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About The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1920)
6. THE OREGON, STATESMAN. SALEM, OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 5. 1920 0: HENRY mAL. JENNINGS (Continued from Last Week) ! CHAPTER THIRTY-OXE Such is the story of Jimmy' Valentine as it unfolded itself in the Ohio penitentiary O. Henry takes the one great episode in that futile, life and with it he wins the tears; and the grateful smites of the nation. In that throbbing si lence when the ex-con opens the safe and the little sister of the girl he loves is saved from suffo cation. Jimmy as he might have bett,5.not Jimmy as he was. is be fore us. Few who have breathed hard in that gripping" moment ! woufd have denied Dick Price his chawce, would have refused him the pardon he earned, would have doomed him to his forlorn and lonely death in the prison hospi tal. . Bill Porter was not the grim '. artist to paint harsh picture for the world. He loved a happy, ending- He could not even give the exact details of the' safe open ing. It was too cruel for his win tome fancy. -That was ever Bill's way. He tookthe facts, but he twisted therm as he would. I asked him aftoui it later. In the story he gives the hero a costly set of tools wherewith to open the vault. He does not have him' file his nails. -Toleration One Of Porter's Traits. i ' " ' "Colonel. It chills my teeth td: think of that gritting operation." he said. "I prefer the set of tools. I don't like to make my victims suffer. And then, yon see. the tools enable Jimmy to make a present. to a friend. That gift il lustrates the toleration of the man who has been in prison. -Jimmy decided to quit the game himself, but he does not ex pect the whole world to share his fervor of reform. - Instead of bury ing the Instruments of his former profession, as youp reformed citi zen would have done, he straight way sends them to a former pal. I like that my spirit in my charac ter. "The ordinary man who takes a New Year's resolution immedi ately sends down censure on the fellow who isn't perched on the wagon with him. Jimmy does no ouch thing. That's one of the ad vantages of spending a few vaca tions in prison. You grow me'low in your judgments." This soft, golden toleration was -wo, of the gracious traits in Pot tcr's character. It won him friends even though his aloof dig nity forbade familiarity. In the "pen" he was universally respect ed. The meanest cut-throat in the ranges felt honored to serve him. Ira-" With Barber Makes Club Sport. Porter's "drag" with th prison barber, was the subject oriraillery at the club. 'The barber was not a hirsute artist. He seemed to take a mean delight in turning out gro tesque, futuristic patterns in headdress. But for Porter the most exquisite precision was ob served. His thin, yellow hair was trimmed to a nicety. The kind, easy manner of the man had com pletely captivated the burly hearted convict barber. If it had not been for this hum orous, penetrative understanding in Porter, the Recluse;club would not have endured a month. He was Its equilibrium. Many a vio lent clash ended in laugh be cause of an odd fling! Bill' Porter would interject Into the turmoil. Men who have been walled off Irom tree contact with their fel lows become excessively quarrel some and "touchy." We were cooped together like children in m over-large family. We had no .scape from each other's society. The isolation of prison life vhets antagonism. Men; who could' travel to the ends of the arthj in friendship would, in a udden raging bitterness, spring ike tigers at each other's throat. ;ven in the happiness of our Sunday dinners these explovivej vould break out among the mem bers. - "Soap in Soup" Starts ITub Clash. amg mam mm I . w A SAVINGS ACCOUNTFOR EVERY LAST MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD ? we can influence the cluing of a I Savings Account by every youngster and grown-up, too, in Salem, then the TJnited States National Bank will ha!e done much to help balance those much overworked spending accounts of the past several years. Christmas Gift Savings Accounts may be opened here by "anyone for anyone. 7 SALEM OREGON It would start with the merest trifle, and all at once there would b fiercely angry- taunts flung from - one to the other. In one of these uncalled for eruptions" I feeiit' Jn my resignation to the club. ' Hilly Haidler had protested that he could taste the soapsuds on the dishes. I was the chief dishwasher. I did not like the imputation. I would not' have minded Billy's protest, but old man Carnot hacked him up with further criticism. "Most assuredly we can taste the soap." he paid. "But worse than that I do not like the garlic. Now. Mr. Jennings, why ran you not pisk the odious vegetable out ot the toast?" Carnot was an Irasnible old epicure. He wanted his napkin folded oblong and 'his knife and fork laid - down in a certain mil lionaire fashion. He never failed to reeent the introduction of the garlic Louisa loved. Every one at the table took up the issue. They could all taste the soapsuds, they said. "Damn pigs, all of yon! Take the honor at the dishpan yourselves." I was furious with resentment. I i could have hurled the pots and skillets at them. The next Sun day I did not go to the club. I told Billy I was finished with them. Billy had no patience with the sulks and left me in a huff. Porter Reconciles . . Dishwasher Al. - Porter came over to ' the ' post office and knocked at the door. "Colonel." he said, and there was such understanding indulgence in his tone I felt immediately ap peased, "don't yon think yon bet ter reconsider?" "You're the very salt or the earth. The clnb is absolutely flat without your presence. You see. we only agreed with Billy to sus tain him. He's a cripple. He can't stand alone. It was just the sort of pamper ing to mollify unreasonable hot temper. ' Porter was always ready to smooth us down. He was always ready to bear our griev ances. His own troubles he bore alone. ' Whenever he did reveal his thought It was by an accidental out-cropping In a lightsome talk. He and Louisa used to indulge in long discussions on astronomy and evolution. Porter was facetious. Louisa serious and very scientific. Louisa would be mixing up a gravy or a sauce. "You're something of a little creator in the culinary line, Lou isa," Porter would say. "What do you suppose were the Ingredients used in the creation of the world?" Porter Talks of lnUmrd Tiger. Louisa's attention was instant. He wonld talk about protoplasm and the gradual accommodation of living organism to environment. "Tut. tut." Porter would mock. "I hold fast to the Biblical story. What else should men be made of but a handful of mud? The Crea tor was right, men are but dirt. Take Ira Maralatt. for Instance." A queer, yellowish pallor spread over Bill's face. I knew that the name had slipped from Porter's lip3 unconsciously "Colonel, it is a ghastly thing to cce a man degraded into a beast like Maralatt." he said. "Last night they beat him to strips again. I had to go down to the basement to sponge him off. , I tell you it would take a floor mop to do the Job right he is such a giant." It was the first time I had ever heard Porter speak of Maralatt. the prison 'lemon, yet he had perhaps io sponge him oft two or three times a week. ( Maralatt was the untamed tiger of tho "Etir." He was the prison horror. He had attacked and stabbed a dozen guards. Terrific Screams Indicate Murder. For fourteen years he had been in solitary, practically buried alive in the black hole In the basement without a bed, without blankets, without light.' When the guards would at tempt to clean out the cell Ira would spring at them. They would overpower him, beat him and hang him up by the wrists. Still he was unsubdued. He kept the prison la Incurring spasms of mgnt. No one knew who wonld be his next victim. He was as ferocious as a mad bulL I had never seen him. Porter's exclamation filled me with curi osity. I went over the next eve ning to ask him about Maralatt. we were standing In one of the wards just above the nunishm'ent cell. A sudden wild, terrific screwn tortured and agonized, split th air. There was a frenzif imr. fie. a booming thud, and a guard's voice snniied out in fraatle ter-ror. Porter'a tranquil face antrer. ea. "Maralatt." ha whiiur .Muraer at last!" : ' ictor ; Reeords y - What- could be more appropriate to gweour: friends Jytho have a Vietrola? 7 B ; ;r 'y 74436 Adeste Fideles (Chorus and Chimes) John ftcCor-" mack.: ; k t i 4 st 0 j 45145 Silent Hight, Holy Night Trinity Choir. Holy; Night Lucy Marsh. 64913 When You and I Were Young John McCormack. 87305 Vieni SuT Mar Enrico Caruso. 88614 Oh Thou That Tellest Good Tidings Louise Homer. . .1- . . . ' j . i . ; 74628 Prelude in G Minor (Piano) Rachmaninoff. 74626 Introduction and Tarantelle (Violin) Heifetz. 74594 Oh. Tors e Lui (Traviata) Galli Curci. 35413 Grms from Robin Hood Part 1 and 2-Victor Opera . ( -: . Chorus. . -j : ' ; ' 88093 Leggiero Invisible ( Bolero) Schuman Heink. CHAPTER 32. The next mornlnr excttemet shot like a flash rrom rM to face.' A big secret was ont Mra- lait nad nearly strangled a guard me nigni Defore. He vii tn be moved from his dungeon in soli tary to a steel cage built In solid stone at the end of the east cor naor. For months they had been building the cage. It was a evok ing thing, made as if to house some ferocious jungle 4east. It opened into a niche in the stons about four by eight feet. In the niche Ira was to sleep. we got the tin from the war den 8 orrtce. I had been sent on message across the campus. came into the alley-like corridor. passing a few gnards. A look of nven terror held them staring and silent. Their frightened eyes were fastened on the door that led to the solitary cells. The door sprang open, and spectacle to freeze the heart with its terrific and grisly horror was before us. I saw the prison de mon. HuiK-sbonidered, gigantic lurched forward, he towerea above the dozen guards like huge, ferocious gorilla-man. 1 could see his face. The half was matted about him the clothing torn in ragged strips. ( The guards stood at a distance, pushing him forward with long poles. They stood on either side. The demon could not escape. At the ends of the poles were strong iron hooks, fastened into his flesh a,nd af the guards pushed the hooks jagged into the prisoner's bones. He was compelled to walk. On his foot was the monstrous Oregon boot Every step must have been an agony. There was no sound from the prison demon Across the grass to the new-made dungeon in the old A and I) bloc a the hellish procession took its way. Ira Maralatt was riveted to his steel cage and a sign. "Prison Demon." pasted above the grat ing. The prison demon became an attraction at the penitentiary. His fame had spread over the city almost over the state. He was known as the brute man the hell fiend. Visitors wanted a sight of him. The old warden saw a chance to turn a penny. For 25 cents citizens were taken down the east corridor, and al lowed to start at the degraded thing that had once been a man. Prisoner Tries To Dodge Gazers. Ira was not always 'a willing party to. the bargain. He had a mean habit of crouching down in the far corner ot his black cage and cheating the visitors of their money's worth. One day a dis tinguished citizen stood in the alley half an hour waiting for the demon to exhibit himself. Threats and prods from the guards were fruitless. The matter was report ed to the warden. Incensed and blustering, he came running down the corridor. "Open the door." he called to me of the guards. No one moved. They did not dare obey the reck less order. . "Open th door." Coffin yelled, snatching the club from one of the guards. He sprang into the cage, the club raised, rushing furiously toward the crouching giant In tha corner, "Come out. you fiend!" he bawled. The demon reared, hurled himself upright and lung ed with the violence of a raglns Colosus against the warden. The sudden mad impact bowled the warden over. Ira snatched the club and flung It forth for a crashing blow on Coffin's head. Two guards dash ed Into the case, caught Ira by the feet and sent him thundering backward against the wall. rThe visitor got his 25 cents worth that day. The warden's escape was little short of a miracle. It taught him a lesson. He dtvlred a safer scheme for bringing Maralatt out of his wretched hole. From a window in the inner 'hail he had a hose attached to the cage. It would send down a storming cur rent of Ire cold watr that would cut the flesh of the cowering de mon. Ira wonld come roaring like an Infuriated lion to the bars of the cage. He would grab the steel In his mighty hands, shaking it. and filling tbo alley with wild, maniac screams. This practice continued two or three months. The new warden came in, took down the sign from Ira s cage and prevented the shameful exhibits. Th9 sequel io Ira's tragic his tory camq many months later. after I had teen appointed pri vate secrstary" to Warden V. N. Darby. Darby had a kind, mag niricent sympathy in his enthu siastic nature. He had an eager ear for suggestions, even from the meanest convict. A chance Inci dent opened the dark book of Ira Maralatt's ghastly life. One evening I was walking down the east corridor on my way to the asylum. I had taken an apple from the warden's table where I ate. I was bringing the fruit to a poor fellow in the pris on "Doghouse. He had lost his mind and his eyesight In the hoe polishing shop. The hoes were polished on emery wheels. Millions of steel particles dart ed about, often puncturing the convicts in the face and neck. The sparks had gotten this poor devil in the forehead and eyes. used to bring him an extra bit I to eat. ! As I passed the prison demon's cage I caught a glimpse of a hag gard face at the low opening into the stone cell. Like a dumb, pa thetic apparition, wretched and uncertain, the lumbermg figure groped from corner to corner. The red. sunken eyes seemed to be burning deep Into the smeared and pallid cheeks. One hand that was but a mam moth yellow claw waa pressed against the rough mat of black hair. More like a hurt and brok-. en Samson than like a bell fiend. Ira Maralatt looked as his eye met mine In startled fear. Something In the defenseless misery of his glance held me. I ran back to hi cage, took the apple from my pocket, pressed It through the bars, rolling It over to Maralatt. He drew back. I called to him. "There's an apple for yon. Ira." He made no answer. I stepped into a shadow in the corridor and waited. In a moment I saw the huge creature creeping stealthily for ward on his bands and kneea. The great yellow claw reached out. the broken cuir and link on nis arm clanked on the cement. The chain wit Imbedded into his wrist and the fleh bulged out over It. The hand closed over the apple. The demon leaped eorner. fConlaued Nit '!- ;il -is; if o n rm IfJiSi-il 3tJ It attracts thoscwho arc thoughtful about the quality of the thincs they use, but &!io also keep a can-f::1 rye on their spending and saving. Th ttr mfl(t H aruoI)y hah BONESTEELE MOTOR CO. Marlon and Polk County Distributors Ferry and Commercial Sis. Salem. Oregon ANNOUNCING The Removal of Our Offic es from The Salem Bank of Commerce Bldg. to our NEW BUILDING on the corner of Trade and High Streets Watch paper for announcement of Our Opening VICK BROS. SAMSON PRODUCTS OAKLAND. GARS Twit.) 1 C I' .... , i. t 'I i