- ' - . Bat Psr wir. ! '' rJ?ylr- ."!!!... . J- ff rVuT. ooatrsct, per j JJi fer MX saTertieemaat 25 ToRWicn UNION KS, KSrRANCE SOCIETY rMrfsen, Roland & Burghardt ". Ar-nt 871 UW Bt. gajMW HONEY TO LOAN I (On Real Estate. -T. K. FORD FARM LOANS HAYiXINS & ROBERTS W TODAY treat. ' , '" SPITZENBERG. BEX in 5 or 10 bex'W.tsVdolivered. Vir? K Rirlurd.on, 2393 Front sy rae 494. -T HEAT E D IKH'SEKEFPING .PsruSit lor rent. Phone 105 1 W. If TOC HAVEN'T ENOUGH IS aaraacs rring in yr old policy for "Lnrefi laa don't have to wait for. It teeiV- e' 3y"r "id "I . ,, (cr tha price, of two annual -.riimxi t FOLET A rente goosvt Buk Bank Bldg. t ' L08T HOSTJAT APTEHNOON SMALL Maad breech with enamel leaves, 1985 goeia Hie atreet. Kenard. m pgY WOOU PHONE 1678W. T.VXTKO TO KENT SOME PASTURE Jar sheep; 2181 State street. M . EDO FTED WASTE FROM PRUNE rrsdff, 75 per ack at Old Salem Frail t'aien. XOrillY WORK DNE EVENINGS after 6 o'clock ; 817 Mill sU, Salem. WWT CHILD'S BROWN KID GLOVES l13th d Cross. lhone 1398J or inarm 710 Cross. nrsSJUKINO AND TLAIN SEWING, ill MM. Phone 28 U. XOTICE TO THE PUBLIC, Tm lake notire that the John II. Srott tVttty Co, the firm rnnsisting of John & Sott sed Arthur E. Peterson, hare ualved partnership by mutial a free- it . If anyone has a bill or claim tsiat aitd eompaur. please prewnt Ut same at 24 Oregon building, at vVch place any debts due the. c m tsar can be paid. ; ? .John it. stxrrr. J,' ARTHt'U K. PETERSON. 5 Room; Bungalow $2100 TA eemeiit baement and modern tifhoot exeept furnace. Located on . .(. rraund. fare e-ist and ia close to tu l-.ae sih! achool. Bearing Knclish i!fliU on place. Steel rane included vita konae. A genuine bargain at f:ii; 81000 down. See aa before it t mtiw & SMITH a Mm Street Ground Floor i; LA.HAYF0RD Seal Estate Bee this 5 mem J-tory houe and lot, SSsieo; plierel. toilet, bath, electric l'ttiis gs and water, some fruit. to "kcl to ear; this is rlose in on paved trt. Prire rt2,5." torma. . 4 tweai plsittrrd boose with garage, good ltr freit, located in North Salem. . lUwkt U street ;car. Price only $2500 titr-re. ittm hvnse. ne story. lot ' 50x120, D sitefed except kitchen. located in Ksrtb Hstem, at a prire of only f 1200, A said sees. Ims ewaae. plastered, lot 41'iiB2'4. kwniear. furnace, 3 toilets. 2 bath. tiertrie lights, gas, xsrag' 1 1 blocks la car line;- very elote' in. W" It give smssuo ia 10 day. - Trice 8G00O -tnas.' ! . :. v ' fm aMdnrn house, fine location, base nut, furasce. gsrage. hardwood floors, liivaHre, built" a kitchen with white sa-eHed wood work and sleeping awra. Price $?.00. tssai beDrslow, new aud modern, good ferities, I'i blocks to atre'-t esr. Se t st nty $3250. frmt. Uvrei dark losro 'aoil, 3 VI miles from r-ilr of city, all Jn cultivation, two a erases. 2 acre Incans, 1 acres tnt , Price only $3(Ko. terms. 9 teres 8 mile smith of Sslem. 8 acres rfsnes, V, acre lagans, red -soil, gocd "i inring of water on place; 1 room tisrk. Price $5500. is close to Kalcm. all in enltivation. U-k sail, l fenced chicken tight: 9 . family- orchard bearing, .cw. cki'kena. ;hoe," hay, and some ''. ail 'for $370, easy terms. rood list of acreage of all all f fartaing lands, aee'ng is.be . let as show yon. LA.HAYF0RD J -'" " ft3 Ktata Street 1 EMPLOYMENT ; FE3IALE jVttO LAUNDRESS AT . STATE far Deaf. Phone 646. -'!t..7E1 LADY TO ASSIST WITH Ir" !' Winter or pbone r MALE c BOY wanted Tor a good f t. Call Statesman office or sas SS3. fmiU, yAj. rtyJ)0 AJiOVr ONE I . . I ' Jrt w,.fc momin,.,, hr va, ot warm U4 MISCELLAN KOUS x4r- C7S. care Statesman MISCELLANEOUS ,rL Plr tnWriptionB. A cood Frtr 4 aU :a i A - I " 'f1f' Htesd. Sutesmsn Bldg. ransoNAL t?,;4l!M!D BEST MATRIMONIAL "llishedt rVee lor stsrap. Cor- TV n I Alajla f lal. FOR SALE WALL ""TNT. Sf ANY T"!. ' wind and no. Max O. eaI". Com'l St. FINANCIAL - vThL1"' BOUO!IT AND SOLD. JJ Roberts. 2(1.", Oregon bldg. OOOD FARM M0RT 19 U0BERT3 Mslem. f rCLTRY i.HT1l',,AXrY PIGEONS OKaLL U'in'n P""8 winuers. Phone ""M Would win in an liT'Jlai.d Kits McMunn. '--ZLT'' F D 8 near q.iinaby. l:zi Classified Ads. a "aaaasB THE OREGON STATESMAN. &ALEM. OREGON. IKIILTRV. TUB OKTtiWK3T fVULiaJ joiiH neL the biggest sad beat in the west Ta live magazine for lie neuhrymen, 7i yesr, $1.00 in Salem. Ssnd 5 eenta ir sample Ud. Address The Northwest Poultry JooruL Salem, Ore- goa. Mention tai - FARM IMPEIV U" YOU WAST TO CET THE BEST farm paper, send 15e to Tha Pacific Homestead. Ealem. Oregon, for three months trial subscription, Mention, this ad. - PIANOS SPKCIAL BAKU US PRICK ON THBEE very fine piano with irasy terms. This is your chance to get a beautiful piano I'.. 'for Xma. The, Wiley B. Allen Co., 51 9 Court 'street. MISCELLANEOUS CLOVEU HAY FOR SALE Pbone 81F2. ?C SALE CHOICE WILSON 8TRAW berry plants. K. If. jVVitiel. Turner. TWO NEW MOHAIlt? MATTRESSES. 570 Union; basement. I JUST TRADED FORA ?200 SIZE Brunswick that is like new, but ran sell for $150 on easy terras. The W.ley B. Allen Co, 519 CWt street STANDARD EXCHANGE. 842 VNORTH Commercial atreet, diamonds, watehea, musical instrcmenta ' .(una, clothing, shoes, ate. Both newt : and used goods bought, sold or exchanged. " ONIONS GOOD QUALITY. 82.00 PER hundred, delivered. Phono , "WALLBOAHD" CAN BE USED OVER lath or atuddinr. Cm ha timti pap Cob ispered. Max O. Buren, 179 North mmarcial street. . 'WALFELT TOUR HOUSE; IT 8 superior to eleth, at about half prion. Max O. Buren, 179 N. Com'l 8t. . "WALL PASTE." HO COOKING RE quired. Sticks everything, f ax O. Buren, 179 N. Commercial atrtet. ; SACKS. SACKS FOR SALE 100.000 5 rain, oats and pvtato aacka. Capital oak and Bargain Houee, 216 Coaler street. Phone 898. LOVERS OP GOOD FLOUR BRING your wheat to Pratnm Flouring null and get your flour in exchange, ?40 lbs.. to the bushel. Will exchange! feed ' for wheat. Rolling and grindiug any time. w. m. MeUallister. STRAWBERRY PLANTS I STRONG vigorous, well rooted. Any quantity. Oregon. Marshall, Ma goon. Treble,' Et tersbnrg No. 121, Ettersburg No. 80, Gold Dollar, Wilson. Progressive Ever bearing; 100 of each variety, 88 post paid, or 100 each of any four. $4i de livered in city. Quantity prices inter esting. Ward K. Richardson, 2335 Front afreet. Phone 494. ' FOR SALE -TRUCK CHAINS ALL SIZES. CAPITAL JUNK a BAR GAIN HOUSE. 215 CENTER ST. U : PHONE 398. V CAPTIVITY OP THE OATMAS GIRLS This true story of western immigra tion has been carefully revised; making a haadaoma little book. It tells ia graphic terms of the massacre of the Oatmaa family, of the escape of Lo renxo, and the captivity of Mary aad Olive. Mary died of starvation " sad Olive 'was pare based from the Indians five year later. The price is 20 cents, -noeVtaid. Addre o-egom Teadiers Monthly, Salem, Oregon. -' ' WOOD IX SALE DRY" SECOND GROWTH fir, 18-incb and four-foot. . Fred. E. Wells. 305 S. Church. Phone 1543. JUST RECECTVED A CAR OF FTXH grub oak. Prompt delivery. Tracy Wood Co. Phne 520. CALL THE SALEM FUEL YARDS TOR your wood and coal; office 752 Trade i street. Phone 529. Automobile Directory! SLIGHTLY USED FORDCON TRACTOR A bargain. -349 Perry atreet. . :t 0LES0N MOTOR CAR CO. 349 N. Cbmmerc'.sl St. Phone 660 Used Car Ceuter. 1913 Studebak er "-passenger Hudson . 91 Keo 1910 Liberty Six . . . Quick Changes.' $25 5oo CoO 950 191S tord ..... 285 Kord Sedan,, aelf starter .......... 550 New 2i ton Day-Elder truck at bsrgain. Many other good buys in used cars. FOR RENT HOUSES F. L. WOOD, 331 STATE ST, RIAl estate, rentals. ROOMS ROOMS FOR BENT AT 403 tags street. NJ COT, TWO US'FURNISHED HOUSEKKEEPr ing rooms, rlose in, for rent. Pbone 540. ' - - FOR RENT A LARGE FRONT ROOM x at 4be Alexandria, 1030 Chemeketa Phone 1280. . ' . ;: POB RENT A DANDY IXXSATION Ft.R - a confectionery and qnick Innch roan ter. Just newly fitted up. lhone a40. FURNISHED ROOMS WANTED ALSO furnished housekeeping rooms, a fur nished honse and table board during the legislative session commencing Jan. 10, 1021. Send by Dee. 10th full and complete information, including atreet number, distance from state honse and to street car line, how furnished, heat ed and lighted, and whether equipped with hot and col water, bathing fa cilities, telephone, etc. Give rate for the session and address Lepslators, rare of Statesman. WANTED FOUK-FOOT cord wood wanted Salem Tile ft Mercantile Co., MEN AND V$VMEN TO i GOOSEBEKRRY AND CURRANT CUT- ting : wanted. Fruitland Nursery. Phone 111F21. BUSINESS CARDS CARPENTERS FOR CARPENTER WORK AND GEN eral repairing wanted done. Call 135!. CHINESE l'HYSICIAN DR. U M. HUM CURES ANY KNOWN disease. 153 8. High Pt, Phftf 383. HAT SHtlS. hit shop MEN'S AND WOMEN'S hats rennva led and blocked 493 Court atreet. INSURANCE. WK WRITE INSURANCE, ON AX thing, in the best old line companies. ho. us for insurance. Laflar ft Laflar. 4IMI' tlrcg'in building LAUNDRIES SALEM IAUNDRV COMPANY. 18$ 8. I.ibertr street. Phone 23. Oldest Largest BesU EstsblUbed 1889. rtaftTAL fiTY STEAM LAUNDRT .i. week, nromnt aervica, 1264 Erosdwsr. Paene 16S. Read 'the Classified Ads. LOANS I LOAN'S.! if YOU WANT -one on eity property, see n. Wa have it on good terms and low rata of interest. Laflar at. Latlar, 406-7 Oregon NURSERIES ITALIAN PHI'S E TREES a few lift, all traden ; also rarioua kind of nnrs ery stuck. Wa are now making fall delivery. Fruitland Nursery Co., Route 0. Salem. Phone 1 1 I K2 PAINTINQ AND PAPEEHAKGINO I hara gone east on an extended rislt and I recommend A, II. Clark (phono as a compttett workman, lilenn L. Adnma. PRIVATE HOSPITALS. WANTED CONFINEMENT CASES AT private hospital. I baTe beat of euuip ment. Pbone 195. REPAIRINO AND SHARPENING BEN WHEELER EVEKYTHINO RE r aired. General sharpening, chimney sweep. 312 North Commercial atreet. CUTLERY GRINDING: LAWN MO'.V- era, aafety razor, ate. Stewnrt'a Ita pair Shop, 47 Court atreet. TRANSFER HA ULINO CAPITAL CITY TRANSFER CO. 248 State St, phone 33. Distributing, forwarding and storage oar specialty. Get Mir rate. TRUCKS. , ft' AN TED TRUCK! HAULING BY THE day or contract, also good milk cow. John Loreni. RickrealL SECOND HAND FURNITURE WANTED SECOND HAND FURNI ture, rugs, carpets, etove. machinery and tools. Beat prices paid. The Can Hal Hardware Furniture Co- 285 . U8B I at. JTione 947. STOVE REPAIRINO I STOVES REBUILT AND REPAIRED 40 years experience; Depot National fence, sixes 26 to 58 inches high. Paiata, ! oil and varnishes, etc.. loeanharrv and hop hook. Salem Pence and Stove Morka, 250 Court atreet. Phone 124. SECOND HAND GOODS W BUY AND SELL 6ECOND HAND goods of all kinds, pipe fittings, har ness, ' collars, collar pa J a, tooia. aad ettaias. JTred Hehindler. 258 Cei inter atreet. WALL, PAPER, PA I XT WALL PAPER AND CEILING PAPER 20o aad up double roll. Mas O. Bu ren, 179 K. Commerriat St SEE PORTER FOR PAINTS, WALL Paper and Picture Framing. Good workmen. 455 Court St. Phono 485. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS KATHERINE SCHLEEP. M. D, PHT aician and Surgeon. Office Oregon building, rooms 411-13. Phone 640, 284. Over Oregon Electric depot. WATER SALEM WATER. LIGHT ft POWER Co, office 301 South Cote '1 street. Tea per cent discount oa domes tie flat rates paid in advance. No de duct tons for abaeaeo or aay eaoso un less water is abut off year premises. PROFESSIONAL OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR3. WHITE AND MARSHALL, 50$ U. 8, National Bank Bldg. DR. W. L, MERCER, OSTEOPATHIC Phyeaeiaa and Surgeoa. , Kirkrvtila gmduate, 404 aad 405 C. 8. Natl Baak , building. Phoae-Office 919, residence ; 1 . DR. JOHN L. LYNCH, OSTEOPATH30 Physician ft Burtoam, 403-404 Oregon Bldg. Phones: Of hoe 1394; Res. 68F5. CHIROPRACTORS. DR. O. L. SCOTT. P. S. CH1ROPRAC tr. 309-12 V. b. Bnk BUg. Phone 87. Re's. 82HR. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1 5 8 ACRES IN NORTH ; Salem. Cow, chickens, etc.; 1911 N. ' Church. Pbone 1565J. - NEARLY ;3 ACRES. SMALL HOUSE, some fruit and berries, just off South Commercial street ear. oa. Jefferson road. A bargain. Address owner, W. S. McVcy. Salem. Route 4. FOR SALE STRICTLY MODERN' 7 room house, close in, eaay payments, immediate possession. Hart and Mailer, 208 Oregon bldg. FOR SALE LOGANBERRY TRACT 8 seres ia full bearing, treliiaed with ee- j dar jwsts, i rich loam soil. Price $4500, -' cash, balance easy payments at J per cent. Hart ft Muller. 208 Oregon Bldg. . . . INQUIKr; or OWNER ABOUT 6-ROOM bungalow, almost new, at phono 1725. NICE HOUSE i OF 3 ROOMS. GOOD barn, lot 100x130 ft; bargain at $1300. Another at $1200. lot 50x150. 'l",-4 acres, rood 3-roe house,' aome ' fruit, chicken bouse, etc. A good buy at 8220O. PETTY'S REALTY CO. ' 331 1,4 State Street FOR SALE 6 ROOM BUNGALOW, furnace, fireplace, corner lot. 1'nee 5 -room bunsatow. itrepiaee. an sinin-iu features, weU located. Price 4OU. 6-room bnngaloa-, modern arrangement and conveniences. Price nswn. MRS. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 73 State Street i Telephone 515- 12 V, ACRES. 9 SET TO LOGANS. $4 00. good terms; ia ..seres. niiiTi ic. $1500. almost your own terma: 20 seres $3000 for something in Salem: 6 roora house close i to high achool. $1800. Ma gee. room 20. cor. State ft Commercial, over Busirk's. NEWLY BUILT BUNGALOW NEAR Jason l-ee chureU in North Salem f-r sale. Small payment down required. Balance may be paid like rent. Phone 377. i A. .b- BOURN ST EDT 401 Masonfe Temple. Salem. Oregon FOR SALE AN ATTRACTIVE MOUSJKA 6-room bouse, coltintal arrnueciure, new and one of the best locations in the city, old ivory finish, furnace and fireplace. A misfortune in the owuer'a family makes it advisable to make a etnirk sale and will pffer for a limited time for $8300. ' MRS. WINNIE PETTYJOHN 275 State Street Telephone ol 7 ROOM HOUSE. 1 BWH-K IKWM pavement anil street car. i-w. t--j cash, balance to suit. t room h-ue on pavement. $1100: $ 0 -ab balanve $15 per mouth. 10 acres, 4 room bouse, barn. 2'j seres logans; 1 acre ol - strawberries:, 5o prune and walnut trees: water piped to ' honse from spring. tH0. LOOSE El PATTON B704 State Street. Phone 97 WOOD'S BARGAINS 100 ACRES or.fiNB Bt.fcM w'" sll nnder plow, on main hijhway five miles out. little limber. $9 per acre. A good cottage, sis rooms, close in. $3.V!0. Neat four room bungalow, $t3tio! Three room house, $50. Ri ! acre- tract, new house, orchard and loganberries rinse to car line for Bale or will take acreage or home as part i,ar. PO acre mrm. gooo pma- . 7 miles out $100 per acre, buuja'.ow with gar ace $270. 7 room F. L. WUUU 341 Slate Btteei REAL ESTATE WE WANT MORE IJOl'SES TO SELL moderately priced. We will adrertUe. "BARBER & PEARSON Q'J t.ray Hldg. Ne,r Commercial C lub 60 ACRES $7000 mile, from Salem in fine fruit section: 1" to 2t acr-s culi.Tsted and balance is pasture wi;h considerable wool : 5, r.M ra noue, 1 birn. hed. etc. I.iring water on pUce. A bargain at fTOO't; wood will more than pav for place. '.'' rrn't good trade for eouity of ftii tiO. KINNEY & SMITH 49 State Street.. Ground F'oor. THE WEEK'S BARGAIN tiVVt ft The one for. laV week sold of -course quickly; here ia another a e-room good bonse at 82250, one-third ch (possibly a little less will do). Pared street, walking distance. See me soon. A fine lot ia Kairmonnt park. e."l front, pared atree'. 7541 rash : the cheapest thing on the avenue at the price, ,g t. HOME AND INVESTMENT COMBINED An extraordinary good investment and income where $2O00 rash is needed. See me on thia open fur a few days only? FLEMING REALTY CO. 341 State Street 40 A.CRES, ALL TILLABLE ALL IN high stst of cultivation and planted to grain and hay except a email choice tract of timber for the farm. Thia ia one of the choicest Howell-Prairie farma on paved road. Nrarly new 8 rooa houae and fine barn, store room and chicken house. Price $12,000 terms. Newf 5 room bungalow, good chicken house and 2 lots, on corner of paved atreet. House ia modern with baaement except furnace. Price for quick ssle, $35o0 terms. 8 room houae, corner lot. paved street, large, rooms, bath. . toilet and electric lights. Prire $3500; 1-3 caah. OREGON LAND CO. 442 State St. Rambler threshing msrblne. oil burn er, and Case separator for 2500, rash or trade. Splendid farm in Idaho. 20 acre near Liberty; will trade for house in Salem. 115-acre farm in . Turner at $165 per acre. A farm with all implements and Stock, for sale, near Weodbnrn. 220 acres, with all etoek and machinery. in Washington, at $15,000. 5 acres, 1 Vi milea from Salem at $5250. 5V seres right in town with splendid buildings, all kind of fruit, st $11,000. 12i sere at $7500. 16 acre tract near Salem at $10,000. 1 acre end 8 room biave oa paved street at $6500. A whole block and large unfinished house st $8000. An 8-reom house, hot water beat, hot and cold water in every aleeping room. right down town at 30000. 4 lots and 4-room house at $1000. C-room honse en paved street at $2300. 6-room house oa 13tb street at $3600. A beautiful complete honse at $6000. Many other beaufeful homes for sale by Gertrude J. M. Page 492 N. Cottage St. Phone 1188 FOR CHRISTMAS GIVE YOUR WIFE A HOME r'Tbe ideal present for Yule-tide would -e a mine, it wouia not oniy no a gut. it wonld be thrift. If yen hsppea to be a little shy on the cash come ia and let na talk it over. I might help yon. A CLOSE-IN PROPERTY inly S I blocks north of the benks snd Jhe'hcsrt of the city: A rooms snd in first elsss repair. Most of modern con veniences. $3500 $5 CO down and f30 monthly. CHEMEKETA STREET Lot 58x165; fine cement basement; six rooms. $4500 $1000 cah. balance monthly. NORTH SALEM Two fine lots 84x100; 8 rooms. SptendiJ fruit. $2800 $500 rash, $25 monthly. ' THE OAKS ADDITION B-Dt f ul strictly inodriio R rom bun low. KTrf ir1rrst nnvnin. $7000 -HALF CASH SOUTH COMMERCIAL ST. Strletlv modern C-room bungalow, garage; . good fmit. $6500 TERMS CHEMEKETA STREET Delightful 7-room home; garage, fruit 64 '$6o6o HALF CASH VERY CLOSE IN Nine room modem hnute with fine rornrr lot. ' Paved both streets. $5500 ' genuine bargain. CENTER STREET The best buy in an M-moni bua:b in Salem "today. Pavement all iJ fur. On a'.reet ear line. ONLY $1000 $1500 rish, balance 3 years. NEAR S. P. DEPOT rooms.1 gsrao, fmit; well arranged Lunsalow $3700 TERMS ENGLEWOOD DISTRICT ive re-em bensalow with gd basemeot: ne-ly kalsomined and enameled throughout. $2500 $000 rash, $35 monthly. NORTH FRONT STREET Handy tu ramierias: rooms, baia. 117'-. A rnd bu- fr " $3000 TERMS 15th and MARKET STREETS I'ise-room bouse, barn, eb'ckeo hone: fiiil htMi-e. a-ood hone: splendid frail. To see thia is bav it. $2650 t'O ra?b. $-5 monthly. It niiht jut so h.pn that rnn dn not care for any of these homes. Bat every one has Keen peronlle apii.ai.e-t. and 'not one of them could he built far ear thing like Ihe prices aled. So if yw rnnte-nplate building thU sprms. it weald lV you to see me lirat. 1 have ananv more. CHAS. W. NIEMEYER "JusPKeal KMate" 1S1 Mason Teatple Thwi " SALEM 0t REE ESTATE FARM TRADE 19 acre Polk county f.rm. good soil, good buill.nt. otly ia caiuvat.aa; some ro-Mi tmLer. to trade fer imal'n UT.r l"t time en balance. BARBER & PEARSON """ BWS. Near Ccmmernal flub . WORTHWHILE A ."Tnnm house and lot. 5ntlV f ct ; 3 blocks In car line, ctlr tcr. .!lrie I Ul. pri. so: hjlf ca'.h. balance one year at 0 per eeul. A 4-ri.om house and bt. very romfurtable has cut watee. electric light and garage. pPCe '.i50; film cah; term on balance. MILLS & COPLEY Mitt Stat Street Phone 175 5300 DOWN 6-rooiu houe on t-avel street, near esr line, large lot. choice local ma; very i renonsblr rriced ; move rirut n BaARBER & PEARSON 200 Cray Bldg. Near Commercial Club. 7 ROOM HOUSE. PAVED STKEET AND canine, price 8 4300. 1 block $-room modern houae, complete, $8ov0, terma Treasonable. 102 acres. 5 ia rultivatioa. heave dark olL rhoice tuildmgv place all finished 3 miles from railroad town. 190 acre farm, good buildings, to trade for town property, terms oa balance; $3 per acre. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO. U. 8. Natl Bank bldg. Phoae 470 GOOD BUYS 320-acre farm. 80 acres of plow Isad. balance good timber, house aad barn, apring water; will cone der property or - small acreage np to-$10,000 part pey- ment. Priee $bi per acre. 10O acre all cultivated. 40 acres 3 yeir- old prunes. Priee $150 per acre. CJ acres, 33 acres cultivated. balmee timber, l..Ca'ed near- Marleae. Price. $5600; 10oO down, balance 6 per cent interest.. 15-aere trart all cultivated, good berry aoiL Prire $150, $375 down. baUace 300 per year at 0 ner reat interest. 60-acre tract. 45 acres bearing prnaea. 12 aires logaaberries, good noose, dryer, good road. Price $40O per aero. 14.81 -acre tract, good -rom plastered Vungalow, bam, well. 2 errea logaaa. '.a acre young o ruses. Price SS1O0. 80-arre farm located near Mt. Ansel: 100 seres cultivated. 25 acres beaver nam. balance pasture and timber, good buildings. Pro $125 per a -re. 10 acre tract, good honse. barn, well 5. I sere besring Prunes. 4 mile south. Price 8350O, half rash. If yon want to buy. trade or ae!1. se W. H. Grabenhorst & Co. 275 gtate 8tr.es BEST BUYS 50 acres, li prunes, l'i ti-ber. bslsare cnltivsted, 4-rooca bungalow, barn; i milea of Salens. 810.50O. half rasa. SIS acres, cleared, family orchard. 7 room house, barn, l mile of town; wove wire fence. an:le of achool: .$4500; $2800 rasa, bslaare 7 per eent. 5 acres. 4 bearing logana. one prunes, $ yeara old; 1 acre alrawnerry f Tiers: 2Vi milea from Salem. $3500; $lO0 -eaah, balance 6 per rent. 5 acres. 3 logaaa. Imttees land: room W .1. ' t . ... . - waa, para, rniriri wiiiv. le n 4 milea from Salem; $30OU. $20o0 cash balance 8 per cent. Waal to secure $io0 and $l.'OU loans oa real estate at T per cent. I have $1000 to loea On raaeh security only at 7 per rent lor five years or loader ss desired. s . HOUSES C room bouse, 2 lots: at achAo. rlose to car. small barn, wood hoaee, chicken coop; $1100, half rash.. 3 room modern honse, 3 blocks from school, 2 blocks frm car; garage, 8500U, fig. SO reah. bslsece. ? pf cent. 3 roe. Si avodeea " aeaae.' plastered. " ditch kitehen. garage wits renrreie fioor, barn, wood honse. fruit and walnute bsrng. concrete walk, graveled U reel, $2500, half rasa. S0C0L0FSKY 341 State Street . WHOLE MILK AND PE0DT7CE WANTED Marion. Greasery & Produce Cc Salem, Oregon. Phone 2483 I SALEM MARKETS iu vinc; pjuck.- EKR1 and Poultry. Eggs. 5S-Sc. Hens, heavy, 2Zc. ' Hens, light. 2 0-2 2c. O'.d roosters, 8-l0 Rrollers, 2 2-2 4c. INtk. Mutton aakl IU-cf. Pork, on fot, HVjc Lambs, 7e. Dressed hogs. IZc. l;eet steers, 7 Vi-8c -Cows. S-Ce. Top real, li-lCc. ! Hay. Clover hay. S2o.o0-22.00. Oat and vetch nay. per 121-123. : Chcet hay. 121-23. t.rsJn. ! Wheat, fl.li-1.20. ton Oats, uOc. beans. a-CVs 1 Mill EeeiK leUil. . M il run. S 16.00. WlHesaiL. to elrt-. Creamery mttler, bl-blc. Uutterlat. 5Tc. Fruit. OraneH, -50. Hananas. 13 i-Zr. lecmons. S3. 00. Grape fruit, t'al.. SI. Aril.. S 30. Florida. !v..0. Cranberries. 5.7 box; $11. 50 bbl. Dates, J7.23 case. - Yerlal!e. Cabbage. 1 l-2c. Onion. Oregon. SI. 7 a. Onions. California. 12.10. Turnips, $2.00. Carrots. $!."'0 sack. Green peppirs. 20c. Cauliflower. $1.J tloz. Hates. 2"c lb. Lettuce. $2.00 rrt. 1'arficy fciM: tioin bnnche. neet. 7."f rloven bunch. Tomato.. $3.0o rralc. Hpiuln. S1.2" rt't. hweet M)faUe-s, 4.1-2 to fC Grape, 1 Ic ;. Comb hney. ri'u, S". CrWy, 90c. doz bimcheg. Honey, extracted 20e lb. Retail, f'rr-ainerr butter. SSc. Egg. KSc. Flour, hard wh"at. $.7" 2.i Flour, valiey. 2.ii". ugar. $l.-0. Try Classified Ads. in The Statesman For Results FRIDAY MORNING. REVELATIONS OF AJVIFE The Story oi a Honeymoon , ,J . "" f & VtcMtderfiU RMaujce of llarrirO Life WoBMWrftaUj Tokl hj AOELC UARRISON 1 ( C1IAPTKU No. 761. H AT HAP ! IM II WHEN LIK;k STOLE AWAY HM1 THE HOI SK THAT NIGHT. My mother-in-law . rvc were i full of consternation as .'h heard i Counlr. Arsih.-. -ei.. ,,...1 o Ilat I gav her a reasnuring; look, for 1 remembered, what she. haa evidently forsotten. that the tlnr badge of the service? which 1 wore concealed In my blouse was an "pen sesame wherever I be army unuorm neid guard. I had not counted, however, upon the obstinate stupidity of the railroad special officer, who. In reality were patrollinr. the pipe l.ne. and whose uniform Cousin Aeatha had mistaken for that or the army. And my mistake made me the victim of an embarrasalng and unpleasant episode. Getting: away from the houae waa abaurdly easy. I stole out of the laundry door with WlUlam preceding; me. and P?e. now fully recovered from the hurta received at the inn. stalking proudly at my tide. The dor$ pride, how ever, could not begin to e-o,ual that of hia master. The gloomiest m smthrope In the world would have ben moved to laughter at the sight of poor 1 old William air of Importance' aa he nsnered me down the "atn to the" wild grace crl-or. from which his portable foothridze af forded u$ a dry rroaxing to the woods on the other aide of the brook. Neither he nor I spoke until he had gone aome distance lato the wood. Then William stopped and thrns'lng h'a tag'y. tvinted fact close to mine. le wriprvv j hotmely: "Yon don't hear no twige nor; fttlcka snappin do ye. ills Grv ham?" I ahall never gel nyel to tVT liam If he worka for us the rett of his life. Tbero Is aomethlBC so uncouth, almost uncanny. In his near-sighted visage, that n my mother-in-law's parlance Tie "gives im the turn" whenever he comes nar. me. The erfect of hi countenance so near to mine In the faint light of the first quarter of the moon fortunately for our purpose a very dim lUht Indeed r.aa esp-cla'lr terrifying. I shall always be proud that I was able to repros the strong Impulse to screrra whlcts rtheeearrf me at hl sudden movement. - "No. William.- I returned quietly. "That's becanse I've b!n on the job. ever since you told tee what yott wanted tonlsrht, he went on proudly-. "I've b!n pretending to cut down fonw old trea aa" git some wood, but all the time I wag gittln this path jert like a floor, so nobody con Id hear tu." "That was very thoughtful. In deed. W'lllar-t." I whispered, re flecting grimly that some one wa very apt to har us If my poor old guide kept up b sta-e whisper much longer. "Uut we mustn't talk any more, you know. The pipe line must bs very near." "STOP THAT INSTANTLY.- "Jeet a step furder. XI Cra mie. an 111 k"ep mum a an rr-' ter." he prom!d fervently, but bis renolve came too la, for as we climbed the slope to the p'pe line I heard a rthr th'.n r th- nenlrlea on the nine linel"1" M,? vuu "u irom Marv.n to Stonetllle Centr. .-vonTf ths- r,r i,iT- he I saw that .he considered my plan -wluLli Za r. for Rettinn away from the house im! time dUr unobserved wars houelewlr loet. tUjr lM l,me' mr d ar ABOOKOnOOOSOlG NOW is Totxr chice to Uke WE hive sow on hand a number of copies of this book cf xaost up t-cUte and lirgi col. lection of old and new songs ever compiled. This boc in reality wnUins even ccrti thxa m thousand of onr most popular LETS HAVE MTJS1C Is one of the watch words of the times, BUT, do you always hare the kind of sons that the CrCcaxioa requires? Get cne of oar large Books OF A TH0U3AND SONGS and you will always hare iL. This beautiful cloth bound book contain tongt cf every descript'on. Darkey lullaby, boatLn songs, love aoegs, every ldnd that you wish or desire, CET one white they last as wt have only a limited cumber and there is a large call for thm. Actually all the old songs you ever heard. Bring us in three coupens and receive this large collection of songs for tho rrrJl sua f. $1.50 or if you arc not a subscriber and wish the book you can get It for the regular price of $2.M. - CUT OUT HEIIE SONG BOOK COUPON j Tbi eotifHin prMwl for Ihe Ureal Ilrxik of 1 ; Son. IF prrsrntrj with two otlicr coujnjns (llree ; in all) and tl in cash. STATESMAN PUBUSHING CO. t 215 South ComincrrUl St., Jv.lem, flrf. Sly naroo ami aMic Is: .airve. . . . , DECEMBER 3. 1920 lie? toIc with cxrttemrat la Its lor.e-s say r.aardedly: Lock hrp. liill.- U II evidently otyed th- corn mind, for the text inatant two ' ta?o niched down th Incline Just j !-; as. mna kum wiuud avna "Vr Oere. her' a woman. Hi'.:." the firt et(!aimeI. le'UnX hit el-viric nisbUsht travel oer m. "1 heard the ung they're .-.r'aii! of bad a woman In it. and I fcO'ss t't Krt her. ' If you will look at this yoi will f nd yoo are mbtakea. I itiM court ecus! y. althouth I was . . . t,--s, - .ore- I pnt nT h-nd to iht blouse la ?ri'r 1 t1' "J wri T!?.1" u aa rm,"T " " "'. lcs:iy txrucn WILLIAM wmspnns. William, who had submitted passively enough before, for he ha great respect for contltu-d suthorUy. gave a hoarse cry as he ss w the man's rough handling or me. thretr off his own raptor easily, and lunging forwarl be. gan to tear like an animal at the arms of the man named Dill. "Wiliam!" I commanded sharp ly, fcr I knew that resistance wa$ rriadners, "flop that Instantly. I wa sorry I h,d spoken an lntant later, for H-ll's comrade. a tall, rcrawny Individual wth r prominent Adam's arple. which worked up and down obtrusively when he spoke, took advantage of William's Instant obedience to give the old chap a cra -I kirk a he took possession of him again. (To Re Cont.naea.) N0R1HVEST POETRY JOURNAL Oldest, largest $nd best ot tr Pacific Coast Poultry &4 TU Stock alagaxlnes Tel!a you all aboit Incubation, brooding, feeding. CTalllnc bouslag and caring for poultry aad pet stock generally. How to succeed with $i back-lot or coancf rclal egg plant. Only 75 ceats per year, year for $1.00. Ttm Northwest Poultry Jonnul Stateimta OfHct SALtii :: - OREC.tjN STPAJCrlT Better Ask JcrTrrra CaJ C-r advnt of one cf the BEST sons, printed for beta sir gin 4 f i STATESM JOB OFFICE We print eTcrjthlE;, from a cillin- crj to took or IVst et,aiprcj plant in Ore gon ouUiJe of rortlnd We solicit the prinn;r of fatmer yt3tM4rt uu'Ida-ir, r'jlsrta. Ore fjon TIME TABLES I aWxrnxzRV facoto co. . rrfectrre SanAav. VsvraWr 14. 1929 aat tasresfter. " VaJVomaa ' No. 84 OreganUn S OS am N I Tf-a t i se-s ........ Usa No. 2 W illaasette Li ait led ..... ?aas No. I Portias. Paaoengor 3 J t ss Vo.24Ceo Hay t llpm Ka 14 renlaad Espee I 37 pa go aes4 X. S3 Orefoolaa ............ 8r04ssi ,5.vree rr-se .. . I t S a No. 1 r ! teniis Fsra ......!' aaj I tT KMSarr r.eaf -os pa No. JT Wiilaawette led .... s as p 9.34 pi No. 13 Son Iraoesare i'iu. ... . , li-OtCUl tXYX No. 73 Arrive at Saleos Xe. 74 Leave Saleas 9:1 So. 4.M pa AtXX. PAIXS CITY ft WfJTtU 141 Leevee Saleea. sao'er T:4S T I4t Loaves Soiaea, aula c. . . . . . S:llea t t Leave AaWam. Bar...... 1 :5A p Thrah ear to Maoesooth a4 Ara 17 1 loaves Saleos far Dailss... 10 pas 143 Arrtvas 4 Ssloaa t:ls :4Arrive a4 Saieaa ......... 1 1 :00 ai IS Arrive st Sslea l:tH 172 Smvee at Ssaras : pm Tra.a No. II arrives at 1 4lso Tisia No. IS ernes at iea.. 8 .-e aaa 01x00 rixcTria gostkoa4 Leave A r-1ve Arrive PoeiSa4 ra'aaa Eofooe , 1 .... SSOses 8 30 a) l:Oa U4. :iam 14:11 aai ll llt T ....!. 4Seea 12 ;54t aoaCoe.2 :$ pw .... 3:A)aea 4:l2pa trllH l DL tO :paj S:5ipw IT .... I tips M'ra a Was aa ' t 19 .... :3 pas 1 1 :3 rl ooatl erth Book avia'uso) Wave Jeiisvsoe stree IS sad SO aisttM later). rerUbea4 Leave an-; Arvte EagvoO f a'e Panaal .... 7:lam I DM 10 Ltd. TJOsas asaas lljase IS .... lt:soeaa l:4Sp 14 ,...ll:IXaas l.tira 9.4tp 14 Ltd. 1-iSeoa IMr 4 p , ... Woa 8. SO pas 7 4 p 23 .... a Jlpai l ilso 9 alpaj gvvtb Baak S'aio 4 am i -( . . atreet IS astantes erLr. vaa 4:1. lav Co cot aim cxjittxctioxi vrUhoa4 Leave Cear Ant 9as 8:2 aaa l llia $: pea 4-eatpaa 4:1 pas $:3Spos 8.2 Jim 1;isn aWnkaxa4 Leave fsfets Arrto CocvaTs 1 8.Saaa S ll pa lO.ltaas Sl:taea 1 ll llrs S S pas 'f , 4:11 pas :poi , I S :a4 aaa - 8 aoa STRJOfT and more pleasing than anymiia navana agar. y - dzsJerLr yzva'sn.f j? L LEVVI5 CIGAR MFtCaHnwailUl prta effen rrtr xatde. and puyiEw. Send While The Sending Is Good As Our Supply 1$ Limited Statesman Publishing Company SALEM. OREGON -.-2r1iv---..-