The Oregon statesman. (Salem, Or.) 1916-1980, November 30, 1920, Page 3, Image 3

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T last Oregon Is taking, prop-
A notice of her authors, who,
much anyone or any
one bave helped to bring
Stothe state. And to J. K.
e 11 of Portland belongs the honor
ieomlM forward with this splen-
tCk 1 6ng Ck MIUO M VUB
" . V1 Knincr ooVal a
i ni iiuuiib w-"'ri moc&v. o
leiralnf omemms bduui me
Many Oregonians, loyal to their
state and proud of her achieve
ments, know little about her writ
ers. They do not realize that au
thors who have won w!de recog
nition and are loved by thousands
were born and reared here. They
do not know that some of thein
are living in Portland and neigh
of friendly interest and enthusi
asm in their work, .
More than thirty authors have
been asked to be present at Gill's
this afternoon at a reception In
their honor, and many have ac
cepted. .
Among the Oregon authors in
cluded in the list are Eva Emery
Dye, who wrote "McLoughlin of
Old Oregon." 'The Conauest" and
"McDonald of Oregon"; Antony
Euwer'of Hood River, who wrote
"Rhymes of Our Valley": Mary
Carolyn Davies, author of three
books of verse, a novel, several
piays and contributor to foremost
magazines; Edison Marshall, short
eral books as well as being a car-j Presbyterian church which was
toonist. j to have been held Friday of last
week, will takt slaee la the church
boring cities. The years have not
taught these citizens the Joys xt ory writer and aut'nor of
watching genius grow. They have I Voice of the Pack"; Maryland Al-
not enjoyed the pleasure which len- story writer; Hugh Wiley,
Among the out-o-town folk here
for the Kay-Huntlngtcn wedding
yesterday afternoon were Mr.
Huntington's mother. Mrs. M. B.
Huntington, and Bister. Miss Helen
Huntington, of Eugene; Charles
Huntington, from the same place.
and another brother, Walter Hunt
ington, of Portland.
Mrs. C. P. Bishop is expected
home tonight from Pendleton.
Hood River and Portland, where
she has been .visiting with rela
parlors Wednesday afternoon at
halt-past two o'clock, the follow
ing to serve as hostesses: Mrs.
L. M. Purvine. Mrs. Frank W.
Power. Mrs. John R. Sites. Mrs.
i unrr, .xi rm. joan k. sues. an. r 1 . rtr?l If 1J
Ray.W. Klein. Mrs. Herbert Hald UlllOn Delegates Will tlOld
Annual Convention at
Polk County Scat
and Mrs. W. Moore.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Rosebraugh
had with them last week their
children. Ruth. Arthur and Frank
Ro3ebraugh, who returned to their
studies at Oregon Agricultural
college Sunday night. The latter
divided his vacation with Portland
comes from giving encouragement
to writers, young and old. by a bit
You'll Learn What Laughs Really Are
It Starts in Giggles Ends in Roars
Friday Saturday ,
writer of negro stories; Edwin
Markham, poet; Beatrice Mantle,
who wrote "Gret"; Opal Whiteley,
Anne Shannon Monroe, Ella Hig
ginsoa, J. B. Horner, j
Many others are to be paid trib
ute, and Oregon illustrators are
also to be given notice, including
Homer Davenport, who wrote sev
No one studies your home like your furniture dealer
We know you, need good Furniture to make your home
comfortable AVe know you need Music to make your
horn hapninessscomplete.
Talking Machines
and Records
Pianos and
f Player Rolls
The man who
knows always
asks for Del
Montk Catsup
at the restau
rant, in the din
ing car, at his
And the wom
an who knows
serves it to him
on the home
7 i
V hiii iini 1
u Mrs. Margaret J . Blair
The Apostle of Health, Beauty and Harmony
' Mrs Blair has a national reputation on the lecture plat
form Shi has been honored by the women of the Nation,
v?n been chaSn of.the National Federation of Home
Economks?an5 other positions of National importance.
I She Has Nothing to Sell
We have brought Mrs. Blair here soleiyjor the benefit
Section, Wednesday afternoon. Don't miss it. Absolutely
free. ' - -
Mr. and Mrs. George E. Waters
and Mrs. E. EJ Waters were Joined
over Thanksgiving by Mr. and
Mrs. William C. Knighton of Port
land, and by Mr. and Mrs. North
rup Waters of the Oregon Agri
cultural college, the latter re
maining over the week-end.
Mrs. George J. Pearce had as
her house guests the last of the
week Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Os
mund and Charles Riely of Portland.
Miss Marjorie Brown entertain
ed with a line party at the Oregon
theater Friday night for the pleas
ure of her sorority sisters, a group
ot Sigma Kappas from O. A. C,
who were here for the holiday
week-end. Guests -bidden- were
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kellogg. Hilda
Llndquist, Miss Edna ' Magers.
Reed Roland, Hilbert Tasto and
William Owen.
A supper at the home .of the
Kelloggs rounded out the evening.
Mrs. Josephine McDowell was
the week-end guest of Mrs. J. G.
Reigelman. coming over from
The music study class of the
Salem Woman's club will meet
Wednesday evening at 7:4 5
o'clock at the home of Miss Doro
thy Pparce. 287 North. Winter
street. Beethoven will furnish
the subject of the lesson.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Whar
ton L. West are rejoicing with
them upon the removal of their
daughter, Miss Mary West, from
Willamette sanitarium last, week
Miss Alicia McElroy of Portland
has been the guest of her sister,
Mrs. Warren Hunt, and her aunts,
Mrs. J. P. Frlzzell and Mrs. Mc-
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick A. Pur
din and daughter Dorothy of Port
land spent the week-end with Mr
and Mrs. Lee Gilbert.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kellogg en
tertained as the Thanksgiving
week-end guests Miss Hilda Llnd
quist, a Sigma Kappa sorortiy sis
ter of Mrs. Kellogg, and William
Owen, a Omega Upsilon fraternity
brother of Mr. Kellogg from Cor
vail is.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Clarke and
their two children. Doris' and. Rob
ert, returned the last of the week
from Portland, where they spent
several days as the guests
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Wright
spent the latter part of the week
with Mr. Wright's mother. Mrs.
E. H. Wright, in Woodburn.
Miss Helen Rose returned Sun
day night to Eugene, where she Is
la student of the U. of O., after
I spending the holiday with her par
ents.- Mr. and Mrs. George L. Rose.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bellows of
Roseburg spent the week-end with
their son-in-law and daughter.
Attorney General and Mrs. George
M. Brown,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mills and
small daughters, Roberta and Ila,
spent the latter part of the week
with Mr. Mills parents. Mr. and
Mrs. A. R. Mills, in Springbrook.
Mrs. C. H. Dixon of Ween on a,
111., arrived the latter part of the
I week and will remain in Salem
during the winter with her broth
er. W. H. Hunt. 1140 Leslie street.
She was met in Portland Thanks
giving day by a group of Salem
relatives, who motored down
The postponed meeting of the
Ladies' Aid society cf the First
Mrs. Aurelia Powers of Aurora
and little sen Robert have re
turned home, after visiting with
Salem friends.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lauter
man spent the week-end with
friends In Portland.
Miss Buena Cobb was the guest
ot friends near Portland, over the
- '
Miss Lottie Dimirk of Hubbard
returned to her home the last of
the week after attending the Ma
rion Coanty Teachers' institute
and visiting with Salem friends.
Mr. and Mrs. William Prank,
Sr.. are enjoying a visit from their
daughter, Mrs. H H. Saxtca ot
Newport., Mrs. Prank has been
Kaw Vatma ain tits
first ot March suffering from the
Mrs. Margaret J. Blair, wiio for
twenty years has been director ot
the domestic art department oi
the University of Minnesota, and
who is known throughout the
world as an authority on the sub-
ect of home economics. ' will be
In Salem this week for a aeries ot
lectures on health, beauty and
harmony. Mrs. Blair has been
chairman of the national and of
the state federations ot home eco
nomics, vice president ot the Mln
nesota, conservation congress, is a
member of the National Federa
tlon of Women's Clubs, a member
of the home economics federation
and represents her state on the
board of women managers ot the
United States national fair. Mrs.
Blair is an author of -note, and
among her publications are "Gar
den Drafting." "Systems ot Model
Sewing." "Practical Courses ot
Graded Sewing." "Sewing Basket
Stories," and other books and ar
Mr. and Mrs.' John Biwer and
sons Lyle and Darwin have re
turned to their Court street home
from Vancouver, Wash., where
they were guests ot Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Winkler. Mrs. Winkler is
a sister ot Mrs. Biwer.
'.DALLAS. Or.. Nov. 25. C Spe
cial to The Statesman.) The
tenth annual convention of the
Oregon-Southern Idaho Farmers'
Co-operative and Educational
Union of America will convene
In this city next week on Decem
ber 7. 8 and 9. The Woodman
lull has been secured for holding
the meetings.
Open mcetincs will be held on
Tuesday and Wednesday nUchts.
Wednesday evening a banquet
will be served the delegates and
members of the locals ot this dis
trict, after which an entertain
ment will be provided.
The committee in charge of the
convention has received assuran
ces that more than ISO delegates
from all parts of Oregon and
Idaho will be present and have
been busy the past weefc retir
ing lodgings for them. Prominent
workers In the Interest of the
farmers will also be present.
The Dallas Commercial clua
has promised the Polk county lo
cals who were instrumental in s-
I curing the convention for Dallas
their loyal- support ana every
thing possible will be done to
make the visitors welcome during
their stay In the city.
court to 27S days in the Multno
mah county Jail for stealing
boll of goods from a merchant
It was stated at the governor's
office yesterday that It was be
cause of violations ot this char
acter that the parole board
the governor put la ffct th
rclins that parole violators upon ;
being returned to me state prison;
must. serve out tnelr maximum ETerybody is getting reacy to
sentence. Wh;n Collage r?tbsad Presuem-eieci nreu -throuch
with hl 27S cmx ! M of ndTlre.
PcTtlaad he will be retaraed t
the state penitentiary to serve
his maximum. The same rulla
will apply to Lster Bntler. an
other parole violator, who plead
ed guilty In Judge Rowman's
court to a theft charge. The pa
rol of the two men were re
voked yesterday.
Parole Violators to
Get Limit of the Law
.Concerning Les Collage; col
ored - parole violator from the
state penitentiary, who ' was re
cently sentenced by Judge Ross
man ot the Cortland municipal
i Don't think because yon have
taken many remedies In vain that
your case is tncuraoie. nooa
Sarsapartlla has cured many
seemingly hopeless eases or scro
tals, catarrh, rheumatism, kid
ney complaint, dyspepsia and
reneral debility. Take Hood's.
Roddy Cheeks SparklingEyeS
Most Women Can Have
t ,
' Seys Dr. Edwards, a Well-Known
. Otiolliysiciaa
. t PAf .Edwards for 17 Tear rreat-d
scores of women fcr livar and bowel ail
ments. Ininj these jrnrs be gave to
his pati-nts a prrvnotiori roacJc of a
few well-known vegetable Jrcrcdients
mfwrt with fwivs til. TiOTUPZ them
Ir. Ldwrrrrls OIpts Tablet. 1 cu
Lnow l hem by thtar vve cxA.
IWn tablr'j zrz vxedcr-v ctken on
the liver and bowels. MA csuae a
ncrraal acti.m, csxryinf: at the "waste I
and poucoous zaaiux la c-a:
If you have a pele tux. salkrv look,
chill eyes, nmolcs. coated ton juc. head
aches. listk-s. no-trnrrf fceiin. all Oct
oi sorts, inactive hovc!s. yr-i take coe
of i. Ldv-ariV OUvi Y-Lu niihtly
fcr a tilt r-ti nU: th. j pLarj Z rcsulta.
;rr,Uiicr'i. cf wcna and ir.en tak
Dr. Ld-r-rd' Olive Tablets the suc-
tica j't loccp them fx loc aod 30c
erm proof
Tbe ends are sealed
by electric! ty-so tb3t zl
tbe coodoess and flavor
are retained for yoo. .
Each stick Is separately
warped, to keep It fresb and
dean till yoo need It after
every meal or ctear
'Wbitens teeth, clears
throat, su-cetens breath
aids appetite end d&cstlca
creat benefits for. a
small price.
and the Price O
Is ,Still 5
15 f2
T wni -I 1 ' i I -i mi
' ! ..
i aII'iv rinmt. nil in a clean cm
I J u - v m
-Dirt inydiir Cnghie Oil-
Qetrid cf it I
A LARGE quantity of dust-ladm elr is 4tinha2rd' by lh
dafly operation of an antCaTiohTe engine. With this road
dust, carbon and fine particles of metal into the lubri
cating oil and circulate through your engine, lowering the
efficiency of its operation. Add to this dirt the gasoline
that escapes past the pistons and dilutes the oil
Take Salt to Fltuh Kidneys
Hack Hnrts or Bladder
If you must have your meat
every day, eat It. but nush your
kidneys with salts occasionally.
says a. noted authority who tells
na that meat forms uric acta
which almost paralyses the kid
nevs in their efforts to expel it
from the blood. They Deoome
sluKKtsh and weaken, then yoa
suffer with a dull misery In the
kidney region, sharp pains in the
back or sick headache, dizziness.
your stomach sours, tongue Is
tl and when the weather is
had you have rheumatic twinges.
The urine jets cloudy, full of
sediment, the channels often get
sore and ifFitated. obliging you
to seek relief two or three times
durine the nieht.
To neutralize these irritating
acids, to cleanse the kidneys and
flush off the body's urinous waste
eet four ounces of Jad Salts from
inv nharmacv here: take a tabl-
spoonful in a glass of water be
fore breakfast for a few days ana
vour kidneys will then act fine.
This famous salts Is made from
tbe acid of grapes and lemon
iuice. combined , with lithla. and
has been used for generations to
Hush and stimulate sluggish kid
neys, also to neutralize the acids
in urine, so it no longer irritates.
thus ending bladder weakness
Jad Salts is inexpensive; ran-
not injure, and makes-a delight
ful effervescent Jithia-water drink
Here yoa hare a combination
that wears and tears arid grinds
way, every day adding a little
more dirt and forcing a little more
unnecessary wear on bearing sur
faces. Result: alow responae less
power poor performance
shorter engine life.
Our new Modern Crsnicase
Cleaning Service is tbe enemy of
dirt m the crankcase it
clean oQ in a dean engine." Tbe
CaJol Flushing Oil we use b the
new, scientific, thorough flushing
agent that does not contaminate
the fresh Zerolene refilled into
your cleaned crank case. This
nxxiern, convenient service, given'
quickly and at a nominal cost,
returns your engine to you clean
and fresh, ready to give that sat.
isactory performance you expect.
Teaay: Bring in your car for Mod
ern Crankcase Cleaning Service.
yor clean oil in a clean engi
line fklLlLLrL':;..;,.
1 A. Davis, Auto Electric Repair Shop, 2590 Fairgrounds.
2 M. D. Jackson, Fairgrounds.
3 Eyerly Bfos., 246 State Street.
4 Advance Rumley Thresher Co., 263 N. Com'l. .
5 nScten Tire & Vulcanizing Co., 154 S. Com'l.
6 Liberty Garage, 444 Ferry Street. . -
7 Ray Clark,252 State Street:' i : ...