I THE WEATHER: Tha fititettnaa. reeerrei IteleiW lr report i tka Asaoclaien ' Frew, th greatest a&d moat re liable press aisotlatlon la th world. - Xuefdaj'r rain; , fresh southwest erly IUS. SEVENTIETH YEAR SALEM, OREGON, TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER SO. 1920 LEGACY OF tilLLION IS RENOUNCED Charles Garland Gives Rea sons For Refusing Inher er ARichYatchsman i.j cunfit A( Hi Fath- UCU iwuuuv w. ---- s PRESENT SYSTEM OF WEALTH IS OPPOSED CUbs Renunciated on Grcssi s That Great Teach er Wci!d Hare Done Same PRESIDENT-ELECT IS V, HOMEWARD BOUND IUSTORKS KXtXL'XTF.RS HIT op noron rev M. Harding Say He Enjoyed Recre ation and Gained Knowledge of Canal Problems UNIONS ASK SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES ON BOARD STEAMER PAS TORES, Not. 23. (By Wireleas to the ABociatel Press.) Heme ward bound from his vacation trip to the canal zone. President-elect Harding ttday told friends aboard the vessel that he was greatly pleased with the result of bis visit to the isthmus. The senator said that not only had he enjoyed his recreation and outing; but that he had gained much practical knowledge about the prtblems connected with the operation of the canal and had ex changed courtesies with the offi cials of the republic of Panama which he believed would help to ward the maintenance of friend ship .between the two nations. - The I'astores, which left Cris tobal yesterday.' encountered rough t sea s during the night but got into much better weather to day as shezheaded northeastward tr771RTVS BAT. Tklass.. Nov. I toward Jamaica, where n short 29 Charles Garland, .Jne young i stop will be made tomorrow man who has renounced nis nism t a millio" dollar legacy left him by his father, James A. Garland, who 'was a wealthy clubman and yachtsman of Boston, today made a formal statement of his reasons for rejecting the- money. His statement, he said, was due to the fact that the many reportsof his failure to accept the legaey had tailed properly to present his po sition. I "I refuse to accept the money because it is not mine." Garland said. "A system which starves thousands while hundreds are tuffed condemns itself. A system which leaves a sick woman help less and; offers us services to a healthy man, condemns itself., It is such a system that offers me a million dollars, s ' . "It is blind . to the simplest truth known to every child, the truth that the hungry should be , j ,1 . v. - a 1 . a T .M.r. . leu i&u me naM.eu ciuiuvu. iuc n ,- r. had to choose between tne loss of 1" ' 6 Representatives of 16 Rail, way Labor Unions De mand Harmony Between Roads and Employes - JAP TROOPS WIPE OUT CHRISTIAN SECTIONS MASSACRES OtVl'RKD IX 2 VI LINAGES . Dr. Martin Tell of Japanese Riini ing f 'omuiunitica in Mad r bar Li RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF WAR BOARDS SOUGHT Warning Is Issued by War ren Stone Asking ior Im mediate Action TOKIO. Nov. 29. (By Asso ciated Press. ) Canadian mission aries in Manchuria have sent a signed statement to the Associated Press telling of alleged massacres by Japanese troops in Chien Tao. Dr. Martin, a Presbyterian mis sionary at Yong Jung, says: '"The Japanese' sent 15.000 troops into this part of China with the seeming intention of wiping out the entire Christian conimnn ty, especi.illy"y ung men. Villages were methodically burned daily and the males in them were shot. Yong Jung is surrounded by a ring of villages which suffered from fire nad wholesale murder." LAIR OF STOLEN BONDS REVEALED BY DOUGHTY SMALL'S DISAPPEARANCE IS t STILL MYSTERY Former Secretary Arraigned lor Conspiracy to Kidnap ami Eur f 0,-.,MM Theft TORONTO. Nov. 29. John Doughty, former secretary of Ambrose J. Small. Toronto's long missing millionaire theatrical magnate, today .was arraigned here charged with conspiracy tol Kidnap Small, and with the theft of (105.000 worth of Small's vic tory bonds, the hiding place, of which he revealed to the police upon his in-rival this morning in custody from Oregon. Doughty went from the rail road station to the home of Mrs. Thomas I,ovatt. his sinter, where b showed the authorities where the Knds were hidden. They at which . massacres occurred or which were burned. Reports re ceived from other missionaries tend to corroborate the stcry of Dr. Martin. The war office here today in- CIHCAGO. Nov. 29. Repre-j formed the correspondent that sentatives of the' 16 recognized! mere were .mi troops in the COMMISSION TO TREAT MAND ATE laiiway labor unions today asked "ion. T"frrp to. Churrhes and! , . ' ""-" - nam, I . ail uraji me railway laoor noaru 10 iinu burned only when there was erf once were transferred to the no- Dr. .Martin names 32 villages in t lice vault in the city hall. I pon arraignment Doughty made no fctatement. contenting himself with nodding .pleasantly. to acquaintances in the court room. His counsel askrd for and obtained a week's delay for plead ing, and the prisoner was sent to a cell, held without bail, although some plan through which differ- ences between the roads and their employes, other than wage dis putes, could he settled. The union heads declared that unless some satisfactory plan "was forthcom Ine immediately the men would From Governmental In- LJak lne settlement of such, dis- TtitltA li aS v nrvn It a rt l a fuvTTo sis melt wavaa uanuBf Organization Will Be Free i Governmenta fluence Is Plan GENEVA, Nov. 29 Removal of the mandates commission as far as possible from governmen tal influence was the task under taken by the council of the league of nations today. It was decided that the members of this com mission shall be appointed by the council on personal merits and competency and that they shall cot occupy any position involv- dence that they were being used for the purno3 of creating dis affection. It was also declared that the only villages burned were those in which a majority of the inhabitants were leagued with the outlaws. A commission of inquiry has beer sent to the scene. irivate property and the law which is written in every human heart I choose the one which I believe td be true." ' -1 Garland, who has stated 1 he re nounced his claim to the million dollars because he thought Christ i would have done the same, con tinued: i- . tj ' : i System Is All Wrong- ! , "1 believe I could, do no good . ta the money. It is the man vtho gives food to th? hungry who does good, not'the dollars given in exchange for the good. , I would he happy to he the man if I had the food to give, but 1 cannot lend myself to handling the money that . J3 sot mine, even though the good . that might great" : ' Many people have written to ' tell him wha't could be done with 1 the money, he said. "They seem almost proud to point oat the power, that I have in my hands but it is the most pit iful thing they could point to. Tou 'cannot serve God and m am nion. Fo many people ready to serve the dollar means so many less to serve God. There are great opportunities to do good but they are in men's hearts not in my check book. A preacher by the name of Christ said that this mil lion should have been turned to Cod. He think's that God's work la paid in dollars. God's work will Jer he done until men see that this theory is untrne." Young lte Agrees in Refusal Mr. Garland's statement v was The mandates question occu pied almost the entire session and necessarily postponed the election of a successor to Sir Reginald Tower as high commissioner at Danzig, i M. Viviani represented France, Instead of M. Bourgeoise, who was obliged to make a trip ! to Paris, and Sigaor Tittoni also, wes replaced. ... as his return to Rome for a few days was imper ative. The French. ovenrment will be invited to arrange for the transportation and sustenance of the league military expedition to Vilna. - The mandates commission will be done Is possibly include one member named by iub luiciuauuuai luuur organiza tion, who will attend all the meet ings in an advisory capacity only when questions of interest to labor are discussed. Mandatories will be required to submit annual reports through duly authorized representatives, setting forth the situation in the-territory under their jurisdiction. These reports will be examined by the mandates commission, which will decide what points therein shall be called to the attention of the council. The mandates commis sion will sit in Geneva. The sub-committee on block ades today passed a resolution proposed by Lord Robert Cecil, delegate for South Africa, that the council be asked to name an International commission on blockades, whose duty it shall be to report to the assembly the measures it finds necessary to put an economic blockade into effect This is regarded as quite likely to put off a definite solution of the blockade question until the next assembly meeting. (Continued on page 6) ACCIDENT UST 4 - n. uukkj id wuicii .mjcto Uenderahall and A. L. Cus ! totnburden were riding Sat l unlay night was struck by an automobile at the inter 1 ection of Market and Capi- tol streets with such force J ! that it was overturned. .. The occupants were thrown onto J j U pavement and Miss Men- J cershall received a severely braued arm. A wheel on ! I th buggy was broken. Mr. t Customburden,; who reported the accident to the police de- J " It. . . .i l A Eminem, was unanie 10 give the tame of the driver of the automobile apparently re Ponsible for the mishap. t While driving his automo bile ItArtti nn Cir1 1 at Tfft Saturday night, Delt Moore "f Route 2, says be collided ith the rear wheel of a tr traveling west on Mar ket street and driven by A; f Koslenyardar of Route 7. Two snokea were broken in the jrheel of the buggy while auiomoDiie receivea a woken crank and windshield. Moofe, who made the report to, the police, salrf no one as injured in the accident. la an endeavor to pick up box of nuts which he had oat off the running board of f automobile while turn m ; a corner off Center treet Saturday night. C. S. Hamilton left his automobile landing too near the street line, in passing a street tender caught one of the nT wheels on the auto. The to was not injured bu the car fender waa bent. Fare Raise to Keep Street Cars From Warrant Basis During federal control of the railroads disputes which did not involve waj,e agreements were settled by boards of adjustment, known as .N'os. l, 2 and S. These board 3 went out of existence when the roads were returned to private ownership and the em ployes want them re-established. Rnanl to Consider Plea. " The roads contended when the matter came up in recent wage hearings before the board that the board had power only to deal with wage questions and that con sequently it could not rule on other differences. k I The board took the plea of the employes under advisement and announced that if it decided to go into the matter an early hearing would be held. Warning that "ultra-conserva tive" leaders of the railroad broth erhoods would cease their efforts to hold their men in check unless some plan to adjust differences between roads and employes Is found was delivered to the United States railway labor board; to day by Warren S. Stone of Cleve land, grand chief of the Brother hood of Railway Engineers. Ilan of Results Is Sought. Appearing before the board with officials of 15 other recog nized railway unions, Mr. Stone announced that, after being classed "for 17 years as an ultra conservative, I have arrived at the point where I am through making excuses to the men." "There . must he some plan found somewhere, some place, where we can get results for thes men," Mr. Stone continued. "The locomotive engineers have carried the load of responsibility for years. e have tried to embody your board's decision of last July in agreements with 238 railroad, but only four of these agreements have been signed. The roads re fuse to sign until the hoard passes on the question of rules." Xal ionnl Hoards Concerned. With Mr. Ftone appeared offic ials of the other employes' or ganizations, asking that the board hold a hearing to decide upon the creation of national boards of adjustment which would hear and pass on controversies other than wage disputes. The matter has been pending for some time, due to the fact that adjustment boards created under United States government control have no jurisdiction over disputes aris KIRBY KILLED IN AUTO CRASH Three High School Youths Injured When S. P. Elec tric Hits Auto his attorneys intimated be ws ready to put up bond. The victory bonds were said !v the police to be still the property of Small. "They were taken from Small's safety deposit vault in the Dominion bank last December 2,. The police gave out nothing re garding any statement Doughty may have made . concerning thi disappearance of Small. . GRAFT PLAYS BIG PART IN REPAIRWORK Lack of Inspection Failure to Check Work Makes Possible Millions of Dol lars in Graft MINGO STRIKE ZONE IS UNDER MILITARY RULE NEW Y0RIC YARDS FULL OF IRREGULARITIES TKO()H WII.I. ;r.RI MINKS AT STRATUM' ItUXTsi Colon-! HaJI lMU rorta-nat Urn IWIAMiag INtKIie Meeil mmA I'arxle Wooden Ship Idea Con demned by Johnson as Hulls for Torpedoes HANDLEY TALKS AT LUNCHEON Brass Foot-Rails and Other , Things Obsolete. Says Commissioner If the people of Oregon would. consult their bankers before In- M MINN v ILLE, Or.. Nov. 29.-r resting their money in stock sell- Thomas Kirby, son of Mr. andjing companies of doubtful In Mrs. Dan Kirby of this place, was j tegrity there would be no more at 12:30 o'clock todafr k . " ,,WV .! , , ! ii for brass foot-rails. T. 11. Hand- killed when an atifo in which he was riding was struck by a Sou t hers Paciric electric train on the Fifth street crossing, and three com panions were so badly -ifljurea that they may not recover. They are: Edwin Kirby, brother of the dead boy. llobart Trent, son of Mr. and Mrs.- William Trent. Fred Iauson.' son of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. La u son. Injured Are Ktndenta. People who witnessed the ac cident iay the driver of 4he auto mobile, as he approached the crossing, looked in the direction from which a Portland train would come, but did not notice the approach of the train from rhe direction of Wblteson. All of the boys were students in the local high school. Parents of the Kirby boys live about seven miles above here. Auto Carried Block. The injured youths were badly mangled, and the automobile practically demolished. It was carried nearly a block, it is said. The boys were removed to the hospital here, and it is said there is little hope for their recovery. in? since the roads -naseeri tnfn SEATTLE, Wash., Not. 29. J prjTate control. 'Uncilman' iR. H. Thompson,! The board screed to an im mediate executive hearing on the request and If the" railroads de cidefto comply, an early hearing will be set. A motion, passed unanimously by the executive committee of the 16 employes' organizations, was read by E. H. Fitzgerald of the Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship clerks, express and sta tion employes. The motion re- Councilman chairman of Khe council public utilities committee, today filed be fore the council a bill providing for an increase in street car fares to 8 1-3 cents. The cash fare will remain at 10 cents under pro visions of the bill but metal tokens in lieui of cash. will sell at three for 25 cents, instead of two for 15 cents. No transfers will be issued on token fares. The bill will be taken up by the council for con sideration next Monday. If the bill becomes an ordinance it is the belief of . Councilman Thompson that sufficient revenue ill be assured to eliminate the ecessity of putting the municipal Ilway department on a warrant asis as planned by the city treasurer. UXRKGISTERKD DRUGS HOLD. PORTLAND, Nov. 29. Three charges Involving the sale of un registered drugs, also drugs other than in the original pack age and without written order or prescription, were , filed against Cant. V. L. Agidius. former mas ter of the barkentlne Hawaii, who was arrested in San Fran cesco last week after leaving Port land. Captain Agidius was charged-! originally with possessing. transporting and attempting to sell; a large quantity of narcotic. His I preliminary hearing, set for today In San Francisco, has been poseponed pending the receipt of a tun report irom tue v- solved to submit an ex-parte statement of disputes with rail roads on the matter of creation of national boards of adjustment and asked for an immediate hear ing. Mr. Fitzgerald told the board that the situation was urg ent. W. R. Lee', president of ihe Brotherhood of Railway Train men, explained that the request concerned national boards which could hear and pass oa contro versies. ! A f MOSS HELD POU MURRER. PITTSBURGH, Pa.. Nov. 29. Jack Moss of Philadelphia was arrested tonight and, according to the police is being held in cno nection with the killing of Henry T. Pierce ;in his apartment at Philadelphia two : weeks ago. Clyde S. Edeburn. captain of de tectives, announced that Moss had told him that he was present when Peirce was killed but that ihe prisoner said he.had no actual flee as to the alleged transaction. -part the killing. FREIGHTERS TO SERVE INTERIOR Opening Up of Interior To Foreign Trade is. Urged by Mr. Inman CHICAGO. Nov. 29. The coun cil of states of the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Tidewater associa tion today began what it was an nounced would be a determined fight against eastern organiza tions which are opposing the plan to open a way to the interior for freight carrying steamers. A committee with Governor W. L. Harding of Iowa as chairman and Governor Peter Norbeck of South Dakota and B. R. Inman. of the Indianapolis chamber of com merce was appointed to condact the campaign. A statement issued after today's meeting said that "it was expected that the first fight would come at the National Riv ers and ' Harbors congress in Washington next week and that the committee would attend the congress prepared to do anything within its power to further inland waterway projects. . Governor Harding, in an ad dress, urged that each state in the association create a tidewater commission and appropriate mon ey to push the work. He said he would include such a recommen dation in his closing message to the Iowa legislature. Mr. Inman and others urged the necessity of opening up the inter ior Of the United States for for eign trade and declared that the loss to the country as a result of Inability of farmers to market their grain during theiilast year fully one billion dollars. Proper water transportation, speakers said, would have prevented such a loss. - . . . . . ley, state corporation commission er, told members of the Saleih Commercial , club' at the noon luncheon yesterday. Mr. Handley was warning against concerns that promise big returns of 20 or 25 per cent on the investment which frequently evade the blue sky law by operating through the mails. Mr. Handley further warned against concerns operating under common law declarations of trust. Commissioner Handley's. ad dress covered the operation of the state corporation department and presented statistics relative to the domestic and foreign corporations doing business in Oregon. While he said that there is danger that business may suffer from regu lation at the hands of the legis lature or the people because too many people are unable to dis tinguish between regulation and strangulation. Mr. Handley point ed out the need of regulation such as that afforded by the corpora tion department. . II. W. Ashbury. an organizer for community service work, ad dressed the members briefly, put tin? them through several song drills, and gct-acqualnted stunts. He Is making a preliminary sur vey In Salem with the object of permanent organization of com munity service activity here. NEW YORK. Nov. 29. Testl mony that ten per cent of the f 7. 000.400 shipping repair bill in th Sooth Atlantic district "wxi graft" was given here today to the j Walsh congressional committee ' examination shipping board af fairs. The allegation wa ra Charles Danxahf. travelin tor of the board out of New York. It was contained In a letter he wrote to the general comptroller of the board last July, read today by Chairman Walsh and identified by the witness. CarelrwkMoMi llreeds Graft. Means by which the altered "graft" was made possible, the witness testified. Included lack of inspections, failure to check re pair work, overcharges for ma terials and labor and unnecessary repairs. He cited an instance ot a repair engineer who. he raid, had sat in a pilot house and approved repair bills amounting to "thous ands of dollars" without ever looking at the work. He declared inspectors had been told that "cost" were none of their busi ness and that there was a spirit of make, rather than cut down, re pair work. Two of the former t.erman ships v.-ere brought into the inquiry for tl-.e first time by Ilanxahf. He rtserted he had ben Instructed to check up bills for the re-con-uitioning of the former German liner Hamburg, now the New Ro- chelle. This ship was sold on a charter purchase back to the At lantic Steamship company. The sale price, he understood, was ap proximately I95.000. and lb shipping board had advanced for the re-conditioning of the hip houi $400,000. The bill of re pairs tor this ship,, he added, was about $ 1.500. Ouo. which an audit c( accounts reduced approximate ly $337,000. The discrepancy between the sale price of the ship and cost of reconditioning, he said, be could not explain with out the contract ot the sale and which he did not have wi:h him. Irregularities in X. V. Tarda. The contract for the re-con - cottoning, he raid, was awarded to the. Morgan Engineering com pany of Jersey City. He also testified the steamer Mercury, lormerly the Ilarboes, waa taken to the same yard for re-conditioning, but after $175,000 had ten expended, work was stopped be cause of lack of fund. I'p to six or ven months ago. he continued, repair work in New ork yards, generally speaking, bhowed many Irregularities. In cluding charging of hundreds of hours that mere not rendered, ex cesses of class labor and excessive materials. WmmI shim Are Condemaed. Wood ship, construction con tracts promulgated by the emerg ency fleet corporation In the early days of its organization were gone into by Kads Johnson, who was district officer of the fleet. Johnson generally condemned th WILLI AM. -SOX. W. Va. Nov. - Mingo coanty. where a strik of miners ha been In progress iure LiKt July, was today de clared by Goemor John C. Corn veil to be under military eontro!. Col. Herman Hall, commanding the protUlonal battalion of fed eral troop which arrived Son day from Camn Sherman. Ohio, issue 1 a proclamation ia mkich he fcrnade puMfe assembly ex cept Lurch uiertiajta. The pro clamation prohibited parades or (! melioration against the auth ( rities and stlpu!ated that no per Kons other than officers of the law and the military would he perm it led to carry firearms. ;oernor Cornwella prorlama tu.n stated that Minto county wa in a state of insurrection and th citizens were enjoined and com manded to dinn-rse and retire to their homes and submit to the law or the regularly constituted auth orities. Troops have been distributed i throughout the district to guard mines at strategic points. THICK : FIVE CENTS 15 CADETS KILLED BY RAIDERS Reprisals Bcgra Leave Scarcely House in John ston Undamaged Shops Are Set Afire BLACK AND TANS IN ENGLAND ARE MARKED Cadets Are Disarmed and Many Are Brutally Mur dered Lorries Burned BSilffllL WORKERS HEAR COLEMAN Success of Loyal Legion in Preventing Industrial Disturbance-Told Success that has been scored by the Ixyal Legion of Loggers and Lumbermen rn preventing Indcs trlai strife In the northwest was described at a meeting of mem ber and non-members of the le gion last nlabt by Norman F. Coieman of Portland, president of the organiaztlon. The meeting was held in Forester's halL Mr. Coleman was Introduced by J. R. Johnson of Portland, an or ganizer for the legion. The meet ing was informal and several questions put by I bos who heard the talk were answered by Mr. Coleman. As a result of the visit of the president and th organizer a naw conference committee will oe appointed for the local at the Spaulding mill, the members have declared they will keep the or ganization Intact and It is appar ent that the local will continue as an effective factor ia the opera tion of the plant. It la aaid the legion In Salem has succeeded In keeping the wage for common la bor at the Spaulding mill at $1.40 a day, the Kour-L minimum, al though the timberworkera union had agreed lo accept a cat from $t.S0 to $1. Mr. Coleman last nUht devoted the first part of his talk to con trasting conditions as they exist ed In the- Pennsylvania steel strike Wlftl ItlflU w . 1 -. i I-.... . ..ur inruu Clillinx on Cooa bay where the Loyal Legion is organized in the lumber mills. In the steel strike. Mr. Coleman said, the workers were organized and the mills operating oa a non conference basis, with no existing arrangement whereby representa tive of the workera could confer MACnOOM. Ireland. Nor. 21. Two lorry loads ot recruits la tialnlng for the Uack and tans auxiliary police w-re ambuhcd laiti aitht by from K to 10 mea near Kilraichael and IS of then were killed. The bodies ware brought here this evenla. Already reprisals have beg? a. and reports from the village of Johnstown, between Mac room and Dnamaaay. state that scarcely a house there Is undamaged and that mot ot the shops In the dis trict have been set afire. The rta Idents are fleeing from the plac ia terror. Here shops hate been cloaed and all buaineas is rufpeaded. Large partiea ot aaiUiariea bear ing rifles and revolvers are patrel ing the towa and ike people are apprehensive that the auxiliaries will take veaageanre. Italian Trcop Movement Along Adriatic Reported LONDON. Nov. 29. A dispatch to the London Times from Milan quotes the newspaper Secola as saying that a movement of regu lar Italian troops is reported all. alonv 1he urmluiloa Jin. In ft' Adriatic zone, and It is rnmorod wooden hip idea and said he re- Irrie Are Amtmhed. 'LONDON, Nov. 2J. DUpateh e relating to the killing, of 1 auxiliary police cadets near K)l n.lchsel were read la the house of cu anions by Sir Hamar Green wood, chief tcrretary for Ireland, daring the Ir'rh detate today. The party which ambushed th cadets consisted af frora to to 104 men. ail dressed in khaki anJ wearing steel trench helmets. They fired from both sidaa of the road on the lorries and also. CU reclr-d an enfilading fire. Py forca of arms soma of th raiSfts diad been disarmed and trutally murdered: their bodies were rifUd of all money and val uables and even their clothing waa taken. Arms and ammuni tion aba were take and the lor ries burned. , The secretary thought that, with IS former officers of the Late war lying dead the hous would not wish to continue the dlc nation. He termed the af fair a challenge to parliament and civilization. y The subject then was dropped. rtot Marks Jttxrk and Tarns. The Evening Standard aaya thw latest Elan Fein tUl conttrcplatea th burning of houaaa aad other property In EnglanJ belonging to "black and tana.- who are serving In Ireland. The newspaper as serts that the details of tha al leged plot came Into the posses sion of tha authorities as tha re- a stria i.. it... u, .w. i,u" or r' oa Irt'h tnaUs. that General Cavilia has been ordered by the Italian govern ment io take the islands of Vec lia and Arbe. which were seized by Gabriele, D'Annnnzio's legion naires, and also to occupy the strip of territory near Castus. in vaded by D'Annunzio soon after the signing or the Papallo treat ji D'Annunzio, according to the dispatch, has Issued a maniferto saying a conflict is Imminent and that he and his men are ready to right and to die rather than submit to the Italian forces. The dispatch adds that all males in Flume from 18 to 52 years have teen recalled to the colors. Child Earned to Death in Maipland Destruction FOREST GROVE. Or.. Nov. 29. Marie, the II months old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Main land of Cherry Grove, was burned to death yesterday In a Tire which completely, destroyed ihe Main land home, according to word reaching here today. The mother had lef the baby with her brother and sister, ared 2 and 5 years, to go a short dis tance for milk. Returning she found the house, which was lined with tar paper, in flames. The older children managed to escape unaided; but it was Im- signed because he could not con form to It. In describing an ex perience wiih a southern contrac tor who wanted to build such hips. Johnson said the idea wemed to be "build one million wcoden t-hips that woald take ona million German torpedoes to rink." Sales of surplus material is now averaging about one million dol lars monthly. G. D. Watt, mana ger of the eastern division of Ihe sales and warehouse section t--tlfiAd. The payrolls or the di vision is about $200.0fto a year. Watt said, if the present ratio of sales continued it would require about SO month to close out the property. Germany Makes Official Recognition of Mexico SAN ANTONIO. Tex.. Nov. 2. i Germany has officially recog nized the De Ij. Huertn govern ment of Mexico, according to a dispatch printed today In La Prenza. a Spanish language news paper pnnlished here. The an nouncement came n a cablegram from President Ebert. lo Dr. Cuthberto RIdalgo. secretary o! foreign affairs of Mexico, accord ing to the report. The German minister to Mexico has been in teracted to attend the inaugura- possiDie i or airs, aiaipiana io re i l,ruJ t uu sur Into the mouse to rescue hereon of General Obregon tonnor .row night, the dispatch says. wnicn carried with it conditions about the same as those that came with the recent war. Including suppression of free speech and the privilege of assembly, censorship of the pre and at times violence on both aides, while families of the workera were reduced to the verge of starvation. I a the ead tbo workers went back to their jobs without gaining the objects of the strike. In the Coos bar lumber mm. Mr. Coleman showed that the con ference plan aa fostered by the Four-L organization broaeht a higher wjige than that for which me woraera asked, later, when a reduction seemed neeessarr. aa In. crease in efficiency and nmnm that made the reduction unneces sary at that time, and nltimtir after assurance that living were dropping, a redaction mn- ally agreed-upon with no attend ant nisiuruance of Industry. Mr. Coleman alo took 'on it, question of working boors, citing " oi mutual regulation and adherence to the eight-hoar day through the conference plan American Relief Workers Held on Espionage Charge WASIlfNGTO.V. Nov. Two .merican reiir workers in Po land. Miss Martha Cracrrk and Miss Mary Wasilezk. were said to be held at Kovno on suspicion of ef poinage. in advices todar to th ! state department. Ther ar mem. bera cf the Grey American corps assigned aa inspectors of the Eu ropean child fund and were ar mtcd in Vilna by Lithuanian authorities and taken to Kovno Tor investigation. The dispatch explained they had gone to Vilna to distribute foodstuff shipped there for ba b.es and children. Their chauf feur also was arrested. Toon the teooest of the 1!ritih W.tt. . Waraaw. the British commander at Kovno Is expected to make in .ormal laquiriea regard in a- tha women and extend any aid he can. e Standard says that not only have cabinet ministers re ceived ktters threatening them with personal violence, but that threats are now being made against members cf their families. 1500 Automatic Phdnes Installed by Company PORT! -AND. Nov. 2l. Approx imately 1oo subscribers of tha Pacific Telephone 4 Telegraph company in the Arleta district of Portland will be connected with new automatic instruments next Sunday morning, thla being the first step in a general program to ernlp the entire system with the newest devices, according to aa-nounrer.i-nt frora the company of fices today. Portland Woolen MiU Cuts Wages 9 Per Cent Portland! not. : iah- cnunecraent of a reduction In wes approximating 9 per cent waa made by the management of Ihe Portland Woolen Mills today. Accoraing to the announcement the redaction was decided on aa an alternative to completely clos ing me rams and waa necessitat ed by paralysis la the woolen market. Attempt to Pall Steamer Tcmalpais Off Mud Flats AHERDEEN. Wash.. Not. Another attempt waa made to pull the steamer Tamalpals off the raud Hats near Westport. Waih In the lower harbor, this afternoon, following the transfer cf most of her dck cargo to the Kan Jar la to. also of tha E. K. Wood fleet. The attempt was bntucceasfnl. aad th rfmalsder of her deck load will b removed after which she will he pamped out and another attempt mat! to move her at high tide tomorrow afternoon.-