t 1 . ) . x i 1 -T. - -- ! . T t: ' Y " v r i:0 ) j ii misnsnii. ii am m MieaaMsaaae THE OREGON STATESMAN, SALEM, OREGON FRIDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 3. 1920 ' H r. j ' , . - - V ' -III a . f - ! i' . : I ' i '"" . . J - ' ' ' ; J, 'I . i ' : - - 1 " - k I ' . ' " 4' - . ; ' ' . t ' . ' 9 - "' . '- ' ' ' ; . , v. -- ' ' '. ... ! ' ' -: " . " ' - ' " " ' " ' ' -.' -. - '; " , J ":. . ' ' , 1 . " -.r I. ' f , " ; '! " :! ' - ' " ' " ' i. j ; ;. ' ' f . , r i : - : . . ... ' , '. - ' ; ' q " n A GREAT 500 PAGE BOOK FREE TO THE PACIFIC HOMESTEAD SU PRACTICAL .FARMING AND GARDEWHWG OR MAKING THE FARM PAY ' MONEYAVINQ AND MOHEY-MAKINO METHODS Throughout the text of thU great book the reader ia given the results of scientific research, coupled with suc cessful experience, by use of only such expressions as can be readily understood by those who hare not had a scientific training. Thus any farmer with ambition to make the most of his labor and realize the greatest returns for his invest ment will find in this volume a priceless guide for everyday reference. Edited By .WILLIS MAGGERALD- . . By An Eminent Array of Specialists' This work has been divided into departments, each cov ering subjects of vital importance, and eaeh prepared by a . specialist in his line, who has devoted his life of thought, ' study, experiment and practical, experience to his special , subject. The list of authors whose, names .are familiar to wide-awake farmers will be found on accompanying cut of , book in connection with the subjects covered by each. . . " - H ; ; ' READ WHAT OTHERS SAY3 ; I : Following are expressions from a few of the hundreds of letters received from satisfied subscribers -4. Ttwmt, KtiL; Mr. S, 1930. , . - B.rj. k. i. I plM4 t My tht X reiv4 yr book. "PrMtieaT rumiof sad OarieaiDK," tad eoaaldar It wU wort ta atoaaj, eoaUiaiar a U do mi wr Talbl lnlonntlon. . I aniftt aay I am aiora tkaa astisfird. It wlU b varr halpfal to a, ula waatieally aw togiimtr. Tra truly. . XliUS. ' VotL On, Tj, St. 1K0. X rMlTd tka book. "Practical rarmia aad Gardaaln." n flae afcapa. I eonaidar It a vary fiaa pre ant aad wiaa yam to aept my aaait aiaeara taaaka fa tt. .. Tan paper ia vary rood, too. WiaaiBf; you arary aaecasa, X aa aha pa. X eonaidar it a vary fiaa prat- xaan vary muy. E. Tarnar, Ora Apr. t, 1920. Ia answer to yor lattor of March IS. 1920, wUl aay yoar koalL .rraa tiaal Farming aad Gardeaiac,'' raaaaod aia ia aatiaf aetory ceaditiaa aad. I Uka it very aaaea. ' The Paif ia TTaaxeteed ia . apyreel. ated alM and I thiak it Ut leadlag paper af the West. I weald Uka at read aa article oa "Ooaaaaereial ler tiliaer," aa vaay faraiera are aaiag It. ' ' Bespectfally, a o.Bi.TX8. 4 t Goldeadale, Weak, .Karek ft 1920.' f Taaaaa. Wuk, KT.D, , aiarca S, 930. rieaaa'flad eaeloaed $1 wkiek fia-' lke pariaf for aay aaaaeriptioa' to Tie Faeifia nomeetoad. aad I'm eare mere tkaa delirkted , with : tka book yon aeat mm, "practical FaraUac aad Cardeaiaf." Toare traly. It. THUBSTOS. Km a, Waaa Harck 10. 1920. received yoar ezeeOeat book. teead Zacloaed find poatal note for fUS pay for my nbaeripUoa. t I waa away from home all wiatar la tke'reaaoa tkat X did sot reaew aaoro promptly, aa I entoy aad prise Tka Homestead hlrhly. V W. S. HOBXIBBOOr. DESOSXFTIOir AND PRICB This volume consists of over 600 pages handsomely bound, slxe X. KJTIGHT. Practieal Farmiar" aad caaaol its praiaea too hifkly. It eeataiaa aa oedtagly oalaabla iaiormatiea aad wee jest tko tkrag I waa lookiaff for. X caa also ki(hiy roeommead The Paeifie Bomeetead. It ia aaa of the all-yea-aeod woekiiea oa general farav lag. Book waa reeeired ia fiaa shape. Baap. years, W. XOLKS. richly Illustrated on xood book paper. ttt inches lonr;. H Inches wide. 200 fine drawings and half-tones, with feeding chart in colors. . WcbcncTe lliatTIxcPicific HcmejUad is tire beit Izm paper in tLe West Our read ers tell ns it is tLe most kelpfnl to tLe farmer, tlie fnutirovrer, the stock breeder and dairy man, and the podtrjman. Tte women like the Woman's page. To read it means to do bet ter farming. That means more money for the same labor and investment. The constant exchange of ideas among farmers gfres each reader the opportunity to copy the ueat snccesses of other, farmers, and to aroid the . costly' mistake's some make. . This is cH imp orient - to every farmer. Therefore we beliere that . ' Every Farmer -Should Read .The i Pacific Homestead We want you to send ns the names of ten or twenty of your neighbors who yon think should subscribe for this great . paper. We will send them sample copies and gire them an opportunity to subscribe. win What YOU ; Get You Do This? : 52 Great Numbers one year of THE . PACIFIC' HOMESTEAD .' and here is how you may untie the string : Free PRACTICAL 7ABZQNG & GARDENING The great 500-page book .. Free Our Great Offer The Pacific Homestead three yean worm $3 4 Practical Farming & Gardening Send the list of names of farmers, .i Total cost $2X0 $2X0 USE THIS COUPON THE PJLCITIO HCXJIZSTEXD, Salsa, Orefem. Oentlecsea : I aa eaelosyig my ehoek for two dollara for wkick please asa credit say aabaeriptioa throe years la edvaaee. X sa aot bow a aabaeriaor. Also aoad me tka 500-paca book. TRAOTIClaX TXKMXKO OAXDEJEfO POSTPAID. X asa esclealaf a list of more tkaa torn Bamea aad kopa eaek oae subscribes for THX PACXPXO HOMESTEAD. - & r. Do suu a.,. This Unties the String Thus you may renevr your subscription to The Pacific Homestead for three years in advance and get a copy of this great book for only $2.00 and a list of names of farmers, not less than ten, as many more as possible. The list of names is the string. Easy to untie, isn't it Paid in Advance Subscribers May Also Accept Offer If your, subscription has not expired, don't wait. Take advantage of this great offer now and we will credit you with three years from date your subscription expires. Ml to c . -t . 1 f . ( 5 ' l 1 M . " ,