THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON. WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER IS, 1920 BIG AMERICAN GAME IS SAFE President Hedyler Will Head National League for - Another Term NEW YORK. Dc. 1 4. The, Na tional league at lis annual meet ing today extended for three years the term of President John A. Hsydler and granted to him sub stantial increase in salary. Presi dent Heydler's present salary is $10,000 a year and the increase, while it is not officially stated, is said to have) been 50 per cent. The additional years will make his present term expire Decem ber 31, 1923. The new agreement with the American league which is to run for 25 years was adopted and for mally .ign?d by each of the eight clubs and President Heyidler. The agreement was adopted without even the suggestion of an amend m2iit. Baseball as an Institution has responded quickly and courag eously to meet an unprecedented situation growing out of the dis covery of crookedness, said Presi dent Hsydler in submitting his an nual report. "The whole' govern mental structure of the game has been changed to meet this issue of dishonesty within the ranks and to cope with the gamblers at tack from without. No one need fear of the outcome. ' Prior to the 1920 season our New York club barred two players for the best Interests of the game, thereby pratically destroying its pennant chances, the Chicago club dropped another undesirable, and successfully defended a damage suit brought by this player. The trial was a public one. the evi dence presented by the league be ing of such relentless force as to warrant a finding against the player by p jury of his own towns people. This verdict for clean baseball proved of far reaching value. . ' J OJ J ftTST?? -34 f-W i lLT VV va 1 Say Merry Christmas' Electrically This Year by Giving Something Electrical- ' - - Electrical ("lifts combine all that is desir able in a Christmas remembrance beauty, utility, lasting service, ami yes, Economy, tool , Come Early to our.. Electric Shop. V Bring your list and let us help you. PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT & POWER CO. Cohan-DeLauzh Wedding Takes! Place ,at Marion MARION Or.. Dee. 14. Har riet Colsann and Herman De Langh were quietly married in the presence of a few relatives and friends; at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. C5. H. Colgan, Sunday, Dec. 12 at noon. Mr. and Mrs. DeLangh re ceived some very handsome and useful presents.! They are at home to thieir friends at West Stavton. I Miss Maron fiamag came up from Portland Sunday morning to attend the marriage of her niece, Harriet Colgan. The bazaar given by the women of the Presbyterian church was a success in every way. Nearly ev erything was sold. In the neigh borhood of $90 was taken in. S. Roland has been on the sic!-: list but is better again, after suf fering with a gathering in his ear. ROAD BIDS ARE ASKED BY STATE More Than 45 Miles to be Improved in Various . Parts of Oregon Proposals for the Improvement I of approximately 4X miles of road in Oregon win ! received and opened at a meeting of the state highway commission to be held in ; Portland January 4. according to ! nn-uncemeut made here today. The roads to be improved, togeth er wiih the character of work, follow: Huntington-Nelson section. Old Oregon Trail in Malheur county. 19 miles of grading. Port Orford- Hubbard Creek section. . .Coast highway in Curry county, 1.5 miles grading. Seufert-Deschutes section. Columbia River highway in Wasco county, 12 miles of graveling. Lexington to. the Gil liam county line section. Oregon Washington highway in "Morrow county. 25 miles of crushed rock macadam. Roseburg-Dillard sec tion. Pacific highway in Douglas county. 6.1 miles of paving. Di vide to Walker station. Pacific highway in Lane county. 9 miles of paving. Studio Manager How did you manage to gel the star to register anguish so masterfully? Director I reminded her. of hy income tax. Film Fun. I I AT THE LIBRARY I stories, story telling and dramati-! Rone West; Inside guard. L. TlJ cation; practical for Sunday j flight on ; outside guard. Homer; school teachers, dUcufsed by Mar-1 i:ron; trust for. three years. garet Efgleston The Caee Against Spiritual Ism." a selection of articles op posing Ihe cult whlrli ha received J. R. Aligned. Ma rui ion lodge bat made' a phe nomenal grtth d-iriug the ast year and n w ranks among the so mucn popular aiienuon. HM,rgM,t Pythian lit the Jane T. Stoddart. . state. L. S. Pinseth. the retiring Do the Dead St.ll Live?" The v-ep-r of reci rd and wal. mas arguments for immortality pre-' .i-tt rran.l irhancell.r tf sented in a readable manner wiih!b Oregon lodges at Man-hfield slight attention to spiritualism, i jaf , October bv David Heagle. s ' 'The Best Psychic Stones." a; . , coi!ection including some ot the Ankeny Grange Also IS hst known authors, edited by I - n. - . . Joseph Lewis French. AgdlTlSt Digger boloneS ( '"Shakespeare for Community . Players." helpful suggestions on! Ankeny ('.range No. S'O or Jef the choice of a play, cost u men. j ferson has l.n-d up against salary stare settings, make-ups and mm-; inrruFr at the coming session of Ic to be introduced, by Roy MU- J the 4gUlattir. at the latent meet- NOW PLAYING pmnUt LOVELY1 The Little Grey Mouse Latest Neivs Weekly Scenic of Totem Land Comedy ORANTTfc Theatre JU' "The Conservation of Natural Resources." a study taken up un. der the headings: minerals, water, forests, land and mankind, by Charles Richard Van Hise. "A Textbook of Filing." how tc file for business and professional purposes, presented with detail, by James Newton McCord. "Elements of Retail Salesman-f ship," by Paul Wesley Ivcy. "Inventor's Manual." a guide for inventors, in perfecting their inventions, taking out their pat ents, and disposing of them and cautions as to pitfalls for the un wary, by George M. Hopkins. "Official guide for Shippers and Travelers to the Principal Ports cf the world." a directory of com mercial engineering and financial engineering and financial com pauies in tne ports on all contin ents with some descriptions and chell. "The Fur Brlngers." a story of the Canadian northwest, by Hul bert Footner. "Miss Lulu Bett." by Zona Gale. "Where Angels Fear to Tread, by K. M. Forster. "The Devils' Paw." by E. Phil lips Opitenheim. "The Story of Liberty." the growth of the liberty idea traced in history stories for children from the ideals or the early in vaders of Britain to Its defense for all people In the world war. by James Baldwin. "More Magic Pictures of the Long Ago." other stories of ar tists and persons portrayed, in paintings, which were begun In "Magic Pictures or Ixng Ago." by Anna C. Chandler. "Pacific History Stories," es pecially the stories relating to California, told for children, by Harr Wagner. "The Arctic Stowaways." story of the experiences of boys in a northern expedition,, by j Dillon Wallace. I The library has received "Ore-i gon Laws." showing all the laws or a general natures force In' the state of Oregon including the: special session or 1920. It is' published in two volumes. They) will be placed in the reference ; room. ! ing having endorsed, in the fol lowing resolution, attion that was taken recently by 5alem Grange No. 17: "Resolved. That we. the offi cer and members of Ankeny Grange No. 54 0. do hereby heart ily endorse the resolution adopted by Salem Grange No. 1? opposing th. raising or salaries of county and state officers." High Cut SHOES are just the thing for that Boy of Yours 11' 3S3SHI CI ,VE WILL 'cewnNuST BAKE lUPfROR BREAD PYTHIANS KLECT. DALLAS. Or.. Dec. 11. (Spec ial) At a meeting Marmlon lodge No. 96. Knights of Pythias, the following officers mere elected to; pictures of the countries, aside ienre for th en,,uin5tn: from the adrertisementa rhmnilnl for the steamship company, Osaka Shosen KaisJia. "The Roman Civilization." es pecially useful for its clear illus trations ot articles of use and cellor commander. W. O. Eldis; vice-chancellor. Charles Lynn: prelate, Oscar Groves; master-at-arms. W. O. Worden; master of the work. R. Y. Morrison; keeper of records and seal. John R. Sib- beautv common to Roman life. hrM: master of finance, D. P. Pat- A. F. Giles. Jterson; master of exchequer. Fred 'Microbiolorv. a textbook ofi v Microorganisms general and ap applied, edited by Charles E. Mar shall. "The Church School " an aonli- cation of the best educational- Ihwirv titHe HenartrriAtita rf f Vi Sunday school, from Cradle Roll to Adult department, by Walter S. Athearn. "The Sand-table," a manual for its use in the primary department of the sunday school, by LIHie A. Faris. "The Use of the Story in Re ligious ducation." the choice of w E'LL have no trouble keeping our rew leara resolution. We have re solved to continue to bake the choicest bread and we'll have no trouble do ing so because we know how. Resolve to wrfte the name of our bread on your next grocery order. PEERLESS BAKERY Pbilip "Winters, Prop. 170 N. Commercial Street Pbona 247 and nothing would' please him bet ter, and they would certainly be practical. In sizes 9 to 13 .$3SS 13 1-2 to 2 $4.85 3 to S 1-2 $5.45 Big boys 6 to 10 .$935 Every Pair Warranted Satisfactory AT THE ELECTRIC SIGN 'SHOES' THE VU 5 VE R SAL -CAR A Christmas Gift for . Your Family A new Ford Sedan delivered to your home Christmas morning will be the supreme gift for the day and throughout the com ing year. You will drive it every day all winter in comfort. Just as much fresh air as you want and no more. Just as much - warmth as you need, and no more. Wherever you wish to go, -the whole family even the babies will be as comfortable as if at home by the fireside. You owe it to yourself to your wife and to your children to get out of the city. All the streams and woods of Oregon are brought close to your home if you own a Ford Sedan. Friends who live at a distance can be visited quickly and comfortably. It broadens your horizon, increases your happiness and promotes good health every day. No other investment brings so much pleasure and satisfaction and saves so much time at so small a cost as a Ford Sedan. The amount you are planning to spend for Christmas gifts for the family can be used as your first payment on a Ford Sedan. The balance may be paid in small amounts through the coming year. 4e (itvr-t !1, Take advantage of Henry Ford's Christmas Gift to you. He has made the price below present cost ot manufacture for your benefit .t this time. Ford Sedan new price $946.34 rfaiHT m a- Ialley MotorCo. Everv 0re. Driver should drive losed Car ' Valley MotorCo. THE XMAS JP STORE -aaiPx 1 This store is in harmony with the holiday season in merchandise as well as spirit. Socareful have we olannprf nnrl cn thoroughly have we provided that the problem of gift selection be comes an easy solution. WE HAVE A WIDE ASSORTMENT OF CHOICE GIFT THINGS ESPECIALLY PLEASING TO MEN AND YOUNG MEN NECKWEAR A wonderful assortment of all that is bright, new and desirable. Don't miss these. Friced from $1.00 to 4.50. SCARFS Scarfs that will appeal to the man of exclusive tastes. Knitted and Crochet, embroidered figure., cross stripes and two tone effects. Prices $3.00 to $10.00 HOSIERY Come and see the Interwoven brand Silk. LLsIe and Cassimere. Hosiery. They come in all colors and sev eral fancy heather mixtures. Price C5c to $3.00. ;SHIRTS Madras cloth shirts. Wonderful new patterns and color combinations. Prices $2.50 to $3.00. Special All Silk Shirts special at $9.00 each. Many new patterns. GLOVES S.jG loves n pe. mochas, silks and knit fab rics. $2.50 to $G.50. Driving Gloves in capes, horse AnJIUr ' gauntlet and plain. Prices $3.50 to BATHROBES A Bathrobe is always an acceptable gift. We have a wonderful assortment in cotton and wool. Prices $10.00 to $23.00. HOUSE SUPPERS All styles, soft pliable leathers and richly colored felts. Prices $2.40, $20, $3.00. AUTO ROBES Be sure to see the Pendleton Indian Robes. They're here for you now and make the best of Chritm3 Gifts. Price $15.00. DON'T FAIL TO COME TO OUR STORE WHILE DOING YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING We are ready to serve you whether you wish to buy or not. You take no chance to lose if you purchase here. Salem Woolen Mills Store 136 North Commercial Street C P. BISHOP, Prop. '-TTTiri-mTnTi ii mu i 1 ' . - . .14