlon. . Z-. hr an autoanoble
SEATTLE, Dec. l7-":5Larca
t'i smUh. chareed with bomo-
ing and partly wrecking the home
of Frana k. saons. v.- -""
ror the Chicago, Milwaukee & St.
i-lrnai1 on October 2a, wa
rrm one to 20 years
in superior court here today. e
-i- nr1 was alven the
?i ctslX lnloi
his claini for reimbursement for
injuria received while working as
:i..nvw hrakeman several
B Wlin w.-.w
gressional leaders decided today
j that the "ay cut of the maze ot
I farmer relief bills was enactment
nt an omvrvanpv foHff t n nm fv
one year and to act as an embargo
against Importations. It would
apply to wheat, cotton, wool.
beans, potatoes, livestock and
Leaders Agree on Tariff.
Agreement of the legislative
leaders was reached at a joint con
ference of members ot the senate
finance and house ways and means
committees at which the deter
mination also was reached to press
the proposed measure to speedy
passage. Actual drafting ot the
bill was started late in the day by
members ot the ways and means
Much discussion was evoked
relative to a choice between a flat
embargo and a high tariff but the
house leaders held out against the
employment ot a ban on importa
tions in peace time, urging that
the age-old custom of no embar
goes except in time of war be fol
lowed. Senate members of the
conference declared that an em
bargo measure could be put
through their branch of congress
more easily than a high tariff bill
but they finally assured the house
conferees that they would use all
of their influence to push the
measure through as soon as it was
received from the house.
The subject of the rates to be
embodied in the tariff measure
was not directly discussed at the
conference. '- -: .-
Rates. Are Left to Committee
Members of the house , commit
tee which will draft the bill were
informed that the rates would be
left entirely to them and that
whatever they were able to have
passed by the house and the sen
ate conferees ? would" try to keep
intact. Explanation was made that)
the reason the conrerence at
tempted no 'decision on rates was
that such a discussion might have
resulted in a breach and the de
struction ot the whole program.
The suggestion was ; under
stood to have been made by Dem
ocratic members ef the conference
that they seek an expression of
views of the president with re
spect to the relief tariff. Repub
licans, however, strongly opposed
such a mtwe, the contention being
made that it would not be known
whether the bill could be passed
until the final roll call and fur
ther that the measure might not
go to the president in the form
now proposed.
A tentative bill by Representa
tive Green. Republican. Iowa, has
been practically accepted as the
basis for the measure for which
early passage will be sought. The
ways and means committee prob
ably will take it up early next
week, although several members
began work on it immediately.
350 Bills for Farm Relief.
' House members - said tonight
there were approximately 350
hills before various committees at
their end ot the capitol. all aimed
to afford protection for agricul
tural products and give relief to
It was believed the action oi
the house leaders woum not
change plans to pass the senate
resolution to revive tne war ii-
nanc corporation. This proposi
tion was described as being aside
from the particular prooiems
which the house and senate are
trying to solve in shielding the
farmpr from iallintr prices.
Thfl action taken at toaay s
toint conference, however, devei-
nnd a new fear among some
r . -rv- m i 1 Z-
house memoers. w nue onug
h nlan to oush through a tariff
of embargo proportions had their
support, they expressed fear that
other lines or Business migni
similar relief.
the affairs of the world we will
have war for they will fight but
we mothers will agree on peace."
Mrs. French said that between
now and the first week in June.
when the mothers' ship Is sched
uled to sail for Europe, efforts
will be expended for the calling ot
a congress.
That the mothers of German
soldiers in the war would be in
vited to attend such a congress
nrobablr taf be held in France
is the plan of Mrs. French and her
associates, she said.
LOS ANGELES. Cal.. Dec. 17.
John C. Jones, a picturesque fig
ure of the early west, died here
today. aKd 7S years. "He was
called "Flapjack" because, while
he was 6 feet 4 inches tall, he
weieh1 only 100 pounds..
He was born in Maine. When
16 years old he joined th3 federal
army and fought through the civ
il war. Then he went to Butte.
Mont., wher as a stage driver, he
allied hlmseir with the west.
Eight months ago be entered
the national soldiers home at
Sawtell. near here. Thre- weeks
ago he was removed to the resi
dence here of W. A. Clark. Jr..
son of the' former United States
senator from Montana, who takes
an active interest in veterans
from that state. It was at Mr.
Clark's home that Jones died.
McCarthy Refuses Nomina.
tion of Pacific Coast
Baseball League Chair Af
ter Salary is Doubled
ImuI IUBn,-art Nut Mated by
CbrrrtaaM, Rat Program Sakl to
be Foil of Sarprbes
Republican Caucus Decides
to Put Through Reappor
, . tioning Bill
Plan Would Refund Practi
cally Entire Bonded Gov-..
ernment IndeDteaness i jpp
U'lCHlVfiTOV Ttf 1 7 Flo I ,ne.
x . . j I puDJican memoers were aaia to
tation ot a bond Issue into which I fmTor- a reasonable increase in the
Otfirers of the flosarians of
Portland, the Pruoarians or Van
couver, the Hubarians of Albany.
the StrawberrUas ot Lebanon, the
Kadiators of Kucene and mem
lcra or other Ortgon booster or
ganizations will attend the coro
nation ct Charlrs E. know Land
a. King Bint; of the Falem Cher-
rlans on the oUht of Jaauary 4
The event will be (Used at the
Salem armory.
A decision to invite the offl
errs ef the other booster organi
zations was reached at a meeting
or Cberrian officials at a luncheon
at the Marion hotel yesterday.
The usual banneet will sot be
civen. it waa annoanced. bat an
extensive program Is being pre
pared, the nature ot which la not
yet ready to be given the public.
At the monthly meeting of the
Cherrlans last night It was voted
to place 1 members on the hono-
SACnAMF.NTO. Cal . nee. 17. rary membership each year and
William It MrO.rthr. Sn Fran-1 iuae mem inrot oi tne manor
clseo. reiused to allow his name tot For this year the 10 selected are
be submitted for re-election as the eight who have served as
- v. T.-in- M.tlking Blng. and in addition Joha
r::' ;" ,k :;;i iinV I Round and Frank K. Lovell. both
club owners here today and when,
despite his objections the mag
nates, re-elected him lor a period
ot three years at a salary ot Sl.
009. steadily refused to continue
as bead of the organization. Mc
Carthy left the meeting late' this
afternoon, asserting that there
Magnates as Well as Play
ers Must Live Up to Rules
of Great American Game
publican members ot the house movement on foot among
at a
put through at this session of
"vu" .v ""- r th. siti. Port
caucus tonlsht decided to I. c.,, tj. v. ni Oakland eluba
Trade Conditions Cause
Plant to dose for Indefi
nite Period Door Fac
tory Is Not Affected
Output of This Year Ex
ceeds by Large Margin
Total Cut of 1919
congress a bill reapportioning the
membership of the house to cor
respond with increases in popu
lation as reported in the 1920
The definite baFis for the re
apportionment was understood
to have been decided on at
caucus but most ot the Re
publican members were aaid to
would be refunded radically the
entire bonded indebtedness of the
American government was pro
posed to the ways and means
committee today by Jules XV.
Bache, a New York banker, as a
means of equalizing the burden
of taxation resulting from the
Bonds of the new issue pro
posed by Mr. Bache would rua
for 50 years. They would beat
a scale of interest rates starting
at 6 per cent for the first f
years. 5 1-2 per cent" tne seconu
five years, five per cent for the
third period of five year and a
permanent rate of 4 1-2 per cent
per annum thereafter until ma
turity. He declared that such an
issue would serve to bring liberty
bonds back to par while at the
same time permitting retirement
of two per cent ot the outstanding
bonds each year.
He also submitted a revenue
program which, he deciarea.
would easily produce $3,500,000.
000 annually. Included in it was
a sales tax of one per cent which
he estimated would yield 12.000.
000.000 annually. Continuation
of the excise taxes yielding about
$3,000,000,000 a year and enact
ment of tariff which would pro
duce $700,000,000 annual income
were embraced In th program.
Mr. Bache recommended tne en
actment of a flat normal rate of
5 ner cent of all incomes wun an
exemption of $5000. Taxes
incomes below S500O. ne oeciaru.
from persons from whom tne gov
ernment should seek revenue.
house membership.
Drafting of a reapportionment,
bill would be in the hands of the
census committee, of which Rep
resentative Siegel. New York, is
chairman. Mr. Siegel already has
prepared and introduced a bill
increasing the house membership
from the present 435 to 483. and
this bill is expected to be the
basis for .the reapportionment
I The Siegel bill would make the
population basis for a congres
sional district between 218.000
and 219.000. instead of approxi
mately 211.000 as at present. No
state would sustain a loss in its
representation In the house and
25 states would gain in repre
sentation. t Representative Tinkham. Mas
sachusetts, urged the caucus to
support his resolution directing
the house census committee to in
vestigate to what extent negroes
are being denied the vote in
southern states to recommend a
decrease in the representation of
those states according to the ex
tent of disentranchiscment.
Wholesale Prices Were
Lower Last Month Than
Any Time Since War
rnmnlfy Refuses Position
as Customs Chief Justice
WASHINGTON. Dec. 17. Jos
rph P. Tumulty, secretary to
President Wilson, announced to-
dav that he had declined the ap
pointment as a chlsf justice of
the court of custom appeal, which
me Japnese delegation made . . h William T. MCMUrr y had been offered him ny me pre-
ne statement this afternoon that nrtcr the influence or .f,nt ani that he would begin
11 outd not press the racial. ',, according to a verdict re- the practice or law in Washing-
pality question wlfh rererence M today by a coroner's ,on after March 4. ,
mandated territories, in' order l"")ea , vlton was killed Decern- Mr. Tumulty said h had no
0 Permit acceptance of the "C" Juty. Mtton w hjg onnrm8t,on by the
:ndate as presented by the pow- ber.t( Yurrav wa8 charged - with nate as he "had received assur-
tn ii TV.!. McMurray wB . r.-. tmiiinv Renublicans
a wu" . " -anRlauehter and arivjajs " . 'i"V k- imnt,dl.
otori iifl i that inerp irr uum v. w
..-, Ml o while intoxi
Wholesale prices of commodities
aoro lower last month than at any
"- : l
Mm since the war, accoramg
figures announced today oy me
nawmont of labor. The whole
sale scale dropped eight per cent
more in November than in iu
preceding month and 24 per cent
below the peaK ot nmn prices
Mov i ho bureau says.
Ot the 326 commodities u?eu
the comparison ot November and
October whole prices. 198 showed
decrease. 41 an lncreas3 ana .
were unchanged.
Building materials registered a
drop of 12 1-2 per cent in Novem-
ber ano iarm pi'muim
ond with a drop or 9 1-4 per cent.
Clothing costs dropped 9 per cent
hile food prdoucts dropped i i--
per cent. .
Within tne iasi jer "
rood prices have droppea ii lu
cent, the bureau repon.
clothing has gone down i per
cent while tarm products show a
decrease or 31 per cent- n j:
eraga drop or 10 per cent in u
wholesale pru-v- ,
ttios was registered, as compared
with November, 1919.
ST. PAUU Minn.. IK". 17.
Fire late tonight destroyed hn
Traveler building, a fx-sory
structure in the downtown district
with a loss estimated at $150,000.
The blaze was still burning fierce
ly at midnight, but believed to be
Former Portland Girl Of
fers Testimony in Crimi
nal Gangster Case .
Still showing signs of the blows
which she told the police were in-
! flirted by the defendant. Miss
Jean Stanley, former Portland
girl, otrered h-r testimony here
today in the trial ot ' Edmnnd
(Spud) Murphy, alleged criminal
gangster, accused ot felonious as
sault on Miss Jessie Montgomery.
her companion, in a so-called vice
shack here.
Miss Stanl-y told the jury ot
errorts she made to protect Mix
Montgomery from Murphy and his
Tour co-derendants.
The attacks on there and other
girls led Indirectly to the slaying
In Santa Ropa. near her-, or three
police officers who were rounding
up the alleged gangsters, and the
lynchine ot the three men accused
or murdering the oKicer. The
name or George Boyd, one or the
men lynched, and who was indict
ed Jointly with Murphy for al
leged attacks on girls other than
the witnesses in the pres-nt ca?e.
figured many times in the trial
today. Miss Stanley testified
that he was one ot tho.e ho ac
companied Miss Montgomery and
herseir to the hack"from a nearby
cafe and assisted In the attacks.
The police maintained today
the same elaborate plans for
guarding the defendant from pos
sible mob violence as ysterday.
The elevators were clonely guard
ed and rairs of officers ptood at
the top of stairways leading to
the court room floor.
PORTLAND. Or..' Dec. 17.
There were 39S more births In
Portland In the fiscal yr 192''
than in 1919. serordinK to the
report Issued today. There were
3S8 fewer deaths. During the tls--i
V(.r 5. 237 babies were born.
bered the girls
by 139. During the same period
there were 3,194 deaths.
to oust him from his post, and
that no Increase in salary woaia
indace him to remain la the pres
ident's chair. i ...
, McCarthy Ktreag la Refswal
After McCarthy left, the owners
vottd unanimously to re-elect him
president for three year, and to
increase his salary from $5000 to
$10,000. A recess waa then de
htmI and both the -friendly
club owners and those alleged to
be hostile to him met wun aim
closed session la aa attempt to
persuade him to reconsider hi
McCarthy stated after the Im
promptu meeting that he woald
stand by his original decision and
would remain at the head ot the
league only until the magnates
coild elect his . successor. This,
It wss announced tonight, is not
likely to be aeeompiwaea uu
the next meeting which u ten
tatively set for the last week In
January. In the meanwhile. Mc
Carthy will act as bead of the
Vcague. although he emphatically
asserted tonight he will not con
sider himself aa having been re
elected. I
.'.There are some club owners
in thia lea rue who rank even
above certain major league mar
nates and there are others who
have no place here and should
not Iks here." McCarthy paid, after
he left the meeting this after
noop. Blow Wat Inevitable.
"J have felt this coming, and
it was Inevitable that an attempt
rhonld be made to make me to
pay the penalty for my aland la
the Rumler case. The matter of
my salary does not enter Into my
delre to sever connection with
the league, but it Is evident that
the. Indisposition on the part of
certain! owners to Increase the
salary that goes with the -office
of president was intended aa a
measure to force my resignation."
The president of the , coast
league in the past year received
$:.0 a year, and while holding
the- executive position McCarthy
stated he had been obliged to pay
the 'salaries of his secretary and
bookkeeper out of this.
McCarthy Indicated the princi
pal ' opposition to him as presi
dent was centered in Salt Lake,
and that the Oakland. Seattle and
Portland owners had stood with
the:l'tah owners.
Cleanup In Ownership.
While a Kencral hou.rcl-an-in
in baseball Is lmierative. and
while the conduct of the players
muKt to" carefullv Investigated
whn orraslon demand, there
nut be a cleanup among the
club owners themselve If the
game I- o remain one of our na
tional Institutions." said Mc
Carthy. He said he would not
Issoe a written statement, since
he (e!t that owners who "Lave al
ways stood for the best interests
of -he game already nncerMooa
his' Reeling aj this time. As tor
hs. relations with the others Mc
Carthy merely stated he "had ar
rived at the parting of the ways."
Due to the rnmor circulated
early today that John Power,
owtiir of the Lo Anpeles club.
J had? come to blows with jaca j
ilOcl Cook, sccrrtary ot tne fcau
LakV club, following "heated ar
gument and statements made by
the? league prewdnt this after
noon, it was alleged tonlrht Ly
ownvr -rriendlv" ta McCarthy's
aln;inistraiion that the Salt Lake
Hccrtry beaded the hovtile con
tinent. This Cook denied In a
stalVnient tonight In which he
riid tbe fact that Wilttam lane,
prrsdent f the Salt Lake clnb.
had. otrd to re-elect McCarthv
president, and the owners favored
McCarthy's continuance as prel-
dr.t iinaninionrly. took raid. lul
tbre eill-d ihis aMcmoon a
"liKerence of opinion as to
whether or not his salary should
be- increased."
Cjpok stated, mat tne au uif
of whom have been members ot
the organisation since Its incep
tion. The eight past kings are:
George F. Rodrers. M. L. Mey
ers. F. O. Deckebach. T. B. Kay.
W. II. Lerchea. Hal D. Paltoa. P.
E. Fullerton and C. R. CUaeey.
Eight new members were voted
In last night and will be Initiated
on the night or tae eoronauoa.
The Cberrns voted to accept aa
invitation to attend the opening
otVick Brother to the avw place
of business oa December 21 and
to accept aa Invitation to attend
the ComMnr If ball oa New
year's eve. Oa both occasions
the uniforms will be worn.
r. G. Deck-baxh presented the
cause ot the starving children of
En rope in who behalf a drive
will be on . next wek. and the
Cherrians voted their support.
The sawmill or the Charles K.
Spanlding Legging company wT.l
close down tonight for aa indef
inite period. Tbe reason la the
uncertain condition ot the lumber
trade, and also to give opport sa
lty for maklag repairs and addi
tions at the mill. It Is uaoal for
the mill to cloee for two or three
weeks at this period of tbe year,
but Juat bow there la uncertainty
whether the plant will resume
operation daring the present win
ter. The eleee-dowa will affect both
the limber mill and the box
plaat. The saah and door factory
will eoatlaae la operation. The
company's foar logging earn pa
also are closed down. About 20t
men are employed ta the SaJem
mill. Including the., aaah and
fcoor factory, and about 2S9 fa the
logging camps. Those wha will
be thrown oat ot employment
with the company were aware that
the rloee-dowa was Imminent and
many .have prepared themselves
for it by obtaining other work.
The Newberg mill closed down
about two months ago.
The company Is now driving
logs la the Locktamate river and
about t.060.000 fret of timber Is
la the stream oa which the mill
will cut this wlnt-r it operations
hre resumed.
During- the next two or three
weeks a boat $20.00 will be es
peaded by the company ea repair
at llrv Salem mill, f 10.000 oi
which win go for tbe trttaHitJoa
or a sew set of boilers.
The oatpct of the Epaaldleg
company's new Salem mill tb'.i
year has been approximately 19.-
00. Ot feet, representing a boat
$!.Sfte.ooet. Tkta Is aa Increase
ot S or 4t per rent over the oat-
put for 1919. The payroll ef the
Senator La Follette Initiates
Conference After Passage
of Anti-Strike Bill
series of conferences attended by
several senator, rep reaeala Uvea
1 . I.,.. w . - Vt. , I f O
. ' - "1" , will and the four logging eampa
day by the announced purpose ot 1 , aDOBt ,too0ft , monli. and
achieving "a better coordination
ot the- liberal force of the coun
try with their representatives la
the house and senate."
Senator LaFollette. Republican.
Wisconsin, waa understood to
have figured largely la initiating
the conference as an Immediate
result of the senate's passage yea
Verdah of the Polndextcy antl-
strlke bill while Its foe were
-ofr watch."
runs for fighting the Polndex-
ter bill when Senator LaFollette's
motion for reconsideration of the
senate vote comes up and forma
tion of a "bureau of leglalatlve
Information" to watch the inter
ests or the 'liberal" were aald
to have been the subjects
broached at today's eonterence.
Th- conference. It waa aanoaacea
are to continue ror several days In
n ffort to determine a deMnlte
course of action
the Newberc plant, when operaU
lag. adds about $10,900 nor to
the monthly payroll. The com
pany la opening up a new Umber
tract ot feet sear
Big Excess 0?er Last Year
Is Shown by Fignres of
County Aittsior
The tax levy la Salem. for 1121
will be close to 49 mills or aaarly
No specific rg-i cents on the dollar. This repre-
islative program, aowever. vh
said to be contemplated.
Names of those participating In
today's meeting wrere withheld
temporarily but among those re
ported In attendance, la addition
to Senator LaFollette. were Sen
ators France. Republican. Mary
land: Walah. D-mocrat. Massa
chusetts and Representative Frear
Republican. Wisconsin, and others
of the boas- "labor group" Oth
ers nartlcipatlnc. It was announced
were "he: of the railroad labor
organization and I-aders of oth
er progressive organliationa.
A statement riven out by Wil
liam H. Johnston, president f
the International association of
machinists, through Senator La
Follette's ofrice. said that the
eont-renre "grew out of th- fact
that the leaders or the railroad
labor organizations were meeting
at this time In Washington to d- i'9.4 13:
cos various problems ani tnj
time wa thought opportune for
a reneral dlcnMin ot th- entire
legislative situation."
"In the course of the discus
sion." Mr. Johnston' statement
eonMnued. "suggestions were
made by several of tho" present
that a bureau of legislative In
formatloi bonld be established
to act with the liberal members
of the house and aenat-. This
suggeslloa was emphasized by the
prohibiting strike n Interstate
commerce. h-euse opoonnt of
he masnre had not bee proper.
K warned that It wn to be taken
up by the senate.
sent a school district tax ot 12.S
mills, a city levy ot 13.7 mills and
state and county levy ot 22
mills. The total ot 49 mill Is aa
Increase ot 11.9 mills over the
1920 levy, which waa 37.1 mUla,
Th county court will make Ita
annual levy about the last ot this
month when a taxpayer' meeting
will be called to approve or dis
approve the budget. Ordinarily
scarcely anyone responds to tbe
annual call for a tazpayera meet
in e.
The assessed valuation of prop
erty tn the several cities and
towns ot Marion county was an
noanced by Cotnty Assessor West
yetterday as follows:
Aamtville. $117.9S$: Auro.
ra. $1S9.901: Donald. S71.24I:
CervaU. $U2.737: Habbard.
$207,225; Jefferson. $222.49C;
ML Anzel, $2tfc.T.72: Salem. $11.-
Srott Mills. 1C2.420;
Silterton. $1.09l.?;t: Staytoa.
I1K.U): St. Paal. $SS.4I3: Su
blimity. $:9.72l; Tamer. $U2.
074: Woodbura. $I73.CM: Weat
Woodtaura. $102.T9. Total $lf.-4H2.420.
(Continued on pagu f )
I .OS ANGri.E.-Cat., fw 17
-Thn marrire cf Mrs. Katber
ine H'otibarher rdrew to James
P. (Bluebeard! Watsen. ronfe-ed
murdered tfl ten of a score or
more women be married, now
serving a Me sentence In San
Onentin nrlaon. was annulled la
the superior court here today.
Gambier Falls From
Tenth Story, Dies
NEW YORK. Dec. 17. Edward
V. Gambler, former vice presi
dent or the Atlantic National bank
ol the City of New York, toalgtt
f r 11 or Jumped from h' offlc on
the teats floor ef the tank biiM
(r.g at 2Z6 Broadway and was In
stantly killed.
At th open window of his of
fice police found a chair on
wh-h rested a camera, which led
them to believe that he play pow
sibly have; b-en taking an ex
posure ot the lighted bqtld'rjgs on
lower Broadwav and lost his bal
ance and felL On the long plant
to the street the body struck and
broke a flag pole at th third
' rapletkm of the report of the
ment placed in. the way pf it.
under control. .
was released on $1900 bail